Author Topic: Breaking Bad: Canada Edition.  (Read 1087 times)


  • Getbig V
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Breaking Bad: Canada Edition.
« on: February 03, 2021, 02:36:58 AM »
Ever since age 13, I couldn't stand arrogant Canadians trashing Americans. I've always been more pro-American for this reason. Basically, as young Canadians, we're taught that racism is bad, while watching media [admittedly, most of it coming from the USA, such as people like Michael Moore] that bashes Americans [implication: White Americans].

There is a lot of self-hatred in American media. I think the Jewish ownership of American media plays a role in they [and Jews are aware that White Americans are the most powerful group in the world]. That doesn't seem to be reason enough to explain it though...I really find the American press to be oddly self-hating. And Canadians - who pride themselves in being "anti-racist" - absorb this. Hypocrites.

On top of that bigoted contradiction, Canadians were [are] ADDICTED to American entertainment and media, and literally live on American corporations. Oh... and who produces all of the medical care technology, puts forth the BILLIONS of dollars for research and development for new pharmaceutical drugs [rendered impossible to do in Canada because producing drugs for profit more of less isn't allowed], and provides everything else that Canadians take for granted - INCLUDING our complete military defense?


That's why I need to get the fuck out of here. Move to New Brunswick, then figure out the legalities of how long I can spend living in Maine without getting American citizenship [for now]. Maybe I could go two weeks on / two weeks off, without needing to get my citizenship. In time, obviously I would apply, but I think I'm done with Canada.

Far-left Canadians are so moronic, they think liberal policies are why we have less violence here, not grasping our lower violence levels are because we have a much less diverse population than the USA. As our racial demographics have changed - SURPRISE, SURPRISE - our violent crime rates have skyrocketed. Yet moronic Canadians have the AUDACITY to call Americans racist, and say Canada is so much better at diversity, WHEN THE REASON CANADA HAS LESS VIOLENCE THAN THE USA IS BECAUSE WE HAVE LESS DIVERSITY.

It's not that all Canadians are SJW morons... it's just that the only ones "allowed" to have opinions are SJW's. I hate that, because it makes me feel like I'm all on my own here.

This is why I know living in the USA would benefit me - at least I objectively know the percentage of Trump supporters in the USA.

But anyway - to be SPECIFIC in my Canada-bashing here...I saw a meme [below] about Breaking Bad if it took place in Canada, and let me tell you - it's BULLSH*T.

Breaking Bad premiered in 2008 - the same year when my friend's dad died of lung cancer [who never smoked].


Because the treatment needed to extend his life the maximum possible at the time [around 20 months longer than any other available treatment] was a drug called AVASTIN.

And in 2007-2008, when my friend's dad had lung cancer, Avastin was only available under provincial healthcare in Newfoundland and British Columbia. I was born in Newfoundland, so qualifying for healthcare there would be possibly be easier for me, but for my friend's dad, it would have taken him a minimum of 90 days to become a resident of B.C., IF he even qualified. Not exactly a process you want to initiate when you only have 12 months to live!

So what happened?

With Avastin unavailable, my friend's dad had no quality treatment options available. End result? He died as quickly as he would have had he been living in Haiti.

None of the healthcare treatments available extended his lifespan even a month beyond the expected outcome of no healthcare at all. Breaking Bad premiered three months after his funeral. I was a pallbearer.

THAT was the Canadian "Breaking Bad" socialized healthcare edition.

What would have happened in the USA?:

My friend's dad would have had a private insurance plan that would have included coverage for Avastin.

He would have lived around 20 months longer with Avastin. So instead of living from his diagnosis date in May 2007, through to May 2008, he would have lived until around January 2010. Not a HUGE increase in lifespan...but when you're dying of cancer, I think every month to be with your loved ones, to say goodbye, and do whatever it is you wanted to do before dying helps.

And as I said, living in Canada, Avastin was not available. a cost of $1,000 a day, it was! Ah - "free" Canadian healthcare.

I'm not here to just complain about it - but with many treatment options unavailable here, wait times for routine procedures taking up to nine months or more, and preferential treatment always given to non-Whites [particularly Indigenous people], I no longer assume I have "free" healthcare.

That's part of why I am a hypochondriac. I have zero expectation of getting adequate coverage. I'm going to take care of myself. Canada's healthcare system is ok - but to my American fellow Getbiggers:

Do NOT assume "free" healthcare is better for you. As far as I can tell, in the USA, the healthcare system is the poorest quality for the working poor. In Canada, it's the poorest for anyone middle class of richer.

If you're working for minimum wage, or on welfare, then yes - Canada's healthcare system is likely better than the USA's system.

But if you're middle class or wealthier, the USA's system is better.

I have $50,000 in additional private coverage for my family, since I don't trust Canada's system. That's why I'm so scared to bulk up. Or anything else. As I said, I live my life assuming I don't have healthcare.

FYI, I have the best doctor in Thunder Bay, and I've been trying to reach him for about six weeks now. It's not his fault - he's just overwhelmed. In my city of 108,000 residents, 50,000 do not have a family doctor.

Canada's healthcare system is adequate...but I just want my American Getbig friends to not buy into the hype about how "free" healthcare is so much better. You either ration healthcare resources by way of denying insurance claims, or you ration it by wait times and reducing available coverage [and anti-White discrimination, which is standard practice in Canada].

Lastly, 80% of White Americans don't want their healthcare system changed. So this is yet another example of how multiculturalism is being forced on White Americans when they didn't ask for it, and don't want it. Because let's be clear on this: socialized American healthcare is going to result in White Americans paying for everyone else's free healthcare. And once implemented, yet MORE millions of non-Whites will flee into the USA, to "be oppressed" by all the "racist" White Americans.  ::)

Oh...and because the USA develops ALL the pharmaceutical drugs that benefits Canadians...PLEASE keep your private for-profit model. Virtually all of the medical innovation comes from the USA. So I am IMPLORING YOU to maintain your private healthcare model. I would look upon it as a personal favour of my American Getbiggers could do this for me.  :) :D

This is propaganda:


  • Getbig V
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  • YouTube FitnessByMatt
Re: Breaking Bad: Canada Edition.
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2021, 02:41:05 AM »

This is propaganda:

[the last one is funny though]


  • Getbig V
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Re: Breaking Bad: Canada Edition.
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2021, 04:22:36 AM »

This is propaganda:

[the last one is funny though]


NEVER too long ; ALWAYS read your posts Matty!



  • Getbig III
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Re: Breaking Bad: Canada Edition.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2021, 12:04:02 PM »

NEVER too long ; ALWAYS read your posts Matty!

No you don’t.

p.s. post more asses.