Author Topic: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.  (Read 251741 times)

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2450 on: January 16, 2023, 11:20:17 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2451 on: January 16, 2023, 11:48:46 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2452 on: January 16, 2023, 12:16:02 PM »
Biden’s Year of Reckoning-The beginning of the end of Joe Biden's political career.
Frontpagemag ^ | January 5, 2023 | Larry O'Connor
Posted on 1/5/2023, 10:46:44 AM by SJackson

As has often been stated in this space, Joe Biden is not a good man. He’s not even a nice or amiable man. He is not the chuckling pal that everybody wants to spend dinner with or have a beer with despite their political differences.

He’s not that guy.

Joe Biden is a mean and politically divisive man. From the beginning of his career, he has seized upon any divisive issue that he could opportunistically exploit for the purpose of advancing his own career.

From stoking racial tensions by inflaming fears over the school bussing issue in the 70s to attempting to destroy the reputation of good men like Judge Robert Bork and Justice Clarence Thomas during their confirmation hearings in the 80s/90s to the declaration that Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans want to put black people “back in chains,” there isn’t a low that Joe Biden has been willing to stoop to in an effort to destroy his political opponents and further bolster his reputation with his pathetic base.

Just this past year, we saw his desperate, angry speech in front of Independence Hall lit to evoke the fiery gates of hell where he proclaimed “MAGA Republicans” as fascistic American terrorists. This is the man who promised unity and common ground when he ran in 2020 despite the fact that the impetus for that poor excuse for a political campaign was built on the Charlottesville lie that he still repeats about Donald Trump.

Throughout his political career, which is only remarkable in its incessant quest for mediocrity, Joe Biden has been able to divide Americans and throw nasty unfounded defamatory allegations against conservatives from a position of untouchable immunity.

As a sitting senator from a deep blue, Democrat state, he could pretty much say anything he wanted on the floor of the Senate without any real threat to his re-election dreams.

As chairman of a powerful committee, he was virtually unopposed in his desire to attack men with much greater intellect and profoundly higher values and morals like Bork and Thomas.

And as vice president, he could play the buffoon and punchline for Barack Obama, all the while engaged in attack dog tactics like slandering Romney as a racist while the man at the top of the ticket could pretend to be above it all.

Through all these instances of pompous arrogance and divisive disdain for those who don’t align with his political party, Biden has been held unaccountable mostly because his career as a senator and vice president was so laughably inconsequential it wasn’t worth the time or energy to call him out.

“Oh, there goes crazy Uncle Joe again ranting about the Republicans.”

Joe Biden has been a punchline for 50 years in Washington, DC, and in a town like this, the fact that you’re constantly ridiculed and not taken seriously actually acts as a political suit of armor.

“Why go after Joe? The man’s a joke.”

Well, not anymore.

For the past two years, he’s been able to continue his divisive tactics and lie about Republicans without having to face voters or a hostile Congress. He could call Georgia’s election integrity laws the second coming of Jim Crow and get away with it.

He could claim that his son Hunter Biden had done nothing wrong and get away with it.

He could ignore the reality that China has lied from day one about the devastating COVID-19 virus and get away with it.

He could engage in a historically disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, leaving thousands stranded and 13 American service members murdered, and never once face tough questions from the legislative branch of our government.

But, as of today, all of that changes.

No matter who the speaker of the House for the new Republican majority is in the 118th Congress, the more important gavels will be held by Rep. James Comer, the new Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan, the new Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Investigative hearings will begin almost immediately covering Joe Biden’s disastrous first two years as president. From the Afghanistan debacle to the mishandling of the virus and vaccination mandates, to the use of the FBI to attack political opponents on social media and school board meetings, to his family’s business dealings with overseas entities doing business with our government in hotspots like Ukraine Russia and China, everything should and will be up for grabs for these investigative committees.

Joe Biden is not a joke. He is not a punchline. He’s not just a befuddled old man doing what he’s told.

He’s the same man he’s always been. Angry. Obstinate. Argumentative. Insulting. Abrasive. Just because he follows up his insults with a toothy grin and some winking one-liner infused with the gratuitous use of the word malarkey, it doesn’t take away the fact that Joe Biden has been at the center of every divisive political storm of the last five decades in this country.

And now he’s finally about to face oversight. He’s finally about to face some real investigations.

He’s finally going to face a reckoning.

Whether that reckoning ends with impeachment, a resignation in shame, rejection from voters in a re-election campaign, or a face-saving attempt to bow out and make way for fresh blood in 2024, today marks the beginning of the end of Joe Biden’s political career.

Let’s go!

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2453 on: January 16, 2023, 12:24:03 PM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2454 on: January 16, 2023, 12:31:45 PM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2455 on: January 16, 2023, 12:43:17 PM »
TAX CHEAT? Joe Didn't Report the $50,000/Month in Rent Hunter Claimed He TAX CHEAT? Joe Didn't Report the $50,000/Month in Rent Hunter Claimed He Paid
PJ Media ^ | 01/15/2023 | STEPHEN GREEN
Posted on 1/16/2023, 1:07:57

It looks like somebody might be a tax cheat, and the question is whether it’s Presidentish Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden — or both.

On the Schedule E portion of his 2017 tax forms, Joe Biden reported $19,800 in “rents received,” and none in 2018, according to information reported on Sunday by Breitbart’s Wendell Husebø.

But when filling out a background check, Hunter Biden claimed to pay a specific $49,910 rent each month to his dad from March 2017 to February 2018. This is the same home where classified documents were recently found stacked in the garage. Biden the Younger spent about a year — during part of his drugged-out times — renting (?) Biden the Elder’s Wilmington, Del., home following his divorce from Kathleen Biden.

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LOL...they found no tax fraud with Trump after years of whining and moaning about release of his tax returns, and it turns out the tax cheat has always been their own 'Go Brandon'.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2456 on: January 16, 2023, 12:46:26 PM »


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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2457 on: January 16, 2023, 04:09:19 PM »
TAX CHEAT? Joe Didn't Report the $50,000/Month in Rent Hunter Claimed He TAX CHEAT? Joe Didn't Report the $50,000/Month in Rent Hunter Claimed He Paid
PJ Media ^ | 01/15/2023 | STEPHEN GREEN
Posted on 1/16/2023, 1:07:57

It looks like somebody might be a tax cheat, and the question is whether it’s Presidentish Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden — or both.

On the Schedule E portion of his 2017 tax forms, Joe Biden reported $19,800 in “rents received,” and none in 2018, according to information reported on Sunday by Breitbart’s Wendell Husebø.

But when filling out a background check, Hunter Biden claimed to pay a specific $49,910 rent each month to his dad from March 2017 to February 2018. This is the same home where classified documents were recently found stacked in the garage. Biden the Younger spent about a year — during part of his drugged-out times — renting (?) Biden the Elder’s Wilmington, Del., home following his divorce from Kathleen Biden.

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Looks like we might need those 87000 IRS agents after all.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2458 on: January 17, 2023, 06:03:24 AM »
Biden calls for retraining cops: ‘Why should you always shoot with deadly force?’
New York Post ^ | January 16, 2023 | Victor Nava
Posted on 1/16/2023, 9:28:35 PM

President Biden on Monday called for police officers to be retrained so they’re taught not to use deadly force in every situation that requires them to fire their weapon.

The 80-year-old president’s comments came during the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast in Washington, DC, as Biden blasted Senate Republicans for blocking a police reform bill in 2021 that would’ve restricted the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers.

“We have to retrain cops,” Biden said. “Why should you always shoot with deadly force? The fact is if you need to use your weapon, you don’t have to do that.”

* * *

Biden made a similar suggestion about the use of deadly force by police on the presidential campaign trail in 2020, at the height of the George Floyd riots, arguing that police officers should be trained to shoot threatening individuals “in the leg instead of the heart.”

“Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart,” Biden told African American community leaders in June of 2020 at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2459 on: January 17, 2023, 07:50:16 AM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2460 on: January 17, 2023, 10:57:05 AM »
Report: White House Aides Admit Classified Doc Scandal to Impact Joe Biden’s Expected 2024 Launch
Breitbart ^ | 01/17/2023 | WENDELL HUSEBØ
Posted on 1/17/2023, 12:13:29 PM by ChicagoConservative27

White House aides have reportedly admitted President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal will impact his expected 2024 campaign launch.

Whether Biden’s mishandling of classified materials will permanently derail his reelection announcement or not is unclear amid media speculation. But according to CNN’s MJ Lee and Kevin Liptak, Biden’s aides have acknowledged the scandal “will present a challenge… in anticipation of an expected announcement that he is seeking reelection” as early as February.

“Behind the scenes, sources said Biden’s grown frustrated at how the saga has played out, particularly the way his administration’s handling of the story has overtaken what had been a positive stretch,” CNN reported. “People close to the White House say there is currently a mood of quiet resignation among Biden aides — an ‘It is what it is’ mentality — as they, too, wait to learn if news of more misplaced classified documents will surface in the coming days.”

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2461 on: January 17, 2023, 11:37:04 AM »
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre under fire in midst of Biden document drama
Just The News ^ | Updated: January 16, 2023 - 11:18pm | By Nick Givas
Posted on 1/17/2023, 2:22:22 PM by Red Badger

"It is increasingly painful to watch Karine Jean-Pierre," legal commentator Jonathan Turley tweeted Friday, "as she argues that they have been 'transparent' by being transparently unwilling to answer any questions."

Beginning with revelations regarding President Joe Biden's handling, and housing, of classified documents — which soon resulted in the appointment of a special counsel to investigate — the communications arm of the White House has either been in conflict with the truth, late to share key details, or stonewalling in an attempt at damage control.

Political pundits, lawmakers, legal experts and media outlets alike have weighed in with posts, headlines and questions taking aim at Jean-Pierre.

"It is increasingly painful to watch Karine Jean-Pierre," legal commentator Jonathan Turley tweeted Friday, "as she argues that they have been 'transparent' by being transparently unwilling to answer any questions...

"Nothing prevents the White House from answering basic questions about the scandal. It will not undermine the Justice Department for the White House to confirm the President's position and recollection. The silence protects the President not the investigation..."

"The White House has already stated that the documents were inadvertently removed but refuses to answer questions on the basis or meaning of that defense...

"I can understand the desire of a criminal defense attorney for Biden to remain silent. However, the refusal to answer basic questions is not to protect the 'independence of the Justice Department' or the investigation. It meant to protect the President as an individual."

Fox News highlighted the fact that Jean-Pierre had said on Thursday that the most recent discovery of more classified documents would be the last. This turned out not to be true, as an additional discovery was later announced by the White House, this time at Biden's home in Delaware. On Sunday, the White House said the president's personal residence does not have a visitors' log, which would have recorded who had access to the highly sensitive materials.

In an interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan hit the Biden administration for being dishonest about how much they've shared with the public.

"They can say they're being transparent about that, but it's anything but," the Ohio Republican said.

Jordan is also set to lead a House Judiciary subcommittee investigation of the "weaponization" of the Department of Justice, which he claimed has created a "double standard" based on political ideology.

"2020, they suppress the Hunter Biden story," he told Fox. "2022, they raid [Trump's] home 91 days before an election, but they don't tell us about Joe Biden's classified document issue that they knew about prior to the [midterm] election."

Some Democrats have stepped up to acknowledge that the revelation of classified papers in Biden's home and office after the president wielded the same issue as a political weapon against former President Trump has created the appearance of an embarrassing double standard.

You can follow Nick on Twitter @NGivasDC

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2462 on: January 17, 2023, 01:26:17 PM »

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2463 on: January 17, 2023, 01:43:15 PM »
Karine Jean-Pierre Claims She ‘Did Not Know’ She Misled About Discovery of More Classified Documents
Breitbart ^ | 01/17/2023 | CHARLIE SPIERING
Posted on 1/17/2023, 3:30:12 PM

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Tuesday she did not know she misled the press about the discovery of additional classified documents in President Joe Biden’s private residence last week after she said the search was completed.

During the daily briefing last Thursday, Jean-Pierre misled the American public on six different occasions when she said the search for classified documents in Biden’s position was completed on Wednesday. Reports on Saturday revealed that more classified documents were discovered on Thursday, which refuted Jean-Pierre’s claim that the search for documents was completed.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2465 on: January 18, 2023, 08:06:37 AM »
'I'm not doing that': Kamala refuses to kneel with Biden for photo with the Golden State Warriors after president bungled her name
daily mail ^
Posted on 1/18/2023, 9:56:08

President Biden wanted to wrap up his appearance with the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors on Tuesday by taking a knee with Vice President Kamala Harris.

But she refused and chuckled: 'I'm not doing that' – leaving the 80-year-old on the front of the stage, on his own, in an awkward end to the photo-op.

The gesture from the president was met with laughter from the team and sounds of shock from the audience, including from his No. 2, who didn't want to join in on the kneeling position that became popular with athletes during Black Lives Matter protests.

The entire ordeal was perplexing, as panic-stricken players reached their arms out to help the president up when it appeared he almost fell – but Biden was only pretending to struggle and landed in what he thought was an athletic pose with a smirk.

Earlier in the event, Biden also fumbled by seeming to forget Harris' first name, calling her 'CAM-a-la' rather than the correct pronunciation of 'COMMA-la.'

Biden and Harris, 58, appeared to not be able to find a good spot during a photo-op with the team, concluding a White House celebration for the reigning champions.

'I'll tell you what,' Biden said before taking a knee on a small platform in front of the team

When getting up from his kneeling position at the end of the photo-op, Biden awkwardly landed in a defensive squat position, earning another round of applause from the amused attendees

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2466 on: January 18, 2023, 08:10:41 AM »
Biden Administration Urges Judges to Lift Stay on CDC’s Airplane Mask Mandate
epoch times ^ | 17 January A.D. 2023 | Zachery Steiber
Posted on 1/17/2023, 4:40:50 PM by lightman

President Joe Biden’s administration in a court hearing on Jan. 17 urged judges on a federal appeals court to overturn a ruling from a lower court that struck down the administration’s airplane mask mandate.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had “good cause” to impose the mandate and bypass the notice- and comment period required by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Brian Springer, an attorney for the government, told judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit.

At the time the mandate was imposed, in early 2021, “there were variants that had just been detected that showed signs of increased transmissibility, and people were starting to travel again,” Springer said. “In those circumstances, the CDC had good cause to issue this order, particularly when the CDC detailed the reasons why in this particular environment, namely in the transportation sector and in transportation settings, COVID had a specific tendency to spread among people who are traveling together because they’re standing together in lines and sitting together on conveyances.”

One of the judges expressed skepticism with the line of thinking, accusing the CDC of issuing “boilerplate” language to impose the mandate without a notice and comment period. Under a ruling in a separate case, boilerplate statements that COVID-19 exists and that there’s a public emergency aren’t sufficient to satisfy the “good cause” exception to the APA. Springer disagreed, saying the CDC’s statement provided rationale that met the standard.

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump appointee, said in her 2022 ruling that the CDC violated the APA by only issuing a single conclusory sentence to support ducking the notice requirements.

She noted that at the time the order was issued, around a year had passed since the beginning of the pandemic, and COVID-19 cases in America were on the decline.

Brent Hardaway, arguing for Health Freedom Defense Fund, which brought the case, said that the mandate was “very strange” given that airplanes and many airports already had mandates in place, in addition to the decline in cases. Does the CDC Have Authority to Mandate Masks?

Other portions of the hearing went over arguments as to whether the CDC has the authority to mandate masks.

U.S. code gives the federal government the power to enforce regulations judged as “necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the States or possessions, or from one State or possession into any other State or possession.”

The government, to enforce such measures, “may provide for such inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination, destruction of animals or articles found to be so infected or contaminated as to be sources of dangerous infection to human beings, and other measures, as in his judgment may be necessary,” the statute says.

In striking down the CDC’s moratorium on evictions, the Supreme Court found that the agency overstepped the authority outlined in the law. But the court also said the law empowered the CDC to impose measures that “directly relate to preventing the interstate spread of disease by identifying, isolating, and destroying the disease itself.”

The decision “recognized that conventional measures to identify, isolate and destroy communicable diseases fall within the statute,” Springer said. “The CDC’s mask order was a very modest way to, and a traditional way to, prevent this interstate spread of disease that falls directly within the heartland of what the Supreme Court told us that this statute covers.”

Springer asked the court to narrow the district court’s decision from applying to all travelers to just the five individuals that brought the case. If the court agrees, it would enable the mask mandate to take effect again for virtually all Americans inside airports, airplanes, and some other transportation settings.

Mizelle has ruled that mask mandates don’t fall under sanitation and that the “other measures” were limited, based on a reading of the history of the law and court rulings.

“The mask mandate is best understood not as sanitation, but as an exercise of the CDC’s power to conditionally release individuals to travel despite concerns that they may spread a communicable disease (and to detain or partially quarantine those who refuse). But the power to conditionally release and detain is ordinarily limited to individuals entering the United States from a foreign country,” Mizelle wrote, noting that a part of the law only allows for the detention of a person traveling between the states if that person is “reasonably believed to be infected” and is actually found “upon examination” to be infected.

That means the CDC exceeded its authority in issuing the mandate, the judge said.

Hardaway, in court on Tuesday, said that the law does not give the CDC the ability to impose mask mandates, though one of the judges questioned whether that was true.

“It just seems strange to me that an agency like the Center for Disease Control doesn’t have the authority to require travelers to wear a mask when they travel as a way to prevent the spread of communicable disease in the context of a global pandemic,” the judge said. “If they don’t have that authority, what authority do they have?”

Hardaway said the eviction ruling showed why it was not odd and urged the judges to look at the law, which has been used by the government to impose various measures.

“Their reading of sanitation is basically any measure that may promote sanitation,” he said. “It’s basically going to have the same kind of sweeping implications of the rule that the Supreme Court rejected.”

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2467 on: January 18, 2023, 08:27:21 AM »
'Soft Landing' Narrative Nuked As US Industrial Production Plunges In December And New York Biz Leaders Survey Crashes To -21.4 (US Treasury 10Y Yield Drops -14.1 Basis Points)
Confounded Interest ^ | 0`/`8/2023 | Anthony B. Sanders
Posted on 1/18/2023, 11:26:05 AM by Kaiser8408a

Soft landing for the US economy? It is looking less and less likely. The bond market (10-year Treasury yield) just shed -14.1 basis points. As I always told my investments students, any 10 basis point shift in the 10-year Treasury yield is significant.

Let’s start wit the US business leaders survey of current conditions. It just crashed to -21.4

Then we have US industrial production, down -0.7% in December. And is up only 1.65% year-over-year as M2 Money growth stalls.

Capacity Utilization plunged more than expected to 78.7% (79.5% exp).

Biden claiming the US economy is strong is pure Fantasy Island.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2468 on: January 18, 2023, 09:23:00 AM »
Is Hunter Biden Ratting Out Papa Joe to Cut a Deal?
The Gateway Pundit ^ | January 18, 2023 | Larry Johnson
Posted on 1/18/2023, 12:18:04 PM

Let us start with the facts surrounding the “discovery” of classified U.S. Government documents, including Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (aka SCI):

1. The documents were “discovered” in early November 2022 by lawyers ostensibly working for Joe Biden. The documents were discovered at locations that Hunter Biden could enter or leave at will.

2. Hunter Biden currently is the target of an investigation by the Delaware U.S. attorney and faces potential charges for information contained on his laptop.

3. There is no requirement for Secret Service to keep a list of visitors for Hunter Biden.

I initially speculated that the leak about these documents could be part of a plot to get rid of Joe Biden in anticipation of the debacle in Ukraine and to clear the decks for a new Democrat candidate for 2024. But one thing bothered me — why didn’t Joe Biden’s lawyers destroy the documents?

If the lawyers really were working for Joe Biden, we still do not have a good answer for why they were searching through Joe’s office and home for documents? What precipitated this?

The most likely explanation is that Hunter Biden had full knowledge of these documents because his Dad removed them during his last days as Vice President. Those documents helped Hunter identify clients and secure deals in Ukraine, China and other locations. And Joe Biden directly benefited from those deals (e.g., 10% for the Big Guy).

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2469 on: January 18, 2023, 10:20:21 AM »
Is Hunter Biden Ratting Out Papa Joe to Cut a Deal?
The Gateway Pundit ^ | January 18, 2023 | Larry Johnson
Posted on 1/18/2023, 12:18:04 PM

Let us start with the facts surrounding the “discovery” of classified U.S. Government documents, including Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (aka SCI):

1. The documents were “discovered” in early November 2022 by lawyers ostensibly working for Joe Biden. The documents were discovered at locations that Hunter Biden could enter or leave at will.

2. Hunter Biden currently is the target of an investigation by the Delaware U.S. attorney and faces potential charges for information contained on his laptop.

3. There is no requirement for Secret Service to keep a list of visitors for Hunter Biden.

I initially speculated that the leak about these documents could be part of a plot to get rid of Joe Biden in anticipation of the debacle in Ukraine and to clear the decks for a new Democrat candidate for 2024. But one thing bothered me — why didn’t Joe Biden’s lawyers destroy the documents?

If the lawyers really were working for Joe Biden, we still do not have a good answer for why they were searching through Joe’s office and home for documents? What precipitated this?

The most likely explanation is that Hunter Biden had full knowledge of these documents because his Dad removed them during his last days as Vice President. Those documents helped Hunter identify clients and secure deals in Ukraine, China and other locations. And Joe Biden directly benefited from those deals (e.g., 10% for the Big Guy).

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Waiting for Prime to come on here and to try to debunk it because it’s the Gateway Pundit

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2470 on: January 18, 2023, 11:59:59 AM »
Frank Biden Peddled White House Influence During Joe Biden’s Presidency
Breitbart ^ | 01-18-2023 | WENDELL HUSEBØ
Posted on 1/18/2023, 12:14:59 PM

4:11 President Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank Biden peddled White House influence during Joe Biden’s presidency, according to a CNN report that indicates the Biden family business remains operational even since Joe Biden was elected.

On at least two separate occasions, Frank Biden publicly cited Joe Biden as a means by which he has influence, despite holding no government position or relation to the White House other than by having the same last name as the president and being his sibling.

In October, Frank Biden spoke in Venice, Italy, as the keynote speaker at a BioSig Technologies conference about “the future of global health care.” BioSig Technologies is a health technology company. The trip was not paid for by Frank Biden, who refused to disclose the financier.

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2471 on: January 18, 2023, 08:41:47 PM »
Exclusive: Hunter Biden Lived in Wilmington House with Classified Documents While Bagging Millions Linked to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence

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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2472 on: January 21, 2023, 07:07:00 PM »
o comments.

FBI searched Biden home, found documents marked classified
Associated Press via Currently ^ | January 22, 2023 | Zeke Miller & Michael Balsamo
Posted on 1/21/2023, 8:10:54 PM by John W

The FBI searched President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware on Friday and located six additional documents containing classification markings and also took possession of some of his notes, the president’s lawyer said Saturday.

Bob Bauer, the president's personal lawyer, said the search of the entire premises lasted nearly 13 hours. The apparently classified documents spanned Biden's time in the Senate and the vice presidency, while the notes dated to his time as vice president. The level of classification, and whether they remained classified, was not immediately clear as the Justice Department reviews the records.

The search followed more than a week after Biden’s attorneys found six other classified documents in the president’s home library from his time as vice president, and nearly three months after lawyers found a small number of classified records at his former offices at the Penn Biden Center in Washington. It came a day after Biden maintained that “there’s no there there" on the document discoveries, which have become a political headache for the president and complicated the Justice Department's probe into former President Donald Trump's retention of classified documents and official records after he left office.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Get the leg irons ready !   


  • Getbig V
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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2473 on: January 22, 2023, 12:29:40 AM »
o comments.

FBI searched Biden home, found documents marked classified
Associated Press via Currently ^ | January 22, 2023 | Zeke Miller & Michael Balsamo
Posted on 1/21/2023, 8:10:54 PM by John W

The FBI searched President Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware on Friday and located six additional documents containing classification markings and also took possession of some of his notes, the president’s lawyer said Saturday.

Bob Bauer, the president's personal lawyer, said the search of the entire premises lasted nearly 13 hours. The apparently classified documents spanned Biden's time in the Senate and the vice presidency, while the notes dated to his time as vice president. The level of classification, and whether they remained classified, was not immediately clear as the Justice Department reviews the records.

The search followed more than a week after Biden’s attorneys found six other classified documents in the president’s home library from his time as vice president, and nearly three months after lawyers found a small number of classified records at his former offices at the Penn Biden Center in Washington. It came a day after Biden maintained that “there’s no there there" on the document discoveries, which have become a political headache for the president and complicated the Justice Department's probe into former President Donald Trump's retention of classified documents and official records after he left office.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Get the leg irons ready !

I am going to start calling you the cut and paste king. Not only do you cut and paste once, you cut and then paste the same article all over the boards, sometimes several times over.  ;)

Soul Crusher

  • Competitors
  • Getbig V
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Re: Biden failures, corruption, destruction, and collapse Thread.
« Reply #2474 on: January 22, 2023, 01:05:53 AM »
I am going to start calling you the cut and paste king. Not only do you cut and paste once, you cut and then paste the same article all over the boards, sometimes several times over.  ;)

You are as senile as Biden.  This is breaking news.   Your entire liberal narrative just imploded.