Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 485736 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1825 on: August 05, 2021, 11:25:47 AM »
Leg day: No warm ups shown.

Leg press 2 x 12
Barbell squats 5 x 8 ( Haven't done barbell squats or a long time. Felt I was going to break something, LOL. Added weight each set. I did bodybuilding type squats. Not an Olympic squat or a power lifting squat. Just did slightly below parallel with mid back bar placement.)
leg extensions 2 x 20
standing leg curls 2 x 12

Dumbbell side bends 1 x 15
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 30

Standing calf 2 x 15
Seated calf 2 x 15
tibialis anterior 1 x 20

4 way neck machine 2 sets of 25 reps per side. ( High reps really work amazing with the neck muscles.  I'm beginning to wonder if it would work with the rest of the body for me. I have been reading about successful bodybuilders who use high reps.  It really can be unpleasant to do high reps.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1826 on: August 05, 2021, 03:13:22 PM »
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1827 on: August 05, 2021, 03:57:58 PM »
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.

It's been a very long time since I used the vertical leg press. The angled leg press machines at the gym's I go to now have a built in safety feature that limits how low it will go, which avoids the problem of crushing your chest. At one of the L.A. Fitness gyms I use, they have a couple of horizonal leg press machines which are safer yet. I've always been able to go really heavy on the leg press, much more so than with barbell squats. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1828 on: August 05, 2021, 04:08:27 PM »
One way to get unstuck on a leg press is to push on your thighs to get back up.

I got stuck once on a vertical leg press like that so I pushed on the tops of my thighs.

If you train alone better to not go to failure or go so heavy that you get stuck.

My leg press has safety stops set at the proper distance. I can't get trapped. I can't say the same about my squat machine.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1829 on: August 06, 2021, 04:00:02 AM »
My leg press has safety stops set at the proper distance. I can't get trapped. I can't say the same about my squat machine.

Can you do hacks on your leg press?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1830 on: August 06, 2021, 05:38:39 AM »
Can you do hacks on your leg press?

Yes, not fond of the movement. I do use it from time to time. My squat machine is a much more natural feeling movement till I felt some groin strain. I will get back to using it. Felt good doing barbell squats again. I will see how it goes with it.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1831 on: August 07, 2021, 04:51:22 AM »
Yesterday on Friday I warmed up on the treadmill for a quarter mile. My legs were a little sore from squats the day before. I then drove to my favorite park for running.  It's has a one mile oval path. I don't have to be concerned with traffic only kids on these battery powered bikes, unicycles and scooters. They have to regulate these things for park walking path use.  I ran two miles in the low 9 minute pace range. I then came home and did my usual boxing drills with the heavy bag. Had really good snap and power in my shots.

Later I was discussing with the wife what we were going to do with our Sebastian Maniscalco tickets for that night.  It hit me that tonight was the date. We had the tickets for over a year. The show kept getting delayed because of covid. She surprised me by saying she was going to give it a try. I live 40 minutes from Atlantic city. We killed time prior to the show listening to this party cover  band playing a beach bar. At one point all the people dancing did a conga line. It was great watching people having fun after covid. The beach and the bar was packed with people. 

His warm up guy was funny and Sebastian killed it. My wife was laughing hard through the entire show. He had all new material except when he seemed to lose his way and repeated one old bit. It was still funny as hell. He ended the show by doing something he normally doesn't do if you watch his NetFlix specials. He talked about his personal life  without jokes and it was touching. The huge crowd gave him a standing ovation. Took several pictures of my wife smiling. She has an incredible smile.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1832 on: August 07, 2021, 05:13:21 PM »
Back and delts: No warm up sets listed.

Power cleans 4 x 3
Pulldowns 2 x 10
Seated cable row 2 x 12
Dumbbell rows with knee on bench 2 x 10
Reverse grip pulldowns 2 x 10

Press behind head 2 x 6 (I did these for over three decades till my shoulder went bad. Figure I would try them again. I touched the traps each rep and my flexibility was bad. Took a few warm ups before I could push the weight off the traps)
Dumbbell delt lateral 2 x 12
Dumbbell rear delt lateral 2 x 11
Face pulls 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11

weighted back extensions 2 x 15 (Plate behind my head)
Ab wheel 2 x 22
Pulley crunches 1 x 40


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1833 on: August 08, 2021, 05:14:52 AM »

Later I was discussing with the wife what we were going to do with our Sebastian Maniscalco tickets for that night.

I've never heard of this guy.  Will have to look him up.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1834 on: August 09, 2021, 09:56:46 AM »
Ran my usual two miles.  Quarter mile was a warm up so I guess you can say two and a quarter miles.  Hit the bag after and then went to work.  At work trying to keep awake. I mentioned it before but I work with four knockout women.  It makes me laugh to see guys that work in different buildings with my job make excuses to stop in to chat.  I hear the girls saying some of them are creepers.  Some? They all are, lol. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1835 on: August 10, 2021, 04:47:12 AM »
I was reflecting on last weeks workouts. As I age I discard exercises that cause problems and substitute. I think that's a good practice for a lifter at any age. If anyone tells you an exercise is  mandatory staple know you are talking to a fool.  I discarded barbell squats awhile ago. Last week I revived them. My lower back always seems bullet proof the last decade.  My lower back was bothering me and I blame the barbell squat. 

Another exercise that I loved was the barbell bench. When one shoulder went then the other I shelved it.  Seems every six months I get the urge to do them.  Always ends up with me discarding them. Here I am again. 

Don't ever feel an exercise is a mandatory staple.  To use drug pros as an example Yates at his peak years didn't flat barbell bench.  The flat barbell bench isn't the greatest exercise in the world as one would falsely conclude looking in gyms at the bench and curl crowd. It's a relatively new exercise in the world of lifting. People like doing an exercise while laying on a bed. It causes a loss of shoulder flexibility because of the very nature of the bar hitting your chest after inflating your chest, doing an arch and benching with a wide grip to shorten the range of motion. Olympic lifters that bench are a rarity.  They won't do it because of the loss of flexibility. 

Paul Dilette and Yates both didn't barbell squat. Their main thigh exercise was the leg press. So many bodybuilders keep doing skull crushers tricep extensions till they grind their elbows to dust.  Many other examples. Sometimes just changing the way you do an exercise leads to healthier joints and even better muscle simulation.  A doctor of physical therapy told me delt laterals with a dumbbell can eventually lead to shoulder impingement and tendon damage for many. He said bent over slightly and lift the dumbbell with thumbs up.

If you started to workout in your teens and have been truly dedicated through the decades there will be a lot of wear and tear on your body. True some escape it.  You just can't floor the pedal of a car every time you drive it and expect the car to last.

I think the moral to the story is if an exercise causes you grief get rid of it with no looking back.  A good source to find substitutes is Bill Pearl's master piece, Keys to the Universe. 

The key is to minimize wear and tear while building your body.  Arnold, Zane, Draper, Corney and a host of others had shoulder operations. Anderson, Grimek, Bass, Big Lou and many others had hip operations. Hey, I get it. They are pushing their bodies to the max and something has to give. Just knees, shoulders, pecs, elbows and hips damage can ruin your athletic life.

It brings me to all the heart problems with lifters. Testosterone and their by products like Anabolic steroids make blood thick that can cause strokes and heart attacks. Most users have a raise in blood pressure that can cause heart attacks, strokes and kidney damage. Some say it can thicken the heart too. This is where someone brings up Fixx the guy that wrote the best selling running book way back. Yes, for every heart attack running has cause it has prevented a huge number. The first rehab after a heart attack is walking one treadmill. If it was bad for you they would tell you like the old days to rest till you die.  Nope, cardio doctors  tell you to do cardio exercise after recovery from a heart attack.

Why am I writing this in the early morning hours? I was awakened by a thunder storm and looked out at my pool that was about to over flow. Here I was with the hose back washing it to lower the level before it over flowed and flooded my basement. Because the way my house is situated I have to physically hold the hose like a fireman shooting it over the fence.
I then hit the basement gym for chest and arms.  I started with the barbell bench. First the empty bar. Second set 135lbs, third warm up with 165lbs. Something didn't feel right. I canned the workout. For many years I haven't started a workout and finished it to the best of my memory.  In my 40's my last bench set was always with 275lbs to 285lbs.  Never claimed to be a world killer strong guy.  Now in my 60's that 165lbs felt it was damaging my shoulder. Back to declines and other exercises that work with my body.  Naturally you have to pick what works for yours.

Off to work. The hottest girl in the office yesterday wore a mini skirt.  Think a hotter Jennifer Aniston.  Yes, I'm a dirty old man.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1836 on: August 10, 2021, 10:52:47 AM »

I agree with what you posted.  We have similar views on many things.

Just a thought about benching.  I have never been a big bencher.  I have long arms.

My chest developed well though and I still bench without pain.  Never had shoulder issues from it but never focused on benching like a powerlifter.

Question: At what point did your shoulder start to bother you benching in today's workout?

Empty bar?
165?  Bingo!

165 is too heavy for you at this time.  Go lighter.  Your connective tissues are not strong enough to handle 165.

If you have no pain at 135 then stay there.  Add only a small amount after a few workouts at 135.  2.5 to 5lbs. max. 

135 may be too heavy.  Go lighter then.  Go as light as you need to go.  Better to go extra light and work up gradually, strengthen the connective tissues, etc.

This takes awhile.

I have the same issue with my shoulder when doing pullups or lat pulldowns.  Too heavy and I feel a twinge. Trouble!  So, I go lighter and do 12+ reps.

Take the ego out of training, brother.  Best regards!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1837 on: August 10, 2021, 11:35:28 AM »

I agree with what you posted.  We have similar views on many things.

Just a thought about benching.  I have never been a big bencher.  I have long arms.

My chest developed well though and I still bench without pain.  Never had shoulder issues from it but never focused on benching like a powerlifter.

Question: At what point did your shoulder start to bother you benching in today's workout?

Empty bar?
165?  Bingo!

165 is too heavy for you at this time.  Go lighter.  Your connective tissues are not strong enough to handle 165.

If you have no pain at 135 then stay there.  Add only a small amount after a few workouts at 135.  2.5 to 5lbs. max. 

135 may be too heavy.  Go lighter then.  Go as light as you need to go.  Better to go extra light and work up gradually, strengthen the connective tissues, etc.

This takes awhile.

I have the same issue with my shoulder when doing pullups or lat pulldowns.  Too heavy and I feel a twinge. Trouble!  So, I go lighter and do 12+ reps.

Take the ego out of training, brother.  Best regards!

I have torn labrum on one shoulder and a partially torn rotator cuff in the other. It’s funny that some movements don’t hurt like declines presses.  I will just stick with what doesn’t irritate me.

 Using lighter weight for high reps sounds like a fix for the barbell  bench but that can irritate injuries too like heavy weights. You are right about taking the ego out of lifting as we age.

 I was looking at a bunch of youtubes on Jay Cutler on how he trains now.  He's around 240 to 250lbs. I always use 315lbs for my bodybuilding deadlifts in my back routine. He uses 225lbs. Don't get me wrong I know he could blow me away if he wanted to but it gave me pause. Same with curls. I use 95lbs to 90lbs and he uses 80lbs. Who has better arms? He does by light years.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1838 on: August 12, 2021, 03:20:18 PM »
Neglecting this training journal again. My son wants me to run a 5k charity run in about 60 days. Turns out they cancelled the awards ceremony and asking for no spectators citing possible covid shut downs. Sick of this bs. Told him about another December Christmas themed 5K race. If he agrees to that I'm going to shift my training for that. In my youth I was a pretty good runner. Mainly sprinting but I could string sub 6 minute miles without too much difficulty.  Now in my 60's I'm a slug but I truly believe with dedicated training I could surprise myself. Who knows? Delusional? Next week I could change my mind about this. I'm 190lbs and I vainly say I look pretty good at 5'8".  Maybe not in the steroid bodybuilding standard but for the guy walking around the supermarket standard. I know when I'm in a supermarket with a tee shirt babies point, women sigh and men curse at me so I must be doing something right.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1839 on: August 12, 2021, 03:49:42 PM »
Good luck and don't kill yourself in the process.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1840 on: August 12, 2021, 04:15:55 PM »
Good luck and don't kill yourself in the process.

If I die it's been quite a ride.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1841 on: August 14, 2021, 09:29:37 AM »
I was thinking a lot about training and how to incorporate running into the mix. It's tough. I'm really too old and have too many obligations to do two a days. Going to try today. I was going to go for a run then lift very light after to see how it goes but I changed my mind. I know guys that run can vouch for what I'm saying. It's very difficult to lift hard after running unless you space that hours apart.  If I lift with an involved program it's also the inverse that it's hard to run after. Especially after legs or back. I will compromise this week till I come up with something.

Today was a Yates style work out just because it keeps my strength up and it's short. I didn't time the workout but I bet it was around 45 minutes. Training to failure for one set after a warm up if needed is brutal.  No such thing as rushing to the next exercise as you're sucking air. 

Chest and bicep day:

Incline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 (Tried to go really low. No ego half reps with giant dumbbells.  Went slow  with the negatives. Surprised I got 10 reps. I did one non taxing warm up prior.)
Decline dumbbell bench 1 x 10 (Said it before. If you have bad shoulders give this exercise a shot. It works for me)
Flat bench flies 1 x 14 (Really to the ragged edge)
Push ups 1 x 24 (Did it immediately after the flies. I think I'm going close to all the way down without touching the floor. I have to video my form)

Barbell curls 1 x 14
Alternate dumbbell 1 x 10 each arm
Drag barbell curls 1 x 15
dumbbell concentration curls 1 x 13

forearm wrist curls 1 x 32 reps ( I have to up the weight to bring failure to around 20. Fine balance between making an exercise hard through proper form and the weight used)
Forearm wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Upping the weight)

Weighted floor crunches 1 x 65
Pulley crunches 1 x 60

Just typed this to cool down a bit. After about 40 minutes I ran two miles in 86 degree high humidity pure sun. I think I lost two pound of sweat. No other runners on the trail. Cooling down now.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1842 on: August 14, 2021, 10:43:16 AM »
Did you ever try something like this...

Monday - weights

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - run

Thursday - rest

Friday - weights

Sat - rest

Sunday - run

Monday - rest

Tuesday - weights



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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1843 on: August 14, 2021, 02:13:14 PM »
Did you ever try something like this...

Monday - weights

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - run

Thursday - rest

Friday - weights

Sat - rest

Sunday - run

Monday - rest

Tuesday - weights


Might work with a whole body routine. The problem I have and it's my personal preference is that I hate whole body routines.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1844 on: August 15, 2021, 06:49:05 PM »
Planned to do a two a day of lifting and running but a computer course I needed for work got in the way. Boss told me he heard it will take about an hour. Four hours later steam was coming off the top of my head in anger as I completed it. Fucked up my Sunday plans of things I wanted to get done. Got leg day in. No warm ups shown. Dropped the barbell squat. My lower back was bugging me for days after last weeks barbell squat session. First rule is first do no harm. No exercise is a mandatory. Wish I remembered to do some free hand bodyweight squats after working quads but I actually forgot. Next time. When I do one set to failure in my work set I usually use more weight than I do for a two work sets per exercise work out.

Leg press 1 x 12 (up the weight from my usual. Went rock bottom. Wasn't feeling it. Thought I would canned the workout after this set to failure. I had two prior warm up sets prior to that real work set.

Squat machine 1 x 10 (I like the way this machine works better than the hack. I have tried three brands of squat machines and truth be told I haven't found a bad one)

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 (Usual drill. Hand straps and dumbbells held at sides. Upright back and sink the ass real low till I can't go any lower. I never seen anyone but me doing this exercise in a gym. Zane called them dumbbell hack squats. They are a brutal exercise if you don't deadlift the weight and do true squats)

Stiff deads 1 x 6 (I stand on block for this with straps)

leg extensions 1 x 20
Standing leg curls 1 x 14

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 16
Hanging straight leg raise 1 x 26
Hip ups 1 x 32

Standing calf 1 x 18
Seated calf 1 x 19
Tib work 1 x 21

Four way neck 1 set each side


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1845 on: August 16, 2021, 04:22:39 PM »
Two mile run and heavy bag before work.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1846 on: August 17, 2021, 05:32:10 AM »
Back day: No warm up shown here. One work set to failure.

Pulldown 1 x 11
Seated cable rows 1 x 14
Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 12
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 12
dead 1 x 4 (Disappointed in getting only 4 reps. I was going for 6.  I think the running took some of the strength out of me)
weighted hyper extension 1 x 20  (25lbs plate behind my head)

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 27
Ab pulley crunch 1 x 50

Felt dizzy after this workout.  Probably the early morning hours and the deadlifts. Going to make an appointment with a cardiologist. Just talked to a guy around my age. He said he felt because of his age he thought he should see a cardiologist. Turns out he had an aneurysm he didn't know about. The doc told him it was a ticking time bomb and if it burst it would have resulted in a quick death. He had open heart surgery for the repair. He said he feels really weak and the recovery is slow.  He said he worked out four days a week prior but looking at his body prior he must have just did old man effort workouts. Still, imagine having that in your body ready to burst at any minute?  I look at my brother who is my clone as a barometer of health to come. He's 75 and has prostate cancer. His physical activity is distance bike riding. He is rail thin.  So far he's in good heart health.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1847 on: August 18, 2021, 09:32:28 AM »
Delt and tricep:  I used a warm up as needed.

Dumbbell Press 1 x 11
Dumbbell laterals 1 x 14
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 1 x 15
Face pulls 1 x 17
Barbell shrugs 1 x 15

Weighted dips 1 x 8
Close grip barbell bench press 1 x 7
tricep pushdowns 1 x 12
Single dumbbell two hand tricep press 1 x 13

Weighted floor crunch 1x 50
Pulley crunch 1 x 60
Seated knee ups 1 x 30 (Not a fan of these.  I just quit at 30 but could have kept going. Maybe if I an figure out how to hold a light dumbbell with my feet I will come back to these. They are just too easy with no weight.)

Nice quick workout. One set to failure can be a bitch. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1848 on: August 19, 2021, 01:05:58 PM »
Exhausted from baby sitting my 2 year old granddaughter. No working out. I did have an education on Bubble Guppies, Peppa Pig, Baby Sharks and the new Blues Clues with a gay acting new host. Took a nap when she took a nap and woke up with  her dog standing on my chest with his face in my face.  Took her to target to buy her a toy then to my house for pool time. Bodybuilding related. Her dog won't eat his dog food till I put my bodybuilding chicken in it. Now he is sleeping on his side looking like this.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1849 on: August 23, 2021, 05:11:34 PM »
Back and chest today:

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10 140lbs (No lean back. All the way out and all the way down. Slow tempo reps)
Seated cable row 2 x 12 170lbs (All the way out and back)
Dumbbell row off a bench 2 x 10 80lbs. (dead hang and all the way up)
Reverse grip pulldown 2 x 10 130lbs ( I try to do any pulldown with slow reps. I feel them better than the lean back and heave version with a heavy weight)

Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs ( I go all the way down till I can go no further and I use slow reps to prevent injury and too make a light weight heavy.)
Decline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 65lbs
Dumbbell flies 2 x 10 50lbs ( I dropped these after hearing a physical therapist say how bad they are for the joint but I don't know about that anymore. I think my shoulders are more flexible since I started doing them again. Go figure.)
Push ups 2 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (Used 225 for three reps for a warm up set. I use slow reps both positive and negative. I can use a more weight but my body is fragile as I age and I don't want to tempt fate.)
Weighted hypers 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head. ( I can't emphasize enough how I try to do a full range of motion and controlled speed on the reps)

AB wheel roll out 1 x 25
Pulley crunch 1 x 60 (I sit in a lat pulldown machine backwards with a V bar handle at the top back of my head. I then do crunches from the seated position. I find with these if I use too much weight I lose the feel of the movement in the abs.)

I did the workout in the early morning hours prior to work.  The sun wasn't up and dark out when I began the workout. I was shot coming up the stairs of my basement. My wife proceeded to talk a mile a minute without taking breaks to breath.