Author Topic: Ontario on House Arrest.  (Read 9811 times)

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2021, 03:20:09 PM »
Restaurants packed today in NYC. In addition to indoor dining, you have all of these outdoor sheds which are nice during spring. So, the Restaurants might even be doing better than pre Covid.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2021, 03:40:34 PM »
A majority of Ontario police agencies allegedly will not engage in use of the temporary extra powers.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2021, 03:48:44 PM »
This is what's happening in the neck of the woods of Fortress and I:

Look at this "overwhelmed" hospital in Oakville, Ontario:

Remember what King Shizzo said "I just wear a mask to help people", LMAO. Yeah, because a virus 99.9% survivable in most age demographics is so scary, right?  ::)

"Walter Sobchak" asked why I don't just buy a home gym. Uhh...maybe because I'm being told week after week that everything will go back to normal, and it ends up being chronic gaslighting, half truths, and outright lies?

Yeah, I'm going to buy a 750-lb tire to flip in my house when I'm being told the gym will open again in two weeks.  ::)

But enough is enough. I decided a month or two ago that I'm ignoring the pandemic starting on June 1st. I only went along with any aspects of this at all because I had other stuff to do [like how wes successfully battled lung cancer during the early part of the pandemic, which was obviously more important to him].

But enough is enough.

To all American Getbiggers:

Don't go down the rabbit hole of giving up your guns! It never ends well!

Why wait until June 1st? "Enough is enough"....Do it now.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2021, 06:39:40 PM »
A majority of Ontario police agencies allegedly will not engage in use of the temporary extra powers.

heard this as well. Good news.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2021, 06:59:52 PM »
heard this as well. Good news.

It was the same thing in New York City. The cops weren’t enforcing the nickel and dime shit. Why would they? It’s just extra work for them.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2021, 07:08:53 PM »
This is what's happening in the neck of the woods of Fortress and I:

Look at this "overwhelmed" hospital in Oakville, Ontario:

Remember what King Shizzo said "I just wear a mask to help people", LMAO. Yeah, because a virus 99.9% survivable in most age demographics is so scary, right?  ::)

"Walter Sobchak" asked why I don't just buy a home gym. Uhh...maybe because I'm being told week after week that everything will go back to normal, and it ends up being chronic gaslighting, half truths, and outright lies?

Yeah, I'm going to buy a 750-lb tire to flip in my house when I'm being told the gym will open again in two weeks.  ::)

But enough is enough. I decided a month or two ago that I'm ignoring the pandemic starting on June 1st. I only went along with any aspects of this at all because I had other stuff to do [like how wes successfully battled lung cancer during the early part of the pandemic, which was obviously more important to him].

But enough is enough.

To all American Getbiggers:

Don't go down the rabbit hole of giving up your guns! It never ends well!

If you dont like Canada then the meantime just build a fucking home gym


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2021, 07:14:12 PM »
Why wait until June 1st? "Enough is enough"....Do it now.

Because, I'm basing it on a date that one could reasonably think could be done by on honest government.

Even honest, non-power thirsty leaders, could have done this pandemic response until June 1st. The date is arbitrary...but close enough, IMO.

So, I decided to pick June 1st, to see if they would let up.

Also, you don't get what I mean by going back to my normal:

In 2007, I flipped a cop on his back and punched him out for his violating my rights. I was 25 then.

I'm saying that starting June 1st: ALL BETS ARE OFF, regarding good behaviour on my part.

I may well stab a cop to death at that point.


I already haven't been following it. I never wear a mask, for instance.

But I haven't pushed back completely yet.

THAT starts June 1st.

[keep in mind that I was trespassed from Indigo in December for not wearing a mask - the police showed up. So don't pretend for a second I have been going along with this - only now, it escalates].


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2021, 07:37:27 PM »

You may wish to think again about what you said there and delete line 7 of that post

Dave D

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2021, 08:32:33 PM »
The dude looks like me:

But I'm about 40 IQ points higher than this guy.

I have a university education, in including two undergraduate degrees, a minor in geography, and a completed a certificate program in Environmental Management. One of my degrees in a 4-year undergraduate degree in mathematics. I'm not dumb, I'm autistic.

But most people don't seem to be aware of the fact that autism is a spectrum. I barely make the cut, and so Asperger's is closer to what I have [cusp autism which is highly functional, and not far spectrum autism like Rain Man had, which makes functioning daily life difficult, which gives those that far on the spectrum "certain abilities, certain deficiencies].

Those with cusp autism may often be weird, but we have a significant IQ advantage, and that makes up for the downside of autism traits like lack of going along with the herd on obviously moronic things like buying into COVID hysteria that has nothing to do with keeping people safe, and is actually just a blatant power and money grab, to see how many herd-mentality normies go along with giving up their legal rights, while global billionaires use this crisis to line their pockets, knowing full well this pandemic is not remotely lethal enough to merit the response it has which, again,is only intended to make the global billionaire class get richer, while continuing this agenda until the SMB sector continues on the path to bankruptcy, so that the corporate sector could steal their businesses in bankruptcy court.

That being the goal all along. And given the 2,604 global billionaires at the start of the pandemic have increased their total net wealth by over one TRILLION dollars [making their total combined wealth hit the $10 TRILLION mark thanks to the Useful Idiots who don't understand math, or understand that this pandemic is too low-lethality to justify anywhere near this level of response, they have done a good job helping the global wealthiest people in their plans to reduce the small business sector by $400 billion, while increasing their own wealth by over $1TRILLION during this pandemic.

Of course - that was the point.

And autism basically makes me and other autistics notice these things way before normies do.

That doesn't make me dumb though, and I'm not dumb. What I am, is a person who has autism which allows me to notice this way before the masses do - which in time, they most definitely real.

Autism is a spectrum, going all the way from being on the cusp of normalcy like me, with a significant IQ advantage which helps - not hurts me.

Maybe I'm missing your comparison between myself and Stevie Jankowski, who strikes me as dumb.

If you think opposing the emergence of a "temporary" police state in my province is not a point of concern, may I ask why?

I don't think such a concern is dumb at all.

I apologize if I misinterpreted your post. If you don't mind, can you clarify your it for me. And also tell me your thoughts on Ontario being on how you feel about police state measures being out in place in Ontario?

I'm weird - to be certain - but I'm not a dumb guy. I make it a point to my backup all of my views on this with primary source data.

But without assuming your thoughts on me, could you clarify them? I would appreciate that.

Matt you've made some interesting points that I didnt have time to read.

But maybe you make a good point that we need more low level autistic people in positions of leadership in our nations.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2021, 01:56:45 AM »

Matt C’s $660,000 house

Matt C’s muscular build

Matt C’s heavy bench presses

Matt C’s 130 IQ

This spectral retard actually believes the bullshit he posts.

I don't "believe" anything. I acknowledge things when shown evidence.

Likewise with my claims - they are all objectively verifiable by way of third party sources.

I have objectively verified all of my life claims by video recording. And by you hiding behind a user name, acting like what I verified to be true is something someone would lie about is your tacit admission that I'm richer, stronger, and smarter than you.

If my bench press max was 245, you wouldn't say a thing. But you know exactly how rare a bench press max of 345-lb is - let alone for someone 182-lb and drug-free at the time of the lift. That's why you accuse of lying about lifts I have videos of. If my lifts [and wealth] didn't impress you, you'd just laugh.

Your tacit implication that I MUST be lying is proof that you think my lifts are strong. That's why I must be lying in your mind - because you are forced to admit I'm strong by acknowledging my lifts - the hilarious being that I have video evidence of my strength.

If you were so far ahead of me, you would LAUGH at a $660,00 home, and a 345-lb bench. A 130 IQ is high [in the top 2%], but ultimately that's only a 1 in 50 IQ score. Basically, take 50 random White people, and I would have the highest IQ.

That's not exactly Albert Einstein level intelligence.

It was smart enough to get me a math degree, and get Level III Top Secret security clearance when I was in the army.

And I never claimed to be a genius - I stated that I have a 130 IQ on here a few times, and ONLY when 90 to 105 IQ morons like you and King Shizzo attack me. I would LOVE to sit down to an IQ test with you, Walter. Because you're such an inconsiderate asshole on here that you deserve to be humbled.

A 130 IQ is not the biggest deal, anyway. But it is a big advantage in navigating life and the day-to-day bullshit that comes with it, when dealing with below average intelligence, 90 IQ morons, on a regular basis.

Out of curiosity, are you visually impaired?

When I post videos of my 225-lb bench press for 25 reps, or my 250-lb bench press for 17 reps...are you blind? Are you unable to watch these videos?

Because if so, that would explain why you are unable to view my bench press and other lift videos, which are publicly available on YouTube.

Or are you suggesting I'm using fake plates?

If so - thank you very much for that compliment! If you didn't think my lifts are strong, you wouldn't need to do that.

You would say "You bench 345-lb at 182-lb? Pfft, big deal."

Of course you KNOW that's a good lift [for my size - but also for 99% of people who train with free weights, regardless of body weight], and you just won't admit here.

Here's some more things I can objectively prove to Getbig, "Walter Sobchak", while you hide behind a fake name here and won't even upload a cellphone video of one of the monster lifts you claim, yet continue to bash others:

- I have a 4-year university BA degree in pure mathematics.
- I have a [useless] HBS.c degree in psychology.
- I have a minor in geography.
- I have a university certificate program in Environmental Management [roughly equal to a minor].

Yet you claim I'm unemployable?

I'm "unemployable" for the same reasons YOU are unemployable. Because we BOTH say things online that WOULD get any White person fired.

What's so hilarious about you saying I'm unemployable is that you say it with the implication that I lack skills or education, or the brains or work ethic to qualify for a job. In reality, I have the intelligence and work ethic to get any job - and I'd bet you any money, I would outperform you in anything, really. Be it a job or anything else.

I'm unemployable because I post anti-SJW things on thing, and openly supported Trump, and do things like that.

And guess what?

So do you.

But you know full well that if you openly said even 10% of the things using your real name that you say even just on Getbig, that you would immediately be reprimanded or straight up fired from your work.

And that's why you need to post anonymously as "Walter Sobchak", whereas everyone here knows that I'm Matt Canning from Thunder Bay [Port Arthur side], Ontario, Canada.

See - I'm not afraid to hide my political views like you are. I'm not forced into a psychological prison in order to live my life, the way you are.

And you accuse me of being a closet homosexual for saying Brad Pitt in Sleepers was the most handsome man ever, IMO.

Why would a closet guy be so comfortable complimenting other men's looks if he wanted to hide his homosexuality?  ::)

So I'm a closet homosexual...yet compliment men on their looks, and don't consider the fact that some people [idiots like you who don't grasp the logic in what I just said] would potentially accuse me of being in the closet?

What DECADE IS IT? I don't know what it's like in Chicago [ if you even live there, given you lie so damn much], but in my city, something like 1 in 20 houses have rainbow signs that say "Pride Lives Here".

We have rainbow crosswalks here!!!

But you think I would openly praise ADOLF HITLER online...but I'm worried about the social stigma of being a homosexual.

In 2021.


In a city that has literally voted Liberal for the past 85 YEARS.

And that in my desire to stay in the closet, I compliment the looks of various male celebrities and bodybuilders/models.

HAHAHAHAHA, oh brother.

Why would a closet gay man do that?

Wouldn't he be worried that would risk exposing him to homophobes like you?

My assumption, and this is not an insult [as I have no issues with homosexuals] is that you are severely in the closet, hence why you go around calling everyone gay.

Maybe you see me as a closet gay who is comfortable being in the closet, and it annoys you, hence why you want to call me out.

I could definitely understand how a frustrated closet gay would be mad at a closet gay who is fine being in the closet.

But in case you didn't notice, I had three kids with two moms, and attempted to get three other women pregnant, one of who, sadly, miscarried.

So that's five women I attempted to impregnate, three successfully, one miscarriage. The other two didn't work out because one had PCOS [not my fault...and just sad, especially for her, but I digress], and another lived in Dryden, and I didn't want to keep making an eight hour return trip each time to try to knock her up. I think we had like five attempts.

I don't want to detail this thread though, but the reason why I am so offended by you calling me gay is because there is NOTHING that I won't say online - NOTHING.

I would walk into a synagogue, and explain to them the Jewish role in communism/Bolshevism, and how many Jews were mass murderers in the 20th century.

I have NO PROBLEM saying ON RECORD, UNDER MY REAL NAME, that Adolf Hitler was one of the most misrepresented and mis-characterized human beings in history.

THAT has made me unemployable. LOL @ you implying I'm unemployable due to lack of skills or training when I have more university education than you do.

But I just can't stand people suggesting I would ever be ashamed of saying or doing or BEING anything.

I assure you - if I was gay, EVERYONE would know.

Stop projecting your fear of living publicly on me, "Walter Sobchak".

You hide behind a user name because you are scared to expose yourself. But for you to then say it's me who is in the closet...about ANY topic? Haha.

I've literally posted videos of my lifts, and you STILL refuse to acknowledge my strength.

I'll ask again - are you visually impaired? are right about one point though:

That I claimed to be muscular.

When did I EVER claim to be muscular? LOL!!!! It makes me laugh to even think that. Below is a photo attached of how I look normally - that is me at 170-lb, at around 15% body fat. That's the look I shoot for. An easy to maintain, health look.

I never claimed to be muscular!

Maybe in addition to being visually impaired, you also have difficulties with reading comprehension?

If so, I apologize for thinking you are such an asshole. I expose my autism publicly so people can understand why my posts are so long, and other quirks about me. Most understand, and it makes our relationships stronger.

If you told me that you are visually impaired, and have a learning disability that affects your reading comprehension, I would go from thinking you are a miserable prick who rips into people on here for no reason [people who said NOTHING negative to you], to thinking it's a function of certain conditions you have, and I would attempt to accommodate. I may still think you are a prick just for the sake of being one, but I would understand why.

Because you just seem miserable to me, honestly. I mentioned you in the OP because I thought you left the board. And I was happy about that because I find your posts depressing. So many of your posts [not all] are just depressing to read.

Stop reading my threads. I don't read yours.

I can promise you, I will never read anything you post on here, if you just ignore me. I don't get any enjoyment out of your insulting posts - to me, and others - and I'd rather just enjoy Getbig without your input here.

But there is no block feature here

So how about I'll ignore your posts, and you ignore mine?

You are literally the most depressing person I have any degree of contact with, and it provides me with absolutely no benefit - only negativity.

You don't post constructive criticism. You just rip into people. And it's just depressing to read.

Please...just ignore me from here on out.

Can you do that, "Walter Sobchak"?


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2021, 02:08:05 AM »
Here's some more things I can objectively prove to Getbig, "Walter Sobchak", while you hide behind a fake name here and won't even upload a cellphone video of one of the monster lifts you claim, yet continue to bash others:

wally owns your mind. sad.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2021, 02:40:47 AM »
wally owns your mind. sad.

Considering the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would literally never even think of this anonymous liar ever again in my life, I'd say no.

In one post by Darren Avey, Walter Sobchak immediately started calling him gay.

I had no dog in that fight.

But it was annoying to have to read a pleasant post on here, only to have some anonymous name with a high school mentality call a respected board member here gay.

I post on here about various topics, show respect to my fellow Getbiggers, and come on here for information that is hardly ever presented in mainstream media, and is even heavily censored online.

And for what? To have threads and posts interrupted so "Walter Sobchak" can call myself and others gay?

Yeah, I love coming online to read a serious discussion, only to be inundated with childish insults clogging up threads like that.  ::)

One thing about me is that I don't deal with grey areas - I deal with objective facts, objective reality, and when I make claims - they are objective claims, that I provide objective claims to verify. And that's why some moron using a fake name, who has claimed many things about himself, and proven absolutely NOTHING, annoys me so much.

He calls me weak, then when I show him objective evidence ON VIDEO of my lift claims, he still denies what's publicly available for everything to see? ???

Walter is a fucking idiot. That much is already apparent. And the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would use it on him, and never think about him again, is all the evidence I need to know he is not in my head.

But what IS in my head is knowing that no amount of evidence possible is going to convince some people of something, if they don't want to believe it to be true.

And THAT - and people like that, idiots like "Walter Sobchak" - are why we are literally in house arrest here in Ontario.

Because no amount of proof that COVID health risks do NOT merit this level of government overreach is enough for some people.

I literally posted a video of me bench pressing 225 for 25 reps, and Walter claims I'm not strong - then says I use steroids.

LMAO! The fact that he assumes I was on steroids for that list is PROOF he thinks it's a good lift. If he thought it was weak, he wouldn't assume I needed chemical assistance to accomplish.

Absolute contradictory moron.

But people like him, who can never be convinced no matter how much evidence they are exposed to, annoy me.

His posts are just miserable, depressing, negative posts to read.

Ron - can you PLEASE install a block feature here? Do you think having a member who goes around trashing friendly members of the board is making this place attractive?

I admit, I've been reading Getbig less and less now, and Walter's posts are a part of that. I don't see how anyone would enjoy his posts.

My posts, long as they may be, tend to be informative, on-topic, and devoid of personal attacks on other members - and I NEVER personally attack other members at all unless they attack me first.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2021, 03:21:33 AM »
He calls me weak, then when I show.....

Walter is a fucking idiot. That much is already apparent.

wally is a 145 pound skinny fat effeminate - more effeminate than u.

of that I am sure.

yet, 'he' owns u - your mind.

which would not b possible, unless u were in fact mentally 'weak'.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2021, 06:28:15 AM »
Considering the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would literally never even think of this anonymous liar ever again in my life, I'd say no.

In one post by Darren Avey, Walter Sobchak immediately started calling him gay.

I had no dog in that fight.

But it was annoying to have to read a pleasant post on here, only to have some anonymous name with a high school mentality call a respected board member here gay.

I post on here about various topics, show respect to my fellow Getbiggers, and come on here for information that is hardly ever presented in mainstream media, and is even heavily censored online.

And for what? To have threads and posts interrupted so "Walter Sobchak" can call myself and others gay?

Yeah, I love coming online to read a serious discussion, only to be inundated with childish insults clogging up threads like that.  ::)

One thing about me is that I don't deal with grey areas - I deal with objective facts, objective reality, and when I make claims - they are objective claims, that I provide objective claims to verify. And that's why some moron using a fake name, who has claimed many things about himself, and proven absolutely NOTHING, annoys me so much.

He calls me weak, then when I show him objective evidence ON VIDEO of my lift claims, he still denies what's publicly available for everything to see? ???

Walter is a fucking idiot. That much is already apparent. And the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would use it on him, and never think about him again, is all the evidence I need to know he is not in my head.

But what IS in my head is knowing that no amount of evidence possible is going to convince some people of something, if they don't want to believe it to be true.

And THAT - and people like that, idiots like "Walter Sobchak" - are why we are literally in house arrest here in Ontario.

Because no amount of proof that COVID health risks do NOT merit this level of government overreach is enough for some people.

I literally posted a video of me bench pressing 225 for 25 reps, and Walter claims I'm not strong - then says I use steroids.

LMAO! The fact that he assumes I was on steroids for that list is PROOF he thinks it's a good lift. If he thought it was weak, he wouldn't assume I needed chemical assistance to accomplish.

Absolute contradictory moron.

But people like him, who can never be convinced no matter how much evidence they are exposed to, annoy me.

His posts are just miserable, depressing, negative posts to read.

Ron - can you PLEASE install a block feature here? Do you think having a member who goes around trashing friendly members of the board is making this place attractive?

I admit, I've been reading Getbig less and less now, and Walter's posts are a part of that. I don't see how anyone would enjoy his posts.

My posts, long as they may be, tend to be informative, on-topic, and devoid of personal attacks on other members - and I NEVER personally attack other members at all unless they attack me first.

Matty, the board HAS a block/ignore function these days!

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2021, 12:08:20 PM »
I don't "believe" anything. I acknowledge things when shown evidence.

Likewise with my claims - they are all objectively verifiable by way of third party sources.

I have objectively verified all of my life claims by video recording. And by you hiding behind a user name, acting like what I verified to be true is something someone would lie about is your tacit admission that I'm richer, stronger, and smarter than you.

If my bench press max was 245, you wouldn't say a thing. But you know exactly how rare a bench press max of 345-lb is - let alone for someone 182-lb and drug-free at the time of the lift. That's why you accuse of lying about lifts I have videos of. If my lifts [and wealth] didn't impress you, you'd just laugh.

Your tacit implication that I MUST be lying is proof that you think my lifts are strong. That's why I must be lying in your mind - because you are forced to admit I'm strong by acknowledging my lifts - the hilarious being that I have video evidence of my strength.

If you were so far ahead of me, you would LAUGH at a $660,00 home, and a 345-lb bench. A 130 IQ is high [in the top 2%], but ultimately that's only a 1 in 50 IQ score. Basically, take 50 random White people, and I would have the highest IQ.

That's not exactly Albert Einstein level intelligence.

It was smart enough to get me a math degree, and get Level III Top Secret security clearance when I was in the army.

And I never claimed to be a genius - I stated that I have a 130 IQ on here a few times, and ONLY when 90 to 105 IQ morons like you and King Shizzo attack me. I would LOVE to sit down to an IQ test with you, Walter. Because you're such an inconsiderate asshole on here that you deserve to be humbled.

A 130 IQ is not the biggest deal, anyway. But it is a big advantage in navigating life and the day-to-day bullshit that comes with it, when dealing with below average intelligence, 90 IQ morons, on a regular basis.

Out of curiosity, are you visually impaired?

When I post videos of my 225-lb bench press for 25 reps, or my 250-lb bench press for 17 reps...are you blind? Are you unable to watch these videos?

Because if so, that would explain why you are unable to view my bench press and other lift videos, which are publicly available on YouTube.

Or are you suggesting I'm using fake plates?

If so - thank you very much for that compliment! If you didn't think my lifts are strong, you wouldn't need to do that.

You would say "You bench 345-lb at 182-lb? Pfft, big deal."

Of course you KNOW that's a good lift [for my size - but also for 99% of people who train with free weights, regardless of body weight], and you just won't admit here.

Here's some more things I can objectively prove to Getbig, "Walter Sobchak", while you hide behind a fake name here and won't even upload a cellphone video of one of the monster lifts you claim, yet continue to bash others:

- I have a 4-year university BA degree in pure mathematics.
- I have a [useless] HBS.c degree in psychology.
- I have a minor in geography.
- I have a university certificate program in Environmental Management [roughly equal to a minor].

Yet you claim I'm unemployable?

I'm "unemployable" for the same reasons YOU are unemployable. Because we BOTH say things online that WOULD get any White person fired.

What's so hilarious about you saying I'm unemployable is that you say it with the implication that I lack skills or education, or the brains or work ethic to qualify for a job. In reality, I have the intelligence and work ethic to get any job - and I'd bet you any money, I would outperform you in anything, really. Be it a job or anything else.

I'm unemployable because I post anti-SJW things on thing, and openly supported Trump, and do things like that.

And guess what?

So do you.

But you know full well that if you openly said even 10% of the things using your real name that you say even just on Getbig, that you would immediately be reprimanded or straight up fired from your work.

And that's why you need to post anonymously as "Walter Sobchak", whereas everyone here knows that I'm Matt Canning from Thunder Bay [Port Arthur side], Ontario, Canada.

See - I'm not afraid to hide my political views like you are. I'm not forced into a psychological prison in order to live my life, the way you are.

And you accuse me of being a closet homosexual for saying Brad Pitt in Sleepers was the most handsome man ever, IMO.

Why would a closet guy be so comfortable complimenting other men's looks if he wanted to hide his homosexuality?  ::)

So I'm a closet homosexual...yet compliment men on their looks, and don't consider the fact that some people [idiots like you who don't grasp the logic in what I just said] would potentially accuse me of being in the closet?

What DECADE IS IT? I don't know what it's like in Chicago [ if you even live there, given you lie so damn much], but in my city, something like 1 in 20 houses have rainbow signs that say "Pride Lives Here".

We have rainbow crosswalks here!!!

But you think I would openly praise ADOLF HITLER online...but I'm worried about the social stigma of being a homosexual.

In 2021.


In a city that has literally voted Liberal for the past 85 YEARS.

And that in my desire to stay in the closet, I compliment the looks of various male celebrities and bodybuilders/models.

HAHAHAHAHA, oh brother.

Why would a closet gay man do that?

Wouldn't he be worried that would risk exposing him to homophobes like you?

My assumption, and this is not an insult [as I have no issues with homosexuals] is that you are severely in the closet, hence why you go around calling everyone gay.

Maybe you see me as a closet gay who is comfortable being in the closet, and it annoys you, hence why you want to call me out.

I could definitely understand how a frustrated closet gay would be mad at a closet gay who is fine being in the closet.

But in case you didn't notice, I had three kids with two moms, and attempted to get three other women pregnant, one of who, sadly, miscarried.

So that's five women I attempted to impregnate, three successfully, one miscarriage. The other two didn't work out because one had PCOS [not my fault...and just sad, especially for her, but I digress], and another lived in Dryden, and I didn't want to keep making an eight hour return trip each time to try to knock her up. I think we had like five attempts.

I don't want to detail this thread though, but the reason why I am so offended by you calling me gay is because there is NOTHING that I won't say online - NOTHING.

I would walk into a synagogue, and explain to them the Jewish role in communism/Bolshevism, and how many Jews were mass murderers in the 20th century.

I have NO PROBLEM saying ON RECORD, UNDER MY REAL NAME, that Adolf Hitler was one of the most misrepresented and mis-characterized human beings in history.

THAT has made me unemployable. LOL @ you implying I'm unemployable due to lack of skills or training when I have more university education than you do.

But I just can't stand people suggesting I would ever be ashamed of saying or doing or BEING anything.

I assure you - if I was gay, EVERYONE would know.

Stop projecting your fear of living publicly on me, "Walter Sobchak".

You hide behind a user name because you are scared to expose yourself. But for you to then say it's me who is in the closet...about ANY topic? Haha.

I've literally posted videos of my lifts, and you STILL refuse to acknowledge my strength.

I'll ask again - are you visually impaired? are right about one point though:

That I claimed to be muscular.

When did I EVER claim to be muscular? LOL!!!! It makes me laugh to even think that. Below is a photo attached of how I look normally - that is me at 170-lb, at around 15% body fat. That's the look I shoot for. An easy to maintain, health look.

I never claimed to be muscular!

Maybe in addition to being visually impaired, you also have difficulties with reading comprehension?

If so, I apologize for thinking you are such an asshole. I expose my autism publicly so people can understand why my posts are so long, and other quirks about me. Most understand, and it makes our relationships stronger.

If you told me that you are visually impaired, and have a learning disability that affects your reading comprehension, I would go from thinking you are a miserable prick who rips into people on here for no reason [people who said NOTHING negative to you], to thinking it's a function of certain conditions you have, and I would attempt to accommodate. I may still think you are a prick just for the sake of being one, but I would understand why.

Because you just seem miserable to me, honestly. I mentioned you in the OP because I thought you left the board. And I was happy about that because I find your posts depressing. So many of your posts [not all] are just depressing to read.

Stop reading my threads. I don't read yours.

I can promise you, I will never read anything you post on here, if you just ignore me. I don't get any enjoyment out of your insulting posts - to me, and others - and I'd rather just enjoy Getbig without your input here.

But there is no block feature here

So how about I'll ignore your posts, and you ignore mine?

You are literally the most depressing person I have any degree of contact with, and it provides me with absolutely no benefit - only negativity.

You don't post constructive criticism. You just rip into people. And it's just depressing to read.

Please...just ignore me from here on out.

Can you do that, "Walter Sobchak"?

Corky, I didn’t say Darren Avery was gay, you spastic bullshitter.

Get off the internet and go spend some time with your illegitimate kids.

No one here believes a word you say. Coming on Getbig and threatening to kill a cop is easily the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen posted here. You need your oversized skull smashed in, you skinnyfat, retarded twink.


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #40 on: April 18, 2021, 12:11:05 PM »
Corky, I didn’t say Darren Avery was gay, you spastic bullshitter.

Get off the internet and go spend some time with your illegitimate kids.

No one here believes a word you say. Coming on Getbig and threatening to kill a cop is easily the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen posted here. You need your oversized skull smashed in, you skinnyfat, retarded twink.

His name... was - QuakerOats...  ;D


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #41 on: April 18, 2021, 12:14:14 PM »
Matt you've made some interesting points that I didnt have time to read.

But maybe you make a good point that we need more low level autistic people in positions of leadership in our nations.



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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2021, 01:44:15 PM »
I don't "believe" anything. I acknowledge things when shown evidence.

Likewise with my claims - they are all objectively verifiable by way of third party sources.

I have objectively verified all of my life claims by video recording. And by you hiding behind a user name, acting like what I verified to be true is something someone would lie about is your tacit admission that I'm richer, stronger, and smarter than you.

If my bench press max was 245, you wouldn't say a thing. But you know exactly how rare a bench press max of 345-lb is - let alone for someone 182-lb and drug-free at the time of the lift. That's why you accuse of lying about lifts I have videos of. If my lifts [and wealth] didn't impress you, you'd just laugh.

Your tacit implication that I MUST be lying is proof that you think my lifts are strong. That's why I must be lying in your mind - because you are forced to admit I'm strong by acknowledging my lifts - the hilarious being that I have video evidence of my strength.

If you were so far ahead of me, you would LAUGH at a $660,00 home, and a 345-lb bench. A 130 IQ is high [in the top 2%], but ultimately that's only a 1 in 50 IQ score. Basically, take 50 random White people, and I would have the highest IQ.

That's not exactly Albert Einstein level intelligence.

It was smart enough to get me a math degree, and get Level III Top Secret security clearance when I was in the army.

And I never claimed to be a genius - I stated that I have a 130 IQ on here a few times, and ONLY when 90 to 105 IQ morons like you and King Shizzo attack me. I would LOVE to sit down to an IQ test with you, Walter. Because you're such an inconsiderate asshole on here that you deserve to be humbled.

A 130 IQ is not the biggest deal, anyway. But it is a big advantage in navigating life and the day-to-day bullshit that comes with it, when dealing with below average intelligence, 90 IQ morons, on a regular basis.


You seem like a good guy- AND you have posted your pics multiple times. A troll like Walter is like a fly at a picnic. Just get used to it. He has no effect, just an annoyance, lol.

As for the police comment- yes, as others have said- never post shit like that. Delete it.  Just a word to the wise.

BTW, your posts are generally too fucking long. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #43 on: April 18, 2021, 05:35:17 PM »


You seem like a good guy- AND you have posted your pics multiple times. A troll like Walter is like a fly at a picnic. Just get used to it. He has no effect, just an annoyance, lol.

As for the police comment- yes, as others have said- never post shit like that. Delete it.  Just a word to the wise.

BTW, your posts are generally too fucking long. Brevity is the soul of wit.

I do more for the poor and disadvantaged in a month than that Downs Syndrome twink has done in his life.

So kindly fuck off.

And then fuck off with extreme prejudice.



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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #44 on: April 18, 2021, 05:41:37 PM »
I don't "believe" anything. I acknowledge things when shown evidence.

Likewise with my claims - they are all objectively verifiable by way of third party sources.

I have objectively verified all of my life claims by video recording. And by you hiding behind a user name, acting like what I verified to be true is something someone would lie about is your tacit admission that I'm richer, stronger, and smarter than you.

If my bench press max was 245, you wouldn't say a thing. But you know exactly how rare a bench press max of 345-lb is - let alone for someone 182-lb and drug-free at the time of the lift. That's why you accuse of lying about lifts I have videos of. If my lifts [and wealth] didn't impress you, you'd just laugh.

Your tacit implication that I MUST be lying is proof that you think my lifts are strong. That's why I must be lying in your mind - because you are forced to admit I'm strong by acknowledging my lifts - the hilarious being that I have video evidence of my strength.

If you were so far ahead of me, you would LAUGH at a $660,00 home, and a 345-lb bench. A 130 IQ is high [in the top 2%], but ultimately that's only a 1 in 50 IQ score. Basically, take 50 random White people, and I would have the highest IQ.

That's not exactly Albert Einstein level intelligence.

It was smart enough to get me a math degree, and get Level III Top Secret security clearance when I was in the army.

And I never claimed to be a genius - I stated that I have a 130 IQ on here a few times, and ONLY when 90 to 105 IQ morons like you and King Shizzo attack me. I would LOVE to sit down to an IQ test with you, Walter. Because you're such an inconsiderate asshole on here that you deserve to be humbled.

A 130 IQ is not the biggest deal, anyway. But it is a big advantage in navigating life and the day-to-day bullshit that comes with it, when dealing with below average intelligence, 90 IQ morons, on a regular basis.

Out of curiosity, are you visually impaired?

When I post videos of my 225-lb bench press for 25 reps, or my 250-lb bench press for 17 reps...are you blind? Are you unable to watch these videos?

Because if so, that would explain why you are unable to view my bench press and other lift videos, which are publicly available on YouTube.

Or are you suggesting I'm using fake plates?

If so - thank you very much for that compliment! If you didn't think my lifts are strong, you wouldn't need to do that.

You would say "You bench 345-lb at 182-lb? Pfft, big deal."

Of course you KNOW that's a good lift [for my size - but also for 99% of people who train with free weights, regardless of body weight], and you just won't admit here.

Here's some more things I can objectively prove to Getbig, "Walter Sobchak", while you hide behind a fake name here and won't even upload a cellphone video of one of the monster lifts you claim, yet continue to bash others:

- I have a 4-year university BA degree in pure mathematics.
- I have a [useless] HBS.c degree in psychology.
- I have a minor in geography.
- I have a university certificate program in Environmental Management [roughly equal to a minor].

Yet you claim I'm unemployable?

I'm "unemployable" for the same reasons YOU are unemployable. Because we BOTH say things online that WOULD get any White person fired.

What's so hilarious about you saying I'm unemployable is that you say it with the implication that I lack skills or education, or the brains or work ethic to qualify for a job. In reality, I have the intelligence and work ethic to get any job - and I'd bet you any money, I would outperform you in anything, really. Be it a job or anything else.

I'm unemployable because I post anti-SJW things on thing, and openly supported Trump, and do things like that.

And guess what?

So do you.

But you know full well that if you openly said even 10% of the things using your real name that you say even just on Getbig, that you would immediately be reprimanded or straight up fired from your work.

And that's why you need to post anonymously as "Walter Sobchak", whereas everyone here knows that I'm Matt Canning from Thunder Bay [Port Arthur side], Ontario, Canada.

See - I'm not afraid to hide my political views like you are. I'm not forced into a psychological prison in order to live my life, the way you are.

And you accuse me of being a closet homosexual for saying Brad Pitt in Sleepers was the most handsome man ever, IMO.

Why would a closet guy be so comfortable complimenting other men's looks if he wanted to hide his homosexuality?  ::)

So I'm a closet homosexual...yet compliment men on their looks, and don't consider the fact that some people [idiots like you who don't grasp the logic in what I just said] would potentially accuse me of being in the closet?

What DECADE IS IT? I don't know what it's like in Chicago [ if you even live there, given you lie so damn much], but in my city, something like 1 in 20 houses have rainbow signs that say "Pride Lives Here".

We have rainbow crosswalks here!!!

But you think I would openly praise ADOLF HITLER online...but I'm worried about the social stigma of being a homosexual.

In 2021.


In a city that has literally voted Liberal for the past 85 YEARS.

And that in my desire to stay in the closet, I compliment the looks of various male celebrities and bodybuilders/models.

HAHAHAHAHA, oh brother.

Why would a closet gay man do that?

Wouldn't he be worried that would risk exposing him to homophobes like you?

My assumption, and this is not an insult [as I have no issues with homosexuals] is that you are severely in the closet, hence why you go around calling everyone gay.

Maybe you see me as a closet gay who is comfortable being in the closet, and it annoys you, hence why you want to call me out.

I could definitely understand how a frustrated closet gay would be mad at a closet gay who is fine being in the closet.

But in case you didn't notice, I had three kids with two moms, and attempted to get three other women pregnant, one of who, sadly, miscarried.

So that's five women I attempted to impregnate, three successfully, one miscarriage. The other two didn't work out because one had PCOS [not my fault...and just sad, especially for her, but I digress], and another lived in Dryden, and I didn't want to keep making an eight hour return trip each time to try to knock her up. I think we had like five attempts.

I don't want to detail this thread though, but the reason why I am so offended by you calling me gay is because there is NOTHING that I won't say online - NOTHING.

I would walk into a synagogue, and explain to them the Jewish role in communism/Bolshevism, and how many Jews were mass murderers in the 20th century.

I have NO PROBLEM saying ON RECORD, UNDER MY REAL NAME, that Adolf Hitler was one of the most misrepresented and mis-characterized human beings in history.

THAT has made me unemployable. LOL @ you implying I'm unemployable due to lack of skills or training when I have more university education than you do.

But I just can't stand people suggesting I would ever be ashamed of saying or doing or BEING anything.

I assure you - if I was gay, EVERYONE would know.

Stop projecting your fear of living publicly on me, "Walter Sobchak".

You hide behind a user name because you are scared to expose yourself. But for you to then say it's me who is in the closet...about ANY topic? Haha.

I've literally posted videos of my lifts, and you STILL refuse to acknowledge my strength.

I'll ask again - are you visually impaired? are right about one point though:

That I claimed to be muscular.

When did I EVER claim to be muscular? LOL!!!! It makes me laugh to even think that. Below is a photo attached of how I look normally - that is me at 170-lb, at around 15% body fat. That's the look I shoot for. An easy to maintain, health look.

I never claimed to be muscular!

Maybe in addition to being visually impaired, you also have difficulties with reading comprehension?

If so, I apologize for thinking you are such an asshole. I expose my autism publicly so people can understand why my posts are so long, and other quirks about me. Most understand, and it makes our relationships stronger.

If you told me that you are visually impaired, and have a learning disability that affects your reading comprehension, I would go from thinking you are a miserable prick who rips into people on here for no reason [people who said NOTHING negative to you], to thinking it's a function of certain conditions you have, and I would attempt to accommodate. I may still think you are a prick just for the sake of being one, but I would understand why.

Because you just seem miserable to me, honestly. I mentioned you in the OP because I thought you left the board. And I was happy about that because I find your posts depressing. So many of your posts [not all] are just depressing to read.

Stop reading my threads. I don't read yours.

I can promise you, I will never read anything you post on here, if you just ignore me. I don't get any enjoyment out of your insulting posts - to me, and others - and I'd rather just enjoy Getbig without your input here.

But there is no block feature here

So how about I'll ignore your posts, and you ignore mine?

You are literally the most depressing person I have any degree of contact with, and it provides me with absolutely no benefit - only negativity.

You don't post constructive criticism. You just rip into people. And it's just depressing to read.

Please...just ignore me from here on out.

Can you do that, "Walter Sobchak"?
Considering the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would literally never even think of this anonymous liar ever again in my life, I'd say no.

In one post by Darren Avey, Walter Sobchak immediately started calling him gay.

I had no dog in that fight.

But it was annoying to have to read a pleasant post on here, only to have some anonymous name with a high school mentality call a respected board member here gay.

I post on here about various topics, show respect to my fellow Getbiggers, and come on here for information that is hardly ever presented in mainstream media, and is even heavily censored online.

And for what? To have threads and posts interrupted so "Walter Sobchak" can call myself and others gay?

Yeah, I love coming online to read a serious discussion, only to be inundated with childish insults clogging up threads like that.  ::)

One thing about me is that I don't deal with grey areas - I deal with objective facts, objective reality, and when I make claims - they are objective claims, that I provide objective claims to verify. And that's why some moron using a fake name, who has claimed many things about himself, and proven absolutely NOTHING, annoys me so much.

He calls me weak, then when I show him objective evidence ON VIDEO of my lift claims, he still denies what's publicly available for everything to see? ???

Walter is a fucking idiot. That much is already apparent. And the fact that if this board had a block feature, I would use it on him, and never think about him again, is all the evidence I need to know he is not in my head.

But what IS in my head is knowing that no amount of evidence possible is going to convince some people of something, if they don't want to believe it to be true.

And THAT - and people like that, idiots like "Walter Sobchak" - are why we are literally in house arrest here in Ontario.

Because no amount of proof that COVID health risks do NOT merit this level of government overreach is enough for some people.

I literally posted a video of me bench pressing 225 for 25 reps, and Walter claims I'm not strong - then says I use steroids.

LMAO! The fact that he assumes I was on steroids for that list is PROOF he thinks it's a good lift. If he thought it was weak, he wouldn't assume I needed chemical assistance to accomplish.

Absolute contradictory moron.

But people like him, who can never be convinced no matter how much evidence they are exposed to, annoy me.

His posts are just miserable, depressing, negative posts to read.

Ron - can you PLEASE install a block feature here? Do you think having a member who goes around trashing friendly members of the board is making this place attractive?

I admit, I've been reading Getbig less and less now, and Walter's posts are a part of that. I don't see how anyone would enjoy his posts.

My posts, long as they may be, tend to be informative, on-topic, and devoid of personal attacks on other members - and I NEVER personally attack other members at all unless they attack me first.
Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didn't have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in the male world.
They're insecure because they're girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom.
They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunately they can get as big as they can it doesn't cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back through various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc).

They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attempting to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didn't have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2021, 06:45:56 PM »

Matt C’s $660,000 house

Matt C’s muscular build

Matt C’s heavy bench presses

Matt C’s 130 IQ

This spectral retard actually believes the bullshit he posts.

He wouldn't reach 130 on the metric system.


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2021, 06:52:20 PM »
Because, I'm basing it on a date that one could reasonably think could be done by on honest government.

Even honest, non-power thirsty leaders, could have done this pandemic response until June 1st. The date is arbitrary...but close enough, IMO.

So, I decided to pick June 1st, to see if they would let up.

Also, you don't get what I mean by going back to my normal:

In 2007, I flipped a copy on his back and punched him out for his violating my rights. I was 25 then.

I'm saying that starting June 1st: ALL BETS ARE OFF, regarding good behaviour on my part.

I may well stab a cop to death at that point.


I already haven't been following it. I never wear a mask, for instance.

But I haven't pushed back completely yet.

THAT starts June 1st.

[keep in mind that I was trespassed from Indigo in December for not wearing a mask - the police showed up. So don't pretend for a second I have been going along with this - only now, it escalates].

You picked June 1st because it was far enough away for you to hope that your gov't acts and clear things up some so you wouldn't have to look like a bitch for not doing anything.   No different from the fat girl saying she will start her summer diet on June 1st. 


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2021, 06:52:45 PM »
My impression of Brother Matt is he’s exceptionally intelligent and insightful.

Dave D

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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2021, 06:54:45 PM »
I’m glad to see that despite all of our political, geographical and socioeconomic differences this board can still have unity.

Thank you Matt.

This might be Matt  C’s greatest gift.


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Re: Ontario on House Arrest.
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2021, 07:09:16 PM »
All countries love Canada!! The world hates the USA!! Why is that??

do they love it?  when people outside of north america come to vacation here, they choose to visit canada over america?