Author Topic: Matt C. Cycle Update.  (Read 148581 times)


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2025 on: September 16, 2022, 03:51:39 AM »
B. Hank,

I mean - this is my worst rep, and you can visually see where the dumbbell would be, and I would put that under three inches too high.

But see, that's where we differ - I don't think it's necessary to go ALL the way down.

I think as long as the dumbbell touches your delt, without using too much of that sort of cheat method, as it were [lowering the dumbbell on an angle, so one side touches the delt first, lol], it should be fine.

What you're suggesting is sort of the opposite of that - to go as LOW AS POSSIBLE.

I don't think that's necessary.

However, what I wonder is why you don't think locking out your reps for shoulder press is important.

You are a foot too high


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2026 on: September 16, 2022, 03:56:20 AM »
Your comments are noted, but I am close to a proper rep. But I can accept criticism for my video from yesterday - but you also said the video that I took the screenshot below from was horrible form. Your threshold to call something horrible is much different than mine - I'd call that form imperfect, to be sure. I would not call if horrible.

I'm currently within 22-lb of breaking the CAASA Canadian Strongman Circus Dumbbell record in the 80-kg class. The current record is 156-lb. I can get 135-lb - and I'm probably closer to 145, if I went to a proper coach for critique my list in person and correct a few things. Sometimes you can miss things doing it alone.

That's why it's annoying reading your comments. Yes, my form is loose - I'M ALSO LIFTING 100-LB+ DUMBBELLS FOR REPS.

Like fuck's sake...if it someone was doing half reps with 405-lb on the bench press, I would maybe point that our, but I'd acknowledge that the dude is strong [and in that case - stronger than me].

The point of those strength videos is to show where I'm at right now.

It's also not necessarily a matter of being sloppy in my reps. Notice in the screenshot below how angled my wrists are. I can honestly say, I just thought of this now - that my wrists are just not as strong as my overall strength would predict.

And that's what seems to be going on, B. Hank. I don't think I'm purposely trying to cheat by angling my wrist [and hence the dumbbell] down like that. It's that my wrist is not as strong on that lift as it should be, so the dumbbell is dipping, and that was my signal to press it up again...and that's more or less how this form issue came about.

Weak wrists - I wasn't purposely trying to cheat.

For my own purposes, I would not have any interest in going more than 2-3 inches lower.

I compete in Strongman contests. Maybe you're confusing me for a bodybuilder. I am a lightweight competitive Strongman competing in the 80-kg class [I'm allowed to weigh in at 179-lb].

You're telling me various techniques for perfect development, when that's no longer what I was doing. Perhaps I failed to mention, I just went back to strength training last week.

I am perfectly fine with my form in the video that I took the screenshot below from. I'm glad as long as I roughly hit that range of motion.

And this is where we disagree, B. Hank - I don't see any need to go lower than the picture below...maybe 2-3" more, to really show you're doing full "below parallel" reps.

Do you want to put this to a monetary wager?

How about $200 CAD for two full reps with your form, which - as I said - I consider unnecessarily low.

But first I want to see how unnecessarily low that is - can you post a video who meets your standard, who is using decent weight? Call it 60-lb dumbbells or heavier.

How much do you lift with your "elbow-to-the-grass" reps, B. Hank?


I told one classic Getbigger I was going to run a cycle, and he immediately suggested GH, insulin, and all this other shit. I was like - are you fucking kidding me?

Is that what bodybuilders are? Fucking drug addicts?

I had to explain to this guy that I COMPETE IN STRENGTH CONTESTS.

I was open to doing a cycle, but I was just looking to get a boost.


Why the FUCK would I do a bunch of GH, only go go back to 170-180-190, with no definite intention to use again?

I don't see the point. GH gains would have only made a more drastic change to my physique. And my intention is to go back to drug-free, so if I'm going to look the same at this time next year, why make radical gains, if the plan is to GO OFF EVERYTHING, and look completely the same one year from today.

To be honest, even the gains I made were a bit much. But I have been mentally coping since I ended the cycle two weeks ago.

Just the idea of making a radical change with GH, then shrinking...I did not want to undergo such a transformation.

You mean my dumbbell bench presses?

Yes, they were half reps. But regardless, I just did the 120's for 10 perfect reps last time.

So now what do you have to say?

Marty Champions also said I would not be able to get more than one rep with the 120's, and that ended up being obvious bullshit.

Maybe you guys are projecting?

Keep in mind I haven't been back at the gym long, and while I was on a minimal quantity of steroids, I was NOT training for strength.

Now that I am training for strength, SURPRISE SURPRISE, I am getting stronger.

I don't have a foot to go. You need to stop with that - it's absolute balderdash.

A few more inches, and those dumbbells would be buried.

Didn't you believe Planet Fitness was giving away unlimited free pizza on Tuesday nights, or something?

Do you realize how completely absurd what a belief that is? Yet you fell for it.

Back to my form - although you made absurd claims such as me needing to lower the weight another foot down, I should point out that thanks to your comments, I now realize that my wrists may be a weak link for me in this movement.

My wrists are not strong. I don't think I can much help that I dip the dumbbell like that.

I'm glad you caught that.

You are a foot too high you are not even close to doing one single decent rep much less 10 just keep lying to yourself instead of listening and learning


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2027 on: September 16, 2022, 03:59:34 AM »
You are doing the exact same thing you are a foot too high

So you think this depth is a full foot too high?

Upon rewatching the video, I think some of my reps are actually pretty close to my own personal standard.

I agree that I could go down a bit more there, but I'm not particularly concerned about that form.

Also, you are pushing the notion that training matters a lot. It doesn't. Not if I go back to eating 90g protein daily. Look how much progress I made just doubling my calories to 2,400 daily + running minimal gear.

Yes, I did change my training...but I really don't think that was THE factor.

There were three factors:

- Doubling my calories.
- Muscle memory from the pandemic gym closures.
- And of course, steroids.

But training?


Like a man capable of handling 100-lb dumbbells overhead doesn't know how to train properly.

If I want to improve, I will eat more, and consider running more gear.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2028 on: September 16, 2022, 04:00:50 AM »
No, your deficit is your mong brain.

If you want to engage with me, then engage. If you're just going to attack me for no reason, I'd rather not talk to you. Form an argument if you have a criticism. If you are just going to be rude to me for no reason, I should just as well not read your posts.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2029 on: September 16, 2022, 04:06:33 AM »
You are a foot too high you are not even close to doing one single decent rep much less 10 just keep lying to yourself instead of listening and learning

It's not a foot to high.

It may be 6.45 inches too high max.

Call it 7.

For strength training, I get stronger in that range of motion.

For bodybuilding, it may not be ideal, but I'm focusing on strength until I get a diet to follow.

So if you have a diet for me, post it.

Training is not as important as diet. Yet we all act like it is.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2030 on: September 16, 2022, 04:17:51 AM »
B. Hank,

Wouldn't this be the length that I am falling short?

Basically, get the dumbbell to touch, with the dumbbell parallel to the floor, rather than get it to touch by dipping the dumbbell to one side?

Or are you suggesting going even lower than that?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2031 on: September 16, 2022, 04:28:08 AM »

Would you say I have Palumboism?

2006 versus present-day:


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2032 on: September 16, 2022, 04:33:00 AM »
B. Hank, how about you? Are you familiar with Palumboism?

Is there any way to get it, or will everyone get it, just from natural aging?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2033 on: September 16, 2022, 04:35:54 AM »
You are a foot too high

I believe this channel can be great!

"Team Bhank" Merch, etc...


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2034 on: September 16, 2022, 04:36:31 AM »
Hit just one more double biceps backshot Matt......I double dare dog you.....I`ll leap through my screen and strangle you.  :D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2035 on: September 16, 2022, 04:38:16 AM »
Hit just one more double biceps backshot Matt......I double dare dog you.....I`ll leap through my screen and strangle you.  :D

It's really my only good shot!

That was thanks for my delts...but my back has actually improved a bit...but I'm sensing Palumboism is setting in.

What do you think, wes?


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2036 on: September 16, 2022, 04:42:32 AM »
Palumboism  ???

Just get on a treadmill and eat right ya` chubby prick !   ;D

There is no mystery,you fucked up that ridiculous so called cycle cuz when you do gear you just don`t eat more like Hanky does,you eat better.

I won`t even go into that so called cycle cuz you`re a raving hypochondriac.

Send me the rest of your gear,I`ll include it into a proper cycle.

12.5 mgs . of Anadrol  ???  WHO DOES THAT ?

What more need be said.... then you did that ridiculously small amount erratically like every other few days or once a week......WHO DOES THAT ?

Ever hear that drugs have this little thing called a HALFLIFE ?

Dude,do yourself a favor and get lean and stay natural.

You look worse instead of gained fat and water with minimal lean tissue.......could have done better or just as good, without the gear like McWay told you for the results you never got.

I hope you dont hate me,not that I give a fuck.....just keeping it real.

Godspeed !


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2037 on: September 16, 2022, 04:57:30 AM »
Matt, I think Palumboism is drug induced. Too much gear over the years, body stops responding, also training intensity begins to wane a bit due to lack of progress. So an attempt to overcome the regression by using more / different shit, like oil for example only accelerates the deterioration.

You haven't abused gear enough to have any kind of Palumboism. . You've barely used at all. But you're older now so your body won't respond the same as it would've 10 years ago.

The biggest issue is a lot of guys gave you advice on how to really maximize the cycle you just did and it doesn't sound like you took their advice so it's going to be very difficult to keep those gains.

I read something once : You're body is only going to respond to so many cycles, there is a limit, so if you're going to do it then do it right.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2038 on: September 16, 2022, 05:08:24 AM »
Doc,his body will respond to 4 CLEAN meals a day and 30-45 minutes on a treadmill 5-6 days a week.....he doesn`t work and hes heading for 50......what`s he got to lose except bodyfat .....this shit don`t get easier as you age.

Re-think your lifestyle Matt as far as training and diet are concerned and do the right thing.....for you and your tubby fuck!  ;D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2039 on: September 16, 2022, 05:16:04 AM »
There is no such thing as palumboism guys just lose size then try and gain it back and wind up with a big belly and smaller arms and legs.

Matt you have 2 good knees and no job and too high of a bodyfat level. Get more active start walking daily join a sport team get a dog pick up an outdoor hobby that involves exercise swim laps at your gym


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2040 on: September 16, 2022, 07:34:04 AM »
I believe this channel can be great!

"Team Bhank" Merch, etc...

Yes, we definitely need more "Hankins's Morning Minutes". Perhaps a longer series - The Cocoon with Brian WH Hankins (full name and initials to make it sound more scientific :) ). 

I also appreciate that Brian was in such a hurry to help young Matt, that he couldn't even zip his fly. That's dedication to the craft.

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2041 on: September 16, 2022, 07:48:01 AM »
I believe this channel can be great!

"Team Bhank" Merch, etc...

Getbig Feuds    :D ;D


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2042 on: September 16, 2022, 08:18:46 AM »
All I can say on all this shoulder pressing is that I would come down till dumbbell touches shoulders but most I see only come down to upper arm parallel with floor.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2043 on: September 16, 2022, 09:47:39 AM »
So you think this depth is a full foot too high?

Upon rewatching the video, I think some of my reps are actually pretty close to my own personal standard.

I agree that I could go down a bit more there, but I'm not particularly concerned about that form.

Also, you are pushing the notion that training matters a lot. It doesn't. Not if I go back to eating 90g protein daily. Look how much progress I made just doubling my calories to 2,400 daily + running minimal gear.

Yes, I did change my training...but I really don't think that was THE factor.

There were three factors:

- Doubling my calories.
- Muscle memory from the pandemic gym closures.
- And of course, steroids.

But training?


Like a man capable of handling 100-lb dumbbells overhead doesn't know how to train properly.

If I want to improve, I will eat more, and consider running more gear.




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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2044 on: September 16, 2022, 09:51:07 AM »
I like your posts but disagree that a barbell is "much safer".

Locking into a linear plane might not be the best option for everyone.

But Matt's reps suck.  It's quintessential using weights that are too heavy.

If he did a program like Wendler 5-3-1 he'd figure it out that the reps never have to get to that.

It may not be. But, some of that can be mitigated by using moderate poundage until you get stronger.

When I first started lifting, people used to swear by the behind-the-neck (BTN) barbell press. But, during the mid-to-late 90s, the BTN press got treated like the plague.

I stopped doing dumbbell presses for shoulders 10 years ago, because they're just a pain (literally) to manipulate after the 120s. When I switched to the barbell, I would initially do laterals first to make sure the medial delts got most of the work.

Now, I have the hang of it and I don't even have to do that anymore. As long as I warm up properly, I can hit my shoulders with the regular barbell shoulder press (or the Smith-Machine) and I feel it mainly in the side delts.

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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2045 on: September 16, 2022, 10:17:00 AM »
It may not be. But, some of that can be mitigated by using moderate poundage until you get stronger.

When I first started lifting, people used to swear by the behind-the-neck (BTN) barbell press. But, during the mid-to-late 90s, the BTN press got treated like the plague.

I stopped doing dumbbell presses for shoulders 10 years ago, because they're just a pain (literally) to manipulate after the 120s. When I switched to the barbell, I would initially do laterals first to make sure the medial delts got most of the work.

Now, I have the hang of it and I don't even have to do that anymore. As long as I warm up properly, I can hit my shoulders with the regular barbell shoulder press (or the Smith-Machine) and I feel it mainly in the side debts.

That's cool that it worked.  BTN presses are awful IMO, but I remember doing them all the same.

Probably why I've had two clavicle excision surgeries, lol.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2046 on: September 16, 2022, 10:20:42 AM »
Your form looks fine to me, Matt.


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2047 on: September 16, 2022, 10:58:39 AM »
There is no such thing as palumboism guys just lose size then try and gain it back and wind up with a big belly and smaller arms and legs.

Matt you have 2 good knees and no job and too high of a bodyfat level. Get more active start walking daily join a sport team get a dog pick up an outdoor hobby that involves exercise swim laps at your gym
story of your life

and get the guy who has only been working for 4 weeks


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2048 on: September 16, 2022, 11:59:56 AM »

Would you say I have Palumboism?

2006 versus present-day:

No Hate here, Just what i see.

you're just a bigger & fatter version of your 2006 self .
No Change in body proportions - all parts that were lacking are still proportionally lacking in comparison to the others as they were in 2006.

it's your Training that is the issue - your not looking at yourself as a bodybuilder and Clearly not training as one .

If your goal was just to be heavier version of yourself you have achieved that.
If you had trained & added size as a bodybuilder you'd look a lot better
Physically -
Mind all have Different goals


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Re: Matt C. Cycle Update.
« Reply #2049 on: September 16, 2022, 04:51:06 PM »
Two of the worst responders (Matt and bhanks) to PEDS to ever Grace this forum, yet given bodybuilding advice to each other.

Only on getbig :D :D :D :D