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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 04:22:34 AM

Title: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 04:22:34 AM
Sooo guys, as promised in another thread I will post my transformation cycle a la Rich Piana over the next couple weeks...
At least if anyone is interested, otherwise Ill just log it on my phone for myself and say fuck you  ;D

HAPPY NEW YEAR at first.

This log also serves to prevent me from fucking up. Ill be serious here and not lie so if I fail on my diet (which is kinda easy with the stuff ill run) or whatever youll see it on here lol

Backstory short:
went from 202 lbs at 5'8 to 172 lbs over 9 weeks of cutting ... and back up to 178 lbs over christmas (sorry, enjoyed some good food)
sitting at 176lbs right now

 I will now hit everything hard and see how much weigt I can gain over the next couple weeks.
No dirty bulk but Ill try to put on as much "lean mass" as possible (which will be 90% water lol) until February 1st and then March 1st (probably wont bulk longer than 10 weeks or so).

For that Ill run ANYTHING that puts on LBM/glycogen/water, Im fucking tiny right now and I want my fullness back... so Im going for scale weight (a little fat gain will be accepted since Ill start with higher calories than usually).

AAS/Gear: 1g Test 1g Tren 1g NPP. Might add injectable DHT at 200-300mg a week. Might add an oral in 4 weeks but gonna let liver recover first. Oral of choice will be m1t or sdrol.
15mg MK677 a day (this stuff puts on water like crazy), 15iu slin pre workout, 50mcg t3
will run various Supps too (mostly shit that draws water, i can go into this if anyone is interested, ill experiment a bit here)

Starting weight: 176 lbs right now. Im flat as fuck due to high doses of t3. And im TIRED AS HELL of cutting. Its gain time.
Goal: 196 lbs come february 1st (so 4 weeks for 20 lbs)
this is not unrealistic since I put on or lose tons of weight due to glycogen and water retention

Workouts: will be 2days on 1day off. Might do cardio on rest days if im bored.

Diet: 3500kcals workout days 2800 kcals rest days (will probably increase that over time)
Macros i dont give a fuck but ill get 250g protein a day and i always eat rather high carbish

Will put up pics at the end of my transformation because otherwise people will give me shit for how small I am right now  ::)

Anyone else doing a similar cycle, hopping back on or hitting it hard at the beginning of this new year?
Just write down your thoughts or what youre doing here. Ill probably update this every 2-3 days with updates/thoughts, so feel free to discuss ANYTHING related in here

by the way I use similar principles as Rich Piana. even though he is considered an asshat by most guys his thoughts on cycling etc hold some truth.
yeah, not everything. some shit is pure broscience obviously
but ill increase gym time/workload, food and AAS over time (always done it that way) for example, which is one of his staple thoughts

before pics and 3 weeks in pics on page 5
6 weeks in pics on page 7
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on January 02, 2016, 04:50:22 AM
Post pics... No homo

Just my 2 cents but that's a lot of gear just to look good.   That's almost pro level usage

On a side note, I'd bet the 3 grams of roids will get u were u wanna go, not sure if those peptides do much. And who knows if they cause lymphoma etc down the road, not worth the risk
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 05:05:03 AM
pros use way more, dont worry  ;D

MK677 is the only peptide i use, ive tried pretty much EVERY other pep before and this one SHINES. its exactly made for what im planning...
works insanely well, but the constant hunger is hard to stand
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: tatoo on January 02, 2016, 05:34:06 AM
Post pics... No homo

Just my 2 cents but that's a lot of gear just to look good.   That's almost pro level usage

On a side note, I'd bet the 3 grams of roids will get u were u wanna go, not sure if those peptides do much. And who knows if they cause lymphoma etc down the road, not worth the risk

which pro do you think uses only 3g's, or 4gs for that matter, of gear??? 200 plus pound pro that is..
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Thong Maniac on January 02, 2016, 05:41:18 AM
Yeah the peptides seems like cancer waiting to happen IMHO. Shady Odd growth factors made for r/d, just doesn't sound good in the long term. Keep us posted man and be safe, seriously
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 05:58:12 AM
Yeah the peptides seems like cancer waiting to happen IMHO. Shady Odd growth factors made for r/d, just doesn't sound good in the long term. Keep us posted man and be safe, seriously

things we do to look good huh? :)

honestly im not worried, there are numerous studies on MK677, id consider it safe. higher dosages induce insulin resistance though so thats why im going for 10-15mg...

obviously in the end we never know where the shit comes from, but thats the same for AAS too
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 02, 2016, 09:05:57 AM
Do you brew your own injectable DHT? Are you using  it for hardness and strength?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: falco on January 02, 2016, 10:02:13 AM
Good luck on your endeavor.

I just think you are using too much gear/compounds, regarding your bodyweight.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 02, 2016, 10:45:23 AM
go at it bro

don't look back and never give up  8) 
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 10:52:30 AM
Do you brew your own injectable DHT? Are you using  it for hardness and strength?
well lets say something similar... not really using it for hardness and strength but i like a decent dose of androgens, keeps me tighter.

Good luck on your endeavor.

I just think you are using too much gear/compounds, regarding your bodyweight.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion ;)
my body handles these dosages well. if i was bald, full of acne and had 2 tits then i would reconsider my dosages of course.
additionally absolute numbers have zero signficance to me.
i could put on 50 lbs of shit weight within weeks and if i was 250lbs nobody would give a **** about my gear doses  ;D

go at it bro

don't look back and never give up  8) 

thanks man! same to you  ;)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Nattydread on January 02, 2016, 01:31:48 PM
IMO, Jizmo is the best and most informative poster on this forum(which is the best of all forums, of course), so this will be very interesting, especially if some pics are included(no homo, glute shots are not needed). Also, even if u only care about the visual results, it would be interesting to see how your strength progresses as this is extremely dependent on glycogen and water, in my experience
( i'm not sure about the mechanics of this, but I got more "strength"(temporary ego numbers, that is) from four weeks of 30 mg dbol only than from over a year on 500mg-1 gram of test only. the dbol numbers went down the shitter very fast upon stopping, of course. This was an early attempt at a "cycle", an idiotic concept that I have long since abandoned, in favor of b&c)

Best of luck and many thanks for all your informative posts. I have read them all and learned a lot doing so
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: polychronopolous on January 02, 2016, 01:37:14 PM
IMO, Jizmo is the best and most informative poster on this forum(which is the best of all forums, of course), so this will be very interesting, especially if some pics are included(no homo, glute shots are not needed). Also, even if u only care about the visual results, it would be interesting to see how your strength progresses as this is extremely dependent on glycogen and water, in my experience( I gained more "strength"(temporary ego numbers, that is) in four weeks of 30 mg dbol only than on 1 gram of test only for many months, although the dbol numbers went down the shitter very fast upon stopping the dbol. This was an early attempt at a "cycle", an idiotic concept that I have long since abandoned, in favor of b&c)

Best of luck and many thanks for all your informative posts. I have read them all and learned a lot doing so

Hey Jizmo, how ya been man?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on January 02, 2016, 01:43:09 PM
Good luck. Stay healthy.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Nattydread on January 02, 2016, 01:45:51 PM
Lol. I'm just a longtime lurker who never had any intention of posting here until I saw this. Another great poster is van Bilderass, by the way. Should he ever want to start a journal, I would be sure to encourage that also.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 02, 2016, 01:55:17 PM
Hey Jizmo, how ya been man?
lol this isnt me, but i agree, strong first post  ;D

but yeah nattydread, same for me on the strength thing... personally id say that strength strongly depends on weight and not actual muscle mass. however the latter helps  :) the further i progress muscle mass wise the stronger i am at the same bodyweight vs months/years ago
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Nattydread on January 02, 2016, 02:21:51 PM
lol this isnt me, but i agree, strong first post  ;D

but yeah nattydread, same for me on the strength thing... personally id say that strength strongly depends on weight and not actual muscle mass. however the latter helps  :) the further i progress muscle mass wise the stronger i am at the same bodyweight vs months/years ago

Yeah, obviuosly weight plays a part, for me the extra fat and bloat seemed to protect me when going heavy, plus I was a lot younger when I tried that cycle, so I trained with reckless abandon. But I have more muscle now, at a lot lower bf(and the weight is close to what is was back then)  still, test only doesn't give me that crazy intramuscular water retention that dbol and drol gives...not even close.
Well...I guess I only have myself to blame since I am being a pussy and only doing test. In the future that might change, until then, I will further my education by reading jizmos posts :)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: TheOne on January 02, 2016, 03:38:41 PM
No GH Jizzmo? And if not, why not?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on January 02, 2016, 04:15:22 PM
No GH Jizzmo? And if not, why not?

Cost outweighs the gains is my bet...
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on January 02, 2016, 04:36:08 PM
Test, GH, slin, T4.  All you need to hit 250 in good shape. 
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: iwantmass on January 02, 2016, 08:17:14 PM
Jizmo, with your experience with mk 677, have you stacked mk677 and hgh together?  Not much feedback on the 2 in synergy
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 12:32:07 AM
No GH Jizzmo? And if not, why not?
no funds for that.
if id run GH id use pharm and that alone at a reasonable dosage would probably cost 5x of what i pay for all AAS and supps together every month lol
Jizmo, with your experience with mk 677, have you stacked mk677 and hgh together?  Not much feedback on the 2 in synergy
since exogenous GH negatively feedbacks your endogenous GH production and MK amplifies endogenous GH production i think they wouldnt work synergistically at all, rather the opposite
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on January 03, 2016, 01:41:34 AM
since exogenous GH negatively feedbacks your endogenous GH production and MK amplifies endogenous GH production i think they wouldnt work synergistically at all, rather the opposite

Explain please
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 02:41:29 AM
Explain please
what exactly? this is gonna be long

with exogenous GH in your blood your body stops producing endogenous GH. at least for the time its active (or even longer, ill explan in a sec).
exogenous GH lasts 6-8 hours or so if i remember correctly, so with a single injection of exo GH you shut down endo GH for that timeframe.
if you inject exo GH twice a day you even have it shut down for twice that timeframe, so you essentially have 1/2 to 2/3 less endogenous GH production

MK677 works by amplifying and increasing endogenous GH production, which would be less effective if that is partly suppressed by exo GH...

you COULD obviously go around that by not using exogenous GH at night,
where most of your endogenous GH is released... so if you only use exo GH in the morning for example youd still have your nightly endogenous GH output.

however the debate is still out on that if exo GH only suppresses endo GH for the active time...
because theres also a negative feedback loop via IGF levels,
meaning if you have high IGF levels (FROM the GH) your GH production will decrease/be suppressed.
even MK677 alone does that (elevates both GH and IGF at first, but after 1-2 weeks only IGF will be elevated anymore and GH returns back to normal because of the negative feedback loop through IGF)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on January 03, 2016, 04:00:37 AM
Interesting. .. would the same go for its effect on igf1?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 04:15:27 AM
Interesting. .. would the same go for its effect on igf1?
well, indirectly...
high IGF inhibits GH production, but high GH "creates" IGF
so this would only be a problem regarding endogenous GH.

of course with exogenous GH thats not a problem since theres no production to inhibit... i think the elevations in IGF from exogenous GH are relatively stable... but ive seen bloodwork that suggested a drop in IGF levels over time after a couple weeks of GH use, which would mean that the elevation of IGF through exogenous GH negatively feedbacks itself. it was just a few percent though, maybe related to cease of endogenous production.
i dont know.
then theres the other theory that your body builds antibodies against exogenous GH over time, which could explain this too...

but i wouldnt worry about that with exogenous GH use. or you could just take 3-4 weeks off and use peptides in the meantime to "resensitize".

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on January 03, 2016, 04:21:42 AM
Appreciate your responses... Interesting stuff
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: threetrees on January 03, 2016, 04:54:25 AM

however the debate is still out on that if exo GH only suppresses endo GH for the active time...
because theres also a negative feedback loop via IGF levels,
meaning if you have high IGF levels (FROM the GH) your GH production will decrease/be suppressed.
even MK677 alone does that (elevates both GH and IGF at first, but after 1-2 weeks only IGF will be elevated anymore and GH returns back to normal because of the negative feedback loop through IGF)

how to avoid the negative feedback loop?

can it be avoided by skipping mk-677 two days a week? something like 3 days on 1 day off or 5 days on 2 days off

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on January 03, 2016, 05:29:23 AM
I think the gear amount is pretty excessive as well. What kind of stuff are you running, is it some local ugl or human grade product?

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 05:31:45 AM
how to avoid the negative feedback loop?

can it be avoided by skipping mk-677 two days a week? something like 3 days on 1 day off or 5 days on 2 days off

i dont think so
IGF creates the negative feedback loop. IGF levels dont drop down in 2 days
and since the positive effects of MK677 remain its the increased IGF that is responsible for the effects, not the initially increased GH, so it doesnt really matter imo

I think the gear amount is pretty excessive as well. What kind of stuff are you running, is it some local ugl or human grade product?

all UGL of course. most of the compounds i run dont even exist / are not available in human grade

and yes, everything is correctly dosed.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on January 03, 2016, 05:57:43 AM
i dont think so
IGF creates the negative feedback loop. IGF levels dont drop down in 2 days
and since the positive effects of MK677 remain its the increased IGF that is responsible for the effects, not the initially increased GH, so it doesnt really matter imo

all UGL of course. most of the compounds i run dont even exist / are not available in human grade

and yes, everything is correctly dosed.


The reason I asked is after using several reputable ugl and now brewing my own...the difference is night and day. I imagine if I ran the amount youre planning to with the raws I have I'd friggin literally explode. Not that i believe most ugl are dishonest but if their souce is mediocre, the recipe, even while brewed properly wont yield the best results I'll.never use another ugl again while this method/source is available.

Good luck. Hope it all works out.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 07:07:46 AM

The reason I asked is after using several reputable ugl and now brewing my own...the difference is night and day. I imagine if I ran the amount youre planning to with the raws I have I'd friggin literally explode. Not that i believe most ugl are dishonest but if their souce is mediocre, the recipe, even while brewed properly wont yield the best results I'll.never use another ugl again while this method/source is available.

Good luck. Hope it all works out.
no you wouldnt, i can assure that to you ;)  ;D
but i completely agree on quality/safety/"cleanness" of the compounds. there are many issues that you simply dont have to worry about. accuracy of hormone dosages, pip, correct amounts of solvents used, allergic reactions, quality, impurities etc.

i wont be going into detail here but lets just say im not using UGLs either (i thought you were referring to vs straight-out-the-pharmacy gear vs "underground" gear). imo UGLs are always hit and miss. ofc there are reputable ones but you can never be sure to get what you pay for.

if i had to rely on UGLs i wouldnt run these dosages either i assume, especially not the huge amounts of orals ive ran in the past
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 03, 2016, 08:18:59 AM
no you wouldnt, i can assure that to you ;)  ;D
but i completely agree on quality/safety/"cleanness" of the compounds. there are many issues that you simply dont have to worry about. accuracy of hormone dosages, pip, correct amounts of solvents used, allergic reactions, quality, impurities etc.

i wont be going into detail here but lets just say im not using UGLs either (i thought you were referring to vs straight-out-the-pharmacy gear vs "underground" gear). imo UGLs are always hit and miss. ofc there are reputable ones but you can never be sure to get what you pay for.

if i had to rely on UGLs i wouldnt run these dosages either i assume, especially not the huge amounts of orals ive ran in the past

Dunno where you are but I think the UK scene is pretty good. It's legal to possess so there's a lot of competition, and there's some incentive to make the gear at least somewhat decent. Haven't gotten bunk before or abscesses, difference has mostly been more or less pip.

The war on drugs has failed, free market is good
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on January 03, 2016, 01:01:42 PM
Using exogenous GH more than makes up for shutting down your own GH production.  As you get older you're not producing squat anyway.  Use 5 iu of Serostim per day and tell me if you're worried about shutting down your own natural GH.  Doesn't matter when you take it.  Just keep the injection away from food, and your shot of insulin.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 03, 2016, 01:45:42 PM
Using exogenous GH more than makes up for shutting down your own GH production.  As you get older you're not producing squat anyway.  Use 5 iu of Serostim per day and tell me if you're worried about shutting down your own natural GH.  Doesn't matter when you take it.  Just keep the injection away from food, and your shot of insulin.
completely agree on that... but since the initial question asked was about possible synergy of GH with mk677 / peptides i went into the whole endogenous shutdown thing...

purely look-wise mk677 is extremely cost effective imo. the shit gives me more fullness than a ton of dbol and that completely independent from diet

on another note
, i hope i can sleep tonight. hopping on a gram of tren plus mk677 at the same time sucks.
 had me sleeping 2 hours at best... for the past two nights.

i usually never get trensomnia, but weirdly mk677 makes you tired as hell but unable to sleep for the first couple days... was the same last time i trialled it
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on January 03, 2016, 02:03:10 PM
How do you tolerate a gram of tren?  I even look at a bottle of tren and I get anxious and can't sleep.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: aleksis on January 03, 2016, 02:36:56 PM
completely agree on that... but since the initial question asked was about possible synergy of GH with mk677 / peptides i went into the whole endogenous shutdown thing...

purely look-wise mk677 is extremely cost effective imo. the shit gives me more fullness than a ton of dbol and that completely independent from diet

on another note
, i hope i can sleep tonight. hopping on a gram of tren plus mk677 at the same time sucks.
 had me sleeping 2 hours at best... for the past two nights.

i usually never get trensomnia, but weirdly mk677 makes you tired as hell but unable to sleep for the first couple days... was the same last time i trialled it

How much of caber do u take with the amount of tren and npp bro?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: ritch on January 03, 2016, 03:06:30 PM
You sure can handle high doses of gear!
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 04, 2016, 12:09:44 AM
How do you tolerate a gram of tren?  I even look at a bottle of tren and I get anxious and can't sleep.
ive ran tren at varying doses (mostly 350-500mg) for a year straight. made me immune to all the sides

but the first weeks were horror every time i jumped on, i just toughed it out.

nowadays i usually sleep like a baby on in, except for the fact that i wake up every 90 minutes on point (dunno why). i fall back asleep easily though. i think right now its the combination with MK677 that fucks me, but i assume the sides of both will vanish within the next week

How much of caber do u take with the amount of tren and npp bro?
none. theres the theory that caber fucks up IGF levels.
since ive seen a thread on promuscle were a couple of guys were using caber on GH / peptides and they had ZERO elevation in IGF levels even on 10 iu GH i never touched caber again.
i was using b6 at 500mg for most of the time but then i stumbled upon the theory that high doses of b6 prevent/downregulate androgen receptor differentiation or binding (cant quite remember) and i stopped using it.
i use a combination of raloxifene and adex for gyno prevention. never really had libido issues with that combination (yeah even though its 2 grams of 19nors, we will see if it works out without b6 too)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 04, 2016, 04:06:56 AM
ive ran tren at varying doses (mostly 350-500mg) for a year straight. made me immune to all the sides

but the first weeks were horror every time i jumped on, i just toughed it out.

nowadays i usually sleep like a baby on in, except for the fact that i wake up every 90 minutes on point (dunno why). i fall back asleep easily though. i think right now its the combination with MK677 that fucks me, but i assume the sides of both will vanish within the next week
none. theres the theory that caber fucks up IGF levels.
since ive seen a thread on promuscle were a couple of guys were using caber on GH / peptides and they had ZERO elevation in IGF levels even on 10 iu GH i never touched caber again.
i was using b6 at 500mg for most of the time but then i stumbled upon the theory that high doses of b6 prevent/downregulate androgen receptor differentiation or binding (cant quite remember) and i stopped using it.
i use a combination of raloxifene and adex for gyno prevention. never really had libido issues with that combination (yeah even though its 2 grams of 19nors, we will see if it works out without b6 too)

that's why I use prami. I went on google scholar and found a few articles that shows prami raises IGF-1 levels
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 04, 2016, 06:05:10 AM
that's why I use prami. I went on google scholar and found a few articles that shows prami raises IGF-1 levels
yeah prami is supposed to give a HUGE increase in GH levels (i think 5 fold over normal at night or so, therefore igf levels too)
bromocriptine too

but ive read guys having withdrawal symptoms from prami. its supposed to knock you out at night very well but some people cant sleep anymore without it.
and as far as i know dialing in the correct dosage is hard as fuck too (there are the guys who throw down 1mg at once and then puke for 3 hours straight lol)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 04, 2016, 06:23:26 AM
yeah prami is supposed to give a HUGE increase in GH levels (i think 5 fold over normal at night or so, therefore igf levels too)
bromocriptine too

but ive read guys having withdrawal symptoms from prami. its supposed to knock you out at night very well but some people cant sleep anymore without it.
and as far as i know dialing in the correct dosage is hard as fuck too (there are the guys who throw down 1mg at once and then puke for 3 hours straight lol)

1mg is wayy too much haha. I use pharma that comes in 0.25 mg tabs (comes up to .18mg tabs) and that has a noticeable effect already. I would say that it interferes with sleep actually, when it peaks it causes dopamine release which can make you wake up
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 04, 2016, 06:33:28 AM
no you wouldnt, i can assure that to you ;)  ;D


roids work, but they aren't magic

yep, you can put on twenty pounds in six weeks taking test, deca, drol but not much of that will be LEAN DRY TISSUE, and all that really matters is.... LEAN DRY TISSUE

so adding that quality weight that fast is VERY VERY DIFFICULT if not impossible, except for maybe bitch piano  ;D
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on January 04, 2016, 11:22:30 AM
man i got the same shit with the sleep. two hours wake up piss, back to sleep for a hour or two piss again maybe grab a snack. Usually lasts for 4 nights then i will get two nights of semi decent sleep then starts all over again.

You said something about 2-3 mg of dht are you talking masteron????
another question how do you consume 250 grams of protein a day? I always try for that but most days i miss my mark. I have been getting away from the protein drinks but its hard for me to substitute enough food protein to compensate for less powder.  I do one drink a day now.
Last question , you seam to stay on the lean side being a fan of npp. Does that retain water for you:?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on January 04, 2016, 11:25:46 AM
How do you tolerate a gram of tren?  I even look at a bottle of tren and I get anxious and can't sleep.

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 04, 2016, 02:34:24 PM
man i got the same shit with the sleep. two hours wake up piss, back to sleep for a hour or two piss again maybe grab a snack. Usually lasts for 4 nights then i will get two nights of semi decent sleep then starts all over again.

You said something about 2-3 mg of dht are you talking masteron????
another question how do you consume 250 grams of protein a day? I always try for that but most days i miss my mark. I have been getting away from the protein drinks but its hard for me to substitute enough food protein to compensate for less powder.  I do one drink a day now.
Last question , you seam to stay on the lean side being a fan of npp. Does that retain water for you:?
last night my sleep was semi decent actually. im switching the MK to early morning dosing, that way im a bit lethargic during the day but seem to get better sleep.

however im currently thirsty as hell all day, drinking 1.5 to 2 gallons. unfortunately i never really have to piss during the day, my body pisses it all out at night.
i dont know why but it is like that.
can down a bottle of pepsi max before even eating breakfast and still have yellow piss after that
then at night i gotta piss 10 times sometimes lol, its the worst when i start dieting and lose the water weight...

and yeah, not masteron... 200-300mg injectable DHT. pure DHT, androstanolone. not a derivate. you wont be able to source it most likely...

250g protein is fairly easy, i have 3 meals plus pre/intra workout... each meal is 50-60g protein, last meal a bit more. thats it, and its just 4 meals...
you should have no problems if you eat 4-6 meals as most people recommend (i dont have time for 404029 meals a day though so fuck that)
3 meals with 200-300g meat plus 2 shakes and youre there... thats not hard at all.

i usually always eat my biggest meal after my workouts (last meal of the day) and thats often 100g protein or more. simply because im hungry as hell after the gym and i need something to fill me up, protein does the job.
i leave about 1200kcals open for the last meal and i usually end up eating around 150-200g carbs 70-100g protein and 20g fats or so for that meal

i always retain water when i eat carbs... and not very little of that LOL... just try to shove it all into intramuscular storage. so its good water ;)
the compounds i use do the job, but of course you bloat up some on them. especially MK677. makes you retain water like mad. but im enjoying the fullness and SIZE as long as im not a fat watery bloated slob.

i just love NPP for the fullness it gives... and it gives basically zero sides. i love test+npp when dieting and add in tren on bulks...
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 04, 2016, 02:39:09 PM
another thing i noticed... im coming down from a heavy heavy stim stack that i used during my cut...
basically used caffeine+ephedrine+nicotine (nicotine gum, look up the synergy with caffeine) before every workout or sometimes DMAA instead of the ephedrine

and i got virtually ZERO comedown
i actually have more energy during my workouts now simply because of the slin with carbs. fuck all that booster shit
slin honestly is the best booster i ever got my hands on... gives me endless energy
i pretty much finish my 60-70 workouts in 40-45 minutes right now... can go from set to set without breaks, but i hold myself back a bit because i might go hypo right now. never had any remotely noticable issue though so i guess i got the slin+carbs timing perfect now.
i actually already added some warmup, 5 or so sets and a bit of pumping/static holds every workout to not be out of the gym within an hour again lol
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 05, 2016, 02:27:19 AM
another thing i noticed... im coming down from a heavy heavy stim stack that i used during my cut...
basically used caffeine+ephedrine+nicotine (nicotine gum, look up the synergy with caffeine) before every workout or sometimes DMAA instead of the ephedrine

and i got virtually ZERO comedown
i actually have more energy during my workouts now simply because of the slin with carbs. fuck all that booster shit
slin honestly is the best booster i ever got my hands on... gives me endless energy
i pretty much finish my 60-70 workouts in 40-45 minutes right now... can go from set to set without breaks, but i hold myself back a bit because i might go hypo right now. never had any remotely noticable issue though so i guess i got the slin+carbs timing perfect now.
i actually already added some warmup, 5 or so sets and a bit of pumping/static holds every workout to not be out of the gym within an hour again lol

not sure if you've tried other nootropics like piracetam or modafinil during workouts? haven't used it myself but I hear it's got some good effects. Also, viagra/cialis is supposed to give good pumps. I turn red and get a stuffy nose on them though so that's out for me.

Curious as to why you use test + npp for cutting and tren for bulks? usually guys do it the other way round lol
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 05, 2016, 02:38:35 AM
never used any nootropics apart from huperzine A (if that even is one lol, but i use it when on GH peps because of somatostatin inhibition. also allegedly improves memory so that should be a good supp anyway)...

my buddy is a medicine student and those guys live off modafinil. but i never had the desire to try it, sibutramine + ephedrine does the trick regarding appetite.. when i really need it. sibutramine makes you completely immune to its effects after a while though so ill probably only ever use it the final few weeks of my cuts

i use tren exclusively for bulking because it sends my appetite through the roof. i can walk through a burger king and not care, but i have a big sweettooth and on tren its WAY worse...
on a good amount of kcals i can live with the appetite/hunger (tren and MK677 is pretty bad in that regard lol) but for cutting thats a nightmare...

all the tren couldnt make up for the amount of kcals that i binged on at least once a week whenever i tried to cut on the stuff.
test+npp are completely side free for me so they make it so much easier...
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 05, 2016, 06:18:38 AM
never used any nootropics apart from huperzine A (if that even is one lol, but i use it when on GH peps because of somatostatin inhibition. also allegedly improves memory so that should be a good supp anyway)...

my buddy is a medicine student and those guys live off modafinil. but i never had the desire to try it, sibutramine + ephedrine does the trick regarding appetite.. when i really need it. sibutramine makes you completely immune to its effects after a while though so ill probably only ever use it the final few weeks of my cuts

i use tren exclusively for bulking because it sends my appetite through the roof. i can walk through a burger king and not care, but i have a big sweettooth and on tren its WAY worse...
on a good amount of kcals i can live with the appetite/hunger (tren and MK677 is pretty bad in that regard lol) but for cutting thats a nightmare...

all the tren couldnt make up for the amount of kcals that i binged on at least once a week whenever i tried to cut on the stuff.
test+npp are completely side free for me so they make it so much easier...

How does the MK compare to GH? I'm thinking of getting some mainly for cosmetic reasons (healing some scars on my skin, some fat loss without having to cut heavily)
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 05, 2016, 06:55:44 AM
How does the MK compare to GH? I'm thinking of getting some mainly for cosmetic reasons (healing some scars on my skin, some fat loss without having to cut heavily)
never ran GH. wayyy to much cost for me
i have experience with most peptides (Ghrp2, mod grf, ipamorelin, cjc dac, igf lr3/des).
MK blows them all out of the water

CJC DAC is the only other peptide i would even rate at all, its good look-wise and for fat loss but needs to be high dosed (4+mg a week, which gets costly).

MK is a pure bulking substance though if you ask me.
while it DOES preserve positive nitrogen balance on a diet (there are studies), it gives INSTANT fullness, water retention and hunger.
exactly what you want on bulks.
and for a measly 50 $ a MONTH (for the lowest dosage of 10-15mg a day, which IS enough if you get the legit stuff) this cant be beaten imo.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 05, 2016, 08:43:15 AM
never ran GH. wayyy to much cost for me
i have experience with most peptides (Ghrp2, mod grf, ipamorelin, cjc dac, igf lr3/des).
MK blows them all out of the water

CJC DAC is the only other peptide i would even rate at all, its good look-wise and for fat loss but needs to be high dosed (4+mg a week, which gets costly).

MK is a pure bulking substance though if you ask me.
while it DOES preserve positive nitrogen balance on a diet (there are studies), it gives INSTANT fullness, water retention and hunger.
exactly what you want on bulks.

Thanks! I might look into it then. By the way, I assume you blast and cruise?
and for a measly 50 $ a MONTH (for the lowest dosage of 10-15mg a day, which IS enough if you get the legit stuff) this cant be beaten imo.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 05, 2016, 08:53:33 AM
yes i blast and cruise

but i have to admit it was more like blast and blast over the last couple months.
i will most likely get bloodwork in around 3-4 weeks to see how long my liver takes to regenerate (ran orals until 2 weeks ago). this genuinely interests me regarding my dosages.
id also like to see my HDL in the double digits again  ::) ill see if supping niacin for the past months has helped then
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Explorerspl on January 05, 2016, 10:18:24 PM
I'll join in and do it with you

Started on injecting the 1st but bulking December 30th

5'9.5 158lbs on the 30th

500Mg test phenylprop per week
40mg dbol ED preworkout

Gonna Up dose somehow every week until end of March
Probably add more test week 2 and 3 then toss in Superdrol on week 4 then add eq week 6

Goal is 180 8-9% by March 31st, so 22 lbs in 11 weeks

I will update first of every month with you though

Edit:Forgot diet. So far I've been averaging 41-4300 cals per day with 160g+ protein,minus this past 2 only got about 3500 because I have the flu,still pinning and lifting though
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 06, 2016, 12:27:03 AM
is that your first cycle? and are you sure you really need that many calories? when i first experimented with AAS and bulking i GROSSLY overestimated... especially the first time i tried tren, because i believed all the "on tren you cant get fat" bullshit from gh15... lol and i was just on 350mg.

i wouldnt stack dbol and sdrol either. sdrol is harsh stuff, i can tell you that (bloodwork)

morning weight was 183 today. so up 7 lbs during the first couple days now ... trained all muscle groups once now plus a day of cardio (i do cardio on off days BUT if it cuts into my regeneration then ill drop that)
actually ate a bit less on my off day than i planned on, but on MK677 i wont lose weight anyway. and i was full.
i dont force feed and i give myself wiggle room with the calories. when im hungry ill eat more, when im not hungry ill eat less.

strength is still in the shitter, but workout intensity has been awesome from day 1 again.

yesterday i noticed again that i do better with meals pretty far spaced apart, so about 4 hours between meals. otherwise ill end up being too full and bloated during my workouts. if i leave 4 hours in between then theres no issue. no problems spreading 4 meals over that timeframe either.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Explorerspl on January 06, 2016, 07:24:48 AM
is that your first cycle? and are you sure you really need that many calories? when i first experimented with AAS and bulking i GROSSLY overestimated... especially the first time i tried tren, because i believed all the "on tren you cant get fat" bullshit from gh15... lol and i was just on 350mg.

i wouldnt stack dbol and sdrol either. sdrol is harsh stuff, i can tell you that (bloodwork)

morning weight was 183 today. so up 7 lbs during the first couple days now ... trained all muscle groups once now plus a day of cardio (i do cardio on off days BUT if it cuts into my regeneration then ill drop that)
actually ate a bit less on my off day than i planned on, but on MK677 i wont lose weight anyway. and i was full.
i dont force feed and i give myself wiggle room with the calories. when im hungry ill eat more, when im not hungry ill eat less.

strength is still in the shitter, but workout intensity has been awesome from day 1 again.

yesterday i noticed again that i do better with meals pretty far spaced apart, so about 4 hours between meals. otherwise ill end up being too full and bloated during my workouts. if i leave 4 hours in between then theres no issue. no problems spreading 4 meals over that timeframe either.

Not first cycle lol used to be 190 in the singles 3 years ago then had multiple injuries/lost passion. And yea I need that many calories to gain back that fast, at 4k ill get stuck at 176ish and have to up them again to keep gaining.

And I've stacked trt dose test/700 tren/Accutane/Superdrol for months straight and had good blood work, mutant liver/triglycerides.

Either way lol, 7 days in I'm up to 167 and feeling pretty good, being off for so long I felt tired all of the time and started getting gyno and had other estro symptoms. I'm guessing my test production is shot permanently, kinda sucks I guess because Im very young but I knew the possibility going into this.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 06, 2016, 07:31:42 AM
Not first cycle lol used to be 190 in the singles 3 years ago then had multiple injuries/lost passion. And yea I need that many calories to gain back that fast, at 4k ill get stuck at 176ish and have to up them again to keep gaining.

And I've stacked trt dose test/700 tren/Accutane/Superdrol for months straight and had good blood work, mutant liver/triglycerides.

Either way lol, 7 days in I'm up to 167 and feeling pretty good, being off for so long I felt tired all of the time and started getting gyno and had other estro symptoms. I'm guessing my test production is shot permanently, kinda sucks I guess because Im very young but I knew the possibility going into this.

interesting.. so youre essentially using that to gain back what you had before...
do you think you can raise calories higher because of that or did you always bulk on that much?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pissant on January 06, 2016, 09:51:48 AM
jiz whats your diet like on an every day basis when youre growning?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 06, 2016, 11:06:20 AM
jiz whats your diet like on an every day basis when youre growning?
mentioned that on the first page
training days 3500 kcals
rest days around 2800 or even lower... (i will do cardio on rest days this bulk (just some light jogging/incline walking for 45 mins or so), but if i notice that cuts into my regeneration then ill stop that).

i will even run a caloric deficit on rest days here and there probably every second rest day or even every rest day, depending on my rate of weight gain.
ill most likely go zero or at least low carbs for these days.

a good thing is that i can enjoy some very high fat foods then that i would usually avoid otherwise (im more of a high carb guy).
so it doesnt feel like a "diet day" at all, it rather gives me the opportunity to indulge in some high fat foods.
and if im gonna do a relatively high fat day then ill drop carbs to zero, i dont mix high fats with high carbs. pointless imo unless youre a "hardgainer".

tomorrow ill probably only get a tad over 2000 kcals or so and zero carbs. only gonna do some light cardio in the evening.
AND ill get myself a whole grilled chicken after that, ive been looking forward to that for weeks lol

in the past these deficit rest days never hampered my weight gain at all
they give some protection from spilling over and prevent fat accumulation very well for me.
they also GREATLY take stress off the digestion system and relieve the bloat from slin/MK...
when i pound carbs and high kcals for days on end without breaks then at some point i wake up with a bloated stomach, which always hints to me that im spilling over and starting to gain fat. deficit days prevent that and if im gonna run a deficit its not gonna be on the days i train.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Explorerspl on January 06, 2016, 11:33:44 AM
interesting.. so youre essentially using that to gain back what you had before...
do you think you can raise calories higher because of that or did you always bulk on that much?

Both, I know this works as I went from 154 to 174 in a month last year while leaning out drastically on 4k+ a day.

Also, I always bulked on that much. Though it seems I need more calories as time goes by, which I think may be something to do with very bad insulin resistance, I have it to the point where my pancreas tries to compensate for my shitty resistance and it makes me go hypo randomly throughout the day. Probably getting diabetes lol most of my family has it plus my diet has always been very bad with sugars.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: mazrim on January 06, 2016, 11:34:44 AM
Those doses aren't that high. Some people need more, some need less to reach desired results.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 06, 2016, 11:40:44 AM
Both, I know this works as I went from 154 to 174 in a month last year while leaning out drastically on 4k+ a day.

Also, I always bulked on that much. Though it seems I need more calories as time goes by, which I think may be something to do with very bad insulin resistance, I have it to the point where my pancreas tries to compensate for my shitty resistance and it makes me go hypo randomly throughout the day. Probably getting diabetes lol most of my family has it plus my diet has always been very bad with sugars.
look into metformin (prescription though), berberine and alpha lipoic acid for that...
i always have an eye on insulin sensitivity and IMO insulin resistance is whats responsible for the look of todays BBs... they all have that diabetes look (huge gut, small limbs, huge neck etc). basically palumboism. and my opinion is that this gives from GH abuse (and insulin abuse of course, but you can "abuse" insulin responsibly by using rapid insulin at appropriate times).
enough rambling here, my opinion is that insulin resistance WRECKS your body composition... everyone should keep an eye on that. huge overlooked thing.
muscle vs fat cell insulin sensitivity is one of the or even the THE most important factor regarding body composition imo.....

Those doses aren't that high. Some people need more, some need less to reach desired results.
nice to see you chiming in here. i remember some thread about you from YEARS ago where you posted pics and guys were kissing your ass (there were even threads on the BB /misc forum iirc) and disclosed what you used... still remember these pics, you genuinely had (probably still have) one of the best builds i have ever seen. you love tren too, right?
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on January 06, 2016, 12:47:49 PM
Those doses aren't that high. Some people need more, some need less to reach desired results.

this is so unbelievably true,,,,,
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 06, 2016, 02:03:40 PM

this is so unbelievably true,,,,,
response is so individual

i know a guy with 20 inch arms, 240lbs at 5'10 or so with visible abs (not fat, maybe 12% bf) whos swears on his life that he only runs 350mg test a week

ofc i dont believe this fucker but even if he ran 10x as much hed still dwarf anyone at the gym
trains like a beast too, doesnt have a real clue of anything but it works for him (were probably all overthinking). he never heard of overtraining, bet your ass

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pep on January 06, 2016, 05:01:37 PM
You doing blood work before, during and after cycle? Just wondering if you could keep the thread updated on how ur blood results are looking - would be interesting to see
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 06, 2016, 05:27:50 PM
Those doses aren't that high. Some people need more, some need less to reach desired results.

dan duchaine says this in his UGSH

you basically have to be your own scientist and run shit on your own to see what works for you and once you discover what works for you stick the fuck with it
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 07, 2016, 12:26:30 AM
You doing blood work before, during and after cycle? Just wondering if you could keep the thread updated on how ur blood results are looking - would be interesting to see
3 times in 8 weeks? nah
youd be lucky to see me getting bloodwork once every 3 months or so lol
but since im pretty much nonstop blasting right now the only thing that couldve changed my lipids for the better are cardio and supps (niacin, berberine, ALA etc)
im intrigued to see whether this has raised my single digit HDL
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Mranabolic on January 07, 2016, 05:00:53 AM
So happy to see u doing this , doses look good for u ,i expcected more test but i see your reasoning

Would love see one photo how u look

Great job man , i am folow gone read this thread and throw questions

Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: youandme on January 07, 2016, 05:54:46 AM
yes i blast and cruise

but i have to admit it was more like blast and blast over the last couple months.
i will most likely get bloodwork in around 3-4 weeks to see how long my liver takes to regenerate (ran orals until 2 weeks ago). this genuinely interests me regarding my dosages.
id also like to see my HDL in the double digits again  ::) ill see if supping niacin for the past months has helped then

Definitely would like an update on that. I'm about to hop on some niacin and I guess throw some sterols in the mix. Heard GW1516 works great but I decided against it after reading the side effects.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: mazrim on January 07, 2016, 06:17:31 AM

nice to see you chiming in here. i remember some thread about you from YEARS ago where you posted pics and guys were kissing your ass (there were even threads on the BB /misc forum iirc) and disclosed what you used... still remember these pics, you genuinely had (probably still have) one of the best builds i have ever seen. you love tren too, right?
Yeah, I love tren. Have ran it for years with no breaks. I "only" run 25mg a day right now. Been kind of in no mans land/burnt out for a bit now where I didn't know whether I would like to be larger or smaller sized. Think I prefer being smaller (around 180 to 185). Feel more athletic, etc. Right now I stay around 200 for the above reasons (and my wife's food, lol). I think over the years my priorities changed as well were I haven't been focused as much as I used to (mainly in caloric intake while dieting) so trying to find that "happy medium."
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 07, 2016, 07:08:19 AM
3 times in 8 weeks? nah
youd be lucky to see me getting bloodwork once every 3 months or so lol
but since im pretty much nonstop blasting right now the only thing that couldve changed my lipids for the better are cardio and supps (niacin, berberine, ALA etc)
im intrigued to see whether this has raised my single digit HDL

Also, look into TMG to reduce homocysteine. Doses are 2g - 6g a day. Some studies have found that AAS increases homocysteine levels. On tren mine was high.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 07, 2016, 11:38:12 AM
Also, look into TMG to reduce homocysteine. Doses are 2g - 6g a day. Some studies have found that AAS increases homocysteine levels. On tren mine was high.
trimethylglycine? lol im actually using that for the first time this bulk. mostly for the cell swelling effects. using it just like creatine, just a bit less... around 3g before and after training. had no idea it was beneficial on homocysteine levels, but makes sense of course since its triMETHYLglycine and acts as methyl donor (which always have anti oxidant properties)... i think i was looking into CoQ10 for that but then i realized im taking a shitton of anti oxidants anyways so no purpose
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 07, 2016, 03:07:34 PM
trimethylglycine? lol im actually using that for the first time this bulk. mostly for the cell swelling effects. using it just like creatine, just a bit less... around 3g before and after training. had no idea it was beneficial on homocysteine levels, but makes sense of course since its triMETHYLglycine and acts as methyl donor (which always have anti oxidant properties)... i think i was looking into CoQ10 for that but then i realized im taking a shitton of anti oxidants anyways so no purpose

Also, I was curious, are you concerned about fertility? My balls don't really shrink but I use HCG intermittently anyways. I'm pretty against kids but I know that I might change my mind in the future
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 07, 2016, 03:42:26 PM
Also, I was curious, are you concerned about fertility? My balls don't really shrink but I use HCG intermittently anyways. I'm pretty against kids but I know that I might change my mind in the future
i have used HCG in the past on and off to "wake up" my balls here and there but honestly i stopped using it
there are SO many drugs and theres so much research right now on fertility. theres so much stuff thats promising in terms of fertility (triptorelin, toremifene, hmg). they also just need to find a single working sperm in your jizz for test tube fertilization
honestly i just cant be worried there

and yes, i do want kids in ~10-15 years
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: tatoo on January 08, 2016, 04:23:04 PM
Yeah, I love tren. Have ran it for years with no breaks. I "only" run 25mg a day right now. Been kind of in no mans land/burnt out for a bit now where I didn't know whether I would like to be larger or smaller sized. Think I prefer being smaller (around 180 to 185). Feel more athletic, etc. Right now I stay around 200 for the above reasons (and my wife's food, lol). I think over the years my priorities changed as well were I haven't been focused as much as I used to (mainly in caloric intake while dieting) so trying to find that "happy medium."

300mgs of tren per day at your highest, am I right? that's the most ive ever heard anyone admit to using. you looked every bit of it too!!!! statue.
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on January 08, 2016, 06:00:28 PM
i have used HCG in the past on and off to "wake up" my balls here and there but honestly i stopped using it
there are SO many drugs and theres so much research right now on fertility. theres so much stuff thats promising in terms of fertility (triptorelin, toremifene, hmg). they also just need to find a single working sperm in your jizz for test tube fertilization
honestly i just cant be worried there

and yes, i do want kids in ~10-15 years

Hmg had me from 0 sperm count to 108million in 12 weeks but was used in conjunction with hcg clomid and nolva, was hell but worth it now I have a little boy on the way.

Can't wait to see the results of this log. I'm going to have a bit of a play round with some new compounds to me over the next few months just have to abuse some tren and t3 to get rid of the holiday flab. Probably should have done it over the holiday period but oh well
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 08, 2016, 11:56:10 PM
Hmg had me from 0 sperm count to 108million in 12 weeks but was used in conjunction with hcg clomid and nolva, was hell but worth it now I have a little boy on the way.

Can't wait to see the results of this log. I'm going to have a bit of a play round with some new compounds to me over the next few months just have to abuse some tren and t3 to get rid of the holiday flab. Probably should have done it over the holiday period but oh well
exactly what im thinking. ive never really seen HMG not working for anyone if applied correctly. and then theres triptorelin too as last resort.

300mgs of tren per day at your highest, am I right? that's the most ive ever heard anyone admit to using. you looked every bit of it too!!!! statue.

this is really an average pro dosage i would guess. maz has ran it with low test and nothing else (or mast) iirc...
which makes it less harsh (of course not on the body, but regarding most side effects).
there are guys on promuscle who have ran 300, 400, 500mg or even more tren ace (i shit you not) a day on top other grams of other shit. i think one guy ran 4 grams of tren ace a week during comp. just for some low level competition. the guy had to be on painkillers, stims during the day and xanax and other shit at night to get to sleep iirc.
 but i love the forum since there are a lot of abusers who dont fuck around with their usage. its real talk
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 09, 2016, 04:24:19 AM
exactly what im thinking. ive never really seen HMG not working for anyone if applied correctly. and then theres triptorelin too as last resort.

this is really an average pro dosage i would guess. maz has ran it with low test and nothing else (or mast) iirc...
which makes it less harsh (of course not on the body, but regarding most side effects).
there are guys on promuscle who have ran 300, 400, 500mg or even more tren ace (i shit you not) a day on top other grams of other shit. i think one guy ran 4 grams of tren ace a week during comp. just for some low level competition. the guy had to be on painkillers, stims during the day and xanax and other shit at night to get to sleep iirc.
 but i love the forum since there are a lot of abusers who dont fuck around with their usage. its real talk

is it even possible to run so much? if their tren underdosed or what? I once went up to what I thought was 200 mg tren a a day with a UK UGL. Harsh sides but still just about bearable. I switched over to alpha pharma tren and the absolute most I could take was 50mg a day. Makes me think the tren I was using was underdosed to fuck
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 09, 2016, 05:21:55 AM
is it even possible to run so much? if their tren underdosed or what? I once went up to what I thought was 200 mg tren a a day with a UK UGL. Harsh sides but still just about bearable. I switched over to alpha pharma tren and the absolute most I could take was 50mg a day. Makes me think the tren I was using was underdosed to fuck
of course. run tren long enough and you get somewhat immune to the sides...
i know the first time i used tren i lay awake in bed for 2-3 hours every night before getting to sleep and then sleep was really bad and i was drenching the sheets...
after a while this just stops (except the sweating, lol). USUALLY i sleep just as good on tren as off. except for when i raise the dosage or add it back in after being off it.

the night to yesterday and this night i slept like a baby again. really deep sleep, woke up well rested and full of energy after 8 hours... from experience i can say that the first 1-2 weeks on tren are always the worst imo, then you get used to it. i never run over a gram of tren, but some people even claim on higher dosages its more bearable than on moderate. i dont think 1.5g or 2g would be any worse than 1g to be honest...

had a weird injection into my quad yesterday... put in half of the syringe, then there was a sudden pressure and my leg suddenly started burning like fuck, so i pulled out, got light tren cough. then intense sharp pain in my quad for about 2-3 minutes, and the whole quad went red. after 3 minutes everything was fine again. probably pressurized a nerve with the oil or something. only had that 1-2 times before. finished my inject, leg workout yesterday was not impacted by that.

i actually had some extra time and foam rolled my quads and hams before my workout. holy shit, ive only done that sporadically but i already had DOMS before the first exercise lol. pump was really good. really heavy DOMS today - and a bit of pip  :D fells good
185lbs morning weight today. day 9. up 9lbs :)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 10, 2016, 07:58:52 AM
187lbs today. up 11lbs.
fullness is BACK, this is usually the time where i start to get into peak condition. extremely happy with my look right now, night and day vs 2 weeks ago.
from experience it takes me about 2 weeks to be completely full again, then another 2 weeks until i start to spill over a bit and get watery. so weeks 2-4 are always the best look-wise. ill most likely post pics during week 4 then.

everything going as planned.

gym time is intense,
i LOVE it when ive got enough carbs in my system. pumps are great, pouring sweat, look is great, weights are increasing.

diet is on point. gym days around 3500 kcals, sometimes a few 100 more. rest/cardio days end up always being somewhere between 2200-3000, depending on how much i ate on gym days. i sometimes go pretty low on cardio days, because im not that hungry when im not lifting anyway and as long as i gain weight i dont care.
changed my mind on keto on rest days. wont do that. i will go zero carbs here and there but only until my cardio session, after that ill have carbs, otherwise my intensity on weight days suffers.
calories remain the same, ill still average around 3000/3500 or slightly less. might increase kcals a bit in week 3 or 4 depending on weight gain.

i debated on whether i should actually decrease kcals a bit to hold peak condition for longer, but i have the feeling that this would hamper my progress...
plus i have always been a proponent of gradually increasing everything (increase gym time, food, AAS over the course of time).
havent made my mind up on that.
with my current calories i can eat a good amount of food till im full day in day out, never have to be hungry and never be too full or bloated either. digestion runs fine.  feeling good.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 10, 2016, 08:08:15 AM
187lbs today. up 11lbs.
fullness is BACK, this is usually the time where i start to get into peak condition. extremely happy with my look right now, night and day vs 2 weeks ago.
from experience it takes me about 2 weeks to be completely full again, then another 2 weeks until i start to spill over a bit and get watery. so weeks 2-4 are always the best look-wise. ill most likely post pics during week 4 then.

everything going as planned.

gym time is intense,
i LOVE it when ive got enough carbs in my system. pumps are great, pouring sweat, look is great, weights are increasing.

diet is on point. gym days around 3500 kcals, sometimes a few 100 more. rest/cardio days end up always being somewhere between 2200-3000, depending on how much i ate on gym days. i sometimes go pretty low on cardio days, because im not that hungry when im not lifting anyway and as long as i gain weight i dont care.
changed my mind on keto on rest days. wont do that. i will go zero carbs here and there but only until my cardio session, after that ill have carbs, otherwise my intensity on weight days suffers.
calories remain the same, ill still average around 3000/3500 or slightly less. might increase kcals a bit in week 3 or 4 depending on weight gain.

i debated on whether i should actually decrease kcals a bit to hold peak condition for longer, but i have the feeling that this would hamper my progress...
plus i have always been a proponent of gradually increasing everything (increase gym time, food, AAS over the course of time).
havent made my mind up on that.
with my current calories i can eat a good amount of food till im full day in day out, never have to be hungry and never be too full or bloated either. digestion runs fine.  feeling good.

For some reason I find that tren gives me some digestive issues. Ever have the same problem?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Mranabolic on January 10, 2016, 08:43:55 AM
For some reason I find that tren gives me some digestive issues. Ever have the same problem?

Yes , run t3 with tren and no more digestion isues
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 10, 2016, 09:24:30 AM
plus i have always been a proponent of gradually increasing everything (increase gym time, food, AAS over the course of time).

so you're following in the footsteps of richie rich  ;D

keep pressing on and as god would say.... "DON'T EVER QUIT"  8)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 10, 2016, 10:03:48 AM
For some reason I find that tren gives me some digestive issues. Ever have the same problem?
Yes , run t3 with tren and no more digestion isues
you got this from me dont you? :D
yes, add t3 and no more issues at all. i think i was actually the first one to discover that, ive had countless guys PMing me on promuscle ever since lol
one of the reasons i decided to run t3 year round
so you're following in the footsteps of richie rich  ;D

keep pressing on and as god would say.... "DON'T EVER QUIT"  8)
ive always did it that way
but i realized his principles etc have A LOT in common with what i consider useful or have experimented with...
cycle layout, "feeder workouts" (didnt even know a name for these existed lol), stomach vacuums, thats all stuff i regularly do and a while back i also did it every day
rich even has the same HDL as i do LOL

however some of the stuff he does is complete broscience too
like the way he staggers his injects... first he injects everything evenly distributed every other day, then after a couple weeks ALL the test on monday, ALL the tren on wednesday and ALL the mast on friday. what the fuck... "confuse the body" lol  ::) more like hormonal rollercoaster and tons of side effects
he will put on the 30lbs and more nonetheless, im sure about that
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on January 11, 2016, 11:17:54 PM
never used any nootropics apart from huperzine A (if that even is one lol, but i use it when on GH peps because of somatostatin inhibition. also allegedly improves memory so that should be a good supp anyway)...

my buddy is a medicine student and those guys live off modafinil. but i never had the desire to try it, sibutramine + ephedrine does the trick regarding appetite.. when i really need it. sibutramine makes you completely immune to its effects after a while though so ill probably only ever use it the final few weeks of my cuts

i use tren exclusively for bulking because it sends my appetite through the roof. i can walk through a burger king and not care, but i have a big sweettooth and on tren its WAY worse...
on a good amount of kcals i can live with the appetite/hunger (tren and MK677 is pretty bad in that regard lol) but for cutting thats a nightmare...

all the tren couldnt make up for the amount of kcals that i binged on at least once a week whenever i tried to cut on the stuff.
test+npp are completely side free for me so they make it so much easier...

Aside from GH and Test, Modafinil is the greatest drug there is.  I have a script for it from my doc for sleep apnea, and it is amazing.  Total clarity, focus, and alertness for 15 hours.  No side effects other than making your piss smell funny.  Workouts are unreal with it, does not hinder appetite like adderall.  All the docs I work with use it as well.  Can't speak for the stuff coming from overseas, but USA Modafinil is amazing stuff. 
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Mranabolic on January 12, 2016, 01:14:54 AM
you got this from me dont you? :D
yes, add t3 and no more issues at all. i think i was actually the first one to discover that, ive had countless guys PMing me on promuscle ever since lol
one of the reasons i decided to run t3 year roundive always did it that way
but i realized his principles etc have A LOT in common with what i consider useful or have experimented with...
cycle layout, "feeder workouts" (didnt even know a name for these existed lol), stomach vacuums, thats all stuff i regularly do and a while back i also did it every day
rich even has the same HDL as i do LOL

however some of the stuff he does is complete broscience too
like the way he staggers his injects... first he injects everything evenly distributed every other day, then after a couple weeks ALL the test on monday, ALL the tren on wednesday and ALL the mast on friday. what the fuck... "confuse the body" lol  ::) more like hormonal rollercoaster and tons of side effects
he will put on the 30lbs and more nonetheless, im sure about that

Ofc i learn from u :-)

This is my best cycle till now , your 3 pms was more help to me than 5 year reading forums
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 13, 2016, 01:22:16 AM
188lbs, up 12 lbs now. i guess rich piana got me by 3 lbs  ;D
checked some numbers today...
fasting blood sugar is fine (76) (very important number to me, especially on slin and MK677)
blood pressure a bit on the high side (144/75). systolic number is always a bit too high for me unless im cruising
resting heart rate in the 80s even though ive done a lot of cardio on my cut and still do on off days.
but as far as i rememember ive never seen a resting heart rate below the mid 70s, even when i was natty.

bloat is kicking in, always getting more watery throughout the day but wake up nice and tight every morning.
got extremely vivid dreams every night from the MK677, paired with the violent nightmarish dreams from the tren (tren users know). pretty weird combination. but waking up fully rested every morning.
feeling good, diet goes as planned.
im off to morning cardio now :)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: ergo on January 13, 2016, 11:48:49 PM
Keep reporting everything. I'm running 100mg AP tren a, 250mg sus, 2 AD50, 80mg Ananvar,  100mcg T4, 12u's HGH ED adding slin tomorrow. 1 week in on these doses. Everything is Pharm grade except tren. 236 right now as i"m coming off a very tight eating pattern and lost 18 pounds. Got down to a lean 230 and now starting over. This will be the biggest cycle ever done for me. Just came from a comprehensive work up with my Private Dr. Was on just TRT doses of Test e. Total test was below 700. Had to donate therapeutic blood 3 times, once per week to get my hematocrit below 50. Kidneys are perfect liver values slightly skewed nothing need tested over. Heart MRI fine no calcium in the arteries. Blood Pressure fine. Cholesterol values whacked 212 total, but again no blockage of arteries, Statins not required. Prolactin was 78 high went back to normal values after tren stoppage. Taking arimedex eod. Thyroid was in range on all values. Blood sugar in range not even close to type 2. If I can mentally take it I'll run this program. Up 6 pounds in 2 days mostly from jamming on the carbs and fat. Training is low volume high intensity. 5 day split. Don't be afraid to pour the calorie on 20-25 cals per pound. Eat at night when you piss. Pine apple juice and egg whites mixed in the fridge etc... Will hit 20 iu's slin pre work out tomorrow for 1st time. Karbolyn 100 gram mix with some isopure  WPi...

Following along hard on this with you write everything...
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 13, 2016, 11:51:30 PM
i hope youre not using 20iu rapid slin pre workout the first time you touch slin  :o
thats insane, especially with only 100g carbs
start off with 10iu max
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: ergo on January 13, 2016, 11:58:29 PM
Novolin-r and i have done slin many, many times. I know what to expect at the 3 hour post inject point... sometimes 6 times day. Even at night after waking and eating carbs and then back to bed... Got to know what your doing and that only comes from going hypo many times... 20 iu is the biggest amount if throughout the day 4-6 iu pre meals low fat ...
Title: Re: Jizzmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jenetics on January 14, 2016, 01:41:49 AM
Aside from GH and Test, Modafinil is the greatest drug there is.  I have a script for it from my doc for sleep apnea, and it is amazing.  Total clarity, focus, and alertness for 15 hours.  No side effects other than making your piss smell funny.  Workouts are unreal with it, does not hinder appetite like adderall.  All the docs I work with use it as well.  Can't speak for the stuff coming from overseas, but USA Modafinil is amazing stuff. 

Interesting. Even just 100mg Modafinil totally kills my appetite. It works better for me for appetite suppression than phentermine or sibutramine. I like to take 100mg daily when cutting.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 14, 2016, 07:53:09 AM
Novolin-r and i have done slin many, many times. I know what to expect at the 3 hour post inject point... sometimes 6 times day. Even at night after waking and eating carbs and then back to bed... Got to know what your doing and that only comes from going hypo many times... 20 iu is the biggest amount if throughout the day 4-6 iu pre meals low fat ...
yeah on R people rarely ever go hypo, even with minimal carb consumption. imo pre workout its suboptimal though. you want the slin to cover your workout and then be out again. chronically elevated insulin levels are very detrimental to insulin sensitivity and R last much much longer than rapid slin.
the actual EFFECTS of humalog last past the 2 hour active time though (carbohydrate metabolism, glucose uptake etc).
thats why IN MY OPINION rapid is the only slin you should ever use - and only pre workout.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on January 14, 2016, 01:32:28 PM
Where is whitewidow he would be like 800lbs on this blast
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: heenok on January 15, 2016, 06:48:35 AM
Where is whitewidow he would be like 800lbs on this blast

lmaoooooo  ;D leave the poor guy alone
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 17, 2016, 05:43:58 AM
day 17, 189lbs, 13lbs up
initial water weight gain has slowed down now unless the scale jumps up this or next night.
7lbs left to gain during the next 2 weeks to hit my goal of 196lbs on february 1st. i wont force it and let conditioning suffer just to hit the 20lbs though.
as long as theres a tendency towards weight gain im all good. conditioning looks good. strength goes up. if i stall for a couple days i will add 100-200 kcals daily (intra workout most likely), thats always enough to keep me gaining.
sleep issues have completely settled down. the neverending thirst of the fist couple days (did i mention that?) has also subsided, so im not getting up as often at night to piss. sleeping extremely deep (MK677). wake up very rested, no more lethargy during the day either.

will post the first comparison pics of day 1 and from somewhen during week 3-4 (whenever i estimate i hit peak condition) soon.
afterwards ill update further if you guys are interested. i will still get bigger but probably not leaner/better conditioned anymore from week 4 on. but im dead set on this.
its time to get big :)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: doggler on January 17, 2016, 09:51:50 AM
day 17, 189lbs, 13lbs up
initial water weight gain has slowed down now unless the scale jumps up this or next night.
7lbs left to gain during the next 2 weeks to hit my goal of 196lbs on february 1st. i wont force it and let conditioning suffer just to hit the 20lbs though.
as long as theres a tendency towards weight gain im all good. conditioning looks good. strength goes up. if i stall for a couple days i will add 100-200 kcals daily (intra workout most likely), thats always enough to keep me gaining.
sleep issues have completely settled down. the neverending thirst of the fist couple days (did i mention that?) has also subsided, so im not getting up as often at night to piss. sleeping extremely deep (MK677). wake up very rested, no more lethargy during the day either.

will post the first comparison pics of day 1 and from somewhen during week 3-4 (whenever i estimate i hit peak condition) soon.
afterwards ill update further if you guys are interested. i will still get bigger but probably not leaner/better conditioned anymore from week 4 on. but im dead set on this.
its time to get big :)

Of course we are interested !

Dont forget comparison photos.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Chem on January 17, 2016, 11:42:57 AM
Congrats you've been posted on /fraud/.

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 17, 2016, 02:08:36 PM
Congrats you've been posted on /fraud/.
hope i stay the fuck out of there, some guys on there you dont wanna mess with (even though there are some (few) quality posters)

back in the day i spent a lot of time reading on fit and misc but never really actively posted
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on January 17, 2016, 05:58:03 PM
Jizmo about the aas use.. did u just start of with 1gr of everything or are did u start lower and gradually up the doses by time ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 18, 2016, 12:06:58 AM
Jizmo about the aas use.. did u just start of with 1gr of everything or are did u start lower and gradually up the doses by time ?
straight in at 1g each
i dont really feel the need to stagger or increase, because my bulks usually only last 8-12 weeks... when i stall i simply add an oral for a short time

my next cut ill use much lower dosages though, so next bulk ill probably start at 700 each, then increase after 4-6 weeks, then add an oral or so
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 24, 2016, 01:27:21 AM
day 24, 192lbs. 16lbs up.  scale didnt budge the whole time UNTIL TODAY. suddenly got a leap on scale weight.
thought about increasing calories since the scale stopped moving but instead i kept my cardio days lower and added the calories into my intra workout nutrition.
seems to work.

still got a week to hit the 20lbs, but ill probably miss that goal by 1-2lbs.

will post pics later today or tomorrow depending on busy schedule.

i feel fucking great. abs havent gotten blurry yet, extremely pleased with my look actually.
eating gets kind of tiring right now but appetite and hunger are still kicking high.

havent skipped a single cardio session and i think that really helps with the higher calories and nutrient assimilation.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 24, 2016, 08:55:10 AM
day 24, 192lbs. 16lbs up.  scale didnt budge the whole time UNTIL TODAY. suddenly got a leap on scale weight.
thought about increasing calories since the scale stopped moving but instead i kept my cardio days lower and added the calories into my intra workout nutrition.
seems to work.

still got a week to hit the 20lbs, but ill probably miss that goal by 1-2lbs.

will post pics later today or tomorrow depending on busy schedule.

i feel fucking great. abs havent gotten blurry yet, extremely pleased with my look actually.
eating gets kind of tiring right now but appetite and hunger are still kicking high.

havent skipped a single cardio session and i think that really helps with the higher calories and nutrient assimilation.

how's the training going?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 24, 2016, 09:06:06 AM
how's the training going?
pretty good. intensity stays high, even though i havent had a single rest day... no idea about strength right now since i switch up everything every workout. sometimes isolations first, sometimes compounds, different exercises, different rep ranges etc all the time.
i dont give a fuck about muscle confusion but the simple fact that you dont have any reference numbers for strength if you switch up the order of exercises every time makes you push harder imo and always give your all. i actually never did it that way. always did at least 2/3 of my workouts the same every time and tried to progress on strength or reps or volume. also always did compounds before isolations, but the other way around actually gives me way better pumps.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 24, 2016, 09:10:31 AM
tried to get the same poses and same lighting roughly to have a proper comparison
yes, the pic ratios are the same. i was that small.   :D


3 weeks apart
around 15 lbs heavier so far

pretty happy so far, conditioning hasnt suffered apart from the water weight. slin, MK and a good amount of food expands the midsection a little, but thats only temporary for me. the low calorie cardio days help.

around 4 weeks in is where i usually start to bloat up a little though, so we'll see how it goes.
i hope it continues that way. will update with more pics every 2 or 3 weeks if people are interested.

excited to see how far i can push this.

3 weeks in
EDIT: put it in the attachment since imgur is fucking up again with the (img) code

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 24, 2016, 09:27:34 AM
pretty good. intensity stay high, even though i havent had a single rest day... no idea about strength right now since i switch up everything every workout. sometimes isolations first, sometimes compounds, different exercises, different rep ranges etc all the time.
i dont give a fuck about muscle confusion but the simple fact that you dont have any reference numbers for strength if you switch up the order of exercises every time makes you push harder imo and always give your all. i actually never did it that way. always did at least 2/3 of my workouts the same every time and tried to progress on strength or reps or volume. also always did compounds before isolations, but the other way around actually gives me way better pumps.

yeah, i was caught up with the concept/idea of increasing training loads, but what's funny is that i'm actually weaker now but bigger lol

very hard work and fatigue, working the muscle til failure or even past failure sometimes, works very well for me, but it ain't fucking pleasant  >:( >:( >:(

looking good in the update pics, and you got some big and thickass bis bro  8) form those pics i'd say your bis and delts are your best bodyparts
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on January 24, 2016, 10:21:15 AM
thats crazy.. How do you stay lean like this ? What is your age and how long have you been doing this ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 24, 2016, 04:00:07 PM
Great build Jizmo! Do you have any before AAS pics?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Fuzzy Nuts on January 24, 2016, 04:33:43 PM
Build is ok, face is handsome.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on January 24, 2016, 05:29:36 PM
Thread to long to read... What's the cycle?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jenetics on January 24, 2016, 05:44:20 PM
Excellent progress. I'd actually say your bf% has dropped - more muscle, same amount of fat, therefore lower percentage.
I've decided I'm flat as fuck and this has inspired me to "bulk" in the same fashion. I've feared putting body fat on for too long.
You mention in your first thread you were going to use supplements to draw water. I'd be interested to hear your strategy for this. Are you referring to drawing water into the muscle? Glycerol? Creatine?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jenetics on January 24, 2016, 06:07:44 PM
And another question, are you using any AIs?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: NickEdge779 on January 24, 2016, 08:05:32 PM
Nice progress pics! Chest and shoulders noticeably a lot fuller, waist looks a little bit bloated probably from eating a lot and water retention, but still same bodyfat I'd say.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 24, 2016, 11:13:32 PM
thanks for the feedback guys. ill keep this updated  ;)

yeah, i was caught up with the concept/idea of increasing training loads, but what's funny is that i'm actually weaker now but bigger lol

very hard work and fatigue, working the muscle til failure or even past failure sometimes, works very well for me, but it ain't fucking pleasant  >:( >:( >:(

looking good in the update pics, and you got some big and thickass bis bro  8) form those pics i'd say your bis and delts are your best bodyparts

i have a really narrow build naturally to be honest. so delts have been my NUMBER ONE priority as soon as i got into bodybuilding.
i was less than half as wide when i started working out.
i work delts with about twice as many exercises than any other muscle (every single head too).
i also throw in high rep sets, 100 rep sets etc for delts, even on off days/other training days.
bis on the other hand always grew by themselves lol plus i didnt know how to isolate my lats for the first 1-2 years of working out, so pulling exercises were all biceps.
my bis always grew like crazy but i always loved high voluming them.

thats crazy.. How do you stay lean like this ? What is your age and how long have you been doing this ?
well of course its all in the diet and finding the right surplus
lots of tren and some t3 makes it much easier though
for me i can eat until im full when im bulking but never really overindulge (if i feel stuffed and lethargic from food then im eating too much and getting fat)

im in my 20s, training for 6.5 years, first dabbled with AAS 4 years ago (i always knew EXACTLY what i was using befor touching it though, even though i was still very young. never used completely irresponsibly. i know my doses are high but im well aware of the risks).

Great build Jizmo! Do you have any before AAS pics?
i was a twig before working out (120lbs)
i got up to pretty much the same weight actually without AAS (180lbs at the highest) but ofc compared to now i was fat as fuck and the look was completely different.
on AAS i got up to 220lbs about 3 years ago, but that shit wasnt pretty. dreamer bulk.
i can get up to around 200lbs in good condition but from that point on the look goes rather downhill.
we'll see how it pans out this time.

Thread to long to read... What's the cycle?
everything under the sun basically

Excellent progress. I'd actually say your bf% has dropped - more muscle, same amount of fat, therefore lower percentage.
I've decided I'm flat as fuck and this has inspired me to "bulk" in the same fashion. I've feared putting body fat on for too long.
You mention in your first thread you were going to use supplements to draw water. I'd be interested to hear your strategy for this. Are you referring to drawing water into the muscle? Glycerol? Creatine?
high doses of creatine, leucine and betaine (feel like its useless though). used glycerol in the past but never got anything out of it.
i like playing around with supps as much as AAS, but honestly only the real "essentials" are useful. for health purposeses multi, fish oil, niacin.
bodybuilding purposes creatine. if you use slin then leucine. i love alpha lipoic acid too because it has numerous benefits.
i love supps that influence insulin sensitivity. i think theyre of great merit for bodybuilders and theres a TON out there thats really interesting...
and theres a lot of OTC stuff that actually works well. berberine, ALA, agmatine etc.

And another question, are you using any AIs?
adex 1mg a day and i use raloxifene at 20mg a day too (SERM). it has some estrogenic properties that are beneficial when taking AAS and t3 (regarding lipids, bone density and ofc its additional gyno protection).
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: heenok on January 25, 2016, 04:11:54 AM
You look super impressive. Never realised you were that lean before.
Difference is really night and day in the before/after pics.

Whats your training routine like ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 25, 2016, 06:26:13 AM
hey jiz, speaking of your delt training are you doing richie rich's delt feeder workouts  ;D or have you ever tried something similar?

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 25, 2016, 07:14:40 AM
You look super impressive. Never realised you were that lean before.
Difference is really night and day in the before/after pics.

Whats your training routine like ?
thanks man... unfortunately im not very vascular at all (unlike whitewidow  :D) so it doesnt really show in everyday clothes...
just in tanktops when you can some striations here and there...
im lacking dryness too, i got elastic smooth baby skin even on tons of androgens. ill probably be happy about that 20 years down the road, but for bodybuilding purposes / looking freakish it sucks.

training routine is pretty easy... push/pull/legs, i always train 2 days on / 1 day off (cardio on off days)
workouts are 70-80 minutes right now. always switching up everything.
started with 60 mins / 20 sets... will raise until i hit 90 mins, that makes around 30 sets.
then ill deload for 1-2 weeks and start at 60 again. unless i get carried away and keep on hitting it hard for 90mins until i burn out lol

hey jiz, speaking of your delt training are you doing richie rich's delt feeder workouts  ;D or have you ever tried something similar?

there were times when i hit delts every workout or implemented 50-100 rep sets (side raises) at the end of workouts, but never really did any delt work outside of the gym.
i didnt even know there was a name for that ("feeder workouts") until rich piana started his new year log.
rich may appear stupid sometimes but there is a lot of good stuff to read between the lines of his broscience babble

i actually do some kind of variation of these feeder workouts religiously this bulk..
even bought a set of dumbbells just for that purpose
i started off with half gallon jugs and if you do 50+ reps side raises even that gives you a wicked pump...
now that i got the dumbbels i do 50 rep sets 1-3 times a day every single day
not just before bed, whenever theres a lot of nutrients in my blood and i feel like putting them to use lol.

i also always hit 2-3 side raises pumpsets of 30-50 reps at the end of my push workouts.. i think with insulin and lots of nutrients in the blood this might give some extra growth via blood flow and nutrient supply. anyway, the pump that gives you is insane and it feels awesome.

it will be interesting to see if doing this regularly for weeks on end gives a noticable difference.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on January 25, 2016, 07:50:14 AM
Holdin it down bro, def filled out in the 2nd set of pics
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on January 25, 2016, 08:06:03 AM
also very impressive on running slin, mk, npp and staying at that bodyfat.  Seams like you got a lotta wiggle room with your genes to  experimant without spilling over.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: njflex on January 25, 2016, 09:41:28 AM
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 25, 2016, 11:04:32 AM
also very impressive on running slin, mk, npp and staying at that bodyfat.  Seams like you got a lotta wiggle room with your genes to  experimant without spilling over.
i wish it was that way  ;D my calories are pretty low for my activity levels imo...
and it took A LOT of tinkering, both regarding total calories, macro breakdown and food amounts (as in volume) and timing.

im that kinda guy who can gain 5-10lbs from a single all you can eat buffet.
all water of course, but anytime i fucked up my diet in the past on a bulk (and not extremely bad either, like 2000 extra calories or so) my conditioning was fucked for a week and i actually often ended bulks because of that. not because i gained fat, but because i looked like a waterlogged mess.
thats why i simply prefer to stay strict - so i can look good for longer.

im not that petty with daily calories though. always take my girl out for dinner at least once a week etc.
ate too little? doesnt matter. ate too much? just make up for that the next day. fasted cardio, protein only meals or whatever.

thats basically the only way i can hold that conditioning for a while...
as i said, i usually start to spill over regardless around the 4 week mark. i still get bigger, i still grow, but not in this kinda conditioning... i never (and i mean never) lose my abs, but seeing the lines fade is always hard on your head ;)

thanks man ;) yeah regarding otc supplements i actually have fun trying different stuff out.
i know i would get better results if i just skipped all supplements and put that money towards more tren or whatever but hey, theres a lot of stuff that actually has ergogenic benefits etc. and since its just around 30-40$ a month or so for the OTC stuff im cool with that.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on January 25, 2016, 12:27:40 PM

it will be interesting to see if doing this regularly for weeks on end gives a noticable difference.

alright bro, so keep me or us, updated on it, coz if it works out well for ya, i'll probably give it a go on arms  8)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: XFACTOR on January 25, 2016, 06:10:31 PM
Why this guy isn't a mod here is beyond me. He smokes all the steroid board mods and is open to giving solid advice. This is the type of thread a real mod creates and backs all his claims with pics.

Respect Jizmo
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on January 25, 2016, 06:12:07 PM
Jizmo u look badass.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 25, 2016, 11:14:45 PM
Jizmo u look badass.

Why this guy isn't a mod here is beyond me. He smokes all the steroid board mods and is open to giving solid advice. This is the type of thread a real mod creates and backs all his claims with pics.

Respect Jizmo
thanks brothers!
the mod thing is in work as far as im informed. gave my confirmation a while back ;)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on January 26, 2016, 12:38:44 AM
Good log. Finding it very interesting to read. Keep up the good progress, Jizmo.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 28, 2016, 10:35:42 AM
Jizmo what's your general blast and cruise protocol? Mainly interested in how long you cruise generally and on what dose of test or other compounds
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 28, 2016, 11:10:29 AM
Jizmo what's your general blast and cruise protocol? Mainly interested in how long you cruise generally and on what dose of test or other compounds
well the last time its been more of a blast and blast protocol to be honest
for real cruising purposes i would use 500mg test but i added some NPP to that over the last months before this blast
once i am where i want to be i will probably blast/cruise for an equal time, cruises being 500mg test only, blasts much higher.
my next cut i will NOT up my t3 and run 500mg test only, that will count as cruise time for me.
obviously there are healthier approaches though, im well aware of that.
ill get bloodwork before that too.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: warez4gold on January 28, 2016, 07:05:25 PM
jizmo you're looking thick, solid, tight.

keep up the good work
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 29, 2016, 05:38:02 PM
well the last time its been more of a blast and blast protocol to be honest
for real cruising purposes i would use 500mg test but i added some NPP to that over the last months before this blast
once i am where i want to be i will probably blast/cruise for an equal time, cruises being 500mg test only, blasts much higher.
my next cut i will NOT up my t3 and run 500mg test only, that will count as cruise time for me.
obviously there are healthier approaches though, im well aware of that.
ill get bloodwork before that too.

Do you lose much mass on the cruise? or you keep the mass but lose a lot of teh "look"
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 30, 2016, 12:31:06 AM
Do you lose much mass on the cruise? or you keep the mass but lose a lot of teh "look"
see my before pics, lol
without high dose t3 its obviously not that bad though

soo i actually hit 194lbs today. 18 of 20 lbs gained. 2 days left, i could get these 2 lbs by simply overeating a bit today and tomorrow but i wont do that, since conditioning is still pretty good for a 18lb gain in 4 weeks.
bloat is picking up a little towards the end of the day.. i always wake up on point again though.
ill probably take it easy and not up calories at all (and i havent done so over the last 4 weeks either)... weight gain has been very consistent.
workout volume has increased quite a bit, so remaining lean and conditioned so far. even throwing in some fasted morning cardio here and there (in addition to regular cardio)...
ill update with pics when theres a visible difference. ill probably bloat up towards 200lbs, but ill assume its gonna take another 4 weeks to gain these 6lbs. at least thats what i would expect from experience.

i actually feel great at around 190lbs. lots of energy, lots of power, workout intensity is high, libido is high, mood is great, can eat a very decent amount without gaining fat etc.
i feel awesome and im gonna try to stretch this a little before venturing into bloated fart machine territory  ;D
will continue to update this log ofc :)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on January 30, 2016, 06:42:58 AM
jizz, how long have you been blasting and crusing ? Are you ever afraid of fucking your natural hormone for life ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 30, 2016, 08:42:40 AM
jizz, how long have you been blasting and crusing ? Are you ever afraid of fucking your natural hormone for life ?
2 and a half years now
i will be on TRT for life after this. even after i quit bodybuilding.
i dont EVER want to end up like the average 50 year old guy, fat as fuck, full of estrogen, no libido, no drive
the average 40-50+ man nowadays is no man anymore
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on January 30, 2016, 11:40:17 AM
2 and a half years now
i will be on TRT for life after this. even after i quit bodybuilding.
i dont EVER want to end up like the average 50 year old guy, fat as fuck, full of estrogen, no libido, no drive
the average 40-50+ man nowadays is no man anymore

You should come off every now and then.  I know what you are saying, but when u hit 40, injecting every week gets old quick... Plus say goodbye to your balls and yiu may be risking ever having kids
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on January 30, 2016, 12:08:49 PM
You should come off every now and then.  I know what you are saying, but when u hit 40, injecting every week gets old quick... Plus say goodbye to your balls and yiu may be risking ever having kids
neither injections getting old nor fertility are realistic problems to me...
injections are a breeze.
and theres so much research / progress in terms of fertility apart from standard pct protocols... hcg, hmg, triptorelin.
10 years down the road when kids will become a subject matter to me (and i definitely want to have kids in my 30s) there will probably be tons of new inventions in that field.
worrying about fertility when theres ronnie coleman who has like 50 kids is simply not a scenario i could bring myself to be anxious about.

the only reason for me thinking about cruising/using lower dosages is my HDL.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on January 30, 2016, 04:25:28 PM
neither injections getting old nor fertility are realistic problems to me...
injections are a breeze.
and theres so much research / progress in terms of fertility apart from standard pct protocols... hcg, hmg, triptorelin.
10 years down the road when kids will become a subject matter to me (and i definitely want to have kids in my 30s) there will probably be tons of new inventions in that field.
worrying about fertility when theres ronnie coleman who has like 50 kids is simply not a scenario i could bring myself to be anxious about.

the only reason for me thinking about cruising/using lower dosages is my HDL.

yeah i just view injections as one of the activities that make up body maintenance. I don't like brushing my teeth but I do it to prevent tooth decay, same as how I inject test because I don'r want low test etc..
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: oni on January 30, 2016, 07:06:36 PM
Keep the weight gain at 1lb/week now but keep going
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on January 31, 2016, 02:37:34 PM
You should come off every now and then.  I know what you are saying, but when u hit 40, injecting every week gets old quick... Plus say goodbye to your balls and yiu may be risking ever having kids

Proper trt protocol you only have to inject every 14 days.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on January 31, 2016, 08:12:52 PM
Proper trt protocol you only have to inject every 14 days.
If u did it that way, yiur levels would fluctuate so much
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 01, 2016, 11:13:21 AM
Keep the weight gain at 1lb/week now but keep going
yeah thats exactly my plan for the next couple weeks
will probably deload for the next week, keep calories the same, then start again with lower volume and hopefully higher intensity the week after

Proper trt protocol you only have to inject every 14 days.
thats the standard TRT protocol, its not proper though. unless you use test (un)decanoate
test e once every 14 days is inappropriate and stupid, yet doctors recommend that protocol...
 this was discussed on here many times
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 16, 2016, 01:08:15 PM
so i thought i would update this
since i hit 194 lbs 4 weeks in my weight gain has completely slowed down... im close to the same weight as 3 weeks ago right now. sometimes a pound of maybe  two up depending on the day but no consistent weight gain anymore...
im still eating the same amount of calories (3500 gym days /3000 cardio days), but increased workout volume a bit over time... deloaded last week and started anew with lower volume but higher intensity a couple days ago.

so as it was clear right from the start, the initial heavy weight gain was all water/glycogen (kind of funny that a good stack can put on close to 20lbs of "good" water onto your frame)..
i might have even been in a slight caloric deficit for the whole time, but the combination of drugs made me very full very quickly...
im still a bit hesitant to raise calories right now to facilitate further weight gain because right now i can actually eat whatever the fuck i want every single day, (which is COMPLETELY new to me), i also never feel hungry (it even gets hard to shove down that much food here and there) and i really enjoy eating out and cooking on the regular with my GF without having to watch calories at all... workouts are also good, im feeling energized and happy.
still havent taken a single real rest day since january 1st.
light cardio doesnt cut into my regeneration at all, which i would not have expected.

right now im pretty happy because this is actually the first time ever in my life that i can eat by appetite without getting fat as fuck
feels like a million bucks lol, in the past i always had to watch diet meticulously to not put on excess fat.
i also havent bloated up at all even though im a good 6 weeks into my bulk right now and normally i would start to become a bloated mess at this point... conditioning is still good and im still full. i do notice fluctuations EXTREMELY quickly though if i undereat a few hundred calories for 2-3 days... instantly lose some fullness. it always comes back when i get back on track and catch up the missing calories though.

i guess the combination of AAS+MK+slin+t3 is really hitting it hard from every possible angle and doing an extremely good job in keeping any potential fat off even on high calories.
since my weight gain kind of has stalled for 3 weeks though there are only 2 options though:
-either ill be trying to stay full but at roughly the same scale weight and try to slowly gain pure lean muscle tissue over the next couple weeks
-or ill raise calories a bit, accept some loss of conditioning and bloat and go for a bit higher scale weight

i will go with option 1 for the next month or so, then see where i stand. if i havent hit 200lbs by then i will bump up calories a bit.
right now im enjoying everything just the way it is. never change a running system i guess, even though its running a bit slower than throughout january  ;D
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on February 16, 2016, 01:38:26 PM
^^^ sounds like your basically in the same boat as richie rich

how many meals do you eat per day, normally?

i put on about 15 pounds over the course of 2-3 weeks with most of it bloat/water and some fat, but now it's starting to solidify, just as richie claims would happen  ;D (basically doing your option 2, as my scale weight is down only about 2-3 pounds but my ab skinfold is down 2 mm and i've lost almost 2 inches off of my waist)

so as god says.... keep pushing and NEVER GIVE UP

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 16, 2016, 02:24:20 PM
yeah the "solidifying" theory sounds kind of weird but actually might make sense. many people claim you have to hold a certain bodyweight for quite a long time before your body actually gets "used" to that mass.
 i think gaining a ton of water / glycogen and then "solidifying" that mass over a long time could actually make some sense, even though it sounds very broscientific.
it actually just might be some kind of recomping concept through metabolic adaption imo.

i usually eat 3-4 meals a day. sometimes 5 but thats kind of rare.
all that 8, 9, 10 meals a day stuff is complete bullshit imo lol. id rather increase meal size vs meal frequency but i love eating big so thats where that comes from. a "meal" of like 500 kcals is a waste of time to me lol, just a drop in the bucket that makes me even more hungry (unless its all protein)... and id rather not eat at all than eat a tiny ass meal.

on cardio days its mostly just 3 meals since i keep calories lower anyway but i NEED a real good big meal once a day (pretty much always post workout and last meal of the day)
on workout days my pre/intra workout nutrition makes up 1200 kcals already. and since im always hungry as fuck post workout i always eat my biggest meal then, so thats again the same amount of kcals or a bit more for the post workout meal...
 i would have to eat real tiny meals to fit the daily calories into 5 meals total.
so i usualy prefer 2 smaller meals, big pre/intra nutrition and a big pwo meal (also because i consider peri workout nutrition the very most important when it comes to anabolism)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on February 16, 2016, 07:04:58 PM
yeah the "solidifying" theory sounds kind of weird but actually might make sense. many people claim you have to hold a certain bodyweight for quite a long time before your body actually gets "used" to that mass.
 i think gaining a ton of water / glycogen and then "solidifying" that mass over a long time could actually make some sense, even though it sounds very broscientific.
it actually just might be some kind of recomping concept through metabolic adaption imo.

i usually eat 3-4 meals a day. sometimes 5 but thats kind of rare.
all that 8, 9, 10 meals a day stuff is complete bullshit imo lol. id rather increase meal size vs meal frequency but i love eating big so thats where that comes from. a "meal" of like 500 kcals is a waste of time to me lol, just a drop in the bucket that makes me even more hungry (unless its all protein)... and id rather not eat at all than eat a tiny ass meal.

on cardio days its mostly just 3 meals since i keep calories lower anyway but i NEED a real good big meal once a day (pretty much always post workout and last meal of the day)
on workout days my pre/intra workout nutrition makes up 1200 kcals already. and since im always hungry as fuck post workout i always eat my biggest meal then, so thats again the same amount of kcals or a bit more for the post workout meal...
 i would have to eat real tiny meals to fit the daily calories into 5 meals total.
so i usualy prefer 2 smaller meals, big pre/intra nutrition and a big pwo meal (also because i consider peri workout nutrition the very most important when it comes to anabolism)
How long do you think this "solidifying" takes? I think dante (of doggcrapp fame) discussed this in set point theory. personally i find that even if i stop training and start eating like shit i haven't gone back to the weight i started off with when i first started training seriously
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 17, 2016, 12:08:59 AM
How long do you think this "solidifying" takes? I think dante (of doggcrapp fame) discussed this in set point theory. personally i find that even if i stop training and start eating like shit i haven't gone back to the weight i started off with when i first started training seriously
if that theory holds truth then it would take months i would assume

im not talking about reverting to your "natural" limit when off or whatever. but about adding a lot of mass quickly on AAS and then keeping it (on AAS.)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: heenok on February 17, 2016, 02:48:00 AM
Curious about what your pre and intra workout shake consist of ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: oni on February 17, 2016, 03:04:07 AM
Holding a body weight for a month should be good enough, as long as it's not a huge jump.
10 weeks gaining 1lb a week, 10lb gain, should be good to diet again after another month
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 17, 2016, 06:09:25 AM
Curious about what your pre and intra workout shake consist of ?
half a liter of skim milk, 50g whey, blended banana, various supps (my personal concoction)
thats 60g protein, 60g carbs roughly
then right now im at 175g fast carbs throughout the workout
(workout begins 20-30mins after pre shake)

i started with 30g carbs pre and 120-130g intra, but ive been raising that over time and substracting cals from my cardio days instead. peri workout is the best time to add carbs imo.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on February 17, 2016, 05:26:29 PM
Are u competing jiz or are u planning to do it ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 18, 2016, 12:09:41 AM
Are u competing jiz or are u planning to do it ?
i do, however ive been telling myself that for 2-3 years now but never feel big or shredded enough to step on stage
ill give that another year or two i guess.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on February 18, 2016, 04:06:01 AM
i do, however ive been telling myself that for 2-3 years now but never feel big or shredded enough to step on stage
ill give that another year or two i guess.

Its so normal to feel that... Imo you have amazing physique. I know i only have seen 2 pictures of you, but by the looks of them, you would roll up the competitors in iceland
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on February 18, 2016, 04:19:52 AM
Jizmo whats your height weight and guess on body fat% at the moment? 
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 18, 2016, 05:32:05 AM
Its so normal to feel that... Imo you have amazing physique. I know i only have seen 2 pictures of you, but by the looks of them, you would roll up the competitors in iceland
appreciate that man... competition over here is pretty tough though. i couldnt compete in juniors anymore either, so i probably still got plenty of time.

Jizmo whats your height weight and guess on body fat% at the moment?  
5'8, still sitting around 195 lbs right now...
bodyfat? roughly the same as 3 weeks ago id say, so maybe 10-11% or somewhere in that range... always hard to tell depending on how you carry your bodyfat... funny thing is that calipers put me at 5%, but since calipers only measure subQ fat though you have to add 3% vital fat in brain/around the organs that calipers dont measure, so that would put me at 8%.
to be honest though 8% would look much different in my book. maybe its the fact that im not very vascular at all or that i carry 90% of my bodyfat around the lower abs, but i wouldnt say im anywhere close to a legit 8%.

i put in the starting pics, 3 weeks in pics and pics from this week into this post for overviews sake.

first row: january first
second row: 3 weeks in
third row: 6 weeks in (this week)

the last pics are 6 weeks in, same weight as 3 weeks in (around 195 lbs). as you can see - no significant visible changes either during that timeframe.
it might even possible that ive been eating at a slight deficit the whole time, gained a ton of water due to the compounds i run but no actual gain of dry weight.

as you can see - after the heavy water gain for the first 3 weeks there are barely any changes.

i will have to slightly increase calories i assume, however as i said ill still keep everything the same for 2-3 weeks or so and see what happens after deloading and switching up my routine a bit. im still very much enjoying eating a good amount of food and lifting hard right now.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: njflex on February 18, 2016, 05:59:17 AM
appreciate that man... competition over here is pretty tough though. i couldnt compete in juniors anymore either, so i probably still got plenty of time.
5'8, still sitting around 195 lbs right now...
bodyfat? roughly the same as 3 weeks ago id say, so maybe 10-11% or somewhere in that range... always hard to tell depending on how you carry your bodyfat... funny thing is that calipers put me at 5%, but since calipers only measure subQ fat though you have to add 3% vital fat in brain/around the organs that calipers dont measure, so that would put me at 8%.
to be honest though 8% would look much different in my book. maybe its the fact that im not very vascular at all or that i carry 90% of my bodyfat around the lower abs, but i wouldnt say im anywhere close to a legit 8%.

updated pics:
6 weeks in, same weight as 3 weeks in (around 195 lbs). no significant visible changes either during that timeframe.
it might even possible that ive been eating at a slight deficit the whole time, gained a ton of water due to the compounds i run but no actual gain of dry weight.

as you can see - after the heavy water gain for the first 3 weeks there are barely any changes.

i will have to slightly incre ase calories i assume, however as i said ill still keep everything the same for 2-3 weeks or so and see what happens after deloading and switching up my routine a bit. im still very much enjoying eating a good amount of food and lifting hard right now.

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: oni on February 19, 2016, 01:48:14 AM
strong mutation
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on February 19, 2016, 05:30:04 AM
Beast mode on. :)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on February 23, 2016, 04:47:29 PM
Just out of curiosity Jizmo, is there an ideal size of physique you have in your head, at which point you will say "enough" and then you will quit bodybuilding? or is it a never ending quest for improvement?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on February 24, 2016, 04:09:47 AM
Just out of curiosity Jizmo, is there an ideal size of physique you have in your head, at which point you will say "enough" and then you will quit bodybuilding? or is it a never ending quest for improvement?
i had that more than once. but as soon as i had reached that point my goals had changed for the higher already... always aspire to something greater and a better version of yourself...
im happy about my achievements, but i ALWAYS see room for improvement. not out of dissatisfaction, but out of perfectionism
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: OTHstrong on February 27, 2016, 01:36:11 AM
appreciate that man... competition over here is pretty tough though. i couldnt compete in juniors anymore either, so i probably still got plenty of time.
5'8, still sitting around 195 lbs right now...
bodyfat? roughly the same as 3 weeks ago id say, so maybe 10-11% or somewhere in that range... always hard to tell depending on how you carry your bodyfat... funny thing is that calipers put me at 5%, but since calipers only measure subQ fat though you have to add 3% vital fat in brain/around the organs that calipers dont measure, so that would put me at 8%.
to be honest though 8% would look much different in my book. maybe its the fact that im not very vascular at all or that i carry 90% of my bodyfat around the lower abs, but i wouldnt say im anywhere close to a legit 8%.

i put in the starting pics, 3 weeks in pics and pics from this week into this post for overviews sake.

first row: january first
second row: 3 weeks in
third row: 6 weeks in (this week)

the last pics are 6 weeks in, same weight as 3 weeks in (around 195 lbs). as you can see - no significant visible changes either during that timeframe.
it might even possible that ive been eating at a slight deficit the whole time, gained a ton of water due to the compounds i run but no actual gain of dry weight.

as you can see - after the heavy water gain for the first 3 weeks there are barely any changes.

i will have to slightly increase calories i assume, however as i said ill still keep everything the same for 2-3 weeks or so and see what happens after deloading and switching up my routine a bit. im still very much enjoying eating a good amount of food and lifting hard right now.

Solid physique man and very good gains 8)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: NickEdge779 on March 01, 2016, 05:41:36 PM
Delts looking bigger from 2nd row to 3rd row pics. You are definitely a lot bigger than January 1st. You can tell your waist was a tad bit smaller in January 1st, but the size you gained in all other areas since then has made up for the slight increase in waist size big time.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on March 02, 2016, 11:39:11 AM
looking good man. 
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on March 07, 2016, 11:34:31 AM
curious do you spend time on your abdominals?? or do you let them just pop from low enough bodyfat?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 07, 2016, 01:34:58 PM
curious do you spend time on your abdominals?? or do you let them just pop from low enough bodyfat?
i have pretty bulging abs, theyre actually so thick that i can sometimes see striations in the middle of the abs from the side lol
but its also a structural thing, i get that turtle shell look with abs on top when my stomach is full of food...

i always trained them hard and heavy with isolations from day one.
abs are like any other muscle, if you dont train them you wont ever have good abs, simple as that.
squatting and deadlifting is not enough for them either.

many people think if you just diet down enough youre gonna have good abs, lol.
i mean yeah youre gonna SEE your abs when youre ripped. you can see your biceps too when youre ripped, that doesnt mean its big though  :D
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: njflex on March 07, 2016, 01:45:34 PM
i have pretty bulging abs, theyre actually so thick that i can sometimes see striations in the middle of the abs from the side lol
but its also a structural thing, i get that turtle shell look with abs on top when my stomach is full of food...

i always trained them hard and heavy with isolations from day one.
abs are like any other muscle, if you dont train them you wont ever have good abs, simple as that.
squatting and deadlifting is not enough for them either.

many people think if you just diet down enough youre gonna have good abs, lol.
i mean yeah youre gonna SEE your abs when youre ripped. you can see your biceps too when youre ripped, that doesnt mean its big though  :D
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on March 07, 2016, 02:04:54 PM
i have pretty bulging abs, theyre actually so thick that i can sometimes see striations in the middle of the abs from the side lol
but its also a structural thing, i get that turtle shell look with abs on top when my stomach is full of food...

i always trained them hard and heavy with isolations from day one.
abs are like any other muscle, if you dont train them you wont ever have good abs, simple as that.
squatting and deadlifting is not enough for them either.

many people think if you just diet down enough youre gonna have good abs, lol.
i mean yeah youre gonna SEE your abs when youre ripped. you can see your biceps too when youre ripped, that doesnt mean its big though  :D

I was reading an article where there was some debate about whether ab exercises (the crunching sort of movement) can cause spinal disc herniation (due to the repeated flexion). I think the debate was over the study where they flexed dead pigs spines over and over and it caused herniation lol. Haven't read much about the topic since then, but I haven't directly done spinal flexion type movements for quite a while, I just use the ab wheel (although my abs could be a lot better)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 07, 2016, 02:12:57 PM
I was reading an article where there was some debate about whether ab exercises (the crunching sort of movement) can cause spinal disc herniation (due to the repeated flexion). I think the debate was over the study where they flexed dead pigs spines over and over and it caused herniation lol. Haven't read much about the topic since then, but I haven't directly done spinal flexion type movements for quite a while, I just use the ab wheel (although my abs could be a lot better)
ive seen some articles about the regular crunch movement causing dysbalances too, esp. around the hip flexor area ... not sure if i buy into that though, i stretch them regularly anyway

i too love my ab wheel though... feels different (in a good way) to have the main activation at the stretch position vs the crunched down position...
it recruits your back pretty heavily though so if i do squats before then no way im gonna be able to do 10+ reps anymore

i love cable crunches with a stretch at the top too.

vacuums (especially while gripping a heavy weight over your head and stretching your abs while vacuuming) are also a great and very underrated ab exercise imo.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on March 07, 2016, 04:06:46 PM
There is no need to do ab exercises.  If you're squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing, your abs get all the work they need.  Otherwise, it's simply diet.  Most everyone has shitty abs because they're fat, plain and simple. 
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: NickEdge779 on March 07, 2016, 04:44:24 PM
There is no need to do ab exercises.  If you're squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing, your abs get all the work they need.  Otherwise, it's simply diet.  Most everyone has shitty abs because they're fat, plain and simple. 

Who cares if there's no need. Hitting them directly ensures they grow. Nothing wrong with a few extra sets of abs per week. It works. I've definitely seen tons of progress in my abs since training them directly.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on March 07, 2016, 04:54:27 PM
Train your fucking abs. Why not just because u squat doesn't mean your abs are the best they can be.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 07, 2016, 11:31:20 PM
There is no need to do ab exercises.  If you're squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing, your abs get all the work they need.  Otherwise, it's simply diet.  Most everyone has shitty abs because they're fat, plain and simple. 
so theres no need for chest exercises if you bench regularly or biceps exercises if you do rows either huh?  :D

if it worked that way every bodybuilder would just train the big four and build a balanced physique from that, which just doesnt happen.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 07, 2016, 11:57:24 PM
speaking of abs, even some of the aesthetic gods (ie. Richard Baldwin was one of the them and the topic of this post) trained to make their waists larger WTF???

but he was still able to keep his aesthetic beauty (FULL HOMO)

here's what he said:

RB: I wasn't concerned so much about actual measurements, but as I made progress, I kept measuring my arms until they reached the 19-inch mark. After that, I worked on shape and used the mirror to chart my progress. My waist looked too small at 29 inches, so I used weighted exercises until the muscle expanded to at least 30. The same goes for my thighs. I worked them until they were a muscular 26. My chest was 48, I believe, and calves around 17.

sorry bros, but my comp won't let me upload this pic for some reason but here's the link to it...
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 08, 2016, 12:19:04 AM
well, if you build popping abs of course your waist measurements increase a bit.
not to the sides though, but towards the front (which does NOT make it appear bigger)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Gainsi on March 16, 2016, 12:04:15 AM
How do you stay so lean  :o and damn you're big!
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: youandme on March 16, 2016, 08:12:47 AM
Arms blew the F up. Good job.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 16, 2016, 12:37:50 PM
How do you stay so lean  :o and damn you're big!

simple, don't eat much
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 16, 2016, 03:12:53 PM
simple, don't eat too much
and expand a shitton of kcals
fixed that for you ;)
you can eat a shitton of food if youre very active during the day and cycle calories a bit (i eat less on cardio days)
my daily calorie expenditure is between 3600-3800 on average and i eat accordingly
running a gram of tren and t3 obviously helps too.

nonetheless, if youre highly active then you can eat a ton of food... not a ton of junk food (that shit never works), but a shitton of normal food..
believe me, ive bulked on a thousand calories less and still got fat in the past simply by being a lazy fucker cuz "i was bulking, bro."

EXAMPLE: over the course of today i ate a pound of bread, a pound of meat, some veggies, around half a bottle of ketchup (ketchup goes on everything), cheese, half litre of skim milk, 3 scoops whey, some cereal, an 8oz bag of gummy bears, a pound of yogurt/cottage cheese, some ben and jerries and a salad. plus some other stuff that i cant remember right now.
i hit around 4000 kcals, 300g protein. inb4 "thats not healthy bodybuilding food" comments... fuck off pls  :D

that IS a shitton of food ;)
HOWEVER id be fat as fuck in no time if i wasnt that active during the day.
i walked >10km in total today... 15.000 steps.
you wouldnt believe how much of a difference that makes in terms of staying lean.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 16, 2016, 03:42:17 PM
^^^ good point, an x-trainer of mine said the best scenario is too eat a decent amount of calories along with being very active ie. a good amount of training/cardio

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on March 16, 2016, 04:04:58 PM
Ive been cycling calories and not only carbs per activity level of the day on non training days I'll eat like one good meal and a protein shake. Idk if it's best way but this shit working for me brother.  As far as staying lean and gaining size it's like I am gaining the muscles like you would on a traditional bulk but on non training days cals are low so u don't gain as much fat or even lean out and gain weight because of the drugs.  Also I've been using bitch ass pussy dosages because I am a broke ass but I have put on a solid 20+lbs of muscle since september. 5 days a week intense and brief training to failure. Ofcourse I'm popping a50s but at 229 and veins on obliques and 9%body fat by calipers I feel like I am doing pretty good.

Jizmo is the fucking man give him props he knows his shit!!!


WW iS A NO SHOW.... he gone. Replace him Jizmo s
mart knows his shit and has physque to say so about it.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on March 16, 2016, 10:43:21 PM
Yeah, Jizmo for mod. Getbig needs to revive its steroid board.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 17, 2016, 05:04:11 AM
^^^ good point, an x-trainer of mine said the best scenario is too eat a decent amount of calories along with being very active ie. a good amount of training/cardio

this is my approach right now
theres actually a diet/eating style thats similar, called the G flux diet (watch out, theres some t-nation shit on that lol)

however i mean if you think about it logically (as rich piana would say, FUCKING LOGIC MAN!):

if you expand 4000 kcals and eat 4000 kcals
vs expanding 2000 kcals and eating 2000 kcals
then the POTENTIAL for muscle growth will be MUCH higher the more you eat and burn (provided enough protein is in check and theres sufficient training stimulus)...

i mean, your hormonal environment determines how your body both uses the calories you eat and where the calories you burn come from...
the more AAS, GH, slin, t3 etc you take, the more of your bodys anabolism should be shifted towards muscle growth and your bodys catabolism should be shifted towards fat loss.

which in return means, the more you both eat AND expand the higher your potential for both muscle growth and fat loss should be.

ofc i dont know how this translates to real world results, but all i know is this is the first time of my life i can eat a shitton of food and dont have to worry about overeating at all.
the fat kid inside of me loves this shit
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 17, 2016, 09:28:22 AM
^^^ the only problem with that is that it makes me worry about "overtraining"

i come from a HIT backround, although i no longer train like that and now my training is basically "pump and fluff" and i'm actually bigger now but weaker LOL (although steroids might have something to do with this i think  :D :D :D)

and about "aerobic" training i'm terrified that if i do it it will eat through my muscles, but some of the "bigger guys" at my gym who roid say to me "don't worry about that shit dude, coz you are on gear, so therefore it ain't gonna happen"
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: njflex on March 17, 2016, 10:22:38 AM
^^^ the only problem with that is that it makes me worry about "overtraining"

i come from a HIT backround, although i no longer train like that and now my training is basically "pump and fluff" and i'm actually bigger now but weaker LOL (although steroids might have something to do with this i think  :D :D :D)

and about "aerobic" training i'm terrified that if i do it it will eat through my muscles, but some of the "bigger guys" at my gym who roid say to me "don't worry about that shit dude, coz you are on gear, so therefore it ain't gonna happen"

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 17, 2016, 11:06:35 AM
^^^ the only problem with that is that it makes me worry about "overtraining"

i come from a HIT backround, although i no longer train like that and now my training is basically "pump and fluff" and i'm actually bigger now but weaker LOL (although steroids might have something to do with this i think  :D :D :D)

and about "aerobic" training i'm terrified that if i do it it will eat through my muscles, but some of the "bigger guys" at my gym who roid say to me "don't worry about that shit dude, coz you are on gear, so therefore it ain't gonna happen"

i dont even do real "cardio"... just 45mins or so on the treadmill every third day...
i just walk around A LOT during day time... simply do EVERYTHING by foot/bike instead of taking the car.
 thats hardly aerobic training... it also does not cut into regeneration AT ALL, believe me. its actually "active" regeneration, increases blood flow and just general activity. it really does the body good..
and the only thing LISS is gonna eat is your bodyfat...  ;)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 17, 2016, 12:36:13 PM
@ nj and jiz

good points fellas, but "light aerobics" or just walking is for pussies and f@gs, real men fucking train and push themselves  :D :D :D ;D

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on March 17, 2016, 06:28:16 PM
Were are the new pics maan?  Need those new pictures man. Logging in and logging out everyday very disappointed.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on March 17, 2016, 07:15:16 PM
@ nj and jiz

good points fellas, but "light aerobics" or just walking is for pussies and f@gs, real men fucking train and push themselves  :D :D :D ;D

Ronnie Coleman walked on a treadmill for an hour a day. He fucking WALKED while watching tv.

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 18, 2016, 12:18:57 AM
@ nj and jiz

good points fellas, but "light aerobics" or just walking is for pussies and f@gs, real men fucking train and push themselves  :D :D :D ;D

and "real men" look like that too though huh?

you simply CANT burn the calories you would burn by being active all day just by training. you cant train for 3 hours straight, unless your training is utter SHIT. ;)

Were are the new pics maan?  Need those new pictures man. Logging in and logging out everyday very disappointed.

lmao im gonna post some up later or tomorrow... obviously changes are coming extremely slow now compared to the first couple weeks, but im happy with my training, food etc. hitting new strength highs too. sitting at 196 lbs still
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 18, 2016, 11:23:13 AM
^^^ would love to train with you bro (no homo)

but i'm a "pump and fluff" kind of guy and weak as fuck, i probably can't even bench 90 kg and i weigh 76 kg @ 5% LOL

what's funny is that nowadays my pecs delts and tris are thicker and fuller than they were when i could bench 100 kg for 6 solid reps  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 18, 2016, 03:40:55 PM
you cant hit 90 kg for a single rep? thats pretty harsh lol but the look is what counts, nothing else.
but yeah, to me pump and fluff workouts are benching the 40kg dumbells for 20 reps instead of low repping and killing myself on the hammer strength lol  ;D

 i mean you need SOME weight to stimulate muscle growth lol
but im a weak fucker too, plus i dont barbell bench or deadlift anymore... and just starting squatting heavy again (never got my squat over 150kg though, which is weak as fuck)

updated pics for you bros
i still think im getting a bit thicker over time, but im actually having a hard time getting in the calories im expanding right now...
im always bloated to fuck and back at night when i got my 4000+ kcals in... no matter how much i burn.
but always wake up lean dry, even more so the higher my expenditure AND consumed calories raise.

i could only hit a slight surplus by adding more junk food, right now im still only hitting maintenance calories...
and therefore not cracking the 90 kgs...
however as long as my look keeps changing for the better i will stick to it... even if changes keep coming EXTREMELY slow...

this is already the longest time i continuously bulked in YEARS though
(yeah, i always got way fat within 2 months)... and im loving it this time.
 its also pretty fucking nice to know that i could get pretty damn lean within a few weeks from this point right now.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: lilhawk1 on March 18, 2016, 07:33:30 PM
Upper body, especially shoulders looks good.  What about the legs?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on March 18, 2016, 07:53:05 PM
Upper body, especially shoulders looks good.  What about the third legs?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on March 18, 2016, 08:08:17 PM
That is something something guys. Looking better by the weeks passing by. I disagree with the you need much weights to build muscle... using light weights help me pack the muscles on Me... In bench press I rarely go over 180lbs
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: dj181 on March 18, 2016, 10:27:21 PM
That is something something guys. Looking better by the weeks passing by. I disagree with the you need much weights to build muscle... using light weights help me pack the muscles on Me... In bench press I rarely go over 180lbs

it seems to be all about tension and fatigue, basically wearing the muscle down via constant tension, pump, burn, etc.

and heavy training loads are not required to do this
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 19, 2016, 02:18:20 AM
That is something something guys. Looking better by the weeks passing by. I disagree with the you need much weights to build muscle... using light weights help me pack the muscles on Me... In bench press I rarely go over 180lbs
it does work, but not for everyone and not for every muscle group.

for example my legs NEED heavy ass weights, low reps.
heavy squats.

Upper body, especially shoulders looks good.  What about the legs?

people are giving me shit for my legs all the time... telling me i could be 20lbs heavier easily if my legs were up to par with my upper body...
i trained them mostly high reps and no squats over the last ~2 years (out of sheer lazyness (and fear of growing my waist through heavy squats) and theyve definitely grown the LEAST of my whole body...
my legs simply DO NOT grow from low weights high reps or pumpsets, so i started squatting heavy again this bulk cycle and ive been seeing more changes since january first than the whole 2 years before that... hammering them with 10 sets of squats every leg workout and THEN some pump work too to get them blood filled.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jenetics on March 19, 2016, 03:27:04 AM
You're looking great, keep up the good work. How do you think your body fat % has changed over the duration? I'm considering this "lean bulk" idea myself.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 19, 2016, 04:13:58 AM
You're looking great, keep up the good work. How do you think your body fat % has changed over the duration? I'm considering this "lean bulk" idea myself.
i assume my total bodyfat hasnt really changed at all, so the percentage shouldve gone done a slight bit (because of the 10% bodyweight gain).
my 3 point skinfold measurements are the same as in the beginning, maybe 1-2mm less (probably related to muscle fullness too)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jenetics on March 19, 2016, 04:33:50 AM
i assume my total bodyfat hasnt really changed at all, so the percentage shouldve gone done a slight bit (because of the 10% bodyweight gain).
my 3 point skinfold measurements are the same as in the beginning, maybe 1-2mm less (probably related to muscle fullness too)

That would have been my guess too. Your body fat percentage will have probably slightly dropped.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: njflex on March 19, 2016, 09:07:17 AM
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on March 19, 2016, 11:55:17 AM
That is outstanding jizmo. One thing you touched on. With the heavy squats my legs or quads rather refuse to grow from heavy squats although I still do them but I just hit triples with 4 plates so say I squated.

  For me my quads respond better to narow stances leg press for heavy sets of 20+reps also hacks narrow stance and front squats regular or with a smith machine I'll put my heels on a fucking2x4 and with squat shoes on  so my heel is up and then pressure goes totally on the quads.  I also train hams with my deadlifts and good mornings etc... serepately. Since approaching leg training this way my legs have grown a noticeable amount in 7 months time
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: WOOO on March 19, 2016, 05:12:18 PM
Whitewidow was far more vascular. ...


Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 20, 2016, 01:39:39 AM
That is outstanding jizmo. One thing you touched on. With the heavy squats my legs or quads rather refuse to grow from heavy squats although I still do them but I just hit triples with 4 plates so say I squated.

  For me my quads respond better to narow stances leg press for heavy sets of 20+reps also hacks narrow stance and front squats regular or with a smith machine I'll put my heels on a fucking2x4 and with squat shoes on  so my heel is up and then pressure goes totally on the quads.  I also train hams with my deadlifts and good mornings etc... serepately. Since approaching leg training this way my legs have grown a noticeable amount in 7 months time

interesting... ill have to look into the heels up thing, theres so much conflicting shit on that whether elevating your heals kills joints, is better for joints, gives better quad activation and so on...
i feel like doing the vertical movements with the feet very narrow does definitely hit the quads more, if i go wider then i feel it more in my ass. but its usually my lower back that gets pumped so hard that it gives out first...

heavy narrow hacksquats are one of my fav exercises, however for now ill just rely on barbell squats, more squats and then some squats  ;D

Whitewidow was far more vascular. ...


gotta give that to him  ;D i got fucked over in the genetic vascularity department  :-\
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: heenok on March 20, 2016, 04:00:50 AM
Lol im vascular as hell like a throbing cock but my muscles are flat and stringy, I wish i had your size !
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 20, 2016, 06:01:21 AM
Don't have time to read 9 pages, what's he on now?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 20, 2016, 06:08:14 AM
im running the exact same as when i started, see page 1...

added in 20mg superdrol at the beginning of this week, but it makes me feel like shit this time around so ill drop it and just stick to test/tren/npp as before...
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 20, 2016, 06:32:19 AM
im running the exact same as when i started, see page 1...

added in 20mg superdrol at the beginning of this week, but it makes me feel like shit this time around so ill drop it and just stick to test/tren/npp as before...

Look good man, but damn, 1 gram test, 1 gram tren, 1 gram NPP?   IMO, 600 us pharm grade test and 500 deca would probably have u much bigger.  That's why I'm leary on UG labs... 3 grams gear, you should be pro level thickness

Not hating
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 20, 2016, 11:14:26 AM
Look good man, but damn, 1 gram test, 1 gram tren, 1 gram NPP?   IMO, 600 us pharm grade test and 500 deca would probably have u much bigger.  That's why I'm leary on UG labs...

Not hating

you have never ran anything above 1 gram, have you?
if you havent experienced high doses yourself you are honestly in no position to judge and everyone on here will agree on that

3 grams gear, you should be pro level thickness
::) not sure if srs
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Zillotch on March 20, 2016, 01:00:47 PM

you got midget legs, brah. Damn.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 20, 2016, 03:31:41 PM
you have never ran anything above 1 gram, have you?
if you havent experienced high doses yourself you are honestly in no position to judge and everyone on here will agree on that
 ::) not sure if srs

I don't need to run 3 grams of gear, I'm 6'4 245 pounds off 400 test and 300 deca.   I'm not hating, just saying that if you were on a gram of pharm grade test, you'd probably be much bigger

I believe some pros in the 80s where on less than 3 grams and they looked like pros...   
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 20, 2016, 04:47:36 PM
you got midget legs, brah. Damn.

yeah, im pretty short, 5'8, but i got short ass quad muscles
you cant even see my quads when i wear boxershorts, i got weird leg insertions

I don't need to run 3 grams of gear, I'm 6'4 245 pounds off 400 test and 300 deca.   I'm not hating, just saying that if you were on a gram of pharm grade test, you'd probably be much bigger

I believe some pros in the 80s where on less than 3 grams and they looked like pros...  
lmao pros on less than 3 grams  :D
you have absolutely no experience with high doses... but why dont you simply double your doses, that would make you 300lbs, right?
i know youre a sucker for pharm grade gear and think it is the holy grail, simply because its the only thing you use and you try to justify paying a shitload for it.
everybody on here who has ran both knows that pharm grade gear is absolutely NO better than quality UGL gear though

and my gear is probably better than your pharm gear too, but lets just not talk about that  ;D

i also run so much because i can tolerate so much. i know i would look the exact same off a bit of test+tren. i use AAS according to my goals though and not according to my current state.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on March 20, 2016, 09:12:54 PM
Don't have time to read 9 pages, what's he on now?

But got time to make a thread for every thought.. Get the fuck out of here
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: heenok on March 21, 2016, 02:19:30 AM
yeah, im pretty short, 5'8, but i got short ass quad muscles
you cant even see my quads when i wear boxershorts, i got weird leg insertions
lmao pros on less than 3 grams  :D
you have absolutely no experience with high doses... but why dont you simply double your doses, that would make you 300lbs, right?
i know youre a sucker for pharm grade gear and think it is the holy grail, simply because its the only thing you use and you try to justify paying a shitload for it.
everybody on here who has ran both knows that pharm grade gear is absolutely NO better than quality UGL gear though

and my gear is probably better than your pharm gear too, but lets just not talk about that  ;D

i also run so much because i can tolerate so much. i know i would look the exact same off a bit of test+tren. i use AAS according to my goals though and not according to my current state.

"pharma gear" is a joke. ESPECIALLY when it comes to test. Pharma test is no different than UG test unless your UG lab is crap.
Now pharma Anavar or Anadrol i dont know. Ive yet to see those magical unicorn "football" anavar everyone raves about lol... Im like st thomas i believe what i see.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 21, 2016, 07:14:50 AM
But got time to make a thread for every thought.. Get the fuck out of here

Internet tough guy, watch out!    Lol
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: XFACTOR on March 21, 2016, 07:12:36 PM
Look good man, but damn, 1 gram test, 1 gram tren, 1 gram NPP?   IMO, 600 us pharm grade test and 500 deca would probably have u much bigger.  That's why I'm leary on UG labs... 3 grams gear, you should be pro level thickness

Not hating

You're all about hating. Stop saying not hating. You're a clueless idiot that looks like shit. Post a pic of this massive physique of yours. Let's post pics side by side how's that? You will feel a ton of hatred after that.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on March 21, 2016, 08:49:25 PM
Internet tough guy, watch out!    Lol

Tough guy? How is that? Is it pharma grade? Maybe you should start 18 different threads about it.

Actually why don't you stick to your own sections instead posting shit in one of the most honest guys in here thread.

Now back to the thread... Looking good jizmo  ;D
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 22, 2016, 12:38:41 PM
Jiz is a great guy, good build.

No matter what u guys say, I still feel pharm grade products are better than UG labs, which half the time are fake, under dosed, not really what they say, contaminants etc.   you just can't convince me otherwise...

Shit, if I take all yous guys advice, all primo is real out there!

I've ran both UG and HRt products and I could tell a huge difference. 

Real GH far superior than any Chinese crap you guys are using.  Is someone on here really going to tell me otherwise?  If so, you are dumb as shit or lying
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Gainsi on March 22, 2016, 12:54:54 PM
Jiz is a great guy, good build.

No matter what u guys say, I still feel pharm grade products are better than UG labs, which half the time are fake, under dosed, not really what they say, contaminants etc.   you just can't convince me otherwise...

Shit, if I take all yous guys advice, all primo is real out there!

I've ran both UG and HRt products and I could tell a huge difference. 

Real GH far superior than any Chinese crap you guys are using.  Is someone on here really going to tell me otherwise?  If so, you are dumb as shit or lying

GH isn't oil, oil is oil. I don't think one NPP hormone can be superior to another. That is why people say no difference between UG and Pharma because in the end it's all the same. Only reason UGs get bad rep, is because there exists good and bad labs. For the good ones, i don't thinl they would underdose them IMHO talking experience because raws are mad cheap and they go for 70-100$ CAD street price vs 2-4$ for raws. If anything they will make them stronger to get a better rep. Let's be real would you owned a lab would you underdose your gear if most raws you buy are around 5$ range? Maybe primo and that other expensive hard to get raws, but the rest i don't think so.. As for GH that's a whole other story, made completely differently
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: triggerhappy on March 22, 2016, 03:43:31 PM
Jiz is a great guy, good build.

No matter what u guys say, I still feel pharm grade products are better than UG labs, which half the time are fake, under dosed, not really what they say, contaminants etc.   you just can't convince me otherwise...

Shit, if I take all yous guys advice, all primo is real out there!

I've ran both UG and HRt products and I could tell a huge difference. 

Real GH far superior than any Chinese crap you guys are using.  Is someone on here really going to tell me otherwise?  If so, you are dumb as shit or lying

Read what you originally wrote...

I am on pharm grade test i get bloods every three months i occasionally swap it out with UGL test over the years i have had UGL test produce better results than pharm test.

I wont touch any var or generic GH but they dont make pharm tren. The only thing in australia is test and deca. Oh and GH.

I can honestly say the in all the years i have been taking gear i have only used 5 vials all ordered at the same time from same person and they were all bunk. Everything else has been spot on.

Oh but you were talking about doses... Back to my original comment...
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 22, 2016, 04:16:20 PM
Read what you originally wrote...

I am on pharm grade test i get bloods every three months i occasionally swap it out with UGL test over the years i have had UGL test produce better results than pharm test.

I wont touch any var or generic GH but they dont make pharm tren. The only thing in australia is test and deca. Oh and GH.

I can honestly say the in all the years i have been taking gear i have only used 5 vials all ordered at the same time from same person and they were all bunk. Everything else has been spot on.

Oh but you were talking about doses... Back to my original comment...

I read what I posted and goes with what I said, go read the thread again.   In saying his doses are high and the reason is prob UG gear.  Like I said if he was on pharmacy grade test and deca, he'd be bigger

Enough said
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: kevinf on March 22, 2016, 06:49:09 PM
you have never ran anything above 1 gram, have you?
if you havent experienced high doses yourself you are honestly in no position to judge and everyone on here will agree on that
 ::) not sure if srs

QFT!! the worm speaks like a noob who just ran his first cycle.. "oh my pharm grade gear this and that" lol oh brother. I remember spouting and thinking the same bullshit when i ran my first cycle. The only thing that matters when it comes to pharm grade being better than ugl is GH, everyone with a few cycles under their belts knows that.

but anyways, awesome fucking thread jizmo!
I wanted to do a tren blast at about 700-800mg/week..ive done tren before at like 300mg/week, the sides were always too much to deal with for (nightsweats and insomnia mostly) do you handle/deal with the sides at 1g/week?  :o :o
some guys say the sides actually decrease as dosage increases...ive never ran that high dose of tren before so im not sure if thats bullshit or not?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: spiro on March 22, 2016, 06:58:01 PM
Internet tough guy, watch out!    Lol

Your threads are terrible and you have no idea what you are talking about. I shake my head at just about all your posts.

Learn to use the search function or google instead of making retarded threads every two second "hrrrrr durrrrr is 20 var better than winny"
"Is deca going to blow out my heart"
"Is deca going to make me lose my hair"

Not everyone is a afraid to run more than 500 mg of test on this board either. If becoming a pro was as easy as running 2-3 grams of gear most of us would be there.

And no Arnold didn't get to his size by running the "mythical" 600 mg primo and 20 mg of dbol. That's a board short cycle.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 23, 2016, 07:24:58 AM

QFT!! the worm speaks like a noob who just ran his first cycle.. "oh my pharm grade gear this and that" lol oh brother. I remember spouting and thinking the same bullshit when i ran my first cycle. The only thing that matters when it comes to pharm grade being better than ugl is GH, everyone with a few cycles under their belts knows that.

but anyways, awesome fucking thread jizmo!
I wanted to do a tren blast at about 700-800mg/week..ive done tren before at like 300mg/week, the sides were always too much to deal with for (nightsweats and insomnia mostly) do you handle/deal with the sides at 1g/week?  :o :o
some guys say the sides actually decrease as dosage increases...ive never ran that high dose of tren before so im not sure if thats bullshit or not?

honestly when i first touched tren i ran it at 350mg a week with low test (150mg or so) and the first couple weeks were hell.
night sweats like i never had before, tossing and turning for 2-3 hours EVERY NIGHT before i could sleep, waking up every hour, fully awake and unable to sleep after 6 hours of bedtime (half of which i was staring at the ceiling). also tired as fuck during the day all the time, yawning 10x per hour, insane appetite and stomach bloating like i was pregnant too (until i found out that t3 fixes that). libido went insane for the first weeks, then dropped way down. blood sugar issues. mood swings. got fat as fuck because i went on a dreamer bulk. still got every pussy i wanted even though i looked like shit. i felt fucking unstoppable though. will never forget the first weeks. it was a dream and a nightmare at once.

i dont know if higher dosages are really lower in the side effect department.. i think most people run high test with low tren at first and get heavy sides. then they might run low test with high tren and get less sides. i dont know, i run both high  ;D

i think the only reason i can run that much tren i because i stayed on it for a long ass time...
most of the sides went away after running it for 6+ months straight. i actually think i ran it for more than a year straight with just two short 3-4 week breaks in between.
AT SOME POINT you simply get immune to the sides, while still reaping all the benefits.
that shit was not easy though, let me tell you that. i just toughed it out because tren gives results that NOTHING else gives...

you dont get immune to everything though -
im still waking up every 90 minutes on point when im on tren.
havent slept through a single night in years.
it still fucks with my mind a bit but you HAVE to learn how to deal with that or you will fuck up your social circle.
im way more emotional and moody on tren; that includes sadness, happiness, anger, being snappy etc. tren makes everything more intense. it takes some self control... and you better avoid people who like to push your buttons.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Disco187 on March 23, 2016, 10:35:17 AM
solid solid latest pic man. thumbs up all the way.

hahaahh most of my tren sides went away to over time but yeah I can not remeber the last time i had a decent night of sleep. that side seams to be here to stay.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 23, 2016, 11:01:33 AM
solid solid latest pic man. thumbs up all the way.

hahaahh most of my tren sides went away to over time but yeah I can not remeber the last time i had a decent night of sleep. that side seams to be here to stay.
as i said, im running MK677 right now and that DEFINITELY helps with sleep quality... however it makes your dreams more intense and vivid... in combination with tren which makes me dream the weirdest most violent and sexually fucked up shit this sometimes makes for some "holy shit" moments when i wake up at night. im pretty happy that  i rarely remember my dreams.

if you have trouble sleeping ipamorelin before bed is good too... i wouldnt bother with it for the price and the GH effects though.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on March 24, 2016, 01:07:28 PM
Jizmo what do you do to get your abs popping out like that?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 25, 2016, 04:29:02 AM
Jizmo what do you do to get your abs popping out like that?
i always trained abs hard and heavy just like any other muscle
genetics do play a role too, i wont deny that, but when i started i got the skinny ass tiny muscle sixpack every skinny guy has
they got pretty thick and popping quickly though.
abs are probably a quickly growing bodypart for me, just like arms... i actually got striations in between my abs when im low enough bodyfat

 i STRONGLY believe that you will NEVER have big popping abs by only relying on bodyweight crunches or shit like squats and deads for abs.

ive been doing vacuums regularly for around 2 years now too as part of my ab routine and i think the combination of having a well trained transverse abdominis AND big popping abs gives a pretty good look to the midsection
my abs dont have the best shape (asymmetric and crooked) but really building them up helped with the look imo.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: equipoise on March 25, 2016, 11:27:05 AM
i always trained abs hard and heavy just like any other muscle
genetics do play a role too, i wont deny that, but when i started i got the skinny ass tiny muscle sixpack every skinny guy has
they got pretty thick and popping quickly though.
abs are probably a quickly growing bodypart for me, just like arms... i actually got striations in between my abs when im low enough bodyfat

 i STRONGLY believe that you will NEVER have big popping abs by only relying on bodyweight crunches or shit like squats and deads for abs.

ive been doing vacuums regularly for around 2 years now too as part of my ab routine and i think the combination of having a well trained transverse abdominis AND big popping abs gives a pretty good look to the midsection
my abs dont have the best shape (asymmetric and crooked) but really building them up helped with the look imo.

interested in the vacuums! would you be able to provide a youtube link or something that has a proper demonstration? (never done them before)
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 25, 2016, 03:38:59 PM
Looking fucking awesome jizmo, why that fucking bum white widow is still a mod here and you haven't taken his place is beyond me.
Awesome hunk
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 25, 2016, 04:01:11 PM
Looking fucking awesome jizmo, why that fucking bum white widow is still a mod here and you haven't taken his place is beyond me.
Awesome hunk

Only gay if you want it to be...

Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: pestosterone on March 25, 2016, 04:08:32 PM
i always trained abs hard and heavy just like any other muscle
genetics do play a role too, i wont deny that, but when i started i got the skinny ass tiny muscle sixpack every skinny guy has
they got pretty thick and popping quickly though.
abs are probably a quickly growing bodypart for me, just like arms... i actually got striations in between my abs when im low enough bodyfat

 i STRONGLY believe that you will NEVER have big popping abs by only relying on bodyweight crunches or shit like squats and deads for abs.

ive been doing vacuums regularly for around 2 years now too as part of my ab routine and i think the combination of having a well trained transverse abdominis AND big popping abs gives a pretty good look to the midsection
my abs dont have the best shape (asymmetric and crooked) but really building them up helped with the look imo.
Nice! What do you do for abs? I train them fuckers to grow.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 25, 2016, 04:50:03 PM
Only gay if you want it to be...

As gay as you want it to be princess
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 25, 2016, 05:32:53 PM
As gay as you want it to be princess

Please, your gay ass called him a hunk
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 25, 2016, 05:47:28 PM
Please, your gay ass called him a hunk
And? If I was a woman I'd gladly let him fuck me. I call about 10 people a day a hunk in real life ,99% of the time its sarcastic and they are repulsive, jizmo is a legit hunk and I have no pRobles saying so !
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 25, 2016, 06:48:07 PM
And? If I was a woman I'd gladly let him fuck me. I call about 10 people a day a hunk in real life ,99% of the time its sarcastic and they are repulsive, jizmo is a legit hunk and I have no pRobles saying so !

There is nothing wrong with being gay, I'm sorry if I offended you.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 25, 2016, 06:51:44 PM
There is nothing wrong with being gay, I'm sorry if I offended you.
Not gay, live with a lass and have two beutifull children who I love more than life itself, just can appreciate a fine hunk of a man when I see one
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 25, 2016, 06:52:52 PM
Not gay, live with a lass and have two beutifull children who I love more than life itself, just can appreciate a fine hunk of a man when I see one

Also fuck you cu nt
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on March 26, 2016, 03:51:50 AM
interested in the vacuums! would you be able to provide a youtube link or something that has a proper demonstration? (never done them before)

this is a good one imo... i remember as skinny kids we always did that kind of thing where you suck in your stomach as far as possible. it because it made you look like a skeleton and was a good way to shock your friends if you could do it lol. its actually the very same movement, maybe you remember doing that too. best way to explain it really.

basically you suck in your stomach and try to pull it under your ribcage as far as possible. its the transverse abdominis working, so its a different feeling than working your abs. its also a static movement and not dynamic (even though you can push the TVA in and out)...
its nearly impossible to breathe while you suck it in, but some people claim they can. i just hold my breath (which is hard to do for long since you have to to completely exhale beforehand)
And? If I was a woman I'd gladly let him fuck me.
lol thanks i guess  ;D

Nice! What do you do for abs? I train them fuckers to grow.
i actually just do 5-6 sets abs on leg day (plus 5-6 sets of vacuums 2-3x a week)... my favorites are cable crunches with a static stretch at the top and hitting the ab wheel. just buy a cheap one on the internet, really good investment imo. makes your abs burn like nothing else. it takes some experience to isolate the abs with that though, make sure you dont work with the lower back.
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 26, 2016, 07:17:00 AM
Not gay, live with a lass and have two beutifull children who I love more than life itself, just can appreciate a fine hunk of a man when I see one

Just to help you out in life, calling a man a fine hunk is about as gay as it gets.   Wow
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 26, 2016, 07:32:04 AM
Just to help you out in life, calling a man a fine hunk is about as gay as it gets.   Wow

What a load of repressed closet homo bullshit, you are simply bitter and petulant since nobody called you an awesome hunk
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: theworm on March 26, 2016, 07:52:19 AM
What a load of repressed closet homo bullshit, you are simply bitter and petulant since nobody called you an awesome hunk

It's gay to call another man an awesome hunk...  Just google it if u don't believe me, lol
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Henda on March 26, 2016, 08:07:19 AM
It's gay to call another man an awesome hunk...  Just google it if u don't believe me, lol

As a strong confident and masculine male I have no issue with it and shall continue to do so
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: herraisland on April 20, 2016, 11:29:20 AM
How is it going brother ?
Title: Re: Jizmos Richie Rich Piano new year 5000lbs LBM gains log
Post by: Jizmo on April 20, 2016, 01:24:16 PM
well i actually got up to 207 lbs 2 weeks ago, but got bloated too much for my liking at that weight, so after the FIBO was over i started my cut...
6 days in, back down to 197 lbs (lots of water lost from getting off slin and MK of course).
feeling and looking great. cutting on lowish doses, at least for me. <1g.
 looks like i havent put on any bodyfat at all during the whole 15 weeks of bulking, so im pretty excited to see where i will stand in 4-5 weeks.
hope ill be 180-185lbs shredded (much leaner than at the beginning of this year), but time is gonna tell.
 im losing a lot of visual size though when im running a deficit, so ill probably not gonna make a log here lol, that would just make me depressed.
ill blow back up from 180-185lbs though, thats when im gonna look my very best (as you can see during the first 4 weeks of this log)