Author Topic: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"  (Read 5135 times)

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Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« on: August 15, 2006, 10:51:01 PM »
Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
Indians says group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan's ISI

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 16 2006

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair - who yearn for a "new 9/11" to absolve them of domestic political trouble.

Murray previously blew the whistle on how the British government was using evidence obtained from torture in Uzbekistan - inflicted on its population US-funded regime of Islam Karimov - the dictator who likes to boil people alive.

Murray questions the intent and capability of the alleged terrorists to carry out the attack and offers the likelihood that evidence of the plot was obtained through torture in Pakistan.

"None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time," says Murray (pictured).

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 10:59:20 PM »
Rob, where are you coming up with all this shit, the only one's that are buying are the Libs and their wrong 99.99% of the time anyway......just take a look at Jag :-\!!

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 11:14:10 PM »
LOL.. I tell ya man, I AM a conservative.

I believe in a strong justice system, tapering off welfare, gun rights, etc. 

I do, however, recognize and believe in the current thesis- held by many in both parties - that Bush has been, at the very least, using fear tactics in order to justify war and eliminate personal rights in the USA.

I would vote for McCain.  I would vote for a lot of republicans.  Certainly locally.  But I believe this particular group in power now has broken a few rules.

It took FIVE YEARS of lawsuits to get the 911 firefighter tapes released.  I mean, I don't see what that has to do with national security.  They're hiding something, man.  It makes me uneasy, as I did trust Bush at one time.


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 02:28:08 AM »
Rob, where are you coming up with all this shit, the only one's that are buying are the Libs and their wrong 99.99% of the time anyway......just take a look at Jag :-\!!

Dude, I'm embarrased for you!  :-[

...and what do you mean take a look at Jag?  ::)  Jag is more accurate than you'll ever know.
What I find extremely comical is the notion that I am extremely left wing. I'm not left wing at all.
I'm smack dab in the centre. That place where balance is to be found? I can see why you've never heard of it.

The problem is, YOU, and many like you, are so far to the right, ...that even those of us in the centre look like extreme leftists to you. I ask you, where is it written that those on the left and those on the right shall not agree?

240 is correct when he says a proper & thorough investigation of 911 will unite your country. I think it's very fitting.
The manipulative lies united your country into handing over all your rights. It's poetic justice that the truth should unite your country in taking those rights back. No one is asking you to voice your support or to spread the word, just to look at and examine the evidence with a clear head. If you do that, ...there is noooo way that you could possibly conclude it's just a bunch of whacko commie, pinko, liberal, conspiracy theorists.  Even the German Defense Minister Von Bulow says 911 was an inside job. Years ago Lufthansa (Germany's national airline) ripped all systems out of their airliners that would allow FAA officials to overide and remotely control their planes.


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 05:42:19 AM »
Thank you Jag!

I've had insomnia lately, and your posts have been putting me right to sleep. You can stop with the huge cut and pastes now though, I got some ambien.

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 06:01:02 AM »
Rob, where are you coming up with all this shit, the only one's that are buying are the Libs and their wrong 99.99% of the time anyway......just take a look at Jag :-\!!

Actually they are right most of the time.

240 is right, it's right wingers that try to stay in office by breeding fear and saying that them staying in office is crucial to the war on terror. Anyone opposed to their view is either anti-American or doesn't understand.  ::)

Can't blame them for spewing the same bullshit over and over, they've got assholes like you sticking up for them. Pretty fucking sad.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2006, 07:51:34 AM »

240 is correct when he says a proper & thorough investigation of 911 will unite your country. I think it's very fitting.
The manipulative lies united your country into handing over all your rights. It's poetic justice that the truth should unite your country in taking those rights back. No one is asking you to voice your support or to spread the word, just to look at and examine the evidence with a clear head. If you do that, ...there is noooo way that you could possibly conclude it's just a bunch of whacko commie, pinko, liberal, conspiracy theorists.  Even the German Defense Minister Von Bulow says 911 was an inside job. Years ago Lufthansa (Germany's national airline) ripped all systems out of their airliners that would allow FAA officials to overide and remotely control their planes.

It's crap like this that make me say what I said. You say you're smack dab in the center, but I haven't read anything that remotely suggests it..quite the opposite, damn near everything you have posted regarding politics has been extreme left and that goes for abortion, creation,etc,etc. Lets face it, if Bush wasn't in office our country would be LEVELED! The left have to be out of their minds to think they can negotiate with terrorism and damn, enough with the freaking conspiracy theories!

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2006, 08:03:04 AM »
It's crap like this that make me say what I said. You say you're smack dab in the center, but I haven't read anything that remotely suggests it..quite the opposite, damn near everything you have posted regarding politics has been extreme left and that goes for abortion, creation,etc,etc. Lets face it, if Bush wasn't in office our country would be LEVELED! The left have to be out of their minds to think they can negotiate with terrorism and damn, enough with the freaking conspiracy theories!

See the dangerous assumptions you make? Left would have done this, left would have done that blah blah
Bottom line is that you don't know what they would have done.

You act like just taking action of any kind equals the reponses needed to combat terrorism. I'm sorry, but the lefts wouldn't have pursued outright war with Iraq and justified it with faulty intelligence reports. I think our country would still be standing without the Iraq war. ;)

Mr. Intenseone, answer some of my questions, please.

Do you think the Iraq war is justified? How is it helping to combat terrorism? Just because Liberals opposed it, does it mean that they're not fit to fight terrorism?

Face the facts you fucking nut, the Iraq war had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and Iraq was never even a threat to the United States. So how dare you say Bush is really combating terrorism with his bogus war.

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2006, 08:08:45 AM »
Guys - let's not use insults here and namecalling... let's look at facts.

Ignore the war for a minute and look at the events of 911.  There is pretty clear evidence of a controlled demolition on building 7, and arguably, on towers 1 and 2.  There is definitely proof that firefighter tapes are sealed and other info has been blanket-sealed to keep it from coming out.  Even the biggest supporters of the govt theory will admit that yes, there are a lot of gag orders, for whatever reason.

Look at the FACTS.  over a third of this country believes 911 was caused by our own govt.  There needs to be a new investigation to unite our country, no matter what the findings.  if they find nothing shady, then people will trust their govt again.  If they find that bush knew or helped, Bush will be escorted out of office or at least remain yet be impotent in power.  but let's just get to the bottom of what happened.  They can only call people "crazy conspiracy theorists" for so long.  When 80% of the country believes it, what do they call them then?  The majority.

Reopen 911 and let's learn what really happened.


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2006, 02:25:29 PM »
reading all this stuff is making me hate the civilized world....

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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 02:36:40 PM »
Why are you only mentioning Bush as being held responsible?  For a cover up this massive, damn near every member of congress, senate and all top military brass would be involved.


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2006, 11:33:26 PM »
It's crap like this that make me say what I said. You say you're smack dab in the center, but I haven't read anything that remotely suggests it..quite the opposite, damn near everything you have posted regarding politics has been extreme left and that goes for abortion, creation,etc,etc. Lets face it, if Bush wasn't in office our country would be LEVELED! The left have to be out of their minds to think they can negotiate with terrorism and damn, enough with the freaking conspiracy theories!

Now you're just delusional. When have I ever posted anything on abortion, ...or creation? ???


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2006, 09:56:59 AM »
Wouldn't you rather err on the side of caution Rob?
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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2006, 10:22:37 AM »
Wouldn't you rather err on the side of caution Rob?

Of course. 

A new investigation, taking into account the evidence and facts which have come to light in the 3 years since the 911 investigation, would be a very smart move to eliminate all this bad info out there.

If you have 1000 scientists that are crying thermate was used, let them take the stand and put up their evidence.  Allow the world to prove or disprove the theory.  After all, we ALL want the truth, don't we? 


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2006, 10:25:29 AM »
please and thankyou


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Re: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2006, 10:54:34 AM »
There aren't 1000 reputable scientists in structural engineering and materials science that think thermite was used.

All most all of the people all in this list have very little knowledge of materials and structural engineering.

I counted 1 structural engineer.

The biggest structural engineering and science organizations researched this topic and came up with the report for NIST.
All take the list of researchers at NIST and their truth over that list any day.