I'm always interested in different training methodologies. During the Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer era there was a big shift to low sets and training to failure with heavy weights even though the majority of champs didn't train that way. Recently there seems to be a trend for lack of a better term for muscular endurance training. Not to be compared to cardio.
There are a couple of different ways to approach it. The biggest and latest component of this is Ryan Humiston. I would highly recommend his you tubes. I heard he has the fastest growing videos regarding bodybuilding on the platform. I will quickly out line the different methodologies. He likes high reps and very short rests between sets. Some guys using heavy weights and low sets might think this is easy training. Nope, it's as hard as it gets. It's like a 100 meter runner running with a 10K runners for a quarter mile saying they are not running that fast. Try running a 10K at that speed and get back to me. Ryan also likes super sets, tri sets, giant sets, drop sets and slow reps. What ever is best to fuck you up.
1. 4x made popular by Holman in Ironman. Basically it's just traditional volume. First set of 10 you might be able to get 16 reps but you get 10 reps. The second set you get 10 reps but you could get 14 if you pushed it. The third you get 10 reps but you could have got 12 reps. The fourth set you get 9 reps and you failed at 9 reps. All four sets are done quickly at maybe 30 seconds between per set.
2. This approached is simple. Four to five sets of high reps. Instead of doing say 4 set of 12 in the leg press you do 4 sets of 25-35 reps plus reps. Lower weight and a lot more blood pumped that grows blood pathways.
3. This method is different. It's trying to get say 40 to 50 reps. Say you want to get 40 reps for barbell curls. You use a light weight and on your first set you get 20 reps at failure. After a short rest you go to your second set. This time you get 12 reps. The pump is huge. The third you get 8 reps. The last you get 5 reps. It's basically trying to get a total rep count through sets to failure. You never use a big weight that makes you fail at a low rep count on your first set. Yes, I know that didn't add up to 40 reps.
4. Another method is very traditional. Do five sets of 8 to 12 reps as fast as you can with moderate weights.
Obviously this isn't a method to improve your one rep max. These methods will improve you muscular endurance and I believe this is the best method to improve muscular size, get you in condition and for definition.