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Getbig Female Info Boards => Womens Physique, Bodybuilding, Wellness and Training => Topic started by: The BEAST on February 06, 2008, 09:19:46 AM

Title: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 06, 2008, 09:19:46 AM
So I suppose I could start a contest prep thread since I have started dieting for my 2 shows this year. 

My first show is May 3rd in Peoria is the Heart of America Natural Classic, m.  I am very excited about this show and the overall winner earns a Pro Card.

My second show is the NPC Junior USA's.  The show is May 17th in South Carolina...

I did hire Dave Palumbo to help me with my diet, I am friends with Melissa D who recommended him...he has worked with many girls over the years and though not all are "natural" I think he has a great understanding of nutrition and physiques and so far think his diet is pretty kick ass.

Unfortunately he wanted me to start 16 weeks out...this Friday will be 12 weeks out which is when I had thought I was going to start...well I hired him 2 weeks ago and was supposed to be on the diet immediately but I had already had a trip planned for Mexico for 4 days which I just returned from this weekend.  Needless to say I was at an all inclusive, end of story.

My dieting is now in Full Force but I have also not taken any digital camera broke and then my back up broke so I need to figure that out asap.  I have a backup backup that I am going to try tonight so I can get some pics up.

Unfortunately I am not sure I made any good gains in the off-season-it went so fast-but hopefully my chest will come in a little thicker, hamstrings a bit tighter and have a better horseshoe on my tricep...unfortunately I have neglected my calves so I am going to try and get better about that.

Yea...I am still in good spirits and am excited about my shows but I know this will fade as my diet puts a strain on me but as Lori will tell can do anything for 12.5 weeks ;) 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 06, 2008, 09:41:03 AM
YAY!  I'm psyched!  Damn girl, I wish I could be there with you in SC, but it's SUCH an expensive trip to Charleston.  I'll be there in spirit!  I'll try to find out who else is doing that show for you too.  You'll be a MW I assume? 

LOTS of pics please!!   ;D
And I'd love to see generally what you're diet looks like.  I personally don't think I can hang with the no carb thing, so I want to know how it goes for you, how you feel, etc. 

Where are you at now weight-wise? 
12.5 weeks is NOTHING sista, you can do ANYTHING for 12.5 weeks!!  I'm starting at 18 weeks out this year.   ::)

So you will be a crabby crankypants at the Arnold?  We'll have to fix that!  You'll be getting your cardio done on the dance floor with me!  I'll be the crankypants because you will be so much leaner than me, I will be jealous!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 06, 2008, 01:09:41 PM
Good Luck!!!

Keep on Rockin'!!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 06, 2008, 01:30:30 PM
Good luck Jen you will kick butt.  I think you will find on the type of diet DP does you NOT feel bad and cranky and you will have plenty of energy.  I think you may find it even easy, alright sort of LOL

Maybe i will have to check that show out in Peoria. Cool thread looking forward to it.  :)


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 06, 2008, 05:59:31 PM
Good look Ms. MB....

you will kick some major booty this year....for sure....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 06, 2008, 09:15:26 PM
Ewwwwww, hehehe 

well thanks for the encouragement but ugh you don't realize how "thick" you are until you put on your suit!!!

Pics from tonight, totally cold and we only took one round because my friend was a little rushed for time...I promise to work on my posing, for some reason my front pose is arms are...

anyway you don't have to be nice just don't be too mean :)  I am dieting you know   ;D\

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 06, 2008, 09:16:45 PM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 06, 2008, 09:18:07 PM
one more...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 06, 2008, 10:06:01 PM
a couple of things.....

you are gonna rock

its awesome seeing that smiling face

your triceps already look much much better.....bigger....

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 07, 2008, 04:17:55 AM
Really did a good job of not getting too heavy in the off season.  Can already see some muscle seperation.  Man you should do fine, just take it off nice and slow......yeah I mean the weight, I guess. LOL  And you should drop the fat and keep the muscle.

Rip, I think Im the originator of these kind of threads, right? LOL

Beast your smart enough to know this already but as this thread progresses there may be all kinds of people trying to help with advice.  You know you just need to really listen to a couple people your trainer and yourself.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 07, 2008, 04:23:58 AM
HA, yeah Luv, I think you were the first on this board.   8)
These are the best threads!

Jenny, you look fabulous, you're gonna kick ass.  I'm not sure your posing was off, it may have been your suit, it looks a little crooked.   ;)

Your back looks awesome girl, can you tell me how you got it so big and thick?!

OH...and you're HOT!!   :-*

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 07, 2008, 04:32:14 AM

These are the best threads!

That is the truth, it really dont get no better than when someone serious about a comp does a thread about it with pics.  Adds to the quality of board 100%  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: michael arvilla on February 07, 2008, 05:01:39 AM
Quads "caught my eye" .................big and full

great work!!!...................youll do great im sure!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 07, 2008, 06:17:22 AM
I'm really excited about this thread!  Thank you so much Jen :)  You will do great!

Do you think you could post progress pics at least every week?

Oh, and lets see some vacation pics ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Princess L on February 07, 2008, 10:57:47 AM
It would be great if you could include your diet/supplementation and training regime as well.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 07, 2008, 01:21:18 PM
Marvelous and hot!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 07, 2008, 02:13:52 PM
Thanks everyone...I will try to make frequent updates and I should have new pictures every week.

My back has always been one of my best features...a lot of pull-ups/different types and just basic heavy lifting...all stuff that I know you are doing :)  I will try to randomly post some of my workouts here as well. 

Dave, imo, wasn't impressed with the pictures (granted he probably thinks I have been strict with the diet for 2 full weeks) and he has upped my cardio to 6 times a week for 60 minutes.  Have I mentioned that on my last diet for Team U I did NO cardio?  Yes this is a bit different and sad.

My diet is pretty straight forward...5 meals a day...only carbs from green veggies and lean protein plus fats on the 3rd and 4th day...I don't miss the carbs as much as I had expected although I did just start but I am thinking it may just be easier to completely eliminate them so I don't sit and think about rice cakes and sweet potatoes all day long.  I guess only time will tell.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: genex on February 07, 2008, 03:47:46 PM
Hey Jen, good luck with the prep - I'm sure you'll do great this year - can't wait!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on February 07, 2008, 05:54:19 PM
good luck w/the prep, and good luck w/palumbo, he's one of the best ,so atleast you know you'll be ripped to shreds.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 07, 2008, 05:58:39 PM
What kind of music are you going to use with your routine? I am ripitupbaby's unofficial song searcher so she can finally suceed it @ stage.

Based on your beautiful solid rock body i say go with some rock for your posing routine and beat the hoes outta there!  ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 07, 2008, 06:29:19 PM
hehehe I have an awesome idea (well atleast in my crazy head) of my routine and trust me it will be very ORIGINAL  :)

Don't know if I should share it because I love it so much...I do need to do some choreography for it though and someone to mix my music.  I always forget how quickly these 12 weeks will go...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 07, 2008, 07:04:09 PM
You're a very beautiful lady.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 07, 2008, 07:21:11 PM
I still can't get over the fact that you didn't do cardio for your Team U prep!  WTF were you eating?!  And now you have to do cardio with no carbs!   :o
I'm assuming Dave's got you doing low to moderate intensity?

I LOVED your routine music last year, so I'm sure whatever you have in mind will be awesome...and I'm sure you are gonna tell me since I won't be there to see it! 

Gotta admit though, benz has some decent taste in music.  I am giving some serious consideration to having him be my song searcher despite his comment about me finally succeeding on stage!   >:(

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 07, 2008, 07:25:09 PM
It would be great if you could include your diet/supplementation and training regime as well.

Agree this is a must. 

Show looks like fun a free Lee Haney seminar sounds pretty cool.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on February 07, 2008, 07:58:21 PM

 Since you showed me yours...err, I mean...since I posted in yours you gotta post in MINE. (V-Boards).
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 07, 2008, 08:37:40 PM
im just pissed that there is not a chance in hell i will see ya on stage, unless you ever decide to do the USA's
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 07, 2008, 08:49:00 PM
I still can't get over the fact that you didn't do cardio for your Team U prep!  WTF were you eating?!  And now you have to do cardio with no carbs!   :o
I'm assuming Dave's got you doing low to moderate intensity?

I LOVED your routine music last year, so I'm sure whatever you have in mind will be awesome...and I'm sure you are gonna tell me since I won't be there to see it! 

Gotta admit though, benz has some decent taste in music.  I am giving some serious consideration to having him be my song searcher despite his comment about me finally succeeding on stage!   >:(

Stop crying please, you know the rules!

If you wanna be rich...  ;D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: HDPhysiques on February 07, 2008, 10:57:05 PM
Hey Beast - Good luck to ya.  Lookin' great so far!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: siouxcountry on February 08, 2008, 02:03:56 AM
Best of luck to you!  :)

I in fact know of a woman who is a lifetime natural, and she worked with Dave last year, and was so happy with the results, that she plans to work with him again this year.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: powerpack on February 08, 2008, 09:08:41 AM
Beast you look great  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on February 08, 2008, 11:15:37 AM
Hi Beast

Keep up the great work!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 08, 2008, 06:29:41 PM
You look great Beast, now don't go losing too much weight. In fact, you could even gain a few pounds if you wanted to. Remember, zero is not a size.  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 08, 2008, 06:57:25 PM
You look great Beast, now don't go losing too much weight. In fact, you could even gain a few pounds if you wanted to. Remember, zero is not a size.  :)

I thought you liked your girls on the skinny side.   ???

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 08, 2008, 06:58:45 PM

I thought you liked your girls on the skinny side.   ???

She is skinny, I bet a size 4 or so.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 08, 2008, 07:01:07 PM
She is skinny, I bet a size 4 or so.

She's gonna love you for that.   :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 08, 2008, 07:45:47 PM
Im betting the BEAST will need to lose about 12-15 LBS  That should have her close.

Beast would you mind sharing your weight in those pics?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 08, 2008, 08:46:52 PM
lol @ size 4...I suppose my upper body in like Ann Taylo stuff (size inflation) but it would be an interestingfit to see my big booty in size 4 pants.

Hmm, I am about 137 in the pics mayeb a bit more because they were taken at night...need to lose at least 15.

Your so right Lori, although I never want to be thought of as skinny (lean is a much beet word) I suppose it is better then being a fat ass.

BTW just got done training with the one and only Blockhead...I will try to post the workout later.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 08, 2008, 10:56:35 PM

Your so right Lori, although I never want to be thought of as skinny (lean is a much beet word) I suppose it is better then being a fat ass.

i cant wait til i am not a fat ass....:(
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 09, 2008, 12:43:18 PM
lol @ size 4...I suppose my upper body in like Ann Taylo stuff (size inflation) but it would be an interestingfit to see my big booty in size 4 pants.

Hmm, I am about 137 in the pics mayeb a bit more because they were taken at night...need to lose at least 15.

Your so right Lori, although I never want to be thought of as skinny (lean is a much beet word) I suppose it is better then being a fat ass.

BTW just got done training with the one and only Blockhead...I will try to post the workout later.

That post had a lot of typos in it...Is the no carb thing getting to you already?!   :D

GAP is great for size inflation...I can still fit into a couple of my size 4 stretchy pants!! 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: IrishMuscle84 on February 10, 2008, 10:15:38 AM
QUAD-DAMN!!! Looking awesome and beautiful as always ;) ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 11, 2008, 08:10:52 AM
Lol Lori...yes I just reread it and was a bit embarrassed!  I can't even blame it on the dieting because it was directly after a cheat meal (maybe I was on a carb high????) Plus my ratty nails were hindering my ability to correctly push the keys I wanted. 

Not sure if any of you ladies have decided to give your hands a break from the nails but I just had mine taken off and it is such a strange sensation to be able to actually push the keys with your fingers and take my contacts out of my eyes without feeling like I am fishing around.  My nails and fingers hurt a bit but the no nail thing is somewhat liberating...they will go back on before the Arnold though, must keep up appearances :)

Hmmm, so I am still in love with this diet.  I can tell I am a little more loopy or get a little down between meals but so far it really hasn't been too bad.  Every week I get a cheat meal which keeps me focused and the high fat days are pretty incredible, I feel like I am cheating because peanut butter is so so so amazing.  Keep in mind that on my last diet I did 50 G's of carbs a day with 170 grams of fats for 6 weeks.  Truly I don't miss the carbs so far although the cheat meal was nearly orgasmic...

Steak and eggs (see I wasn't too bad) with multi-grain pancakes and sugar free syrup.  I started with my protein and finished that before I got to the good stuff.  The pancakes were pretty f-ing good especially the part around the melted butter...I didn't finsh the entire stack because I knew I would be paying for it if I really packed it in, plus I knew that I would get another one in a week...

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 11, 2008, 08:21:15 AM
Back Workout:  This was Block's workout (which is why no pull-ups)...

Lat Pulls - V-bar
warm-up: 80 x 12  90 X 12
working: 100 x 12  120 x 10 140 x 8

Bent over Straight Bar Row
85 x 12    105 x 12      135 x 8    95 x 15

Seated Row
90 x 12    110 x 10      130 x 8 drop 80 x 10

One-Arm ISO row
70 x 8      80 x 7

Back Hypers
3 differing sets

I was pretty done after that back-wise...then we got on the treadmill and Block went with me for 30 while I was a good girl and stayed for the whole 60.  Actually I have only missed Sunday for my 60 minutes since Dave put down the hammer.  My pics this week should show some difference and people are already saying I am looking different, always a good thing.

Did my cardio this morning and am going to hit Calves and Shoulders tonight.

BigB you aren't a fat ass just a big boy...

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 11, 2008, 05:16:51 PM
Back Workout:  This was Block's workout (which is why no pull-ups)...

Lat Pulls - V-bar
warm-up: 80 x 12  90 X 12
working: 100 x 12  120 x 10 140 x 8

Bent over Straight Bar Row
85 x 12    105 x 12      135 x 8    95 x 15

Seated Row
90 x 12    110 x 10      130 x 8 drop 80 x 10

One-Arm ISO row
70 x 8      80 x 7

Back Hypers
3 differing sets

I was pretty done after that back-wise...then we got on the treadmill and Block went with me for 30 while I was a good girl and stayed for the whole 60.  Actually I have only missed Sunday for my 60 minutes since Dave put down the hammer.  My pics this week should show some difference and people are already saying I am looking different, always a good thing.

Did my cardio this morning and am going to hit Calves and Shoulders tonight.

BigB you aren't a fat ass just a big boy... wonder you have such a freaky back.....good gosh young lady.....

hahaha...and yes i am a fat ass...

i actually got on a scale about a month ago and it said, "get off the scale fatso....your crushing me..."

seriously i did get on the scale...and im not sharing what it read in public....HA

serisouly Jen, you are bomb..........keep it up i know you are getting that card.....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 17, 2008, 06:30:17 PM
Hey has been a few days and I have still been at it, sorry for no updates.  I took these pics on Friday but didn't have my other suit-had to send it to get copied for my new one this year.  This suit doesn't do anything for the booty, fyi.

Personally I have been a bit tired but keeping at it and I had a great shoulder workout last Thursday where my heaviest shoulder press set was 45 lb dumbells for 6...really it wasn't even that hard which is strange because I can't remember the last time I did 45's easily.

Other then that I had a busy weekend, flew out to California and went to the fitexpo, got to see the one and only Bthomas which was quite exciting because I had no idea he was going to be there.

Physique wise I think I was about 132 in the pics, so I am down a few from last week...I do think my scale is maybe 2 pounds light though.  Dave upped my cardio to 7 days a week for 70 minutes, wtf???

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 17, 2008, 06:31:16 PM
Which front lat spread do you like better?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 17, 2008, 06:34:42 PM
and which tricep?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 17, 2008, 06:46:47 PM
I don't know but you really cute in those glasses.  keep up the good work.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 17, 2008, 06:57:16 PM
I don't know but you really cute in those glasses.  keep up the good work. do look cute in the glasses.

You look awesome...You're abs are already coming in!   :o
I like the lat spread on both tip toes (the second one).  And it looks like your left side is your stronger side on the tricep, but those are the same pose pretty much.  Have you tried the contemporary stance, the one with your back leg stepped backwards?  (Does that make any sense? ::))

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 17, 2008, 07:14:54 PM
Thanks Luv...they are new and a bit funky :)  I would love if you were able to make it down to Peoria to check out the show, it really is a great natty show and should have  good turn-out.

Lori I am not sure about that pose, any samples?  Yea my abs are coming is strange sometimes I feel like I am a bit ahead and then I am like shoot I am only 11 weeks out...the head games are ridiculous.  And then Dave gives me more cardio so it breaks all my confidence :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 17, 2008, 07:22:39 PM
Thanks Luv...they are new and a bit funky :)  I would love if you were able to make it down to Peoria to check out the show, it really is a great natty show and should have  good turn-out.

Lori I am not sure about that pose, any samples?  Yea my abs are coming is strange sometimes I feel like I am a bit ahead and then I am like shoot I am only 11 weeks out...the head games are ridiculous.  And then Dave gives me more cardio so it breaks all my confidence :)

You are doing a lot of cardio!!  But I would just listen to Dave and have faith in what he says.  He tends to bring people into the show shredded.

This is the contemporary stance.  It's much more comfortable IMO...but you have to take a look at both and see which one shows off the lines in your legs better as you get leaner.  I ended up doing the regular stance (like your pics) in prejudging and then the contemporary in finals during the routine.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 17, 2008, 08:02:01 PM
It was a treat to see ya Beasty.......

you look fantastic...these picture do you absolutly no justice.  I honestly was floored when i saw you.....for two reasons...a.) you look fantastic, and b.) i was definatly not expecting you see you....

hope you had fun sat night......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on February 18, 2008, 12:39:01 AM

Just curious whats your training split like??

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 18, 2008, 06:21:23 AM
Damn good work! Keep it up girl!

I show you my 3 favorite pics...

P.S. Nice nails! ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 18, 2008, 08:01:16 AM
Lol at the Nails Mazda :)  When I first read that I am like, hmmm I took my nails off then I realized you meant my toes!  They are special...

My training split, well to be honest much of the time I don't know exactly what I am going to do that day.  I usually figure it out as I am getting to the gym and seeing how I feel and my body feels.  Some days I will do 2 bodyparts others I will just focus on one and many times I will switch these up week by week.

Sunday:  Back
Monday:  Arms
Tuesday: Legs (sometimes I split them up)
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Chest and Calves
Friday: Shoulders and abs
Saturday: Off

I should start posting more of my workouts...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 19, 2008, 12:34:08 AM
Call me Steve ;D!

What looks like your training split if you split the leg day?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 19, 2008, 07:09:18 AM
This week I am not splitting hamstring has been very very tight for the last few months and last week doing leg press I tweaked my lower back just a bit.  The frustrating thing is I wasn't lifting when it happened, I had my feet on the platform but it was a little too high, I only had 6 plates on each side and normally go up to 8-10...anyway I used my toes to bring the weight over the safety and then was pushing my legs up one at a time to get them set and tweaked it since my flexibility in the right hammy in non-existant.  In any case I am doing legs today, my back is fine just a touch sore but I figured I can do a lighter full leg workout. 

If I do split my legs normally I would do 4 quad exercises on Tuesday...Squats/Hack Squats/Lunges/Extensions for example and then maybe some calves or abs, maybe and then on Friday I will do Hams and Back...deadlifts/pull-ups/leg curls/lat pulls/low rows/hypers...something like that

Or I may just do low back and hamstrings and do upper back with shoulders.  Honestly I get bored so I try to switch up my workouts every week...

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 19, 2008, 08:02:18 AM
Thanks Beast! :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 19, 2008, 08:12:43 AM do look cute in the glasses.

You look awesome...You're abs are already coming in!   :o
I like the lat spread on both tip toes (the second one). 

And it looks like your left side is your stronger side on the tricep, but those are the same pose pretty much. 

I agree w/all of these statements :)   

....I think the lighting could be a factor in the triceps appearing a little different?

Thanks for this motivational thread.  The pics are much appreciated!   :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on February 19, 2008, 09:53:53 PM
Dear Ms. JLC,

We should all look so beastly!  :)   . . . yeah, I took one look at those pics and I pretty much tossed a fatal embolism.  Heeheehee!  Good luck and knock 'em dead!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 19, 2008, 10:50:58 PM
Dear Ms. JLC,

We should all look so beastly!  :)   . . . yeah, I took one look at those pics and I pretty much tossed a fatal embolism.  Heeheehee!  Good luck and knock 'em dead!!

bulk's here....

there goes the neighborhood....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 20, 2008, 09:46:07 AM
YEAAAA!!!!!!!   BULKY!!!!!!! 

I am so glad you are back :) 

Well thanks Stella for the nice comments, I will keep the pics coming every week. 

So far this week I have been a bit emotional but haven't freaked out and am still sane.  Less then 10 weeks, it doesn't' even seem possible.  Dave hasn't changed my diet and I am not sure he will until about 3 weeks out.  The 70 minutes of cardio is interesting and I am actually doing it....everyday...I must admit although I have an aversion to cardio I think I prefer the cardio with all the fat in my diet then my diet last year that had no cardio and no fat.  Seriously I seem to be much more with it.

If any one is interested here is my supplement stack...feel free to ask questions about why I am doing something or give me your input...I love learning :)

Upon Waking/before cardio:
1 Dialed-IN
1 T. liquid L-Carnitine which I really love, I feel it is a great non-stimulant fat burner but has helped me with a little energy
1 NPR (blend of MSM and B vitamins)
3 Arginine AKG
1 Ester C

Before Breakfast
1/2 T. Coral Calcium
1 Multi-Vitamin
2 Greens
1 Glucosamine

Before Lunch

Before Workout
1 T. L-Carnitine
2 Arginine
1 Scoop Dominate (3 G's creatine/3 G's Arginine/2 mg caffeine)
possible 2 BCAA before post workout cardio
1 Ester C

Before Dinner
1 Multi
2 Greens
1 Glucosamine
1/2 T. Coral Calcium

Before Bed
2 Arginine

I add about 10 G's of Glutamine to my protein shakes throughout the day
Probably need to add in acidophilus just ran out as well as Tonalin...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 20, 2008, 09:53:03 AM
I love carnitine.  Is Dialed IN a fat burner?

And who's bulky?   :D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 20, 2008, 02:36:14 PM
I love carnitine.  Is Dialed IN a fat burner?

And who's bulky?   :D

you dont know bulk....well you are in for a suprise....

hes a good guy...

im just wondering if he realizes who i am
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 20, 2008, 02:44:35 PM
I love carnitine.  Is Dialed IN a fat burner?

And who's bulky?   :D

carnitine is as useless as betacarotene, specially for girls. Does it really work for you?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on February 20, 2008, 03:40:16 PM
you dont know bulk....well you are in for a suprise....

hes a good guy...

im just wondering if he realizes who i am

How could he possibly suspect?

By the way,  looking great Jen.  Thanx for posting all the info too.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 20, 2008, 06:07:22 PM
How could he possibly suspect?

By the way,  looking great Jen.  Thanx for posting all the info too.



now you are gonna say you know who i  am too?


oh shoot i forgot about the avatar...kinda gives it away, huh?

that and the grotesque picture the Beast posted today......looking at that super stoked im on a diet now.......

Jen, why didnt you tell me i looked that bad?  :P

oh shoot...the Beast you rock, and keep charging...YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 04:18:17 AM
carnitine is as useless as betacarotene, specially for girls. Does it really work for you?

Good question.  I like it for energy and fat burning during my contest prep, but I'll readily admit that it could be totally placebo effect because I am not a big believer in supplements in general.  Carnitine happens to make my very short list of supps that I think are worthwhile at times.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 21, 2008, 07:44:27 AM
lol @ benz and Lori if you really think supplements don't work then you may not be taking good quality supplements. 

In an average Americans diet many deficiencies exist...yes if we ate more raw foods, truly organic foods that haven't been sprayed with pesticides and handled poorly, got enough good vegetables, grains and meats we may not need supplements but that really never happens.  Most people are deficient in their B vitamins...this group of vitamins is essential and when missing can lead to a number of problems: headaches, migraines, dermatitis, lack of energy, high blood pressure, anemia, auto immune diseases, the list goes on and on...another major deficiency is Omega 3 (6 and ) as well but primarily 3, when we cook our foods the good fats break down so even eating fish, if cooked, may not be reap the benefits you think it does...this deficiency leads to another list of supplementing for even clean good eaters is normally a safe and smart thing to do.

Now onto Carnitine-carnitine helps your body transport and break up long chain fatty acids and burn them for energy.  One my diet I do not eat a lot of red meat and no dairy products which are the most abundant sources of carnitine...there is a very limited amount or no carnitine at all in white meats and many vegetables.  So to cover this potential deficiency in my mind is quite important, especially considering what carnitine does in the body.  So could I personally be low in carnitine which is why when I take it I feel more energy?  Probably so.

BTW I have no idea why you think there is a difference in the way it works between males and females.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 21, 2008, 07:46:40 AM
Beast is a pretty girl, but she doesn't have any muscle. How come she doesn't look real muscular like Ripitup?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 21, 2008, 07:50:10 AM
lol @ benz and Lori if you really think supplements don't work then you may not be taking good quality supplements. 

In an average Americans diet many deficiencies exist...yes if we ate more raw foods, truly organic foods that haven't been sprayed with pesticides and handled poorly, got enough good vegetables, grains and meats we may not need supplements but that really never happens.  Most people are deficient in their B vitamins...this group of vitamins is essential and when missing can lead to a number of problems: headaches, migraines, dermatitis, lack of energy, high blood pressure, anemia, auto immune diseases, the list goes on and on...another major deficiency is Omega 3 (6 and ) as well but primarily 3, when we cook our foods the good fats break down so even eating fish, if cooked, may not be reap the benefits you think it does...this deficiency leads to another list of supplementing for even clean good eaters is normally a safe and smart thing to do.

Now onto Carnitine-carnitine helps your body transport and break up long chain fatty acids and burn them for energy.  One my diet I do not eat a lot of red meat and no dairy products which are the most abundant sources of carnitine...there is a very limited amount or no carnitine at all in white meats and many vegetables.  So to cover this potential deficiency in my mind is quite important, especially considering what carnitine does in the body.  So could I personally be low in carnitine which is why when I take it I feel more energy?  Probably so.

BTW I have no idea why you think there is a difference in the way it works between males and females.

Sorry beast but i didnt say supplements dont work, i was talking about carnitine only (and mentioned betacarotene aswel). Ive never met any man that could say "oh carnitine is so great" ...everybody say  it doesnt work, even gh15!
Maybe , as you say, it works for you, theres a deficiency, so yeah, its just perfect for you as zma is perfect for me (many here say it wont help to have a better sleep but it works for me).
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 07:51:56 AM
Beast is a pretty girl, but she doesn't have any muscle. How come she doesn't look real muscular like Ripitup?

You look more muscular as you get leaner.  I look less muscular than Beast in the off-season.  I sometimes wonder if I even look like I train in the off-season.   ::)
It's an you get leaner and more defined, you look more jacked, even though you are smaller.  

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 21, 2008, 07:53:06 AM

You look more muscular as you get leaner.  I look less muscular than Beast in the off-season.  I sometimes wonder if I even look like I train in the off-season.   ::)
It's an you get leaner and more defined, you look more jacked, even though you are smaller. 

I think Beast looks more like a figure competitor tbh. I don't see the big muscles.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 08:07:14 AM
I think Beast looks more like a figure competitor tbh. I don't see the big muscles.

I get that too...I'm smaller than her, actually.  At least I think I am!

I don't think that will be the case when she's in contest shape. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 21, 2008, 08:09:24 AM

You look more muscular as you get leaner.  I look less muscular than Beast in the off-season.  I sometimes wonder if I even look like I train in the off-season.   ::)
It's an you get leaner and more defined, you look more jacked, even though you are smaller.  

Are you saying that THE BEAST is a fatty? What is your problem she looks great!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 08:10:26 AM
Are you saying that THE BEAST is a fatty? What is your problem she looks great!

NO, I said that I look less muscular than the Beast when I am off-season, so that would make ME the fatty.   ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 21, 2008, 08:11:36 AM

I get that too...I'm smaller than her, actually.  At least I think I am!

I don't think that will be the case when she's in contest shape. 

She has muscular thighs but other than that I don't think she really looks like a bodybuilder. I think Kelly Ripa looks more muscular than her with better muscle separation!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on February 21, 2008, 08:13:16 AM

NO, I said that I look less muscular than the Beast when I am off-season, so that would make ME the fatty.   ;D

Is there something "ripitupbaby"?  ::)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 08:32:57 AM
hahahaha  Kelly Ripa, oh brother.   ::)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 21, 2008, 09:11:46 AM this point we are both lil fatties :)

and Danielson I dwarf many of the little figure girls, some of the bigger girls that don't do as well in National Level shows are more my size but 2 years ago I was told by Sandy Ranalli (sp?) head judge at most national level shows that I am TOO big to be a figure competitor.  DOn't foget the past few years they have really cut back on the muscle, ESPECIALLY the leg muscle of figure girls. 

You going to be at the Arnold?  See for yourself  :)

But no I am not a HUGE bber, nor will I ever be...there is only so much muscle I can add in a year, more then anything I will hopefully be a bit leaner on stage and bring up some of my weak points from last year.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Playboy on February 21, 2008, 10:59:16 AM this point we are both lil fatties :)

and Danielson I dwarf many of the little figure girls, some of the bigger girls that don't do as well in National Level shows are more my size but 2 years ago I was told by Sandy Ranalli (sp?) head judge at most national level shows that I am TOO big to be a figure competitor.  DOn't foget the past few years they have really cut back on the muscle, ESPECIALLY the leg muscle of figure girls. 

You going to be at the Arnold?  See for yourself  :)

But no I am not a HUGE bber, nor will I ever be...there is only so much muscle I can add in a year, more then anything I will hopefully be a bit leaner on stage and bring up some of my weak points from last year.
I smell another trophy coming your way, Jen  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 21, 2008, 02:35:31 PM
i can tell you  few things...the Beast has one of the most amazing backs i have ever seen, and she has definatly put on some gooooooood size this year.....she looks great, and is more then definatly a BBer....i know that
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 21, 2008, 02:46:07 PM
hahahaha  Kelly Ripa, oh brother.   ::)

Kelly Ripa looks good for an older lady and she stays in shape year round. Any girl can diet down for 2 months a year, Kelly stays lean all the time. Why U hatin ???




Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 21, 2008, 06:31:45 PM
Kelly Ripa looks good for an older lady and she stays in shape year round. Any girl can diet down for 2 months a year, Kelly stays lean all the time. Why U hatin ???

Kelly Ripa is beautiful and looks fantastic, but she doesn't look more muscular than Jenny.  Jenny has 30 pounds on her, and they are 30 good pounds. 

Brutal photoshopping on the first and third pic too...  ::)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 21, 2008, 08:56:45 PM

Kelly Ripa is beautiful and looks fantastic, but she doesn't look more muscular than Jenny.  Jenny has 30 pounds on her, and they are 30 good pounds. 

Brutal photoshopping on the first and third pic too...  ::)

Well, I would have to see them next to each other. I am not knocking The Beast btw, she just doesn't look overly muscular to me, which isn't a bad thing considering she's a girl and all :P How come Kelly Ripa is lean year round and all the BBing girls look all bloated most of the year? It seems like BBers would want to put their best foot forward all year to me, especially considering how vain girls are about putting on weight etc.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: John Stutz on February 22, 2008, 02:31:07 AM

Brutal photoshopping on the first and third pic too...  ::)

If by "brutal" you mean "highly skillful" I concur!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 04:39:42 AM
Well, I would have to see them next to each other. I am not knocking The Beast btw, she just doesn't look overly muscular to me, which isn't a bad thing considering she's a girl and all :P How come Kelly Ripa is lean year round and all the BBing girls look all bloated most of the year? It seems like BBers would want to put their best foot forward all year to me, especially considering how vain girls are about putting on weight etc.

LOL yes, I meant highly skilled photoshopping  ;D

Kelly is lean year round because she weighs about 90 pounds.  She doesn't have much muscle at all.   You can't grow muscle without a little body fat.

Do you think that the Beast looks bloated most of the year?  You saw her 12 weeks out pics and said she looks nice and lean....a size 4, in fact.  So what's your point?

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 22, 2008, 06:33:10 AM
Let's not forget when the Beast was on CNN!! :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 06:35:34 AM

LOL yes, I meant highly skilled photoshopping  ;D

Kelly is lean year round because she weighs about 90 pounds.  She doesn't have much muscle at all.   You can't grow muscle without a little body fat.

Do you think that the Beast looks bloated most of the year?  You saw her 12 weeks out pics and said she looks nice and lean....a size 4, in fact.  So what's your point?

Kelly looks to me like she is close to 100 pounds. No Beast doesn't look bloated(I don't know what 12 weeks out means but I am assuming she doesn't get any heavier than that?), but she doesn't look nearly as lean as Kelly and from listening to you and Beast talk it seems like both of you are happier when you are leaner so why not have more willpower like Kelly and be ripped year round? I understand about gaining a little fat to put on muscle, and looking in contest shape year round would be gross and unhealthy, but  being lean like Kelly is obviously doable so I don;t understand why everyone doesn't do it :) Btw, now I am not talking about Beast or even just females for that matter, it has always bugged me how even male bbers get all sloppy for most of the year. I never saw the point of only looking good 2 months out of the year personally.

Kelly Ripa on David Letterman
Just in case you missed David Letterman on Thursday, April 29, I thought I tell you about Kelly Ripa's (ex-Hayley) appearance. Dave was mesmerized by her slim looks and set out to guess her weight! Later in the program, a scale appeared and Kelly allowed the world to see that she weighed 108 lbs. Not to let her be the only one, Dave stepped on the scale to weigh 190 lbs. and Paul Shaffer weighed in at 175 lbs. Dave also brought up that he had always thought that soap stars had large heads...Kelly admitted that she was always told by the wardrobe department that she did have a large head. As you watch AMC today, take a look at your favorite star--do they have a big head?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 06:36:22 AM
Let's not forget when the Beast was on CNN!! :)

Kelly is on ABC right now! :P
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 07:14:52 AM
LOL I had no idea the Beast was on CNN...that's awesome!   :D

I guess it all depends on perspective...Yes, I think Jenny and I both feel better when we are leaner, and we do a good deal of bitching about being least I know I do.   ;D

But that's just because we've seen ourselves soooo lean that anything else starts to look and feel fat.  Personally, I'd guess that I look "good" (meaning I am personally happy with the way I look) at least six months out of the year, even if I bitch about it 10 months.  And for us FBBs, even when we are feeling fat and gross, we still tend to hold fat better than the average person because we still look trained and have some semblance of a decent shape.

And it IS all about perspective.  I've posted some pics here of what I look like at the peak of my off-season when I am feeling my absolulte fattest, and alot of people prefer that look A LOT more than the super lean look.

Kelly Ripa pretty much always looks the same...she's not trying to change her physique all the time and see what she's capable of in terms of challenging herself physically.  Part of being a BB is constantly changing your physique and trying to improve it over time.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 07:25:46 AM
LOL I had no idea the Beast was on CNN...that's awesome!   :D

I guess it all depends on perspective...Yes, I think Jenny and I both feel better when we are leaner, and we do a good deal of bitching about being least I know I do.   ;D

But that's just because we've seen ourselves soooo lean that anything else starts to look and feel fat.  Personally, I'd guess that I look "good" (meaning I am personally happy with the way I look) at least six months out of the year, even if I bitch about it 10 months.  And for us FBBs, even when we are feeling fat and gross, we still tend to hold fat better than the average person because we still look trained and have some semblance of a decent shape.

And it IS all about perspective.  I've posted some pics here of what I look like at the peak of my off-season when I am feeling my absolulte fattest, and alot of people prefer that look A LOT more than the super lean look.

Kelly Ripa pretty much always looks the same...she's not trying to change her physique all the time and see what she's capable of in terms of challenging herself physically.  Part of being a BB is constantly changing your physique and trying to improve it over time.

It just doesn't make any sense to me. Most women I know want to look their best all year, I see them in the gyms every morning worrying about those last few vanity pounds etc. Yet the girls who are really into the way they look, the bbers, they are content with only looking good 6 months out of the year. That means that half the year they don't like the way they look! I have a friend, Meathead, who does that type of thing, puts on like 20 pounds in the winter or whatever. One time he was going to a concert and he told me he wasn't excited about it cuz he wasn't in "concert shape"! Even he, a man doesn't like doing certain things while he is not lean. Doesn't it kill you ladies carrying around extra fat? I just don't get it. Btw, stop hating on Kelly Ripa :P
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 07:42:42 AM
It just doesn't make any sense to me. Most women I know want to look their best all year, I see them in the gyms every morning worrying about those last few vanity pounds etc. Yet the girls who are really into the way they look, the bbers, they are content with only looking good 6 months out of the year. That means that half the year they don't like the way they look! I have a friend, Meathead, who does that type of thing, puts on like 20 pounds in the winter or whatever. One time he was going to a concert and he told me he wasn't excited about it cuz he wasn't in "concert shape"! Even he, a man doesn't like doing certain things while he is not lean. Doesn't it kill you ladies carrying around extra fat? I just don't get it. Btw, stop hating on Kelly Ripa :P

LOL @ concert shape.   ;D

Don't forget that a little extra fat and water makes a person much stronger too.  I wouldn't be benching big if I was keeping myself in a caloric deficit. 
I have a feeling I could outbench Kelly Ripa by a few pounds. 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 07:50:04 AM

LOL @ concert shape.   ;D

Don't forget that a little extra fat and water makes a person much stronger too.  I wouldn't be benching big if I was keeping myself in a caloric deficit. 
I have a feeling I could outbench Kelly Ripa by a few pounds. 

Well, you have an excuse to get all rolly-polly, cuz you are doing that bench contest and being strong is more important to you then looking lean. But I am referring to the women who actually do care about looking lean and fit, yet they look like shit half the year just to put on some extra muscle. It just doesn't make sense to me to gain so much weight for half the year, especially considering how vain most women are(not you though cuz you want to bench big :P)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 08:07:06 AM
Well, you have an excuse to get all rolly-polly, cuz you are doing that bench contest and being strong is more important to you then looking lean. But I am referring to the women who actually do care about looking lean and fit, yet they look like shit half the year just to put on some extra muscle. It just doesn't make sense to me to gain so much weight for half the year, especially considering how vain most women are(not you though cuz you want to bench big :P)

OH I'm vain alright...otherwise, I wouldn't bitch about being a fattie half the year.   :P

It's all about tradeoffs.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Top Dog on February 22, 2008, 08:29:20 AM
We always assume that bodybuilders look like the pix they take around contest time which is lean and mean and quite frankly, their best. Once that offseason rolls around you'ere looking at a different person, bloated faces, etc.  It's so startling to see someone like a britt Miller who looks great in most of the photos you see, looking like a linebacker most of the year. I know it's hard work getting that size (gear included) but I'll take Kelly Ripa year round. I am a fan of BB but I just can't understand why a female would do the things they do to their body for very little.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 08:50:59 AM

OH I'm vain alright...otherwise, I wouldn't bitch about being a fattie half the year.   :P

It's all about tradeoffs.

I know you are, I was joking. My point is that Kelly is super old yet looks lean all year. Don't you think that people like her make women bbers look bad by comparison when she walks around looking better than them for most of the year? This really confuses me.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 09:00:38 AM
I know you are, I was joking. My point is that Kelly is super old yet looks lean all year. Don't you think that people like her make women bbers look bad by comparison when she walks around looking better than them for most of the year? This really confuses me.

NO because it's all relative, and I personally think she looks a bit skinny and borderline anorexic, although she's gotten A LOT better ever since she got so much bad press for being nothing but a bag of bones.  The pics you posted were clearly after she made an effort to put some weight on when everyone was giving her hell for being an anorexic. 
Not many people find that super lean look very attractive, and I would bet that alot of guys would prefer a curvy, off-season bodybuilder who is cute in the face to a super skinny chick with ribs showing and 7 inch arms.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 09:11:05 AM

NO because it's all relative, and I personally think she looks a bit skinny and borderline anorexic, although she's gotten A LOT better ever since she got so much bad press for being nothing but a bag of bones.  The pics you posted were clearly after she made an effort to put some weight on when everyone was giving her hell for being an anorexic. 
Not many people find that super lean look very attractive, and I would bet that alot of guys would prefer a curvy, off-season bodybuilder who is cute in the face to a super skinny chick with ribs showing and 7 inch arms.

I agree that many people don't prefer that look, my point is that she stays lean year round, and I was wondering why female BBers don't have her willpower.  I think that if Kelly can do it at her age then there is no reason for female BBers to get fat in the offseason. Like I said before, I don't see the point of looking good for half the year, why not stay relatively lean all year and then really cut up for contests?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 22, 2008, 11:44:11 AM
Well a big part of the reason we don't stay lean all year round is we have different goals then Kelly Ripa.  She is getting a fat paycheck for staying very lean and in the spotlight...we are trying to put on muscle and prepare our bodies and minds for the dieting season.  In my off-season I don't get completely ridiculous like putting on 50 pounds and even though I joke about being a fatty I am still well under 20% bodyfat even at my worse.  Normally I put on about 20 which allows me to eat pretty freely, train very hard and enjoy my life.  I actually like my off-season look, I love my butt when it is full and thick...I personally wouldn't want to look like Kelly Ripa in the on season or off season, I like all of my looks better then being very skinny.

Not that I don't enjoy my life when I am dieting but it is strict and regimented...the reason I diet so hard is for the ultimate goal of looking good on stage and competing...

These are all off-season shots...

One more thing....
Part of the reason you may think we look so bloated in the off-season is because most all of our pics are taken when we are at our leanest and dehydrated...the people with the prettiest on stage faces have the biggest/fullest/fatest faces off season regardless of being a bber.  People just get use to seeing them thinned out so it looks worse then it actually it.  We also just look bigger because of the underlying muscle even though we are leaner then an average person. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 22, 2008, 12:17:51 PM
What a cute couple!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: davidpaul on February 22, 2008, 12:37:21 PM
Well a big part of the reason we don't stay lean all year round is we have different goals then Kelly Ripa.  She is getting a fat paycheck for staying very lean and in the spotlight...we are trying to put on muscle and prepare our bodies and minds for the dieting season.  In my off-season I don't get completely ridiculous like putting on 50 pounds and even though I joke about being a fatty I am still well under 20% bodyfat even at my worse.  Normally I put on about 20 which allows me to eat pretty freely, train very hard and enjoy my life.  I actually like my off-season look, I love my butt when it is full and thick...I personally wouldn't want to look like Kelly Ripa in the on season or off season, I like all of my looks better then being very skinny.

Not that I don't enjoy my life when I am dieting but it is strict and regimented...the reason I diet so hard is for the ultimate goal of looking good on stage and competing...

These are all off-season shots...

One more thing....
Part of the reason you may think we look so bloated in the off-season is because most all of our pics are taken when we are at our leanest and dehydrated...the people with the prettiest on stage faces have the biggest/fullest/fatest faces off season regardless of being a bber.  People just get use to seeing them thinned out so it looks worse then it actually it.  We also just look bigger because of the underlying muscle even though we are leaner then an average person. 

Great pics.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 02:05:57 PM

Great pics.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Playboy on February 22, 2008, 02:12:36 PM
Well a big part of the reason we don't stay lean all year round is we have different goals then Kelly Ripa.  She is getting a fat paycheck for staying very lean and in the spotlight...we are trying to put on muscle and prepare our bodies and minds for the dieting season.  In my off-season I don't get completely ridiculous like putting on 50 pounds and even though I joke about being a fatty I am still well under 20% bodyfat even at my worse.  Normally I put on about 20 which allows me to eat pretty freely, train very hard and enjoy my life.  I actually like my off-season look, I love my butt when it is full and thick...I personally wouldn't want to look like Kelly Ripa in the on season or off season, I like all of my looks better then being very skinny.

Not that I don't enjoy my life when I am dieting but it is strict and regimented...the reason I diet so hard is for the ultimate goal of looking good on stage and competing...

These are all off-season shots...

One more thing....
Part of the reason you may think we look so bloated in the off-season is because most all of our pics are taken when we are at our leanest and dehydrated...the people with the prettiest on stage faces have the biggest/fullest/fatest faces off season regardless of being a bber.  People just get use to seeing them thinned out so it looks worse then it actually it.  We also just look bigger because of the underlying muscle even though we are leaner then an average person. 

And you look amazing Jen. Plus, Lets not forget the millions of dollars Kelly Ripa or other stars with loads of cash and far too much time on their hands spend on plastic surgery, tummy tucks, buttocks reductions, etc, etc, etc.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 22, 2008, 02:16:59 PM
And you look amazing Jen. Plus, Lets not forget the millions of dollars Kelly Ripa or other stars with loads of cash and far too much time on their hands spend on plastic surgery, tummy tucks, buttocks reductions, etc, etc, etc.

Fwiw, my Kelly Ripa comparison had nothing to do with Beast or anyone in particular, just a general observation that for most of the year Kelly looks leaner than most female BBers, to me anyway.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 22, 2008, 07:25:28 PM
What a cute couple!

I agree!   :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 22, 2008, 07:47:52 PM
and a nice guy.....though i dont think he was too sure about me talking to his woman....:P

all i know is....


same with rip....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 23, 2008, 12:26:35 AM
all i know is....


same with rip....

+1 to that!!! Hahaha ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on February 23, 2008, 02:25:58 PM
We couldn't look like what we do when we compete if we didn't look like what we do during off season (did that statement make any sense?) order to put on muscle, you have to be taking in extra calories, and you have to gain weight.  Without adding muscle, a bodybuilder (or fitness/figure competitor) would never be able to look like they do on show-day.  (Some fitness/figure competitors might be able to get away with it if they have been lifting for a long time, have "quality, mature" muscle, and are content with their physique...but most likely not bodybuilders)

Although Kelly looks "skinny"...I would doubt that her bodyfat is much lower than Beast's.  It is actually very unhealthy for a bodybuilder to maintain that leanness year round.  A lot of physique athletes look "big" in the off-season because we have muscle and then a small layer of fat on top of the muscle giving us that "off-season look"-- when in reality, our bodyfats are probably less than most "skinny-looking" people.

Besides, no one would ever build a physique or improve their physique if they looked stage ready year round.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on February 23, 2008, 03:32:24 PM
I have to agree with Tigereyes here,  who's statements always make sense by the way.

Kelly has a much lower muscle mass than Jen,  so that even if Kelly has less total body fat right now I doubt her BF% is much lower if lower at all.

Plus fat distribution is highly variable between individuals -  Kelly always has very cut arms,  but in a bikini her legs and abs do not show much definition.

Just to add one thing Tigereyes did not cover,  for women keeping a low  BF % all year round can lead to extensive bone loss, even with exercise.  This is much worse if they are natural because the loss in estrogen production is not replaced by aromatization of exogenous androgens.
Calcium supplements and nutrient supplementation can help but not much.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 23, 2008, 04:30:08 PM
We couldn't look like what we do when we compete if we didn't look like what we do during off season (did that statement make any sense?) order to put on muscle, you have to be taking in extra calories, and you have to gain weight.  Without adding muscle, a bodybuilder (or fitness/figure competitor) would never be able to look like they do on show-day.  (Some fitness/figure competitors might be able to get away with it if they have been lifting for a long time, have "quality, mature" muscle, and are content with their physique...but most likely not bodybuilders)

Although Kelly looks "skinny"...I would doubt that her bodyfat is much lower than Beast's.  It is actually very unhealthy for a bodybuilder to maintain that leanness year round.  A lot of physique athletes look "big" in the off-season because we have muscle and then a small layer of fat on top of the muscle giving us that "off-season look"-- when in reality, our bodyfats are probably less than most "skinny-looking" people.

Besides, no one would ever build a physique or improve their physique if they looked stage ready year round.

Wouldn't you rather look good and be able to wear your skinny jeans all year? Seems like a really big sacrifice lugging around all the extra weight.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on February 24, 2008, 10:42:09 AM
Danielson, it's a very good point, and many "normal" women would agree with you...but you must remember, we are competitive athletes, and our off-season building programs are part of our sport.  When I was a gymnast, did I like 7am morning conditioning? No.  But I did it because I knew it would make me better.  Do football players like 3-a-day practices in the heat of summer.  Probably not, but they do it because it prepares them for their season and makes them better.

It is a part of our sport, and it makes us better when we step on stage the next time.  And besides, most off-season physique athletes are still in better shape than 95% of the population.

The diet needed to compete is so much more extreme than what a typical "skinny" woman eats to stay "skinny."  There is no room for "moderation," or making up for a splurge by skipping a few meals, and the monotony of eating the same thing day after day, meal after meal is enough to drive someone insane.  A competition diet requires perfection (or close to it), and it is so physically and mentally draining, that after a long competition season, you just need a break.  And once you take that break, even if you are eating like a "normal, skinny" woman does, you will inevitably gain weight.

So, yes, I like being in competition shape, but I also like to be able to go out with friends and family and enjoy myself.  And no, right now I don't look like I do in my photos from the summer, but I also don't mind how I look now either.  There are benefits and disadvantages to both's all just a part of the sport (and thats why it takes a special type of person to compete in our sport  ;))

And I don't think any of us fit into "skinny jeans" anyways....we all have too much muscle on our legs  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:18:48 PM
Beast do you want me to send you my baseball collection from when I was a kid? :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:22:14 PM
Danielson, it's a very good point, and many "normal" women would agree with you...but you must remember, we are competitive athletes, and our off-season building programs are part of our sport.  When I was a gymnast, did I like 7am morning conditioning? No.  But I did it because I knew it would make me better.  Do football players like 3-a-day practices in the heat of summer.  Probably not, but they do it because it prepares them for their season and makes them better.

It is a part of our sport, and it makes us better when we step on stage the next time.  And besides, most off-season physique athletes are still in better shape than 95% of the population.

The diet needed to compete is so much more extreme than what a typical "skinny" woman eats to stay "skinny."  There is no room for "moderation," or making up for a splurge by skipping a few meals, and the monotony of eating the same thing day after day, meal after meal is enough to drive someone insane.  A competition diet requires perfection (or close to it), and it is so physically and mentally draining, that after a long competition season, you just need a break.  And once you take that break, even if you are eating like a "normal, skinny" woman does, you will inevitably gain weight.

So, yes, I like being in competition shape, but I also like to be able to go out with friends and family and enjoy myself.  And no, right now I don't look like I do in my photos from the summer, but I also don't mind how I look now either.  There are benefits and disadvantages to both's all just a part of the sport (and thats why it takes a special type of person to compete in our sport  ;))

And I don't think any of us fit into "skinny jeans" anyways....we all have too much muscle on our legs  ;)

I understand what you are saying, but to me it doesn't seem worth it. If I were a woman I would rather look svelte year round, not stage ready or anything, but you know what I mean.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 24, 2008, 04:27:03 PM
I understand what you are saying, but to me it doesn't seem worth it. If I were a woman I would rather look svelte year round, not stage ready or anything, but you know what I mean.

Yes...but you are arguing with competitors who, for the most part, look damn good during their off-season.  And you're missing the point.    :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:30:46 PM

Yes...but you are arguing with competitors who, for the most part, look damn good during their off-season.  And you're missing the point.    :)

I am not arguing I am trying to understand for one and also help you ladies realize that if Kelly Ripa can be lean year round, then you girls can too, with a little willpower of course. You know I only brought this up cuz of a comment you made where you kind of said that Beast would have more fun when you two meet up cuz she would be leaner. I thought to myself that if being lean equals more fun(and according to my concert going buddy it definitely does ;D), then why not stay lean all year and have more fun ???
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ~flower~ on February 24, 2008, 04:32:20 PM

  unbeknownst to her, kelly ripa is not going to be stepping on a stage competing in a bb'ing contest

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:34:05 PM

  unbeknownst to her, kelly ripa is not going to be stepping on a stage competing in a bb'ing contest


She is just an example. I watch her in the morning and notice how ripped she is, no offseason either! Will you send Beast your old baseballs too? :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ~flower~ on February 24, 2008, 04:43:14 PM
Will you send Beast your old baseballs too? :)

  Does Beast need some old balls? 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:44:50 PM
  Does Beast need some old balls? 
She likes to play with old balls! :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:48:59 PM
Tigereyes, I love you!  We seem to think nearly exactly the same...and you are sooooo right-we will NEVER fit into skinny jeans, or most normal jeans for that matter no matter what season it is!

Danielson, we are never going to agree about this because as we have all said...we are athletes first and it is part of this sport.  Again I would rather look the way that I look at any point in my year then how Kelly looks everyday, period.  I don't find skinny attractive, especially not for me.  This doesn't mean we still can't kid about being fatties, I would actually bet that even in the peak of my off-season I am leaner then Kelly normally is-she is probably just leaner then most others you will see on tv which is why it stands out.  

Thanks Playboy :)  

and Stella and Lori-hehe obviously he is a little older then me but at least he gets my bbing and my life which is hard to find.  Personally I think he is hot.  

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:50:07 PM
Beast do you want me to send you my baseball collection from when I was a kid? :)


old balls??  I do like them aged....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:52:49 PM

old balls??  I do like them aged....
It's just a line from Big Daddy. The kid always said the girl with the old boyfriend likes old balls. I was just playing.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:53:57 PM
New Pics from Friday.  Unfortunately didn't get to really lift with Shane but did meet him up at the gym.

I am 10 weeks out in the pics, my new suits are on the way
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:54:55 PM
It's just a line from Big Daddy. The kid always said the girl with the old boyfriend likes old balls. I was just playing.

I should have gotten that because one of my best friends made the same joke...I blame it on the lack of carbs   ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on February 24, 2008, 04:55:13 PM
You look a little leaner already.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:56:15 PM
totally forogt to take pics from the back though, duhhhh
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 04:58:41 PM
Is that previous side tricep correct (the one you mentioned Rip), wasn't sure about the foot placement...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 24, 2008, 05:02:16 PM
Thanks Danny Boy, I think so too but from my diet and cardio it seems like I should be at 6% bodyfat by now  :'( hehe I am sure the other competitors understand!!

BTW Dave upped my cardio 10 minutes so I am up to 80 minutes 7 days a week.  He did say I looked good and I asked if I was still allowed a cheat meal and he said yes, thank God for that as it really helps to keep me going.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Princess L on February 24, 2008, 05:32:43 PM

BTW Dave upped my cardio 10 minutes so I am up to 80 minutes 7 days a week.  He did say I looked good and I asked if I was still allowed a cheat meal and he said yes, thank God for that as it really helps to keep me going.

How are you splitting that up and what is your cardio of choice?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 24, 2008, 07:16:55 PM
HOLY are looking awesome young lady.........

i cant wait so see what you are gonna look like on stage......

you freaking know that?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on February 24, 2008, 08:52:43 PM
HOLY are looking awesome young lady.........

i cant wait so see what you are gonna look like on stage......

you freaking know that?
What about me? How do I look?  ???  :-\  :'(   :P  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 24, 2008, 10:17:21 PM
What about me? How do I look?  ???  :-\  :'(   :P  ;)


well....i have....




no comment

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 25, 2008, 03:49:02 AM
Lookin awesome Jenny...leaner!!  Your abs are going to be nice and deep, I'm jealous!   :P

I have a couple pics of that side tricep shot from my posing practices that I'll email you...Carla would set me up with the right pose and then snap a pic...basically the back leg needs to step back a little more and turn the knee outward to really show the back calf.  Not sure which one you'll end up liking look good doing both.

I wanted to ask you about splitting up that cardio as well??

Block's lookin good too!!   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 25, 2008, 04:42:17 AM
Nice!!! Good work! Let us know if you do any changes about your diet.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on February 25, 2008, 05:52:48 AM
Beast, you are looking GREAT!  How many weeks out now?

And to Danielson.....we all get what you are saying....and you do make some valid points, but the fact that you consider Kelly Rippa "ripped" just shows that we are on completely different pages  ;D.  Beast or Rip, post a contest picture of what "ripped" means, LOL>

And Beast, by the way, I remember reading threads about you way back when (before I really started lifting heavy) where you were squatting something like 315?  I was so amazed, and I always thought wow, I could never do that, but thought it was so cool.  Yesterday I was able to do 255 for 5 good reps...and I was so excited, LOL. Not quite 315, but there's hope, LOL.  And now from seeing your legs in your pics....WOW, no wonder why you were able to squat so much!

Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 25, 2008, 06:00:21 AM
Jen..looking very good!  What is the brand and name of your toenail polish? :)

What about me? How do I look?  ???  :-\  :'(   :P  ;)

Block be stylin' in his jammies ;D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on February 25, 2008, 06:43:32 AM
What about me? How do I look?  ???  :-\  :'(   :P  ;)

like a fag with beautifullly plucked eyebrows.

:) looking big as a house block, ur chest looks awesome.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 25, 2008, 09:44:41 AM
Thanks everyone, need all the motivation I can get some days :)

Cardio...well I have 80 minutes and I never want to do more then 60 minutes in a session.  He didn't give me any guidance but from my own experience over 60 minutes is just too much.  Normally I do 45-60 minutes in the morning and the rest at night.  today I did 55 minutes on the stairmill and then will finish up with 25 on the treadmill tonight probably.

As far as cardio of choice...either incline walking on the treadmill, keep it above an 8% incline and 2.8 speed.  Throughout the workout I will put the incline up to 15% and up to 3.6 speed but at the higher inclines and speeds I will hold onto the top of the machine.  I try to not hold on for about half of the workout.

For the stairs I do levels 3-5 and occasionally will put it on one of the programs if I am completely brain dead.  Throughout the stair workout I try to do some side steps and backwards stepping to change it up a bit. 

My night cardio is after my workout which is why I try to get the bulk of it in earlier.  Not sure what I am going to do once he ups it to 2 hours a day which is where I fear it is going.

I was talking with my friend Nicole last night and she was questioning the amount of cardio as well as the fact that I don't have a day off.  She asked why I haven't questioned this...I suppose she is right, I should at least see why I don't even have a day off to recoup but I suppuse I am just following exactly what he tells me to do and see what kind of results I get. 

TigerEyes you mentioned my old lifts... :) I miss those days but now even though I am probably stronger I have had a few lower back tweaks and normally I don't go above 295 on my heaviest days.  You are right there if you are repping 255.  I don't think this is as impressive as other do, I just think with consistant heavy lifting you see results and most people don't push themselves hard on legs because it is hard.

Thanks BigB!  Sometimes I wonder how I will get lean enough in just under 10 weeks but I will end up driving myself crazy if I think about it all the time.  Thanks for being a friend.

Mazda, no changes in the diet so far.  I can't wait for tomorrow-one of my high fat days and all I can think about is that first tablespoon of peanut butter in the morning.  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 25, 2008, 10:42:28 AM
Jen..looking very good!  What is the brand and name of your toenail polish? :)

My boyfriend picked it out at the is an OPI color and looks flourescent...

:)  Boys
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: IrishMuscle84 on February 25, 2008, 10:52:36 AM
Hey, i know that bald headed N---a, could that be?? yup thats the Blockhead, with the lovely Jenny ''The Beast". Hey, you guys make a cute couple ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 25, 2008, 11:03:11 AM

As far as cardio of choice...either incline walking on the treadmill, keep it above an 8% incline and 2.8 speed.  Throughout the workout I will put the incline up to 15% and up to 3.6 speed but at the higher inclines and speeds I will hold onto the top of the machine.  I try to not hold on for about half of the workout.

Jen, are you consciously squeezing your glutes w/each step here?

My night cardio is after my workout which is why I try to get the bulk of it in earlier.  Not sure what I am going to do once he ups it to 2 hours a day which is where I fear it is going.

Maybe buying/downloading some new music will help!

My boyfriend picked it out at the is an OPI color and looks flourescent...

:)  Boys
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 25, 2008, 01:32:41 PM
Jen..looking very good!  What is the brand and name of your toenail polish? :)

Post is now officially off limits to any guys after that one.

No man can now post here.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 25, 2008, 02:38:38 PM

Thanks BigB!  Sometimes I wonder how I will get lean enough in just under 10 weeks but I will end up driving myself crazy if I think about it all the time.  Thanks for being a friend.

you'll get there young lady....and you will look amazing.....that i have no doubt about.  and reading this thread and well the rest of this posts.....i can see how you have kept your nickname....

you know im can such a gorgeous young lady have such a burly nickname....heard the story...ok cool...i can see that....but reading this....YOU ARE A BEAST.........

and a great friend as well...........
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 25, 2008, 07:13:03 PM
Block be stylin' in his jammies ;D

Indeed.  I need a pair of those!   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on February 25, 2008, 09:21:41 PM
Hi Beast

Here is a message from Bulklover  (who apparently has been banned here (or something like that based
on his 'rep'  alone  LOL.  Rip is working on getting him back tho) in response to your recent pix posts. 



From Bulklover:

 JLC, nice pix!  . . . you are enough to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained glass window!  BOO-YAH!!"  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 26, 2008, 04:07:30 AM
I did send Ron a PM about the problem he is having with his account...Jenn should probably do the same.  Ron responds more quickly when he is bombarded by the ladies.   :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 26, 2008, 07:57:08 AM
bulk is a good guy....

that is all...

oh yeah...





now seriously...

that is all
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on February 27, 2008, 08:45:14 AM
Well I pmed Ron and he said that Bulky wasn't banned so I am not sure what happened...maybe Bulky is taking another break from bbing.

Stella, unfortunatley there is no way I could get through an hour of the stair mill if I thought about every step!  I try to stay in it by switching the direction, walking backwards, skipping steps, pushing back leg out and squeezing, going on toes, etc.  but no I don't think every step about squeezing my glutes.

Well I was getting a little nervous that I was eating too much peanut butter and was going to develop an allergy which would devastate me...I just get a little clogged up after eating it and love it so much more then cashews or almonds because it is so creamy.  Anyway I went out and bought some Almond butter which I haven't had in 2 years and I have a new love affair.  Seriously I want to smear it all over my boyfriend and lick it off. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 27, 2008, 10:20:38 AM
Well I was getting a little nervous that I was eating too much peanut butter and was going to develop an allergy which would devastate me...I just get a little clogged up after eating it and love it so much more then cashews or almonds because it is so creamy.  Anyway I went out and bought some Almond butter which I haven't had in 2 years and I have a new love affair.  Seriously I want to smear it all over my boyfriend and lick it off. 


I used to love it...but I ate so much almond butter during my prep one time a couple of years ago that I still cannot eat much of it to this day.   :-\

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on February 27, 2008, 12:21:08 PM
DAMN!!!! Your boyfriend is a lucky guy!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on February 27, 2008, 05:22:42 PM
Jen!  Hey, thanks for the backstage pass!!  I'm in!!

Now Mazda and I will conspire to find a way to push your BF down a flight of stairs.  Heehee!  Lookin' good, doll!    ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 27, 2008, 05:30:36 PM
Jen!  Hey, thanks for the backstage pass!!  I'm in!!

Now Mazda and I will conspire to find a way to push your BF down a flight of stairs.  Heehee!  Lookin' good, doll!    ;)

Bthomas is that you?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 27, 2008, 06:35:12 PM
Bthomas is that you?

bulk is even more dashing and smooth then i
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on February 27, 2008, 09:39:28 PM
Jen!  Hey, thanks for the backstage pass!!  I'm in!!

Now Mazda and I will conspire to find a way to push your BF down a flight of stairs.  Heehee!  Lookin' good, doll!    ;)

There goes another neighborhood.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 28, 2008, 08:23:27 AM
There goes another neighborhood.

dude i said that in regards to bulk on page three......

geez man, pay attention.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on February 28, 2008, 10:50:26 AM
Beast, just wondering if you've started having dreams yet of eating cake and stuff :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on February 28, 2008, 11:01:31 AM
dude i said that in regards to bulk on page three......

geez man, pay attention.

hahaha!  The great bthomas is a one-man owning machine 8)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on February 28, 2008, 01:59:03 PM
hahaha!  The great bthomas is a one-man owning machine 8)

Man no kidding he is quick with the comebacks.  People better play it cool around Bthomas or he will put a brutal owning on anyone.  Thats also what the ladies like a guy who can make em laugh and handle himself online without melting down.  Dude has it all great looks, money, awesome sense of humor and unmatched strength and mass.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on February 28, 2008, 03:36:21 PM
Holy crap!  Is that Pandmo??  Emery's Pandmo?  Mon, if that's you, you are ubiquitous . . . and everywhere too!!

BThomas, are youuuuuu Bernie??  In a nutshell . . . I recognize that mug.  Heh, heh.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on February 28, 2008, 03:39:34 PM
Holy crap!  Is that Pandmo??  Emery's Pandmo?  Mon, if that's you, you are ubiquitous . . . and everywhere too!!

BThomas, are youuuuuu Bernie??  In a nutshell . . . I recognize that mug.  Heh, heh.

LOL different Pando, same Bernie.  ;)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on February 28, 2008, 05:33:54 PM

LOL different Pando, same Bernie.  ;)

rip is correct sir Bulkster.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on February 29, 2008, 11:09:02 PM
Bernie Birnbaum, the Schmata Kid!  Jeez, why are we sucking up valuable Beast thread space chatting HERE instead of chatting at the Arnold? 


"Go get 'em you little Beastie, you!"  And I don't care what Bettina's husband says, you gots muskels.  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 01, 2008, 07:12:53 AM
Hey Beast,

Nice meeting you yesterday at the Arnold. You are in awesome shape for 9 weeks out. Abs already and everything.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 01, 2008, 08:16:00 AM
Bernie Birnbaum, the Schmata Kid!  Jeez, why are we sucking up valuable Beast thread space chatting HERE instead of chatting at the Arnold? 


"Go get 'em you little Beastie, you!"  And I don't care what Bettina's husband says, you gots muskels.  :)

naw a broke ass...and at home in SoCal......ill be at the USA's again this year.  my pop up to the Cal Pro show, or something up in LA this year.........dont know yet.

and yes, the Beast is looking phenominal
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: siouxcountry on March 01, 2008, 11:17:34 AM
Pic taken by Mike from Muscle Mayhem.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 01, 2008, 12:03:47 PM
Pic taken by Mike from Muscle Mayhem.


Very pretty.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on March 01, 2008, 12:05:49 PM
Pic taken by Mike from Muscle Mayhem.

What beautiful eyes!

Looking great Beast :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: powerpack on March 01, 2008, 12:35:30 PM
What beautiful eyes!
They are nice huh  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 02, 2008, 04:28:05 PM
Beast was looking HOT this weekend.  She's gonna be more than ready for her show in 9 weeks. 

Jenn, it was so great to see you!!   :-*

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on March 02, 2008, 04:48:41 PM
I wish i could be there! ;D  :P :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 02, 2008, 05:22:50 PM
Beast was looking HOT this weekend.  She's gonna be more than ready for her show in 9 weeks. 

Jenn, it was so great to see you!!   :-*

two beautiful women....I LOVE IT
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 03, 2008, 04:34:48 AM
The Beast has abs and I am jealous!!   >:(

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 03, 2008, 08:37:56 AM
Well it was great to see all the getbiggers although one of these shows, maybe in Vegas when I am not dieting we should really try to organize an afterparty. 

The weekend was fun, the best part was seeing Lori and Anthony, but exhausting.  I actually skipped one whole day of cardio and lifting which made me feel super guilty since Dave has me on 7 days a week cardio but by Sunday I was beat down and had to work the expo then drive home.  Enough complaining though!!  Didn't really break my diet other then having cocktails on Saturday night...Vodka and saki...that will definitely be the last time before my show. 

Stells I actually haven't been fantasizing or dreaming about food too much yet.  Really I think the high fat days help to satisfy many of those urges and I do still get a cheat meal so I am not going crazy.  Most of my conversations do revolve around food though and yesterday on the way home we stopped at this gas station in Indiana.  This was the most fully stocked small gas station I have ever been too.  They seriously had the most enormous amount of nasty processed foods.  Like under the heat light they had sloppy joes and they had a fridge full of microwavable chili cheese dogs and Krispy Kremes and other pastries.  It was nearly repulsive even to my dieted mind...but the great news is it was the first place I was able to find the Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Soda. 

mmmmm, so if you haven't had it I can definitely say it isn't for everyone.  If I wasn't dieting I can honestlysay i am not sure I would enjoy it...but I am SO I am a huge fan.  It really tastes like a tootsie roll, I don't think it will take the place of my love affair with Diet Mountain Dew but it is pretty awesome.

Stells have you had the DaVinci Syrups?  I just ordered a chocolate one and a carmel one and wanted a preview :)

Ok, haven't taken new pics but will try to take some tonight and post progress ones. 

Thanks for the support everyone!  And thanks Lori for being there for was so great to see you.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on March 03, 2008, 10:29:42 AM

Stells have you had the DaVinci Syrups?  I just ordered a chocolate one and a carmel one and wanted a preview :)

Are those made for coffee?  If so I've had vanilla and hazelnut...yum :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on March 03, 2008, 04:01:52 PM
Oh Jen, Jen, Jen . . . after missing the Arnold, I am boiling and percolating in a deep-fried vat of jealousy juice!!

And you looking toastier than an incoming artillery round isn't helping my state of mind any.  ;)

Tear 'em up at your show!!  See YOU in LV!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 03, 2008, 05:27:50 PM
Wow the Beast has adoring fans all over the country. One is even frying in jealousy juice?  Man pretty wild.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on March 06, 2008, 06:54:37 AM
boiling in jealousy juice...hahahahahahaha  I used that one yesterday thanks bulklover ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on March 06, 2008, 11:17:59 AM
Oh Jen, Jen, Jen . . . after missing the Arnold, I am boiling and percolating in a deep-fried vat of jealousy juice!!

And you looking toastier than an incoming artillery round isn't helping my state of mind any.  ;)

Tear 'em up at your show!!  See YOU in LV!!

Hi Bulk

I thought you told me that you couldn't make the Arnold  because it interfered with your ballet recital and  flower arranging lessons?

Too bad you missed it,  the Beast looked fabulous.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on March 06, 2008, 06:44:52 PM
Hi Bulk

I thought you told me that you couldn't make the Arnold  because it interfered with your ballet recital and  flower arranging lessons?

Too bad you missed it,  the Beast looked fabulous.



. . . and fretting whether or not to organize my Andy Gibb albums in alphabetical or chronological order. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: davidpaul on March 07, 2008, 01:29:17 PM
Wow the Beast has adoring fans all over the country. One is even frying in jealousy juice?  Man pretty wild.

Her dad must be proud of her. ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 08, 2008, 09:59:18 AM
Her dad must be proud of her. ;D
i agree, but i dont see how that has any bearing on this thread........

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 08, 2008, 10:00:57 AM
dont worry about it Bulk, you werent the only one stuck thousands of miles away from the Beastie........:(

i just cant wait til the last weekend of July......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on March 10, 2008, 06:57:01 AM
Hi BT and Bulk

I had the pleasure of briefly chatting with Jen at the Arnold.  She is in great shape and definitely will come in to
her show totally ripped.   Below is a candid to give you a taste of what you missed.  I also have one of her alter ego,
the Beast,  but Rip told me it was too intense for you guys to handle.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 10:13:01 AM
hmmm, what is up with my face in that picture?  did someone photoshop me to look a bit like a monster?  Just wondering and if that picture is posted on HD Physiques I would ask kindly for it to be removed as it is horrible...

Here is one that my friend Quincy took that is quite similar

Missed seeing all you guys too but Vegas is coming up shortly and the weather will be much better too!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 10:29:41 AM
This week has been really tough on me and I know the show is less then 8 weeks away but sometimes that seems so far.  Prior to this week I was having 2 no fat days followed by 2 days with fat in each I was getting one cheat meal per week.  My weight has continued it slow decent and I finally broke under 130 late last week. 

I took pictures Friday after my workout and sent them to Dave.  Now I know I hold fat in my hamstrings and butt, this has always been the case.  After looking at the pictures Dave changed everything which left me feeling pretty low.  I now have 4 days no fat followed by one with fat.  No more cheat meals and 95 minutes of cardio...

I could have taken 2 of those changes in stride but all three are wearing on me with 8 weeks left.  He said I was coming in but we had to get my butt tighter...personally I think the changes are a bit much this far out.  The problem is I don't want to email and question him because it bothers me when people whine to me.  If that is what he thinks I need I guess that is fine but I am very nervous about my mental state in the weeks to come.

Sorry this was after lifting and no makeup  :)  Please give me your honest thoughts...also let me know if you think I am burning away my muscle...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 10:31:24 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 10:34:25 AM
my fat ass....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 10:36:03 AM
tricep shots
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on March 10, 2008, 10:41:57 AM
hmmm, what is up with my face in that picture?  did someone photoshop me to look a bit like a monster?  Just wondering and if that picture is posted on HD Physiques I would ask kindly for it to be removed as it is horrible...

Here is one that my friend Quincy took that is quite similar

Missed seeing all you guys too but Vegas is coming up shortly and the weather will be much better too!

Hi Beast

Sorry about that, I  put it on Myspace so I can link it here (imageshack does not allow getbig posting) and it got super compressed.  The original looks a lot better but I will make sure it will not go up on HDP anyway.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 10, 2008, 10:49:56 AM
Jenny, I think you are looking fantastic at 8 weeks out!  Your bicep veins are in, your abs are coming in nicely, you have good quad separation showing, and your back is shaping up're gonna be in fantastic shape in 8 weeks.  8)

It seems like an awful lot of cardio and not very many carbs this far out from the show, but I have to assume that Dave knows what he is doing.  He's done this a million times before and brought plenty of girls in looking full and shredded, so you gotta have faith.  Do what he says, and don't listen to anyone else!  That's why you are paying him!!

It doesn't appear to me that you are losing mucle at this point, but you are getting leaner.  I cannot believe you are already under 130!  Where are you gonna end up?!?!

And I liked that pic that Doug took, although now that you mention it, it does look a little compressed.  I think that's why I look like such a fat ass in some of my expo pics I posted...they are big photos, so it must be the compression.  ;D

And I am sure that this is not what you want to hear at this point, but you know I am going to say it anyway...YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR EIGHT WEEKS!  It's not even 8 full weeks's gonna FLY by, so hang in there and stay strong!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Playboy on March 10, 2008, 10:56:07 AM
I totally agree with you Rip. Jenny will dominate her division at her next show. She has the size and when she diets down...look out! Great stature and great muscularity. She will do very well.  :)

Rip, I don't even have to remind you how phenomenal you look.    ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: wolfgang187 on March 10, 2008, 10:58:24 AM
The Beast has abs and I am jealous!!   >:(

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 10, 2008, 11:36:13 AM
Hi Beast

Sorry about that, I  put it on Myspace so I can link it here (imageshack does not allow getbig posting) and it got super compressed.  The original looks a lot better but I will make sure it will not go up on HDP anyway.



No problem :)  Thanks for understanding though...if the original looks fine feel free to keep it up as long as I don't look scary!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 10, 2008, 11:39:26 AM
No problem :)  Thanks for understanding though...if the original looks fine feel free to keep it up as long as I don't look scary!

OK I deleted my post with the pic in it too, but ONLY because you are dieting and so you must be extra sensitive!

(LOL you can delete danielson's post now...leave it to him to be the first one to save the pic.  ::))
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on March 10, 2008, 11:41:07 AM

OK I deleted my post with the pic in it too, but ONLY because you are dieting and so you must be extra sensitive!

(LOL you can delete danielson's post now...leave it to him to be the first one to save the pic.  ::))

I didn't save it, I linked it :P

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 10, 2008, 11:48:51 AM
I didn't save it, I linked it :P


Well, I deleted it because the Beast is dieting and doesn't like that pic even though she looks just fine in it.   ;D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on March 10, 2008, 11:50:42 AM

Well, I deleted it because the Beast is dieting and doesn't like that pic even though she looks just fine in it.   ;D

I expect nothing less of you, delete Nazi.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 10, 2008, 11:53:00 AM
I expect nothing less of you, delete Nazi.

oh brother.   ::)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on March 10, 2008, 12:08:13 PM
No problem :)  Thanks for understanding though...if the original looks fine feel free to keep it up as long as I don't look scary!

Thanx Beast

I will send you the originals when I have access to them to see if they are ok with you.   It turns out I linked the wrong shot anyway,  explanation on  PM.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on March 10, 2008, 01:13:29 PM
Please give me your honest thoughts...also let me know if you think I am burning away my muscle...

No!  You are burning away MY muscle!! 

Okay, admittedly I am a total novice and will offer nothing in the way of meaningful help . . . but suffice it to say that after I saw these pics, I made, and genuflected before, a JLC shrine in my office, complete with photos, pentagrams, candles and a lock of your hair.  Now if I can only find that book of charms and spells . . .  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 10, 2008, 05:35:56 PM
Jen you look great.  the diet and cardio do seem a bit excessive at this point, but like you said....Dave knows what he is doing.  you look fantastic at 8 weeks, just like Rip said.  dont worry young lady.  I know it is a big shock with all of that coming at once......But I know you can work it out.  You have my 100% faith, if that means anything.

You are gonna rock, as you already do.  Your back looks amazing, shoulders look great, bi's and tri's look bigger then i have ever seen them on you.  And you're cant wait so see those when you get on stage.  YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING.

ok...that being said.  you know if you need anything.....just hit me up....encouragment, someone to yell know how to get ahold of me....

additionally.  you are an intelligent young woman, and you know you're training.  it would not be whining if you emailed him back your thoughts.  if you feel something is not right, or all three changes at once is too much.  ask him.  you know your body......ask yourself many show's have you done?  how many shows has he done your prep?  you know your body better then anyone.  it would not be would be double checking.......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on March 10, 2008, 07:46:40 PM
Beast, girl, you are looking Awesome!!!  Great improvements in the past few weeks!! I love the side chest pose in the first group of pictures, and the front lat spread shot....great quads!! And you look so pretty in your Arnold pics! 

There is a guy at one of the gyms I work at that is working with Palumbo.  I think he is 5 weeks out and is ripped...but still pretty big and full.  I think you will be just fine, but I also don't think it's a bad thing to ask questions.  At least he might be able to give you an explanation that will ease your mind.  With the whole process being such a mental game, you don't want to be doubting anything.

But again, I think you look GREAT!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 10, 2008, 08:02:41 PM
good luck w/your prep beast. Listen to dave he's a genius when it comes to this shit. i guarantee you'll look your best ever.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 10, 2008, 08:08:39 PM
The next 6 weeks will tell Beast.  Im guessing Dave has you still taking in a normal amount of sodium and he usually does till the last few days.

You have a while yet to go as you get tighter you will start to look bigger.  The cocktails/alcohol are done right?

Keep pounding the protien.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 11, 2008, 04:02:31 AM
The next 6 weeks will tell Beast.  Im guessing Dave has you still taking in a normal amount of sodium and he usually does till the last few days.

You have a while yet to go as you get tighter you will start to look bigger.  The cocktails/alcohol are done right?

Keep pounding the protien.

Beast can blame the last round of cocktails on me if she couldn't have done anything but good at this point.   ;D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 11, 2008, 04:39:18 AM
Jen you look great.  the diet and cardio do seem a bit excessive at this point, but like you said....Dave knows what he is doing.  you look fantastic at 8 weeks, just like Rip said.  dont worry young lady.  I know it is a big shock with all of that coming at once......But I know you can work it out.  You have my 100% faith, if that means anything.

You are gonna rock, as you already do.  Your back looks amazing, shoulders look great, bi's and tri's look bigger then i have ever seen them on you.  And you're cant wait so see those when you get on stage.  YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING.

ok...that being said.  you know if you need anything.....just hit me up....encouragment, someone to yell know how to get ahold of me....

additionally.  you are an intelligent young woman, and you know you're training.  it would not be whining if you emailed him back your thoughts.  if you feel something is not right, or all three changes at once is too much.  ask him.  you know your body......ask yourself many show's have you done?  how many shows has he done your prep?  you know your body better then anyone.  it would not be would be double checking.......

That is the sweetest most supportive post I have ever read. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 11, 2008, 08:01:58 AM
Thank you sooooo much everyone.  Seriously this helps me keep going, I have never been one to give up so that isn't really a question but your support makes the days go by a little faster and easier.  Obviously this isn't an easy thing to do and although I would love to alter what he gives me because I feel like it may be a bit much for my body I am not planning on changing a thing.  If I do who will really know how my body is responding. 

If anything all the changes Dave made shows that he actually looked at my pics and altered what he was doing based on my progress.  I did email him and basically just tried to get more info on the changes and as expected he told me that this is what he believes I need to do to bring in my A game.  That being said if I walk on stage in 8 weeks and I feel I have sacrificed too much muscle or over trained I can adjust it for next year.  When I help girls prep I tell them to follow what I say exactly because if they start "adjusting" who the hell knows that works and what doesn't.

Yes other then my little mishap I have been done with the drinky for weeks now...and my sodium intake hasn't been altered.  That is one thing I have never understood, altering sodium levels before the end of the diet so thankfully I think Dave and I are on the same page there...

I am lucky to have you all and to have my boyfriend.  Thank you for being there for me...I am sure I will need you in the next couple months!! 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on March 11, 2008, 08:44:40 AM
Jen, you look great in your latest pics!  Striations are visible in your shoulders int the side tri shots.

Buy some new music.

You can get through this and you will.

"You can and you will."

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 14, 2008, 08:53:01 AM
Things are going pretty well, workouts aren't suffering as much as I had feared...yet :)  Been hitting my cardio and have been consistent on the diet and have dropped another 1-1.5 pounds this week.  Actually I am a bit surprised it wasn't more although it is hard to tell day by should be able to tell by the pics.  Going to take pics after my workout tonight and will hopefully get them posted tonight, I have my fingers crossed as to what Dave will say...don't think it will help but it can't hurt!

Sunday is my next scheduled high fat day so I am really looking forward to that and my bf and I are going to the Improv tonight so my mind should be a little preoccupied. 

Have a good day kids!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 17, 2008, 09:03:14 AM
Hey all, here are the pics from Friday.  I was holding a bit of water and knew this...only droped about a pound and was at 128.5...this morning I woke up and my body had reregulated and I was down 2 more pounds so at 126.5.  I think I will be about 126 by the end of the week...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: JediKnight on March 17, 2008, 09:08:39 AM
wow u look so good, You are beautiful. You have a smoking hot body. WOW :o
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 17, 2008, 10:25:43 AM
Thanks Jedi :)  Not sure if you are joking because these pics look like crap!  But I suppose I will take all the compliments I can get even if I have no makeup on, hehehe
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 17, 2008, 10:36:41 AM
Yes and still a fat ass  :(  I do think that my pics this week may turn out a bit better plus all my tanner has worn off so I am again super white (although I am trying to tan a lil bit to get a base)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: JediKnight on March 17, 2008, 11:00:04 AM
Thanks Jedi :)  Not sure if you are joking because these pics look like crap!  But I suppose I will take all the compliments I can get even if I have no makeup on, hehehe

No I wasn't joking. You look very beautiful and your body is really hott. You are a really sexy chick.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: davidpaul on March 17, 2008, 11:35:05 AM
No I wasn't joking. You look very beautiful and your body is really hott. You are a really sexy chick.

Are you providing relief for bernies absence?  ???
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 17, 2008, 12:18:54 PM
Bernie's not absent, and Jedi's a sweetheart.  :)

Looking good Jenn...lots of separation in your legs and back!!!!

Can I borrow your bicep veins?  I won't be giving them back though.   :P
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 17, 2008, 12:33:23 PM
jen, you look great.

your arms look bigger then i have ever seen them, you back is freaking unreal, and your lats from the front...oh my.

i know you are going blow the minds of all those in attendance at the show.

you are freaking awesome.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 18, 2008, 09:27:08 AM
Thanks everyone :)  Today I have legs and then really I only have 6 leg workouts left so the countdown has started...I can definitely get through this.  Got up this morning and did 60 minutes on the another 35 after legs.

After I sent my pics this weekend Dave and I were going back and forth about my weight and most likely the fact that my hammies are still being stubborn.  He was pushing his supplements and probably a bit frustrated about me not taking them and we didn't really focus on my training, he didn't change my cardio or diet for this week so I am still at 95 minutes.  It was a bit frustrating being told that I need to take a certain fat burner to get results, I just disagree with this and think that I am going to come in better then I have ever been come 6 weeks from now.  I still have quite a bit of time and not all that much to lose.  Maybe he is comparing me to girls who are bigger and leaner then me, running other stuff but so far I am happy with the results even though the past week on the new diet has been mentally difficult.  Just have to keep my head up and keep on going.

This past week I didn't go down on the scale as much as I probably should have because I was retaining a bit so hopefully on Friday my body will show more results because I am telling you all, this diet can suck it.  Hope to be about 127 or under by Friday...Dave mentioned wanting me to lose 2 pounds a week, this does seem like a bit much to me as it would put me at 115 for my show-before even dropping water...I suppose only time will tell and I am not to focused on my weight just that I am seeing results.

Love you guys, thanks again for the support!!!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 18, 2008, 12:11:10 PM

Dont get hooked on how much you weigh. Im going to have to totally agree with palumbo. You need to come in as lean as possible, you'll look so much bigger onstage the leaner you are, it wont even be funny. He just wants u to be super shredded, cos if u have the best conditioning on stage that day, the judges will have no choice but to reward you.

Also, his fat burner probably is the best on the market. Ask blockhead if u dont believe me. It increases your daily calorie expenditure by about 10-15% which is a huge amount when the weight loss has halted. And since u stated that your weight loss has slowed down, it would be a perfect time to add in a fat burner.

Good luck Jenny, just listen to Dave, he knows his shit, you'll be in the best shape ever, dotn worry

Flexington :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on March 18, 2008, 12:27:31 PM

 If you don't want to use 'Lipolyeze' or his 'Somalyeze' because of the usnic acid in it then I suggest you go to FitRx over there on Irving by Teddy's shop and pick up 2-3 bottles of BEVERLY INTERNATIONAL's 'Lean Out'. Very similiar to Daves' non-stimulant fat-burner just without usnic acid. I would run 3-4 capsules with all of your solid meals.

 At bed-time I would also take it and add 2mg of melatonion with it. Around the clock 24-7, we never close fat mobilization.

 Hell...I'd run 3-4 capsules before cardio.

 Just STOP being such a damn fundementalist and second guessing everything. You are your own worst enemy sometimes. Dave isn't pushing you to make $$$...he'll probably give them to you for cost. He just knows that you need all the help you can get outside of an audience CONSTANTLy telling you..."youre look great, way to go...youre rock". You feel me?

 I am telling you this because it is ME and it is my duty because it is YOU.

 Now...never ever ever ever justify, skip, shorten or disagree with how much cardio he prescribes and like Nike...'Just Do It'. Run 'Lean Out' hard and run it consistently. Go NOW over to FitRx and pick em up. 2-Dialed In before morning cardio. No other caffeine products outside of that. Not even coffee or tea unless it's Green Tea. No more DIET Cokes. No more RESPECT. 9-11 carbs. 2 shakes a day and you got almost 20g of carbs just RELEASING insulin all over the place making shedding bodyfat even harder. No DOMINATE unless it's ZERO (not 2g, 3g 6g...) carbs. Use his Isolyeze or IsoPure. ZERO CARBS! Z-E-R-O.

 Think about how bad you want total seperation of your glutes and hams and then some. As Chuck Sanow always asks his clients..."How Bad Do You Want It? "
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 18, 2008, 01:26:06 PM

Also, his fat burner probably is the best on the market. Ask blockhead if u don't believe me. It increases your daily calorie expenditure by about 10-15% which is a huge amount when the weight loss has halted. And since u stated that your weight loss has slowed down, it would be a perfect time to add in a fat burner.

Flexington :)

No offense, you know I like you but where did you get this information?  Usnic Acid is what Dave pushes when he talks about his fat usinc acid has been around for over 100 years-heres the thing, if something WORKS and works well then more then 2 products in the supplement industry would use it.  Other companies have played with it and fallen victim to lawsuits or realized it wasn't the active ingredient that was working in the product.  I have done quite a bit of research on the ingredient and I just don't think it is "the answer."

Also I stated my weight loss hasn't halted but that I had a medical procedure done earlier last week and knew my body was reacting to it and holding water.  I am listening to Dave, I just don't think a fat burner is the answer.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 18, 2008, 01:35:02 PM
Thanks Shane and I know you are in my corner.  In all seriousness all I have to do is add cAMP and I am already taking everything else in that fat burner.  And I can add melatonin...

Not a fundamentalist, I do like to know what I am taking and why...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on March 18, 2008, 04:25:33 PM
Thanks Shane and I know you are in my corner.  In all seriousness all I have to do is add cAMP and I am already taking everything else in that fat burner.  And I can add melatonin...

Not a fundamentalist, I do like to know what I am taking and why...
Thatta' Girl! Handle your buisness before buisness handles YOU, kiddo! Holla at your boy!

 To everyone els...

 As THE BEAST is approaching 3rd base why don't you all grow a sack and be a little bit critical of her. Tell her what she needs to work on. Remind her of her flaws. I am not saying to throw her under a bus and through the ringer but I am saying to HELP her by offering constructive criticism. She'll listen. She's a big girl.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 18, 2008, 06:23:22 PM

 As THE BEAST is approaching 3rd base why don't you all grow a sack and be a little bit critical of her. Tell her what she needs to work on. Remind her of her flaws. I am not saying to throw her under a bus and through the ringer but I am saying to HELP her by offering constructive criticism. She'll listen. She's a big girl.


Especially if you want to critique my posing...I can use all the help I can get because I am doing this part on my own and I will probably have my boyfriend or Shane help me out a bit as it gets closer....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 18, 2008, 09:00:30 PM
Thatta' Girl! Handle your buisness before buisness handles YOU, kiddo! Holla at your boy!

 To everyone els...

 As THE BEAST is approaching 3rd base why don't you all grow a sack and be a little bit critical of her. Tell her what she needs to work on. Remind her of her flaws. I am not saying to throw her under a bus and through the ringer but I am saying to HELP her by offering constructive criticism. She'll listen. She's a big girl.


Kinda scared to, Beast sounds a bit on edge.  :-\  Jump right in with the critiques bro.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 19, 2008, 12:07:15 AM
No offense, you know I like you but where did you get this information?  Usnic Acid is what Dave pushes when he talks about his fat usinc acid has been around for over 100 years-heres the thing, if something WORKS and works well then more then 2 products in the supplement industry would use it.  Other companies have played with it and fallen victim to lawsuits or realized it wasn't the active ingredient that was working in the product.  I have done quite a bit of research on the ingredient and I just don't think it is "the answer."

Also I stated my weight loss hasn't halted but that I had a medical procedure done earlier last week and knew my body was reacting to it and holding water.  I am listening to Dave, I just don't think a fat burner is the answer.

No offense taken, I just want u to look your best.

I posted this on bignation as well. And i have no reason to promote dave's products, they just work so i like em.

I read a story about a woman who claims that after taking 500mg per day of Usnic Acid, her liver “shriveled up and died”.  I think the title of the newspaper article was entitled, "She lost her liver trying to lose weight"? I remember reading an MD interview with Dave Palumbo where the interviewer brought up a similar story and Dave responded by saying that if someone took a huge amount of Valium, or even Vitamin C, they would screw up their liver too.  Insane as this may sound, if someone actually took enough LIPOLYZE or SOMALYZE to equal 500mg per day [36 pills], would it damage their liver like in the above story?

Usnic acid causes cellular energy-wasting by allowing potential energy that could be used to synthesize ATP to leak out of the cells via “leaky” mitochondrial membranes. Because of this energy loss, the cells must compensate by oxidizing additional fatty acids in order to ensure that adequate ATP levels are maintained.  Whenever fatty acid oxidation in increased, the production of free radicals is also increased; and too many free radicals can potentially damage the cells integrity.  This is where antioxidants come into play. 

Several in vitro (cell culture) studies have demonstrated that massive amounts of Usnic acid can damage liver cells. Remember, this data has only been observed in petri dish conditions; not in the living organism.  It should also be remembered that cells grown in petri dishes have one distinct disadvantage over cells found in the living body; there are no antioxidant systems to protect against free radical-induced oxidative damage. With this fact in mind, these same studies revealed that by adding a simple antioxidant like vitamin E to the cell culture media, cell damage was drastically reduced (if not eliminated). 

The human body has a large array of endogenous antioxidant systems such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase, catalase, and various peroxidases that effectively neutralize most free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress.  Additionally, LIPOLYZE and SOMALYZE are both fortified with green tea extract and Vitamin E which further serve to reduce the threat of antioxidant damage within the cells
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on March 19, 2008, 06:31:31 AM

For those interested here is a good review regarding Usnic acid

More recent toxicological studies are listed here

As a point of clarification the anti oxidant systems that Flexington mentioned are all present in isolated cells.  However some of them may be inactive due to depletion of co factors such as  ascorbate and glutathione.

I am not sure if any study has shown a thermogenic effect at the levels given in most supplements.  Increased dosage would presumably lead to mitochondrial uncoupling, and thermogenesis (with resultant fat loss),  but that might also lead to toxicity. 

 If you eat a balanced diet and take your  1 or 2 a day vitamins  anti oxidant supplementation does not have a major effect on your cells abilities to eliminate free radicals (superoxide dismutase, catalase)  or to reduce oxidative damage  (ascorbate,  glutathione,  etc). 

So good luck to those supplementing with it.   It may work,  it may kill you,  it may work and kill you.   Most likely at the low doses recommended it will not do much of anything,  but as we know a lot of bodybuilding is based on super pharmacological dosing, well outside the range of human research stuies -  the label has never held many back.

My only suggestion is to be like the Beast,  and research it yourself before deciding.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on March 19, 2008, 06:57:33 PM
Kinda scared to, Beast sounds a bit on edge.  :-\  Jump right in with the critiques bro.
Naaa...she isn't scary. I'll tell you who's scary. Sarah D. I'm friggin terrified of that girl! On the REAL!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 19, 2008, 07:17:33 PM
Naaa...she isn't scary. I'll tell you who's scary. Sarah D. I'm friggin terrified of that girl! On the REAL!


LOL! I know she would come up in here and kick all our asses.  Probally can yell real loud too.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 20, 2008, 04:03:10 AM
Especially if you want to critique my posing...I can use all the help I can get because I am doing this part on my own and I will probably have my boyfriend or Shane help me out a bit as it gets closer....

I think your front/side/back relaxed look really good. 
You need to flex the shit out of your legs when you are in your other poses... the best way to do it is push the knees outward in your front/back poses, sit down on your leg that is facing the judges on the side poses, and keep that calf flexed so much that it feels like it's gonna cramp. 
You should definitely have someone helping you as often as possible.   I'll help you that weekend if I can get down there.  ;)
Does it help to look at pics? 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 20, 2008, 01:06:25 PM
Thanks Lori and I am going to start looking at prices and tickets are definitely coming with me!  It will be hard for me to do everything on my own and even is Greg can end up coming for the day your help will be so greatly appreciated. 

Can I just tell you how crazy it is when 1 day feels like a week and 1 week feels like a month?  I am looking at the pics I took from last Friday and it doesn't seem possible that it was less then a week ago...hopefully there will be some changes by tomorrow because mentally I feel it!

I will think about your recommendations when I am posing though and you are right I definitely have to get down on those legs more and flex harder. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 21, 2008, 10:18:40 AM
Thanks Lori and I am going to start looking at prices and tickets are definitely coming with me!  It will be hard for me to do everything on my own and even is Greg can end up coming for the day your help will be so greatly appreciated. 

Can I just tell you how crazy it is when 1 day feels like a week and 1 week feels like a month?  I am looking at the pics I took from last Friday and it doesn't seem possible that it was less then a week ago...hopefully there will be some changes by tomorrow because mentally I feel it!

I will think about your recommendations when I am posing though and you are right I definitely have to get down on those legs more and flex harder. 

SWEET...I'm gonna go to the JR USAs!!!   :D

I'll be dieting!!   >:(

Can't wait to see the latest pics...are you really six weeks out now?  It may feel like it's going slow, but the time is flying!!  Six weeks from the first show, eight weeks from the Jr USAs?

Hang in there!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 21, 2008, 10:26:06 PM
Well I had a different girl take the pics and I don't think they turned out as well, the angle is a bit off.  Still having issues with that glute/ham tie-in    >:(   6 weeks hopefully will help...

Oh I tried to get down more on my legs (and this is with no mirror) and ended up with a little bit of funky posing so I just need to practice a bit to get into the right postition
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 21, 2008, 10:27:03 PM
Messing with my foot placement but it definitely isn't right in the front double...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 21, 2008, 10:28:52 PM
also switched the pressure that I flex my glutes, obviously they aren't lean enough yet but at least they aren't lumpy when I squeeze my butt cheeks in
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 21, 2008, 10:38:28 PM
Ok here are some pics from my second show last year, actually the same show I am getting ready for this year...I did one more the week later and then completely changed my diet and did Team U 6 weeks later.  So I am kindof 6 weeks out from my condition at Team U last year in these shots-and am sitting at about the same weight as I am right now.

I know the pics aren't the best quality but they were the best I could find.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 21, 2008, 11:15:38 PM
damn jenny you look better right now then u did on stage last year. Keep up the good work, it'll all pay off. Looks like your going to bring your best package ever onstage!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on March 22, 2008, 02:23:10 AM
OMG!!! NICE!!! ;D

Your back is fantastic!!! Keep it up!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 22, 2008, 06:03:22 AM
6 weeks still to go, I always feel fat and not ready at that point, but that last 6 weeks is when the dramatic changes happen, especially the last 2 weeks.  Stay on track!!  With the amount of sodium you are eating you will have that layer of water.  When you dry out it will be interesting to see your pics, that's when you should start to see all your hard work.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 22, 2008, 06:35:24 AM
And it's 8 weeks till the Jr USAs. 

WOW Jenny, I agree with already look leaner than you did at that show last year.  You are definitely making good progress and have plenty of time.  Your glute/ham area looks better just from flexing it differently...AND you are leaner!  You're in good shape...listen to Dave!!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 22, 2008, 09:50:27 AM
you look awesome are gonna kick some booty
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on March 24, 2008, 03:17:11 PM
Nice pickchahs . . .

I'm beating my head on a steel light pole.  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on March 24, 2008, 08:31:00 PM

I'm beating my head on a steel light pole.  ;)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on March 27, 2008, 01:52:30 PM
Wow! Looking Great!  Keep up the hard work, it's definitely paying off.  And 6 weeks (if thats what it still is) is a loooooong time to see changes.  You will be right where you need to be come stage time!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 28, 2008, 12:02:33 PM
Jenny, I looked at some of my progress pics from last are DEFINITELY leaner than I was at 8 weeks out.  I had very little leg separation at 8 weeks out. 

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 29, 2008, 04:35:58 PM
Hey everyone, I have been on the diet but it has been tough the last week.  Just emotional and does start to wear on me...

Lori I am actually only 5 weeks out from my first show don't forget, so yes still 7 from Jr. USA's but have to be ready in 5.  Think I am doing ok, I am extremely white in the pics so be prepared :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 29, 2008, 04:45:56 PM
front and back
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 29, 2008, 04:49:11 PM
oh I am down about 1.5 pounds to 124.5 on my scale at home

side shots
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 29, 2008, 04:52:12 PM
holy crap look fantastic.

looks like the hammies and starting to pop up.....

your back looks unreal, and look at the shoulder striations in the tricep shot......

just keep going strong young already look the best i have ever seen you, i cant wait to see what you look like on stage in 5 weeks.....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 29, 2008, 05:18:44 PM
Girl you are good to go conditioning-wise.  Have faith in are in great shape for either five or seven worries at all, just hang in there!!!   8)

All you can do now is stay on track with the program and pose pose pose... and then pose some more.  ;)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: JediKnight on March 29, 2008, 05:32:00 PM
You look incredible. You are really a beautiful chick and look fantastic. WOW. :o
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on March 29, 2008, 06:43:05 PM
JLC!!  That body's getting harder than Superman's elbow . . . and you're cut like a pizza!  You keep up the good work and married men everywhere will be throwing themselves off high rises!!  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 29, 2008, 08:40:45 PM
Thanks everyone.

Now I hate these pictures and all pictures taken at Team U but it will give a little bit better look at my conditioning at my best.  Definitely on track for being my best physique to carb up last year really smoothed me out my hammies never came in. 

Still have a few big weeks in front of me, just need to keep my head up and look towards the goal. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on March 29, 2008, 08:53:54 PM
well ma'am, i have all the faith in the world in you.

i know you can hammer this last bit out.  you know i got your back......

....and what a mighty fine back it is..... :P
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 29, 2008, 11:37:12 PM
Thanks everyone.

Now I hate these pictures and all pictures taken at Team U but it will give a little bit better look at my conditioning at my best.  Definitely on track for being my best physique to carb up last year really smoothed me out my hammies never came in. 

Still have a few big weeks in front of me, just need to keep my head up and look towards the goal. 

Jenny, u look better now five weeks out than u did at the team u's. Keep going! dont second guess yourself or dave, your going to look great.

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 30, 2008, 06:03:24 AM
You can see the difference in these new pics compared to the previous ones.  You look much more streamlined, especially in the hips.  You are very much on track i would say.  Now the trick will be holding your upper body size while you finish leaning out your quads, hams and glutes.

Keep training hard and heavy as you can and keep the protein flowing.  Do you take BCAAs?  I have heard they are a good thing for the natural athlete.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 30, 2008, 01:41:03 PM
You can see the difference in these new pics compared to the previous ones.  You look much more streamlined, especially in the hips.  You are very much on track i would say.  Now the trick will be holding your upper body size while you finish leaning out your quads, hams and glutes.

Keep training hard and heavy as you can and keep the protein flowing.  Do you take BCAAs?  I have heard they are a good thing for the natural athlete.

im a big fan of bcaa's as well l2h. I pop about 20 of those bad boys during training and really helps me hold on to what i have. I know dave isnt a big fan of those, but i dont think he'd object to putting them into your supplement regime.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on March 30, 2008, 09:19:52 PM
Hey all, well I am taking BCAA's I take 3-4 before cardio and workouts...I figure it can't really hurt and I need to try to hold on to the size I have.  I know what you are saying Luv, I feel that my upper body is losing just a bit-my strength is still decent but just looking at these pics I can tell I am not as full.  Suppose that is to be expected to some extent.

Ok, off to bed and morning cardio bright and early :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on March 31, 2008, 06:24:52 AM
Hey all, well I am taking BCAA's I take 3-4 before cardio and workouts...I figure it can't really hurt and I need to try to hold on to the size I have.  I know what you are saying Luv, I feel that my upper body is losing just a bit-my strength is still decent but just looking at these pics I can tell I am not as full.  Suppose that is to be expected to some extent.

Ok, off to bed and morning cardio bright and early :)

Yes it is to be expected as a natural trainer you will have to sacrifice some size to get fully in shape, but you knew this.  You are holding on well though, keep it up you are going to do very well  :) 

Maybe towards the end you will be able to do a little less cardio?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on March 31, 2008, 12:33:13 PM
I'M GOING TO THE JUNIOR USAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ;D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: fbbmadness on April 01, 2008, 09:06:03 PM
good luck Jen hopefully i can get down there to watch it!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: siouxcountry on April 02, 2008, 12:38:24 PM
I'M GOING TO THE JUNIOR USAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ;D

Good!  8)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Playboy on April 03, 2008, 08:40:14 PM
I'M GOING TO THE JUNIOR USAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ;D

Rip, those avatars of yours are totally incredible! Your definition is out of this world  :)

Jenny, you always look great too! I smell a trophy in the very near future  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 04, 2008, 04:02:13 AM
I smell a trophy in the very near future  :)

I do too.  I think it's only four weeks till the first show.   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on April 04, 2008, 10:48:52 AM
Starting to look much leaner, nice job Beast.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 06, 2008, 06:07:08 PM
BEASTIE, O BEASTIE.....wherefore arte thou Beastie.....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 07, 2008, 04:16:05 AM
I talked to Jenn this weekend...she's doing good!  I can't believe it's less than four weeks till the first show...time flies when you're having fun!   :D

We should get new pics soon.  She's LEAN!!!!   :o

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on April 07, 2008, 05:27:32 PM
I talked to Jenn this weekend...she's doing good!  I can't believe it's less than four weeks till the first show...time flies when you're having fun!   :D

We should get new pics soon.  She's LEAN!!!!   :o

Yea. I seen her Saturday morning. She looks very lean and very seperated right now.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Claire on April 08, 2008, 06:00:11 PM
Hi Jen, just wanted to stop by and say hey,  looks like all is going well with your prep.  yeah best of luck

Claire :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 09, 2008, 12:44:54 PM
Hey everyone :)  and great to see you here Claire!  Can't wait to see you later in the year, good luck with your prep as well.

Sorry I have been MIA...very very long weekend and been busy trying to get my business together as well as get my training in and my work done at my jobs.  Actually I have been feeling pretty good considering I am just over 3 weeks out, I think last year I was like the walking dead and this year with the support of my friends and boyfriend I have really made a conscious effort to put on a better face and enjoy this experience (not just being on stage at the end.)  In reality it is working, it is strange how if you force yourself to smile or have a better attitude it catches up with you and you really just start to be more happy.

Didn't post pics for a variety of reasons, the main one being time and secondary they were taken first ting in the morning so I was cold and the day after legs so I wasn't too cut.  May as well post a few since I am here but please know that these are from Saturday morning and I will be posting more again tomorrow or Friday.

Cardio is up to 2 hours a day...I just daydream about food, Greg and vacation.  I suppose I think about the show too and all the little things I have going on but those are my main 3.

Did I mention that I am going to Mexico, Playa Del Carmen, all inclusive for 6 days on June 4???  Yep Greg and I are on the plane that morning and sipping margarita's by noon at the beach.

Oh I also have VERY big things in the works for my clothing line, Muscle and Curves.  Can't wait to launch my website and we are actually throwing a party and open house at Jr. Nationals this year to have a walk-through in a suite to look at some of our designs.  So so so so so exciting. 

Ok, back to bbing...actually felt my first leg veins the other day, they aren't out yet but I can feel that it is only a matter of time (hopefully about 3 weeks) until they want to make a big appearance.

Thanks again for your continued support everyone.  Great to see you this weekend are looking LARGE!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 09, 2008, 12:49:26 PM
Thats it....promise new ones soon though

Oh more good news...Top Chef is on tonight!  and Lori is coming with me :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 09, 2008, 12:57:56 PM
good gosh ma'am...

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on April 09, 2008, 03:16:38 PM

 She was talking about me, ya'll. Me. I'm looking LARGE.

 Your glutes finally got seperated from the back of your legs. I think you look better HERE in the above pics than you did at the Team U while ON stage.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Claire on April 09, 2008, 06:05:47 PM
Girl you are looking awesome,  keep it up keep it up.    :)

I can't wait to see you line of clothing, let me know when the website is up,  I will definilty be buying some stuff. 

Take care girl

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 10, 2008, 03:54:20 AM
She was talking about me, ya'll. Me. I'm looking LARGE.

 Your glutes finally got seperated from the back of your legs. I think you look better HERE in the above pics than you did at the Team U while ON stage.

I fully agree! ... with the looking better than last year part, although I'm sure Block is large and in charge these days.   8)

Jenn, you're gonna do've already won by looking your best ever.  And to think you have like 5 weeks left till Jr Usas...crazy!  Just keep thinking about vacation and cocktails on the's literally right around the corner.  Stay strong!!!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on April 11, 2008, 08:06:55 AM
I think you look better HERE in the above pics than you did at the Team U while ON stage.
Agree!  She looks great :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on April 12, 2008, 07:15:29 AM
Great set of pictures Jenn considering this is when I see THE most changes when I do shows.  from 3-4 weeks out.

here's a great motivational quote:
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"

Keep giving your best through this tuff period where bodyfat is low and maybe energy is too.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 12, 2008, 07:25:23 AM
Great set of pictures Jenn considering this is when I see THE most changes when I do shows.  from 3-4 weeks out.

here's a great motivational quote:
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"

Keep giving your best through this tuff period where bodyfat is low and maybe energy is too.

Hey Delphene!  It's great to see you over here.  :)

I totally agree, I see the most changes once I am inside of 5 weeks out for sure.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 12, 2008, 10:12:08 AM


just keep on doing your thing young lady.......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 12, 2008, 02:58:03 PM
Here are pics from this afternoon.  I am sitting at about 122 (though this fluctates up to 124 and down to 121 depending on the day.)  Doing 2 hours of cardio and I changed Dave's diet, had let a few of you know, and I let Dave know today which should be interesting to see how he responds.  Unfortunately my body wasn't recovering at all from my workouts and I was not in good shape on 5 days with no fat...I lessened it to 3 days with no fat.  Feel mentally better but my body is still having difficulty recovering from my workouts.  3 weeks left though and as Lori would tell me, "I can do anything for 3 weeks..." well almost anything :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 12, 2008, 02:59:26 PM
Oh and I do look a bit of a mess in these pics, you all can handle it
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 12, 2008, 03:01:15 PM
almost done!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 12, 2008, 03:08:44 PM

you look awesome.

and you know how i dont let vulgarities slip that often.....WOW

and i know you are just hard headed enough to get through anything PERIOD, let alone for three weeks.

im sure Dave will not be entirely happy, but you know what?  your piece of mind at this point is probably worth more.  but that is just me.  i may get shot at, or belittled at that comment.....but i dont really care.

you loook freaking awesome.......KEEP IT UP
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 12, 2008, 08:31:16 PM
You look amazing... I can't get over how lean you are.  I am starting to see a Christmas tree.  :o

I want to know what Dave says...about everything! 

Hang in there!!!! 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: powerpack on April 12, 2008, 10:21:48 PM
I never knew you wore glasses................. .
Looking in good shape though  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: calmus on April 12, 2008, 10:25:57 PM
I never knew you wore glasses................. .

It's the diet. Her eyes get tired quicker.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on April 12, 2008, 11:16:13 PM
Good luck with finishing the diet. I can only imagine how tough it is. But Dave has you doing it for a reason, and you are leaner than  you ever have been and could step on stage and do better today than you've ever done. So just stick with it and gut it out.

Whatever Dave says do it and you'll see your body do things that you never thought was possible.

You look great, good luck, and stick with it!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: powerpack on April 13, 2008, 04:44:35 AM
It's the diet. Her eyes get tired quicker.

In all her back shots it looks like some one has been spanking that bum    ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on April 13, 2008, 05:03:13 AM
Incredible delts, triceps and back!!!

Keep up the hard work!!! ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 13, 2008, 09:28:36 AM

In all her back shots it looks like some one has been spanking that bum    ;)


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: JediKnight on April 13, 2008, 09:38:59 AM
You look incredible and beautiful. Fantastic job.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 17, 2008, 05:12:32 PM
Well I finally almost have my music finished...met with the DJ finally today and we worked on it.  With Lori and her hubby's advise I changed it a bit and it is definitely "different" and hopefully will be appreciated by seasoned competitors who have seen the same routine a million times.

Other then that just getting through the days and looking forward to being on stage and then on vacation.  As far as how I think I am looking, well I should be posting some pics tomorrow or Saturday.  My weight hasn't changed too much this past week, sitting at about 121 but we will see the next two mornings what happens.  Yeah, I started thinking about it and I may come in as a lightweight at Jr. USA's which is a bit distrurbing.  Looking in the mirror I feel my legs have lost a bit of size, actually all over I feel a bit flat-I suppose after 10 weeks of intense dieting and major amounts of cardio that is what happens :P

It is hard to say until you put the tanner on and get up on stage though so I am just moving forward.  It is hard to imagine me as a lightweight and dropping my water has never seemed to affect my weight that much so it could go either way (since I won't be using a real diuretic...)

The best thing is I only have one more leg workout before my first show...that is the BEST feeling!! 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 18, 2008, 09:46:16 AM
Jenny, you are coming down the home stretch!!  Around 4 weeks out is when i start feeling flat as a pancake, but you will see some significant progress in the next few weeks too, so don't worry about that!  And I guess I would say don't worry about your weight, although I still have a hard time believing that you will be a LW.  Either way, though, you will be LEAN AND MEAN...shredded wheat!!!  Who knows, you might end up deciding for several reasons that you WANT to be in the LW class at the Jr USAs.  Just see how things play out...

Can't wait to hear the final product on the music!!

OH...and I hope you are feeling better quickly!!  Prepping with a cold is the worst!   :-[

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on April 20, 2008, 01:02:42 PM
Well I finally almost have my music finished...met with the DJ finally today and we worked on it.  With Lori and her hubby's advise I changed it a bit and it is definitely "different" and hopefully will be appreciated by seasoned competitors who have seen the same routine a million times.

Are you videotaping your routine?  I would LOVE to see it after you describing it in Email to me.  I need some 'new' material inspiration for my routine. :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 20, 2008, 04:48:19 PM
Jenny's routine is going to be very original and entertaining.   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 20, 2008, 05:04:16 PM
:(...i want to see her routine....

hell i just want to see her period.....
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 20, 2008, 05:05:49 PM
I'll try to get up close to the stage and video tape it on my camera.  ;)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 20, 2008, 05:06:55 PM

i knew i liked you for a reason
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on April 21, 2008, 06:55:04 AM
Beast don't you have a contest in like 2 weeks?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 21, 2008, 06:58:40 AM
Beast don't you have a contest in like 2 weeks?

YES, she does... next weekend!!  May 3?  I saw her two weeks out pics.... she looks AWESOME.  Why are they not posted yet?  ???

I also saw the suit and heard the routine music...all I can say is WOW!  The suit is crazy!!!   :o

This is totally the home stretch...less than 2 weeks till the first show, less than 4 weeks till the end.  Workouts lessen next week, and there are a couple of chill days before the show... then at least one good cheat meal after the show, and then just a couple more weeks with a few more chill days before the Jr USAs.  The hardest part is over!!!!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on April 21, 2008, 10:10:02 AM

Why are they not posted yet?  ???

Why are they not posted yet?  ???

Why are they not posted yet?  ???

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 23, 2008, 08:23:54 AM
I am very sorry everyone, just trying to stay on top of everything and get my training in.  Things are good...very good...10 days left and then I will be on stage.  Can't wait to see the end result as I am guessing I should look the best I have ever looked.  Personally right now I feel pretty flat, Dave upped my cardio again so I am up to 2:20 minutes a day....I don't know if I could get through this everyday if it wasn't for my boyfriend!  That is a long time to be doing has definitely helped tremendously to have a partner in this prep.

I don't see a big change in these progress pics...they were taken on Saturday morning after training and cardio.  Dave sayd my side chest and tricep poses are horrible so I need to be practicing a bit more on those.

Sorry again for the lag, thanks for the contuned support!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 23, 2008, 08:24:59 AM
Still holding fat in my legs...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 23, 2008, 08:26:16 AM
Need to stand more upright and keep my waist more perpendicular I think

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 23, 2008, 10:00:53 AM
I'll show you the way I clasp my hands together on the side tri when I see's too hard to explain.
On the side chest, I'd say grab more at your wrist, and really pull that front arm back HARD so that you get a little more flex in the chest. 

You're gonna do great...your glutes are there, I can see them!!  And Blockhead said that you are freaky shredded right now.   :o  8)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on April 23, 2008, 10:46:09 AM
"Your buttocks are sublime!"

Looking great Jen :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on April 23, 2008, 01:40:44 PM
someone looks great....keep it up Jen, you look awesome.....10 are going to freaking rock that there stage....

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on April 23, 2008, 01:51:01 PM
In the side relaxed pose I like to instead of pointing my feet straight ahead to point them away from the front kind of pre twists your waist and gives a good look from the side.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: az on April 24, 2008, 11:08:13 AM
BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look great!!!!! Sorry just reaching out to you, not on line much these days, you will do great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Claire on April 24, 2008, 05:23:55 PM
Keep going girl you are almost there.   :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: GoneAway on April 25, 2008, 02:14:48 AM
Mamamia! Beau-ti-ful! ;D

Your glutes/hams/calves are really soft, but everything else is spot on.

Posing is just to make your physique look its best from any given angle. Try out a whole bunch of different combinations for the side chest/triceps, and pick which one suits you best. For back lat spread/double bi, may also want to adjust the back leg/foot to see how it looks from different angles. Posing it the way you are now shows more outer quad tham ham. The back poses are designed to show the detail of the ham and calf from the back, but hey, no one's gonna take points off for an alternation of the pose a bit. I know FBB's certainly prefer 'your' way of posing the back leg, which is cool. I'm more of a traditionalist as far as posing goes.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 25, 2008, 06:18:26 AM
Mamamia! Beau-ti-ful! ;D

Your glutes/hams/calves are really soft, but everything else is spot on.

Posing is just to make your physique look its best from any given angle. Try out a whole bunch of different combinations for the side chest/triceps, and pick which one suits you best. For back lat spread/double bi, may also want to adjust the back leg/foot to see how it looks from different angles. Posing it the way you are now shows more outer quad tham ham. The back poses are designed to show the detail of the ham and calf from the back, but hey, no one's gonna take points off for an alternation of the pose a bit. I know FBB's certainly prefer 'your' way of posing the back leg, which is cool. I'm more of a traditionalist as far as posing goes.

Good advice.   8)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on April 27, 2008, 04:28:51 PM
Very Nice work Jen!  big job -- well done.  o.k. did Dave give suggestions on changing a few things in those 2 poses?

I know FBB's certainly prefer 'your' way of posing the back leg, which is cool. I'm more of a traditionalist as far as posing goes.

Goneaway: do you have a photo example of what you are speaking of?  I have always posed my back leg like Jen too. I am all up for suggestions as a way to improve my back pose but a  picture speaks volumes.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: GoneAway on April 28, 2008, 01:34:40 AM
Very Nice work Jen!  big job -- well done.  o.k. did Dave give suggestions on changing a few things in those 2 poses?

Goneaway: do you have a photo example of what you are speaking of?  I have always posed my back leg like Jen too. I am all up for suggestions as a way to improve my back pose but a  picture speaks volumes.

ok dont laugh at the diagram... lol... the circles indicate how much of the musclegroup is showing to the judges. larger circle = more muscle group showing, as u can probably work out urself.  calves arent labelled, but obviously same thing applies.

the leg on the left is the toe pointed out, the left on the right is the toe pointed much more frontward. what i meant in the above post is displayed by the right leg = the full hammy and calves being in full view of the judges, and on the left leg, more of the outer quads being displayed in place of the hammies.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 28, 2008, 04:13:28 AM
ok dont laugh at the diagram... lol... the circles indicate how much of the musclegroup is showing to the judges. larger circle = more muscle group showing, as u can probably work out urself.  calves arent labelled, but obviously same thing applies.

the leg on the left is the toe pointed out, the left on the right is the toe pointed much more frontward. what i meant in the above post is displayed by the right leg = the full hammy and calves being in full view of the judges, and on the left leg, more of the outer quads being displayed in place of the hammies.

haha wow, that's pretty cool...did you put that diagram together?  I still prefer the right leg, but that's a good way to show the difference.  And it really depends on each individual and what their stronger points are in terms of leg separation.  Definitely a good idea to play around with the positioning and see what works best for you.  Same thing applies to the side posing, esp the side tricep, which can be done several different ways to show different parts of the leg.

Those are options for the back double can try different things with the lat spread too.  I ended up doing my rear lat spread on my toes.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: GoneAway on April 28, 2008, 05:11:41 AM

haha wow, that's pretty cool...did you put that diagram together?  I still prefer the right leg, but that's a good way to show the difference.  And it really depends on each individual and what their stronger points are in terms of leg separation.  Definitely a good idea to play around with the positioning and see what works best for you.  Same thing applies to the side posing, esp the side tricep, which can be done several different ways to show different parts of the leg.

Those are options for the back double can try different things with the lat spread too.  I ended up doing my rear lat spread on my toes.

as alot of fbb's do nowdays, too, judging by the pics i went through to find good ones for the diagram. ;) did it make sense?

there's so many ways to pose. for back poses alone, i can think of maybe at least 7 variations for the legs. it's crazy but cool too, cause everyone can show themselves off to their best, as u said. if u have weak hams but good quads, pointing the toes out is probably a good idea.

i wonder how Jen is coming along. its been a little while since her last update.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 28, 2008, 12:16:59 PM
as alot of fbb's do nowdays, too, judging by the pics i went through to find good ones for the diagram. ;) did it make sense?

there's so many ways to pose. for back poses alone, i can think of maybe at least 7 variations for the legs. it's crazy but cool too, cause everyone can show themselves off to their best, as u said. if u have weak hams but good quads, pointing the toes out is probably a good idea.

i wonder how Jen is coming along. its been a little while since her last update.

Totally made sense.   8)

I'm thinking the Beast may want to point the toes out a little on the back poses.  I also want to see her try out the contemporary stance for the side tricep pose instead of the traditional.  I haven't been able to find any good pics of it, though.  I got one from my prep last year at about 8 weeks out, but I can't find it right this second.

I talked to The Beast this morning.  She has her first show this weekend, and she's going for her Pro Card!!!  (NGA??  I can't remember!) She's down under 120 pounds now!!!!!!   :o

So she's doing well but is very busy as you can imagine.  I was going to tell her to get on here and give us all an update, but we never got around to talking about Getbig... LOL

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on April 28, 2008, 07:49:20 PM
Sorry to all!  Things have been pretty good just been trying to get my stuff together for this coming weekend and get in all the workouts :)

Actually this weekend was super productive.  My boyfriend and I spent the whole day on Sunday working out, grocery shopping and cooking for the week so I wouldn't have to totally stress out come Thursday and Friday.  He is 4 weeks out from his show so you can only imagine how much food we prepared...this is serious...

44 chicken breast
6 pounds of Orange Roughy
6 pounds of Tilapia
Couple pounds of Green Beans
still have 3 lbs of asparagus waiting for us

I am hoping this will get us through the weeks along with 1-2 gallons of egg whites.  It is CRAZY how much food we consume (especially him since he get 1-2 more meals then me and 1/3 more food).

I am super excited that I only have 2 more workout days this week, my body definitely needs the rest and I start my fat up on Thursday so I should be feeling pretty good by the weekend.  Right now I am pounding water and getting in some extra sodium...anything to get e away fro the artificial sweeteners and trick me into feeling full.

As far as the posing I definitely need to work with someone good to get my posing down better.  I have been practicing in the mirror so hopefully my side poses will be better then in my pics, I do get what he was saying.  Also I appreciate the comments on the back and leg posing, I really think if I could have a pair of good eyes I could majorly improve the way my physique looks.  Being with Lori in a few weeks will help, a fresh pair of eyes...there is only so much I can ask my friends and boyfriend to do and there is only so much money I can spend on this show.  Yes that is a horrible excuse because with the girls I train I preach to them about how important posing is and you put in months of prep and dieting to get on stage and look foolish is just a waste.

I love the pic GoneAway...where did you come from anyway?  What's your story?  Delphene great to hear fro you and hope your prep is going well...I want to see pics!  Oh no pics this week, I will save it for you guys till after the show.  As Lori mentioned I finally broke 120 this morning, 119, weird and as it seems I will be a lightweight at the Jr. USA's although I do think my scale is maybe 1-2 pounds light sooo I am not going to push it, wherever I come in is fine.

My routine, well it is still a work in progress.  Luckily my friend Nicole (fitness girl) met with me last weekend and we were able to get through the part I was having difficulty with.  Ummmm I use to think I had rhythm, I don't anymore so please keep your fingers crossed that I don't look completely ridiculous!

Thanks everyone for the support, almost there and then I get a CHEAT MEAL...well a few I suppose  :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on April 28, 2008, 10:42:23 PM
GoneAway:  that was alot of work and thought you put into posting that posing diagram. Thank-you so much, it was really appreciated and I totally get what you mean now.

Jen:  What I do is set my digital camera timer and try different ways to position the key bodypart in each pose and then decide which looks better.  I think you look great and  your posing is fine.  nothing to stress over. Looks like you have all your ducks in a row. nice work.  WHAT A JOURNEY!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 29, 2008, 05:06:04 AM
44 chicken breast
6 pounds of Orange Roughy
6 pounds of Tilapia
Couple pounds of Green Beans
still have 3 lbs of asparagus waiting for us


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: GoneAway on April 29, 2008, 05:41:07 AM
hello everyone. Jen, I visit this part of the board from time to time and have alot of respect for your hard work and discipline. the transformation pics are incredible!

posing is something i'm very passionate about, and wanted to give some new ideas when you said that the back poses were a little off. hopefully you'll sort that out with someone there in person and it'll all come together on stage.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on April 30, 2008, 04:06:57 AM
posing is something i'm very passionate about, and wanted to give some new ideas when you said that the back poses were a little off. hopefully you'll sort that out with someone there in person and it'll all come together on stage.

Thanks so much for the's very helpful.  :)

Alex just posted a pic of Claire from the overalls last year at the Contra Costa, and Claire does a great tricep pose with the contemporary stance...I love the way this looks if you can pull it off.  I ended up not using it for my mandatories, but it IS way more comfortable than the traditional stance and looks great on the right set of legs.   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on May 01, 2008, 02:43:37 PM
Still holding fat in my legs...

Huh?  Didja swaller all the cough syrup?  You're cut like Julius Caesar!!  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 02, 2008, 04:16:14 AM

 8) 8) 8)

 :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: GoneAway on May 02, 2008, 05:26:52 AM




fantastic transformation !!! :o managed to retain 90%+ of size which is pretty darn good.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 02, 2008, 05:35:35 AM
Good Luck Beast!  You are going to do awesome!  You look great!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 02, 2008, 07:21:25 AM




fantastic transformation !!! :o managed to retain 90%+ of size which is pretty darn good.

That's awesome!!  Now she's gonna say that she was a little fattie at 12 weeks out.  If only I could be so fat right now. ::)

It's amazing how your perspective changes as you go through the process of dieting down.

Go Jenny Go Jenny Go Jenny GO!!!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on May 02, 2008, 07:41:28 AM
Good luck Beast! Rock on!!! ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 02, 2008, 12:32:57 PM
Have a great time look beautiful! :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 02, 2008, 07:23:22 PM
kick some butt know ill be prayin for ya
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Special Ed on May 02, 2008, 11:33:11 PM

Go get 'em girl!

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Laura Lee on May 04, 2008, 06:53:48 AM
The G&O board stated she won the NGA Pro Card!!!!!!!!!!   

:D             :D   :D :D :D :D   :D             :D   :D
 :D           :D    :D         :D    :D           :D    :D   
  :D         :D     :D         :D      :D        :D     :D   
    :D :D :D       :D :D :D :D       :D :D :D       :D
        :D           :D         :D           :D           :D
        :D           :D         :D           :D
        :D           :D         :D           :D           :-*         
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 04, 2008, 07:22:26 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 04, 2008, 09:59:53 AM
Is that the National Gym Association? NGA?  First I heard of it.  Are they a Natural Organization?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on May 04, 2008, 04:07:24 PM
Congrats on getting your pro card Jen. I know you worked hard for it and deserved it.

Is the Team U in your future?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 04, 2008, 09:41:00 PM

Jenny won her Pro Card in the NGA.  I think it is the National Gym Association but I am not sure.  It's a pretty well known natural organization.  She worked her ass off for this one (literally ;D) and I am SO happy for her, and so proud of her!!!   8)

Can't wait to see what's next in Charleston... love you Jenny, and congrats!!!   :-*


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 05, 2008, 05:55:56 AM
Congratulations Jen!  Looking forward to show pics :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: powerpack on May 05, 2008, 08:55:47 AM
Yeah well done  ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 05, 2008, 10:20:18 AM

This past weekend was amazing, I did finally WIN the NGA show that I have been competing in for the past 3 years...yea!!!!!  Not only is this one of the best run shows I compete in, the promoters really do care about the competitors and making it about them...they also moved to a new facility this year that was clean and roomy.  All in all I try to get other natural competitors to try this show out because I think it is one of the best out there.

That being said I can't really have wished for more this weekend.  My boyfriend and good friend Gretchen were completely amazing and helped me get through the day...I forget how stressful show day can be constantly second guessing yourself.  I did feel a bit flat going into the morning show and unfortunately we don't have any good stage shots from the morning (should have taken some backstage) but from people who have seen me compete before I heard that I was the best they have ever seen me look.  I felt good just not as vascular as normal and like I said a bit flat.

Other then that I had a great time on stage, worked it a bit and enjoyed the work that I had put in.  Going into the night show I did smooth out just a bit but the day had been LONG, woke up at 4:30 to start eating and didn't get on stage at night until 10 PM.  Got through my routine without messing up, thankfully!!  I was a bit nervous having oil on my and flinging a staff around but I think the audience appreciated it.  The best part of my night was walking off stage, Pro-Card in hand to my boyfriend who was holding 48 roses...I mean how could I ask for more then that? 

Ok, enough babbling...let me know if you have any questions-here are some pics.  BTW I weighted in at 120, Friday evening with clothes on (cutoff was 122) so I probably was more like 118.  Weighed myself this morning at 130, yikes!!!  I am back 100% on my diet and hours and hours or cardio so hopefully I won't look prego onstage at the Jr. USA's :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 05, 2008, 10:25:33 AM
I know they are bad and dark...
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 05, 2008, 10:29:17 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 05, 2008, 10:31:18 AM
puppy chow, hehehe
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 05, 2008, 10:32:44 AM
A perfect ending!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 05, 2008, 11:47:18 AM
The best part of my night was walking off stage, Pro-Card in hand to my boyfriend who was holding 48 roses...I mean how could I ask for more then that? 

:D !!  That almost brought tears to the eyes!

GREAT pics and update looked fantastic :)

What teeth whitening system do you use? :o :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on May 05, 2008, 12:35:23 PM
Now that's a body harder than Superman's earwax!!

"Quick!!  Spray down the tarmac with foam, she's gonna blow!!!"

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Mazda323 on May 05, 2008, 12:41:36 PM
Great pics, great physique!!! Well done Beast!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Laura Lee on May 05, 2008, 12:47:21 PM
Amazing!  Excellent job Jen!!!  Congrats again!!  :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 05, 2008, 02:26:32 PM
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! you look amazing.....

look at that back....

wow....congrats young lady...i sooooo freaking excited for you. look phenominal...and congratulations.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 05, 2008, 05:19:59 PM
Good job Congrats!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: tigereyes on May 05, 2008, 08:01:40 PM
Wow, you looked great!!  And you look so beautiful...that suit was a perfect choice.  Is it a Maggiefit suit?

Congratulations and best wishes going into the Jr's.  I know you'll do great!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 05, 2008, 10:16:48 PM
Simply outstanding. You are what female bodybuilding is about...or should be.  Lotza hard work paying off just by looking at your smile!  so back at 'er for a few more weeks?
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 06, 2008, 04:29:39 AM
You look FABULOUS!!  I mean seriously FABULOUS.   :o   8) 

Hang in there... you can do ANYTHING for 12 days, woman!  You're gonna kick ass next weekend too. 

I can't wait to see you...I'll be there in 10 days.  And this time, I am getting MUCH better pics!!! 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 06, 2008, 04:49:12 AM
Simply outstanding. You are what female bodybuilding is about...or should be.  Lotza hard work paying off just by looking at your smile!  so back at 'er for a few more weeks?

Really??  So all the other women who have competed/trained had it all wrong and were not about BB cause they looked different?

Taking nothing away from the Beast she looked/looks great.  Its just this type of thinking is what perpetuates the stigma and ridicule of FBB.  Kind playing right into the FBB haters hand.  They think FBB should look a certian way too and make fun of anything else.  Be careful in what you wish for.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ~flower~ on May 06, 2008, 06:38:24 AM

 why is there a Sally McNeil poll on this thread?  ::)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: michael arvilla on May 06, 2008, 07:04:54 AM

 why is there a Sally McNeil poll on this thread?  ::)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 06, 2008, 07:49:14 AM
Wow, you looked great!!  And you look so beautiful...that suit was a perfect choice.  Is it a Maggiefit suit?

Congratulations and best wishes going into the Jr's.  I know you'll do great!

Well first, thank you everyone!  It was a great weekend and now I am just trying to keep the momentum going through the next few weeks.

As far as the suit, I order my suits from Caroline in Florida and I have my friend Tamee Marie stone them.  It is an original design...matching the theme of my routine.  Tamee did an amazing job on the suit and I recommend her to anyone and everyone (the main thing is I trust her and she doesn't completely overcharge...suits are expensive!!!!)

If anyone wants her contact info please pm me. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 06, 2008, 07:53:42 AM
:D !!  That almost brought tears to the eyes!

GREAT pics and update looked fantastic :)

What teeth whitening system do you use? :o :-*

Thanks Stella!  It is so strange because I have never had a relationship like this, I didn't know I could...I feel blessed :)  Hopefully you'll get to see him at a certain upcoming show.......

As far as teeth whiting, I have pretty white teeth to start with and I will use the Generic brand Strips...they are like a 7 day formula withthe strips but the strips are a waxy material, not like crest white strips.  You stick them on your teeth for 30 minutes, I think they work better then the brand name versions.  Got these from Walgreens...actually needed them a bit more this time because my coffee drinking has become more frequent.  Love them, oh and the tan helps!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 06, 2008, 12:16:01 PM

 why is there a Sally McNeil poll on this thread?  ::)

I can't figure out how to get rid of it!!!   >:(   ::)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 06, 2008, 07:46:57 PM
Really??  So all the other women who have competed/trained had it all wrong and were not about BB cause they looked different?

Taking nothing away from the Beast she looked/looks great.  Its just this type of thinking is what perpetuates the stigma and ridicule of FBB.  Kind playing right into the FBB haters hand.  They think FBB should look a certian way too and make fun of anything else.  Be careful in what you wish for.

OMG!  o.k. I am a female bodybuilder and come in really hard and muscular but feminine.  I was refering to the 'finishing touches'. (I should have been more clear).  Long hair, curls and paying attention to the girly stuff really does alot to the final presentation.  It is really all about presentation....from skin coloring to the pretty details.  sets us apart from our male counterparts.  fbb's don't want to even be compared to men so these pretty details keeps us clearly defined yet, women of strength.o.k.? are we o.k. now?  LOL!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: PANDAEMONIUM on May 07, 2008, 02:03:53 AM
OMG!  o.k. I am a female bodybuilder and come in really hard and muscular but feminine.  I was refering to the 'finishing touches'. (I should have been more clear).  Long hair, curls and paying attention to the girly stuff really does alot to the final presentation.  It is really all about presentation....from skin coloring to the pretty details.  sets us apart from our male counterparts.  fbb's don't want to even be compared to men so these pretty details keeps us clearly defined yet, women of strength.o.k.? are we o.k. now?  LOL!

You a sexy chick?  If so, post a pic
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 07, 2008, 04:34:26 AM
OMG!  o.k. I am a female bodybuilder and come in really hard and muscular but feminine.  I was refering to the 'finishing touches'. (I should have been more clear).  Long hair, curls and paying attention to the girly stuff really does alot to the final presentation.  It is really all about presentation....from skin coloring to the pretty details.  sets us apart from our male counterparts.  fbb's don't want to even be compared to men so these pretty details keeps us clearly defined yet, women of strength.o.k.? are we o.k. now?  LOL!

I think you miss the point and I dont really wanna argue it out here.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 07, 2008, 05:55:39 AM
You a sexy chick?  If so, post a pic

I won't on Jenn's thread. I post on MD forum (Bodyfx) and have pics posted all over there.  I tried posting a pic for my avatar on this board but am having a heck of a time.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 07, 2008, 06:21:06 AM
I won't on Jenn's thread. I post on MD forum (Bodyfx) and have pics posted all over there.  I tried posting a pic for my avatar on this board but am having a heck of a time.

Hey Delphene, I'll PM you about getting an avatar pic up.  :)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 07, 2008, 07:29:45 AM
Really??  So all the other women who have competed/trained had it all wrong and were not about BB cause they looked different?

Taking nothing away from the Beast she looked/looks great.  Its just this type of thinking is what perpetuates the stigma and ridicule of FBB.  Kind playing right into the FBB haters hand.  They think FBB should look a certian way too and make fun of anything else.  Be careful in what you wish for.

I love how you talk in 'absolutes'.  did I mention "ALL"? Plus I love being a female bodybuilder so much and I want it to never die.  I would love for it to be back to the era when it was THE most popular. but you are right, this isn't the place to discuss this.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on May 07, 2008, 09:36:50 AM
Congrats Jen, you looked outstanding in all ways.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 09, 2008, 07:15:08 PM

Looks a lot like my ass.  ;D

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 10, 2008, 04:39:19 PM
ill tell you a couple of things about that pic.

she MADE me take it
it was with her camera
and that is the only picture of me with a competitor in existance.

with that being said, this thread is about Jen, not me, or any other fan of female physique competitors.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 10, 2008, 06:44:02 PM
with that being said, this thread is about Jen, not me, or any other fan of female physique competitors.


Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 12, 2008, 11:43:02 PM
Hey Jen, how are you feeling? are you doing many things different until your next show to hold your conditioning?  just wondering how hard it is to do 2 shows two weeks apart?  mine are 8 weeks apart this year...might be harder,huh?  anywhoooo, just checking in to see how you're doing. ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 13, 2008, 04:48:30 AM
Hey Jen, how are you feeling? are you doing many things different until your next show to hold your conditioning?  just wondering how hard it is to do 2 shows two weeks apart?  mine are 8 weeks apart this year...might be harder,huh?  anywhoooo, just checking in to see how you're doing. ;)

Mine are 12 weeks apart this year, and I am definitely not looking forward to those 12 weeks! 

I talked to Jenn yesterday...she's doing good, and we're both so excited for this weekend...I can't wait!!  She's heading down once tomorrow rolls around, she's DONE and just needs to relax and enjoy the weekend.   8)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 13, 2008, 12:18:44 PM
go get em Jen
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on May 14, 2008, 01:16:25 AM
good luck this weekend jen :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 14, 2008, 11:41:59 AM

I'm headed down to Charleston tomorrow to help The BEAST get through this weekend and hopefully celebrate a victory at the Jr USAs!  She's more than ready....
Best of luck to her!!  I am very excited!!

I'll be taking lots and lots of pictures, so I will try to post some of them as well as some updates throughout the weekend in this thread. 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 14, 2008, 12:29:58 PM
good luck to Jen. you are awesome young lady...

and to you Lori, be safe, and have fun......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: benz on May 14, 2008, 12:39:18 PM

I'm headed down to Charleston tomorrow to help The BEAST get through this weekend and hopefully celebrate a victory at the Jr USAs!  She's more than ready....
Best of luck to her!!  I am very excited!!

I'll be taking lots and lots of pictures, so I will try to post some of them as well as some updates throughout the weekend in this thread. 


Are you gonna put the oil on her body? be honest!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 14, 2008, 12:45:43 PM
Kick butt Beast, with Ripitupbaby in your corner you are sure to do well!!

Have fun guys and look forward to the coverage  :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 14, 2008, 04:16:18 PM

Mine are 12 weeks apart this year, and I am definitely not looking forward to those 12 weeks! 

I talked to Jenn yesterday...she's doing good, and we're both so excited for this weekend...I can't wait!!  She's heading down once tomorrow rolls around, she's DONE and just needs to relax and enjoy the weekend.   8)

Will you be able to post photos of 'our girl' in action?  will you be near a computer or have enough down time in between shows?  this is so exciting!!! :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 15, 2008, 03:39:55 AM
HAHAHAHA  the Bern-meister is showing what a vaginal warrior he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
nope...i just abhore pictures of me.


kick some butt.......
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on May 15, 2008, 03:40:33 AM
nope...i just abhore pictures of me.

Me too ;)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 15, 2008, 03:54:45 AM
Will you be able to post photos of 'our girl' in action?  will you be near a computer or have enough down time in between shows?  this is so exciting!!! :D

Yes, definitely!  Not sure how much time I'll actually spend on the computer this weekend... possibly alot while we're sitting around waiting for her tan to dry and waiting for the damn show LOL. 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 15, 2008, 06:12:38 AM
Have a great time both of you!   :)

Will Jen be competing as a pro?

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 15, 2008, 07:23:42 AM
Hey everyone!!  I am still alive (barely at this point!) hehehe no I am doing ok just been extremely busy trying to get everything situated for the trip, get my cooking done and get ready for the week after I get back as there is a local show that I will be helping run a booth and helping my bf backstage.  Anyway I am here, YEA!  I got in last night and am at the hotel.  Unfortunately not the host hotel, we are across the street, but it is close and quite and I have a microwave and refrigerator in the room so I can't complain.

Lori is coming today which I am really pumped about.  I could use a babysitter, at the airport yesterday I tried to get on a flight to Orlando...good news was my food all made it on the plane and they didn't throw away my ice packs which seems to be 50/50 if they do or don't. 

Currently even though my weight is down from my last show (was 118 yesterday) I don't feel as sharp.  This could be that I am still holding some water but my stomach doesn't seem as flat to me and just in general I am not as vascular and my lines not as etched.  Don't think there is much I can do but stay on the plan.  Doing the same thing I did for the first show this year, not really changing a thing so I will have a better idea of how my body responds by doing it again.  Plus Lori will take a milion pics so it will show how I fill out a bit better.

My body is really done at this point.  I am really excited to be competing but my knees have had it and my body just doesn't feel strong anymore.  Doing back to back bbing shows is about a million times harder then figure shows.  Obviously I am nearly through but I can't imagine having more then just a few weeks before the shows...mentally it is pretty tough but physically for me it was very tough.  I know a lot of competitors do the USA's and Nationals (or similar) and I give them total credit.

Right now I am a little concerned about weigh-ins, I have heard there are only 2 lightweights and maybe 4-5 middleweights.  I would rather be in the larger class (well the tougher class) but then part of me thinks I should see if I could make lightweight...ugh even though it is a bit icky that I am that little.  When Lori comes she will be able to look at me and I figure I just will stay on my path and whatever happens at weigh-ins happens...even if I weigh-in at 116. 

:(  Lori's connecting flight is delayed which stinks but she will get here sooner or later!

Today I have a photoshoot with Mike and that is really all.  Didn't want to do too much before the show other then relax, get a little bit of work done and keep my feet up.  Tomorrow we have tanning to do and weigh-ins then its show time. 

Thanks everyone for the support and luck!!!  Can't wait to see everyone at the show. 

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 15, 2008, 07:25:54 AM
Awwww thanks!  Can't wait to see you LORI!!!!

No, this is an NPC show (my Pro qualification is in the NGA...a much smaller natural federation-they don't recognize each other...) 

Stells don't think I will ever earn my Pro-Card in the NPC nor do I really want it!  Those competitors are BIG! 
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 15, 2008, 07:29:40 AM

No, this is an NPC show (my Pro qualification is in the NGA...a much smaller natural federation-they don't recognize each other...) 

OK...I didn't realize your qual. was in the NGA!  Thanks JEn and have a great weekend!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 15, 2008, 09:23:21 PM

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: flexingtonsteele on May 15, 2008, 09:29:21 PM
LEAN AS FUCK! way to go beast!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Special Ed on May 16, 2008, 12:50:12 AM
Good luck Jenny!

PS Could you take a shot or two WITHOUT adjusting your cameltoe? Thank!

<THUMP> for approval!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Playboy on May 16, 2008, 05:03:37 AM

This pic by far is the best shape I have ever seen Jenny in. A great pic!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 16, 2008, 06:40:31 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ~flower~ on May 16, 2008, 10:25:30 AM

  I      HATE      YOU       >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

  but good luck anyways!     >:(
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 16, 2008, 11:10:25 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 16, 2008, 11:19:49 AM
You can see her quad separation right through her damn pants in that picture.   :o

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 16, 2008, 07:59:30 PM
A little sneak peek from earlier today.  I told you she had feathers in her quads!!   8)

She weighed in at 114, so she'll be a LW.  I think there are three LWs, but I am not sure.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 16, 2008, 08:18:44 PM

i cant close my jaw...

Jen looks amazing.....

thaks Lori
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 16, 2008, 09:15:12 PM
Looking good!!  Nice color.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 17, 2008, 09:47:30 AM
Two threads going here, so I am posting the same pics.  Jenny should win the LWs in my opinion.  The finals are at 7 PM.

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on May 17, 2008, 04:24:40 PM
 Ah ha ha ha ha! Check out Issac!

 Jenny BEAST just won the Lightweight Class at the 2008 JR USA's!

 Thanks, Musclephone!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on May 17, 2008, 05:14:24 PM

 Saturday. May 17th. 2008. 7:12pm/Central Time.

 "Jenny BEAST wins the OVERALL at the Jr. USA's "

 Thanks, Ripit, err...uh, MUSCLEPHONE!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bthomas77 on May 17, 2008, 05:26:19 PM
congrats Jen.....

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Laura Lee on May 17, 2008, 05:44:58 PM
YAY JEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 17, 2008, 06:37:24 PM
YAY!!!! Congrats!!! :D
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on May 17, 2008, 06:39:19 PM
Excellent news! Congrats Jen.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Delphene balan on May 18, 2008, 01:55:15 PM
OUTSTANDING WIN, JEN!  Big job - well done!!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: jtsunami on May 18, 2008, 07:21:08 PM
she look seriously GREAT and i do not use the word great on NO FUCKIN ONE but myself ,,i once kevin he looked really good while in reality he looked GOD but i still didnt give him great,,i give this chick great




Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 19, 2008, 05:07:18 AM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: DougSmith on May 19, 2008, 09:53:08 AM
Congrats  Jen!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on May 19, 2008, 02:31:40 PM
Don't wear so much makeup next time Beast, you are pretty enough to go au natural and get away with it. Never understood why female BBers wear so much makeup.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on May 19, 2008, 02:40:30 PM
Don't wear so much makeup next time Beast, you are pretty enough to go au natural and get away with it. Never understood why female BBers wear so much makeup.
Stage-lighting makes it look like hardly any make-up to judges/audience members.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on May 19, 2008, 02:43:17 PM
Stage-lighting makes it look like hardly any make-up to judges/audience members.

Well, hardly any makeup is not such a bad thing is it? It's not a beauty contest after all.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 19, 2008, 05:36:51 PM
Well, hardly any makeup is not such a bad thing is it? It's not a beauty contest after all.

Well in reality it is kind of a beauty contest to some degree.  Probally should not be but.....

Maybe I just cant tell but it does not look like THAT much makeup.

Its amazing how much prep the girls do for a show with everything.  Last show i did, back stage I was talking with this figure girl I know and i was checking out all the details she had taken care of with all that grooming stuff.  I mean everything was done to the max, I wanted to eat her up! :)  The BB girls are a little less so but they wanna look nice too.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Blockhead on May 19, 2008, 05:44:23 PM
Well in reality it is kind of a beauty contest to some degree.  Probally should not be but.....

Maybe I just cant tell but it does not look like THAT much makeup.

Its amazing how much prep the girls do for a show with everything.  Last show i did, back stage I was talking with this figure girl I know and i was checking out all the details she had taken care of with all that grooming stuff.  I mean everything was done to the max, I wanted to eat her up! :)  The BB girls are a little less so but they wanna look nice too.
Who? Which one, Timmy? Let it out here...don't be shy.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: danielson on May 19, 2008, 05:50:11 PM
Well in reality it is kind of a beauty contest to some degree.  Probally should not be but.....

Maybe I just cant tell but it does not look like THAT much makeup.

Its amazing how much prep the girls do for a show with everything.  Last show i did, back stage I was talking with this figure girl I know and i was checking out all the details she had taken care of with all that grooming stuff.  I mean everything was done to the max, I wanted to eat her up! :)  The BB girls are a little less so but they wanna look nice too.

I think if a girl is pretty, like Jen, she shouldn't wear makeup. Makeup on girls is a turnoff to begin with. I mean who decided one day that painting your face like a clown is attractive anyway? The whole idea is stupid.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 19, 2008, 05:59:17 PM
Who? Which one, Timmy? Let it out here...don't be shy.

 ;D ;D Man I felt that way about half of them LOL

I think if a girl is pretty, like Jen, she shouldn't wear makeup. Makeup on girls is a turnoff to begin with. I mean who decided one day that painting your face like a clown is attractive anyway? The whole idea is stupid.

Sure too much overdone makeup looks bad, but IMO beast did not look like that.  In everyday life I also like women with minimal makeup.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on May 19, 2008, 06:30:53 PM
I realise they are semi considered the "enemy" here but if anyone did not check it yet, Jen is on the frontpage of MD site
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 20, 2008, 04:17:10 AM
I realise they are semi considered the "enemy" here but if anyone did not check it yet, Jen is on the frontpage of MD site

You obviously haven't read this thread

Personally, I don't see the need to make enemies when we can all be friends.  How 'bout you?  ;)

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on May 20, 2008, 04:23:45 AM

You obviously haven't read this thread

Personally, I don't see the need to make enemies when we can all be friends.  How 'bout you?  ;)

No lol, I read it. I just meant the general 'getbig folklore' how Mayhem was long considered the 'enemy'.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: michael arvilla on May 20, 2008, 07:09:29 AM
.   (i just voted!)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Cindy on May 20, 2008, 07:29:51 PM
Congrats Jen!!! You looked incredible!!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: bulklover on May 21, 2008, 06:03:14 PM


Yep, THAT visual is enough to make me rip my head off and stick it in a bowling ball bag!!  Hoo-haa!!!  :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on May 28, 2008, 08:06:05 AM
Jennifer, have you snapped out of your sugar-induced food coma yet?   :D

Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: The BEAST on May 28, 2008, 04:31:15 PM
Hehehehehehe, NO!!!

I am definitely making up for lost time and enjoying every second of it.

Thank you so so so much to everyone for their support this season, really it is hard to believe that it is all over.  I could have never imagined that my competition season would have ended like it did and I really couldn't have asked for anything more.
I promise to tell you all about it later...need to eat now!

Thanks again, love you all
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on July 02, 2008, 07:56:18 AM
I still owe you a CD with all my pics from your show... I have tons of fabulous pics for you!!  I'll get it to you soon... I promise!

Love you Jenny!   :-*
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on August 13, 2008, 06:54:40 PM
Sorry to bump on old thread, but there is a nice pic of Jen in MD if everyone hasn't seen it. Small, but real flattering shot imo.

I can scan it if needed, if ppl dont have the issue.
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on August 14, 2008, 07:17:42 AM

I can scan it if needed, if ppl dont have the issue.
Yes please :)
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on August 14, 2008, 05:31:05 PM
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: CQ on August 14, 2008, 05:32:08 PM
Um, my scanner is like crappy. Please excuse the quality >:(
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: Butterbean on August 14, 2008, 05:57:09 PM

Um, my scanner is like crappy. Please excuse the quality >:(
No worries at all CQ thank you so much that is a beautiful pic of Jen!!

She's gorgeous!!
Title: Re: The Beast's 2008 Contest Thread
Post by: ripitupbaby on August 15, 2008, 07:13:48 AM
Thanks for posting that... I knew it was out there, but I hadn't seen it. 

Great pic!  Nice to see at least a LITTLE fbb coverage!