Author Topic: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community  (Read 25334 times)


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Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« on: March 22, 2021, 10:09:42 AM »

Now that I am older and more prone to injuries, I have changed the way in which I work out. During my youth (20's-40's), I would do a 5 day split, where I would work 2 body parts per day with HIT, but even as heavy as the weights were, I would still get in high reps (albeit spaced out). During the past, I would also supplement my weightlifting with training in both boxing and JiuJitsu to get more flexibility, improved stamina and to give my muscles a different view for functionality purposes.

Today, I have stepped away from contact sports and with regards to training, I tend to workout 5 days of the week (Mon-Fri), do full body workouts, strictly use machines (with few exceptions of course) and tend to go full-rack on said machines during all 5 days. Granted, while machines are generally safer, I know that going full weight rack on all machines for 5 days straight can't be good. That said, it has been working like a charm and the results are very noticeable.

Here's my question:

I am thinking of continuing my 5-day workouts and continuing to do full-body circuit training while strictly using machines, but I would like to alternate and make it to where I do "Heavy" workout Mon-Wed-Fri (ie full weight rack exercises on all machines) thereby activating type 2 muscle fibers, while doing 65-75% weight capacity on Tuesday & Thursday in order to give my muscles & neurons a rest, while activating type 1 muscle fibers. I also wonder whether this will likely reduce likelihood of injury, while improving overall stamina + endurance. 

Do you believe this is a good approach? If not, what would you change? Remember, I'm in the Coach age-range and I do not use hormones of any type (just a daily baby aspirin).

Thank you all in advance for your feedback..


Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2021, 10:18:34 AM »
3 heavy full body days feels like too much as far as giving time to recover goes.

Personally, I'd do 1-2 heavy, one light, and then do mobility/conditioning work.

But, if what you listed works for you, rock on.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2021, 10:20:18 AM »
3 heavy full body days feels like too much as far as giving time to recover goes.

Personally, I'd do 1-2 heavy, one light, and then do mobility/conditioning work.

But, if what you listed works for you, rock on.

Keep in mind it's 95% machines (with the exception of biceps). Does that change your perspective at all?

Also, if it doesn't, would 2 heavy days with 3 overlapping moderate weight days sound decent to you?

Also, I do ride bike for 2 miles/day at least 3 days of the week.

Thanks brother,


Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2021, 10:26:35 AM »
Keep in mind it's 95% machines (with the exception of biceps). Does that change your perspective at all?

Also, if it doesn't, would 2 heavy days with 3 overlapping moderate weight days sound decent to you?

Thanks brother,


The source of the stimulus doesn't really change my view.....while it may be less taxing on the stabilizing muscles and joints, you're still tearing down the muscle pretty good.

But everyone is different.  I would start with your method, and just tweak along the way, listening to your body.

I have found I have been able to make strength gains on lifts with one heavy day every 7-9 days......but that could just be me.

I'm currently on a 6 day a week plan, but Wednesdays are all yoga/stretching, and the 6th day is pure conditioning.

Even then I will skip a day if I feel a bit broken down.

The real key is that you're doing something, and dedicating time.

I like the simplistic view of training - move often at a medium pace, occasionally at a fast pace, and lift heavy/carry heavy things every few days..........any variations of that any you're winning.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2021, 10:46:16 AM »
After years of trying all sorts of routines I now go heavy just one day a week and easy one other. It has made me the strongest I have ever been and I have zero joint pains.

Aside from weights I bicycle 4-5 days a week. I sprint one day a week and do aerobic threshold training another (pulse rate at or slightly below anaerobic threshold). All the rest are easy rides. I no longer weight train for legs- it would be excessive.

I have tracked my sprinting power using a device called a powermeter installed on my bike. I wanted to know how frequently I should do max power sprints to improve. After 6 months of experimenting it turns out one day a week is optimum. More than that and I actually start regressing in power. This is nearly identical to my experience lifting weights- once a week maximum is optimal.

For reference, when I started doing sprints I could put out 1000 watts for 10 seconds. That's slightly above average for a cyclist but nothing to write home about. Last week I held 1500 watts for the first time ever. That puts me in the top 5% statistically for cyclists according to every journal article I could find. This progress was completely due to NOT sprinting very often. More is not better. I only do 3-5 sprints in a session, with long easy rests between(5 minutes). Sound familiar? This is what strength training is like too.

Natural athletes can't take anywhere near the workloads of enhanced. You have to look at your goals. I actually do not want to get any bigger and will concentrate on being leaner. For the record I'm 48, 5'9' and weigh 200 in the winter months and 180 or so in the peak of summer when I am as lean as can be from all the cycling.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2021, 10:50:12 AM »
Do an upper/lower split then you can train 5 days in a row.  Simple as that.

then it changes or starts with lower in the next week.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2021, 10:53:28 AM »
After years of trying all sorts of routines I now go heavy just one day a week and easy one other. It has made me the strongest I have ever been and I have zero joint pains.

Please expand on this idea. You mean to tell me that you only lift heavy weights on 1 day of the week, but that every other day that you lift is light weights (< 50% of your heavy amounts)?

Or do you mean, one day heavy then the next day light and then the next heavy etc?



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2021, 10:55:07 AM »
Please expand on this idea. You mean to tell me that you only lift heavy weights on 1 day of the week, but that every other day that you lift is light weights (< 50% of your heavy amounts)?

Or do you mean, one day heavy then the next day light and then the next heavy etc?


a light day is a waste of time & just BS. just train & rest. 
Why upper/lower is good.

Darren Avey

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2021, 10:55:31 AM »
What belt jiu jitsu are you?
I'd just started my jiu jitsu journey last February before covid hit.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2021, 10:56:17 AM »
I'm currently on a 6 day a week plan, but Wednesdays are all yoga/stretching, and the 6th day is pure conditioning.

Tell me more about your workout days in terms of what you actually do on those days.

Thanks brother, I like this concept.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2021, 10:58:41 AM »
Train in a way you find enjoyable first and foremost mate

My favourite way to train is a few heavy exercises for 3 sets of 5 then just pump the rest with sets of 20 train 4 days a week 1-chest and back (an excercise each for bi and tri tossed in there at end) 2-legs 3-shoulders and back 4-arms

Again making training enjoyable is key it all more or less works at the end of the day


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2021, 11:02:35 AM »
What belt jiu jitsu are you?
I'd just started my jiu jitsu journey last February before covid hit.

3-stripe Brown under Renzo Gracie.

Also, I haven't rolled in over 3 years. Why? Life gets in the way, I no longer feel I am learning too much, don't care for rolling around on the mats with other sweaty men (I know what a contradiction) and don't care to gift the academy over $250/month just to drill techniques. I also don't do any more training in boxing as I don't care to get punched in the face and can't afford any potential head trauma.

I just want to stay healthy, simple as that.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2021, 11:04:49 AM »
I'd set it up full body -

Heavy Push day
Heavy Pull day

Rest (1 or 2 days depending on feel)

Light Push
Light Pull


etc...., etc.....

Stick the endurance work in where you feel like it.

Just the way I'd do it.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2021, 11:07:08 AM »
Train in a way you find enjoyable first and foremost mate

My favourite way to train is a few heavy exercises for 3 sets of 5 then just pump the rest with sets of 20 train 4 days a week 1-chest and back (an excercise each for bi and tri tossed in there at end) 2-legs 3-shoulders and back 4-arms

Again making training enjoyable is key it all more or less works at the end of the day

Now that I am older, that has become priority. Train in a way that feels good and fun. When we are younger, we think we have to follow a secret recipe from the likes of IFBB pros in order to get to a certain "look". Over time, you realize that unless you can afford to risk your health and inject hormones for decades and lead the kind of lives that these guys lead (typically unemployed, sleeping for 10-12hrs per day and spending a fortune on steroids and personal trainers) it is not worth it nor will their "recipe" work for you.

Everyone is different and we all respond to exercises in our own ways. Of note, I have started watching some random guy on YouTube that seems legit, but could be fluff. He goes by the name of "Athlean X" and has absolutely improved my form when it comes to certain exercises in a way that has produced good results.

Now, the above isn't a plug for that guy, as I do not know him personally nor do I purchase anything from his company. I simply watch FREE youtube videos and have found his content over the last 1-2 months to be pretty helpful.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2021, 11:08:52 AM »
Please expand on this idea. You mean to tell me that you only lift heavy weights on 1 day of the week, but that every other day that you lift is light weights (< 50% of your heavy amounts)?

Or do you mean, one day heavy then the next day light and then the next heavy etc?


I mean heavy one day and light the next. That's it. Two days a week. I stick to the basic upper body movements -  bench, row, chins and dips.  I use a weight belt on dips and chins to increase resistance but I stick to strict form to get the most benefit. I do 6-8 reps heavy, after a warmup. These exercises  engage all the upper torso muscles. I used to do concentration curls and triceps extensions but found they just worked what I already had. Most people do far too many exercises. If you just do benches and rows, heavy, you will get huge. I use dumbbells exclusively now.

The easy day is actually a high rep active recovery- 15-20 rep sets,  slight burning but nothing to the max. Think of it as an aerobic weight workout. Tendons do not have significant blood flow and will recover faster by actively warming up the muscle. We do this in cycling all the time - a very easy ride the day after a race. This dramatically reduces stiffness and leads to faster recovery.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2021, 11:10:50 AM »

I mean heavy one day and light the next. That's it. Two days a week. I stick to the basic upper body movements -  bench, row, chins and dips.  I use a weight belt on dips and chins to increase resistance but I stick to strict form to get the most benefit. I do 6-8 reps heavy, after a warmup. These exercises  engage all the upper torso muscles. I used to do concentration curls and triceps extensions but found they just worked what I already had. Most people do far too many exercises. If you just do benches and rows, heavy, you will get huge. I use dumbbells exclusively now.

The easy day is actually a high rep active recovery- 15-20 rep sets,  slight burning but nothing to the max. Think of it as an aerobic weigh workout. Tendons do not have significant blood flow and will recover faster by actively warming up the muscle. We do this in cycling all the time - a very easy ride the day after a race. This dramatically reduces stiffness and leads to faster recovery.

That's very interesting and I might want to try this approach some time in the summer. If I can spend less time in the gym and coast along while maintaining my gains and keeping potential injuries at bay, that would be great.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2021, 11:13:14 AM »

I mean heavy one day and light the next. That's it. Two days a week. I stick to the basic upper body movements -  bench, row, chins and dips.  I use a weight belt on dips and chins to increase resistance but I stick to strict form to get the most benefit. I do 6-8 reps heavy, after a warmup. These exercises  engage all the upper torso muscles. I used to do concentration curls and triceps extensions but found they just worked what I already had. Most people do far too many exercises. If you just do benches and rows, heavy, you will get huge. I use dumbbells exclusively now.

The easy day is actually a high rep active recovery- 15-20 rep sets,  slight burning but nothing to the max. Think of it as an aerobic weight workout. Tendons do not have significant blood flow and will recover faster by actively warming up the muscle. We do this in cycling all the time - a very easy ride the day after a race. This dramatically reduces stiffness and leads to faster recovery.
Just benches and rows? are you talking about abbreviated training like from Brawn?  you will not get big from just a few exercises.

Les Grossman

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2021, 11:14:40 AM »
Obviously as you get older increased stretching, better recuperation through sleep and nutrition, and dietary supplementation become the new Holy Trinity.

My “heavy” week is using poundages that limit me to 6-8 reps on my working sets with higher reps for legs. My “lighter” week uses poundages that allow me to get 12-16 reps on my working sets.

I stretch my joints and back every day to some degree. I work abs every day. I hydrate almost to excess and use electrolytes every day during the hot weather months.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2021, 11:24:28 AM »
Just benches and rows? are you talking about abbreviated training like from Brawn?  you will not get big from just a few exercises.

You most certainly will!  I have experimented with so many movements and so many routines I went crazy. I thought back to when I was first in college - I used to have a set of  dumbbells in my room so just did curls and triceps extensions - I was bored I guess. In 6 months I had 16" arms and had people ask me how I did it. Stupidly simple.

Try it sometime. My exact  current routine from Covid:
  • Dumbbell Row  6-8 reps at 100-110 pounds 2 sets
  • Dumbbell Bench  6-8 reps at 90-100  2 sets
  • Chins Bodyweight +25 pounds  x 6-8 reps  one set
  • Dips  Bodyweight +25 pounds x 6-8 reps    one set
These are not staggering Getbig weights but it works for me. I worked up from 60's to 100's over 8 months - on one heavy day a week. I now have run out of weight but I'm big enough for what I want.

Mind you - I don't go to complete failure. If I feel tired I go a little lighter on the heavy days.  I always have  1 or 2 reps left in the tank. Stimulate, don't annihilate. I also do very strict movements and concentrate on the eccentric phase.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2021, 11:33:53 AM »

You most certainly will!  I have experimented with so many movements and so many routines I went crazy. I thought back to when I was first in college - I used to have a set of  dumbbells in my room so just did curls and triceps extensions - I was bored I guess. In 6 months I had 16" arms and had people ask me how I did it. Stupidly simple.

Try it sometime. My exact  current routine from Covid:
  • Dumbbell Row  6-8 reps at 100-110 pounds 2 sets
  • Dumbbell Bench  6-8 reps at 90-100  2 sets
  • Chins Bodyweight +25 pounds  x 6-8 reps  one set
  • Dips  Bodyweight +25 pounds x 6-8 reps    one set
These are not staggering Getbig weights but it works for me. I worked up from 60's to 100's over 8 months - on one heavy day a week. I now have run out of weight but I'm big enough for what I want.

Mind you - I don't go to complete failure. If I feel tired I go a little lighter on the heavy days.  I always have  1 or 2 reps left in the tank. Stimulate, don't annihilate. I also do very strict movements and concentrate on the eccentric phase.
wow you must be BIG. show us a picture of you massive gains.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2021, 11:34:42 AM »
wow you must be BIG. show us a picture of you massive gains.

Are you some kind of fucking tard, lol?  Oh wait, never mind- you already answered that question.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2021, 11:38:18 AM »
Why not look into the training program that Phil Hernon used to advocate.  I use it at times.  It is great for taking a break, but still getting good workouts in.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2021, 12:03:31 PM »
Weight training thread reported

Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2021, 12:03:42 PM »
Tell me more about your workout days in terms of what you actually do on those days.

Thanks brother, I like this concept.


For training days, they are 45-60 min an consist of this pattern:

Warmup - generally 2 sets of airdyne, and whatever is to prep for the main if squats are on the docket, it would be hip mobility, walking with bands, etc....

Strength - main lift in whatever the cadence is for the day - so for something like bench could be:  5 sets to a heavy set of three, could be working with 70% of max, could be 2 reps every thirty seconds for 9 minutes......

Accessory work - usually 3 super sets to accommodate

Conditioning - something brutal for 10-12 min - for example, 70lb KB swings followed by 10 cal on the airdyne....repeat 5x.

10 min mobility

The conditioning day incorporates weights, so, in effect, can still build muscle an strength.   Last one was:

Warmup like above
Some shuttle sprints

Then 30 min straight, as many reps as possible of the following circuit:

8 push press with 120lb sandbag (awkward as fuck)
20M farmer's carry with 100lb KBs
Sandbag bear hug and walk for 20M
15 push up
1/4 mile sprint on treadmill


So, in essence, I get the main lifts in, but the cadence is staggered so it's not "all heavy all the time".


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2021, 12:04:17 PM »
More importantly... 200 mg of testosterone cypianate every 96 hours. Consistency is vital. If you wish to double that- fine. If you wish to triple that- OK, but that changes things.

Train hard brother. Someone is watching.