Author Topic: Where were you on 9-11-01....?  (Read 9804 times)

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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #50 on: September 11, 2006, 02:29:28 PM »
These people are utter fools and suckers.  The second tower fell first despite being hit second why?????????  It was hit lower and the weight of the upper floors just collapsed on top of it. 

Sorry boss.  The fire in the South Tower, hit second, was nearly out.  Down to 2 small pockets, reported by firefighters up there.  They had teams 2 floors under it, and the temp was fine.  Witnesses were seen waving for help, from the gash where it was supposed to be 1000C+ at that time.

Rest in peace, everyone lost that day.  I pray those affected look into the facts so that all guilty parties can be brought to justice.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (Mods don't move)
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2006, 03:00:41 PM »
Please email me with your contact info.  I'd like to beat you senseless should you ever visit the states. thanks mate!

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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2006, 03:28:02 PM »
UK Gold

I fail to see the connection between a miniscule collection of active IRA sympathizers in the US and the events of 9-11-01.

GO have another beer
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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #53 on: September 11, 2006, 03:55:54 PM »
UK Gold

I fail to see the connection between a miniscule collection of active IRA sympathizers in the US and the events of 9-11-01.

GO have another beer

He means america's attitude to terrorism changed after 9/11....and he has a point, for decades the IRA was letting bombs off all over the UK killing civilians, children etc and this was not condemned by the US despite the fact that america is supposed to be an ally....even US presidents entertained that IRA girl Gerry Adams at the whitehouse when he used to travel to New York and Boston on another fundraiser for the IRA....after 9/11 it dawned on a lot of americans that had been bankrolling and sympathising with the IRA that perhaps terrorism wasnt so funny afterall.

9/11 was shocking nonetheless but you'll have to excuse some of us brits for not getting too worked up over it as we lived with (irish-american funded) terrorism for too fucking long.

From our point of view 9/11 quickly brought about an end to IRA funding coming from the US and in our eyes thats a good thing.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #54 on: September 11, 2006, 04:19:35 PM »
I was asleep in a downtown Toronto hotel room. The Toronto International Film Festival was in full swing, and we'd been partying pretty hard. A friend from Atlanta got a phone call on his cell waking us up and telling us to turn on the TV set. We watched as the towers fell. It was surreal.

Then they announced all planes were grounded, and that the borders were closing. The traffic in downtown TO was a nightmare. Businesses closed up. The TIFF came to a grinding halt.

Later during the day, I was at TIFF headquarters at the Park Hyatt, and we were in the lounge area watching the big screen. There was this guy who seemed very creepy in his nonchalant attitude about everything, ...and he kept saying wierd things like 'All things happen for a reason, ...and that things were as they were supposed to be.'  I found out 2 days later, the guy was a hardcore Rosicrucian for whatever that's worth.

My friend John in LA, lost his nephew who worked at WTC. My cousin Veronica saw the towers coming down that day and hasn't been the same since. My cousin Bernie had an appointment in one of the towers that day, and my cousin Frederick would have been in the other tower precisely when it hit, had it not been for a delay in the subway. My friend Rob's wife was in the Pentagon when it was struck and barely made it out alive. My cousin David worked in the next building over, and it was sometime before we were able to locate him to know he was safe & unharmed. My friend Sergio's father worked in the WTC and his mother worked across the street. It was days before we were able to locate him. He was hurt, in hospital from falling debris & smoke inhalation, ...but he was going to live. Trying to get through to family & friends in NYC by phone was impossible. The only contact came through the internet.

My mom's birthday was in three days. I decided to cut my stay in T.O short, and go home to spend time with her, and let her know how much I appreciated her.

My network mktg company was having a convention in Orlando FL at the time that was supposed to start on Sept 12th. We had people flying in all the way from Australia who ended up stuck in LA. Most people attending chose to fly in on the 11th, and found themselves stuck in various strange aeroports throughout the US when all planes were grounded, or found themselves in the aeroport unable to take off. We ended up holding the convention 2 months later, ...but by then, so many people were afraid to fly.  My trip to LA for the actors union assisting the head of our equal opps committe was cancelled because she's Jewish and her husband was too afraid to let her fly. He was an absolute basket case at the prospect of her getting into an aeroplane.

The only good thing to come from 9/11 is that it caused many Americans to really take a look at 'US foreign policy' for the first time, and it made many of us examine our priorities and pursue a much more fulfilling life.

It's sad that it sometimes takes tragedies like this to help us get our priorities straight. Life is too short, and too fleeting to go through without being grateful for our blessings every single second, hour, and day of our existence, ...or to go without telling those we love and care for, ...just how cherished they are.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2006, 04:32:51 PM »
I was asleep in a downtown Toronto hotel room. The Toronto International Film Festival was in full swing, and we'd been partying pretty hard. A friend from Atlanta got a phone call on his cell waking us up and telling us to turn on the TV set. We watched as the towers fell. It was surreal.

Then they announced all planes were grounded, and that the borders were closing. The traffic in downtown TO was a nightmare. Businesses closed up. The TIFF came to a grinding halt.

Later during the day, I was at TIFF headquarters at the Park Hyatt, and we were in the lounge area watching the big screen. There was this guy who seemed very creepy in his nonchalant attitude about everything, ...and he kept saying wierd things like 'All things happen for a reason, ...and that things were as they were supposed to be.'  I found out 2 days later, the guy was a hardcore Rosicrucian for whatever that's worth.

My friend John in LA, lost his nephew who worked at WTC. My cousin Veronica saw the towers coming down that day and hasn't been the same since. My cousin Bernie had an appointment in one of the towers that day, and my cousin Frederick would have been in the other tower precisely when it hit, had it not been for a delay in the subway. My friend Rob's wife was in the Pentagon when it was struck and barely made it out alive. My cousin David worked in the next building over, and it was sometime before we were able to locate him to know he was safe & unharmed. My friend Sergio's father worked in the WTC and his mother worked across the street. It was days before we were able to locate him. He was hurt, in hospital from falling debris & smoke inhalation, ...but he was going to live. Trying to get through to family & friends in NYC by phone was impossible. The only contact came through the internet.

My mom's birthday was in three days. I decided to cut my stay in T.O short, and go home to spend time with her, and let her know how much I appreciated her.

My network mktg company was having a convention in Orlando FL at the time that was supposed to start on Sept 12th. We had people flying in all the way from Australia who ended up stuck in LA. Most people attending chose to fly in on the 11th, and found themselves stuck in various strange aeroports throughout the US when all planes were grounded, or found themselves in the aeroport unable to take off. We ended up holding the convention 2 months later, ...but by then, so many people were afraid to fly.  My trip to LA for the actors union assisting the head of our equal opps committe was cancelled because she's Jewish and her husband was too afraid to let her fly. He was an absolute basket case at the prospect of her getting into an aeroplane.

The only good thing to come from 9/11 is that it caused many Americans to really take a look at 'US foreign policy' for the first time, and it made many of us examine our priorities and pursue a much more fulfilling life.

It's sad that it sometimes takes tragedies like this to help us get our priorities straight. Life is too short, and too fleeting to go through without being grateful for our blessings every single second, hour, and day of our existence, ...or to go without telling those we love and care for, ...just how cherished they are.

you weren't there--your were ironing my shirt, b--ch


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2006, 11:48:34 PM »
I was living with my parents here in Dallas. I turned the TV on right after the second plane hit, and saw everything unfold as it happened. I remember telling my dad that this had to be Al Qaeda. It was obvious to everyone. I heard about Flight 93 and the WTC7 collapse on my car radio. The radio also reported an explosion in Kabul later that evening, but it wasn't an American attack. I visited my grandfather in the hospital that night and saw the members of Congress singing "God Bless America" on TV. The whole situation was pretty surreal.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2006, 02:26:07 AM »
Disturbing that they haven't caught and killed Bin Laden and Zawahiri; they had Bin Laden at Tora Bora and then let him get away because they only had 50 US troops on the ground and couldn't get authorization for more.

Some unsanitized reminders why they have to do more to catch them; go into Pakistan without authorization, under the radar if necessary now that Pakistan's officially unwilling to help:

The sight of people plunging from the north tower compelled hundreds in the south tower to flee before the second jet struck the building. 

"It took three or four to realize: They were people," says James Logozzo, who had gathered with co-workers in a Morgan Stanley boardroom on the 72nd floor of the south tower, just 120 feet away from the north tower. "Then this one woman fell."

She fell closer to the south tower, he recalls. Logozzo saw her face. She had dark hair and olive skin, a white blouse and black skirt. She fell with her back to the ground, flat, staring up.

"The look on her face was shock. She wasn't screaming. It was slow motion. When she hit, there was nothing left," Logozzo says.

Logozzo cried, "Oh my God!" and raced for the stairs. When he got to the street 45 minutes later, he looked up. By then, his building had been struck by United Airlines Flight 175. From the ground, he saw two more people jump. This time, they were from his building.

The story of the victims who jumped to their deaths is the most sensitive aspect of the Sept. 11 tragedy. Photographs of people falling to their deaths shocked the nation. Most newspapers and magazines ran only one or two photos, then published no more. USA TODAY ran one photo Nov. 16.

Still, the images resonate. Many who survived or witnessed the attack say the sight of victims jumping is their most haunting memory of that day.

It was worse than people realize.

USA TODAY estimates that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths that morning, far more than can be seen in the photographs taken that morning. Nearly all were from the north tower, which was hit first and collapsed last. Fewer than a dozen were from the south tower.

The jumping started shortly after the first jet hit at 8:46 a.m. People jumped continuously during the 102 minutes that the north tower stood. Two people jumped as the north tower began to fall at 10:28 a.m., witnesses said.

For those who jumped, the fall lasted 10 seconds. They struck the ground at just less than 150 miles per hour — not fast enough to cause unconsciousness while falling, but fast enough to ensure instant death on impact. People jumped from all four sides of the north tower. They jumped alone, in pairs and in groups.

Most came from the north tower's 101st to 105th floors, where the Cantor Fitzgerald bond firm had offices, and the 106th and 107th floors, where a conference was underway at the Windows on the World restaurant. Others leaped from the 93rd through 100th floor offices of Marsh & McLennan insurance company.

Intense smoke and heat, rather than flames, pushed people into this horrific choice. Flight 11 struck the 94th through 98th floors of the north tower, shooting heat and smoke up elevator shafts and stairways in the center of the building. Within minutes, it would have been very difficult to breathe. That drove people to the windows 1,100 to 1,300 feet above ground.

There were several reasons more people jumped from the north tower than from the south. The fire was more intense and compact in the north tower. The jet hit higher, so smoke was concentrated in 15 floors compared with 30 floors in the south tower, which was hit on the 78th through 84th floors. The north tower also stood longer: 102 minutes vs. 56 minutes. And twice as many people were trapped on the north tower's upper floors than in the south tower, where occupants had 161/2 minutes to evacuate before the second jet hit.

The New York medical examiner's office says it does not classify the people who fell to their deaths on Sept. 11 as "jumpers."

"A 'jumper' is somebody who goes to the office in the morning knowing that they will commit suicide," says Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office. "These people were forced out by the smoke and flames or blown out."

She says the medical examiner's office couldn't determine who jumped because the injuries were similar to those suffered by the people killed in the collapse of the towers. The manner of death for all those who died was listed as homicide on death certificates.

To make its estimate of the number of people who plunged from the Trade Center, USA TODAY reviewed videos and photographs, interviewed witnesses and analyzed the time and location of the jumping. The newspaper discussed its conclusion with officials in the fire department and medical examiner's office who, while not making calculations of their own, deemed an estimate of 200 jumpers as accurate.

The New York Times counted 50 different jumpers in a review of photographs and videotapes. USA TODAY's estimate attempts to include people whose falls were not documented. Nearly all photos were of the north tower's north and east faces, which were more accessible to photographers coming from uptown Manhattan. But witnesses reported that numerous people leapt from the north tower's south and west sides as well.

On the south side, firefighters reported 30 to 40 bodies on the roof of the 22-floor Marriott Hotel, adjacent to the north tower.

On the west side, falling bodies crashed onto the awning covering the circular VIP driveway. The thudding of bodies at this entrance can be heard on a video taken near there by French cameraman Jules Naudet, whose footage was broadcast on CBS on March 11.

On the east side, people plummeted into the plaza, best known for its globe sculpture. Blood covered the glass walls and revolving doors that led to the plaza from the second-floor mezzanine in the north tower. People evacuating the north tower walked by this horrible sight.

"The windows were red ... and bits of bodies were outside. We were stunned and amazed," says Richard Moller, who escaped from the 78th floor.

After the first jet crash, Port Authority police Officer David Lim took an escalator from the lobby of the north tower to the plaza level, one floor above. He saw a disfigured body near a stage where musical groups performed on the plaza. "I said, oh my God! I've got to call this in. 'I've got a DOA on the plaza.' The desk officer said, 'Are you sure he's dead?' As I'm retransmitting, another body falls."

To be sure, some who fell didn't jump. Witnesses say a few people seemed to have stumbled out of broken windows obscured by smoke. But most say those jumping appeared to make a conscious choice to die by falling rather than from smoke, heat or fire.

Ultimately, they were choosing not whether to die but how to die. Nobody survived on the floors from which people jumped.

Victims who jumped had a profound influence on the evacuation. Firefighters moved their command post away from the building to avoid them. A falling body killed a firefighter. Fire Commissioner Thomas Van Essen, rushing out of the north tower to meet Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was nearly killed when a body landed 15 feet away.

To safeguard people from falling bodies and debris, authorities blocked the main exits from the lobbies to the street. Instead, people escaping from both towers were sent through an underground shopping mall and under the outdoor plaza where bodies were falling.

The sight of people jumping saved lives, too. In the south tower, people had a close-up view of people plunging to their deaths from a building that was a mirror image of their own. "I looked at a couple of people jumping, and that was it. I'd seen enough. I said, 'We've got to get the hell out of here,' " says Jaede Barg, who worked for Aon on the south tower's 100th floor.

Many south tower survivors say the sight of people jumping created an urgency that caused them to leave immediately and ignore announcements that it was safe to return to their desks. About 1,400 people evacuated the upper floors before the second jet hit.

Eric Thompson, who worked on the 77th floor of the south tower, went to a conference room window after the first jet hit. He was shocked when a man came to a north tower window and leapt from a few floors above the fire. Thompson looked the man in the face. He saw his tie flapping in the wind. He watched the man's body strike the pavement below. "There was no human resemblance whatsoever," Thompson says.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2006, 05:05:37 AM »
Disturbing that they haven't caught and killed Bin Laden and Zawahiri; they had Bin Laden at Tora Bora and then let him get away because they only had 50 US troops on the ground and couldn't get authorization for more.

Not catching or killing Bin Laden is a major sore spot with me. We relied on the Northern Alliance to catch him. We should have had the troops on the ground to get the job done. Now the spin is Bin laden isn't of major importance to catch. He should have been caught or killed before 2001 was over.
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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2006, 07:32:29 AM »
LOL... bmac... ignore that northern alliance noise... we bombed 1 of 2 roads, we only guarded 3 or 4 sides, and we watched on radar as his 1000-car convoy escaped to jalalabad then across border

Without Osama, there is no money for defense spending.  He will never be caught (although anyone without a US Media badge will tell ya the dude died in Egypt in late 2001/early 2002)

UK Gold

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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2006, 07:44:44 AM »
He means america's attitude to terrorism changed after 9/11....and he has a point, for decades the IRA was letting bombs off all over the UK killing civilians, children etc and this was not condemned by the US despite the fact that america is supposed to be an ally....even US presidents entertained that IRA pussy Gerry Adams at the whitehouse when he used to travel to New York and Boston on another fundraiser for the IRA....after 9/11 it dawned on a lot of americans that had been bankrolling and sympathising with the IRA that perhaps terrorism wasnt so funny afterall.

9/11 was shocking nonetheless but you'll have to excuse some of us brits for not getting too worked up over it as we lived with (irish-american funded) terrorism for too fucking long.

From our point of view 9/11 quickly brought about an end to IRA funding coming from the US and in our eyes thats a good thing.
Excellent post. After 911 when Gerry Adams and Martin Mcguiness [leaders of IRA/Sinn Fein] went to the states to fundraise for their terrorist activities they were blanked by the American establishment. evern a republican senator, whose name i've forgotton had nothing to do with them.

240, during the 'troubles' well over thre thousand people have been murdered. That is hardly "insignificant".

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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2006, 08:16:44 AM »
Excellent post. After 911 when Gerry Adams and Martin Mcguiness [leaders of IRA/Sinn Fein] went to the states to fundraise for their terrorist activities they were blanked by the American establishment. evern a republican senator, whose name i've forgotton had nothing to do with them.

240, during the 'troubles' well over thre thousand people have been murdered. That is hardly "insignificant".

where did I say anything was insignificant? 


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2006, 08:23:46 AM »
Excellent post. After 911 when Gerry Adams and Martin Mcguiness [leaders of IRA/Sinn Fein] went to the states to fundraise for their terrorist activities they were blanked by the American establishment. evern a republican senator, whose name i've forgotton had nothing to do with them.

240, during the 'troubles' well over thre thousand people have been murdered. That is hardly "insignificant".

I don't know or have a clue who funds the IRA. But to say 3,000 Americans deserved to die in an act of terrorism won't have anybody agreeing with what you say. Its downright sick. Making that statement in America is liable to get you killed.
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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #63 on: September 12, 2006, 12:15:30 PM »
Excellent post. After 911 when Gerry Adams and Martin Mcguiness [leaders of IRA/Sinn Fein] went to the states to fundraise for their terrorist activities they were blanked by the American establishment. evern a republican senator, whose name i've forgotton had nothing to do with them.

240, during the 'troubles' well over thre thousand people have been murdered. That is hardly "insignificant".

What is amusing is that our government now wants the ban on Sinn Fein fund-raising in the U.S to be lifted, but Bush is not having any of it.


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2006, 02:46:42 PM »
I was at home, here (in London) and heard it on the radio news.  I listened to that.  I didn't turn the tv on till next day.  I couldn't

oh L


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2006, 02:54:16 PM »
What is amusing is Sinn Fein

Now, that was something else I never watched.  What are you talking about?

this thread is about where where u 9/11?

I doubt Gerry Adams has much to do with that , but maybe he has.  You never know.
 I remember when he was not allowed on tv either.

don't like tv much


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2006, 03:06:29 PM »
we need to do separate CT threads and stick to them:

we're doing 9/11 here.

the ira is not a conspiracy.  only kidding. 

I have a theory here:  If us fucking brits gave back ireland they might set an example to the rest of the world.  What the fuck is that (old?) war about?  I lived here when the IRA were (were they?) bombing big time.

I'm so upset about iraq, palestine (20-30 years ago), iran (coming up.

I will not be able to keep up with the middle east.


Hezzbolla and Hamas


How can we possibly know?

& I cannot keep up with the domestic news
no complantancey.  I'm watching newnight and quoting paxman, okay?

lacking perceptual framework


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2006, 03:15:08 PM »
I don't know or have a clue who funds the IRA.

The IRA was heavily funded for years by Irish Americans in NYC.

But to say 3,000 Americans deserved to die in an act of terrorism won't have anybody agreeing with what you say. Its downright sick. Making that statement in America is liable to get you killed.

As equally sick as saying 3,000 Afgani deserved to die when Kabul was bombed to rubble, or that 50,000 Iraqi deserved to die in an illegal war of aggression, or that 1,000 Lebanese deserved to die, and thousands more left orphaned & homeless because... ???


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #68 on: September 12, 2006, 03:18:40 PM »
 >>>there's a thread on the bbc news website:  they are breaking down all of the CTs

name your fave:


marilyn monroe
princess diana

wtc 9/!!

7/7 in london.

pick one...

there are thousands.  we don't know the half of it.  gimme half a chance. 

I'm beginning to think all of it is a put on


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2006, 03:20:55 PM »
The IRA was heavily funded for years by Irish Americans in NYC.

big time war here


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2006, 03:23:39 PM »
I was landed on the moon circa 1969.  I missed 9/11/2001

I'm here now


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Re: Where were you on 9-11-01....? (stickied by BB)
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2006, 03:27:43 PM »
you weren't there--your were ironing my shirt, b--ch

and the world revolves
