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Getbig Female Info Boards => Figure, Bikini and Fitness Info and Discussions => Topic started by: Lift Studios on September 27, 2007, 04:02:11 AM

Title: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on September 27, 2007, 04:02:11 AM
Oksana is going to rock the Olympia stage this weekend. Anyone wishing to get in touch with her can do so now via her web site at:

Fans not able to attend the show be sure to watch the fitness routines on Friday night!

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on September 27, 2007, 12:32:49 PM
Oksana is going to rock the Olympia stage this weekend. Anyone wishing to get in touch with her can do so now via her web site at:

Fans not able to attend the show be sure to watch the fitness routines on Friday night!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2007, 05:57:09 AM ( ( ( (

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: genex on September 29, 2007, 12:01:11 AM
Oksana was incredible - I was sitting in various places and heard lots of people who were blown away by her routine and physique - she made an awesome debut - congrats Oksana - some pix from the show are up on our Olympia thread too:

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on September 29, 2007, 12:14:02 AM
I spoke with a few judges and they had not seen her routine before - they were all blown away and had her winning both routine rounds. I have not seen the final results but they told me she was in the mix.

Look for her to get an invite to the Arnold next year.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: The General on September 29, 2007, 01:59:18 AM
Indeet she looked great but her onstage hair style did not fit her much
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on September 29, 2007, 02:02:34 AM
Oksana placed 7th and won the 2 minute routine tonight.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on September 29, 2007, 01:11:01 PM
Oksana placed 7th and won the 2 minute routine tonight.

BEST routine

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: FigureRX on September 29, 2007, 01:58:21 PM
Very interesting, Oksana's routine was slower and much more artistic that we have been used to seeing (Erin made some comments as she was watching, on our site).  If she was this successful this could open the door to a lot of different things - more props, dance moves, etc.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on September 29, 2007, 03:43:00 PM
Very interesting, Oksana's routine was slower and much more artistic that we have been used to seeing (Erin made some comments as she was watching, on our site).  If she was this successful this could open the door to a lot of different things - more props, dance moves, etc.
Oksana brings something different and it is needed. She is poetry in motion and just because her routine doesn't have the "high energy" doesn't mean it doesn't belong. There were way too many girls who stopped and danced with their hip-hop dance moves this year.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: FitMandy on September 29, 2007, 04:17:40 PM
Her routine might be "different" but I don't feel that this kind of difference is necessarily a good trend to start.  Part of the FIT in FITness is performing difficult moves when you can't breathe.  Not to take anything away from Oksana, I know she works very hard and her routine is very expressive.  I just hope that the high energy routines prevail in the future, being that the energy is an important part of the judging criteria.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: FigureRX on September 29, 2007, 04:31:52 PM
It certainly "belongs," and I like her routines for their entertainment value, and their beauty, I just am not sure if it should score a "7" and win the two minute routine round with so many deserving athletes out there performing routines with all of the components.  When I received the score sheet I was very surprised.  Now if you could combine the artistic components with some high energy segments, plus a power move or two that can move the stage and make the judges bounce a little bit off their seats, then you'd have something that should probably win.

In the back of my mind, I have a feeling that this might be part of the IFBB's objective to have international competitors place higher.  Maybe they judged the first three rounds and then went "whoops," and gave Oksana a little bit of a bump (she deserved a high score, but these things are always subtle) to move her up in the overall standings.  It can't help that the three athletes who qualified at the world championships finished in the final three places here at the Olympia.

Lift, I know you have a personal connection on this one due to your past promotion of Oksana.  Are there any other athletes who wish to weigh in?  I'd love to hear the opinions.

Oksana brings something different and it is needed. She is poetry in motion and just because her routine doesn't have the "high energy" doesn't mean it doesn't belong. There were way too many girls who stopped and danced with their hip-hop dance moves this year.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: CQ on September 29, 2007, 04:53:22 PM
Are there any other athletes who wish to weight in?  I'd love to hear the opinions.

Never request an opinion while I am lurking, I need no encouragement at the best of times ;)

I think Oksana's routine is excellent and a welcome change. Not to take anything from any of the other girls, as well I like all their routines as well, but Oksana displays true classical training and graceful artistry - something far harder to achieve than cardiovascular endurance in my opinion. One can gain the cardio endurance in time, as yes Oksana's routine is speed up somewhat would be even more impressive, but the grace and definitive classical training she displays is something that cannot generally be gained at a later age to me she does have an edge. Plus, there is room for many different styles of fitness routines anyway, and the greater variation can only lead to increased entertainment value...
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Fitness Fan on September 29, 2007, 05:12:28 PM
To be honest...I liked her routine...just not as an IFBB Fitness one.

Not to be too blunt, but she should concentrate on something like getting into So You Think You Can Dance...rather than the IFBB.  She would be much more successful and rewarded for what she can do well. 

Her routines just doesn't fit in with the what has been established.  I've heard that people are saying that she makes it look effortless....yeah I'll agree with that, but making a less than difficult routine look effortless is not the same as making a gymnastic/aerobic/strength routine look effortless. 

Another thing that doesn't seem to hurt her is evoking emotion from the "boys".  Think about it, look at her outfit, the theme of the routine is that she is obviously being broken up with or left....what guy wouldn't feel something for her or her routine at that point. 

Playing heartstrings is not the same as completing a (From IFBB Rules)4. The routine should include elements of strength, flexibility, dance, gymnastics, aerobic movements and cardiovascular endurance.

Also, looking at her outfit not sure it meets the IFBB rules the costume must cover a minimum of one-half of the buttocks area.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on September 29, 2007, 05:15:11 PM
Cute picture...but who's the hot blonde next to her?  :o   ;)

Congrat's to Oksana on her 7th place finish!  I know both she and Boris are very excited!

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: FigureRX on September 29, 2007, 05:18:55 PM
Rick your're the best, I hope you guys are enjoying the break that comes when fitness finishes early.  Looking forward to meeting you in Palm Beach.

CQ - I did not know that you were a fitness competitor.  Care to identify yourself?  Much respect.

Cute picture...but who's the hot blonde next to her?  :o   ;)

Congrat's to Oksana on her 7th place finish!  I know both she and Boris are very excited!

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on September 29, 2007, 05:22:11 PM
No doubt enjoying the break, Julie is napping right now! 
The Fitness athletes had a really late nite yesterday. 
They didn't compete until around 10pm...I know Julie was over warming up at she really had a long day.
Looking forward to tonites show. 
See you in West Palm! 

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: CQ on September 29, 2007, 05:25:17 PM
CQ - I did not know that you were a fitness competitor.  Care to identify yourself?  Much respect.

I am yes, but totally unknown to North American people ;D

I compete within the Central American & Caribbean IFBB region, where I am from and reside......
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on September 29, 2007, 05:27:33 PM
Not totally "unknown" just unidentified.  UFCC - Unidentified Fitness Competitor and Commentator
I am yes, but totally unknown to North American people ;D
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: CQ on September 29, 2007, 05:33:05 PM
Not totally "unknown" just unidentified.  UFCC - Unidentified Fitness Competitor and Commentator

Some from the board know me actually, I make periodic appearences in the USA and barge up and introduce myself to some at expos etc ;D

I am not quite as obnoxious in person as online, as my english is far better when writing as I have time to formulate, so my ranting ability is decreased when speaking >:(
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on September 29, 2007, 05:40:48 PM
Funny you mention gymnastics.  I could be wrong, but I think Oksana does have quite an extensive background in gymnastics.  From what I know, she is actually competing with an injury in her back.  I'm curious to see when that heals, I'm sure she'll show us what she's got to add to her routine gymnastics wise! 

I do agree it's different and I've argued something similar in the past, but hey that's what makes this sport interesting....everyone's got their own opinions!

To be honest...I liked her routine...just not as an IFBB Fitness one.......

Her routines just doesn't fit in with the what has been established.  I've heard that people are saying that she makes it look effortless....yeah I'll agree with that, but making a less than difficult routine look effortless is not the same as making a gymnastic/aerobic/strength routine look effortless. 
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on September 29, 2007, 11:54:32 PM
To be honest...I liked her routine...just not as an IFBB Fitness one.

Not to be too blunt, but she should concentrate on something like getting into So You Think You Can Dance...rather than the IFBB.  She would be much more successful and rewarded for what she can do well. 

Her routines just doesn't fit in with the what has been established.  I've heard that people are saying that she makes it look effortless....yeah I'll agree with that, but making a less than difficult routine look effortless is not the same as making a gymnastic/aerobic/strength routine look effortless. 

Another thing that doesn't seem to hurt her is evoking emotion from the "boys".  Think about it, look at her outfit, the theme of the routine is that she is obviously being broken up with or left....what guy wouldn't feel something for her or her routine at that point. 

Playing heartstrings is not the same as completing a (From IFBB Rules)4. The routine should include elements of strength, flexibility, dance, gymnastics, aerobic movements and cardiovascular endurance.

Also, looking at her outfit not sure it meets the IFBB rules the costume must cover a minimum of one-half of the buttocks area.

Virtual guru????
I laugh. I think, that you secret admirer Oksana. :P
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on September 30, 2007, 12:15:03 AM
Oksana made a personal connection with me through her routine definitely. She brings something new and fresh. Everyone said fitness is dying but what is the talk of the ifbb lately? Fitness. I love the routines of many of the competitors. If anyone thinks her routine is easier than a higher energy one, I challenge them to try it. I'm fairly certain she could do one of her own given her background.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on September 30, 2007, 12:29:31 AM
Oksana made a personal connection with me through her routine definitely. She brings something new and fresh. Everyone said fitness is dying but what is the talk of the ifbb lately? Fitness. I love the routines of many of the competitors. If anyone thinks her routine is easier than a higher energy one, I challenge them to try it. I'm fairly certain she could do one of her own given her background.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 01, 2007, 11:16:11 AM
i heard so much about Oksanas routine and when i watched the webcast  with somefriends, i was not really blown away. too slow, too artistic, not enough power movements, weak phisique. she definately brings something different to the stage, but that is not fitness.
fitness is combination of fit phisique and display on stage. maybe not hip hop, but definately not balet movements and acting on stage. it's nice to see a change but that was not fitness.
i think that there are many girls that are better. she is not in the same league as jen hendershott, adela, tracey, kim and the girl from team universe erin, who rocked the house with her routine.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 01, 2007, 12:15:43 PM
i heard so much about Oksanas routine and when i watched the webcast  with somefriends, i was not really blown away. too slow, too artistic, not enough power movements, weak phisique. she definately brings something different to the stage, but that is not fitness.
fitness is combination of fit phisique and display on stage. maybe not hip hop, but definately not balet movements and acting on stage. it's nice to see a change but that was not fitness.
i think that there are many girls that are better. she is not in the same league as jen hendershott, adela, tracey, kim and the girl from team universe erin, who rocked the house with her routine.
You're out of you mind. I shot with Oksana last night and will post some of the photos to show you how incredibly ignorant you sound by saying she has a "weak physique". I asked her what she thinks about people saying her routine is not fast enough and it's easier to do than some of the other competitors. She laughed and said that's okay. She will have a new routine at the Arnold. I also ask Juliana Malacarne what she thought of her routine (Juliana has multiple fitness wins before turning pro and switching to figure). She too said it is much more difficult to do a routine like Oksana's then any of the others. Variety is good with the routines and there were a number of routines that were awesome.

The judges all seemed to agree with fanboy Lift that it was what fitness is about or she wouldn't have received the score she did.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on October 01, 2007, 12:40:12 PM
FANBOY LIFT!   LOL!  Absolutely priceless!

The judges all seemed to agree with fanboy Lift that it was what fitness is about or she wouldn't have received the score she did.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2007, 01:00:52 PM
i heard so much about Oksanas routine and when i watched the webcast  with somefriends, i was not really blown away. too slow, too artistic, not enough power movements, weak phisique. she definately brings something different to the stage, but that is not fitness.
fitness is combination of fit phisique and display on stage. maybe not hip hop, but definately not balet movements and acting on stage. it's nice to see a change but that was not fitness.
i think that there are many girls that are better. she is not in the same league as jen hendershott, adela, tracey, kim and the girl from team universe erin, who rocked the house with her routine.

I laugh. Study rules!!! Fitness - not aerobics and not sports gymnastics!!

You're out of you mind. I shot with Oksana last night and will post some of the photos to show you how incredibly ignorant you sound by saying she has a "weak physique". I asked her what she thinks about people saying her routine is not fast enough and it's easier to do than some of the other competitors. She laughed and said that's okay. She will have a new routine at the Arnold. I also ask Juliana Malacarne what she thought of her routine (Juliana has multiple fitness wins before turning pro and switching to figure). She too said it is much more difficult to do a routine like Oksana's then any of the others. Variety is good with the routines and there were a number of routines that were awesome.

The judges all seemed to agree with fanboy Lift that it was what fitness is about or she wouldn't have received the score she did.

She laughed and said that's okay. She will have a new routine at the Arnold.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: FigureRX on October 01, 2007, 01:02:53 PM
I definitely would not fault Oksana's physique - take a look at the quad separation in the pics during her routine.  That's the kind of look we're pushing.

Variety is good and I enjoyed her routine.  But I agree with the many who have said that it would be better to see more strength moves and cardio challenges, etc.  The challenge for everyone is to combine artistry/dance and strength/gymnastics at the same time.  We all have our individual preferencs, and Myriam's routine was one of my favorites (check out the video of Myriam's routine HERE (  If it's just about dance and artistry then there are a lot of gorgeous, muscular former ballet dancers out there who would probably like to take a shot.  I think Oksana's routine was top five, but not the best.  If she's able to combine artistry with more strength and gymnastics moves, along with a high-energy component, at the Arnold then we'll really have something amazing to talk about.

You're out of you mind. I shot with Oksana last night and will post some of the photos to show you how incredibly ignorant you sound by saying she has a "weak physique". I asked her what she thinks about people saying her routine is not fast enough and it's easier to do than some of the other competitors. She laughed and said that's okay. She will have a new routine at the Arnold. I also ask Juliana Malacarne what she thought of her routine (Juliana has multiple fitness wins before turning pro and switching to figure). She too said it is much more difficult to do a routine like Oksana's then any of the others. Variety is good with the routines and there were a number of routines that were awesome.

The judges all seemed to agree with fanboy Lift that it was what fitness is about or she wouldn't have received the score she did.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2007, 01:20:08 PM
Fitness-program should like spectators. Spectators - consumers fitness-industry. To photographing for ALL people will invite sportwoman-ACTRESS, instead of the idol which can well make jumps, skip, somersault. Forgive for my disgusting English
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: tigereyes on October 01, 2007, 01:21:32 PM
The only reason that I would say Oksana's routine does not completely fit the "fitness" component of the routine round is because of something I was told regarding my own routine.  I too am a former gymnast, and when developing my routine, I really wanted to do something different compared to the normal "cheerleading" type routines with hip-hop or pop music.  I always competed to very dramatic or powerful music as a gymnast, and wanted to do the same thing in fitness.  Well, the first time I competed the routine (mind you, this is the "metallica routine"), I was told that it was too slow and needed "more energy."  With that, I tried to make the necessary changes to meet the standards for the routine (strength, flexibility and cardio endurance) without changing the overall tone/core of the routine, and what I came up with is what was displayed at Team U and the AC Pro.  It worked out for the best, as the routine ended up scoring well, but like I said, I did have to change the tempo of it in some parts to make it more "high energy."  Basically, I guess its all about taking what you feel you do best (performance wise) and making it fit into the given criteria for the fitness routine rounds.

With that being said, the judges seem to be rewarding her for her style of routine, so if I were her...why change it?

I also think Oksana displayed her best physique to date at the Olympia.  Just out of curiousity, to anyone who was her 45 second routine similar to her 2 minute, or does she use a different style for this routine?

Oh, and thanks so much to NPCfigureChick for the nice commet about my routine at Team U!   :)
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2007, 01:25:01 PM
I also think Oksana displayed her best physique to date at the Olympia.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: kszep on October 01, 2007, 02:08:55 PM
Being one of the athletes with the "upbeat" cheering type routine, I have to say I am actually quite jealous of her routine and if I could do one like it, I would.  In my opinion, someone like Oksana could easliy perform a high-energy routine, while someone like me can not perform a routine like hers.  Can anyone look at her routine and actually think for a second that she is not capable of doing the typical IFBB routine?  Of course, someone who can move like she did can also jump around like we do.  She just chose to do things differently and they loved it.  It's a breath of fresh air.  Now if we can only see some new blood like her's place in the top 6-that would be even better...
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: gymrat3082 on October 01, 2007, 02:36:06 PM
Being one of the athletes with the "upbeat" cheering type routine, I have to say I am actually quite jealous of her routine and if I could do one like it, I would.  In my opinion, someone like Oksana could easliy perform a high-energy routine, while someone like me can not perform a routine like hers.  Can anyone look at her routine and actually think for a second that she is not capable of doing the typical IFBB routine?  Of course, someone who can move like she did can also jump around like we do.  She just chose to do things differently and they loved it.  It's a breath of fresh air.  Now if we can only see some new blood like her's place in the top 6-that would be even better...

I agree a breath of fresh air is nice and I would also like to see new blood break top 6!!!
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 01, 2007, 03:06:23 PM
not to take anything away from her, but like you said her best physique to date, but is it good enough to place 7th
i also find it interesting how she went from 16th at europa to 7th at the olympia and probably was judged by same judges or atleast most and not to forget that europa didnt have jenny, kim, adela, tracey
different is good for the sport but i still belive she displayed great acrobatics and theater rather than fitness and not to forget that her body is almost completely covered during the entire routine
if different is what the sport needs then antoinette norman should've placed higher in bodybuilding, dave henry should've been higher thats for sure and valerie waugaman would be closer to jenny lynn than sonia adcock
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: JMentis on October 01, 2007, 09:41:16 PM
Her routine might be "different" but I don't feel that this kind of difference is necessarily a good trend to start.  Part of the FIT in FITness is performing difficult moves when you can't breathe.  Not to take anything away from Oksana, I know she works very hard and her routine is very expressive.  I just hope that the high energy routines prevail in the future, being that the energy is an important part of the judging criteria.

Your kidding ..right??
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 01, 2007, 09:59:28 PM
from 16th at europa to 7th at the olympia and probably was judged by same judges or atleast most and not to forget that europa didnt have jenny, kim, adela, tracey
  :-\ adela won the europa and there were only a couple of the same judges. It's pretty clear her routine was overlooked at that show.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 02, 2007, 05:34:24 AM
  :-\ adela won the europa and there were only a couple of the same judges. It's pretty clear her routine was overlooked at that show.

physique can sometimes be overlooked but not the routine, especially a routine that places first in the next 2 shows including olympia
what happened was is oksana got positive response, since her routine was different and everyone is sick of same old, so from political point you have a good looking european girl with a "different" approach, which simply makes it more interesting, but just like the winner in spain who was critisized for lack of power moves, oksana is the same but for various reasons she got special treatment
i never seen anything like athlete placing out of top 15 in one show and then moving to 3rd two weeks later with same routine against mostly same competition and in front of the same judges and then few weeks later 7th in the biggest show beating seasoned pros with much more balanced physiques
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: dacof on October 02, 2007, 10:11:09 AM
"physique can sometimes be overlooked but not the routine"

Actually, I have been at more then one show where the whole judging panel talked through and ignored more then one fitness routine. They actually never even looked at the poor girls performing.
We all know the judging is very 'inconsistent' to say the least. I actually find it kind of nice to see that they acknowledge their mistake and corrected it for the olympia. Perhaps at the Europa it was her routine they were ignoring.......

Anyway,  I have heard from many that unfortunately much of the placings are determined before the girls even perform their 2 min routines. Which is a bummer since they work so hard on them.

I wish Oksana the best...she is a great athlete with a great physique!
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 02, 2007, 12:33:24 PM
"physique can sometimes be overlooked but not the routine"

Actually, I have been at more then one show where the whole judging panel talked through and ignored more then one fitness routine. They actually never even looked at the poor girls performing.
We all know the judging is very 'inconsistent' to say the least. I actually find it kind of nice to see that they acknowledge their mistake and corrected it for the olympia. Perhaps at the Europa it was her routine they were ignoring.......

Anyway,  I have heard from many that unfortunately much of the placings are determined before the girls even perform their 2 min routines. Which is a bummer since they work so hard on them.

I wish Oksana the best...she is a great athlete with a great physique!

I wish Oksana the best...she is a great athlete with a great physique! - Gold words

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 03, 2007, 01:20:09 PM
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: mjsbroda on October 03, 2007, 06:52:26 PM
i heard so much about Oksanas routine and when i watched the webcast  with somefriends, i was not really blown away. too slow, too artistic, not enough power movements, weak phisique. she definately brings something different to the stage, but that is not fitness.
fitness is combination of fit phisique and display on stage. maybe not hip hop, but definately not balet movements and acting on stage. it's nice to see a change but that was not fitness.
i think that there are many girls that are better. she is not in the same league as jen hendershott, adela, tracey, kim and the girl from team universe erin, who rocked the house with her routine.

I agree. I think the fact that it is something new, that everyone can't stop talking about it.  I think she is a great athlete, but this kind of routine does not belong.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 04, 2007, 12:30:25 PM
Oksana is more than capable of performing a different routine. What most people don't know is that she choreographs other competitor's routines. She recently worked with Margarita Belinskaya, who won the fitness routine round at the year's Worlds.

If any women wish to improve their routine, I'd suggest contacting Oksana on theirs, as it is something she is obviously very good at.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 04, 2007, 08:00:40 PM
isaac you kidding right?
your interest is beyond obvious now
i remember when alex was posting links to oksanas routine before she even competed here and you were making fun of his "love for the russian lady" and now you number one fan
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Al-Gebra on October 04, 2007, 08:04:35 PM
isaac you kidding right?
your interest is beyond obvious now
i remember when alex was posting links to oksanas routine before she even competed here and you were making fun of his "love for the russian lady" and now you number one fan

what's wrong w his "interest"?  isn't that the pt, to get people's interest?  or are you one of those people who would like to do frantic routines in an ivory tower far away from the realities of the world?
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 04, 2007, 08:11:06 PM
isaac you kidding right?
your interest is beyond obvious now
i remember when alex was posting links to oksanas routine before she even competed here and you were making fun of his "love for the russian lady" and now you number one fan
I help many people. People were on my case last year around this time for promoting Juliana. I'm sure you'll be on my case for someone next year. I like to see solid people with amazing talent do well and get the exposure they deserve. I don't spam the boards with every photo I have of them or say they are the best. Oksana has some work to do on her physique to move past some of those in front of her but she is a tremendous asset to the industry and why the hate towards something positive?

I guess you'd rather piss and moan than embrace something good.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 05, 2007, 05:35:22 AM
and you rather kiss ass than be objective
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 05, 2007, 07:47:38 AM
and you rather kiss ass than be objective
Do you read before you post?

You're sounding like a bitterNPCFigureChick, is it because you haven't become IFBBFigureChick?

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: swilkins1984 on October 05, 2007, 07:58:42 AM
Oksana reminds me of Jessie from 'Saved by the Bell". Sorry just passed by it while channel surfing   8)
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: NPCFigureChick on October 05, 2007, 12:06:28 PM
Do you read before you post?

You're sounding like a bitterNPCFigureChick, is it because you haven't become IFBBFigureChick?

is that best you can do?
i am objective, not bitter
and you are? well we know the answer
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 06, 2007, 11:58:52 AM
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 09, 2007, 03:07:02 AM
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 09, 2007, 10:27:08 PM
Let me break it down.  It's obvious that 75% of you that post your comments have no idea what you are talking about.

1.  I wouldn't rely so much on "what the judges say/score" since when have they ever judged anything right?  Ok maybe a couple of times out of a million

2.  Oksana's has a nice physique, nice enough to get her on the stage, but definately not up to par with the top 4 girls, she's got a little more developing to do, but I think she can get there in due time

3.  Yes her routine was expressful, unique and blah blah, blah and was so touching it made us all want to freakin cry, BUT (as a former professional dancer/choreographer) It was more of a dance preformance than a fitness routine. 

Fitness routines should include strength elements, dance, flexibility, gymnastics, creativity, but the most important element is Explosive Energy from begining to end.  Oksana had many of these elements, but the pace was wayyyy too slow, she didn't have many strength elements either so she diffinately did not deserve 1st in the 2min round. 

On a side note.....As as much as I love watching Jen Hen, all she did outside of the comical entertainment, was a bunch of toe touches and back tucks, oh and 1 press hold???  Honestly I thought Tanji's routine as far as hitting all elements was right on.

I'm curious to see what they all will bring to the Arnold!
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 22, 2007, 12:29:34 AM

Casanova: And what did we do that for? Lupo: I don't know.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 22, 2007, 04:31:34 AM
is that best you can do?
i am objective, not bitter
and you are? well we know the answer

Wow, chill out you two!

I have to say sometimes the average fitness routine feels very frantic, fractured and choppy. This could be my own bias because I love dance (particularly ballet) which is more often structured and flowing. I have tried to educate myself as to what moves are necessary in a fitness routine and as to how the person preforms it, but sometimes that is all I am doing because most routines do not flow. I forgot to do that with Oksana's routine because it was captivating. I assumed at first that she had not done the mandatory moves until later a competitor (that she had placed higher than) assured me she had done them and had done them well.

I think there is a lot to be learned from her routine and from this very beautiful young woman. I am glad to see the level of performance heightened and expanded. I am sure it would frighten women who do not have a background in classical dance and theater to compete against those that do. It adds another layer of work and expectation to an already exhausting and expensive sport, but it is what it is. The choice in this type of situation is to rise up to the expanded expectations or create and perfect something new. Trying to force the old to stay in place in something that is entertainment based is probably not the way to go to get to the top (or at least to the IFBB).
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Stiletto on October 23, 2007, 04:22:05 PM
I was sitting near the front and saw her routine.  It blew me away.  Poetic and emotionally stirring.  Made my heart flutter!  Really, a breath of fresh air.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 26, 2007, 12:34:13 PM
First of all there are no "mandatory" movements in the 2min they can do whatever they want.  I appreciate Oskana trying to be creative, but this is a fitness show, not a ballet preformance.  Shit, if I was doing her routine as slow as she was doing it, I could have done a 10 min preformance.  And Yes I can say that no prob being a professional dancer myself.  But to do a HIGH ENERGY routine for 2 min is a whole different ball game. 

So though we all loved her preformance, it is not appropriate for the fitness stage POINT BLANK.  She can do the same thing and create dramatic emotion with a high energy routine, when she can do that, I will give her her props for being creative and different.

Wow, chill out you two!

I have to say sometimes the average fitness routine feels very frantic, fractured and choppy. This could be my own bias because I love dance (particularly ballet) which is more often structured and flowing. I have tried to educate myself as to what moves are necessary in a fitness routine and as to how the person preforms it, but sometimes that is all I am doing because most routines do not flow. I forgot to do that with Oksana's routine because it was captivating. I assumed at first that she had not done the mandatory moves until later a competitor (that she had placed higher than) assured me she had done them and had done them well.

I think there is a lot to be learned from her routine and from this very beautiful young woman. I am glad to see the level of performance heightened and expanded. I am sure it would frighten women who do not have a background in classical dance and theater to compete against those that do. It adds another layer of work and expectation to an already exhausting and expensive sport, but it is what it is. The choice in this type of situation is to rise up to the expanded expectations or create and perfect something new. Trying to force the old to stay in place in something that is entertainment based is probably not the way to go to get to the top (or at least to the IFBB).
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 26, 2007, 02:02:58 PM
First of all there are no "mandatory" movements in the 2min they can do whatever they want.  I appreciate Oskana trying to be creative, but this is a fitness show, not a ballet preformance.  Shit, if I was doing her routine as slow as she was doing it, I could have done a 10 min preformance.  And Yes I can say that no prob being a professional dancer myself.  But to do a HIGH ENERGY routine for 2 min is a whole different ball game. 

So though we all loved her preformance, it is not appropriate for the fitness stage POINT BLANK.  She can do the same thing and create dramatic emotion with a high energy routine, when she can do that, I will give her her props for being creative and different.
Who determines what is appropriate for a fitness stage?

"professional dancer" is that code for "adult entertainer"?

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 26, 2007, 02:35:14 PM
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Fitness Fan on October 26, 2007, 08:28:45 PM
Who determines what is appropriate for a fitness stage?

Well Lift, that would be the IFBB....

Here it is from rulebook -
"21.7 Finals: Procedures for Round Three and Round Four:
The procedures for Round Three and Round Four are as follows:
1. In Round Three (RD3), each competitor is announced by number, name
and country and is called onstage, in numerical order, to perform an
individual aerobic/dance routine to music of her own choice.

4. The routine should include elements of strength, flexibility, dance,
gymnastics, aerobic movements and cardiovascular endurance.

If her routine included cardiovascular endurance, then she's definitely "not fit".  With you there fitfan007!
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Al-Gebra on October 26, 2007, 08:30:14 PM
Well Lift, that would be the IFBB....

Here it is from rulebook -
21.7 Finals: Procedures for Round Three and Round Four:
The procedures for Round Three and Round Four are as follows:
1. In Round Three (RD3), each competitor is announced by number, name
and country and is called onstage, in numerical order, to perform an
individual aerobic/dance routine to music of her own choice.

4. The routine should include elements of strength, flexibility, dance,
gymnastics, aerobic movements and cardiovascular endurance.

If her routine included cardiovascular endurance, then she's definitely "not fit".  With you there fitfan007!


Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Fitness Fan on October 26, 2007, 08:31:34 PM
Nope, simply putting it out there.  He asked who made up the rules. 
Seems simple enough to me.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: JMentis on October 26, 2007, 08:47:30 PM
I read the word "appropriate".....
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Fitness Fan on October 26, 2007, 09:11:55 PM
Fair enough.  Appropriate...guess that's up to the athlete.  However, I took appropriate as what fitness is about.  Pota-toes - Po-tat-oes.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 26, 2007, 09:40:39 PM
So though we all loved her preformance, it is not appropriate for the fitness stage POINT BLANK.

My, my how we contradict ourselves.

Fair enough.  Appropriate...guess that's up to the athlete.  However, I took appropriate as what fitness is about.  Pota-toes - Po-tat-oes.

Congratulations on making yourself sound like a babbling idiot.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: CQ on October 27, 2007, 04:41:55 AM
Well Lift, that would be the IFBB....

Here it is from rulebook -
"21.7 Finals: Procedures for Round Three and Round Four:
The procedures for Round Three and Round Four are as follows:
1. In Round Three (RD3), each competitor is announced by number, name
and country and is called onstage, in numerical order, to perform an
individual aerobic/dance routine to music of her own choice.

4. The routine should include elements of strength, flexibility, dance,
gymnastics, aerobic movements and cardiovascular endurance.

If her routine included cardiovascular endurance, then she's definitely "not fit".  With you there fitfan007!

Very few girls excel in all areas. Oksana lacks a bit in the cardio yes, but excels in all other areas. Rule #4 mentions gymnastics, many girls do no gymnastic skills at all. It also mentions dance, some girls don't dance at all, and others may dance, but it pretty much blows. Flexibilty is mentioned, all the girls have some level of flex, but some are not exactly wildly pliable. All the girls bring varied skills to the stage, which is what makes all the routines so entertaining.

Thing being Oksana in many ways has the edge. She can easily speed up her routine, but her gymnastic skills, grace, and obvious strong technical background cannot be gained so easily by someone who lacks them.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on October 27, 2007, 12:11:00 PM
Very few girls excel in all areas. Oksana lacks a bit in the cardio yes, but excels in all other areas. Rule #4 mentions gymnastics, many girls do no gymnastic skills at all. It also mentions dance, some girls don't dance at all, and others may dance, but it pretty much blows. Flexibilty is mentioned, all the girls have some level of flex, but some are not exactly wildly pliable. All the girls bring varied skills to the stage, which is what makes all the routines so entertaining.
Thing being Oksana in many ways has the edge. She can easily speed up her routine, but her gymnastic skills, grace, and obvious strong technical background cannot be gained so easily by someone who lacks them.

Agree with your statement that all girls bring different strenghts to the stage.  That is what makes this (for me) more interesting than figure.  In the end, I think the one with the most well rounded routine will fare best.  At this time there are only a few of the ladies that hit ALL areas outlined. 

About Oksana having the edge, from what I've heard from Boris, she is not performing at 100% yet due to an injury.  If she takes some time to heal that and throws in more gymnastics into her routine and speeds it up, she will definitely stand out! 

I'll be honest, I'm just wondering what she'll have up those lacy sleeves for next years routines.


Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 27, 2007, 12:18:06 PM
Who determines what is appropriate for a fitness stage?

"professional dancer" is that code for "adult entertainer"?

Common Sense does....when you think of a fitness routine...what Oksana did is not what comes to mind.  Fitness is about overall conditioning and being able to display your overall fitness level by a high energy routine.  Even though it was a beautiful preformance, just not at the right venue.

hahahah about the adult entertainer comment....yeah right
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 27, 2007, 12:22:59 PM
Very few girls excel in all areas. Oksana lacks a bit in the cardio yes, but excels in all other areas. Rule #4 mentions gymnastics, many girls do no gymnastic skills at all. It also mentions dance, some girls don't dance at all, and others may dance, but it pretty much blows. Flexibilty is mentioned, all the girls have some level of flex, but some are not exactly wildly pliable. All the girls bring varied skills to the stage, which is what makes all the routines so entertaining.

Thing being Oksana in many ways has the edge. She can easily speed up her routine, but her gymnastic skills, grace, and obvious strong technical background cannot be gained so easily by someone who lacks them.

Yes very few girls can do it all....but a few Adela and for Oksana's routine to get 1st place was ridiculous!!  All I'm saying is that it didn't deserve to score as high as it did.  Oksana has a gift of being very theatrical, would love to see that talent put into a faster paced routine.

Faster paced routines that have SMOOTH transitions are wayyy more impressive to me, than someone elegantly walking through a routine.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: KGM on October 27, 2007, 12:29:59 PM
I thought her performance at the Olympia was great, very dramatic and unique.  Definitely different but different doesn't necessarily have to mean better or worse, just different.  The quality of what she did was obviously very high.  I have also heard that she has tremendous gymnastics ability but was recovering from injury so had to modify what she presented.  If that's the case she may have some exciting performances to bring to the stage for the sport and the fans in the very near future.  She has already helped to add more interest to a sport that many were starting to get concerned about just a short year ago so it seems that she along with others have been quite good for the sport this year.

Just my two cents..

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on October 27, 2007, 12:49:18 PM
All I'm saying is that it didn't deserve to score as high as it did. 
Deserve to score...well in this sport, that's a pretty funny statement.  Have you EVER judged a show?  If you had said someone didn't deserve to win a race because they got a higher time, that's one thing, but saying someone didn't deserve the nod during the routine round, in this very subjective sport sounds a little well, single minded

Personally, I like the more high energy/gymnastic style routines, then again, that's my flavor - not yours.
For you to tell someone they should like vanilla, just because you like vanilla, well that's just not the way this sport works. 

KGM, I'll have to admit, she has been drawing attention...if you could get past that language barrier, it would be one heck of an interview.  I really wonder what SHE has to say about all of this LOL!


Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: CQ on October 27, 2007, 02:49:07 PM
Agree with your statement that all girls bring different strenghts to the stage.  That is what makes this (for me) more interesting than figure. 

I am biased yes, but I do find fitness about a million times more entertaining than figure, think it has a wider appeal and hope that somehow it can be 'resurrected'. Btw, I saw Julie's routine on youtube and it was very good. I am highly envious of her gymnastic skills >:(

Yes very few girls can do it all....but a few Adela and for Oksana's routine to get 1st place was ridiculous!!  All I'm saying is that it didn't deserve to score as high as it did.  Oksana has a gift of being very theatrical, would love to see that talent put into a faster paced routine.

To be clear I am *not* criticizing either Tanji or Adela as...well they are approximately a million times better than I will ever be, and I think they are both beyond fabulous, but unless something has changed since I last saw their routines I would not exactly say they have gymnastics least not comparable to say Kim Klein, or girls from way back like Mia, Klaudia or Kelly. Include ppl like Tracey Greenwood, and former Ms O Saryn Muldrow in the non-gymnast category too. They all have every other element down to a extremely superior level imo however. Which is my point with Oksana, her routine could use speeding up, there is no dispute there...but all other elements are of a very high standard. Who is to say which element is more vital? The girl who has them all but lacks cardio display? The girl who has them all but lacks gymnastics? The girl who has them all but can't dance? :-\

I think some may also be cultural. Americans tend to do a more upbeat type routine whereas some of us international folks tend to use a more artistic type of presentation. Different styles, one not per se better than the other...just depends on personal taste....and all the different styles from Hendershots quirky moves, Greenwoods strengh, Oksana's artistry what makes it good. A ton of performances all the same is not as appealing imo.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 28, 2007, 02:04:30 AM
I read. Ridiculous discussion. A situation: Oksana - are not present: 2004, 2005, 2006... Gymnastics, jumps, acrobatics... Innovations are not present. 2007 - Oksana's occurrence. Spectators in a hall - applaud costing, discussions among functionaries, trainers, sportsmen, judges, sponsors. ADVANCE, DEVELOPMENT. Only time will resolve dispute, only the spectator, only broad masses - consumers fitness-industry will assess. Evolution.
Forgive for bad English.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Al-Gebra on October 28, 2007, 08:37:14 AM

the last two pics of Oksana are not flattering . . .

bad profile on the first one . . .
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 28, 2007, 09:10:15 AM
the last two pics of Oksana are not flattering . . .

bad profile on the first one . . .

Laughter... It not professional photos. These are shootings supervision of process of photographing by the professional photographer.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: kszep on October 29, 2007, 12:26:52 PM
Pointing the IFBB rules is rediculous since it is obvious (as CQ mentioned) that no one (including top competitors) completely accells in all the components listed.  The amazing thing about Oksana is that she could.
I mean, look at her physique and tell me that she isn't capable of displaying her "cardiovascular endurance" that I am certain she has.  While some may enjoy an upbeat routine, I tend to enjoy watching someone execute movements/dance that I find impossible.  Maybe she scored first because the judges realize that any pro who made it to that level has cardiovascular endurance, but few have all the other qualities she posesses. 
Actually, it doesn't matter what we all think because the bottom line is that we are all writing about her which means she is doing something to catch attention (in a respectable way).  Us cheerleader-types better step up our game ;)
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 29, 2007, 12:36:42 PM
"fitfan007" gets the award for most narrow-minded posts of the year. Congrats.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 29, 2007, 07:49:42 PM
I am biased yes, but I do find fitness about a million times more entertaining than figure, think it has a wider appeal and hope that somehow it can be 'resurrected'. Btw, I saw Julie's routine on youtube and it was very good. I am highly envious of her gymnastic skills >:(

To be clear I am *not* criticizing either Tanji or Adela as...well they are approximately a million times better than I will ever be, and I think they are both beyond fabulous, but unless something has changed since I last saw their routines I would not exactly say they have gymnastics least not comparable to say Kim Klein, or girls from way back like Mia, Klaudia or Kelly. Include ppl like Tracey Greenwood, and former Ms O Saryn Muldrow in the non-gymnast category too. They all have every other element down to a extremely superior level imo however. Which is my point with Oksana, her routine could use speeding up, there is no dispute there...but all other elements are of a very high standard. Who is to say which element is more vital? The girl who has them all but lacks cardio display? The girl who has them all but lacks gymnastics? The girl who has them all but can't dance? :-\

I think some may also be cultural. Americans tend to do a more upbeat type routine whereas some of us international folks tend to use a more artistic type of presentation. Different styles, one not per se better than the other...just depends on personal taste....and all the different styles from Hendershots quirky moves, Greenwoods strengh, Oksana's artistry what makes it good. A ton of performances all the same is not as appealing imo.

It's a fitness competition, not a freestyle gymnastics show so who cares if there gymnastics level isn't up to par with a gold medalists LOL.  So no they may not have a high level of gymnastics, but they still incorporate back handsprings, back tucks etc and they still manage to bring high energy, difficult strength elements, dance, flexibility and need I say more??  That is what impresses me with them.  THEY DO IT ALL....little bit of everything, not so heavy in just one area.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 29, 2007, 07:56:50 PM
Deserve to score...well in this sport, that's a pretty funny statement.  Have you EVER judged a show?  If you had said someone didn't deserve to win a race because they got a higher time, that's one thing, but saying someone didn't deserve the nod during the routine round, in this very subjective sport sounds a little well, single minded

Personally, I like the more high energy/gymnastic style routines, then again, that's my flavor - not yours.
For you to tell someone they should like vanilla, just because you like vanilla, well that's just not the way this sport works. 

KGM, I'll have to admit, she has been drawing attention...if you could get past that language barrier, it would be one heck of an interview.  I really wonder what SHE has to say about all of this LOL!


Ofcourse this sport is objective.  That's why no one will ever be right or wrong it's all opinionated.  I'm not telling anyone what to think, I'm putting my opinion out here just like everyone else so get off my nutz!  I never said she sucked or anything...just don't think her routine was the BEST.  Damn I didn't even say it was the worst.  WTF??

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 29, 2007, 08:00:28 PM
"fitfan007" gets the award for most narrow-minded posts of the year. Congrats.

Dude get a grip.....not everybody has a shrine of Oksana in their bedroom.  I'm not here to by politically correct.....and try to please everyone...I thought this was a public forum where opinions could be expressed???  Didn't know I was suppose to be making friends??
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on October 29, 2007, 08:09:26 PM
You're out of you mind. I shot with Oksana last night and will post some of the photos to show you how incredibly ignorant you sound by saying she has a "weak physique". I asked her what she thinks about people saying her routine is not fast enough and it's easier to do than some of the other competitors. She laughed and said that's okay. She will have a new routine at the Arnold. I also ask Juliana Malacarne what she thought of her routine (Juliana has multiple fitness wins before turning pro and switching to figure). She too said it is much more difficult to do a routine like Oksana's then any of the others. Variety is good with the routines and there were a number of routines that were awesome.

The judges all seemed to agree with fanboy Lift that it was what fitness is about or she wouldn't have received the score she did.

Well I've never seen Juliana hit some of the difficult elements that I've seen in a fitness routine these days so her opinion's not worth much to me....and did she ever win any big shows?? ANYWAYS.  I can say as a professional dancer and choreographer of fitness routines, that Oksana's routine was definately no way near harder than say....Adela's, Kim Klein, Tanji, Julie etc....NO WAY.  I could do Oksana's routine and not even be in shape!  especially at the pace she did it.  Was she even breathing hard?? hahahaha

Ha I know this post is totally pissing you off!  EAT IT  ahahahahah

Oh and ....her physique is a little weak, she's got potential though.  I can't wait to see what she brings at the Arnold.....I"m ready to be wowed b/c I'm sure she has the talent to do it, and I will be the first one to give her a high five when she does!!!!  SHOW ME THE MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on October 29, 2007, 08:15:18 PM
Dude get a grip.....not everybody has a shrine of Oksana in their bedroom.  I'm not here to by politically correct.....and try to please everyone...I thought this was a public forum where opinions could be expressed???  Didn't know I was suppose to be making friends??
You are more than entitled to your opinion but to state her routine doesn't belong on a fitness stage is the most asinine comment you could make.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Denny Crane on October 30, 2007, 09:01:45 PM
Hope springs a kernel.

Denny Crane.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on October 31, 2007, 03:05:01 PM
Ridiculous children. I do not cry, I laugh. ENVY is a defect..
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Al-Gebra on October 31, 2007, 03:16:42 PM
Ridiculous children. I do not cry, I laugh. ENVY is a defect..

less wise sayings. more PICS.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on November 02, 2007, 01:35:03 AM
less wise sayings. more PICS.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Rick Lohre on November 02, 2007, 10:34:58 AM
Nice pics!  ;)
Here's another....
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on November 12, 2007, 10:45:59 PM
You are more than entitled to your opinion but to state her routine doesn't belong on a fitness stage is the most asinine comment you could make.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and that routine was NOT a fitness routine, it was a theatrical performance. 
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Top Dog on November 13, 2007, 01:09:28 PM
All is not well in Schmoetown.   :'(
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on November 13, 2007, 01:53:08 PM
You have no idea what you're talking about, and that routine was NOT a fitness routine, it was a theatrical performance. 
::) Who are you to decide what is or isn't a fitness routine?

I guess the judges at the Olympia had it all wrong too.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: AntonioC on November 14, 2007, 06:43:41 PM
::) Who are you to decide what is or isn't a fitness routine?

I guess the judges at the Olympia had it all wrong too.

They usually do.
How would you explain athlete placing out of top 15 at one show and then 2 weeks later place 3rd in another and then few weeks later at the Olympia 7th place and that is with the same routine, same physique and against best girls in the world.
As Shwan Ray would say "things that make you go hhhmmm"
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Lift Studios on November 14, 2007, 08:21:09 PM
They usually do.
How would you explain athlete placing out of top 15 at one show and then 2 weeks later place 3rd in another and then few weeks later at the Olympia 7th place and that is with the same routine, same physique and against best girls in the world.
As Shwan Ray would say "things that make you go hhhmmm"
Different physique - different judges. Pretty simple.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: AntonioC on November 15, 2007, 05:05:01 AM
Different physique - different judges. Pretty simple.

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on November 18, 2007, 01:53:43 PM
Practice... True...

ENTER    ( (
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: fitfan007 on December 06, 2007, 04:14:33 PM
Judges are always getting it wrong!!! duhhhh can't believe you even said that LOL
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on December 09, 2007, 10:34:59 AM
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on December 12, 2007, 01:46:36 AM

Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2008, 07:50:18 AM
Oksana Grishina, last photos, NY
( (http://"")( (http://"")( (http://"")( (http://"")

( (http://"")( (http://"")( (http://"")( (http://"")

ENTER    ( (
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: freespirit on August 26, 2008, 12:39:51 PM
Oksana Grishina, last photos, NY

Imagevenue isn't working properly at the moment.
Title: Re: Oksana Grishina
Post by: Alex on August 26, 2008, 02:02:20 PM
Imagevenue isn't working properly at the moment.