What the best gear would be for my next cycle. Test+Deca+D-bol?
Test is always the foundation of any good cycle, regardless if you are a beginner or a veteran...I think that has been made very clear on this board over and over again...check the stickies at the top of the page.
As far as what else to add, that depends on a number of things. First off, how experienced the user is, what the individual is looking for out of the cycle, how his body has reacted to various drugs in the past, etc.
A test/deca/dbol cycle would be fine, that is a pretty standard cycle for a lot of guys, and you should be able to put on some decent size with that cycle. But first and formmost, the success of this cycle is completely dependant upon your diet and training, especially your diet. If you are not eating enough, even with this cycle, the gains will be minimal.
I've said it a million times, I absolutely hate dbol, so I rarely recommend it to anyone, purely on personal preference. It is a good way to jump start a cycle, but the side effects are not worth the positive aspects, and in truth dbol does not really add that much to a cycle IMO. Since you are wanting minimal water retention, again, dbol is not your best bet here. But if you are looking to put on some size you are going to have to get past the whole water retention thing...it is just something that comes with it. Yes, you could run a harsh cutting cycle that would help eliminate most of that, but at the stage you are at this is not something I will recommend.