I would just play it cool
Be polite, say hello to her in passing or nod hello. That's all.
If she's interested she'll let you know.
She's aware of you already.
That's such a betacuck move.
She's in a room with a bunch of horny alpha males, clearly she wants it bad.
You have to make it clear you have the biggest dick in the room.
Post a video on Tiktok of you working out beside her, make it clear and loud that you have an 8 inch cock.
Get a logbook, mark down her work out routines and times. Make it clear you're courageous brave and powerful, don't let her think you're gonna back down like a beta.
Find her outside the gym, catch her off guard, to show her your true wit and cunning.
If you're not committed to be a courageous beast to slay the dragon and take the virgin, maybe fucking chicks at the gym is a bad idea.