Author Topic: Stay ON or prolonged cycles  (Read 3085 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:18:17 AM »
Does anyone just stay on a low dose of test and then up the anty a few times a year for full blown cycles?  For example, 250mg a week for 10-12 week then crank it for 10 weeks at 500-750, then back down or even a proper pct and recover?  Thoughts?


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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 05:34:19 AM »
Does anyone just stay on a low dose of test and then up the anty a few times a year for full blown cycles?  For example, 250mg a week for 10-12 week then crank it for 10 weeks at 500-750, then back down or even a proper pct and recover?  Thoughts?

If I understand you you will be on the 250mg always?  If that is true you will never recover your natural test production.  250mg a wk is plenty to keep your HPTA suppressed.  On or off no in between.............or free lunches for that matter.

The olny way to recover is to come off AAS completly.  This concept should not be hard to understand.


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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 06:06:41 AM »
My question is this....If my tests levels are natty low, from a prolonged cutting diet and low cals for over a year's just wrecked havoc on me, my doc wants to try androderm..if that's the case, I'd rather do my theory was to go on for 8-10 weeks at 250mgwk...then do a full blown cycle at 500-750mg for 8 weeks, then come off and do an all out, in total, it'll be a 18 weeker.  I am only 160lbs - so I hope the first 8 weeks would get me around 170lbs with a good ass bulking diet and training hard.  Then an additonal 10-15lbs in the all out cycle.  Thoughts?

Here's my biggest fear - is this true - having low test levels and stepping into a clean, but high caloric diet will yield fat gain, since low test + high calories =,emotionally and mentally, I think I d do beter and not be such a basketcase having test levels that are nor to above norm....thoughts?


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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 10:42:45 AM »
why would you do that...your natural test levels are around 250mg/week anyways.  you'd be shutting down you natural production, and paying a shitload of money for no reason.

just do 500-700mg/week for 12 weeks maximum do your PCT properly and then wait a while and go back on...its not that hard man

wes mantooth

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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 01:36:04 PM »
why would you do that...your natural test levels are around 250mg/week anyways.  you'd be shutting down you natural production, and paying a shitload of money for no reason.

just do 500-700mg/week for 12 weeks maximum do your PCT properly and then wait a while and go back on...its not that hard man

ehhhh..i dont think the androderm is gonna yield the equivelent of 250mgs a week affy. to your doctor in regard to hrt options. he might advise injections...hopefully unsupervised (so you wont have to visit him every 10 days). typically, you are given around 100mgs every 10-12 days of cyp. least talk to the doc in regard to that. if you are shut down naturally and on hrt....i guess i would just run the 12 week cycle and fuck the pct...youll be on hrt anyway.

thoughts? freakfest?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2006, 06:14:30 AM »
FUCK IT!!  I APOLOGIZE!!  I have one problem and one problem only - this is where my anxiety stems from.  My test is low!  My doc put me on androderm and then that was it.  It did nothing.  So, I want to do this part on my own.  I went out and got some eq and some cyp.  My number one fear is training instense and eatiing my ass off, but not going anywhere cause my test is so damn low naturally that number one I'll make noi gains in the gym and number two, my body wont put the cals to use and there be stored as fat.  I know my mind is fing with me, but if I can someway manage to sub in some test for the time being, I will crank the cals, crank the intensity, and not post anything esle other than my results when I'm back to my 200lb fram!!!

here's a story:

Well, last night my bro and I took a drive out to this gym to pick up a 10lbs bag of dextrose.  Met up with the owner who seems pretty knowledgeable in all training aspects and also competes in the Npc level.  He’s 31, prob. About 5’6, and a jacked 195.  He described my history to a tee.  He said one day he was benching 365 for 4-6 and then noticed a decline.  Then a few weeks later, he was struggling was 275 and so on. 

He went to his doc and they put him on 100mg of cyp a week or 225 every 2 weeks.  He claims all this as done was put him in the normal range at around 600, but his strength, feelings, etc are all back up and full peak.  No bloat no nothing, just enough to keep him normal ( I think he tested around 200 went he went in) but he’s on for life.

He said the androderm I was prescribed could be my problem.  I haven’t used them for a good 6 months, but could I still be shut down from the use?  All I did was stop cold turkey.  I am sure it’s because my caloric intake was so low for so long, but who really knows.  I want to talk to you guys about this.  If I took his advice, would that be ridiculous?  Would it just shut me down completely forever?  Could I ever come off?  My diet right now is around the 4k mark, a big change from my previous 2,500 cals.  Mt training is more intense now, but I am not doing am cardio, or anything more than 10 minutes.  I eat every 2-3 hours, 40g Protein, 60 carbs, 7-8 times increasing them pw and decreasing prebed…..If I did what he said and took the 100mg/week for say 10 weeks, kept my calories at the very high end, kept my training intense 4x a week, will this allow me to make some nice clean gains, then come off with a proper pct of clomid and nolva, continue the diet and just keep growing?  I am just afraid that I am not going to make any gains right now no matter how much I eat or how hard I train because I have ZERO test production.

wes mantooth

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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2006, 07:52:03 AM »
f**k IT!!  I APOLOGIZE!!  I have one problem and one problem only - this is where my anxiety stems from.  My test is low!  My doc put me on androderm and then that was it.  It did nothing.  So, I want to do this part on my own.  I went out and got some eq and some cyp.  My number one fear is training instense and eatiing my ass off, but not going anywhere cause my test is so damn low naturally that number one I'll make noi gains in the gym and number two, my body wont put the cals to use and there be stored as fat.  I know my mind is fing with me, but if I can someway manage to sub in some test for the time being, I will crank the cals, crank the intensity, and not post anything esle other than my results when I'm back to my 200lb fram!!!

here's a story:

Well, last night my bro and I took a drive out to this gym to pick up a 10lbs bag of dextrose.  Met up with the owner who seems pretty knowledgeable in all training aspects and also competes in the Npc level.  He’s 31, prob. About 5’6, and a jacked 195.  He described my history to a tee.  He said one day he was benching 365 for 4-6 and then noticed a decline.  Then a few weeks later, he was struggling was 275 and so on. 

He went to his doc and they put him on 100mg of cyp a week or 225 every 2 weeks.  He claims all this as done was put him in the normal range at around 600, but his strength, feelings, etc are all back up and full peak.  No bloat no nothing, just enough to keep him normal ( I think he tested around 200 went he went in) but he’s on for life.

He said the androderm I was prescribed could be my problem.  I haven’t used them for a good 6 months, but could I still be shut down from the use?  All I did was stop cold turkey.  I am sure it’s because my caloric intake was so low for so long, but who really knows.  I want to talk to you guys about this.  If I took his advice, would that be ridiculous?  Would it just shut me down completely forever?  Could I ever come off?  My diet right now is around the 4k mark, a big change from my previous 2,500 cals.  Mt training is more intense now, but I am not doing am cardio, or anything more than 10 minutes.  I eat every 2-3 hours, 40g Protein, 60 carbs, 7-8 times increasing them pw and decreasing prebed…..If I did what he said and took the 100mg/week for say 10 weeks, kept my calories at the very high end, kept my training intense 4x a week, will this allow me to make some nice clean gains, then come off with a proper pct of clomid and nolva, continue the diet and just keep growing?  I am just afraid that I am not going to make any gains right now no matter how much I eat or how hard I train because I have ZERO test production.


hrt (hormone replacement therapy) is something you need to get your levels to par with a normal male at your age. THATS IT!!! dont think of it as a cycle. you dont take 100mgs of test a week for 10 weeks and then youre doesnt work like that. its a medication that must be taken for extended periods of time...if not forever. talk to your doc again and tell him you didnt like the androgel and you need an alternative. if he gives you shots....take the 100mgs a week.....then down the road if you want to "cycle", ramp your test to 500mgs and add something else like deca or eq for 10 weeks......then after the 10 weeks YOU GO BACK TO THE 100mgs A WEEK. you dont need pct because your nuts dont work anyway....


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2006, 08:38:59 AM »
I completely understand the process...however, I am just afraid before I go that route that it was all because of my low caloric intake for years....rsulting in my body shutting down,, I am wondering if I do crank my cals and stay off or do a full cycle now with pct, will I be able to come back natually?

wes mantooth

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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2006, 08:56:27 AM »
I completely understand the process...however, I am just afraid before I go that route that it was all because of my low caloric intake for years....rsulting in my body shutting down,, I am wondering if I do crank my cals and stay off or do a full cycle now with pct, will I be able to come back natually?

the only way to know if your natural levels are gonna come back or not due to diet is to NOT do a cycle. just wait it out. personally, i dont think you low caloric intake was the problem.....


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2006, 10:19:28 AM »
how about a low dose cycle....250mg per week...10 weeks and a good pct?

Arnold jr

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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2006, 10:32:07 AM »
how about a low dose cycle....250mg per week...10 weeks and a good pct?
Are you asking if running this will lead to you having higher natural test levels when you come off? That's what it sounds like you're implying. If that is what you're saying, then the answer is NO. Running a small or large cycle is not going to cause your natural levels to be higher later down the road when you come doesn't work that way.

As far as your years of restricted calorie intake, this may have had an effect on your natural test levels, but it should not be something that would cause them to remain permanently low. Hard severe dieting does have an effect on natural test levels but it is not a permanent always, this is assuming other aspects of your life are not be left out of the equation that might effect things.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2006, 10:59:29 AM »
gotcha.....m diet has been that resticted up until 2 weeks ago where I met with a trainer and went from 2500 to, give it some time, prob. the best solution....settle my one fear, having low testosterone and a calorie surplus will nOT lead to fat gain in someone who trains hard 4x a week.....


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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2006, 02:16:50 PM »
If you eat cleanly with those calories and train hard, including aerobics, you shouldn't get fat.

I'm with these guys, though, your whole thought process is extremely scrambled.  Your best option is to train naturally and ramp up your diet, and then recheck your test levels.  This will answer what, I think, is your underlying question.  If your test levels remain low, then deciding between hrt and repetitive cycles is your decision, but the most proper PCT plan on the planet wont allow you to recover what you never had naturally.

Am I missing something here?  How old are you?

wes mantooth

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2006, 03:41:12 PM »
If you eat cleanly with those calories and train hard, including aerobics, you shouldn't get fat.

I'm with these guys, though, your whole thought process is extremely scrambled.  Your best option is to train naturally and ramp up your diet, and then recheck your test levels.  This will answer what, I think, is your underlying question.  If your test levels remain low, then deciding between hrt and repetitive cycles is your decision, but the most proper PCT plan on the planet wont allow you to recover what you never had naturally.

Am I missing something here?  How old are you?

thanks freak...through my 13 post rambling...thats exactly what i was trying to explain....

you managed to do it in abot 4 sentences :) :)


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Re: Stay ON or prolonged cycles
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2006, 03:56:58 PM »
I really do think as freak said are we missing something here?  Im just gonna say it Lugar you mentioned some sickness you had somewhere in one of your posts..............are you talking HIV?  Please explain.