Author Topic: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.  (Read 217458 times)


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1550 on: May 12, 2022, 07:46:50 PM »
If a pregnant woman is murdered they person who committed the murder is charged with double murder. Continue your point, please

You just made it for me.  Thank you.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1551 on: May 12, 2022, 07:48:14 PM »
You just made it for me.  Thank you.

See my edit


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1552 on: May 12, 2022, 07:54:55 PM »
See my edit

I saw it.  Pondered it.  Nothing has changed for me.  I believe it is the mothers choice.  I certainly don't agree with each and every choice that is made regarding abortion.  I just want it safe and legal.  When a pregnant woman is murdered someone else is making that choice for her. 


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1553 on: May 13, 2022, 02:22:13 PM »

Biden insists only ‘mind readers’ could’ve done better, despite knowing about baby formula mess since February

President Biden insisted Friday that only “better mind-readers” could have effectively dealt with a nationwide shortage of baby formula, despite his administration knowing about the crisis for months.

“Republicans have said that your administration should have anticipated this baby formula shortage,” CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond told Biden at a Rose Garden event where he urged cities to spend COVID-19 stimulus funds on cops.

“Are you satisfied with your administration’s response so far?” Diamond asked. “And some of the steps that you and your administration are taking now, including loosening these import requirements next week — could you have taken those steps sooner, before parents got to these shelves and couldn’t find formula?”

“If we’d been better mind-readers I guess we could have,” Biden replied.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1554 on: May 13, 2022, 02:31:13 PM »
If abortion was truly the murder of an unborn child than such laws as you describe would not be silly.

Not following you.  The laws that I linked to, which are all over the country, make the killing of an unborn child murder. 


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1555 on: May 13, 2022, 03:23:13 PM »
Lots of chefs in the kitchen, but the pantry's empty.

White House Falsely Claims There Was 'No Vaccine Available' When Biden Took Office

In a shocking deviation from anything close to the truth, the Biden White House on Thursday tweeted the claim that there "was no vaccine available" in the United States on the day Biden took office in January of 2021.

Nearly 18 hours later, the tweet is still up on the site, which claims to monitor COVID "disinformation."

But apparently, weeding out blatantly fake news doesn't extend to fact-checking the White House - which, ironically, is launching its own "Ministry of Truth" to combat "disinformation" and "misinformation" online.

Perhaps they should start with their own claim that "no vaccine was available" when Biden first took office, given that the vaccine - created and first released under President Donald Trump thanks to his administration's Operation Warp Speed - had been widely available for more than a month before Biden ever stepped into the Oval Office.

So available, in fact, that Biden himself had gotten not one, but two doses of The Jab before taking office:


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1556 on: May 14, 2022, 05:34:48 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1558 on: May 18, 2022, 04:34:29 AM »

"The reality is that Twitter at this point, you know, has a very far left bias," Musk said at the conference. "I would classify myself as a moderate, neither Republican nor Democrat."

"I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically. Like I'm not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear," he continued.

"Now this election I will," he added. While Musk did not specify if he was referring to November's midterm elections or the 2024 presidential election, his comments elicited an enthusiastic response from the audience and panelists.

Musk also said that his purchase of Twitter for $44 billion would not be "some right-wing takeover as people on the left may fear." Instead, it would be a "moderate wing takeover," he added.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1559 on: May 18, 2022, 10:46:59 AM »

Half of Joe Biden's Twitter Followers Are Fake, Audit Reveals

Almost half of President Joe Biden's current 22.2 million followers on Twitter are fake accounts, according to an audit tool provided by software company SparkToro.

SparkToro's tool found that 49.3 percent of accounts following the official @POTUS Twitter account are "fake followers" based on analysis of a number of factors, including location issues, default profile images and new users.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is currently trying to buy Twitter, has expressed concerns about the number of fake accounts and a potential crack down could see users such as Biden lose a huge number of followers.

SparkToro defines fake followers as "accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account's tweets (either because they're spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they're no longer active on Twitter)."

The software company's tool also found that Biden's account has more fake followers than most.

Newsweek has asked the White House and Twitter for comment.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1560 on: May 18, 2022, 03:09:12 PM »

On the morning of April 27, the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the first Disinformation Governance Board with the stated goal to "coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security." The Biden administration tapped Nina Jankowicz, a well-known figure in the field of fighting disinformation and extremism, as the board's executive director.

Now, just three weeks after its announcement, the Disinformation Governance Board is being "paused," according to multiple employees at DHS, capping a back-and-forth week of decisions that changed during the course of reporting of this story. On Monday, DHS decided to shut down the board, according to multiple people with knowledge of the situation. By Tuesday morning, Jankowicz had drafted a resignation letter in response to the board's dissolution.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1561 on: May 19, 2022, 05:10:44 AM »
So how is the country doing lately?

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1562 on: May 19, 2022, 05:12:50 AM »
75% Of Americans Think The Country Under Biden Is Headed In The Wrong Direction
thefederalist ^ | 5/16/2022 | jordan boyd
Posted on 5/19/2022, 12:11:44 AM by bitt

A large majority of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, and much of their blame for the nation’s woes rests on President Joe Biden and the worsening economic crisis.

A new poll from NBC News found that 75 percent of U.S. adults think the nation is on the wrong track. That’s the highest number of unsatisfied Americans since the nation’s last notable recession in 2008. It’s also up nearly 20 percentage points since this time last year and up two percentage points from January 2021 when Biden was inaugurated.


Most of these Americans’ concerns can be traced to federal spending and lockdown-induced economic problems such as inflation, which is taking a far greater toll on Americans than what’s reflected in the 8 percent figure, and record-high gas prices, which recently reached a $4.48 per gallon national average.

Since Biden assumed office, the financial toll these crises have taken on pocketbooks has only worsened and made it difficult for hardworking Americans to keep up.

In the NBC poll, 65 percent of U.S. adults claimed their current paychecks are falling behind their rapidly rising costs of living. Only 6 percent said their family’s income is “going up faster than the cost of living.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1563 on: May 19, 2022, 05:28:57 AM »
Is Biden's 'Success' Our Mess? ^ | May 19, 2022 | Victor Davis Hanson
Posted on 5/19/2022, 8:09:22 AM by

If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what President Joe Biden has done?

So is Biden malicious, incompetent, or a wannabe left-wing ideologue?

When pressed about inflation and fuel price hikes, Biden either blames someone or something else, gets mad at the questioner, or claims former President Donald Trump did it.

His administration apparently believes things are going well and according to plan.

When polls disagree, his team either believes the American people are brainwashed or that they themselves have not supplied sufficient propaganda. So they never pivot or compromise, but rededicate themselves to continued failure.

Why? Apparently, what most in the country see as disasters, Biden envisions as success.

Take the border - or rather its disappearance.

Never in U.S. history has an administration simply canceled immigration laws, opened the border, and welcomed in millions of illegal aliens. All arrive illegally, and without audit, or vaccinations and tests in times of a pandemic.

Cartels now import lethal drugs at will into the United States. We have no idea how many terrorists walk across the border each day.

Almost all the entering millions who break the law are poor, without high school diplomas or English skills, and in dire need of massive federal and state housing, food, education, legal, and health subsidies.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1564 on: May 19, 2022, 07:36:23 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1565 on: May 19, 2022, 07:45:04 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1566 on: May 19, 2022, 08:05:54 AM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1567 on: May 19, 2022, 08:16:34 AM »
So how is the country doing lately?

Joe Biden not long ago was eager to take credit for America's soaring stock markets.

"The stock market has gone up exponentially since I've been president," Biden said in September. "You haven't heard me say a word about it."

Well, actually, Mr. President, you said 20 words about it. But let's not quibble over hollow boasts of the fading past.

So far in 2022, Americans have suffered through the highest inflation rate in 40 years, the highest gas prices on record and the worst start of the year for the S&P 500 since 1939.

In August 2020, when pandemic shutdowns had sent unemployment soaring above 10%, half of Americans still said they approved of how President Donald Trump was handling the economy.

Nearly two years later, only 34% of Americans in a recent CNN poll said they approved of how Biden is managing the economy; two-thirds said he's doing a poor job of leading on an issue that directly affects every American.

Even within his own party, Biden isn't faring well – fewer than half of Democrats said he has improved the nation's economic standing.

Workers suffered on average a 2.4% pay cut last year when adjusted for inflation, despite significant wage increases in many sectors.

Just getting to work and back home again is more expensive than ever – average gas prices are up 45% from a year ago, and the average price of used cars is up over 40%.

The price of eggs is up 13%. Poultry prices are forecast to climb at least 7.5% this year.  And the increase in beer prices is expected to be "off the charts." (So much for drowning our sorrows.)

Faced with the steady downpour of bad economic news, Biden and his apologists have tried to argue that it's all temporary, to blame it on Russia's Vladimir Putin, and to declare that Americans just don't understand how good they really have it.

On Joe Biden's watch, the inflation tiger was let out of its cage after 40 years. He owns it.

In 1980, when Biden was still a young senator from Delaware, the Misery Index hit 19.7%, the highest level of pain since 1946. That same year, a first-term Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, lost reelection.

The Misery Index was back in the news this week as it hit a 12-year high. That's not to say Joe Biden is the new Jimmy Carter. At least not yet.

It does, however, help to explain why Americans feel so bearish about their president in our springtime of discontent.

The misery is real. Americans are hurting. And Biden has bungled one of the most important jobs he was elected to do.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1568 on: May 19, 2022, 08:23:47 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1569 on: May 19, 2022, 10:29:07 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1570 on: May 19, 2022, 05:09:24 PM »

Average gas price in the US hits record high of $4.589 as JPMorgan says to expect national average to hit $6 by the end of summer
Gas prices in the US reached a new record high Thursday, recording a national average of $4.589 per gallon, according to AAA's gas price calculator
Analysts at JPMorgan now warning that that number could surpass the $6 mark by the end of the summer
The concerning forecast comes as US gas prices have surged to previously unseen highs during Joe Biden's presidency
The nation's current average gasoline price, $4.58-a-gallon, stands as nearly double the $2.41 seen during former president Trump's last month in office
The number topped Wednesday's previous record of $4.567, which eclipsed Tuesday's record of $4.523, which beat out Monday's record of $4.470

PUBLISHED: 19 May 2022

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1571 on: May 20, 2022, 11:53:17 AM »
Biden's approval dips to lowest of presidency: AP-NORC poll
Fri, May 20, 2022

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.

Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.

Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier. Those drops were concentrated among Democrats, with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.

Of particular concern for Biden ahead of the midterm elections, his approval among Democrats stands at 73%, a substantial drop since earlier in his presidency. In AP-NORC polls conducted in 2021, Biden’s approval rating among Democrats never dropped below 82%.

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The findings reflect a widespread sense of exasperation in a country facing a cascade of challenges ranging from inflation, gun violence, and a sudden shortage of baby formula to a persistent pandemic.

“I don’t know how much worse it can get,” said Milan Ramsey, a 29-year-old high school counselor and Democrat in Santa Monica, California, who with her husband had to move into her parents’ house to raise their infant son.

Ramsey thinks the economic dysfunction that's led to her being unable to afford the place where she grew up isn't Biden's fault. But she's alarmed he hasn't implemented ambitious plans for fighting climate change or fixing health care.

“He hasn't delivered on any of the promises. I feel like the stimulus checks came out and that was the last win of his administration,” Ramsey said of Biden. “I think he's tired — and I don't blame him, I'd be tired too at his age with the career he's had.”

Republicans have not been warm to Biden for a while. Less than 1 in 10 approve of the president or his handling of the economy, but that's no different from last month.

Gerry Toranzo, a nurse and a Republican in Chicago, blames Biden for being forced to pinch pennies by taking steps like driving slower to conserve gas after prices have skyrocketed during his administration.

“His policies are destroying the economy,” Toranzo, 46, said of Biden, blaming him for stopping the Keystone XL fuel pipeline to Canada and hamstringing domestic energy production. “It's a vicious cycle of price increases.”

Overall, two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. That rating is largely unchanged over the last few months, though elevated slightly since the first two months of the year.

But there are signs that the dissatisfaction with Biden on the economy has deepened. Just 18% of Americans say Biden’s policies have done more to help than hurt the economy, down slightly from 24% in March. Fifty-one percent say they’ve done more to hurt than help, while 30% say they haven’t made much difference either way.

The percentage of Democrats who say Biden’s policies have done more to help dipped from 45% to 37%, though just 18% say they’ve done more to hurt; 44% say they’ve made no difference.

Some Democrats blame other forces for inflation.

Manuel Morales, an internet service technician in Moline, Illinois, thinks the pandemic and war in Ukraine have had a far bigger impact than Biden's decisions. But the 58-year-old Democrat is now questioning the benefits of Biden's biggest legislative achievement, the American Rescue Plan, and its stimulus checks.

“It helped a lot of people, but," Morales said, "people did not want to go back to work.”

Morales faults Biden on another area of persistent vulnerability to the president — immigration.

Only 38% back Biden on immigration, and Morales is disappointed at the scenes of migrants continuing to cross the southern border. Though he himself is a Mexican immigrant, Morales thinks the U.S. needs to more stringently control its border to have a hope of legalizing deserving migrants who are in the country illegally.

Also, Morales said, there have to be limits. “It's impossible to bring the whole of Central America and Mexico into this country,” he said.

Another area where Morales faults Biden, albeit mildly, is the war with Ukraine. “We are spending a lot of money going to the Ukraine and all that is going to the deficit,” Morales said.

Overall, 45% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the U.S. relationship with Russia, while 54% disapprove. That’s held steady each month since the war in Ukraine began. Seventy-three percent of Democrats and 15% of Republicans approve.

The new poll shows just 21% of Americans say they have “a great deal of confidence” in Biden’s ability to handle the situation in Ukraine; 39% say they have some confidence and 39% say they have hardly any.

Charles Penn, a retired factory worker in Huntington, Indiana, is satisfied with Biden's performance on Ukraine.

“I think he's done alright,” Penn, 68, said of the president.

But overall Penn, an independent who leans Republican, is disappointed with Biden, and blames him for rising prices that have squeezed him in his retirement.

“The Democrats in the long run have screwed up things by pushing for higher wages, like going from $7 an hour to $15 an hour," Penn said, citing the push for a sharp increase in the federal minimum wage that Biden has embraced. “The other side of it is that if you had Republicans, they'd cut my Social Security.”

Still, Penn thinks Biden should pay the political price.

“He's captain of the ship, so he's responsible,” Penn said of the president.


The AP-NORC poll of 1,172 adults was conducted May 12-16 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.0 percentage points.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1572 on: May 21, 2022, 12:00:29 PM »
39% are insane.


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #1573 on: May 21, 2022, 02:18:28 PM »
39% are insane.
This is what the problem is in this country. 39%