At this moment, probably around 282-4-ish. Hover between 280 and 290.
I can sit in the hole (DEEP) with 500 for a solid 10 seconds and then come up like a rising monster.
Don’t know what my max is these days.
But Fortress is always somewhere near or over 600.
Fortress is a different beast.
I mean no conceit when I say, with moderate (relative to today’s insane dosages, etc.) use, I’d be repping 700-plus squats, 500-plus presses …
Static strength and physical durability are my genetic gifts.
Holy sh*t!!
That's incredible. I've literally only personally witnessed one person squatting 500 in my life. A friend who got 500x3, to about parallel.
I have never personally witnessed anyone at any gym ever squat more than 500. I have seen one man about your size squat 405-lb. That was in 2002. Then I saw a local Strongman squat either 445 for three reps. That was in 2014.
So I've literally only seem three people squat 405+ in my entire life. People here who say squatting 405 is common are full of shit.
There are 220 members at my 24-hour gym. I am the ONLY member who uses the 120-lb dumbbells, EVER. In fact, I taped 5-lb on each side literally two weeks ago, and no one has touched it. It's still taped up, sitting at the end of the rack.
Because I'm the only one who uses the 120's.
My point is:
People are lying.
I have never personally observed a squatter of your strength in my LIFE. Although I do know some strong squatters, I have just never been at the same gym when they were squatting that much.
I'm not sure what I can do that a pause that long - maybe 315. But maybe not. That's a pretty wild pause.
You know...I think that may be something to incorporate into my training: paused reps. Not ten second pauses...but just an absolute full pause.
I'm reaching a plateau, and my weak point is usually getting the lift going. If I can break out of the hole squatting, or get a deadlift past my knees - I can usually finish it.
So I may give paused reps a try.
Have you ever competed in powerlifting? Being so extraordinarily strong, it would seem like a waste not to. Even your current strength is probably the Top 1% of the Top 1%.