Author Topic: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.  (Read 84329 times)


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #775 on: March 19, 2023, 04:21:22 AM »
Clarence Bass, born in 1937, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, graduated from the University of New Mexico and the University of New Mexico Law School. He practiced law until 1994, and then decided to devote himself to his lifelong interest in fitness and health.
Following a fine career in weightlifting, Clarence moved into bodybuilding and won his height class at the 1979 AAU Past-40 Mr. America contest. He then captured the 1980 AAU Past-40 Mr. USA event. In the latter competition, he also earned the Most Muscular, Best Abs and Best Legs sub-divisions.
Among Bass's numerous achievements is his ability to maintain his body fat at an extremely low level. Tests at the University of New Mexico Human Performance Laboratory measured him at three percent or less.
When asked if he followed a strict diet to remain so lean, Clarence replied, "I don't diet. I prefer to think in terms of an eating style. I stick mainly to whole foods with high quality protein and good fat at each meal. I enjoy what I eat and I'm never hungry."
However, Clarence is probably best known for the instruction and inspiration he has provided to others. It started with his classic book "Ripped". Espousing the benefits of a healthy diet and proper exercise, he is living proof that this philosophy works.
After his initial book publication, Clarence went on to produce a series of books and vidoes that have reached  thousands around the world with his prescriptions for a healthy living and with a lean and muscular body.
Now in his mid 80's, Clarence remains in phenomenal physical condition as his audience continues to grow.
His website, maintained by he and his wife Carol, is always a timely source of information on nutrition, training, and a healthy lifestyle.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #776 on: March 20, 2023, 12:27:35 AM »
The guy is still ripped!


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #777 on: March 20, 2023, 04:15:55 AM »
Anello Body Fitness was opened by powerlifting legend Vince Anello in 2000, in Cleveland, Ohio, and has been changing peoples' lives ever since.
Vince  Anello is a five-time world champion powerlifter who holds 20 world records in deadlifting. His career has also included professional bodybuilding and physical education. All this knowledge and passion has been distilled into the Anello training facility.
Vince goes one-on-one with his clients to help give them the physical strength and mental fortitude necessary to achieve their goals. He has learned  there's more to gaining strength and getting in shape than just lifting and running — it takes focus, dedication, and a positive mental attitude. That's why Anello focuses on developing the mind just as much as the body.
Training with Vince is intense — you feel every workout getting you closer to your immediate goals. If you're having trouble breaking through sticking points, he has been known as a powerlifting legend around the world for decades, and is considered to be one of the greatest powerlifters in history.
Anello was the first to deadlift over 800 lbs at a bodyweight under 200 lbs! Vince was inducted into the Strength Hall of Fame in York, Pennsylvania in 1998, and the AAU World's Strength Sports Hall of Fame in 2015. He holds 5 world championship titles in addition to 20 world records in deadlifting. He was included in the Top 100 Strongest Coaches to Learn From in 2016.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #778 on: March 21, 2023, 12:15:11 PM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #779 on: March 22, 2023, 12:54:57 PM »
mr average 1957


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #780 on: March 24, 2023, 06:42:06 AM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #781 on: March 25, 2023, 04:20:21 AM »
   JOHNNY FULLER ... A STAR OF THE 1970's AND '80's
Johnny Fuller was renowned at his bodybuilding peak, for the vascularity, muscle density and rockhard condition he brought to the stage. Even more noteworthy was his ability to pack on 220 quality pounds on his five-foot, six-inch frame.
Highly popular in America, Johnny trained for a short time in California with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu. He did not limit his talents to just bodybuilding. He was a professional boxer and earned a karate black belt.
Born in Jamacia in 1942, Fuller moved to England in 1978. He competed all over the world in the 1970's and 1980's, and won in European and World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships.
Fuller began his professional bodybuilding career after winning the light heavyweight division at the 1980 IFBB Amateur World Championship. He continued on to compete in four Mr. Olympia contests where his best showings were in the top ten in 1981 and 1983.
In 1981 and 1982, Fuller competed in 16 pro contests and never placed out of the top five. His final competion was the 1987 World Pro Championship, where he placed out of the top ten.
Johnny Fuller, a star of the '80's, ... who took physical condition to the highest level ... died in  2006, at age 63, following a long-fought battle with leukemia.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #782 on: March 25, 2023, 07:27:31 AM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #783 on: March 27, 2023, 04:28:20 AM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #784 on: March 27, 2023, 12:54:01 PM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #785 on: March 29, 2023, 04:24:44 AM »
Greenstein was born to a Jewish family in Suwałki, Poland, in 1893. As a child he suffered from respiratory ailments, and at age 14, a team of doctors predicted he would die from tuberculosis. Around that time, he became acquainted with a Russian circus strongman, Champion Volanko, who mentored Greenstein. Greenstein traveled with Volanko and the Issakoff Brothers Circus for eighteen months, learning the strongman's training regimen. After this, he returned to Poland and married his wife, Leah.
He began his career as a wrestler. However, due in part to rising anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe, he then left for the United States. He first went to Galveston, Texas, working as a dockworker and oil field worker. He also wrestled professionally at this time as Kid Greenstein. In 1914, The Houston Daily Post reported that a friend of Greenstein accidentally shot him in the middle of the forehead. The report states the bullet did not enter his skull, and "flattened out against his forehead".strongmanThis experience sparked Greenstein's interest in the mental powers associated with strength, and he gradually developed an array of strongman feats.
He was featured five times in Ripley's Believe It Or Not and in the 1976 Guinness Book of World Records.Two of Greenstein's feats included biting through an iron nail and bending iron horseshoes by hand. An iron nail and iron horseshoes are on display at the Weightlifting Hall of Fame in York, Pennsylvania.
Later in life, Greenstein sold coconut oil soaps and health elixirs at fairs and farmers' markets. He traveled in an old Model A truck with panels that opened to show his extensive collection of newsclippings and citations from civic leaders and organizations. New York City Mayor LaGuardia issued a proclamation, thanking Greenstein for showing his skills to the city's police department. Greenstein had volunteered to teach jujutsu techniques to members of the New York City auxiliary police during World War II. It was many years before the technique was known to most Americans.
Greenstein continued performing his strongman feats well into his eighties, giving his last performance at his great-grandchild's first birthday on May 11, 1977, at Madison Square Garden at the age of 84. He dazzled the audience by bending horseshoes and driving spikes through metal with the palm of his hand.
Joe and Leah Greenstein had ten children.
Greenstein succumbed to cancer on October 8, 1977, at age 84.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #786 on: March 29, 2023, 10:53:49 AM »
  Paul Anderson is a hugely influential and celebrated name in powerlifting which often went hand in hand with bodybuilding in his era.
Credited as being the strongest man in the world during his competitive days, Paul also holds the record for ‘the greatest weight ever raised by a human being’. 2840kg lifted in a back lift.
In 1955 at the height of the Cold War he travelled to the Soviet Union and beat all challengers in their own back yard, lifting 402.5lbs in an overhead lift. The gathered crowd laughed and snickered as he stepped up to the bar. The spectators had never seen such a weight lifted and they expected Paul to fail.
Yet Paul hoisted the bar overhead and the laughs turned to cheers. The crowd appreciating the incredible feat, even though it was done by an American in their country. The announcer stating solemnly ‘we rarely have such weights lifted’.
This amazing achievement by Paul became a rallying cry for for everyone. Both American and Soviet, Paul had made a huge statement with his successful lift.
During the world championships in Munich 1955, Paul took an easy win setting two further world records. Returning home he was welcomed by President Nixon who personally thanked him for being such a wonderful goodwill ambassador.
Paul’s career as strongman and power lifter flourished. He dominated strength contests for several years.
In 1961 along with his wife Glenda he set up the Paul Anderson Youth Home. A centre for troubled children in Vidalia Georgia. The home was funded by Paul’s strength and speaking engagements, of which he did on average 500 per year. Even though he was now suffering from congenital kidney disease. He would still perform feats like hammering a nail with his bare fist and raising a table loaded with eight men onto his back.
Paul died in 1994 at the age of 61 from chronic congenital kidney disease. What Paul achieved as a lifter was incredible. He did what Stallone did in Rocky IV decades before it was an idea in someone’s head. He did it for real too, stepping in to a country that was at best full of hostility and derision.
Yet he won them over with his strength and personality. As a person Paul achieved even more, helping countless children gain a better future. Giving back to the community with generosity and spirit. Rip Paul Anderson.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #787 on: March 30, 2023, 06:01:49 AM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #788 on: March 30, 2023, 12:18:48 PM »
   1970 Universe - Pro - NABBA
It is fitting that I should give thanks to Joe Weider, on behalf of Dave Draper, Franco Columbu, Frank Zane and myself, for making our trip to London and the Mr. Universe contest possible. It cost Joe a whole heap of dollars, some 3,000 in fact, and I am really happy with the way things turned out.

The London fans expressed their gratitude too, for this was the greatest line-up of top physiques ever assembled together on one London stage. It says much for Joe's love of bodybuilding that he actually spends money to help make the NABBA show a success.

I have listed the results of the contests, the Amateur and Professional sections, below. But I wish to comment here on these results. I thought Reg Park was indeed lucky to have placed above Dave Draper and I believe the accompanying photographs will supply the evidence.

Frank Zane was lucky too. He was pushed all the way by Frank Richard. It is interesting to note that a special judging panel of girls was .asked to vote for its choice. They all voted in favor of Frank Zane. I guess this must prove something.

I totally disagreed with the results of the short class contest. How Chris Dickerson ended up ahead of Franco Columbu still puzzles me. I thought Franco was so far ahead. Again judge for yourself from the accompanying photos. One judge actually told me Franco displayed too many muscles. He just had to be kidding!

I am sorry I had to be the one to burst the Reg Park bubble. This was only the second time that Reg was beaten in a physique contest. The first time by Reeves. Reg is to be congratulated, however. He was not satisfied to rest on his laurels. He trained and competed. I am sure he was not disgraced. Let's not forget he is now over forty and I am just twenty-three. It was Reg who first inspired me to take up bodybuilding. I read about his background in the Weider magazines during my youth in Germany and I made up my mind to be as great as he was. Later, of course, I decided to be even greater, and, thanks to Joe Weider, I accomplished my dream. But back to Reg Park. I hope he will not allow this defeat to end his days of competition. I am almost certain he will be back next year. I so wish he would decide to compete in the Mr. Olympia event. You have shown the stuff you are made of Reg; you are not a coward. More than I can say for some of the so-called greats in America.

Wouldn't it be nice to see Bill Pearl on the Mr. Olympia stage? I am positive your fans would like to see how you make out against Sergio and me Bill. How about it? A year's hard training should get you into contest condition!

I am rambling. Let's get back to the Mr. Universe contest. This turned out to be a great show. The packed house received the IFBB team most enthusiastically and begged us to return next year. I don't know about that, this is my fifth win over there. But you can bet I shall be in the greatest shape of my life, I say that each year I guess, at the next Mr. Olympia. What more can I say. I try to be as good as I possibly can each year. And with Joe Weider as my trainer, I manage to keep my word.

Editor's Note: Three years ago I appeared in a show in London with Reg Park and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Backstage, Reg made this prophesy. "In just two years this kid will wipe the floor with all existing competition. He'll be the greatest!" I don't know whether Reg included himself however. Strange coincidence that Arnold should have found himself training under Joe Weider soon afterward, just as Reg had done a couple of decades before. But such is a life!

Overall Winner Arnold Schwarzenegger

1     Arnold Schwarzenegger
2     Reg Park
3     Dave Draper
4     John Bubb
5     Jacques Louvier

1     Boyer Coe
2     Kassem Yazbek
3     Fani Dutoit
4     Nicolas Kemp
5     Moktari Abdelsallem


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #789 on: March 30, 2023, 12:20:20 PM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #790 on: March 31, 2023, 03:50:14 AM »
Lee Labrada, born in 1960 in Havana, Cuba, spent his early years growing up in Chicago, Illinois, and Jacksonville, Florida. He is a former IFBB professional bodybuilder, a published author, and current CEO of Labrada Nutrition. He attended Northwestern University and holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston.
Lee holds 22 professional bodybuilding titles, including the IFBB Mr. Universe and IFBB Mr. Olympia contests. He has appeared on the cover of more than 100 bodybuilding and fitness magazines and has been featured on CNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, and ESPN as a fitness and nutrition expert.
In 1995, Labrada launched his line of award-winnning sports and nutrition supplement products under the name of Labrada Nutrition. Equally successful in the health club business, he led Labrada Nutrition to become one of the fastest-growing privately owned companies in the United States.
In 2002, Labrada was appointed the first Fitness Czar for the city of Houston. He is credited with helping Houston shed the title of the Fattest City in America.
In 2005, Lee's nutrition and exercise book, The Lean Body Promise, became a Barnes & Best Seller. In 2004 and 2008, he was a finalist in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition.
In 2018, living in Houston with his wife and three sons, Labrada released his CD entitled Eternity, which shows his talent and passion for music, especially the guitar. He owns a large collection and music continues to be an inspiration for his ongoing wholesome lifestyle.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #791 on: March 31, 2023, 07:43:04 AM »
Lee Labrada, born in 1960 in Havana, Cuba, spent his early years growing up in Chicago, Illinois, and Jacksonville, Florida. He is a former IFBB professional bodybuilder, a published author, and current CEO of Labrada Nutrition. He attended Northwestern University and holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston.
Lee holds 22 professional bodybuilding titles, including the IFBB Mr. Universe and IFBB Mr. Olympia contests. He has appeared on the cover of more than 100 bodybuilding and fitness magazines and has been featured on CNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, and ESPN as a fitness and nutrition expert.
In 1995, Labrada launched his line of award-winnning sports and nutrition supplement products under the name of Labrada Nutrition. Equally successful in the health club business, he led Labrada Nutrition to become one of the fastest-growing privately owned companies in the United States.
In 2002, Labrada was appointed the first Fitness Czar for the city of Houston. He is credited with helping Houston shed the title of the Fattest City in America.
In 2005, Lee's nutrition and exercise book, The Lean Body Promise, became a Barnes & Best Seller. In 2004 and 2008, he was a finalist in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition.
In 2018, living in Houston with his wife and three sons, Labrada released his CD entitled Eternity, which shows his talent and passion for music, especially the guitar. He owns a large collection and music continues to be an inspiration for his ongoing wholesome lifestyle.
class act...great physique and still in shape .


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #792 on: April 01, 2023, 05:17:16 AM »
Mark Forest, born Louis Lorenzo Degni, in Brooklyn, New York,  in 1933, is best known for playing the lead role in a series of Italian low-budget, sword-and-sandal, muscleman movies in the late 1950's and 1960's.
Lou began bodybuilding at the age of 13. He moved to California and became a part of the muscle-building scene on Muscle Beach. At the age of 19, he finished 27th at the 1952 AAU Mr. America contest. In 1954, he placed second at the Mr. Muscle Beach event. 
A Hollywood talent scout came across Degni's physique photographs and invited him to audition for the role of Tarzan. Though Lou did not get the part, he became part of Mae West's troupe of musclemen in her Las Vegas stage act. 
Following the worldwide success of the 1958 film, Hercules, starring legendary Steve Reeves, Degni became the second American actor to be recruited by Italian producers. In 1960, he was signed to a three-picture contract with "Goliath and the Dragon" being his first film.
Forest continued his film career until 1964, by starring in "Hercules Against the Barbarians", but then left the cinema for a career as a European opera singer.
After moving back to Southern California, the "Son of Samson"worked as a singer, voice teacher, and personal trainer.
Mark Forrest / Lou Degni passed away January 7, 2022.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #793 on: April 02, 2023, 09:25:05 AM »
Dan Lurie

Height 5'5"

Weight 165

Born April 1,1923 Brooklyn, NY

Died November 8, 2013

Publisher of Muscle Training Illustrated

Chairman of WBBG

[ website ]

[magazine articles]


Mr America - AAU, 2nd
Mr America - AAU, Most Muscular, 1st
Junior Mr America - AAU, 2nd
Mr New York City - AAU, Unknown placing


Mr America - AAU, 2nd
Mr America - AAU, Most Muscular, 1st


Mr America - AAU, 2nd
Mr America - AAU, Most Muscular, 1st
Junior Mr America - AAU, 2nd
Junior Mr America - AAU, Most Muscular, 1st


Most Muscular Man in America, Professional, 2nd


1942 March   Vol 2, Num 3   Your Physique
1943 September   Vol 3, Num 4   Your Physique
1944 June   Vol 4, Num 2   Your Physique
1947 January   Vol 6, Num 5   Your Physique
1968 October   Num 16   Muscle Training Illustrated
 dan lurie would have been 100 on april's fool day.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #794 on: April 03, 2023, 05:46:02 AM »
  Before joining the three stooges, Larry Fine was a boxer calling himself "Kid Roth " . Here he is teaching Moe a few things lol

He may got slapped around on film , but will whip your butt in the streets ! Lol

Humble Narcissist

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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #795 on: April 04, 2023, 12:58:33 AM »
Larry Fine was a fine fella who helped a lot of struggling actors out financially. He also was a degenerate gambler.


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #796 on: April 05, 2023, 03:56:55 AM »
Phillip Jerrod Heath, born in 1979, in Seattle, Washington, is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, having won the competition every year from 2011 to 2017. His latest victory tied him with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the joint-third number of all-time Mr. Olympia wins, behind Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman, who are joint-first, with eight wins each. At the height of 5-feet, 9-inches, his contest weight was 240 pounds.
Heath attended Rainier Beach High School in Seattle, where he was team captain and shooting guard on the varsity basketball team. He attended the University of Denver on an athletic scholarship, majoring in business administration while playing shooting guard for the university's Division I basketball team.
Heath entered bodybuilding in 2002. In 2005, he won the overall title at the  National Physique Committee (NPC)  USA Championships, earning the right to compete as an IFBB Pro. He won his first two IFBB professional events the following year: The Colorado Pro Championships and The New York Pro Championship.
In 2007, Heath placed fifth at the Arnold Classic. Although he still qualified to compete in the 2007 Mr. Olympia contest, Heath, nevertheless, did not enter the contest, stating that he needed additional time to improve his  appearance.
Heath won the 2008 Iron Man contest and placed second to Dexter Jackson at the 2008 Arnold Classic. In his 2008 Mr. Olympia debut, Heath finished third to become the first novice to place in the top three since Flex Wheeler in 1993.
Heath claimed the fifth position at the 2009 Mr. Olympia title and second place at the 2010 event. He gained the crown in 2011. He defended the title of Mr. Olympia consecutively six times since then until 2018 when he placed second to Shawn Rhoden.
(During the countdown to the Bound for Glory wrestling pre-event in 2013, Heath accompanied brothers, Jessie and Robbie Godderz, to the ring for their                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tag team gauntlet match, which they won; later, partnered with them to                            their World Tag Team Championship bout against Gunner and James Storm. After the match, he celebrated their title victory with them in the ring and backstage during an interview.)
Reportedly, Heath is contemplating a comeback in the 2023 Mr Olympia contest. If he does compete, he would be just six weeks from his forty-forth birthday. He has had a three year hiatus since his last competition, and November will be six years since his last Olympia win.  What do you think? Should he try for number eight?


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #797 on: April 05, 2023, 07:36:02 AM »
Phillip Jerrod Heath, born in 1979, in Seattle, Washington, is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder. He is a seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, having won the competition every year from 2011 to 2017. His latest victory tied him with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the joint-third number of all-time Mr. Olympia wins, behind Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman, who are joint-first, with eight wins each. At the height of 5-feet, 9-inches, his contest weight was 240 pounds.
Heath attended Rainier Beach High School in Seattle, where he was team captain and shooting guard on the varsity basketball team. He attended the University of Denver on an athletic scholarship, majoring in business administration while playing shooting guard for the university's Division I basketball team.
Heath entered bodybuilding in 2002. In 2005, he won the overall title at the  National Physique Committee (NPC)  USA Championships, earning the right to compete as an IFBB Pro. He won his first two IFBB professional events the following year: The Colorado Pro Championships and The New York Pro Championship.
In 2007, Heath placed fifth at the Arnold Classic. Although he still qualified to compete in the 2007 Mr. Olympia contest, Heath, nevertheless, did not enter the contest, stating that he needed additional time to improve his  appearance.
Heath won the 2008 Iron Man contest and placed second to Dexter Jackson at the 2008 Arnold Classic. In his 2008 Mr. Olympia debut, Heath finished third to become the first novice to place in the top three since Flex Wheeler in 1993.
Heath claimed the fifth position at the 2009 Mr. Olympia title and second place at the 2010 event. He gained the crown in 2011. He defended the title of Mr. Olympia consecutively six times since then until 2018 when he placed second to Shawn Rhoden.
(During the countdown to the Bound for Glory wrestling pre-event in 2013, Heath accompanied brothers, Jessie and Robbie Godderz, to the ring for their                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tag team gauntlet match, which they won; later, partnered with them to                            their World Tag Team Championship bout against Gunner and James Storm. After the match, he celebrated their title victory with them in the ring and backstage during an interview.)
Reportedly, Heath is contemplating a comeback in the 2023 Mr Olympia contest. If he does compete, he would be just six weeks from his forty-forth birthday. He has had a three year hiatus since his last competition, and November will be six years since his last Olympia win.  What do you think? Should he try for number eight?


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #798 on: April 06, 2023, 12:01:29 PM »


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Re: odds and ends [bodybuilding related.
« Reply #799 on: April 06, 2023, 12:03:33 PM »