
Do you like OAK?

10 (20%)
4 (8%)
Hell No
4 (8%)
Fuck No
32 (64%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Voting closed: February 15, 2022, 07:45:13 PM

Author Topic: OAK  (Read 1934 times)

Walter Sobchak

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2022, 10:12:58 AM »

Oh Matt, how original, did you stay up all night thinking about that?

Get off the internet and go spend some time raising your fucking kids.


Getbiger of the past Bast

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« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2022, 04:50:35 PM »

Matt C

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« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2022, 05:13:51 PM »
Oh Matt, how original, did you stay up all night thinking about that?

Get off the internet and go spend some time raising your fucking kids.


That's not me.

Why did you PM me recently?

Have you noticed in the past few months, I don't reply to anything you post?  I skip over all your threads, and in general, I skip over your posts when I see your name.

And the stuff you say is just nasty.  When people trash others in a way that's funny, or include a point that people can learn from, it's tolerable - at least to me.  But people accuse Primemuscle of molesting children during his career with no evidence, it crosses all sorts of lines.

Why do you even open my threads?  I can assure you, I never open any of yours.  But when you got to the point of PM'ing me two days ago, I decided to respond.

I won't respond to any of your future posts, so you don't need to worry about them.  I don't read your posts either - but I do read PM's, which is the only reason why I've interacted with you recently.

I also don't customarily block anyone on social media, but if you're going to only say things that add nothing to value to the board, and, IMO, even degrade the quality of the board, you can forgive me for saying that I would have blocked you by now, if that was an option on this particular message board software.

For example, look at the comments you posted below to robcguns.  The dude did absolutely nothing to merit this, and you bash him like this - for the life of me, I have no idea what good you think this offers:

Do they both make your prolapsed butthole twitch?

Robcguns’ butthole just twitched again.

Like you always say, “If Andre took his wrist watch off he could fist you elbow deep.”

Settle down Princess, your secret is safe with us.

Rancid fisting twink phaggot.


You seem like a sit and spin kind of guy.

You should expect a lot of PMs from Primehomosexual and FitnessFrenzy in the near future.

Cock ottoman.

Anyway, I guess if you want to continue to reply to my posts, and read my threads - go ahead.  But I won't be reading them.  I shouldn't have made the mistake of replying to your PM's, but I guess you noticed that I have been ignoring you for the past few months.  In the future, I will delete your PM's as soon as I see they are from you.

But as I said - by all means, feel free to read and reply to anything I post.  I'd prefer if you did not, because it expends energy to scroll past them, but hey - who am I to complain about that on here?
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Matt C

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« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2022, 05:26:03 PM »
Try to upset me all you want you homosexuality obsessed homophobic, homosexual.

What other explanation would there be?

Only a closet homosexual would think anyone gives a shit about anyone being gay or bi.  In my city, every other fucking house has a rainbow flag.  But what do you think happens when you tell people that they are hated by "society", when no one gives a shit.

In Canada, I can assure you - nobody cares.  In fact, there was an opinion poll that said that something like 82% of people here are fine with homosexuality.  Had you asked me that question before 2015, I would have said the same thing.  Only recently, have the fake victims in the LGBT community gotten so completely out of hand, that I simply can no longer support them.  These people go around accusing others of oppression so much, that now, Canadian universities are obligated to hire 40% bisexual or people of colour [BIPOC] for their staff.

The fake oppression narrative in the LGBT community is now getting to the point that the ACTUAL DISCRIMINATION the pushers of this narrative cause is rising to monumental levels.  To the point that soon, we will need to have Straight Laws laws enacted if this doesn't stop.

Walter Sobchak accused me of being a closet homosexual.  HAHAHAHAHA.  What a fucking moron.  Yes, I OPENLY PRAISE ADOLF HITLER USING MY REAL NAME MATT CANNING OF THUNDER BAY CANADA, ONLINE WITH NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER, but I'm in the closet about being gay in literally the GAYEST POINT in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Western civilization, aside from maybe some gay shit that happened in the days of the Roman Empire.

Just the fact this dumb shit thinks I'm in the closet about ANYTHING is absolutely INSANE to me.

Yeah, I talk about Black-on-Black crime, am considered a "Holocaust Denier" [asking ANY questions about the Holocaust will get you that label], am "transphobic" [thinking that penised individuals can't give birth is "transphobic" now], etc, etc, etc,...

But in the gayest time in human history...

In the gayest country in the world...

In the gayest CITY in that gay country [aside from maybe Davies Village in Vancouver]...


You can't make this up.

IMO, no straight person could possibly think anyone would have any reason to be in the closet.  There are way too many special grants, scholarships, loans, unfair job promotions, etc, that you can get for being gay - especially here in Canada - for anyone to seriously think that.

IMO, only a closet gay man himself would think that.

Furthermore, what straight man cares about gay people enough to viciously bash them?

I am personally disgusted with the heterophobia by the LGBT community, and that's why they have completely lost my support.  But I don't have a problem with individual gay people - shit, a couple of my gay friends feel the same way that I do!  But the fake victim crying by the organized LGBT community annoys me to no end.  Call that "homophobic" if you want - I don't frankly give a shit.

But bashing homosexuals, writing slurs to them online, etc...I don't know ANY straight person that feels that way.

More and more, I don't even know many ANONYMOUS people who do that online anymore.

So for these reasons, I would assume Walter is in the closet.  But even if he is straight, the constantly gay-bashing adds nothing of value to the boards.  I'm offended that the gay-bashing by closet gays gets blamed on straight people.  There was a study that once said that 50% of anti-homosexual crimes were committed by gay people.  I bet the other 50% were committed by bisexual people.  Most people frankly don't care.
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  • Getbig V
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« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2022, 06:26:13 PM »
Embarrassing virtue signalling impostor. A piece of human waste no good to himself or anybody else.

Matt C

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« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2022, 07:35:35 PM »
Embarrassing virtue signalling impostor. A piece of human waste no good to himself or anybody else.

Yes, but at least he doesn't look up photos like this on the internet [for some reason]:

Matt, if your gimmick buddy Bast were to pass away from Covid, would you buy one of these to replace him?

Asking for a friend.

OAK has 36 of 45 people voting NO so far.  That's 90% here against his posts.

What I don't understand is: are these people against OAK...or against his POSITION/anyone pro-vax?

I had to ultimately vote NO because OAK actually wants unvaccinated people to be sent to prison, to have their kids taken away from them, etc.

If he had a pro-vaccination position like my doctor does [for reasons UNBENKNOWNST to me, because I consider my doctor to be very smart], I would be ok with that.  But it's much worse than that - he wants severe punishment to come to unvaccinated people.

If he just said "These vaccines are one way out of this pandemic, that we should explore", and backed up his position with actual non-moronic arguments [like his claim that 2/3 of people in the ICU with the Omicron variant were under the age of 30], I'd be fine with that.  It was only thinking about how he wants my children taken away from me for being unvaccinated, that I decided to post NO.

So are people against OAK the poster, for taking such an extreme position, or would they equally dislike anyone who has a pro-vaccine position?

In my case - I would have no issue with OAK, if he was just encouraging people to take these vaccines, and had data to back up that they work.  For me, what data I have suggests that these vaccines are probably only 70% effective in stopping serious outcomes including death, for Covid, but I only have limited [but growing] data suggesting these vaccines are actually BAD for us.

So I can forgive someone for naively thinking that these 70% effective vaccines are at least better than nothing.  AS LONG AS they make it clear that we simply DON'T KNOW YET the long-term effects of these vaccines, AND they make it clear that these vaccines come with manufacturer legal indemnity, preventing anyone from being able to sue them for damages in the case of adverse reactions or even death.

As a matter of fact, I even texted my doctor to tell him that I felt what he was doing was irresponsible, by not telling his LARGELY YOUNG audience that he was encouraging to take these vaccines that these vaccines DO NOT COME WITH THE ABILITY TO SUE FOR DAMAGES.

So, there IS a pro-vaccine stance that I can SOMEWHAT respect, but it is HIGHLY nuanced, and requires talking about what I talked about above.

OAK does nothing of the sort.  And while not an asshole in that he doesn't spew insults at people at talk about people's anuses prolapsing [like Walter Sobchak, who is likely a closet self-hating homosexual], but he DOES want various government law enforcement agencies to hurt people [arrest them, take away their kids, etc] simply because they are unvaccinated.

That is a nasty, wretched position to hold [much like the view Walter Sobchak has about robcguns' anus], and for that reason, I voted NO.
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Matt C

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« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2022, 07:43:30 PM »
What heterosexual man spends this much time talking about another man's asshole?  ???

Do they both make your prolapsed butthole twitch?

Robcguns’ butthole just twitched again.

Like you always say, “If Andre took his wrist watch off he could fist you elbow deep.”

Settle down Princess, your secret is safe with us.

Rancid fisting twink phaggot.


You seem like a sit and spin kind of guy.

You should expect a lot of PMs from Primehomosexual and FitnessFrenzy in the near future.

Cock ottoman.

I'd love to hear the views of other Getbiggers on this.

Getbigger of the Past, Bast - do you have a hypothesis as to why the anus of robcguns occupies the mind of Walter Sobchak so much?

IMO, he probably thinks about the anus of robcguns while fetching his shit-stained 12" Mulatto dildo from his filthy underwear drawer [no offense, Rob  ;D].

Unless anyone ask can give me another reason why Walter might do this?

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Getbiger of the past Bast

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« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2022, 07:51:02 PM »

OAK has 36 of 45 people voting NO so far.  That's 90% here against his posts.

lol.  he said 1 out of 8 people die from covid.  9 out of 10 getbiggers wish his account was dead. hahaha!


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2022, 07:53:35 PM »
Yes, but at least he doesn't look up photos like this on the internet [for some reason]:

OAK has 36 of 45 people voting NO so far.  That's 90% here against his posts.

What I don't understand is: are these people against OAK...or against his POSITION/anyone pro-vax?

I had to ultimately vote NO because OAK actually wants unvaccinated people to be sent to prison, to have their kids taken away from them, etc.

If he had a pro-vaccination position like my doctor does [for reasons UNBENKNOWNST to me, because I consider my doctor to be very smart], I would be ok with that.  But it's much worse than that - he wants severe punishment to come to unvaccinated people.

If he just said "These vaccines are one way out of this pandemic, that we should explore", and backed up his position with actual non-moronic arguments [like his claim that 2/3 of people in the ICU with the Omicron variant were under the age of 30], I'd be fine with that.  It was only thinking about how he wants my children taken away from me for being unvaccinated, that I decided to post NO.

So are people against OAK the poster, for taking such an extreme position, or would they equally dislike anyone who has a pro-vaccine position?

In my case - I would have no issue with OAK, if he was just encouraging people to take these vaccines, and had data to back up that they work.  For me, what data I have suggests that these vaccines are probably only 70% effective in stopping serious outcomes including death, for Covid, but I only have limited [but growing] data suggesting these vaccines are actually BAD for us.

So I can forgive someone for naively thinking that these 70% effective vaccines are at least better than nothing.  AS LONG AS they make it clear that we simply DON'T KNOW YET the long-term effects of these vaccines, AND they make it clear that these vaccines come with manufacturer legal indemnity, preventing anyone from being able to sue them for damages in the case of adverse reactions or even death.

As a matter of fact, I even texted my doctor to tell him that I felt what he was doing was irresponsible, by not telling his LARGELY YOUNG audience that he was encouraging to take these vaccines that these vaccines DO NOT COME WITH THE ABILITY TO SUE FOR DAMAGES.

So, there IS a pro-vaccine stance that I can SOMEWHAT respect, but it is HIGHLY nuanced, and requires talking about what I talked about above.

OAK does nothing of the sort.  And while not an asshole in that he doesn't spew insults at people at talk about people's anuses prolapsing [like Walter Sobchak, who is likely a closet self-hating homosexual], but he DOES want various government law enforcement agencies to hurt people [arrest them, take away their kids, etc] simply because they are unvaccinated.

That is a nasty, wretched position to hold [much like the view Walter Sobchak has about robcguns' anus], and for that reason, I voted NO.

Was this a 'no' or a 'fuck no' ? Big, big difference

Matt C

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« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2022, 08:04:54 PM »
Bast, I'm homophobic because I'm ashamed of my lust for very large black penises.

LOL!  I can't believe he posted this, probably sarcastically, but it just seems obvious to me.

Literally 3 in 5 of his posts are talking about the anuses of other men, swallowing the sperm of other men, and other gay shit.

Allow me to say - I don't give a shit about gay people, in a negative sense.  I am sick of the gay community complaining about "being oppressed" when they are not, and also sick of self-loathing closet homosexuals commit crimes against open/out homosexuals, while straight people get blamed for it.  And now that I know this is Walter's issue, I'll just try to remember that all of his posts calling me homosexual are just examples of this weird self-loathing/projection of his.

On that note, I'm not anti-gay, and I hate having to qualify a statement by saying that, but - I really hope Walter Sobchak stops posting all this gay shit.

It's NOT that I have a problem with gay people [standard fake tolerance statement about BIPOC people], but it is annoying have post after post about the anus of other men in threads that aren't about that topic.  I scroll past them anyway, which is annoying in and of itself, but other people are subjected to reading about the anus of other board members, prolapsing, and other gay shit, constantly.

I get it - he wants to swallow the sperm of other men.  I don't care.  I just don't want to read about it.

I'll be honest, I don't want to hear about what anyone is doing in their bedroom.  If I wanted to, I'd watch porn.
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Getbiger of the past Bast

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« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2022, 08:14:22 PM »
Literally 3 in 5 of his posts are talking about the anuses of other men, swallowing the sperm of other men, and other gay shit.

Yea a lot of thoughts about male sexual activity is going through his mind.   Honestly if he's not having sex with men he must be very tortured to have so many thoughts and be too scared to act on them!  We should buy him a male hooker for charity!   I will pay Vince Goodrum to visit Walter and give him the night of his life. 

Walter Sobchak

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« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2022, 08:14:38 PM »
Matt your meltdown (and your gimmick’s meltdown) and childish temper tantrum brings a smile to my face.

Let’s recap….you’re a 40 year old man who I made cry because you lied about your house, your education, your wealth, and quite frankly the fact that after a lifetime of lifting weights you have absolutely zero muscle at all.

But carry on if you must, there might be someone who actually reads your 2,000 word rants of stupidity. On the other hand, if Bast really existed, I’m sure the two of you would make a cute little couple.

Getbiger of the past Bast

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« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2022, 08:23:46 PM »
if Bast really existed, I’m sure the two of you would make a cute little couple.

You're saying I may be a simulation?   The photos of me are computer generated?  You're saying i'm cute?   You're saying I'm too good looking to be real?  Thanks for the compliments.

Walter Sobchak

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« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2022, 08:36:43 PM »
You're saying I may be a simulation?   The photos of me are computer generated?  You're saying i'm cute?   You're saying I'm too good looking to be real?  Thanks for the compliments.

Matt….you’re a fucking spastic weirdo, nothing more.

Get off the internet and go spend some time with your kids.

Matt C

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« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2022, 09:23:34 PM »
Matt….you’re a fucking spastic weirdo, nothing more.

Get off the internet and go spend some time with your kids.

^ Lol, I forgot that this works 9-5, five days a week.

HAHAHAHAHA, you broke fucking loser.  ;D

I've been living off my savings for more than a decade now.  That includes the entire time with my children.

That's why I'm on Getbig so much - because I have always been essentially a "stay-at-home dad".

You wonder how I have the time to post so much, and live my life.

It's because I'm not a debt slave like you, you loser.  I'm not the one who has to work 9-5 to make ends meet, like you do.

I just got sick of the bullshit, and had socked away enough to just sit around, and not do shit.

In my city, a person only needs between $750K and $1.25M to live off their savings indefinitely.

I won't ever work again in this climate.

Consider this:

You're forced to post under a gimmick screen name because you would be fired immediately from your job for posting the way you do.  So out of fear, you have to post using a gimmick name.  Now check this out:

"My name is Matt Canning, from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and I think Adolf Hitler was the man!"

^ The content doesn't matter - my point is that I can do that, and you can't.

You're in the closet both in terms of sexual orientation, and in terms of your inability to speak your mind.

I don't know how much it costs to live in Illinois, but I can't see it taking more than maybe $2.5M to retire.

Do you actually not have that much cash/net worth?

Have a nice day working at your 9-5 job tomorrow.
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Walter Sobchak

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« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2022, 10:21:13 PM »
^ Lol, I forgot that this works 9-5, five days a week.

HAHAHAHAHA, you broke fucking loser.  ;D

I've been living off my savings for more than a decade now.  That includes the entire time with my children.

That's why I'm on Getbig so much - because I have always been essentially a "stay-at-home dad".

You wonder how I have the time to post so much, and live my life.

It's because I'm not a debt slave like you, you loser.  I'm not the one who has to work 9-5 to make ends meet, like you do.

I just got sick of the bullshit, and had socked away enough to just sit around, and not do shit.

In my city, a person only needs between $750K and $1.25M to live off their savings indefinitely.

I won't ever work again in this climate.

Consider this:

You're forced to post under a gimmick screen name because you would be fired immediately from your job for posting the way you do.  So out of fear, you have to post using a gimmick name.  Now check this out:

"My name is Matt Canning, from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, and I think Adolf Hitler was the man!"

^ The content doesn't matter - my point is that I can do that, and you can't.

You're in the closet both in terms of sexual orientation, and in terms of your inability to speak your mind.

I don't know how much it costs to live in Illinois, but I can't see it taking more than maybe $2.5M to retire.

Do you actually not have that much cash/net worth?

Have a nice day working at your 9-5 job tomorrow.

Spastic Matt, people don’t live in Thunder Bay, they exist.

You’ve never traveled, seen the world, experienced other cultures, or expanded your knowledge. You went to Lakehead University because that is as far as your mommy lets you travel each day. You live in a detached home in the hinterlands and pretend you have any type of control over your life. You’re a misfit who only ever wanted to be someone in the bodybuilding community, yet no one takes you for anything more than the autistic racist who rants about shit on the internet. Nothing you post is of value, because it all gets tarnished by your stench of retard.

I fear for your kids. I partially understand now why you are so comfortable with letting other people raise them. You would think a guy with that much spare time to workout would actually have a hint of muscle.

And Matt….NO ONE in a big city in the United States is impressed with a $750,000 retirement plan, or a detached home where half of it is rented out to put food on your table.


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« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2022, 11:37:12 PM »
Geez, Matt getting brutally owned.