Author Topic: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion  (Read 207812 times)


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #725 on: January 20, 2022, 12:27:10 AM »
Matt, will you get them in a death grip and crush them with your mong strength?  :o

Phantom Spunker - why do you reply to my posts by being sarcastic or belittling? If you think my posts are too long, I totally understand - but if you don't have a rebuttal, why are even conversing with me?

I think OAK's fear is completely irrational, but as long as he is civil to me, I'll be civil to him in my replies.

As for what I will do in the event that a police violates my explicitly protected and guaranteed rights as a citizen of Canada [assaults me] again:

I'll stab or shoot them. I'll let that matter get settled in court.

I've drawn the line in the sand that I'm done with this pandemic. I'm not going to do nothing while watching as our rights get taken here, especially at this pace.

That last [and thus far, ONLY] time that I had to deal with the police acting illegally, it resulted in my flipping an officer on his back, and punching his face in.

As he was breaking the law, all four trumped up charges against me were dropped - including the Assault Police charge.

I respect police officers on the whole - but ONLY when they are in the lawful operations of their duty.

I don't think it will come up again though, because forcing me to wear a mask most likely won't happen to me again - I had an incident in a bookstore, where someone called 9-1-1 over me not wearing a mask.

What I haven't shared on here yet is:

I waited 6.5 months for the Thunder Bay Police Service to give me assurance that they wouldn't assault me or make false arrests over not wearing a mask ever again [in Canada, there is NO LAW that requires people to wear a mask - and there are ample reasons to be medically exempt from one].

And then, growing impatient staying inside 23 hours a day, sweating like a pig indoors, I had enough. I e-mailed the TBPS, and said if any police officer wants to illegally force me to use a mask, that since their actions are illegal, they are not within the lawful application of their duty, and I explained to them in extreme detail what would happen if a police officer violates my rights.

After writing THAT to them [what I wrote was in explicit detail], I received a response from the police THE NEXT DAY.

Six days after that, the entire matter was settled IN WRITING in my favour. End of discussion. But now with plans to tax the unvaccinated, and with currently over 25% of Canadians feeling that the unvaccinated should be SENTENCED TO JAIL TIME, I simply take nothing for granted:

Look at the Canadian police response because a man decided to BREATHE FRESH AIR:

And look what Quebec's power-mad premier is proposing:

^ Read the comments! There's no chance that this system holds up once people are told they need multiple boosters a year to keep their rights.

I've picked a side, and I will stick to that side. No amount of pressure is going to make me budge about the vaccines OR masks.

I told myself that I wanted two years from the rollout date in order to get the vaccine, and ONLY if I perceive the benefits as being greater than the risks. After all, I purposely exposed myself to Covid in the first wave [not knowing it was Covid at that time, as it wasn't in the news yet], and while it was BY FAR the longest flu I ever had - it WAS ultimately just a flu.

Why would I get a vaccine for a virus that is 99.99% survivable for anyone in my age and health status, WHEN I ALREADY GOT AND BEAT IT??

Where are the studies showing people with natural immunity aren't at any additional risk?? And WHAT THE HELL IS THE BENEFIT??? My antibody count was still HUGE in both July of 2021, and again in September of 2021, confirmed by blood test.

This entire narrative is going to collapse, just as the USSR collapsed - eventually literally everyone knew it was a joke, but people were too afraid of the secret police whisking them away.

That's why I put my foot down at police enforcement of ANY of this. I don't give a hang if some John Q. Citizen demands I wear a mask - or some security guard getting paid $20 CAD [$3.40 USD]. I'll just say no.

ONLY when the requests of these citizens currently caught up in the GLOBAL MASS PSYCHOSIS going on right now, are BACKED BY POLICE FORCE, do I have a problem with this. And that is exactly when I will intervene if it happens. 100% NO - I will not be tolerating police abuse or any other illegal police conduct with respect to this hysteria. If they change the laws, I might change my mind here - but for the time being, the law is on my side, and I will NOT be complying.

Because by doing that, then these mandates go from voluntary [as is their actual nature], to COMPULSORY [which they absolutely ARE NOT - not under Canadian laws currently on the books].

The thing is - no man of my size and strength [and I'm small by Getbig standards, but still by far stronger than 90% of the general population] should EVER be intimidated not wearing a mask. If you want to wear one because you think a $0.30 fabric mask is going to save you, then knock yourselves out.

For those thinking that it "helps" other people...what if I told you that if you don't have Covid...WELL THEN, GOSH DARNIT, YOU CAN'T SPREAD IT EITHER. The ONLY thing you are doing is impeding your breathing, but again...knock yourselves out. Just keep me out of it! This is global mass psychosis on par with witch burnings in the mideavil times. And that is why I put my food down last June 1st - I will NOT be adhering of the illegal protocols, and I have stopped a LONG time ago.

And if the police assault me in the process of upholding mandates WHICH ARE NOT LAWS, I'll defend myself in the most extreme way possible. I explicitly wrote them that no violations of my rights will be tolerated.

Do you think I give two fucking shits about going to jail for stabbing a cop breaking the law? Every day, jail seems like a better and better option than the current Clown World shit-show we are in!

Don't like it? THEN CHANGE THE FUCKING LAW. Right now! Change it so everyone has to wear full PPE, including Hazmat suits. But as this ENTIRE PANDEMIC RESPONSE continues to be completely illegal, I won't be abiding by any of the illegal policies, which are all only MANDATES, not LAWS. And therefore [ILLEGAL] police conduct will have to be used to enforce any of this on me.

And I'll be defending myself, just as I would do so if any criminal sought to do me harm! I don't care if they have a badge. If they continue to break the law, I will be defending myself appropriately.

As for me - until the law changes, I won't be wearing a mask. I won't be following any mandates, or "suggestions", or "strong recommendations".

Make me.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #726 on: January 20, 2022, 01:14:44 AM »
thanks matt
wish everyone were like you we would not be in this mess
when they tell oak they need to snip off his inch-worm as its a covid spreader will he comply?
do scared sheep like oak have a limit?


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« Reply #727 on: January 20, 2022, 03:49:51 AM »
Phantom Spunker - why do you reply to my posts by being sarcastic or belittling? If you think my posts are too long, I totally understand - but if you don't have a rebuttal, why are even conversing with me?

I think OAK's fear is completely irrational, but as long as he is civil to me, I'll be civil to him in my replies.

As for what I will do in the event that a police violates my explicitly protected and guaranteed rights as a citizen of Canada [assaults me] again:

I'll stab or shoot them. I'll let that matter get settled in court.

I've drawn the line in the sand that I'm done with this pandemic. I'm not going to do nothing while watching as our rights get taken here, especially at this pace.

That last [and thus far, ONLY] time that I had to deal with the police acting illegally, it resulted in my flipping an officer on his back, and punching his face in.

As he was breaking the law, all four trumped up charges against me were dropped - including the Assault Police charge.

I respect police officers on the whole - but ONLY when they are in the lawful operations of their duty.

I don't think it will come up again though, because forcing me to wear a mask most likely won't happen to me again - I had an incident in a bookstore, where someone called 9-1-1 over me not wearing a mask.

What I haven't shared on here yet is:

I waited 6.5 months for the Thunder Bay Police Service to give me assurance that they wouldn't assault me or make false arrests over not wearing a mask ever again [in Canada, there is NO LAW that requires people to wear a mask - and there are ample reasons to be medically exempt from one].

And then, growing impatient staying inside 23 hours a day, sweating like a pig indoors, I had enough. I e-mailed the TBPS, and said if any police officer wants to illegally force me to use a mask, that since their actions are illegal, they are not within the lawful application of their duty, and I explained to them in extreme detail what would happen if a police officer violates my rights.

After writing THAT to them [what I wrote was in explicit detail], I received a response from the police THE NEXT DAY.

Six days after that, the entire matter was settled IN WRITING in my favour. End of discussion. But now with plans to tax the unvaccinated, and with currently over 25% of Canadians feeling that the unvaccinated should be SENTENCED TO JAIL TIME, I simply take nothing for granted:

Look at the Canadian police response because a man decided to BREATHE FRESH AIR:

And look what Quebec's power-mad premier is proposing:

^ Read the comments! There's no chance that this system holds up once people are told they need multiple boosters a year to keep their rights.

I've picked a side, and I will stick to that side. No amount of pressure is going to make me budge about the vaccines OR masks.

I told myself that I wanted two years from the rollout date in order to get the vaccine, and ONLY if I perceive the benefits as being greater than the risks. After all, I purposely exposed myself to Covid in the first wave [not knowing it was Covid at that time, as it wasn't in the news yet], and while it was BY FAR the longest flu I ever had - it WAS ultimately just a flu.

Why would I get a vaccine for a virus that is 99.99% survivable for anyone in my age and health status, WHEN I ALREADY GOT AND BEAT IT??

Where are the studies showing people with natural immunity aren't at any additional risk?? And WHAT THE HELL IS THE BENEFIT??? My antibody count was still HUGE in both July of 2021, and again in September of 2021, confirmed by blood test.

This entire narrative is going to collapse, just as the USSR collapsed - eventually literally everyone knew it was a joke, but people were too afraid of the secret police whisking them away.

That's why I put my foot down at police enforcement of ANY of this. I don't give a hang if some John Q. Citizen demands I wear a mask - or some security guard getting paid $20 CAD [$3.40 USD]. I'll just say no.

ONLY when the requests of these citizens currently caught up in the GLOBAL MASS PSYCHOSIS going on right now, are BACKED BY POLICE FORCE, do I have a problem with this. And that is exactly when I will intervene if it happens. 100% NO - I will not be tolerating police abuse or any other illegal police conduct with respect to this hysteria. If they change the laws, I might change my mind here - but for the time being, the law is on my side, and I will NOT be complying.

Because by doing that, then these mandates go from voluntary [as is their actual nature], to COMPULSORY [which they absolutely ARE NOT - not under Canadian laws currently on the books].

The thing is - no man of my size and strength [and I'm small by Getbig standards, but still by far stronger than 90% of the general population] should EVER be intimidated not wearing a mask. If you want to wear one because you think a $0.30 fabric mask is going to save you, then knock yourselves out.

For those thinking that it "helps" other people...what if I told you that if you don't have Covid...WELL THEN, GOSH DARNIT, YOU CAN'T SPREAD IT EITHER. The ONLY thing you are doing is impeding your breathing, but again...knock yourselves out. Just keep me out of it! This is global mass psychosis on par with witch burnings in the mideavil times. And that is why I put my food down last June 1st - I will NOT be adhering of the illegal protocols, and I have stopped a LONG time ago.

And if the police assault me in the process of upholding mandates WHICH ARE NOT LAWS, I'll defend myself in the most extreme way possible. I explicitly wrote them that no violations of my rights will be tolerated.

Do you think I give two fucking shits about going to jail for stabbing a cop breaking the law? Every day, jail seems like a better and better option than the current Clown World shit-show we are in!

Don't like it? THEN CHANGE THE FUCKING LAW. Right now! Change it so everyone has to wear full PPE, including Hazmat suits. But as this ENTIRE PANDEMIC RESPONSE continues to be completely illegal, I won't be abiding by any of the illegal policies, which are all only MANDATES, not LAWS. And therefore [ILLEGAL] police conduct will have to be used to enforce any of this on me.

And I'll be defending myself, just as I would do so if any criminal sought to do me harm! I don't care if they have a badge. If they continue to break the law, I will be defending myself appropriately.

As for me - until the law changes, I won't be wearing a mask. I won't be following any mandates, or "suggestions", or "strong recommendations".

Make me.

So many are so far gone they may Never fully recover  ::)
Leave them to it.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #728 on: January 20, 2022, 04:58:16 AM »
if you go to a decent/serious gym
give it  a once over, its sort of like forums
you have youre serious lifters strong not afraid of much (basically men w/ testosterone either natural or synthetic)
then you have your average lame gym-goers - gen-pop type (dems)
they wear masks they walk a bit on the treadmill they spray things down like each dose of said lysol is another inch on their tiny peens
they walk into a weight room, look around, no real knowledge of what they are doing they wing-it then they pick a random exercise for one-set walk out, etc
they walk around and talk to people who are masked they are soft, out of shape
that like the dems on muscle-forums they are here for different reasons
maybe some worship nude-men in sandal-films
maybe some just come to talk and push their dem-opinion on others who are not scared little girls they are minority though
like this place. 95% men/ladies who arent afraid (be it indies of conservative) the other 5% are comical useless and very braindead dems
yet they come back for more trying to push an agenda no one cares about
sort of like them at the gym, masked and wasting time/space
comical bunch really

Thin Lizzy

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #729 on: January 20, 2022, 06:24:49 AM »
if you go to a decent/serious gym
give it  a once over, its sort of like forums
you have youre serious lifters strong not afraid of much (basically men w/ testosterone either natural or synthetic)
then you have your average lame gym-goers - gen-pop type (dems)
they wear masks they walk a bit on the treadmill they spray things down like each dose of said lysol is another inch on their tiny peens
they walk into a weight room, look around, no real knowledge of what they are doing they wing-it then they pick a random exercise for one-set walk out, etc
they walk around and talk to people who are masked they are soft, out of shape
that like the dems on muscle-forums they are here for different reasons
maybe some worship nude-men in sandal-films
maybe some just come to talk and push their dem-opinion on others who are not scared little girls they are minority though
like this place. 95% men/ladies who arent afraid (be it indies of conservative) the other 5% are comical useless and very braindead dems
yet they come back for more trying to push an agenda no one cares about
sort of like them at the gym, masked and wasting time/space
comical bunch really

Posts like this are why I still come to this board after 20 years.💪💪💪

Phantom Spunker

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« Reply #730 on: January 20, 2022, 07:17:47 AM »
Phantom Spunker - why do you reply to my posts by being sarcastic or belittling? If you think my posts are too long, I totally understand - but if you don't have a rebuttal, why are even conversing with me?

I think OAK's fear is completely irrational, but as long as he is civil to me, I'll be civil to him in my replies.

As for what I will do in the event that a police violates my explicitly protected and guaranteed rights as a citizen of Canada [assaults me] again:

I'll stab or shoot them. I'll let that matter get settled in court.

I've drawn the line in the sand that I'm done with this pandemic. I'm not going to do nothing while watching as our rights get taken here, especially at this pace.

That last [and thus far, ONLY] time that I had to deal with the police acting illegally, it resulted in my flipping an officer on his back, and punching his face in.

As he was breaking the law, all four trumped up charges against me were dropped - including the Assault Police charge.

I respect police officers on the whole - but ONLY when they are in the lawful operations of their duty.

I don't think it will come up again though, because forcing me to wear a mask most likely won't happen to me again - I had an incident in a bookstore, where someone called 9-1-1 over me not wearing a mask.

What I haven't shared on here yet is:

I waited 6.5 months for the Thunder Bay Police Service to give me assurance that they wouldn't assault me or make false arrests over not wearing a mask ever again [in Canada, there is NO LAW that requires people to wear a mask - and there are ample reasons to be medically exempt from one].

And then, growing impatient staying inside 23 hours a day, sweating like a pig indoors, I had enough. I e-mailed the TBPS, and said if any police officer wants to illegally force me to use a mask, that since their actions are illegal, they are not within the lawful application of their duty, and I explained to them in extreme detail what would happen if a police officer violates my rights.

After writing THAT to them [what I wrote was in explicit detail], I received a response from the police THE NEXT DAY.

Six days after that, the entire matter was settled IN WRITING in my favour. End of discussion. But now with plans to tax the unvaccinated, and with currently over 25% of Canadians feeling that the unvaccinated should be SENTENCED TO JAIL TIME, I simply take nothing for granted:

Look at the Canadian police response because a man decided to BREATHE FRESH AIR:

And look what Quebec's power-mad premier is proposing:

^ Read the comments! There's no chance that this system holds up once people are told they need multiple boosters a year to keep their rights.

I've picked a side, and I will stick to that side. No amount of pressure is going to make me budge about the vaccines OR masks.

I told myself that I wanted two years from the rollout date in order to get the vaccine, and ONLY if I perceive the benefits as being greater than the risks. After all, I purposely exposed myself to Covid in the first wave [not knowing it was Covid at that time, as it wasn't in the news yet], and while it was BY FAR the longest flu I ever had - it WAS ultimately just a flu.

Why would I get a vaccine for a virus that is 99.99% survivable for anyone in my age and health status, WHEN I ALREADY GOT AND BEAT IT??

Where are the studies showing people with natural immunity aren't at any additional risk?? And WHAT THE HELL IS THE BENEFIT??? My antibody count was still HUGE in both July of 2021, and again in September of 2021, confirmed by blood test.

This entire narrative is going to collapse, just as the USSR collapsed - eventually literally everyone knew it was a joke, but people were too afraid of the secret police whisking them away.

That's why I put my foot down at police enforcement of ANY of this. I don't give a hang if some John Q. Citizen demands I wear a mask - or some security guard getting paid $20 CAD [$3.40 USD]. I'll just say no.

ONLY when the requests of these citizens currently caught up in the GLOBAL MASS PSYCHOSIS going on right now, are BACKED BY POLICE FORCE, do I have a problem with this. And that is exactly when I will intervene if it happens. 100% NO - I will not be tolerating police abuse or any other illegal police conduct with respect to this hysteria. If they change the laws, I might change my mind here - but for the time being, the law is on my side, and I will NOT be complying.

Because by doing that, then these mandates go from voluntary [as is their actual nature], to COMPULSORY [which they absolutely ARE NOT - not under Canadian laws currently on the books].

The thing is - no man of my size and strength [and I'm small by Getbig standards, but still by far stronger than 90% of the general population] should EVER be intimidated not wearing a mask. If you want to wear one because you think a $0.30 fabric mask is going to save you, then knock yourselves out.

For those thinking that it "helps" other people...what if I told you that if you don't have Covid...WELL THEN, GOSH DARNIT, YOU CAN'T SPREAD IT EITHER. The ONLY thing you are doing is impeding your breathing, but again...knock yourselves out. Just keep me out of it! This is global mass psychosis on par with witch burnings in the mideavil times. And that is why I put my food down last June 1st - I will NOT be adhering of the illegal protocols, and I have stopped a LONG time ago.

And if the police assault me in the process of upholding mandates WHICH ARE NOT LAWS, I'll defend myself in the most extreme way possible. I explicitly wrote them that no violations of my rights will be tolerated.

Do you think I give two fucking shits about going to jail for stabbing a cop breaking the law? Every day, jail seems like a better and better option than the current Clown World shit-show we are in!

Don't like it? THEN CHANGE THE FUCKING LAW. Right now! Change it so everyone has to wear full PPE, including Hazmat suits. But as this ENTIRE PANDEMIC RESPONSE continues to be completely illegal, I won't be abiding by any of the illegal policies, which are all only MANDATES, not LAWS. And therefore [ILLEGAL] police conduct will have to be used to enforce any of this on me.

And I'll be defending myself, just as I would do so if any criminal sought to do me harm! I don't care if they have a badge. If they continue to break the law, I will be defending myself appropriately.

As for me - until the law changes, I won't be wearing a mask. I won't be following any mandates, or "suggestions", or "strong recommendations".

Make me.

Matt, this is Getbig, not the House of Commons, you wanker. We slag each other off and shit talk because it’s funny. Secondly, I reply to you like that normally because you’re completely full of shit. And I’m not talking about COVID – I’m not interested in those debates. I mean in general. You’ve got to be one of the biggest fantasists of all time. Of course you ‘flipped a cop on his back’ and punched the fuck out of him, lol. I’m sure if it happened in any form at all, it didn’t involve you hysterically crying, accidentally back-handing a cop as he tried to calm you down, and then you being taken to the local hospital and injected with sedatives.

And of course you’re going to shoot or stab one, lol. Just shut the fuck up. You’ll do nothing. You’ve never done anything. You spend your life online talking about how you’re a world-class speed typist, A veteran soldier who admirably gave up his career in protest to the Iraq war, A genius teaching assistant who’s going to take Lakehead University to court and be awarded millions, a gifted academic who’s going to humiliate Richard Dawkins in a debate about the nature of race and IQ, and so on, and so on.

How many kids do you have now? Why don’t you shut the fuck up and focus on raising them instead of bloviating online about how prison would be better than the circumstances under which you’re living now. You don’t go anywhere, you don’t do anything, you don’t fucking work, you’ve got barely any friends, you’re a socially awkward nerd who refuses to date women. Yet, somehow, prison is a more appealing and more ‘free’ option that your current circumstances.

And you’re absolutely not a deadbeat dad who’s willing to abandon his kids in order to kill any cop who tries to get physical with you, haha. You mutter so much retarded bullshit that it defies belief. The only thing you should do is drive to the nearest garbage dump, lay down on the biggest pile of shit you can find there, and blow your brains out.


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« Reply #731 on: January 20, 2022, 07:31:21 AM »
Just How Many Vaccine injections are the Dumb Sheep going to Take Before they Finally Accept They've been
Had - let Alone wearing Face Nappies & being Locked up ??
How many more Variants are they going to believe in??

FFS surely at some point They'll say Bollocks, None of these things Have made an ounce of Difference to stop the China Virus or Reduce it.
Let alone Returned their lives to pre Virus Normal.!!!!!!  ::)


Who cares!!!  If you dont want to get it, dont. Why worry about what other people are doing


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« Reply #732 on: January 20, 2022, 07:39:46 AM »
Matt, this is Getbig, not the House of Commons, you wanker. We slag each other off and shit talk because it’s funny. Secondly, I reply to you like that normally because you’re completely full of shit. And I’m not talking about COVID – I’m not interested in those debates. I mean in general. You’ve got to be one of the biggest fantasists of all time. Of course you ‘flipped a cop on his back’ and punched the fuck out of him, lol. I’m sure if it happened in any form at all, it didn’t involve you hysterically crying, accidentally back-handing a cop as he tried to calm you down, and then you being taken to the local hospital and injected with sedatives.

And of course you’re going to shoot or stab one, lol. Just shut the fuck up. You’ll do nothing. You’ve never done anything. You spend your life online talking about how you’re a world-class speed typist, A veteran soldier who admirably gave up his career in protest to the Iraq war, A genius teaching assistant who’s going to take Lakehead University to court and be awarded millions, a gifted academic who’s going to humiliate Richard Dawkins in a debate about the nature of race and IQ, and so on, and so on.

How many kids do you have now? Why don’t you shut the fuck up and focus on raising them instead of bloviating online about how prison would be better than the circumstances under which you’re living now. You don’t go anywhere, you don’t do anything, you don’t fucking work, you’ve got barely any friends, you’re a socially awkward nerd who refuses to date women. Yet, somehow, prison is a more appealing and more ‘free’ option that your current circumstances.

And you’re absolutely not a deadbeat dad who’s willing to abandon his kids in order to kill any cop who tries to get physical with you, haha. You mutter so much retarded bullshit that it defies belief. The only thing you should do is drive to the nearest garbage dump, lay down on the biggest pile of shit you can find there, and blow your brains out.

OUCH !!!  :D


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #733 on: January 20, 2022, 08:01:55 AM »
Who cares!!!  If you dont want to get it, dont. Why worry about what other people are doing

thats what most are trying to tell the wacky-vakky crowd who demands people take it
it wouldnt even be an issue if dems werent trying to push it everyone 24x7

Super Natural

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« Reply #734 on: January 20, 2022, 08:51:15 AM »
Anyone else sense the Covid narrative is crumbling? It's the only pandemic that we need the government and media to constantly remind us exists  ::)

Turns out the deaths from Covid (as the reason for death) has been MUCH lower than the mainstream media has been claiming... ->

Super Natural

  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #735 on: January 20, 2022, 08:57:59 AM »
Also: we need to stop refering to people as unvaxed. The proper term is “normal”  8)


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« Reply #736 on: January 20, 2022, 09:14:23 AM »
That's not true of course. That's 5 and a half million EXTRA deaths.
That's not true of course.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #737 on: January 20, 2022, 09:14:34 AM »
Who cares!!!  If you dont want to get it, dont. Why worry about what other people are doing

That’s like telling your girlfriend that you’re not going to wear a condom because you can’t get pregnant.



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« Reply #738 on: January 20, 2022, 09:16:09 AM »

I told you. I told everyone. It was all always only ever just rubbish.

A bad haircut. A mild sunburn. A sprained ankle. It was always simply shit.


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« Reply #739 on: January 20, 2022, 09:16:10 AM »
15,569 Canadians died in 2020.
14,473 Canadians died in 2021.

That's exactly what you'd expect to happen, vaccine or no vaccine, from a pandemic where people are listed on death certificates as having fraudulently died of Covid.

Since that's all that's happening, the number of deaths has barely changed.

This is what leftists are denying and the media is covering up.


  • Getbig V
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  • "The trial was RIGGED....send me your MONEY!!"
« Reply #740 on: January 20, 2022, 09:16:31 AM »
That's not true of course.

Of course it is.

Common sense.



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« Reply #741 on: January 20, 2022, 09:21:23 AM »
Of course it is.

Common sense.

Post the numbers with links.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #742 on: January 20, 2022, 09:41:38 AM »
That's not true of course.

you could compare flu which 25k deaths on avg should be recorded.  from memory, i don't think anyone has passed away from the flu in 2 yrs.  I haven't heard of one pneumonia case either. 


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #743 on: January 20, 2022, 09:41:49 AM »


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« Reply #744 on: January 20, 2022, 09:50:27 AM »

Here are the stats for the US.

Most of those excess deaths will be people who couldnt get into a hospital because they were all closed due to covid

Excess deaths will also continue for years to come due to lockdowns
Untreated cancers and undiagnosed heart problems


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« Reply #745 on: January 20, 2022, 09:59:18 AM »
Most of those excess deaths will be people who couldnt get into a hospital because they were all closed due to covid

Excess deaths will also continue for years to come due to lockdowns
Untreated cancers and undiagnosed heart problems

All of the hospitals in the US were closed due to COVID?



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« Reply #746 on: January 20, 2022, 10:06:22 AM »
All of the hospitals in the US were closed due to COVID?


most of the regular wards were closed in the UK, I was walking around empty hospitals when I visited someone in Dec 2020, I went every day for a month, fucking desolate places


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« Reply #747 on: January 20, 2022, 10:34:01 AM »

Here are the stats for the US.

BS chart used to scare people. Deaths rates have been steadily increasing for years, you saw the chart I posted showing this and you chose to ignore it.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #748 on: January 20, 2022, 10:34:19 AM »
most of the regular wards were closed in the UK, I was walking around empty hospitals when I visited someone in Dec 2020, I went every day for a month, fucking desolate places


Give it up man.

I just DESTROYED you with the facts.



  • Getbig V
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« Reply #749 on: January 20, 2022, 10:37:18 AM »
BS chart used to scare people. Deaths rates have been steadily increasing for years, you saw the chart I posted showing this and you chose to ignore it.

That’s your only response?

The chart is BS.

That’s interesting.
