Author Topic: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............  (Read 15101 times)

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 10:35:18 PM »
if your from Canada..just look at Chretien  :-\  >:(

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 10:37:39 PM »
Oh.... ooopsie ;D Knew what was going to happen!  LOL...

On another note,
Some advice for you Intenseone, If you want anybody to take your post serious, you probably shouldn't use the word Proof with a link to Fox News. That instantly solicits an eye roll ;D

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 10:40:00 PM »
Oh.... ooopsie ;D Knew what was going to happen!  LOL...

On another note,
Some advice for you Intenseone, If you want anybody to take your post serious, you probably shouldn't use the word Proof with a link to Fox News. That instantly solicits an eye roll ;D's everywhere......but on the good side it's a definate win for the Republicans 8)!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2006, 10:49:02 PM »'s everywhere......but on the good side it's a definate win for the Republicans 8)!!
why I said on a side note.  Not saying this story was bogus, I was giving you shit for having proof and fox together ;D

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2006, 10:51:19 PM »
It's proof that people would rather listen to an untested, unfamiliar voice supporting a pullout of iraq, than a well-liked, known guy they trust enough to elect to teh White house, who wants to stay there.  People really hate this war now.  

I see myself as the perfect specimin of a voter who has given up.  Five years ago, no way would I put a liberal crybaby into office.  But now, wow... I might have voted for LaMont.  

I have read and watched videos for the last 5 months.  The war, 911, the Patriot act... I give up on the political system.  I could care less who wins anything anymore.  911 was faked.  If nothing else, Bush's complete disregard for Secret Service protocol that morning... Every secretary of anything in DC was whisked into a bunker, and Bush just stayed on his regular schedule...

I give up.  I could care less about who wins what anymore.  

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2006, 11:01:08 PM »
It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2006, 11:10:45 PM »
It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!
So will say Fox News, Glenn Beck and the rest of those stooges. Only problem is that people are waking up to their BS.  The kind of cretin left who listens to them with any seriousness would never have voted Dem anyway.  This means jack shit, sorry...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2006, 11:14:03 PM »
It's also proof that Liberals/Dems are weak on defence.......a vote for Lamont was a vote for leveling every major city in America!
Oh and this is a war of aggression, not a defensive war and you know it.


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2006, 12:48:43 AM »
Mckinney's loss is proof that people would rather listen to a sane person who doesn't spout conspiracy theory and assault cops, than a well-liked, known woman they trusted enough to elect to congress, who wants to stay there.  People really love this war and administration now.  

I see myself as the perfect specimin of a voter who has given up.  Five years ago, no way would I put a dem into office.  But now, wow... I might have voted for Mckinney.  

I have read and watched videos for the last 5 months.  The war, 911, the Patriot act... I give up on the political system.  I could care less who wins anything anymore.  911 was faked.  If nothing else, Bush's complete disregard for Secret Service protocol that morning... Every secretary of anything in DC was whisked into a bunker, and Bush just stayed on his regular schedule... And yet people will not return Mckinney to Capitol Hill.

I give up.  I could care less about who wins what anymore.  


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2006, 02:36:22 AM »

This will work in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Everything seems to be setup for her nowadays. Having Fox News and Bill O'Reilly in her court could lead to a lot of swing votes.

I wouldn't be surprised if you voted for her in the end, since there won't be any Republican candidate that you rather want to be in office.

If you're to vote between Condi and Hillary... My feeling is that after some months of persuasion from Bill O'Reilly... You will vote for Hillary. 8)

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2006, 06:37:36 AM »
It's proof that people would rather listen to an untested, unfamiliar voice supporting a pullout of iraq, than a well-liked, known guy they trust enough to elect to teh White house, who wants to stay there.  People really hate this war now.  

I see myself as the perfect specimin of a voter who has given up.  Five years ago, no way would I put a liberal crybaby into office.  But now, wow... I might have voted for LaMont.  

I have read and watched videos for the last 5 months.  The war, 911, the Patriot act... I give up on the political system.  I could care less who wins anything anymore.  911 was faked.  If nothing else, Bush's complete disregard for Secret Service protocol that morning... Every secretary of anything in DC was whisked into a bunker, and Bush just stayed on his regular schedule...

I give up.  I could care less about who wins what anymore.  
240, just make sure you keep voting though, bro.  Alot of people shed some serious blood for you and me to be able to have that right.  Even if it's a coin-toss (and you know it's been done before), just do it. I understand your frustration.  I'm still voting for the lesser of the two evils right now. 


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2006, 08:27:45 AM »
240, just make sure you keep voting though, bro.  Alot of people shed some serious blood for you and me to be able to have that right.  Even if it's a coin-toss (and you know it's been done before), just do it. I understand your frustration.  I'm still voting for the lesser of the two evils right now. 

How long is voting for the lesser of 2 evils going to go on? 

Is the American public so glazed over that party leadership will continue to put "Lesser of 2 evil" candidates up for election?

Have we become so disconnected to reality by the complex layers of political crap that we've been polarize to con and lib ends and therefore controlled? 

We got nut jobs running around in both parties feeding the ammo pouches of each other's opposite side further alienating any practical possibilities for solution to our problems.  When did being conservative become neo-conservative and when did anything opposed to conservative ideas and direction become all liberal?

The simple minded folk who would be first to condemn based on their political affiliation's listed stereotypes are growing in larger numbers becoming more and more fanatical and blind to any objectivity instantly labeling and associating entire political ideas, political parties and principles from a single person's comments.

Yep this country needs a change.


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2006, 08:30:05 AM »
Oz, what do you think of Leiberman running as an independent?


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2006, 09:32:58 AM »
This will work in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Everything seems to be setup for her nowadays. Having Fox News and Bill O'Reilly in her court could lead to a lot of swing votes.

I wouldn't be surprised if you voted for her in the end, since there won't be any Republican candidate that you rather want to be in office.

If you're to vote between Condi and Hillary... My feeling is that after some months of persuasion from Bill O'Reilly... You will vote for Hillary. 8)


SURELY there's no way that Cunnilingus Rice will get the Rep. nomination...  her vs. Hillary sounds like a good video game though.


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2006, 10:15:34 AM »
The war in Iraq has been mishandled and is on the verge of absolute disaster.  We have spent billions of dollars, lost about 3000 troops, and for what? Well, we liberated the shiites from saddams yolk right? I guess so, but for what? For this, to have 10.000's of shiites gather in the street and yell "Death of America" as they did earlier this week?  Screw em, lets get out or drastically change our strategy or tactics.  Let them kill each other as they have been doing for 1000s of years in that region.
Valhalla awaits.


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2006, 10:57:17 AM »
For this, to have 10.000's of shiites gather in the street and yell "Death of America" as they did earlier this week?  Screw em, lets get out or drastically change our strategy or tactics.  Let them kill each other as they have been doing for 1000s of years in that region.

I wonder why our devious CIA didn't just plant some IEDs at that rally? ??? seeing as they specialize in ops like this . . .against our own people.  ::)


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2006, 12:03:32 PM »

SURELY there's no way that Cunnilingus Rice will get the Rep. nomination...  her vs. Hillary sounds like a good video game though.

    :D  LOL!  ;D


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2006, 01:19:31 PM »

SURELY there's no way that Cunnilingus Rice will get the Rep. nomination...  her vs. Hillary sounds like a good video game though.

Thing is, even the Bush administration seems to be working to get Hillary into office right now.

Not really helping their fellow Republicans with their actions right now.

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2006, 01:37:47 PM »
How long is voting for the lesser of 2 evils going to go on? 

Is the American public so glazed over that party leadership will continue to put "Lesser of 2 evil" candidates up for election?

Have we become so disconnected to reality by the complex layers of political crap that we've been polarize to con and lib ends and therefore controlled? 

We got nut jobs running around in both parties feeding the ammo pouches of each other's opposite side further alienating any practical possibilities for solution to our problems.  When did being conservative become neo-conservative and when did anything opposed to conservative ideas and direction become all liberal?

The simple minded folk who would be first to condemn based on their political affiliation's listed stereotypes are growing in larger numbers becoming more and more fanatical and blind to any objectivity instantly labeling and associating entire political ideas, political parties and principles from a single person's comments.

Yep this country needs a change.

Oz, I don't like it any more than you do.  And you're right, bro.  Something has to change.  Any suggestions?   :-\


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2006, 08:54:04 PM »
The war in Iraq has been mishandled and is on the verge of absolute disaster.  We have spent billions of dollars, lost about 3000 troops, and for what? Well, we liberated the shiites from saddams yolk right? I guess so, but for what? For this, to have 10.000's of shiites gather in the street and yell "Death of America" as they did earlier this week?  Screw em, lets get out or drastically change our strategy or tactics.  Let them kill each other as they have been doing for 1000s of years in that region.

I'll second the "lets leave" idea. The big fear is that if we leave someone worse will take over Iraq. Who cares? If someone that hates America worse takes over we can just bomb the piss out of them again. The actual war only lasted about two weeks, it's the occupation that is such a disaster.


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Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2006, 09:30:53 PM »

fox and news is an oxymoron..

i wont bother watching...

Then you can be in the minority who don't watch's #1 in the ratings with PMSNBC and CNN in the shitter!

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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2006, 09:41:00 PM »
i watch O'Reilly every night.

keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer ;)


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Re: Proof Liberals have their heads up their...............
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2006, 06:47:49 AM »
i watch O'Reilly every night.

keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer ;)

The Godfather, part 2.  I saw that for the first time last week.  Gonna see part 3 tonight