Author Topic: Australia goes full retard  (Read 15563 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #350 on: October 24, 2021, 11:18:38 AM »
All kidding aside.

Why don’t you just get the vaccine instead of ruining your life?

Are you sacred of the vaccine? Are you trying to prove a point?

Not trolling here. Just trying to understand.


In a nutshell, my gf personally witnessed six adverse events including two heart attacks and a stroke within days of vaccine administration. Another woman in my very small town is dead, severe headaches began the day after Pfizer, died within a week. I conclude that the official data, citing one in millions, is inaccurate.

Efficacy is crap vs Delta and it's gonna get worse,  maybe to the point of ADE (but I speculate). Highly vaccinated countries continue to have problems. Bad commercial.

It's an embarrassment. To Trump. To Biden. To science. Spike protein portion synthesis to produce antibodies is looking increasingly like the wrong approach altogether. Delta keeps spreading among the vaccinated. 'Still helps tho' is  long way from my definition of effective. Like, if I get vaccinated for polio I can't catch polio and I can't spread polio. That's a vaccine. This thing is a therapeutic, and a risky one at that imo. They need to go back to the drawing board.

Lastly, there's no covid in Western Australia. Zero. And the border is staying closed until at least the new year.  So why would I not let more data accrue? Even if I judged it safe and efficacious, which I don't, there's no medical reason to run out and get it. Ain't no covid here.

And I don't believe it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It's a pandemic of the unfit. But Boss Man Joe can't be at the podium quothin' "Yo you fuckin diabeetus lardasses! Keto! Nao!"


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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #351 on: October 24, 2021, 11:24:27 AM »
Thanks for answering.  Was just curious since you are universally respected on here for many reasons including good judgment.

Thank you for your vote of confidence.

My personal view is that if the vaccine doesn't stop you from:
  • Getting COVID
  • Spreading COVID
  • Getting sick or dying from COVID
....then why is it being pushed so aggressively onto us?

I know (based on what science suggests) that it's supposed to ameliorate the effects of COVID once you contract it, but we also have immune systems that can help us with that.

So, my view is that if you are healthy and relatively young, you shouldn't be forced to take it and should instead have a choice in the matter.

If you are older (65+) or are very sickly (many comorbidities: Heart disease, Diabetes, Obesity, Pulmonary disorders etc) or are both older and sickly, then it is likely not a terrible idea. I say "likely" not a terrible idea, as I have no clue what long-term effects the use of this vaccine can bring. None of us have any idea. So when they push the notion that billions of people have been vaccinated so it clearly must be safe, we are taking about an experimental phase that has been conducted for just under a year now (Pfizer vaccine was released on Dec. 11, 2020).

Ultimately, I am not against vaccination, but when anyone tries to force anything onto you, I completely turn the other way. If we are given a choice, all is well. It's when we are forced to do something that it points to the potential of something sinister occurring behind the veil.

By the way, NOTHING I share should be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor or researcher or anything of the sort. I am just like everyone else here.



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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #352 on: October 24, 2021, 11:24:56 AM »
In a nutshell, my gf personally witnessed six adverse events including two heart attacks and a stroke within days of vaccine administration. Another woman in my very small town is dead, severe headaches began the day after Pfizer, died within a week. I conclude that the official data, citing one in millions, is inaccurate.

Efficacy is crap vs Delta and it's gonna get worse,  maybe to the point of ADE (but I speculate). Highly vaccinated countries continue to have problems. Bad commercial.

It's an embarrassment. To Trump. To Biden. To science. Spike protein portion synthesis to produce antibodies is looking increasingly like the wrong approach altogether. Delta keeps spreading among the vaccinated. 'Still helps tho' is  long way from my definition of effective. Like, if I get vaccinated for polio I can't catch polio and I can't spread polio. That's a vaccine. This thing is a therapeutic, and a risky one at that imo. They need to go back to the drawing board.

Lastly, there's no covid in Western Australia. Zero. And the border is staying closed until at least the new year.  So why would I not let more data accrue? Even if I judged it safe and efficacious, which I don't, there's no medical reason to run out and get it. Ain't no covid here.

And I don't believe it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It's a pandemic of the unfit. But Boss Man Joe can't be at the podium quothin' "Yo you fuckin diabeetus lardasses! Keto! Nao!"

Thank you for your honest response.

I apologize for RAZZING you earlier.

What sucks the most about COVID is how much it divides people.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #353 on: October 24, 2021, 11:38:33 AM »
Few questions...

Are you originally from Australia? Did you migrate there from another country?

I agree that vaccine mandates go against basic human rights. The approach they are using is, "The vaccines aren't mandated, but if you fail to get them you won't be able to have a job or partake in any of the basic freedoms that allow you to take part in the shared existence of humanity". This is a forced approach, as noncompliance essentially turns you into a pariah. If you have a family (wife, husband, kids etc) and you can't make money to house and feed them, that changes circumstances. Before allowing a child to go hungry, I'm sure you'll take a bullet.

Are there any medical or religious exemptions you can apply for? Are there any other ways around this mandate that you can foresee?


Born in Wisconsin but grew up in New Jersey.  I'm from a suburb of Princeton. Nice Jersey. Not the rough parts.

Been here since late 99. Great country. I'll never be one of them but the people are generally really great. It's kinda breaking my heart to see the government doing this to them.

The permitted exemptions are hilarious. They're online of you care to look. Basically, you can have a temporary exemption if you are currently sick with covid, but you'll have to get vaccinated once you recover. The only permanent exemption is for the second shot if you experience anaphylaxis and almost die from the first, lol. Swear to god, it's in print on the wa government site.


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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #354 on: October 24, 2021, 11:52:36 AM »
Born in Wisconsin but grew up in New Jersey.  I'm from a suburb of Princeton. Nice Jersey. Not the rough parts.

Been here since late 99. Great country. I'll never be one of them but the people are generally really great. It's kinda breaking my heart to see the government doing this to them.

The permitted exemptions are hilarious. They're online of you care to look. Basically, you can have a temporary exemption if you are currently sick with covid, but you'll have to get vaccinated once you recover. The only permanent exemption is for the second shot if you experience anaphylaxis and almost die from the first, lol. Swear to god, it's in print on the wa government site.

Would you ever consider coming home or are you worried that sooner or later the USA will fall the way that Australia has?



  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #355 on: October 24, 2021, 11:53:30 AM »
Thank you for your honest response.

I apologize for RAZZING you earlier.

What sucks the most about COVID is how much it divides people.

No blood, no foul.

Honestly, my decision remains a work in progress, but it'll take a lot to get me to ignore what my gf saw happen. In the event of an outbreak, I'm gonna go back into the gas mask and alcohol my hands constantly. I don't want to get sick. I don't want to get anyone else sick.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #356 on: October 24, 2021, 12:15:31 PM »
No blood, no foul.

Honestly, my decision remains a work in progress, but it'll take a lot to get me to ignore what my gf saw happen. In the event of an outbreak, I'm gonna go back into the gas mask and alcohol my hands constantly. I don't want to get sick. I don't want to get anyone else sick.

Good luck.

Sure challenging times for everyone now.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #357 on: October 24, 2021, 12:26:14 PM »
Would you ever consider coming home or are you worried that sooner or later the USA will fall the way that Australia has?


Hard question. I've been thinking and thinking on it. I'm inclined to give them the benefit of time and a chance to come to their senses here. Idk if that'll see me placed in a cattle car, however.

If they get silly and stay that way, I'd probably be asking how much I really want to live under a totalitarian government. If it's a temporary madness, however, I'd stick around.

I'd also be looking at the viability of the US. Looking pretty shaky back home too, tbh.

Also wonder if asking where life is best for me is even the right question to ask. Maybe I'm an idiot but I want to behave in a way that I'd be proud to tell someone about later, even if it's just me when I come to die. Not to get all heavy or anything, lol.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #358 on: October 24, 2021, 12:27:16 PM »
No blood, no foul.

Honestly, my decision remains a work in progress, but it'll take a lot to get me to ignore what my gf saw happen. In the event of an outbreak, I'm gonna go back into the gas mask and alcohol my hands constantly. I don't want to get sick. I don't want to get anyone else sick.

Nothing but 100% respect for this post.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #359 on: October 24, 2021, 12:41:21 PM »
Nothing but 100% respect for this post.

Thanks man. I'm still hoping a solution will turn up and we all go on Big Ron's party bus. Calling designated drinker.

Grape, I gotta crash tonight. Will send you a pm tomorrow.


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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #360 on: October 24, 2021, 12:46:33 PM »
Maybe I'm an idiot but I want to behave in a way that I'd be proud to tell someone about later, even if it's just me when I come to die. Not to get all heavy or anything, lol.

To me this is of utmost importance.

Live life on your terms. To bend to the will of anyone is unacceptable (cue Grape Ape to drop a joke). These events could very well go down as a turning point for humanity. What side of the line you stand on can have serious ramifications towards your life. I honor people like you. Your actions are honorable and are what I believe humanity should strive towards (ie the pursuit of freedom).

When we reach a point that governments no longer work for the people, but instead require people bend to their will and work for them, that's the point of no return. Either people come together or they shall perish.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #361 on: October 25, 2021, 02:59:48 PM »
I asked you a question. How is that saying you are wrong? What part about my son working on a military base telling me masks are required did I read online?

I knew you would do this. ;D

They don't wear them.

Nobody requires it.

The only place they wear them is at the check-in booth at the front gate. Once on-site it is not enforced.

Just a few weeks ago as WSMR i was at a desk with 12 other people in the maintenance building. Nobody had a mask on.

I've been through multiple buildings and was never asked to wear a mask.

Some people do.

The Queen of NM has mandated masks indoors again. I walk into places every single day with no mask and nobody says anything.

I'm not saying you're wrong, i'm just saying that what you read online versus what happens in the real world is not the same.

You proved my point though, so thank you.

Vince B

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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #362 on: October 25, 2021, 04:01:22 PM »
Australia hasn't been a country for almost two years now. States can close borders and most are shut at the moment. The dopey governments have put all their eggs in one basket, vaccinations. Or the jab, because there is no Covid vaccine. The media are 100% behind the mass get the jab campaign. The people here are so complacent that they believe crap that freedoms are being granted when jab rates are over 80%. The unjabbed will have to wait. The governments won't mandate getting the jab but many businesses and organizations are doing their dirty work. Science has been put in the garbage can and our health is dictated by overseas interests such as WHO and CDC. When commercial interests are involved we can expect more shit in the future. The pharmaceutical companies shouldn't have a say in policies but they apply influence indirectly. We won't be out of this mess for at least a year.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #363 on: October 25, 2021, 08:49:32 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Australia goes full retard
« Reply #364 on: October 25, 2021, 11:54:50 PM »
QANTAS CEO , Irish poofter Alan Joyce was the 1st in AU who sugested 'WAXXED passports' for all travelers !.

But who is behind him ?.