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Facts don't matter to the left, only being in control. Facts will be changed to fit their narrative and keep them in charge.

Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Creepy Porn Lawyer
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 10:06:12 PM »
He will say and do anything to get himself out of the hole he dug.

The fact this dude was convicted of multiple crimes, including perjury, was disbarred, and still has a platform on places like MSNBC is pretty sad.
I suppose if he started WW3 and sent billions to build border walls in other countries, getlibbers would be swinging from his sack.

Or set up 20 LLCs for his family members that did no business, provided no goods or services, and funneled millions of dollars through them from foreign adversaries.
I actually spent 30 minutes researching the claim. Other than Gateway Pundit not a single news organization I found covered it  in that way. Which tells me it is likely bogus. So I spent time reading the unredacted posts, which I am 100% sure you didn't and found nothing to match the headlines. The real reason I didn't "touch it" was because we have all pretty much agreed you are operating on limited brain capacity and it would be like challenging a special olympics participant. I hope this clears up your lack of response from the left, and mostly the right. The news stories I was able to find addressing the unredacted documents didn't bode so well for Trump. For example, one of his close associates.. (Operating off memory here but I think they identified him as person 16) warned Trump two years earlier to return all the documents, don't mess around as he could face serious consequences later. Of course he ignored his friends advice and is in fact facing serious consequences. Anything in your report about that? Probably not. So don't feel bad no one is touching this. You've been warned 100 times about posting fraudulent Gateway pundit links, but it's beyond your limited capacity to adjust your behavior, almost like you HAVE to watch Judge Wapner at a certain time, only the savant part is missing in your equation.

I don't believe you did any "research," much less 30 minutes.  That's laughable.  And, as usual, you are completely full of it.  You bank on people not actually following up on the things you say.  Every time I'm bored enough to actually try confirm what you say, it turns out to be false or misleading. 

So I clicked on the link and read the story.  It essentially just quotes investigative reporter Julie Kelly.  She goes through and quotes the redacted and unredacted portions of the documents.  Her comments are verified by the documents themselves.  In other words, there is nothing "bogus" about the story.  Anyone actually looking at Julie Kelly's feed and comments can see that.   

Why do you lie so much? 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Taurine
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 09:46:54 PM »
No I think you have the right idea, supplements are to make up what we miss in food, and there’s a lot.
Also I don’t believe taurine is a naturally occurring substance.
 Unless you’re drinking bull urine.

No taurine is very abundant in the body.

As always, examine has all the facts.

I've had heart failure when I had covid so it *might* be especially good for me, along with d-ribose, which is also "fuel" for the heart.

I don't know what data those Red Bull formulators went by back then, some thought it was weird that they put that in there, a sort of nervous system depressant, but all the energy drinks have, although it's hard to determine if it's doing much at those dosages. When energy drinks became more popular here the authorities and docs suspected taurine was causing heart problems in users as they were showing up in hospitals complaining of various symptoms. But it was just caffeine overdoses, or Vodka/Redbull overdoses. It hasn't been banned because there's no data showing damage.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 09:37:44 PM »
Why is Bhanky wearing an ankle bracelet while competing?

Charlotte is close to the South Carolina border, they need to ensure he doesn't flee.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Taurine
« Last post by Dave D on Today at 09:27:31 PM »
I thought about that too. It's the same amino composition but the other added the HMB, HICA, phosphatidic acid, vitamin D etc. His write up is very good but it's just way too involved for the average consumer. But the composition looks very good to me, hopefully it's all in there, I believe the profit margin is much smaller for Mike Arnold. Now I use Jordan Peter's EAA and mix in some of the bells and whistles myself. Now these EAAs will only help marginally if protein intake is high overall but if you're going to use EAAs why not pay a few bucks more to get the best? You look at so e of these other products and it's 50-80% Leucine/BCAAs so obviously especially the lack of tryptophan and methionine should become limiting... if you rely on it to actually replace some whole protein.

HMB is thought of as a joke but it does seem to do something, there's actually some science behind it. It could retard breakdown more than just Leucine, it does stimulate mTor. Just now I saw Muscletech sells a Leucine-Leucine dipetide which they claim is better than regular Leucine, I don't know but I know since MT did it it's going to be in other products too.

I know perfectly well this is all just micromanaging, but I can't help doing it  :D


No I think you have the right idea, supplements are to make up what we miss in food, and there’s a lot.
Also I don’t believe taurine is a naturally occurring substance.
 Unless you’re drinking bull urine.
Pics or it never happened
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