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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 05:44:43 AM

Title: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 05:44:43 AM
Article from The Wall Street Journal

OCTOBER 28, 2009, 7:05 P.M. ET

Has Anyone Read the Copenhagen Agreement?
U.N. plans for a new 'government' are scary.


We can only hope that world leaders will do nothing more than enjoy a pleasant bicycle ride around the charming streets of Copenhagen come December. For if they actually manage to wring out an agreement based on the current draft text of the Copenhagen climate-change treaty, the world is in for some nasty surprises. Draft text, you say? If you haven't heard about it, that's because none of our otherwise talkative political leaders have bothered to tell us what the drafters have already cobbled together for leaders to consider. And neither have the media.

Enter Lord Christopher Monckton. The former adviser to Margaret Thatcher gave an address at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, earlier this month that made quite a splash. For the first time, the public heard about the 181 pages, dated Sept. 15, that comprise the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—a rough draft of what could be signed come December.

So far there have been more than a million hits on the YouTube post of his address. It deserves millions more because Lord Monckton warns that the aim of the Copenhagen draft treaty is to set up a transnational "government" on a scale the world has never before seen.

The "scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention" that starts on page 18 contains the provision for a "government." The aim is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene in the financial, economic, tax and environmental affairs of all the nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty.

The reason for the power grab is clear enough: Clause after complicated clause of the draft treaty requires developed countries to pay an "adaptation debt" to developing countries to supposedly support climate change mitigation. Clause 33 on page 39 says that "by 2020 the scale of financial flows to support adaptation in developing countries must be [at least $67 billion] or [in the range of $70 billion to $140 billion per year]."

And how will developed countries be slugged to provide for this financial flow to the developing world? The draft text sets out various alternatives, including option seven on page 135, which provides for "a [global] levy of 2 per cent on international financial market [monetary] transactions to Annex I Parties." Annex 1 countries are industrialized countries, which include among others the U.S., Australia, Britain and Canada.

To be sure, countries that sign international treaties always cede powers to a U.N. body responsible for implementing treaty obligations. But the difference is that this treaty appears to have been subject to unusual attempts to conceal its convoluted contents. And apart from the difficulty of trying to decipher the U.N. verbiage, there are plenty of draft clauses described as "alternatives" and "options" that should raise the ire of free and democratic countries concerned about preserving their sovereignty.

Lord Monckton himself only became aware of the extraordinary powers to be vested in this new world government when a friend found an obscure U.N. Web site and searched through several layers of hyperlinks before discovering a document that isn't even called the draft "treaty." Instead, it's labelled a "Note by the Secretariat."

Interviewed by broadcaster Alan Jones on Sydney radio Monday, Lord Monckton said "this is the first time I've ever seen any transnational treaty referring to a new body to be set up under that treaty as a 'government.' But it's the powers that are going to be given to this entirely unelected government that are so frightening." He added: "The sheer ambition of this new world government is enormous right from the start—that's even before it starts accreting powers to itself in the way that these entities inevitably always do."

Critics have admonished Lord Monckton for his colorful language. He has certainly been vigorous. In his exposé of the draft Copenhagen treaty in St. Paul, he warned Americans that "in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy and your prosperity away forever." Yet his critics fail to deal with the substance of what he says.

Ask yourself this question: Given that our political leaders spend hundreds of hours talking about climate change and the need for a global consensus in Copenhagen, why have none of them talked openly about the details of this draft climate-change treaty? After all, the final treaty will bind signatories for years to come. What exactly are they hiding? Thanks to Lord Monckton we now know something of their plans.

Janos Pasztor, director of the Secretary-General's Climate Change Support Team, told reporters in New York Monday that with the U.S. Congress yet to pass a climate-change bill, a global climate-change treaty is now an unlikely outcome in Copenhagen. Let's hope he is right. And thank you, America.

Ms. Albrechtsen is a columnist for the Australian.

Copyright 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 05:57:22 AM
Samson - why do you think I have been on a tear about the Cap & Trade scam lately? 
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 06:00:13 AM
Samson - why do you think I have been on a tear about the Cap & Trade scam lately? 

I know...I am just hitting those who refuse to believe and understand with information from many sources and in many ways in hopes everyone will open their eyes and see.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: The Showstoppa on October 30, 2009, 06:07:22 AM
Samson, this is by far the best post you have ever had on here.  Honestly, I would have thought from your past postings that you would support such an idea. 

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 06:27:31 AM
Samson, this is by far the best post you have ever had on here.  Honestly, I would have thought from your past postings that you would support such an idea. 

You mean the TEN THOUSAND NWO post I have made and the constant posts about such people and groups like Bilderberg, Rockefellers, Wallenbergs, CFR, TRILATERAL etc did not make you aware that I was aware of what is coming in to play: world government, ressurection of Europe as the new world power, america being destroyed (essentially) and China being the new industrial powerhouse along with India with Africa adn South America supplying natural resources.......
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 06:34:02 AM
I know...I am just hitting those who refuse to believe and understand with information from many sources and in many ways in hopes everyone will open their eyes and see.

You know what, half, or maybe 3/4 of the people around here think Im crazy, but they don't see the big picture of what is going on and fall for the MSM nonsense, diversions, and propaganda EVERY single fucking time! 

Just look at how many responses there are on the threads about Fox vs. Msnbc, Palin's baby, etc.

I have posted tons of threads showing exactly how Goldman Sachs and the Govt are preparing to anally rape us with this and yet, they care more about Maddows' ratings or Fox News' reporting.  I have posted threads about the exact language in the Cap & Trade bill and how it will regulate your home, create federal building codes, etc, yet, we have people like Straw and KC who still dont believe it. 

I have never seen it so bad in my life where you can literally show someone the facts, the language in these bills, the videos, etc, and they still refuse to accept the reality of what is afoot.       
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: MRDUMPLING on October 30, 2009, 06:37:13 AM
I know...I am just hitting those who refuse to believe and understand with information from many sources and in many ways in hopes everyone will open their eyes and see.

Great post and great article.  We may not agree on everything, but we agree on the piece of shit U.N.

Once again...great find.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: The Showstoppa on October 30, 2009, 06:41:19 AM
You mean the TEN THOUSAND NWO post I have made and the constant posts about such people and groups like Bilderberg, Rockefellers, Wallenbergs, CFR, TRILATERAL etc did not make you aware that I was aware of what is coming in to play: world government, ressurection of Europe as the new world power, america being destroyed (essentially) and China being the new industrial powerhouse along with India with Africa adn South America supplying natural resources.......

Honestly, I may have sold you short with the "demise" of America thing.  It always came across to me that you were almost happy about it and it turned me off to most, if not all, of your postings. 
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 09:42:37 AM
Honestly, I may have sold you short with the "demise" of America thing.  It always came across to me that you were almost happy about it and it turned me off to most, if not all, of your postings. 

This is what I don't understand...When I said it was going to happen in america (and the rest of the world) you and those like you turned a deaf ear to me or labelled me CT, or tried to dimiss the facts I pushed. These were not my opinions based on what I felt...they were facts based on the FACTS of people like Schiff, Parks, Chapman, other financial analyist and government leaders, political maneuves etc. Now that so much has happened in america and the rest of the world to the point that CALAMITY is practically on everyones door...NOW YOU ALL BEGIN TO SEE. Sadly if there was something that could have been done..IT CAN'T BE NOW...why,  because all of that time wasted trying to convince EVERYONE that the "dam was breaking" has resulted in the dam now being too far gone to repair. The most you can all do now is wait for the fallout and hope you are not a casualty.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 09:49:03 AM
This is what I don't understand...When I said it was going to happen in america (and the rest of the world) you and those like you turned a deaf ear to me or labelled me CT, or tried to dimiss the facts I pushed. These were not my opinions based on what I felt...they were facts based on the FACTS of people like Schiff, Parks, Chapman, other financial analyist and government leaders, political maneuves etc. Now that so much has happened in america and the rest of the world to the point that CALAMITY is practically on everyones door...NOW YOU ALL BEGIN TO SEE. Sadly if there was something that could have been done..IT CAN'T BE NOW...why,  because all of that time wasted trying to convince EVERYONE that the "dam was breaking" has resulted in the dam now being too far gone to repair. The most you can all do now is wait for the fallout and hope you are not a casualty.

I was laughed at by people on this board for shoring up my basic supplies in the house.  I could care less, worst case scenario is I have a few more items around the homestead to tide me over that will be hard to get in the event of hoarding.

Its not like i am going out and spending thousands a dollars a month on stuff.  Its more like a slow accumulation of stuff that will have a shelf life of 3 to five years and stuff that is rugged and durable.     

Books on food preparation and storage, Guns, ammo, basic supplies, water, batteries, radio, etc. 


Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 30, 2009, 10:56:42 AM
I don't think Obama will sign this, but I absolutely think the media should be reporting this story.  People need to know this is on the table and that radical ideas are being proposed.
This is a complete 'world government' idea/agreement and is insane.  The fact that some world leaders crafted this insanity is horrifying...but it's real, not some exaggerated idea of what could happen.
We need to give less $ to the U.N.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Hugo Chavez on October 30, 2009, 11:05:25 AM
I don't think Obama will sign this, but I absolutely think the media should be reporting this story.  People need to know this is on the table and that radical ideas are being proposed.
This is a complete 'world government' idea/agreement and is insane.  The fact that some world leaders crafted this insanity is horrifying...but it's real, not some exaggerated idea of what could happen.
We need to give less $ to the U.N.

why do you think Obama wouldn't.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 11:09:17 AM
why do you think Obama wouldn't.


The only reason i think we wont sign it is because he is afraid of the massive lsos he would suffer in the Senate over this mess. 

He has had a ton of embarassments lately and this would be yet another one. 
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 11:31:27 AM
I don't think Obama will sign this, but I absolutely think the media should be reporting this story.  People need to know this is on the table and that radical ideas are being proposed.
This is a complete 'world government' idea/agreement and is insane.  The fact that some world leaders crafted this insanity is horrifying...but it's real, not some exaggerated idea of what could happen.
We need to give less $ to the U.N.

I hope that you are right, and that he does not sign it,  but my gut feeling is that he will sign it.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:01:50 PM
Signing something like that could cause a major uproar if not a outright revolution. 

Besides, I'm not sure, but doesn't he have to have congresses approval for something like that?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 30, 2009, 12:15:45 PM
Political suicide.  Yes, would need to be ratified by congress I think.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:23:55 PM
Political suicide.  Yes, would need to be ratified by congress I think.

The American people aren't gonna stand for that. 

I think maybe then this is more "Fear Propaganda with a little CT spin on the side."
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 12:34:59 PM
Obama will sign it...You really think he went to Oslo or Coppenhagen Norway just to get some nonsensical Nobel Peace Prize.? He was briefed on what this was and is about and made aware that his signature (US ACCEPTANCE) is REQUIRED!!!!

Remember what the reason was for him getting the Nobel? Not that he had done anything...but because of "THE THINGS HE WOULD DO IN THE FUTURE". Well here is one of those future things...THe signing over of the US into this agreement of which there is no extricating america or any nation out of once done. There is a talk show called THE POWER HOUR where this very thing was being discussed a few days ago. From the tones of the Obama administration and leaders around the world, there has been no mention of US resistence in agreeing to this.

Essentially it is the final straw that welcomes in THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND GOVERNMENT.

OK you can all start denying it again, but the next few weeks will tell the tale.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 12:36:27 PM
The American people aren't gonna stand for that. 

I think maybe then this is more "Fear Propaganda with a little CT spin on the side."

Ozmo - why do you think that they were trying to jam Cap & Trade through so fast?  

The teabaggers and town hallers were able to at least put some breaks on these freaks in the congress and they are bogged down in health care right now.  

***** wanted Cap & Trade done so he could go to Copenghagen and sign this mess.

Thankfully his plans are not working.  

For America to win, it is essential that Obama fails.  
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: headhuntersix on October 30, 2009, 12:39:47 PM
Yah except Barry can sign anything he wants..the treaty still has to be ratified by chance in hell of that happening.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 12:42:13 PM
Yah except Barry can sign anything he wants..the treaty still has to be ratified by chance in hell of that happening.

That is why we need to keep the pressure on our reps.  Sure those in safe districts will go along with anything, but there are enough in the mid west and middle america who wont, thankfully. 

The only reason i think ***** may not sign this is to avoid a humliaiting defeat in the congress.  We all know he is the most vain president in our lifetime and probably does not want another defeat on his hands.   
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 12:42:23 PM
Obama and the people he surrounds himself with are as far left as you can get, I truly believe they are radicals who have a mind set on doing this.

I hope I am wrong though.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:44:10 PM
Yah except Barry can sign anything he wants..the treaty still has to be ratified by chance in hell of that happening.


Janos Pasztor, director of the Secretary-General's Climate Change Support Team, told reporters in New York Monday that with the U.S. Congress yet to pass a climate-change bill, a global climate-change treaty is now an unlikely outcome in Copenhagen. Let's hope he is right. And thank you, America.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:47:08 PM
That is why we need to keep the pressure on our reps.  Sure those in safe districts will go along with anything, but there are enough in the mid west and middle america who wont, thankfully. 

The only reason i think ***** may not sign this is to avoid a humliaiting defeat in the congress.  We all know he is the most vain president in our lifetime and probably does not want another defeat on his hands.   

Which goes back to what i suspect:  Fear propaganda with a side of CT.

He can't sign it, and even if he does, he'll get fried in congress, because his proponents will ape shit and get the American people fired up.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 12:50:37 PM
Which goes back to what i suspect:  Fear propaganda with a side of CT.

He can't sign it, and even if he does, he'll get fried in congress, because his proponents will ape shit and get the American people fired up.

Yeah buy you know what, at least we know the things that are going on, whether they are likely to be signed or not. 

But for the Senate confirmationprocess, we all know Obama would have no problem signing on to this. 
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:55:25 PM (

From Times Online
October 30, 2009

Merkel: no chance of Kyoto-style agreement at Copenhagen
David Charter and Sam Coates in Brussels

German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks during a media conference at the end of an EU summit in Brussels

Angela Merkel today tried to give the world a wake up call to the glacial progress being made towards a climate deal in Copenhagen by writing off the chances of achieving a succesor to the Kyoto treaty this year.

Alarmed by the impasse gripping pre-Copenhagen talks, the German Chancellor warned fellow EU leaders that only a broad political framework was now possible from the negotiations due in the Danish capital in December. She said that the chances of a comprehensive treaty had disappeared.

"It is realistic to say that in Copenhagen we will not be able to conclude a treaty but it is important to lay down a political framework which will be the basis of the treaty," she said at the end of the two-day EU summit in Brussels.

"Copenhagen was supposed to be a post-Kyoto regime. Now we are talking about a political framework and negotiations will drag out longer until we get a treaty."
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Her stark warning carries extra weight because she led German negotiations on the original Kyoto protocol which created the first international targets for cutting harmful emissions.

Mrs Merkel, who is deeply committed to achieving a comprehensive global treaty to succeed Kyoto, will tell President Obama about her fears that the US is doing too little to secure a treaty when she travels to Washington this week.

She also held a private meeting with Gordon Brown today in Brussels at which she told him that much more needed to be doen to kickstart the faltering Copenhagen process.

EU leaders decided today to call for a global fund of €100 billion a year to pay developing countries to combat climate change but failed to agree on how much money it was prepared to put into it.

Proposals for the EU to pledge €10 billion a year of public money towards the fund were rejected by former Iron Curtain countries which wanted to know exactly what they were being asked to pay before signing up.

Campaigners welcomed the idea of a global fund but warned that unless the EU gave more of a lead by offering hard cash incentives, it could be impossible to persuade the US and others to join in and reach agreement at climate change talks in Copenhagen in December.

In setting their negotiating position for Copenhagen, EU leaders agreed that €22 to €50 billion a year should come from developed countries to help the poorer nations to go green. Most of the rest would come form carbon trading schemes, they said.

The final deal failed to meet Mr Brown's ambitions because the Prime Minister had pushed for the EU to name its contribution and called for the range of public funding to be set at €30 to €40 billion a year by 2020, arguing that €22 billion would be too low.

Mr Brown today described the compromise over the EU climate change deal as a "prelude" to successful global talks in Copenhagen. Unlike Mrs Merkel, he remains upbeat about the chances of success in Copenhagen.

"People realise that we are only a few days away from the negotiations in Copenhagen. We were aware that if we did not come together to make progress, the possibility of a deal [in Copenhagen] would be a lot less likely. We can now look forward to a successful outcome."

The EU is also proposing that the international community find €5 to €7 billion of fast-track funding for the 2010-12 period for the developing world before any Copenhagen agreement comes into force. Again, the EU part of that was not made clear.

"The EU failed to use this opportunity to put its money where its mouth is" said Joris den Blanken, EU climate policy director for Greenpeace.

"But all is not lost: today 27 of the world's richest nations have backed global funding to tackle climate change in developing countries.

"The Copenhagen train is still running, but the world desperately needs some climate leadership to stop the wheels from jumping off the track. Regardless of whether climate legislation is passed in the US ahead of Copenhagen, president Obama should step up and break the deadlock in negotiations."
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 12:56:48 PM
Looks like this "train" is losing its grip on the tracks.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 01:00:49 PM
Looks like this "train" is losing its grip on the tracks.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 01:02:16 PM
Yeah buy you know what, at least we know the things that are going on, whether they are likely to be signed or not. 

But for the Senate confirmationprocess, we all know Obama would have no problem signing on to this. 


Are we supposed cringe in fear at every creak?  

I mean WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????

"UN plans for a new government" followed with fear bots running around saying Obama is going to sign our soveriengty away.

Grow up people.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 01:03:50 PM

Are we supposed cringe in fear at every creak?  

I mean WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????

"UN plans for a new government" followed with fear bots running around saying Obama is going to sign our soveriengty away.

Grow up people.

No, but the larger issue of Cap & Trade and this green madness that is being used as cover to usher in all sorts of crap.   
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 01:08:15 PM
No, but the larger issue of Cap & Trade and this green madness that is being used as cover to usher in all sorts of crap.   


Start another thread talking "cap and trade" then.  In the mean time, try and stay on the subject of the thread which is the CHICKEN LITTLE'S SAYING:

Obama is gonna sigh our sovereignty away............whaaaaaa whaaaaaaa whaaaaa.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 01:11:05 PM

Start another thread talking "cap and trade" then.  In the mean time, try and stay on the subject of the thread which is the CHICKEN LITTLE'S SAYING:

Obama is gonna sigh our sovereignty away............whaaaaaa whaaaaaaa whaaaaa.

Look, I dont trust any one of these assholes to do the right thing and think the more light that it shown on everything coming down the pike is a good thing. 

I prefer more info to less and let me decide what is CT and whats not. 

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: shootfighter1 on October 30, 2009, 01:13:12 PM
Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document.  You can accuse people for taking it too far predicting that Obama will sign it but this proposal has been drafted...that's the scary part!

I am nearly certain Obama wouldn't sign it.  He and some on the liberal left may support it but it would be political suicide and he knows that.  Obama allows the left to push their agenda but he wants to remain president.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 01:24:49 PM
Look, I dont trust any one of these assholes to do the right thing and think the more light that it shown on everything coming down the pike is a good thing.  

I prefer more info to less and let me decide what is CT and whats not.  

  ;D Just for the record.....I said a side of CT.

If you want to know the truth, you must only deal in things that are true.  Fear Propaganda like this thread's title influences people to think emotionally instead of objectively effectively turning them into Chicken Little.

Quit it already.

I'm not saying there should be less info.  I'm saying that we should all be more discerning about the info we do get.  With as much research and passion you put into your campaign against the present administration I would think you could put up a more objective factual investigation into stuff like this.

I mean really, com 'on......"Obama signing over America's Sovereignty?"

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 01:26:55 PM
Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document.  You can accuse people for taking it too far predicting that Obama will sign it but this proposal has been drafted...that's the scary part!

I am nearly certain Obama wouldn't sign it.  He and some on the liberal left may support it but it would be political suicide and he knows that.  Obama allows the left to push their agenda but he wants to remain president.

I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 01:55:11 PM
Yeah, just another CT article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 01:59:54 PM
Yeah, just another CT article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)

Can you read?  Or do i need to draw pictures for you?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 02:05:27 PM
Can you read?  Or do i need to draw pictures for you?

No to the green agenda!


I posted the new slayer album on this thread:

FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 02:07:18 PM
Can you read?  Or do i need to draw pictures for you?

Yeah, just another "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 02:08:05 PM
No to the green agenda!


I posted the new slayer album on this thread:

FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh yes,  I agree about the green scam,

And yes, and something we can all agree on:  SLAYER : )
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 02:13:22 PM
Yeah, just another "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)

I guess you didn't excel in reading due to your liberal infested school system.

Where do i say
"Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side article from the Wall Street Journal"

Show me where you READ that.  
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: Soul Crusher on October 30, 2009, 02:14:41 PM
Ahh yes,  I agree about the green scam,

And yes, and something we can all agree on:  SLAYER : )

This new album is the best since Seasons by far.  Unit 731 is up there with Angel of Death IMHO.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 02:19:00 PM
I guess you didn't excel in reading due to your liberal infested school system.

Where do i say

Show me where you READ that. 

Hey asswhipe, I read it on here (above) your "Reply #34 on: Today at 01:26:55 PM »"
I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side

The Article that Sampson posted on this thread is from the Wall Street Journal

Go back and re-read dip shit
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: headhuntersix on October 30, 2009, 02:28:43 PM
Stuff like this is a bridge to far for the nutbag lefties...this is what Obama may want but he has to set the stage for treaties like this to be possible...well down the road. He's doing it now but the conservative backlash is coming. Conservatism won't look like it has in the past...some social issues will drop..but liberty, less government intrusion...fiscal responsibility etc will win out. The race in Virginia is proof positive of that. The Repub has dropped all the social topics and run on fiscal responsibility, taxes..industry etc and he's kicking ass. This is the key to victory. The evangelicals will have to get over it...
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 02:33:50 PM
Hey asswhipe, these are your words (below) not mine

The text that Sampson posted on this thread is from the Wall Street Journal

Go back and re-read dip shit

Ahh James, reading not your strong suit eh?   The CT on the side is Samson, the Fear Propaganda is the Article.  I'd draw a picture but i don't feel like going through the trouble.  

Did you bother to read Samson's posts on the subject?  Did you watch the video?  Did you bother to read the timesonline article i posted that was written today on the subject?  Don't expect me to draw a picture for you on the timesonline article.

Why does your gut feel Obama will sign it?

I hope that you are right, and that he does not sign it,  but my gut feeling is that he will sign it.

Is it your anger towards Obama?  Is it your disdain for all things liberal?  Is it your neo-con programming?  Or is it you propensity to be influenced by FEAR PROPAGANDA?

What is it James?

Because it wouldn't matter if Obama signed it (other than committing self-political masochism).  Our constitution wasn't set up so one man could forfeit the basis of our country or make treaties with out congressional approval representative of the will of the people.  

Although, Obama did find a loop hole to it with the recent nuke treaty (revision).
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: headhuntersix on October 30, 2009, 02:35:57 PM
Barry can set the stage unless he's stopped. If u told US industry how OSHA and the Greenies would shit can what they do, 40 years ago, they would have laughed at u.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 02:40:56 PM
Ahh James, reading not your strong suit eh?   The CT on the side is Samson, the Fear Propaganda is the Article.  I'd draw a picture but i don't feel like going through the trouble.  

Did you bother to read Samson's posts on the subject?  Did you watch the video?  Did you bother to read the timesonline article i posted that was written today on the subject?  Don't expect me to draw a picture for you on the timesonline article.

Why does your gut feel Obama will sign it?

Quote from: James on Today at 11:31:27 AM
I hope that you are right, and that he does not sign it,  but my gut feeling is that he will sign it.

Is it your anger towards Obama?  Is it your disdain for all things liberal?  Is it your neo-con programming?  Or is it you propensity to be influenced by FEAR PROPAGANDA?

What is it James?

Because it wouldn't matter if Obama signed it (other than committing self-political masochism).  Our constitution wasn't set up so one man could forfeit the basis of our country or make treaties with out congressional approval representative of the will of the people.  

Although, Obama did find a loop hole to it with the recent nuke treaty (revision).

Nice try you condescending Ass Hole

ShootFighter wrote " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document. "

Ozmo replied with   "I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side."

You wrote that in response to ShootFighter's message to you that this was a "real document"  
ShootFighters message to you did not mention anything about Sampson, yet you replied to him with "I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda

Try again dip shit
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 02:47:40 PM
Nice try you condesnding Ass Hole

You wrote  "I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side."
You wrote that in response to ShootFighter's message to you that this was a "real document"  
ShootFighers message to you did not mention anything about Sampson, yet you replied to him with "I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda

Try again dip shit

HAHAHAHAHAHA   I did my best to sound condescending.

Shootfighters message didn't have to mention anything about Samson as i was addressing everything on the thread up to the point i posted.  And if you notice, Samson echoed my assertion in prime fashion afterwards. (not to mention, Samsons name/avitar is on the left side of the post  :D)

But really, what does your "gut" tell you?   :D

If i meant to single out the WSJ article as a CT I would have directly done so.  
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 02:53:01 PM

ShootFighter wrote " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document. "

Ozmo replied with   "I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side."

Wow, i even say its not a CT, and you even quote me saying the document is not a CT,  yet that's not good enough for your gut is it?

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 02:58:13 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA   I did my best to sound condescending.

Shootfighters message didn't have to mention anything about Samson as i was addressing everything on the thread up to the point i posted.  And if you notice, Samson echoed my assertion in prime fashion afterwards.

But really, what does your "gut" tell you.   Cheesy

If i meant to single out the WSJ article as a CT I would have directly done so.  

My reply was in response to you answering Shootfighter

ShootFighter wrote:
Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document.  You can accuse people for taking it too far predicting that Obama will sign it but this proposal has been drafted...that's the scary part!

I am nearly certain Obama wouldn't sign it.  He and some on the liberal left may support it but it would be political suicide and he knows that.  Obama allows the left to push their agenda but he wants to remain president.
Where does he mention Sampson in the above quote ?

then you replied with:
I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side.

Keep trying to spin it,  as it really is a great effort on your part ::)

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:04:30 PM
My reply was in response to you answering Shootfighter

ShootFighter wrote:
then you replied with:
Where does he mention Sampson in the above quote ?

Keep trying to spin it,  as it really is a great effort on your part ::)

He doesn't have to.  If I don't address it directly, then my post can be addressing the entire thread.  Which it was.

And further more, I even clarified my position on it by saying "I know its not a CT."
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 03:08:08 PM

Yeah, just another "Fear Propaganda"  article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:13:35 PM

Yeah, just another "Fear Propaganda"  article from the Wall Street Journal     ::)

Thanks James.  :)

Yes, I stand by that.  (except for the "another" part. did i say another?)

Any questions from your stomach?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 03:20:09 PM
Thanks James.  Smiley

Yes, I stand by that.

Any questions from your stomach?

And I stand by my comment that you are an Ass Hole, and that you were not talking about Sampson in your reply to ShootFighter.

next ?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:26:40 PM
And I stand by my comment that you are an Ass Hole, and that you were not talking about Sampson in your reply to ShootFighter.

next ?

Yeah, I'm an Ass Hole.  So what?  I don't f-ing care.

But you have demonstrated yourself to be an idiot with poor reading skills.  

After accusing me of saying the WSJ article was CT you posted a post of mine clarifying it for Shoot and then still maintained that i was talking about the WSJ.

I mean WTH?  How stupid are you?  Or is it your stomach that's the monster dumbass here?

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 03:28:33 PM
(except for the "another" part. did i say another?)

is the word another quoted ?

maybe you need to brush up on your reading skills
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:29:51 PM
is the word another quoted ?

maybe you need to brush up on your reading skills

Well, with your stomach jumping to conclusions like a rabbit on crank, I wanted to be sure.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 03:33:31 PM
That is why we need to keep the pressure on our reps.  Sure those in safe districts will go along with anything, but there are enough in the mid west and middle america who wont, thankfully. 

The only reason i think ***** may not sign this is to avoid a humliaiting defeat in the congress.  We all know he is the most vain president in our lifetime and probably does not want another defeat on his hands.   

These REPS are nothing more than PROSTITUTES who will bend and buckle to anything...ESPECIALLY MONEY. Remember congress giving their OK to Bush to declare war on Iraq. Since when does congress do that? Since they were bought out by the lobbyist and Zionist like the prostitutes they are.

Obma will sign this, because he is not concerned about running for another four years.... Given this treaty there will be no more america as you know it to have elections or presidents. Political power will be ceded to the UN/NWO and they will call the shots. Maybe there will be a figure head to take the orders adn carry them out...but no president.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:34:49 PM
These REPS are nothing more than PROSTITUTES who will bend and buckle to anything...ESPECIALLY MONEY. Remember congress giving their OK to Bush to declare war on Iraq. Since when does congress do that? Since they were bought out by the lobbyist and Zionist like the prostitutes they are.

Obma will sign this, because he is not concerned about running for another four years.... Given this treaty there will be no more america as you know it to have elections or presidents. Political power will be ceded to the UN/NWO and they will call the shots. Maybe there will be a figure head to take the orders adn carry them out...but no president.


Need i say more?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 03:35:30 PM
Yeah, I'm an Ass Hole.  So what?  I don't f-ing care.

But you have demonstrated yourself to be an idiot with poor reading skills.  

After accusing me of saying the WSJ article was CT you posted a post of mine clarifying it for Shoot and then still maintained that i was talking about the WSJ.

I mean WTH?  How stupid are you?  Or is it your stomach that's the monster dumbass here?

Fact: ShootFighter wrote a message to you (where he he never mentioned Sampson) where he said " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document."

Fact: You quoted ShootFighter's message (not Sampson original message), and replied  " I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side.

People like you are ass holes online, to compensate for the pussies they are in real life,  nothing new here.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:39:55 PM
Fact: ShootFighter wrote a message to you (where he he never mentioned Sampson) where he said " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document."

Fact: You quoted ShootFighter's message (not Sampson original message), and replied  " I know it's not a CT.  That's why i said "Fear Propaganda" with CT on the side.

yeah, dip shits like you are ass holes online, to compensate for the pussies they are in real life,  noting new here.


Did you just play the "assholes online, pussies in real life" card?   Wow, how original.   ::)

Yes James,  you are right, I clarified my statement to shoot. 

What do you think i meant when i said:  "I know it's not a CT."  ?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 03:52:22 PM
Yeah, I'm an Ass Hole.  So what?  I don't f-ing care.

it shows.


Did you just play the "assholes online, pussies in real life" card?   Wow, how original.   Roll Eyes

Yes James,  you are right, I clarified my statement to shoot.

What do you think i meant when i said:  "I know it's not a CT."  ?

Why did ShootFigther respond to you with: "Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document." ?

Could it be that he (like me) thought that you were referencing the Article, with your CT comment ?

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 03:57:01 PM
Why did ShootFigther respond to you with: "Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document." ?

Could it be that he (like me) thought that you were referencing referencing the Article, with your CT comment ?

Yes, I'm sure that was his intention so i immediately responded clarifying it.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:02:50 PM
Yes, I'm sure that was his intention so i immediately responded clarifying it.

ShootFighter and I got the same thing from your post.

So either ShootFighter needs you to draw a picture too.


You are just a condescending asshole, who was not clear in what he was wanting to say.

I will go with the second one.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 04:06:05 PM
GUYS..this emotional arguing and denial of everything that is happening is not helping but hurting.

When the discussion last year was around the market crashing and real estate crashing some of you went ape saying those making those claims were CRAZY. Well one year later with a crashed market and mortgage meltdown it no longer can be said to have been crazy to think like that. No one saw Obama giving away 12 Trillion dollars to the very bankers who are responsible for crating this disaster... yet it happened.

That Reinhardt guy from that cryptic website (EnterpriseCorruption) predicted to the month and day all manner of events that would befall america and again some of you went ape claiming it would never happen..yet it did.

When I saw Obama going to Oslo or Coppenhagen to get a Nobel for not having done shit but exacerbate problems I said there is something else to this.... THen I heard the Nobel committee say "we gave the Prize to him for the things he would do in the future". While I did not think it meant signing this treaty, it now makes all the more sense.

We don't need to argue anymore on this matter... as it stand it is a WAIT AND SEE GAME right now. A few short weeks, a lot of people holding their breaths and a pen near Obamas hand will either sign the document or he will have some reason to NOT sign the document. (Here is where I will get CT on you) I have a feeling (in my gut) if he does NOT sign that document an EVENT will occur immediately..and I mean a SERIOUS EVENT will occur that will justify america joining the UN/NWO agreement.

After all that has happened in the last year and a half and the power elite coming forward to make known their plans and to show the massses that Obama is nothing more than a hand puppet, I really believe Obama is nothing more than the hammer they are using to drive the nail in the coffin... This part is JMO...
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:07:07 PM
So ShootFighter and I got the same thing from your post,  that made you reply with:
"Can you read?  Or do i need to draw pictures for you?"

So either ShootFighter needs you to draw a picture too.


You are just a condescending asshole, who was not clear in what he was wanting to say.

I will go with the second one.

(going into condescending ass hole mode)


So asking questions for clarification is just too much for your stomach to handle?

Tell you what, PM every time you log on to post and I will make sure i am very clear and detailed so you don't have a hissy fit.

(ass hole mode "off")

Well sorry you feel that way.  I'll try and be more clear next time.  For the record, again.  "I know it's not a CT"
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:08:08 PM
GUYS..this emotional arguing and denial of everything that is happening is not helping but hurting.

When the discussion last year was around the market crashing and real estate crashing some of you went ape saying those making those claims were CRAZY. Well one year later with a crashed market and mortgage meltdown it no longer can be said to have been crazy to think like that. No one saw Obama giving away 12 Trillion dollars to the very bankers who are responsible for crating this disaster... yet it happened.

That Reinhardt guy from that cryptic website (EnterpriseCorruption) predicted to the month and day all manner of events that would befall america and again some of you went ape claiming it would never happen..yet it did.

When I saw Obama going to Oslo or Coppenhagen to get a Nobel for not having done shit but exacerbate problems I said there is something else to this.... THen I heard the Nobel committee say "we gave the Prize to him for the things he would do in the future". While I did not think it meant signing this treaty, it now makes all the more sense.

We don't need to argue anymore on this matter... as it stand it is a WAIT AND SEE GAME right now. A few short weeks, a lot of people holding their breaths and a pen near Obamas hand will either sign the document or he will have some reason to NOT sign the document. (Here is where I will get CT on you) I have a feeling (in my gut) if he does NOT sign that document an EVENT will occur immediately..and I mean a SERIOUS EVENT will occur that will justify america joining the UN/NWO agreement.

After all that has happened in the last year and a half and the power elite coming forward to make known their plans and to show the massses that Obama is nothing more than a hand puppet, I really believe Obama is nothing more than the hammer they are using to drive the nail in the coffin... This part is JMO...

Samson, if you have anything, you have good timing.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:08:49 PM
(going into condescending ass hole mode)


So asking questions for clarification is just too much for your stomach to handle?

Tell you what, PM every time you log on to post and I will make sure i am very clear and detailed so you don't have a hissy fit.

(ass hole mode "off")

Well sorry you feel that way.  I'll try and be more clear next time.  For the record, again.  "I know it's not a CT"

Be sure and have ShootFighter send you PM's also, as we both took the same thing from your post.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:10:33 PM
Be sure and have ShootFighter send you PM's also, as we both took the same thing from your post.

I donno about that because i think Shoot, understands what:  "I know it's not a CT" means. 
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:14:18 PM
I donno about that because i think Shoot, understands what:  "I know it's not a CT" means.  

ShootFighter wrote: " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document. " ,  to correct you, as he thought the same as me.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:17:24 PM
ShootFighter wrote: " Ozmo, it's not CT.  This is a real document. " ,  to correct you, not in an agreement with you, as he thought the same as me.

Yes, and i clarified it.  But you didn't read that far before you posted did you?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:21:04 PM
Yes, and i clarified it.  But you didn't read that far before you posted did you?

We both took the same meaning from your post, and we both responded.

If you are so sure of what you wrote,  why did you need to clarify it to ShootFighter ?

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:23:35 PM

We both took the same meaning from your post, and we both responded.

Yeah.  You just didn't bother to read any further.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:24:09 PM
Yes, and i clarified it.

Why did you need to clarify it to ShootFighter ?
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:33:24 PM
If you are so sure of what you wrote,  why did you need to clarify it to ShootFighter ?

Because based on his post he thought i was saying the WSJ article was a CT.  

Not trying to sound condecending here, or meaning to.  But that's how conversation works sometimes.  

You got 2 issues here, from what i can see:

1.  I never directly said the WSJ article was a CT
2.  When asked about it, i attempted to clarify it.

Com on, James.  The WSJ is a credible news source.  It's not prison planet.  But i think the article is designed somewhat to freak people out a bit and you got Samson over here fanning the fires.  That's why i've taken the attitude about it I have.  I even posted a current article tempering the supposed "threat".

Also i did come off as a smart ass initially with your post.  I apologize.  I was just getting testy with your eye roll because i thought i had clarified myself.    
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: James on October 30, 2009, 04:42:29 PM
Because based on his post he thought i was saying the WSJ article was a CT.

Not trying to sound condecending here, or meaning to.  But that's how conversation works sometimes.

You got 2 issues here, from what i can see:

1.  I never directly said the WSJ article was a CT
2.  When asked about it, i attempted to clarify it.

Com on, James.  The WSJ is a credible news source.  It's not prison planet.  But i think the article is designed somewhat to freak people out a bit and you got Samson over here fanning the fires.  That's why i've taken the attitude about i have.  I even posted a current article tempering the supposed "threat".

Also i did come off as a smart ass initially with your post.  I apologize.  I was just getting testy with your eye roll because i thought i had clarified myself.  

Apology accepted.

have a good weekend.

Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: SAMSON123 on October 30, 2009, 04:54:26 PM
Because based on his post he thought i was saying the WSJ article was a CT.  

Not trying to sound condecending here, or meaning to.  But that's how conversation works sometimes.  

You got 2 issues here, from what i can see:

1.  I never directly said the WSJ article was a CT
2.  When asked about it, i attempted to clarify it.

Com on, James.  The WSJ is a credible news source.  It's not prison planet.  But i think the article is designed somewhat to freak people out a bit and you got Samson over here fanning the fires.  That's why i've taken the attitude about it I have.  I even posted a current article tempering the supposed "threat".

Also i did come off as a smart ass initially with your post.  I apologize.  I was just getting testy with your eye roll because i thought i had clarified myself.    

*GASP*  :o :o :o

You are now on top of HUGO'S SHIT LIST..... Prepare for him to rain down fire and brimstone on your ass..
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on October 30, 2009, 04:59:38 PM
Apology accepted.

have a good weekend.

You too James.
Title: Re: Read the Copenhagen Agreement? U.N. plans for a new 'government'
Post by: OzmO on December 07, 2009, 03:27:24 PM
Bump for one last look at the USA.