Author Topic: Getting back into it  (Read 1837 times)


  • Getbig I
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Getting back into it
« on: November 08, 2023, 07:49:52 AM »
Hi guys been a lurker for a very long time so decided to finally make an account.

I'm 29yo 6foot and currently around 215lbs

Biggest iv been in good condition was 240lbs 10 years of blast and cruise under my belt so iv tried most things. Only used HGH recently. I used a lot of lantus to hit my mark.

So last November I tore the cartilage in my knee and lost my job over it, while waiting for surgery I found myself extremely depressed and dropped from 240lbs to 200lbs.

Been running between 250mg-500mg Test weekly as iv blast and cruised the last 10 years added HGH at 4iu ED after my surgery and loved the fullness I'm looking at starting a blast and getting back into it like I was.

Currently at my disposal HGH, Lantus, Novorapid and plenty of Testosterone. Anything I could add to the mix?

Tried injecting Tren recently and felt like I'd been poisoned, should I start at a baby dose or is this my body saying STOP? Ran upto 1000mg Tren E weekly and never once felt bad like I do now.

My knee doesn't feel right 4 months after surgery, almost feels num and wants to lock out, my legs seem to have shrunk the worst and obviously the affected leg looks tiny now.

Hopefully I can keep my head in the right place and keep abit of a log going here..... Time will tell.

Pics were my journey to 240



  • Getbig II
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Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 12:22:09 AM »
Awesome job,  1000mg Tren a week is too much for anybody


  • Getbig I
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  • Getbig!
Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2023, 03:14:07 AM »
Awesome job,  1000mg Tren a week is too much for anybody

It most definitely is and age has taught me that. It's not something I even suggest people use anymore.

Yesterday I trained Chest and Triceps at 5am and this 5am I hit back and rear delts.

Both sessions were abit freestyle so I will be drawing up a program for myself today, I will take my weight tomorrow morning to see where I'm at, I think around 215lbs.

Cycle starting today
4iu HGH pre workout
250mg Test E MTWFS weekly 1250mg
50mg Mast P MTWFS weekly 250mg


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2023, 08:51:29 AM »
Hi guys been a lurker for a very long time so decided to finally make an account.

I'm 29yo 6foot and currently around 215lbs

Biggest iv been in good condition was 240lbs 10 years of blast and cruise under my belt so iv tried most things. Only used HGH recently. I used a lot of lantus to hit my mark.

So last November I tore the cartilage in my knee and lost my job over it, while waiting for surgery I found myself extremely depressed and dropped from 240lbs to 200lbs.

Been running between 250mg-500mg Test weekly as iv blast and cruised the last 10 years added HGH at 4iu ED after my surgery and loved the fullness I'm looking at starting a blast and getting back into it like I was.

Currently at my disposal HGH, Lantus, Novorapid and plenty of Testosterone. Anything I could add to the mix?

Tried injecting Tren recently and felt like I'd been poisoned, should I start at a baby dose or is this my body saying STOP? Ran upto 1000mg Tren E weekly and never once felt bad like I do now.

My knee doesn't feel right 4 months after surgery, almost feels num and wants to lock out, my legs seem to have shrunk the worst and obviously the affected leg looks tiny now.

Hopefully I can keep my head in the right place and keep abit of a log going here..... Time will tell.

Pics were my journey to 240


  • Getbig V
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Re: Getting back into it
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2023, 09:55:39 AM »
what the smart guys say nowadays is don't run over 150 mgs of tren a week and not more than 2 grams total and this is for 250+ pound mass monsters

it's basically 3-400 mg of test and 1.5 grams or mast or primo or a combo of both

mast does fuck all for me have no clue bout primo but don't want to spend so much fucking $$$ on it so it can fuck off :D :D :D

but i'm not looking to be over 2 bills @ 5-6% and in fact 170-180 is fine pour moi so i'm sure 1 gram would be more than enough

so if i did go to 1 gram it would be 250 test 150 tren 200 var and 400 deca

justin harris says no once needs more than 3 grams total and for most 2 grams total is more than enough