Author Topic: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?  (Read 2905 times)

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Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« on: October 01, 2006, 01:31:30 AM »
All of you with better info than we have...

Rumsfeld admitted a few months back that yes, we've been doing small group ops inside Iran, mostly intel.  That in itself is illegal - imagine how pissed we'd be if Iran had ground forces doing recon in the US! lol...

Anyway, rummy admitted that.  And now, military folks - USAF - are saying they are starting to deploy on Oct 1 thru 21 for an Oct 21 launch on iran.  Easily, dozens of them all gave the 1st and 21st.

Is this true?  Or just national flexing?  I saw Russia ran two missile defense drills in the last 4 days - was hoping it was just a coincidence, not something to let us know they are there.

But has anyone seen anything about this?  Are we seriously 3 weeks away from a war military strikes inside Iran without provocation?  Please speak on it. thanks! 

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 01:35:10 AM »
Also - a hypothetical for those be believe us 911 folks are nuts-

*IF* there was a nuclear attack in the next 21 days against the US, would you be at all suspicious about an 'inside job'?

If ya think about it - Iran has nothing to gain and everything to lose.  One weapon would kill a few hundred/thousand and would give the massing US forces a green light to execute plans at till.   It'd be complete suicide.  Plus politically, it would certainly benefit the Repubs to have a new attack/war going on, come election day.   And, your spidey sense might go off to realize that our troops just happen to be massing at their border, prepping to move in.  If they're smart, that's the LAST time they'd attack!

Anyway, if some crazy nuke shit went down in the next 3 weeks, would you be at the very least suspicious?


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 01:42:37 AM »


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2006, 08:04:39 AM »
Yeah SF are going into Iran and there has been a secret war for quiet a far as all the other crap..its been quiet. Since we'd face massive retaliation by the locals after any strike on Iran..we's notice if things were being prepared and I can tell u that they are not. There are plenty of signs that would point to ground invasion....units moving in...specifically Armor...they're not 1st ID at Riley..nothing..1AD Germany/Bliss nothing..82nd..headed here..nope nothing at all. Can't speak for the missle attacks...Strat air from the US....B1/B2 strikes sure but I just don't see it. Gas is back to normal so i think we may be ok for a bit...

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2006, 08:09:06 AM »
Damn.  A 3rd war.  And since Bush isn't even asking for permission, one of a few things is likely.

1) He's moving all these forces into place, only to pull them back.  Likely?
2) He's going to invade without the permission of Congress or America. Likely?

3) We will conveniently be attacked, once forces are in place, yet before the 2006 elections. 

If you were a betting man, where would your money be today?


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2006, 08:16:34 AM »
He can't invade. Bush wanted plans drawn up for Tac nuke strikes and the Pentagon told him to go pound sand. Our (military) duty is to the Constitution and the American people first and then the Office of the President..if Bush goes off the this case he would be crazy.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2006, 08:32:57 AM »
He can't invade. Bush wanted plans drawn up for Tac nuke strikes and the Pentagon told him to go pound sand. Our (military) duty is to the Constitution and the American people first and then the Office of the President..if Bush goes off the this case he would be crazy.

And Iran knows this too. 

They know Bush is itching to invade, but his hands are tied.  They also know the only thing that would give Bush the power would be a nuke terror attack from Iran.  It would be suicide, stupid, unreasonable .... you choose the word... for Iran to shoot a nuke at us in the next 3 weeks. 

But many are predicting that it will happen.  Not because Iran will really do it, but beacuse a small group in our own govt will stage an attack. We'll blame iran, and Bush will "act fast to protect America" and level Iran with a series of quick strikes.  This is what people are scared of. 

IF there was an attack in the next 3 weeks... It would come down to who you believe.  DO you believe Bush, who will tell you it's just a coincidence we were massing troops?  Or will you believe your common sense and a whole lotta people in the US and around the world, who feel Iran wouldn't dream of an attack, and that a frame-up is in the works?

I really hope there isn't an attack.  But if there is - whether you love or hate the current admnistration - you really gotta look at the circumstances and ask if it's reasonable... an attack justifying nuke response from troops we just put into place, 2 weeks before an election where fear would well serve the repubs.

I don't think many people are that gullible.  I hope not.


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2006, 08:36:53 AM »
Yeah..but we are not massing troops..we are not massing troops. We have our hands full in Iraq and I think u have gone off the deep end if u think a cabal of government insiders would detonate nukes inside the US.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2006, 10:18:16 AM »
Yeah..but we are not massing troops..we are not massing troops. We have our hands full in Iraq and I think u have gone off the deep end if u think a cabal of government insiders would detonate nukes inside the US.

Do you consider me off my rocker cause I believe that Bush knew about 911 and let it happen? 

It served his needs to enter war in Afghan, it served his domestic needs to get the Patriot Act passed, and from what many believe, he didn't really have a choice in the matter.

This could be similar.  It could be a small incident, just enough to justify presidential A-OK for a quick response by Presidential order while congress is spread all over the campaign trial.  The first thing you hear on the news is that there was an incident, details are sketchy, but we know exactly who did it and we are already firing back to prevent more.  I mean, there won't even be cameras on the scene of the incident yet, and we'll already be cooking ahmedijad's house...

If all this is crazy talk, and it might be lol... then just why are we setting up forces on their border in the next 3 weeks? 


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2006, 02:05:43 AM »
No..thats your thing..ur crazy because WE ARE NOT MASSING TROOPS....

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2006, 04:54:33 AM »
Dosnt the president have a window of a few weeks to go to war, at his discretion, while the senate or congress or whatever you guys call it decide if its a good idea?

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2006, 05:37:18 AM »
No..thats your thing..ur crazy because WE ARE NOT MASSING TROOPS....

I dont know if we are massing troops or not but any one short of a fool has to believe we have sent recon teams into Iran to gather intel.


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2006, 05:43:56 AM »
We have had fire fights with Revolutionary guard units on their border with Afghanistan near Herat or up that way..thats on the money..I'm sure the same thing has happend with units inside Iran on the Iraq side as well.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2006, 09:42:49 AM »
I dont know if we are massing troops or not but any one short of a fool has to believe we have sent recon teams into Iran to gather intel.

Rumsfeld has admitted that we've been doing special ops on the ground there in recent months

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2006, 09:53:11 AM »
The funny thing is that instead of wondering why we're looking at an OBL tape 5 years later... and realizing that this tape was held for the specific purpose of scaring people right before the Nov elections...

you're not stupid enough to believe that this tape, real, fake, or something else, explains why NORAD stood down that day, do you?  Does this tape show why there are puddles of molten steel for 6 weeks? Nah. 

But, for people who are shit-afraid to face the inconsistencies of that day, this tape provides a quick escape from what the rest of us know or expect, that 911 is an inside job. 

So, if this tape, strategically released to instill fear and keep the Congress, answers all the science and logistical issues of 911 that the Commission couldn't and Bush wouldnt, then I'm quite happy for you.


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2006, 09:53:45 AM »
Damn.  A 3rd war.  And since Bush isn't even asking for permission, one of a few things is likely.

1) He's moving all these forces into place, only to pull them back.  Likely?
2) He's going to invade without the permission of Congress or America. Likely?

3) We will conveniently be attacked, once forces are in place, yet before the 2006 elections. 

If you were a betting man, where would your money be today?
all above.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2006, 02:11:02 PM »
From another board - prediction is crash soon due to market being false-prodded up to get thru election day.  And/or false flag attack immanent.

I saw some info on this earlier today. Major put options on the Dow Jones Industrial Avg., the S&P 500 and the QQQQ's (NASDAQ 100). Something may be up. There is some evidence the markets have been manipulated by the Plunge Protection Team since early summer. The current thought from the analysts that I subscribe to is that the markets are being held up until the Nov. elections. At the same time an analog comparison of the Dow Industrials to the 1987 crash would put the crash coming on election day. 

If you believe that those in the know use insider information before major events then you might be interested on the HUGE number of October 6th put options for the big indexes. Check out the concentrated puts on the Diamonds DOW Trust (DIA):

Ditto for the S&P Depository Receipts (SPY):

And the NASDAQ (QQQQ):

Even the Market Vectors Gold Miners has significant puts for October 6th:

Make no mistake - something wicked this way comes, and the smart money has already taken preventative steps."


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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2006, 06:53:00 PM »
The funny thing is that instead of wondering why we're looking at an OBL tape 5 years later... and realizing that this tape was held for the specific purpose of scaring people right before the Nov elections...

you're not stupid enough to believe that this tape, real, fake, or something else, explains why NORAD stood down that day, do you?  Does this tape show why there are puddles of molten steel for 6 weeks? Nah. 

But, for people who are shit-afraid to face the inconsistencies of that day, this tape provides a quick escape from what the rest of us know or expect, that 911 is an inside job. 

So, if this tape, strategically released to instill fear and keep the Congress, answers all the science and logistical issues of 911 that the Commission couldn't and Bush wouldnt, then I'm quite happy for you.

What I find hilarious is that the tape is released without any audio, ...and they expect you guys to believe it is proof he did it. What's more, they expect you believe it is a martyrdom tape. The guys are laughing in those tapes. How many guys laugh when making a martyrdom tape? They treat that stuff solemnly.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2006, 07:04:22 PM »
What I find hilarious is that the tape is released without any audio, ...and they expect you guys to believe it is proof he did it. What's more, they expect you believe it is a martyrdom tape. The guys are laughing in those tapes. How many guys laugh when making a martyrdom tape? They treat that stuff solemnly.

It's basically stall fodder for people on the cusp of figuring out the 911 Truth.

They are undecided, scared shitless, and unsure.  They see this on CNN and it makes them think about the big bad wolf bin laden for another month.  They always do this.  Supposedly "There were no videos of the plane crashing" at the Pentagon.  Then, after a US radio show called 'the power hour' did a very big episode on the pentagon crash, suddenly they 'discovered' those frames the next week.

It's just mindgames.  I no longer feel disgust or anger at those who are blind. I pity them.  When I see people on here, all smug with the official story, I wish I coudl convince them to read Zwicker's book and realize just what the facts are.

I pity them. They are smug with ignorance.  Anyone who konws the truth isn't the least bit smug.  They're disgusted and fearful for our nation's future.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2006, 08:16:34 AM »
I'm not familiar with the Hal Turner Show.  Might be far right, far left, far headcase, whatever.  This post came from a 911 board.  Probably nothing, but what the hell, better that this is out there, for the .00001% chance that something does happen.

Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:04 PM EDT


The existence of a hideous plan to sacrifice a U.S. Aircraft Carrier as a pretext for war with Iran is presently being uncovered!

The Hal Turner Show has been told that within the next five (5) weeks, the United States will "suffer" a missile attack upon the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, presently on patrol near the Persian Gulf. This attack will appear to be from numerous "Silkworm" and/or "Sunburn" missiles which will sink the vessel and kill most of the 5,000 crew onboard.

The "attack" will be blamed on Iran and thus provide the Bush Administration with an excuse to go to war with that nation.

The Hal Turner Show has learned that the missiles used to attack the USS Enterprise will not be fired from or by Iran, but rather will be a "false flag operation" made to LOOK as though Iran carried out the attack!

The USS Enterprise is the worlds first nuclear powered aircraft carrier. It was Commissioned in 1961 and is due to be decommissioned in 2014 or 2015. The ship was selected to be the "victim" of this "attack" due to its age.

THOSE PLANNING THE ATTACK ARE INSIDE THE U.S. AND ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS and view the loss of the Enterprise crew as a necessary sacrifice to induce Americans to support war against Iran. Put bluntly, the ship and crew are to be cannon fodder.

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Re: Oct 1 - prewar iran prep?
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2006, 10:28:43 AM »
Iran opens up nuke plant to tourists

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's hard-line president has ordered nuclear facilities opened to foreign tourists to prove that the nation's disputed atomic program is peaceful, state-run television reported on Wednesday.

"After an order by the president ... foreign tourists can visit Iran's nuclear facilities," the head of Iran's tourism division, Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, was quoted as saying.

Mashai said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued the order to show that Iran's nuclear program it aims to generate fuel, not weapons.

"We are reviewing the related instructions in this regard," he reportedly said.

The report did not clarify the definition of a foreign tourist. The announcement came a day after Iran's parliament voted to debate a bill that would require the government to fingerprint all U.S. citizens visiting Iran.

The draft law would require all American citizens to be fingerprinted when they enter Iran.

The measure was in retaliation for the fingerprinting of Iranian travelers visiting the United States -- a procedure implemented in 2002 for Iranians and citizens of several other countries.

The U.S. and some of its allies fear Iran is seeking to enrich uranium to develop nuclear weapons.

Senior U.N. diplomats said Tuesday that Iran's refusal to freeze uranium enrichment had sabotaged talks meant to defuse the standoff over its nuclear program, opening the way for the Security Council to start considering sanctions next week.