Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Female Info Boards => Figure, Bikini and Fitness Info and Discussions => Topic started by: Tre on October 09, 2006, 10:53:51 PM

Title: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 09, 2006, 10:53:51 PM

I just watched her routine in its entirety and it totally kicked a**!

That was the coolest thing ever seen on a figure stage and as her performance is refined, it will only get better. 

You did it, girl.  I am more than casually impressed and cannot wait to see the next evolution.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 09, 2006, 11:00:26 PM

Video appears here in its entirety, courtesy of

(it's available in both low-resolution MPEG and high-definition WMV)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: midknight on October 10, 2006, 07:59:04 AM
That was very entertaining - beats quarter turns all day long. ::)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: JKDMan on October 10, 2006, 08:16:35 AM
Maybe its because looking at Valerie could never be boring for me, but I thought that was rather entertaining.  :)
Realistically, Valerie should probably compete in bodybuilding. She's a big girl to begin with, and bodybuilding would allow her the freedom of artistic expression in posing that she appears to crave. IFBB figure will likely always be about quarter turns and nothing more.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: CQ on October 10, 2006, 08:32:33 AM
If she wants to do a routine why doesn't she just do fitness? It seems very basic to me.

Before someone spills out with the whole gymnastics background thing, you don't need one. Look at our reigning Fitness Olympia winner. Most the moves done in fitness, such as varied pushups, planche holds, strength holds and flexinilty moves can simply be accomplished by consistent training. All the mandatory moves for the 45 sec can all be achieved without any type of cheer/gymnast/dance background. Will your routine be as good as Jen Hen's without a suitable background? No, but it can be competitve with enough effort.

Or as JKD suggested bodybuilding. Figure is what figure is, but there are two other divisions she can compete in which allow her the artistic impression element.

Edit: Thanks for the link Tre :)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Dina on October 10, 2006, 09:32:28 AM
I saw Vals routine in person. While I love her body and think she has a great idea by doing guest posings at shows (allows figure girls to earn some money), I thought that she could definitely add to the routine. It amounted to doing a lot of quarter turns and stage poses. The music was  a little choppy and needed better transitions than stop and start. The outfit could have also benefited from a little pizzaz. Guest posings are about entertainment, and  I believe that outfits and music are part of that.

I would love to see Val hook up with a choreographer, a music  person and a good costume designer .. Her body and face are banging, and with all those elements lined up it would really be a beautiful routine to watch.

Again this is MHO and I am not trashing her..just commenting as a spectator.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 10, 2006, 10:05:22 AM
If she wants to do a routine why doesn't she just do fitness? It seems very basic to me.

Or as JKD suggested bodybuilding. Figure is what figure is, but there are two other divisions she can compete in which allow her the artistic impression element.

Edit: Thanks for the link Tre :)

No problem.  Being a member of the USN (Underground Schmoe Network) allows us to get access to clips like that faster than anyone else.   :D

Unless we turn back the clock 25 years, Val is not a competitive bodybuilder.  People will not want to split hairs (in terms of creating new competitive divisions), but I'd gladly pay money to watch figure competitions where the women pose with more creativity.  The 'body fitness' competitions in Europe are very similar - they don't do fitness routines, nor are the women as lean or as muscular as bodybuilders, yet the competitions are wildly popular due to the athletic beauty of the women and the creativity of their presentations. 

Val's routine is a step in that direction and a very welcome one at that. 

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 10, 2006, 10:11:58 AM
I saw Vals routine in person. While I love her body and think she has a great idea by doing guest posings at shows (allows figure girls to earn some money), I thought that she could definitely add to the routine. It amounted to doing a lot of quarter turns and stage poses. The music was  a little choppy and needed better transitions than stop and start. The outfit could have also benefited from a little pizzaz. Guest posings are about entertainment, and  I believe that outfits and music are part of that.

I would love to see Val hook up with a choreographer, a music  person and a good costume designer .. Her body and face are banging, and with all those elements lined up it would really be a beautiful routine to watch.

Again this is MHO and I am not trashing her..just commenting as a spectator.

Totally understood, Dina.

What I saw was a great idea that wasn't quite as smooth as it might've been, but I also know she's got so much on her plate that there was precious little time to devote to perfecting her routine.  As she develops the concept and her choreography, I know the presentation will improve greatly.  I didn't mind the quarter turns, because the judges need to see those poses - I realize she wasn't competing, but this was the prototype of what could become a standard in the future. 

As a fan, I'm just glad to see someone doing something different, on her own terms.  For that alone, she gets two thumbs up.   
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Dina on October 10, 2006, 10:20:58 AM
Tre...  I agree two thumbs up.. and I think it is such a cool idea that I am willing to chip in and help with  expenses for a or suits....
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: JKDMan on October 10, 2006, 10:27:16 AM
People will not want to split hairs (in terms of creating new competitive divisions), but I'd gladly pay money to watch figure competitions where the women pose with more creativity.  The 'body fitness' competitions in Europe are very similar - they don't do fitness routines, nor are the women as lean or as muscular as bodybuilders, yet the competitions are wildly popular due to the athletic beauty of the women and the creativity of their presentations. 
Then Val should compete in Europe, perhaps in another federation. You really think Val can create a one-woman revolution to change IFBB figure? I really don't see where she has the power to do so.

I still maintain she'd be better off in bodybuilding...maybe in another federation. She can't keep up with the size of today's IFBB bodybuilding women, but she can compete on her own terms ala Jodi Miller. Its not always about winning contests when you have the charisma Valerie has. Didn't Dina say her exposure went up as her placings went down? She can market herself and get lots of magazine exposure and covers being one of the lighter more symmetrical bodybuilders.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: FITWINGS on October 10, 2006, 11:24:20 AM
A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Good for Val for thinking outside of the box.

Lots of respect  ;)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Articulate Bodies on October 10, 2006, 11:33:51 AM
I completely agree! Maybe she won't be able to single-handedly change IFBB Figure, but how cool that she's not afraid to try! I had the pleasure of speaking with Val at the Shawn Ray show, and she is an amazing woman. There are so many times I have had ideas and things I'd love to do in the industry, but fear and "means" prevent me from moving forward with them. I admire her tremendously for what she is doing!!!

 :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on October 10, 2006, 12:45:48 PM
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Jodi on October 10, 2006, 08:58:32 PM
I can't even begin to tell you how empowering and absolutely delightful it is to take control of yourself amidst such an urge from this industry to conform.

I respect Val for doing this.  People can make jokes about her being "high."  Whatever.  There comes a point when you get sick of paying money to follow someone else's orders, and so you take things into your own hands.  And quite frankly, she does pay a fee to be a pro, so in my mind, she earned the right to extend her time on the stage.  All of the other pros had the opportunity to do the same thing.

So many girls in this industry want to complain about how things are done in the NPC and IFBB.  Many of these are girls who kiss ass publicly and then whisper disappointments privately.  I have more respect for someone who chooses to stand up and do something out of the ordinary than someone who simply plays the role of another cookie cutter.

Notice:  we are still talking about Valerie Waugaman.  Not Jenny Lynn, who actually won the show.  Val must have done something right.

And person can make a difference.  One drop of water followed by another drop...though delayed...and another drop...and another drop will fill the bucket of change.  It's time girls in this industry played the Pied Piper rather than the puppets who simply follow someone else's music.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Ron on October 10, 2006, 10:00:55 PM

And what would you want for Figure to make it different? Whereas Val's routine was interesting, what rules and regulations would you have for such a routine - how far do you go?  No - we didnt make fun of Val. But I still don't understand what exactly Val wants to do in figure - to change the sport how? And why?

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on October 11, 2006, 01:25:33 AM
Is not present that constant. All flows also all varies. There was a female body building. Has appeared female fitness. Not everyone wish to be acrobatics and gymnastics. There was a Figure. The figure cannot be only in four turns. It wishes to have the any program. There was a butterfly. Forgive for bad English.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 08:48:05 AM
And what would you want for Figure to make it different? Whereas Val's routine was interesting, what rules and regulations would you have for such a routine - how far do you go?  No - we didnt make fun of Val. But I still don't understand what exactly Val wants to do in figure - to change the sport how? And why?

You (and Lift) have a new 'fan', Ron.

Lingster feels that you guys ambushed Val and he failed to see the humor in it.  We discussed it for a bit (my argument being that such petty jokes don't even phase The Regal One - they don't), but he still felt that you guys - as quasi-journalists - should be held to some standard of integrity.  I disagreed with his position in your case, Ron, and told him he's free to criticize Lift all he wants, but that you are untouchable.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 08:59:28 AM
But I still don't understand what exactly Val wants to do in figure - to change the sport how? And why?

As the man who's owned and for over 10 years now, I'd think that you of all people would understand the value of long-term thinking. 

Val is honest and knows that - in its current form - IFBB figure is one of the most boring things in the history of mankind.  Attempting to sit through a show has become an endurance 'sport'.  The only thing that gives it any interest are the sometimes questionable placement decisions made by the judges, as that gives fans (and competitors) something to talk about. 

Sure, we've had the Jenny L vs Davana M vs Monica B (vs Dina vs DJ) discussion and talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the various physiques, but when all is said and done, the only thing that gets people excited (as it were) is talking about the judging. 

Since WHEN were IFBB shows supposed to be about the JUDGES??? 

That's like going to a basketball game and being unable to enjoy it, because an official is trying to be the center of attention by blowing his little whistle all the time.

Val wants to give the fans a good show.  She knows that we all work hard for our money and knows that we want to be entertained.  Do you think any competitor likes hearing how bored the ticket-buying fans were during their portion of the show?  I give her props for giving us something - anything - different, but cannot respect the opinions of those of you (Ron/Lift/JKDman) who wish to maintain the status quo.

Eventually, if Val succeeds in helping to make the entire industry more entertaining, there might someday be sufficient revenue for more "pros" to earn a real living doing something that they love...competing on stage in the IFBB. 

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 10:56:45 AM
You (and Lift) have a new 'fan', Ron.

Lingster feels that you guys ambushed Val and he failed to see the humor in it.  We discussed it for a bit (my argument being that such petty jokes don't even phase The Regal One - they don't), but he still felt that you guys - as quasi-journalists - should be held to some standard of integrity.  I disagreed with his position in your case, Ron, and told him he's free to criticize Lift all he wants, but that you are untouchable.
We asked the questions everyone was buzzing about at the show. Take it for what it's worth but at the end of the day we didn't kiss her ass nor did we belittle her in our questions.

Can't please everyone, especially anything towards the Waugamaniacs.

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: JKDMan on October 11, 2006, 04:02:21 PM
As the man who's owned and for over 10 years now, I'd think that you of all people would Val wants to give the fans a good show.  She knows that we all work hard for our money and knows that we want to be entertained.  Do you think any competitor likes hearing how bored the ticket-buying fans were during their portion of the show?  I give her props for giving us something - anything - different, but cannot respect the opinions of those of you (Ron/Lift/JKDman) who wish to maintain the status quo.

Interesting...I'd never thought I'd see the day of me labeled as one who wants to maintain the status quo.  ??? Let alone put into the same category as Ron and "boot-licking Isaac". I'll be damned.  :-\
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Articulate Bodies on October 11, 2006, 04:52:48 PM
I can't even begin to tell you how empowering and absolutely delightful it is to take control of yourself amidst such an urge from this industry to conform.

I respect Val for doing this.  People can make jokes about her being "high."  Whatever.  There comes a point when you get sick of paying money to follow someone else's orders, and so you take things into your own hands.  And quite frankly, she does pay a fee to be a pro, so in my mind, she earned the right to extend her time on the stage.  All of the other pros had the opportunity to do the same thing.

So many girls in this industry want to complain about how things are done in the NPC and IFBB.  Many of these are girls who kiss ass publicly and then whisper disappointments privately.  I have more respect for someone who chooses to stand up and do something out of the ordinary than someone who simply plays the role of another cookie cutter.

Notice:  we are still talking about Valerie Waugaman.  Not Jenny Lynn, who actually won the show.  Val must have done something right.

And person can make a difference.  One drop of water followed by another drop...though delayed...and another drop...and another drop will fill the bucket of change.  It's time girls in this industry played the Pied Piper rather than the puppets who simply follow someone else's music.


Having the strength to go out on a limb and be different- especially in the bodybuilding industry- has a lot to be said! We (unlike most other professional athletes) do pay to maintain our status each year, so we should be allowed the freedom to express ourselves on stage.

I'm not sure what could be done if anything in the industry itself, and I'm not sure I would personally want it to change...but at least Val is having fun on the way!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 05:21:46 PM
As the man who's owned and for over 10 years now, I'd think that you of all people would understand the value of long-term thinking. 

Val is honest and knows that - in its current form - IFBB figure is one of the most boring things in the history of mankind.  Attempting to sit through a show has become an endurance 'sport'.  The only thing that gives it any interest are the sometimes questionable placement decisions made by the judges, as that gives fans (and competitors) something to talk about. 

Sure, we've had the Jenny L vs Davana M vs Monica B (vs Dina vs DJ) discussion and talked about the strengths and weaknesses of the various physiques, but when all is said and done, the only thing that gets people excited (as it were) is talking about the judging. 

Since WHEN were IFBB shows supposed to be about the JUDGES??? 

That's like going to a basketball game and being unable to enjoy it, because an official is trying to be the center of attention by blowing his little whistle all the time.

Val wants to give the fans a good show.  She knows that we all work hard for our money and knows that we want to be entertained.  Do you think any competitor likes hearing how bored the ticket-buying fans were during their portion of the show?  I give her props for giving us something - anything - different, but cannot respect the opinions of those of you (Ron/Lift/JKDman) who wish to maintain the status quo.

Eventually, if Val succeeds in helping to make the entire industry more entertaining, there might someday be sufficient revenue for more "pros" to earn a real living doing something that they love...competing on stage in the IFBB. 
She has given us something to talk about we can all agree on that. "we all work hard for our money"? What's this "we" talk Tre? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? How can you not respect differing opinions? You don't have to agree but why not respect each other's point of view? I respect your view as well as Val's but don't have to agree with it. Who says by disagreeing with what Val is doing is maintaining status quo?

Your basketball analogy is a poor comparison. The IFBB judges aren't blowing the whistle on anything, in fact Sandi Ranalli said she didn't have a problem with it on her ( interview. At the end of the day it is still about the physique and you can't mask being out of shape by having a creative routine.

I for one, don't want to see 2 minute figure posing routines by each figure competitor. The shows last long enough as they are. I'm all for adding entertainment but it has to be done in a way that keeps things PROFESSIONAL and not amateur hour on the IFBB stage.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 05:24:51 PM


Having the strength to go out on a limb and be different- especially in the bodybuilding industry- has a lot to be said! We (unlike most other professional athletes) do pay to maintain our status each year, so we should be allowed the freedom to express ourselves on stage.

Chaundra, Does this mean you'll be expressing yourself creatively at your next show?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Articulate Bodies on October 11, 2006, 05:46:12 PM
I for one, don't want to see 2 minute figure posing routines by each figure competitor. The shows last long enough as they are. I'm all for adding entertainment but it has to be done in a way that keeps things PROFESSIONAL and not amateur hour on the IFBB stage.

I agree with you on this one.

As for me, ironically I have been trying new ways of posing. More for my clients than anything else, I really want them to stand out in their presence as well as their physiques. I am sure I won't be doing anything as "creative" as what Val is doing :) I'm not even sure I will have the guts to change too much anyway...I'm kinda shy like that  :)

However, I know there has been talk in the past of removing the "model turn"... I think that would be horrible because, as we've been saying, there's not much to our presentation as it is. Sandi once said that many girls don't perform it properly and that is why they spoke of removing it. To me, if you are a Pro or even a national-level competitor, you better know how to do a model turn!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Jodi on October 11, 2006, 07:18:46 PM
As for me, ironically I have been trying new ways of posing. More for my clients than anything else, I really want them to stand out in their presence as well as their physiques.

You can always throw in a double bicep pose at the end of the evening.  That seems to catch a bit of attention.   ;D

I don't think a two-minute routine is the answer at all.  But something beyond the militant-style, rigid quarter turns might make figure something more than one giant yawn in heels to the audience.  Maybe just 30 seconds of particular movements with the individual competitor's added flair.  Take away the one piece round and you know have room for this portion.  I'd relegate this to just the IFBB and the top ten or top fifteen at a national-level show.  Kind of a "you earn the right to showcase your creativity and personality."

It's so funny.  Every single year, Steve Stone tells the national-level figure competitors to do anything but the front pose when making a first impression on the stage.  He admits--time and time again--that this is the most unflattering pose to a woman's body.  Here's a person affiliated very heavily with the NPC telling us that the judges have chosen the worst possible pose in which to judge us.

Why then are we set up for failure from the moment we appear on the stage now that it has been declared the front and back poses be integrated into the model turns?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Articulate Bodies on October 11, 2006, 08:11:12 PM
I like the biceps idea, especially since many gals seem to have forgotten how train arms, while concentrating on shoulders! LOL!  :)

I completely hear what you are saying about Steve too! It is crazy, but at the same time, I think the importance is that we are all judged on the same pose.

I too, hate the 1-piece. Being a smaller competitor, I always score way lower in that round because I look so tiny. Sandi has said she's never seen someone score so differently from one round to the next. I've been as far as 6 places off from one to the next! And of course they see us in the 1-piece first, which really hurts me  ::)

Anyway, lots of good ideas are stirring up...
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 08:35:08 PM

"Amateur hour"??

I agree that it's ultimately about the quality of the physique.

"we all work hard for our money"? What's this "we" talk Tre? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

"We" = those of us who buy tickets to shows with a desire to be entertained.

I don't believe you're a part of the ticket-buying public (but do correct me if I'm wrong). 

How can you not respect differing opinions? You don't have to agree but why not respect each other's point of view? I respect your view as well as Val's but don't have to agree with it. Who says by disagreeing with what Val is doing is maintaining status quo?

The reason I don't respect the status quo (or those opinions which support it) on this particular issue is that the end result doesn't put enough industry revenue into the pockets of the talent.  It was the same way in pro sports (tennis, golf, football, etc) for decades, but in my opinion, the IFBB has been around long enough for there to be more substantial income opportunities for the talented performers who hit the stages each year. 
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Ron on October 11, 2006, 10:53:25 PM
Lingster feels that you guys ambushed Val and he failed to see the humor in it.  We discussed it for a bit (my argument being that such petty jokes don't even phase The Regal One - they don't), but he still felt that you guys - as quasi-journalists - should be held to some standard of integrity.  I disagreed with his position in your case, Ron, and told him he's free to criticize Lift all he wants, but that you are untouchable.

Lets get one thing - I think Val is quite interesting, knows what she is doing, and is pretty cool. There was no ambush in the line of questioning, and although you havent seen other videos, we have been doing quite a number of them with a lot of interesting questions, as people want to know. The question regarding 'are you high' came to me from another figure pro that was on stage with her at the time. Same with the talking and chanting. Many of the question were asked by a myriad of people. The fact that I actually asked them brings me out as a target.

Val has the most unusual figure performance, almost ever. Everyone was talking about her - her completely different demeanor. And it got people talking. Funny that Jenny Lynn won the show, but people talk about Val.

I have always said that if someone doesnt want to answer something when we talk or interview them, just tell me. I would gladly edit it out. I am not here to make people look terrible.  I have many interviews in which we don't put everything up...

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Articulate Bodies on October 13, 2006, 07:10:56 AM
...the IFBB has been around long enough for there to be more substantial income opportunities for the talented performers who hit the stages each year. 

AMEN to that!!! Not only do we pay each year to be a Pro, and incur all the expenses to compete and travel, but then if we are fortunate enough to break the top 5, most of the time, it barely covers those expenses.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 15, 2006, 02:01:04 PM
We asked the questions everyone was buzzing about at the show. Take it for what it's worth but at the end of the day we didn't kiss her ass nor did we belittle her in our questions.

Can't please everyone, especially anything towards the Waugamaniacs.

You and Ron ambushed Waugaman.  Maybe where you come from it's OK to ask someone embarrassing questions and then post their shocked reply to the internet, but where I come from we have a not-nice name for people who do that.  It's difficult to believe you did not intend to embarrass her - anyone can see you smirking on the video.  However, despite being ambushed she remained polite and professional, and so it was you two who wound up looking like clowns instead.  You're so clueless that you uploaded your embarrassing performance to YouTube.

As for being a "Waugamaniac", I've never even met the woman.  I've never emailed her, and don't know her in the slightest.  I know you a bit more, Isaac - you're the guy who doesn't have the brains to turn on affiliate programs for the pay sites he runs, which is a big part of why they flop, one after another.  Except for the Kelly Ryan site, which you're still running.  (Can't wait to see the next update.)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: fitfan on October 15, 2006, 03:05:52 PM
Although Val's routine was origional for the new regime of figure was not completely original...

Does anyone remember the awesome guest performances of Debbie Kruck back in the day?  No gymnastics, no strength moves...just posing to music with AWESOME and creative THOSE were figure performances, done way back before "figure" was ever part of the sport!!!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 15, 2006, 05:43:07 PM
You and Ron ambushed Waugaman.  Maybe where you come from it's OK to ask someone embarrassing questions and then post their shocked reply to the internet, but where I come from we have a not-nice name for people who do that.  It's difficult to believe you did not intend to embarrass her - anyone can see you smirking on the video.  However, despite being ambushed she remained polite and professional, and so it was you two who wound up looking like clowns instead.  You're so clueless that you uploaded your embarrassing performance to YouTube.

As for being a "Waugamaniac", I've never even met the woman.  I've never emailed her, and don't know her in the slightest.  I know you a bit more, Isaac - you're the guy who doesn't have the brains to turn on affiliate programs for the pay sites he runs, which is a big part of why they flop, one after another.  Except for the Kelly Ryan site, which you're still running.  (Can't wait to see the next update.)
Thanks for your insight. We've covered this a few times now, try to keep up. Ron and I asked the questions that many people were asking at the Olympia. We asked Val if she would be okay with us interviewing her before the camera rolled, I'd hardly call that an ambush.  ::)

Who are are you and where do you come from again? Aside from..."a guy who's especially turned on by buff chicks"

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 15, 2006, 06:18:07 PM
Thanks for your insight. We've covered this a few times now, try to keep up. Ron and I asked the questions that many people were asking at the Olympia. We asked Val if she would be okay with us interviewing her before the camera rolled, I'd hardly call that an ambush.  ::)

Who are are you and where do you come from again? Aside from..."a guy who's especially turned on by buff chicks"

Yeah, I've seen your earlier posts.  They're not exactly show-stopping and as you have yet to apologize I thought I'd bring it up again.

I'm not surprised to hear that you and Ron were associating with people who were making disparaging remarks about competitors.  It does surprise me that the two of you are so poorly socialized that you'd behave rudely to someone in public, tape it, and then post it to the internet.

What you don't seem to be able to wrap your brain around is that you behaved rudely and stupidly and your defiance is childish.  Also, that this is going to keep coming up, here or elsewhere, until you stand up and apologize.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 15, 2006, 06:36:19 PM

Lingster - although they may run together at a few shows each year, there are major difference between Ron and Lift.

Ron did exactly what's asked and expected of him.  Lift was his cameraman...someone has to be there to document the interview.  Lift also took the added step of prepping the clip and getting it uploaded for us. 

Lift's participation in the questioning, however, was not what he should've been doing.  Based on a bulk of his posts, he aspires to be an industry journalist.  I don't know of many Wall Street Journal writers who moonlight for the National Enquirer. 

If Lift desires to be taken seriously as a journalist, then I'd suggest he leave the tabloid stuff to the guys like Ron and me. 

That being said, I have no problem at all with him handling the camerawork for Big Ron.

And THAT being said, we really, really shouldn't take this interview all that seriously. 

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 15, 2006, 06:45:24 PM
Based on a bulk of his posts, he aspires to be an industry journalist.  I don't know of many Wall Street Journal writers who moonlight for the National Enquirer.

Heh.  Well, maybe he's just trying to suck up to whoever's fixing IFBB events this year.  Although now that the media ownership is separate from IFBB governance, that tactic probably won't work as well as in the past.  (I doubt Bonnie Fuller or David Pecker give a crap about any of this.)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 15, 2006, 06:55:29 PM
Lingster - again who are you? You feel the need to pass judgement yet can't stand behind who you are aside from running a schmoe site. There is nothing to apologize about. If you followed things as closely as you claim you would have read that I had dinner with Val in Florida and we discussed this and many other things. Again try to keep up.

Tre - I'd hardly consider what I do comparatively to Wall Street Journalists. I stepped in to interview Val because I follow the women's side of the industry more then Ron. I was at prejudging, I was in attendance at the West Palm Beach, hence my questions. When did this become "tabloid stuff"? Would you rather I conduct the same trite interview with Monica on why she felt she didn't win or what Jenny did this year compared to last year?

You're right on one thing - try not to take yourselves or this interview so seriously.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 15, 2006, 07:08:39 PM
Lingster - again who are you? You feel the need to pass judgement yet can't stand behind who you are aside from running a schmoe site.

I run a site.  Since users are forbidden from posting sessions scheduling info, the term "schmoe" is inaccurate.  Why would my name have anything to do with your misbehavior?  You're just trying to change the subject.

I hope you enjoyed your dinner - was it before or after you posted the video to YouTube?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 15, 2006, 07:23:05 PM
I run a site.  Since users are forbidden from posting sessions scheduling info, the term "schmoe" is inaccurate.  Why would my name have anything to do with your misbehavior?  You're just trying to change the subject.

I hope you enjoyed your dinner - was it before or after you posted the video to YouTube?
LOL. You run a schmoe site, not that there is anything wrong with that but perhaps you should consult with Tre on coming to terms with your place in this industry.

I did enjoy the dinner and it was after I posted the video. Take a look at Val's myspace page and you'll see she posted the video on her page.

Anything else to add or have you had enough of a lesson for one night?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 15, 2006, 07:59:07 PM
LOL. You run a schmoe site, not that there is anything wrong with that but perhaps you should consult with Tre on coming to terms with your place in this industry.

I did enjoy the dinner and it was after I posted the video. Take a look at Val's myspace page and you'll see she posted the video on her page.

Anything else to add or have you had enough of a lesson for one night?

"Schmoe" is not a term I use and Tre is hardly the OED.

Further, Waugaman's reluctance to take offense is of no concern to me.  Competitors put in months of prep and they don't do that to earn the day-after mockery of a couple of self-important cretins.  If you don't want to be called out for behaving like an ass, then instead of expressing moral outrage when the calling out occurs, you should avoid behaving like an ass in the first place.

I doubt that's sufficient lesson for you but I'm more than prepared to keep going.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Chamorrita on October 15, 2006, 10:32:49 PM
Although Val's routine was origional for the new regime of figure was not completely original...

Does anyone remember the awesome guest performances of Debbie Kruck back in the day?  No gymnastics, no strength moves...just posing to music with AWESOME and creative THOSE were figure performances, done way back before "figure" was ever part of the sport!!!

I saw this video a few days ago of Debbie.  I thought the same as you. (
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 16, 2006, 12:29:07 AM
Heh.  Well, maybe he's just trying to suck up to whoever's fixing IFBB events this year.  Although now that the media ownership is separate from IFBB governance, that tactic probably won't work as well as in the past.  (I doubt Bonnie Fuller or David Pecker give a crap about any of this.)

Oh, you're right on that - Lift is absolutely one of the biggest IFBB suck-ups you'll ever meet, but sadly, it's almost no fun to pick on him for that anymore, because it's a position he gladly relishes.   :-\

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 16, 2006, 12:31:30 AM

Note to Lingster - Don't be bothered by Lift's characterization of your site.  Lift runs (or helps to run) a "schmoe site", too. 
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 16, 2006, 04:45:14 AM
Wasn't she supposed to take figure in a whole new direction? I do believe that is what she said as she grabbed the microphone at the press conference. Well, as far as I can see she didn't really do a good job on something that has been done really well by BB women and figure women in Europe for a long time. I was really hoping for her this would be something with a little "je ne sais quoi" and it just didn't deliver. The guest performance by BB Debie Laszewski was just beautiful. She came out in a kimono and held flags and used them in a routine that was fluid and sensual. She showed how beautiful and feminine a bodybuilder could be and what a well done posing routine could look like. If you are going to stop the press to declare something new and spectacular is going to happen as least make it good. This was not bad it just wasn't good. Tre you go to great lengths on all the boards to make excuses and explain any flaw in anything your girl does, this was priceless, "What I saw was a great idea that wasn't quite as smooth as it might've been, but I also know she's got so much on her plate that there was precious little time to devote to perfecting her routine."[/b] Wow, if this had been anyone else you would have been the first to slam-dunk her. I do hope Figure Competitors are asked to do guest posing in the future. It is not rocket science. Many of the women could pull off something like this or a whole lot better. Well, overall Trashy Bitch Barbie summed it when she said, " Kind of reminds me of my man Tre in bed; inadequate, lacking in substance and very, very anti climactic."  ;) :-* ;D 

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 16, 2006, 06:15:59 AM
Many of the women could pull off something like this or a whole lot better. Well, overall Trashy Bitch Barbie summed it when she said, " Kind of reminds me of my man Tre in bed; inadequate, lacking in substance and very, very anti climactic."  ;) :-* ;D 
HAHA - Classic!

Tre - what schmoe site do I help run? If you equate me not endlessly bashing the IFBB to sucking up, then again so be it.

Lingster - All 4 of your posts are devoted to a woman whom you've never spoke with nor do you know how she viewed the interview. Pretty obvious she wasn't too upset if she would post it on her myspace page and send out an bulletin on it. Much less have dinner with the "ass" who interviewed her. Perhaps you should make a trip to the Sacramento show to meet the one you so desperately want to defend as she will be competing there.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 16, 2006, 09:15:06 AM
HAHA - Classic!

Yes, we must give credit where it's due.

This MalibuB is one sharp cookie and in true GetBig fashion, I can admit a good 'owning' when I've been had.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Jason256 on October 16, 2006, 10:21:21 AM
Wasn't she supposed to take figure in a whole new direction? I do believe that is what she said as she grabbed the microphone at the press conference. Well, as far as I can see she didn't really do a good job on something that has been done really well by BB women and figure women in Europe for a long time. I was really hoping for her this would be something with a little "je ne sais quoi" and it just didn't deliver. The guest performance by BB Debie Laszewski was just beautiful. She came out in a kimono and held flags and used them in a routine that was fluid and sensual. She showed how beautiful and feminine a bodybuilder could be and what a well done posing routine could look like. If you are going to stop the press to declare something new and spectacular is going to happen as least make it good. This was not bad it just wasn't good. Tre you go to great lengths on all the boards to make excuses and explain any flaw in anything your girl does, this was priceless, "What I saw was a great idea that wasn't quite as smooth as it might've been, but I also know she's got so much on her plate that there was precious little time to devote to perfecting her routine."[/b] Wow, if this had been anyone else you would have been the first to slam-dunk her. I do hope Figure Competitors are asked to do guest posing in the future. It is not rocket science. Many of the women could pull off something like this or a whole lot better. Well, overall Trashy Bitch Barbie summed it when she said, " Kind of reminds me of my man Tre in bed; inadequate, lacking in substance and very, very anti climactic."  ;) :-* ;D 

Dear Malibu Barbie

Although I disagree with you I have greatly enjoyed your posts on this and the other VW related thread.  I am one of those schmoes who get turned on by intelligent women with strong opinions and I hope to God that you are not a guy.  A few replies to your latest.

1.  The fact you and others are still discussing Val's  performances  at the O and WPB  (Jenny who?)  strongly suggests that there is a chance that she  will have a major impact in changing the 'sports' direction (assuming that the IFBB  does not go straight to replacing  figure with  the even more 'traditional' fit model bikini contests. Precedent can be  dangerous ground to stand on. )

2.  Although  "Many of the women could pull off something like this or a whole lot better."   it was Val who 'did it'.  Case closed, she gets the pioneer credit if it leads to anything.

3.  Regarding " Kind of reminds me of my man Tre in bed; inadequate, lacking in substance and very, very anti climactic."  clearly  Trashy Bitch Barbie did not pick up on Tre's legendary  'je ne  schmoe quoi'    Perhaps Tre was in a rush and forgot his baby oil, tape measure, and spy camera.

With Best Regards

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 16, 2006, 06:22:06 PM
Lingster - All 4 of your posts are devoted to a woman whom you've never spoke with nor do you know how she viewed the interview. Pretty obvious she wasn't too upset if she would post it on her myspace page and send out an bulletin on it. Much less have dinner with the "ass" who interviewed her. Perhaps you should make a trip to the Sacramento show to meet the one you so desperately want to defend as she will be competing there.

What's she supposed to do?  Make a big fuss and damage her reputation, or roll with it and show that she takes criticism well?  I suspect you were counting on her passivity in response - bullies generally do.  Her willingness to turn the other cheek doesn't absolve you of the consequences of behaving like an ass.

Several people have contacted me since I started posting here saying, basically, "Great job with your posts but please don't tell anyone I said so," presumably requesting anonymity because they fear retribution.  And the response is nice to hear, but it's empty and I don't put much stake in it other than as a gauge of fear.  I believe the seeming randomness of judging criteria in the IFBB exists mostly as a cover for fixed results - rewarding of favored competitors and punishment of those who are in disfavor.  For some reason competitors tolerate this ridiculous situation, when they ought to be abandoning the IFBB for federations with better reputations for fair dealing.

And by the way, if you had any verifiable "journalist" chops, you'd be hitting out at this sort of thing, not abetting it as a cynical buffoon who considers himself a party to the "joke".  (The "joke" being that the competitors always get the short end of the stick, but they keep coming back for more abuse, year after year in a steady stream.)  IFBB management mocks and exploits its competitors, and people like you have decided you'd rather join in with the mockery and exploitation than do anything about it.  Congratulations, you've become an IFBB toady.

Seems to me enough harm was done to competitors at the Figure Olympia ( by (typical) IFBB results fixing, without jackals like yourself and Ron feeling at liberty to go around harassing them the next day.  In a way I'm glad you behaved so disgracefully, because it puts a microscope up to the IFBB's exploitation of competitors.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 16, 2006, 10:32:54 PM
"Mighty Lingster"

MIGHT I suggest you should spend more time interacting with real women then on your animations of making women's breasts growing...

Need I say more?  ::)
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 05:30:29 AM
"Mighty Lingster"

MIGHT I suggest you should spend more time interacting with real women then on your animations of making women's breasts growing...

Need I say more?  ::)

You're not saying much at all, actually.  Since you're looking to discredit me through ad hominem argument instead of dealing with the actual argument, you should also check out the story site I run (  I'm sure you'll find plenty of grist to avoid the subject there.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I take it your non-response means you have no response?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 17, 2006, 06:26:55 AM
You're not saying much at all, actually.  Since you're looking to discredit me through ad hominem argument instead of dealing with the actual argument, you should also check out the story site I run (  I'm sure you'll find plenty of grist to avoid the subject there.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I take it your non-response means you have no response?
What is the arguement again? Oh right, Ron and I acting like Ted Nugent "ambushing" Val. Wait, what's the arguement?

You discredit yourself when you post animations of women's breasts growing, like that of a prepubescent boy. Let me know when you leave your fantasy basement and join us in reality.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 07:21:25 AM
What is the arguement again? Oh right, Ron and I acting like Ted Nugent "ambushing" Val. Wait, what's the arguement?

You discredit yourself when you post animations of women's breasts growing, like that of a prepubescent boy. Let me know when you leave your fantasy basement and join us in reality.

Did I hit a nerve?  I take it you're not interested in discussing corruption in the IFBB?  Instead you're trying to figure out ways to exclude me from the conversation - first that I use a pseudonym, now that you don't like some videos I made.  And all the while you're happy to just ride along as the IFBB circles the drain, run by lower and lower-rent scam artists? 

If you want me to shut up, you just have to apologize to Waugaman.  Here.

On to the topic of sexual fantasies and the internet, I guess I had you confused with Lift Studios, a guy who runs adult paysites featuring buff women.  (Pot, kettle, etc.)  If posting prurient content on the web was a disqualifier for posting comments at, there probably wouldn't be anybody here.  Somebody even wrote a song about it... (

But since you raised the issue of "fantasy basements", I'm sure there's an interesting story behind what draws two not-exactly-Adonis types like you and Ron to the bodybuilding scene.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 17, 2006, 08:25:50 AM
I take it you're not interested in discussing corruption in the IFBB?

Sadly, that's something Lift will defend to the death.  He's a nice fella, but takes the ass-kissing to a level that's embarrassing even to the IFBB's biggest stoolies. 

On to the topic of sexual fantasies and the internet, I guess I had you confused with Lift Studios, a guy who runs adult paysites featuring buff women.  (Pot, kettle, etc.) 

But since you raised the issue of "fantasy basements", I'm sure there's an interesting story behind what draws two not-exactly-Adonis types like the bodybuilding scene.

Lingster - keep this up, and we'll soon be giving Lift a standing 8-count. 
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: JKDMan on October 17, 2006, 08:29:20 AM
Congratulations [Isaac], you've become an IFBB toady.

On to the topic of sexual fantasies and the internet, I guess I had you confused with Lift Studios, a guy who runs adult paysites featuring buff women.  (Pot, kettle, etc.)  If posting prurient content on the web was a disqualifier for posting comments at, there probably wouldn't be anybody here.  Somebody even wrote a song about it...

But since you raised the issue of "fantasy basements", I'm sure there's an interesting story behind what draws two not-exactly-Adonis types like you and Ron to the bodybuilding scene.
D'oh!  ;D
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 17, 2006, 08:53:48 AM
Did I hit a nerve?  I take it you're not interested in discussing corruption in the IFBB?  Instead you're trying to figure out ways to exclude me from the conversation - first that I use a pseudonym, now that you don't like some videos I made.  And all the while you're happy to just ride along as the IFBB circles the drain, run by lower and lower-rent scam artists? 

If you want me to shut up, you just have to apologize to Waugaman.  Here.

On to the topic of sexual fantasies and the internet, I guess I had you confused with Lift Studios, a guy who runs adult paysites featuring buff women.  (Pot, kettle, etc.)  If posting prurient content on the web was a disqualifier for posting comments at, there probably wouldn't be anybody here.  Somebody even wrote a song about it... (

But since you raised the issue of "fantasy basements", I'm sure there's an interesting story behind what draws two not-exactly-Adonis types like you and Ron to the bodybuilding scene.
When did Val's posing routine turn into an IFBB corruption discussion? You're another internet troll basing your opinions on speculation and hearsay.

Keep yapp'n then sparky, there is nothing to apologize for. Did you miss the repeated times I mentioned I spoke with Val in person after this video? What's so hard for you to understand?

Nice try but designing web sites is a far cry from your animations and writing fantasy muscle stories.

I followed bodybuilding since high school, read the magazines and after college became a bit of a fat ass so I decided to compete. I've competed in two shows and in the process combined my passion for working out and bodybuilding into part of my business. What's your story?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 09:26:08 AM
When did Val's posing routine turn into an IFBB corruption discussion? You're another internet troll basing your opinions on speculation and hearsay.

Keep yapp'n then sparky, there is nothing to apologize for. Did you miss the repeated times I mentioned I spoke with Val in person after this video? What's so hard for you to understand?

Nice try but designing web sites is a far cry from your animations and writing fantasty muscle stories.

I followed bodybuilding since high school, read the magazines and after college became a bit of a fat ass so I decided to compete. I've competed in two shows and in the process combined my passion for working out and bodybuilding into part of my business. What's your story?

My story is that I grew up around a lot of female athletes and (I suppose as a result) that's what I'm attracted to.  I've gone to a handful of bodybuilding events but that's not something that interests me tremendously.  Unlike you, however, I respect the effort that the competitors put in and don't mock them.  I never posted here at "" until I noticed inbound traffic to my site from this thread.  You described me as a "Waugamaniac" - yet another incivility among your many - and I came by to answer that.

Public humiliation is a goon tactic - and that's what you were doing.  Waugaman's posing routine is not an IFBB corruption issue, but it's a foothold for IFBB goons to use to mock her.  Waugaman's placing, and the placing of other high-profile competitors, is a corruption issue.  I think you felt "safe" in mocking her on camera because you think she's in disfavor, and were confident that your efforts would please the people you're sucking up to.

Waugaman is probably the most influential female physique competitor in the U.S. right now.  She's frequently featured in magazines, she seems to be articulate and charming and could possibly turn into a broadcast media icon.  And yet she won't play ball with your buddies - she hasn't yet sold out to IFBB corruption.  Maybe she will - maybe the lure of being "six-time Figure Olympia champion" or somesuch will be too great and she'll buckle under.  Or maybe the IFBB has degraded into such a low-rent joke that there's no lure, and all that's left is bottom-rung thugs like yourself trying to humiliate her on camera and posting it to YouTube.  If the lure has failed, use the stick, right?

Well, it turns out the joke's on you.  I think a spotlight should be put on what you did and why you may have done it.  And that's what this thread has turned into, thanks to you being perversely proud of being a goon to the clowns who inherited the IFBB.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 09:45:12 AM
Let me just expand on something here.  Some people may not be aware that when the Weiders owned the IFBB, Weider Publications, and the dominant supplement and equipment companies, a competitor who was in disfavor could be almost removed from public view and have no way to earn a living from his or her effort.  But now American Media owns the old Weider Publications, and there are many more supplement and equipment companies.  So you've got some bottom-feeders taking over the IFBB and trying to use ol' Joe's tactics, but they don't have ol' Joe's muscle and so they're coming up short.

If all the IFBB has to offer are championships of contests that most everyone knows to be fixed, then it has nothing.  And you, arrogant sap, are jockeying to be a top man on the nothing pole.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 17, 2006, 09:46:15 AM
Waugaman's placing, and the placing of other high-profile competitors, is a corruption issue.
I guess her winning the Colorado Pro show over Jenny Lynn was a corruption issue as well.  ::)

The only goon on this thread is you. You have no foundation in which to speak on, especially for Val. Val has no problem with Ron or myself, so where do you get off speaking for her?

For the last time, Ron and I asked the questions several people were asking after seeing her on stage at the Olympia. We asked point blank, to her face and she had no problem with it, in fact welcomed our questions. Sorry next time we'll ask her to flex her bicep for you, will that make you happy?

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 10:10:25 AM
For the last time, Ron and I asked the questions several people were asking after seeing her on stage at the Olympia.

What are you, six years old?  I'll pose a rhetorical question your parents clearly never did: If everybody else jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge, too?

Sorry next time we'll ask her to flex her bicep for you, will that make you happy?

Wouldn't hurt.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 17, 2006, 10:25:23 AM

Another problem is that, while he may fancy himself a real journalist, Lift also has no problem being viewed as a 'joke'. 

That's what's causing the disconnect here, Lingster. 

Plus, he's severely outgunned.  Severely.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Ron on October 17, 2006, 10:29:16 AM
You and Ron ambushed Waugaman. Maybe where you come from it's OK to ask someone embarrassing questions and then post their shocked reply to the internet, but where I come from we have a not-nice name for people who do that. It's difficult to believe you did not intend to embarrass her - anyone can see you smirking on the video.

Hmm - SinceI asked the questions people wanted to know, you don’t like it. Boo hoo. Next time should I ask the boring questions saying wow, wee, whoa.  No - I think an athlete rises when they are not afraid to answer any question. It isnt any different for any other competitor, in any other sport, nor in the entertainment here in Los Angeles. Why would we want to embarrass here - Val did some things on stage that everybody was talking about, I asked the questions. Simple as that.

I'm not surprised to hear that you and Ron were associating with people who were making disparaging remarks about competitors.

And with this comment, I know you never talk to any competitors nor their fans, because if I was to quote how many remarks competitors and people were making over others, I could write a book just for the Olympia weekend.

And THAT being said, we really, really shouldn't take this interview all that seriously.

Tre, there you go, it was about having fun, asking questions that are meant to entertain. You wait until the next time we meet, boy do I have questions to ask you, like how you felt when Gabrielle smashed you into her. I heard the oohs and ahhs.

Well, maybe he's just trying to suck up to whoever's fixing IFBB events this year.

There you go, crying about the IFBB again.  Boy, from an interview to the IFBB to corruption.  Can we stick to one subject.

What's she supposed to do? Make a big fuss and damage her reputation, or roll with it and show that she takes criticism well? I suspect you were counting on her passivity in response

Actually, all she had to say was I dont want to answer the question. and it would be edited out, is that so hard. I get that sometimes. I have done countless interviews over the past 12 years, and asked many various questions, both to men and women, and in different sports.  A real journalist doesnt ask the simple praising questions - a journalist wants to know the questions people want to know.

I take it you're not interested in discussing corruption in the IFBB?

Wow - this topic has been around for 10+ years now, and we have discussed it over and over and over again. Have you not kept up with the Lee Priest / Shawn Ray / Bob Cicherillo / PDI and the countless other threads. We have heard it all.  How about bringing me a competitor that will discuss it, not a fan that complains about it when his favorite one doesnt do well.

If you want me to shut up, you just have to apologize to Waugaman. Here.  But since you raised the issue of "fantasy basements", I'm sure there's an interesting story behind what draws two not-exactly-Adonis types like you and Ron to the bodybuilding scene.

I dont want you to shut up - please make some sense soon.  And once again, you are showing that you don’t go to the expos or the shows. At least 70% or more of the fan base of bodybuilding are non-bodybuilders. They enjoy the sport, the thrill of seeing someone freaky, the dedication, they aspire to one day perhaps be in good enough shape, etc.  But as for me, I enjoy the company of the friends I have made around various shows, taking pictures, writing articles, and it is a hobby.  With fitness, the dedication and routines and time devoted into it gives them awesome respect from a lot of us here. With figure, it isnt easy getting ready for a show, not being too soft, too hard, etc. Requires dedication. And I like it. I also like basketball and football, but you don’t see me running to become a football player to be involved in the game (I take it you have never been to a college football game either then).

When did Val's posing routine turn into an IFBB corruption discussion?

Yes - I thought that was funny too. Can we also talk about the IFBB, and how it has given these competitors, and many other people, including me, a positive income via the expo’s, supplements, magazines, and more. Oh - you are mad because someone didnt place higher than someone else, but quickly people forgot all of the positives too.  I am sure Lingster is afraid to even come to the expo, but Tre, you earned my respect, because you go to the shows, say hello to me and others, and support them!

My story is that I grew up around a lot of female athletes and (I suppose as a result) that's what I'm attracted to. I've gone to a handful of bodybuilding events but that's not something that interests me tremendously. Unlike you, however, I respect the effort that the competitors put in and don't mock them.

Cool - excellent story Lingster, and I am glad you are posting here. One day, perhaps you wont be afraid to say hello at a show. We respect all competitors, but we also know that questions need to be asked, and are not afraid to ask them. Every time we do, I get hundreds (yes, that many) of people thanking us for providing exposure, light and interest.  I wish I only had the time to get more done (I have at least 6 interviews on tapes, and lots more which I cant get out right now), some which have really interesting questions.  

Some people may not be aware that when the Weiders owned the IFBB, Weider Publications, and the dominant supplement and equipment companies, a competitor who was in disfavor could be almost removed from public view and have no way to earn a living from his or her effort.

Come on now - there was no figure or fitness in 1993 in the IFBB, when Weider was the dominant supplement force. Then came EAS, Labrada, Met-Rx and many more, and many competitors got more money working for these companies. I know how good it is, as back then, the expos were very small, and very little people made money from them.  A competitor could always make a living, it depends how they marketed themselves. Hence the problem - how to market yourself so you get noticed. Because of that video we did with Val, and her routine, Val is the most recognized and talked about person right now from the O.  I wish Jenny Lynn could get as much recognition for winning the show, because she is such a cool person, but you need to push to get marketing and recognition.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 10:44:07 AM
Here's Daddy.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 17, 2006, 10:49:41 AM
Here's Daddy.

I will be at the Sacramento show, where Valerie is competing on November 4th. What would you like to hear Val speak on? I will interview her on camera again to address whatever it is you wish to hear.

Still waiting for you to address the "corruption" and how she managed to beat Jenny Lynn with all of it.  :-*
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lingster on October 17, 2006, 11:19:33 AM

Yeah, it's a gift.

I will be at the Sacramento show, where Valerie is competing on November 4th. What would you like to hear Val speak on? I will interview her on camera again to address whatever it is you wish to hear.

I'm sure she's just dying to be interviewed by you again.  Why don't you experiment with civility?  For instance, instead of asking if she was "high" and taking drugs, you and Ron might have prefaced the question with, "You looked distracted up there..." or "It looked like maybe you were reciting something offstage before you went on..."  See how much nicer that is, versus accusing someone of committing a felony?

Still waiting for you to address the "corruption" and how she managed to beat Jenny Lynn with all of it.  :-*

There's no reason to think that every IFBB judge - or even most of them - are corrupt.  And there's no reason to expect corruption to exist solely for corruption's sake.  The stakes are pretty low, financially, even for the big IFBB events, so I doubt there's much upside in fixing the results of small and mid-size events.  But the IFBB has historically been used by its management to drive non-IFBB business goals, and there's no reason I can see to believe that's changed.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on October 19, 2006, 06:43:07 AM

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Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 19, 2006, 03:44:07 PM

I will be at the Sacramento show, where Valerie is competing on November 4th. What would you like to hear Val speak on? I will interview her on camera again to address whatever it is you wish to hear.

Still waiting for you to address the "corruption" and how she managed to beat Jenny Lynn with all of it.  :-*

I actually had Gina Aliotti (sp?) winning the Colorado show. 

I was happily surprised with V-dubs was announced as the winner and thought to myself (about the judges), "Wow, they finally get it."

Jenny Lynn was a very gracious runner-up. 

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: HDPhysiques on October 20, 2006, 11:29:45 AM
I actually had Gina Aliotti (sp?) winning the Colorado show. 

I was happily surprised with V-dubs was announced as the winner and thought to myself (about the judges), "Wow, they finally get it."

Jenny Lynn was a very gracious runner-up. 

You had Gina Aliotti in that show?   Hmmm... that's odd, because I could've sworn you've agreed with me in the past, saying that Waugaman's Denver package was the "all time reference standard" for women's physique.  Aliotti looked great, indeed...... but Waugaman's physique was unbeatable that night in Denver.
"Hi-Def Bodies in Hi-Def Video"
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Top Dog on October 20, 2006, 12:15:20 PM
You guys are such losers for even caring so much about this stuff. I'm sure some of these girls consider you stalkers.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: JKDMan on October 20, 2006, 01:50:49 PM
You guys are such losers for even caring so much about this stuff. I'm sure some of these girls consider you stalkers.
??? Why are you here?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 20, 2006, 01:54:18 PM
You had Gina Aliotti in that show?   Hmmm... that's odd, because I could've sworn you've agreed with me in the past, saying that Waugaman's Denver package was the "all time reference standard" for women's physique.  Aliotti looked great, indeed...... but Waugaman's physique was unbeatable that night in Denver.
"Hi-Def Bodies in Hi-Def Video"

Whenever V-dubs takes the stage, she is the definitive standard - that's not in question.  

That being said, you've now got me a little confused...maybe I did *not* rate Gina A the best in the show, but I do remember rating her a place higher than Val based on what I felt the judges might do.  I cannot think of who else would've beaten either of those two, though.

My head needs a break from figure until the next pro event.

Bring me some fitness routines!

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 20, 2006, 02:20:51 PM

Bring me some fitness routines!

Jane Prado owned the fitness routines in West Palm.

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on October 20, 2006, 03:30:11 PM

This must be Freaky Friday...

As was alluded to elsewhere, I did criticize Lift a few months back for "not being controversial enough".  I felt that he was too softballish in his approach to interviewing and reporting and that his style was too vanilla to be interesting. 

Some would likely describe his Valerie Waugaman interview as a 'breakout' performance.  :)

Despite my earlier statements on the subject, I can't fault a guy for trying to improve his game.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 20, 2006, 03:58:46 PM
This must be Freaky Friday...

As was alluded to elsewhere, I did criticize Lift a few months back for "not being controversial enough".  I felt that he was too softballish in his approach to interviewing and reporting and that his style was too vanilla to be interesting. 

Some would likely describe his Valerie Waugaman interview as a 'breakout' performance.  :)

Despite my earlier statements on the subject, I can't fault a guy for trying to improve his game.
HAHA gee thanks Tre. Would we be having this same convo if it was with anyone other then your beloved "Regal One"?

Most everyone's interviews are always the same... What did you do different this year? What do you eat? How many reps do you do for your triceps? Come on that shit is as boring as the day is long.

What would you like to see Tre?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: MrsQ on October 20, 2006, 04:36:47 PM
Jane Prado owned the fitness routines in West Palm.

Sorry to hijack, but where did she come from?  The last time I saw Jane compete when she placed 2nd or 3rd at the NY Met, then she turned pro.  She's great, I was just curious since I don't remember her winning any National comps.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Lift Studios on October 20, 2006, 08:25:20 PM
Sorry to hijack, but where did she come from?  The last time I saw Jane compete when she placed 2nd or 3rd at the NY Met, then she turned pro.  She's great, I was just curious since I don't remember her winning any National comps.  Thanks!
Jane did compete in an NPC NYC show, however she is not a U.S. citizen so she is not allowed to compete in a pro qualifing show. She is from Brazil and petitioned the president of the IFBB in Brazil for her pro card and was rewarded it. There have been many others from outside of the U.S. who've done the same.  If she brings in a more streamlined, less muscular physique she will be a contender as her routines are insane.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: buffalo on October 23, 2006, 04:38:45 PM
"Mighty Lingster"

MIGHT I suggest you should spend more time interacting with real women then on your animations of making women's breasts growing...

Need I say more?  ::)

that crap is year old boys probably love this stuff.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on March 03, 2007, 05:04:24 AM

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Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on March 04, 2007, 10:23:47 AM
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Click on picture to visit Valerie Waugaman
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Tre on March 14, 2007, 04:18:51 PM

God obviously knew what the hell he was up to when he created Val.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on March 16, 2007, 01:32:54 PM
God obviously knew what the hell he was up to when he created Val.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: babydoc on March 16, 2007, 03:15:10 PM
Jane did compete in an NPC NYC show, however she is not a U.S. citizen so she is not allowed to compete in a pro qualifing show. She is from Brazil and petitioned the president of the IFBB in Brazil for her pro card and was rewarded it. There have been many others from outside of the U.S. who've done the same.  If she brings in a more streamlined, less muscular physique she will be a contender as her routines are insane.

You think so?  I was there as well, and as a fitness competitor myself, I found Jane's routine a bit boring.  She is exceptionally strong as evidenced by her strength moves, but the choreograpy was quite repetitive as I recall in the 2 minute.  I also thought she lacked personality/stage presence and looked like she was getting winded as the routine progressed.  Her 45 second was much better than her 2 minute.  I think she has amazing POTENTIAL to do damage in the IFBB if she does several things:
1)Pays attention to details such as hair, makeup, and suit selection.  Her suits did not flatter her physique, and the shoes she wore were distracting.
2)Focuses more on entertaining the crowd during her routine rather than just execution of skills
3)Make some changes in her physique to bring it more along the lines of the 'look' the IFBB is favoring now.  These days, they seem to reward shape and conditioning over size and muscularity.

HOWEVER, her friend, Juliana Malacarne...who competed in pro figure was amazing. In my opinion, she was severely overlooked.  She was absolutely glowing under the stage lights with a smile you can't miss....and a phenomenal physique to boot. 
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Chamorrita on March 20, 2007, 10:19:24 AM
I'm going to talk about Val, she looked fabulous in these pictures.  Wow!  No comment on why she didn't place higher...but she should have done better.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Mr. Zimbabwe on March 20, 2007, 10:03:30 PM
I'm going to talk about Val, she looked fabulous in these pictures.  Wow!  No comment on why she didn't place higher...but she should have done better.


I think we are all confused as to why she did not place higher!  She seems to be the "ideal" as to what Figure should be today!  She is flawless!


PS -- do wish Val would get a manicure and pedicure when she competes.  It is about the "package" afterall. Would she go on stage with no make-up?  No.

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on March 21, 2007, 02:37:34 PM
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: tommyguns on March 22, 2007, 08:52:39 AM

I too was a bit surprised at Val's placing.  She trained with me and some of my buds from about 12 weeks out until about 6 weeks out, at which point she needed to specialize her training, and thus trained alone.  I think she brought her best package to the contest, so she doesn't have anything to "fix" with regards to her physique, IMO. 

I asked her what feedback she got from the judges, and she said they told her that her legs were too hard.  That's unfortunate, because the girls can pose softer if they're asked.  At the North American a couple of years back they told the figure girls to flex, and then to relax.  I think that would be a good idea for the O and the Arnold, that way the judges can compare apples to apples, so to speak.

Just more evidence that the lack of clear guidelines makes it difficult for the women to properly prep for the show.

I don't want to take anything away from the other girls, I'm sure they all worked hard, but Val sure appeared to be on another level, IMO.
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Dina on March 22, 2007, 09:54:34 AM
I thought she was fantastic as well... very beautiful and womanly. As far as mani and pedi.... sometimes those get ruined by the tan, and honestly I dont think that is what they were judging...

Also.. those things expensive .....and when you do not have a sponsor who pays for them, you have to pay yourself, and no all of us are trust fund
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Mr. Zimbabwe on March 22, 2007, 10:26:04 AM
I asked her what feedback she got from the judges, and she said they told her that her legs were too hard.  That's unfortunate, because the girls can pose softer if they're asked.  At the North American a couple of years back they told the figure girls to flex, and then to relax.  I think that would be a good idea for the O and the Arnold, that way the judges can compare apples to apples, so to speak.

Just more evidence that the lack of clear guidelines makes it difficult for the women to properly prep for the show.

I don't want to take anything away from the other girls, I'm sure they all worked hard, but Val sure appeared to be on another level, IMO.

Good post, Tommy. I watched Val win the Colorado Pro and she really was in her own class up there.  I remember thinking it was like watching a pedigree racehorse playing with the ponies!

Val may have had a little less muscle in her arms and shoulders for this Arnold than the Colorado Show.  She does have very defined legs ... but I think she is able to carry it better than most girls because of her long leg structure and long muscle bellies.  She is very Timea-like in this regard and it never hurt Timea in the Physique rounds?

I think the idea to tell the girls to flex and then relax is a great idea!  Why are they not using that here?
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Mr. Zimbabwe on March 22, 2007, 10:31:06 AM
I thought she was fantastic as well... very beautiful and womanly. As far as mani and pedi.... sometimes those get ruined by the tan, and honestly I dont think that is what they were judging...

I know they don't judge that ... it's a minor (personal) observation I made.  But truth be told I've heard judges comment on make-up ... or bad choice in hairstyle?

And the mani/pedi should never get ruined by the tan .... since your guy should be doing the whole job .....from top to bottom!  I'm an expert.  Fun for EVERYONE!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: tommyguns on March 22, 2007, 11:17:00 AM

Yep, Val's got great genetics.  On back days she'd pose in the mirror, and (playfully, of course), I couldn't let that go unchallenged, so I'd flex as well.  The guys would shake their heads and mutter, "damn! dude, you just got totally smoked by a chick!"  And they were right!

Don't want to exaggerate too much, but when she unfurls her back it's pretty impressive... looks like a cobra!  And another thing that some people overlook is good calves.  she could shred a head of lettuce on those things!
Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: Alex on March 22, 2007, 01:31:02 PM
Very interesting and cognitive theme. Thanks Grant, Dinochka and tommyguns!

Title: Re: Val's 2-minute Figure Routine
Post by: HDPhysiques on April 05, 2007, 01:46:29 AM
Good post, Tommy. I watched Val win the Colorado Pro and she really was in her own class up there.  I remember thinking it was like watching a pedigree racehorse playing with the ponies!

That is the best analogy I've heard in a long time.  Val truly is in a class all her own ANY TIME she takes the stage (in my opinion).

We had the pleasure of shooting a workout video with her in contest shape on Sunday afternoon of the Arnold 2007 Weekend.  She looked amazing.  Here is a post I made to another message board recently, announcing the presentation of some of the clips on our site:

Since we were fortunate enough to capture a stunning, contest-shape, workout with her right after the 2007 Arnold (Ms. Figure International contest), we wanted to create a seperate page that showed off how impressive Valerie's physique was at this event.  Her quad definition would even make some bodybuilders jealous! 

More sample pics:
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Here is a MASSIVE clip previewing the intense leg workout (be patient, it will take a while to download):
Low Res:

Also, if you are an HDP member, you'll love the quad clip 105, which is featured in 1080p SUPER HD technology.
