Author Topic: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !  (Read 75725 times)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2011, 12:00:54 PM »
What are your daily macros, wes.. cals, carbs, protein, fat?

How many weeks do you usually diet and do you have cheat meals during prep?


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2011, 05:14:25 PM »
Right now protein is between 150- 180 grams,carbs I keep very low most of the time.......between 30-80,at times I`ll carb up and eat around 100-150.......I`m pretty carb sensitive.

Trying to make lightweight clas which is 154 1/4 so I figure LBM is at least that hence the 150 grams,the 180 is just to try to retain muscle and for added insurance and peace of mind.

I don`t count fibrous vegetables into my carb total.

Fats are minimal too.........I always beleived that most people got more trace fats than they realize just from the clean foods while dieting.

I`ll only eat a few whole eggs,natty PB,and the occasional steak.

Once I get ripped to my satisfaction,I`ll eat more fats,but never a lot as a rule.

Never have cheat meals........did it in the past and binged at times so never again....I`m pretty old school.

I`ve trained guys that two weeks into the diet asked me when they could have a cheat meal........I told them after the fucking contest!!  ;D

Lot`s of guys could be better if they were stricter and didn`t cheat so much.

Back in the day,they beleived that one day of cheating ruined all of your previous prep.

I usually diet from 16-20 weeks depending on my condition at the start of the diet........this time it was less time than usual as I decided late to do the show.........hence the double cardio sessions.

Right now I`m gonna` switch up protein sources and eat a bit more carbs as the diet is getting tedious.

Also at 4 weeks out,I`m gonna` try training each bodypart twice weekly with more volume on the advice of Joe Marino (Coach who postes here).

Gonna` be a bit tricky but I`ll give it a shot......probably can cut back on cardio and eat a bit more......we`ll see I guess.  


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2011, 05:21:49 PM »
some dedication bro, good luck

has to suck to get injured and come down to almost xerxes-level benching  ;D

btw: don't you squat or deadlift bro?

Thanks bro!!

No more squats for me......hurt my back years ago doing hacks with over 400 pounds.

I`ve squatted 405 below paralell at 160 pounds,tried every rep scheme,low reps,high reps,lots of different intensity techniques and my legs still sucked, so once the back gave out,I decided to finally smarten up and stop wasting all my time on a movement that did jack shit for me.

My legs still suck, but they look the best they ever have......which isn`t saying much!!  LOL  ;D

I just started deadlifts  once again not long ago.........another shitty lift for me but strangely enough,as long as I`m careful,they seem to be helping my bad back.

At one point,I had to have my wife put on my socks and tie my shoes in the morning before I hit the gym.........and this was during prep for a contest I was doing............... of course.  ::)

I just worked around it but it was tough.

Today it`s better........probably because I stopped squatting!!  :(


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2011, 05:23:25 PM »
good luck wes!!
journal looks great
awesome dedication


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2011, 05:28:08 PM »
Thanks Gene..I`ll need all the luck I can get....really tough contest.

Stay on point bud!! 


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2011, 09:15:13 PM »
Right now protein is between 150- 180 grams,carbs I keep very low most of the time.......between 30-80,at times I`ll carb up and eat around 100-150.......I`m pretty carb sensitive.

Trying to make lightweight clas which is 154 1/4 so I figure LBM is at least that hence the 150 grams,the 180 is just to try to retain muscle and for added insurance and peace of mind.

I don`t count fibrous vegetables into my carb total.

Fats are minimal too.........I always beleived that most people got more trace fats than they realize just from the clean foods while dieting.

I`ll only eat a few whole eggs,natty PB,and the occasional steak.

Once I get ripped to my satisfaction,I`ll eat more fats,but never a lot as a rule.

Never have cheat meals........did it in the past and binged at times so never again....I`m pretty old school.

I`ve trained guys that two weeks into the diet asked me when they could have a cheat meal........I told them after the fucking contest!!  ;D

Lot`s of guys could be better if they were stricter and didn`t cheat so much.

Back in the day,they beleived that one day of cheating ruined all of your previous prep.

I usually diet from 16-20 weeks depending on my condition at the start of the diet........this time it was less time than usual as I decided late to do the show.........hence the double cardio sessions.

Right now I`m gonna` switch up protein sources and eat a bit more carbs as the diet is getting tedious.

Also at 4 weeks out,I`m gonna` try training each bodypart twice weekly with more volume on the advice of Joe Marino (Coach who postes here).

Gonna` be a bit tricky but I`ll give it a shot......probably can cut back on cardio and eat a bit more......we`ll see I guess.  
150 grms-180 prot and 80 carbs...calories seem to be pretty low..! hang in there.  8)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2011, 01:38:12 AM »
150 grms-180 prot and 80 carbs...calories seem to be pretty low..! hang in there.  8)
Thanks.............they are very low,but I haven`t been down to 154 in years.

I`ll possibly try zig zagging cals or cycling carbs while having a couple higher carb days per week.

Right now it seems like I`m stuck as far as my dropping more bodyweight goes so I gotta` try something new soon.


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2011, 11:02:23 AM »


Close Grip Underhand Pulldowns:
10 plates-15
13 plates-12
17 plates-8 **New Personal Record**
12 plates-12

Dumbell Rows:

Dumbell Pullovers:
80-12 **New Personal Record**

Cybex Seated Rowing Machine:
9 plates-12
11 plates-10
10 plates-12

Straight-Arm Pulldowns:
6 plates-20
8 plates-12
7 plates-15

Dumbell Shrugs:

3 x 20 with bodyweight

36 minutes walking on inclined treadmill

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 - Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 3:
1 can tuna
20 oz. water

Meal 4:
8 eggwhites
1 whole egg
1/2 cup oatmeal (no milk,Splenda)
12 oz. water

Meal 5:
8 oz. ground chicken breast patty
2 cups asparagus

Meal 6:
5 oz. boiled chicken breast
salad (fat-free,low sugar dressing)
Diet soda

Thank God for sugarless gum and diet soida which I`ll remove in a week or two!  :'(

Palpatine Q

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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2011, 11:39:04 AM »
Excellent journal Wes.

You are an inspiration to us old dogs


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2011, 02:20:21 PM »
Thanks brother!!  :)

I hope to come in at my best ever at 56..........if not,I`ll sure as hell try my ass off.

Grape Ape

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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2011, 12:27:50 PM »

We haven't conversed, but I've enjoyed reading all your stuff.

Good luck to you.


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2011, 12:34:42 PM »
Hey thanks bud,I appreciate the kind words.  :)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2011, 01:02:55 PM »

Shoulders,Abs,Posterior Chain,Cardio:


Pre-Exhaust Quad-Set:

{Cybex Seated Lateral Machine:
1 x failure-5 plates
3 x failure 7 plates
{Cybex Seated Lateral Machine:
1 x failure-5 plates
3 x failure 7 plates

The way I do these is,I`ll start with the lateral machine with 5 plates,do as many reps as possible, or 25 reps whichever comes first,then I immediately jump to the press machine with 5 plates,which is right next to the lateral machine so there is no rest at all.................afte r those I go right back on the lateral machine with 7 plates,and then back to the press machine with 7 plates.....both until I reach failure.

I rest approximately one minute,then do it all one more time............this is like 8 sets almost non-stop.........fucking intensely painful!!

Behind The Back Laterals:
(30 second rest periods between sets)

Behind The Back One-Arm Cable Laterals:
3 x 12-15 with  plates

I do these by doing 15 reps with my right arm,then immediately going for 15 with my left arm,then back to right,then back to rest at arm rests while the other is working.

Bent-Over Laterals:

3 x 15-20 with 4-5 plates

Cable Front Raise:
2 x 25-30 ( i just do these pre-contest only as I feel the front delt gets plenty of work while doing presses of any kind plus on chest work)

22 total sets in exactly 21 delts were on swole and throbbed and ached all through cardio!!


3 x failure
{Lying Leg Raise:
3 x failure

Posterior Chain:
Glute/Ham Machine:

1 x 20 with bodyweight

23 minutes walking on inclined treadmill

Had to get to my ass work,plus I was fucking spent!!

real good,painful,and intemse just like i like it!

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 - Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 3:
8 oz. sirloin steak
lg. plain baked potato
salad with vinegar
12 oz. water

Ate this with my wife at a cheap steakhouse on the way to do some grocery shopping after work.........the hostess asks "do you want sour cream and butter"......I replied,"no thanks,I just want abs !!

My wife looked at me like I was fucking if she didn`t already know that I have papers proving that I am.  ;)

That butter and sour cream sounded so good I could almost taste it anyway!
 LOL  ;D

Meal 4:
7 eggwhites
2 whole eggs
2 rice cakes
12 oz. water

Meal 5:
5oz. boiled chicken breast
Diet soda

Meal 6:
5oz. boiled chicken breast

This shit`s starting to get old real quicklike!!  LOL  ;D


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2011, 11:59:09 PM »

Shoulders,Abs,Posterior Chain,Cardio:


Pre-Exhaust Quad-Set:

{Cybex Seated Lateral Machine:
1 x failure-5 plates
3 x failure 7 plates
{Cybex Seated Lateral Machine:
1 x failure-5 plates
3 x failure 7 plates

The way I do these is,I`ll start with the lateral machine with 5 plates,do as many reps as possible, or 25 reps whichever comes first,then I immediately jump to the press machine with 5 plates,which is right next to the lateral machine so there is no rest at all.................afte r those I go right back on the lateral machine with 7 plates,and then back to the press machine with 7 plates.....both until I reach failure.

I rest approximately one minute,then do it all one more time............this is like 8 sets almost non-stop.........fucking intensely painful!!

Behind The Back Laterals:
(30 second rest periods between sets)

Behind The Back One-Arm Cable Laterals:
3 x 12-15 with  plates

I do these by doing 15 reps with my right arm,then immediately going for 15 with my left arm,then back to right,then back to rest at arm rests while the other is working.

Bent-Over Laterals:

3 x 15-20 with 4-5 plates

Cable Front Raise:
2 x 25-30 ( i just do these pre-contest only as I feel the front delt gets plenty of work while doing presses of any kind plus on chest work)

22 total sets in exactly 21 delts were on swole and throbbed and ached all through cardio!!


3 x failure
{Lying Leg Raise:
3 x failure

Posterior Chain:
Glute/Ham Machine:

1 x 20 with bodyweight

23 minutes walking on inclined treadmill

Had to get to my ass work,plus I was fucking spent!!

real good,painful,and intemse just like i like it!

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 - Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 3:
8 oz. sirloin steak
lg. plain baked potato
salad with vinegar
12 oz. water

Ate this with my wife at a cheap steakhouse on the way to do some grocery shopping after work.........the hostess asks "do you want sour cream and butter"......I replied,"no thanks,I just want abs !!

My wife looked at me like I was fucking if she didn`t already know that I have papers proving that I am.  ;)

That butter and sour cream sounded so good I could almost taste it anyway!
 LOL  ;D

Meal 4:
7 eggwhites
2 whole eggs
2 rice cakes
12 oz. water

Meal 5:
5oz. boiled chicken breast
Diet soda

Meal 6:
5oz. boiled chicken breast

This shit`s starting to get old real quicklike!!  LOL  ;D
I think you should add carbs pre and post workout.. why the 2x "whey in water" shakes only? I would starve.. Its like swallowing air.

But i think you know better than me so.. ;D


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2011, 03:14:33 AM »
No,I see your point and it`s a damn good one,and if it was off-season I most definately would add carbs.........especially postworkout.

My philosophy is,and it`s probably just bro-science, is that you have glucose in the bloodstream, and stored glycogen in the liver from the previous day or days meals.

Now carbs are the bodys preferred source of fuel,so once you train hard and deplete glucose,the liver sends out glycogen as a reserve energy supply.................. ..once that is depleted from your continued workout,you hit cardio after training and best case scenario is that carbs are done and mostly gone, and you are then burning bodyfat as fuel for energy.

I always have a lot of energy during training,considering my carbs are low.

I`ve always gotten good results as far as getting lean goes training/dieting this way.

Another mindfuck for me is having to hit 154 pounds......ain`t been there in a long time.

I`ll tell you guys later today once I wake the fuck up, what I did as far as eating,mood,and how my waist went from 32-39 inches last year............yes I said 39 fucking inches dammit!!  LOL  :D
I blame this all on GETBIG !!    :'(

My goal is 30" or less at 154!!

( I believe in this strongly,and if you believe in something it`s half the battle......... mentally anyway)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #40 on: June 17, 2011, 11:58:47 AM »



Super-Set # 1 :
{Seated Alternate Dumbell Curl:

Super-Set # 2 :
{Cybex Preacher Curls:
(did 4-5 half reps at the end of every set)
6 plates-20
8 plates-15
10 plates-12
7 plates-15
(Had to tie 70 pounds around my waist with a dipping belt when I got to 10 plates to hold my light ass down.........otherwise I would have been catapulted across the gym) LOL  ;D

Triceps Dips Between Benches:
2 x 30 with bodyweight

(Felt like that was all I usual very little rest between Super-Sets and none between exercises)

Wrist Curls:
(did rest pauses on each set setting the bar on a bench after failure............few deep breaths,then went again until I hit failure which didn`t take long at all)  :)

Walked a quick mile on outdoor track..............neede d an easy cardio day...............gettin g very tired,mostly from insomnia.

On a side note,on the way home I picked up a perfectly good treadmill at a yard sale for a whopping 10 bucks.

Now when I get up at 3 AM because I can`t sleep.......I`ll hit the coffeee,and do fasted cardio,then hit the gym a few hours later,then more cardio.

No more having to drive an extra 100 miles a week for double cardio sessions..........especi ally with the price of gas the way it is.  :(

Pretty good week of trainbing and rdio tomorrow AM on the new old treadmill.

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Pre-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 - Post-Workout:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 3 -
8 eggwhites
1 whole egg
2 sm. baked potatoes (oven fries)
12 oz. water
more coffee

Meal 4 -
5oz. boiled chicken breast
Diet soda

Meal 5 -
5oz. boiled chicken breast
Diet soda

Binged out and ate 6 rice cakes with Natty it was 7 rice cakes and they tasted like friggin` steak.

An old friend of mine back in Massachusettes would say........."You know you`re dieting hard when you are actually looking forward to eating a fucking rice cake, or you force yourself to go to bed at 9PM so you`ll stop thinking about fucking food food" !!  ;)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #41 on: June 17, 2011, 12:39:22 PM »
dude .. i kno u been doin this forever.. but you cant go low fat and low carb at the same time for extended periods like that...  and rest between sets man, keeps the muscles fresh...

anyways, good luck!!!   


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2011, 02:53:46 PM »
Thanks Taylor............I won`t start arguing with you,I promise!!  ;D

I will cite this example which I tell a lot of my clients:

If you and I were of equal weight,strength,age,level of desire to train hard,same work ethic,etc.,etc.............................and we both did the exact same workout,set for set,rep for rep,BUT it took you 90 minutes to complete the routine and it only took me 35 minutes,who worked harder?


I did because I did the most possible work in the shortest amount of time...........old school way to train and it makes you harder and more dense,rather than falling asleep between sets like a fucking sloth.

Read some of Vince Girondas stuff.......he called this "Intensity Of Effort".............getting more work done in less time = intensity.

Way ahead of it`s time.

Most guys used to train fast like this .............I go, then you go,add weight,repeat...........and most guys back then looked far better,trained harder,and didn`t cheat on their diets.......John Defendis,Steve Michalik,Vince G.,and many others were big proponents of this training style.

Just my opinion, but big and bloated guts is not bodybuilding the way it was intended to be,and using sloppy form with long rest periods almost falling asleep between sets, might just have its place today but not during pre-contest.

I`m not on a ton of juice,GH,and insulin where no matter how bad my work ethic in the gym was I could eat junk and still get shredded.



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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #43 on: June 18, 2011, 06:15:12 AM »

AM- Cardio:

7:30 AM-45 minutes of fasted cardio walking on inclined treadmill

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Post- AM Cardio:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 -
Pro-Max protein bar
(was on the road)

Meal 3 -
8 eggwhites
1 whole egg
2 baked potatoes (oven fries)

Meal 4 -
6 oz. boiled chicken breast
1 rice cake with natty PB

Meal 5 -
6 oz. boiled chicken breast
1 rice cake with natty PB

Meal 6 -
4 oz. boiled chicken breast


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2011, 04:49:54 AM »

AM- Cardio:

6:15 AM - 32 minutes of fasted cardio walking on inclined treadmill

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Post- AM Cardio:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 -
9 eggwhites
1 whole egg
2 baked potatoes (oven fries)
2 cups of coffeee

Meal 3 -
4 oz. boiled chicken breast

Meal 4 -
Pro-Max protein bar (on the road)

Meal 5 -
5oz. boiled chicken breast

Meal 6 -
6 oz. boiled chicken breat
2 rice cakes with natty PB
coffee (good for my friggin` insomnia)  :P


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2011, 06:26:59 AM »

AM- Cardio:

6:15 AM - 32 minutes of fasted cardio walking on inclined treadmill

Todays Diet:

Meal 1 - Post- AM Cardio:
1 scoop whey in water

Meal 2 -

Wesley must have passed out after Meal 2.

Tim, wake up!
They'll throw dirt on you!!

Just kidding, my friend.


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2011, 09:47:21 AM »
I`m back Monty........had to get my beauty sleep.  ;D

Woke up so early(as usual; my insomnia is a bitch),I snuck in a little nap.

It`s tough gettin` old!!  :)


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #47 on: June 19, 2011, 06:40:21 PM »
Tomorrow I start training 6 days a week,each bodypart twice a week.......haven`t tried this in decades.

Best case scenario it`ll help harden me up and increase my muscle density.

First three days:
Chest + Back
Shoulders + Arms
Pretty basic shit barbells,dumbells,and machines but more reps,and more sets.

Probably won`t list poundages as I`ve lost about 20-21 pounds and am weaker than shit and training with very little rest between sets doesn`t help you to bench 405 for reps,but it works the body like a sumbitch` !!

Next three days same thing but using more machines,isolation exercises,and intensity techniques like Tri-Sets,Giant-Sets,Drop-Sets,Super-Sets,half reps,etc. etc.

Same diet,tweaked here and there........more tuna,rice,oatrmeal,and fish as well as good ole` chicken!!  :)

Early AM cardio still on my new/old used yard sale ten dollar treadmill at home followed by cardio after training on most days except legs for sure.

All this can, and will be altered as to how I`m looking, not how I feel, because feeling like shit for the most part means you`re on the right track.

Five weeks out as of tomorrow.

Been tanning in the booth as well as nude in my field ( I live on a farm),sent in my entry form,sent in my NPC card application,got my ticket to travel,Pro-Tan,new trunks.............CRUNC H TIME AND I`M GONNA` POUR IT ON!!


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #48 on: June 19, 2011, 06:47:03 PM »
Probably won`t list poundages as I`ve lost about 20-21 pounds and am weaker than shit and training with very little rest between sets doesn`t help you to bench 405 for reps,but it works the body like a sumbitch` !!

I heard they're considering eliminating the bench press competition from the posing round.


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Re: My 2011 NPC Masters Nats Prep !
« Reply #49 on: June 20, 2011, 03:25:43 AM »

I heard they're considering eliminating the bench press competition from the posing round.
Exactly.............just gonna` train for a nice pump/burn with perfect form and push myself hard with very minimal rest periods.

Leaving the ego at the gym door my friend.................. ..still kinda` hard for me to do even though I know better.