Author Topic: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion  (Read 209712 times)


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1975 on: February 20, 2022, 07:53:12 PM »
My post COVID hacking cough is still hanging in there. It gets marginally better each day. At this rate, I will still be coughing for another 6 months. I have lost a total of 9 lbs. since getting COVID. Coughing tightens the abdominals...that's the only positive thing I can think of to say right now. >:(

Exactly what did you think happens to us when we age? Our ability to heal reduces.


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« Reply #1976 on: February 20, 2022, 07:58:22 PM »
In Canada, doctors are not allowed to give exemptions for those who are naturally immune.

My former doctor wanted to give exemptions for those who can prove natural immunity, but he's not allowed.  :(

That's the type of top-down control that chaos is speaking about.

I'm just learning about Trudeau's totalitarian streak - that it was on full display when he was the leader of the Liberal Party nearly a decade ago.


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1977 on: February 20, 2022, 08:54:42 PM »
What percentage of Canada is Hoser or Hoser-adjacent anyway?


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« Reply #1978 on: February 20, 2022, 08:59:58 PM »
I'm just learning about Trudeau's totalitarian streak - that it was on full display when he was the leader of the Liberal Party nearly a decade ago.

It was around a decade ago that he said he admired "China's basic dictatorship".


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1979 on: February 20, 2022, 09:27:52 PM »
Problem is nobody know really knows how risky COVID is for them until it’s too late.

This gentleman’s Facebook feed told him he was low risk too.


Even at 49, that guy is not a typical anti-vaxxer. About 99.995% of Canadians under age 50 have survived the pandemic so far.

This example - one of the most recent deaths in Thunder Bay - is a more typical example. While she was very young, she was a member of what you yourself would describe as a marginalized group:

She didn't choose not to be vaccinated because of political reasons. She just didn't have time to do it, due to many personal problems she had.

It's rather baffling to me that you take joy from the deaths of unvaccinated people, OAK.


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« Reply #1980 on: February 20, 2022, 09:35:39 PM »
In Canada, doctors are not allowed to give exemptions for those who are naturally immune.

My former doctor wanted to give exemptions for those who can prove natural immunity, but he's not allowed.  :(

That's the type of top-down control that chaos is speaking about.

So They don't care about folk having immunity to the Virus
Isn't that contradicting their own narrative

Have Trial Experimental Vaccines & be immune- Ah only I am Naturally Immune
Nope That doesn't matter, Have the Trial Experimental Vaccines & be immune

It's so Fcuking Ridiculous- Immunity is Immunity
Only it's Not Good enough if they haven't injected you with Trial Experimental Vaccines
And Still The Idiotic Brain dead Sheep 🐑 Like will Defend this. 🙄 🤷🏻‍♂️


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1981 on: February 20, 2022, 10:03:18 PM »
Even at 49, that guy is not a typical anti-vaxxer. About 99.995% of Canadians under age 50 have survived the pandemic so far.

This example - one of the most recent deaths in Thunder Bay - is a more typical example. While she was very young, she was a member of what you yourself would describe as a marginalized group:

She didn't choose not to be vaccinated because of political reasons. She just didn't have time to do it, due to many personal problems she had.

It's rather baffling to me that you take joy from the deaths of unvaccinated people, OAK.

Matt pretending to care about people who died of COVID.



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« Reply #1982 on: February 20, 2022, 10:05:54 PM »

So They don't care about folk having immunity to the Virus
Isn't that contradicting their own narrative

Have Trial Experimental Vaccines & be immune- Ah only I am Naturally Immune
Nope That doesn't matter, Have the Trial Experimental Vaccines & be immune

It's so Fcuking Ridiculous- Immunity is Immunity
Only it's Not Good enough if they haven't injected you with Trial Experimental Vaccines
And Still The Idiotic Brain dead Sheep 🐑 Like will Defend this. 🙄 🤷🏻‍♂️

Exactly - it wasn't about having herd immunity and beating the virus. It was about selling more vaccines?

And I can prove that - illuminati: have to heard Bill Gates' latest public comments on Covid?


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1983 on: February 20, 2022, 10:10:00 PM »
Matt pretending to care about people who died of COVID.


Well, OAK - she was qn extremely troubled person. To be honest, pneumonia could have taken her out at that point.

I actually met her parents.

Did I tell you that I personally investigate all Covid deaths?

You think random healthy right-wing political people are dropping dead, and I'm telling you that most are extremely elderly, severely obese, or otherwise Immunocompromised. And in Canada - disproportionately Indigenous. Do you think she didn't get the vaccine because of political reasons?

Why do you find their deaths funny?


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1984 on: February 20, 2022, 10:20:22 PM »
Well, OAK - she was qn extremely troubled person. To be honest, pneumonia could have taken her out at that point.

I actually met her parents.

Did I tell you that I personally investigate all Covid deaths?

You think random healthy right-wing political people are dropping dead, and I'm telling you that most are extremely elderly, severely obese, or otherwise Immunocompromised. And in Canada - disproportionately Indigenous. Do you think she didn't get the vaccine because of political reasons?

Why do you find their deaths funny?

You LITERALLY posted that you think everyone who died of COVID deserved to die because they are “fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pigs.” (Your words not mine)

You’re not in a position to ask that question.



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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1985 on: February 21, 2022, 01:10:43 AM »


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1986 on: February 21, 2022, 02:23:26 AM »
You LITERALLY posted that you think everyone who died of COVID deserved to die because they are “fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pigs.” (Your words not mine)

You’re not in a position to ask that question.


I did NOT call them fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pigs!

I called them fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pieces of shit! Get it right. 😂

Most were dinosaurs or whales.

What makes you think I felt they deserved to die though?  ??? I'm just saying most were close to death anyway. Not that they DESERVED to die. More like - it was inevitably coming soon.

Speaking of deserve - I'm glad this White Supremacist got the beating she deserved!


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1987 on: February 21, 2022, 03:03:52 AM »

This makes sense:

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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1988 on: February 21, 2022, 04:41:07 AM »
Holy S - NYT is actually reporting this.

For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public.

When the C.D.C. published the first significant data on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65 two weeks ago, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.

The agency recently debuted a dashboard of wastewater data on its website that will be updated daily and might provide early signals of an oncoming surge of Covid cases. Some states and localities had been sharing wastewater information with the agency since the start of the pandemic, but it had never before released those findings.

Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said.


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Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control. Detailed, timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk. Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots. And wastewater surveillance across the nation would spot outbreaks and emerging variants early.

Without the booster data for 18- to 49-year-olds, the outside experts whom federal health agencies look to for advice had to rely on numbers from Israel to make their recommendations on the shots.

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.

Dr. Daniel Jernigan, the agency’s deputy director for public health science and surveillance said the pandemic exposed the fact that data systems at the C.D.C., and at the state levels, are outmoded and not up to handling large volumes of data. C.D.C. scientists are trying to modernize the systems, he said.

“We want better, faster data that can lead to decision making and actions at all levels of public health, that can help us eliminate the lag in data that has held us back,” he added.

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The C.D.C. also has multiple bureaucratic divisions that must sign off on important publications, and its officials must alert the Department of Health and Human Services — which oversees the agency — and the White House of their plans. The agency often shares data with states and partners before making data public. Those steps can add delays.

“The C.D.C. is a political organization as much as it is a public health organization,” said Samuel Scarpino, managing director of pathogen surveillance at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute. “The steps that it takes to get something like this released are often well outside of the control of many of the scientists that work at the C.D.C.”

The performance of vaccines and boosters, particularly in younger adults, is among the most glaring omissions in data the C.D.C. has made public.

Last year, the agency repeatedly came under fire for not tracking so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans, and focusing only on individuals who became ill enough to be hospitalized or die. The agency presented that information as risk comparisons with unvaccinated adults, rather than provide timely snapshots of hospitalized patients stratified by age, sex, race and vaccination status.

President Biden joined a virtual meeting with the White House Covid-19 Response Team in December.
President Biden joined a virtual meeting with the White House Covid-19 Response Team in December. Credit...Cheriss May for The New York Times
But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

Ms. Nordlund confirmed that as one of the reasons. Another reason, she said, is that the data represents only 10 percent of the population of the United States. But the C.D.C. has relied on the same level of sampling to track influenza for years.


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Some outside public health experts were stunned to hear that information exists.

“We have been begging for that sort of granularity of data for two years,” said Jessica Malaty Rivera, an epidemiologist and part of the team that ran Covid Tracking Project, an independent effort that compiled data on the pandemic till March 2021.

A detailed analysis, she said, “builds public trust, and it paints a much clearer picture of what’s actually going on.”

Concern about the misinterpretation of hospitalization data broken down by vaccination status is not unique to the C.D.C. On Thursday, public health officials in Scotland said they would stop releasing data on Covid hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status because of similar fears that the figures would be misrepresented by anti-vaccine groups.

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But the experts dismissed the potential misuse or misinterpretation of data as an acceptable reason for not releasing it.

“We are at a much greater risk of misinterpreting the data with data vacuums, than sharing the data with proper science, communication and caveats,” Ms. Rivera said.

When the Delta variant caused an outbreak in Massachusetts last summer, the fact that three-quarters of those infected were vaccinated led people to mistakenly conclude that the vaccines were powerless against the virus — validating the C.D.C.’s concerns.

But that could have been avoided if the agency had educated the public from the start that as more people are vaccinated, the percentage of vaccinated people who are infected or hospitalized would also rise, public health experts said.


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“Tell the truth, present the data,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert and adviser to the Food and Drug Administration. “I have to believe that there is a way to explain these things so people can understand it.”

Knowing which groups of people were being hospitalized in the United States, which other conditions those patients may have had and how vaccines changed the picture over time would have been invaluable, Dr. Offit said.

Relying on Israeli data to make booster recommendations for Americans was less than ideal, Dr. Offit noted. Israel defines severe disease differently than the United States, among other factors.

“There’s no reason that they should be better at collecting and putting forth data than we were,” Dr. Offit said of Israeli scientists. “The C.D.C. is the principal epidemiological agency in this country, and so you would like to think the data came from them.”

It has also been difficult to find C.D.C. data on the proportion of children hospitalized for Covid who have other medical conditions, said Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics’s Committee on Infectious Diseases.

The academy’s staff asked their partners at the C.D.C. for that information on a call in December, according to a spokeswoman for the A.A.P., and were told it was unavailable.

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Key Things to Know
Card 1 of 3
Queen Elizabeth tests positive. The 95-year-old British monarch has been infected with the coronavirus and is “experiencing mild coldlike symptoms,” Buckingham Palace said. The announcement comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson is poised to lift England’s remaining Covid restrictions.

C.D.C. data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published only a tiny fraction of the Covid data it has collected, including critical data on boosters and hospitalizations, citing incomplete reports or fears of misinterpretation. Critics say the practice causes confusion.

The virus in the U.S. Cases continue to drop nationwide, including in New York, where the latest data offered some optimism after a challenging year. Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and other U.S. governors are shifting to policies that accept living with uncertainty over possible new variants.

Ms. Nordlund pointed to data on the agency’s website that includes this information, and to multiple published reports on pediatric hospitalizations with information on children who have other health conditions.


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The pediatrics academy has repeatedly asked the C.D.C. for an estimate on the contagiousness of a person infected with the coronavirus five days after symptoms begin — but Dr. Maldonado finally got the answer from an article in The New York Times in December.

“They’ve known this for over a year and a half, right, and they haven’t told us,” she said. “I mean, you can’t find out anything from them.”

Experts in wastewater analysis were more understanding of the C.D.C.’s slow pace of making that data public. The C.D.C. has been building the wastewater system since September 2020, and the capacity to present the data over the past few months, Ms. Nordlund said. In the meantime, the C.D.C.’s state partners have had access to the data, she said.

Despite the cautious preparation, the C.D.C. released the wastewater data a week later than planned. The Covid Data Tracker is updated only on Thursdays, and the day before the original release date, the scientists who manage the tracker realized they needed more time to integrate the data.

“It wasn’t because the data wasn’t ready, it was because the systems and how it physically displayed on the page wasn’t working the way that they wanted it to,” Ms. Nordlund said.

The C.D.C. has received more than $1 billion to modernize its systems, which may help pick up the pace, Ms. Nordlund said. “We’re working on that,” she said.

The agency’s public dashboard now has data from 31 states. Eight of those states, including Utah, began sending their figures to the C.D.C. in the fall of 2020. Some relied on scientists volunteering their expertise; others paid private companies. But many others, such as Mississippi, New Mexico and North Dakota, have yet to begin tracking wastewater.


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Utah’s fledgling program in April 2020 has now grown to cover 88 percent of the state’s population, with samples being collected twice a week, according to Nathan LaCross, who manages Utah’s wastewater surveillance program.

Wastewater data reflects the presence of the virus in an entire community, so it is not plagued by the privacy concerns attached to medical information that would normally complicate data release, experts said.

“There are a bunch of very important and substantive legal and ethical challenges that don’t exist for wastewater data,” Dr. Scarpino said. “That lowered bar should certainly mean that data could flow faster.”

Tracking wastewater can help identify areas experiencing a high burden of cases early, Dr. LaCross said. That allows officials to better allocate resources like mobile testing teams and testing sites.

Wastewater is also a much faster and more reliable barometer of the spread of the virus than the number of cases or positive tests. Well before the nation became aware of the Delta variant, for example, scientists who track wastewater had seen its rise and alerted the C.D.C., Dr. Scarpino said. They did so in early May, just before the agency famously said vaccinated people could take off their masks.

Even now, the agency is relying on a technique that captures the amount of virus, but not the different variants in the mix, said Mariana Matus, chief executive officer of BioBot Analytics, which specializes in wastewater analysis. That will make it difficult for the agency to spot and respond to outbreaks of new variants in a timely manner, she said.

“It gets really exhausting when you see the private sector working faster than the premier public health agency of the world,” Ms. Rivera said.

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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1990 on: February 21, 2022, 06:05:50 AM »

 :( >:(

Glad they're catching on more than a year later.  This was all a massive con job where no more than 1% were ever at any kind of real risk.

One benefit:  No one trust them anymore and they've lost all credibility for a generation at least.


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1991 on: February 21, 2022, 06:18:38 AM »
guy at the gym is a grade-school teacher
he said they just nuked the masks last week after 2-yrs straight of wearing them
also nuked them at his daughters high-school
libs looking for votes trying to be the covid heroes lol  ::)
too late braindeads, you already ate yourself
party cult has imploded

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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1992 on: February 21, 2022, 07:14:52 AM »
Trudeau Government Moves to Make Expanded Surveillance Powers over Financial Transactions ‘Permanent’
National Review ^ | February 20, 2022 | NATE HOCHMAN
Posted on 2/20/2022, 10:47:02 PM by Mount Athos

As all eyes were trained on the aggressive police sweep of the Ottawa trucker convoy this week, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau’s administration was quietly moving to implement a sweeping expansion of surveillance power at the federal level.

The Trudeau government’s financial war against the truckers has been covered at length. But one underreported aspect of this broader assault on Canadian civil liberties is the effort to bring crowdfunding and payment service providers — two of the most prominent routes for financial transactions on the Internet — under the permanent control of a centralized government authority.

In a February 14 news conference, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said that the government was using the Emergencies Act to broaden “the scope of Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use.” That broadened power requires all forms of digital transactions, including cryptocurrencies, to be reported to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Canada. (I.e., “Fintrac”). “As of today, all crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use must register with Fintrac, and they must report large and suspicious transactions to Fintrac,” Freeland said. She justified the move as a way to “mitigate the risk” of “illicit funds” and “increase the quality and quantity of intelligence received by Fintrac and make more information available to support investigations by law enforcement.” Trudeau, standing behind Freeland at the press conference, nodded his head in agreement.

Freeland said the trucker convoy, which had assembled to protest coronavirus restrictions, had “highlighted the fact” that digital assets and funding mechanisms “weren’t captured” by the Canadian government’s pre-existing surveillance powers. As a result, she said, “the government will also bring forward legislation to provide these authorities to FinTrac on a permanent basis.”

Freeland reiterated that point in a subsequent press conference this past Friday. “We reviewed very, very carefully the tools at the disposal of the federal government, and we used all the tools that we had prior to the invocation of the Emergencies Act, and we determined that we needed some additional tools,” she said. “Now some of those tools, we will be putting forward measures to put those tools permanently in place. The authorities of FinTrac, I believe, do need to be expanded to cover crowdsourcing platforms and their payment providers.”

We already know what the Canadian government would do with that permanent power. They’re showing us as we speak. As Kevin Williamson wrote earlier this week, Trudeau has promptly weaponized his expanded Emergencies Act powers to “invest himself with the unilateral power to freeze bank accounts and cancel insurance policies, without so much as a court order and with essentially no recourse for those he targets.” That punitive action against political dissidents expands beyond the truckers themselves: On Wednesday, Trudeau’s justice minister suggested that private citizens who donated large sums to the convoy “ought to be worried” about the possibility of a freeze on their bank accounts, too. At least one young woman has already been fired from her job in the Ontario provincial government for making a $100 donation.

All this, of course, flies in the face of Trudeau’s promise that the Emergencies Act powers would be temporary. When he announced his invocation of the order, he promised the Canadian people that his expanded authorities would “be time-limited, geographically targeted, as well as reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address.” Not a single part of that sentence has proved to be true.


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1993 on: February 21, 2022, 09:12:38 AM »
I did NOT call them fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pigs!

I called them fat disgusting cheeseburger eating pieces of shit! Get it right. 😂

Most were dinosaurs or whales.

What makes you think I felt they deserved to die though?  ??? I'm just saying most were close to death anyway. Not that they DESERVED to die. More like - it was inevitably coming soon.

Speaking of deserve - I'm glad this White Supremacist got the beating she deserved!

Lovely Matt.

I admire you for being honest though. I realize ALL antivaxxers share your views.


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1994 on: February 21, 2022, 10:09:44 AM »


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1995 on: February 21, 2022, 11:42:37 AM »


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1996 on: February 21, 2022, 11:43:33 AM »


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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1997 on: February 21, 2022, 11:49:25 AM »
amazing how the Resident cloaca J.oak of a sheep totally ignores all the above hard hitting
posts.  ::)



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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1998 on: February 21, 2022, 11:56:45 AM »
amazing how the Resident cloaca J.oak of a sheep totally ignores all the above hard hitting
posts.  ::)


Umm…I’m right wing.

I hate Biden.

How many times have I posted that.



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Re: Covid-19 - WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP LIKE PEOPLE - Discussion
« Reply #1999 on: February 21, 2022, 11:58:44 AM »
And yet you love Trudeau...: