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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 07:32:29 PM

Title: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 07:32:29 PM
Damn... it's over.  Cruz was a long shot to topple Trump at the convention, but after the Carly-connected superPac released the nude wife pics, Trump decided to drop the bomb he was promising last week with a winky picture of Katrina, his spokesperson who was Cruz' right hand woman back in the day.

A call girl, a teacher, his co-worker, and yes, even Miss Katrina, who jumped to Trump campaign.  If Cruz had affairs, it's over.  the Nat'l Enquirer was correct about affairs with edwards, jesse jackson, gifford and others... they're posting blurred faces which have already been ID'd.  This looks bad.  

Cruz was the last hope to stopping a Trump presidency.  :(

The National Enquirer is indeed a tabloid – and as such there are various grains of salt that should be applied when reviewing anything they present.

However, that said, they have been unfortunately accurate for more than a few presidential hopefuls:  Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson and John Edwards to name a few of the more infamous examples.

Beyond the story itself there’s a few presenting elements which point to a high degree of confidence, and as a consequence ‘legal avoidance’, on the publishers’ part.

Firstly, they post pictures of the collective mistresses.  NE would never legally “go there” if they did not hold a very reasonable certainty the outlined players were factually part of the story.

Secondly, there’s at least one face in the group that is easily identifiable.

When you accept the NE editorial/legal requirement for research and attributed comment prior to publication, you recognize there is more than a strong probability each of the outlined group (pictured) was contacted prior to publication; and one of those is very close to the Donald Trump campaign.  Ergo, it’s entirely likely presidential candidate Donald Trump knew this story was coming out.

Which puts candidate Trump’s prior discussion and opinion of media libel in a strangely much larger, and more substantially prescient, aspect.  3-D political strategy not withstanding.

The National Enquirer has essentially baited the hook in a typical manner and one famously utilized by Andrew Breitbart.

So now they wait and see if, and how, the Cruz campaign responds.   It is entirely possible the story could explode exponentially depending on the severity of any denials or admissions therein.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 07:52:12 PM
No mainstream media will touch it - FR and DU deleting it nonstop.  Drudge ignoring it.  But it's on news stands and all over the web now.

the good news is that one of the women is denying it.  either national enquirer is about to be sued for $100 mil, or Cruz is history.

BREAKING: Woman Identified as Ted Cruz “Mistress” in National Enquirer Says It’s ‘Not True’

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 07:58:04 PM
Source: The Political Insider

Political insiders and operatives on Twitter are buzzing about new rumors concerning United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). This news comes just after the 12th Republican debate which was hosted on CNN, and days before key primaries in Florida and Ohio. The Stop Trump PAC has been hinting at a major news bombshell for days. But apparently, the supposed news has less to do about Trump than it does about Cruz!

The buzz focuses on Cruz and Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson. Pierson is a former consultant for Cruz’s United States Senate campaign and is now the national spokeswoman for businessman Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, which makes this a particularly uncomfortable situation.

People’s personal lives should always be their own business. But American Presidents can open themselves up to serious legal problems and blackmail by having affairs. Clearly, whatever is going on here needs to be discussed BEFORE the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio!

There are serious questions about Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) – but this is the first I’ve seen of Cruz rumors. But what’s REALLY going on here? This is serious Twitter buzz...

Read more:
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Skeletor on March 24, 2016, 08:00:57 PM
Cruz might be a POS but what credibility does the National Enquirer have?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 24, 2016, 08:05:02 PM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 08:16:53 PM
Cruz might be a POS but what credibility does the National Enquirer have?

gary hart, bob dole, john edwards, and jesse jackson might disagree with you - all were outed by the NE and they all admitted fault.  

AND the reporter that won a pulitzer for outing John edwards love child - ALSO wrote this story about Cruz.  Cruz camp has gone silent.

I sure hope they're lying and Cruz sues them for $100 million.  BUT it doesn't look good - they're printing easily recognizable pics here, and the timing - Trump promises to release "the stuff involving you and Heidi" and this comes out 2 days later?

I sure as shit hope it isn't true - Cruz is the only hope to defeat that jackass trump.  But this looks very very bad.  Cruz and his wife have lived apart most of their marriage, she had that big freakout episode in traffic.  Shit, my stomach hurts thinking about an unstoppable trump, but I think this story gives the world that.  

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Pray_4_War on March 24, 2016, 09:28:40 PM
It's already over.  Trump wins the nomination and then get's smoked in the general election.  It's already over.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: avxo on March 24, 2016, 09:56:07 PM
Even if this takes Cruz down, it's not a foregone conclusion that Trump wins.

If Cruz is felled by pussy, I expect that both he and Rubio will both endorse Kasich - who, energized, will put up a fight that he may even win, if he ends up getting all Rubio and Cruz delegates. Of course, he'd still have to deal with Hurricane Trump... but it's a possibility.

The other option, of course, is that the convention tears itself apart as the "never trump" folks try to find someone they can all agree on (Romney? Bush!? Jose the Janitor?) and stand behind.

One thing is certain: this political season is way better than even the most far-fetched political thriller. it was missing a bit of sex, but it looks like we may even get that.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 10:06:20 PM
Even if this takes Cruz down, it's not a foregone conclusion that Trump wins.

If Cruz is felled by pussy, I expect that both he and Rubio will both endorse Kasich - who, energized, will put up a fight that he may even win, if he ends up getting all Rubio and Cruz delegates. Of course, he'd still have to deal with Hurricane Trump... but it's a possibility.

The other option, of course, is that the convention tears itself apart as the "never trump" folks try to find someone they can all agree on (Romney? Bush!? Jose the Janitor?) and stand behind.

One thing is certain: this political season is way better than even the most far-fetched political thriller. it was missing a bit of sex, but it looks like we may even get that.

At this point....

ALL it will take is a stage to defeat all of these jokers.   AT the convention, start with Ryan, Cruz, Boehnner, Rubio, Jeb, that stoned brain doctor, Romney, Mccain...

ALL of them walking out together, and announcing in UNITY their selection of a "Paul Ryan/ Susana Martinez" ticket.  The crowd loses their shit and breathes a sigh of relief.  Trump's people complain, but they hate Hilary/Bernie and they'll show up to vote - Trump is only at 40% against this shit weak field now.

That is how they can beat him.  Stand together with an awesome answer the crowd loves, shock the crowd and that ticket will win fast.  Cruz is too damaged now.  Trump is a dem plant.  Kasich is highly unpopular with base, and Rubio is flaccid.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 10:23:43 PM
I really hope this shit is false, but it's trending bigtime right now.


from a Washington Times columnist:

Drew Johnson ‏@Drews_Views 39m39 minutes ago Berlin, Germany

COMING CLEAN: From what I know, at least 2 of the women named as Cruz mistresses by the National Enquirer are accurate

And, the reason Cruz handed $500k to Carly campaign has been revealed.   It's related in a big way.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 10:32:46 PM

Nat'l Enquirer now trending #11 in the world.  If this story is fake, then it's the fraud of the CENTURY. 

Dos Equis, do you have the balls to call bullshit on the story?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 10:48:55 PM
GAWKER broke the story 24 minutes ago.

it's trending in the thousands despite forums deleting it as fast as they can.  3/5 of the women ID'd.... one call girl, 1 trump campaign employee, and 1 Carly campaign employee... if the $500k was hush money, then someone might be going to jail for this one.

Lindsey graham just changed his support from TRUMP to KASICH.   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 11:04:54 PM
Did Kasich stay in the race because he knew this was coming?

Will this be question #1 tomorrow morning?  WIll Cruz apologize to pre-empt it and take the steam out of it/?  They have more evidence coming tomrrow.

Did Trump post this wife vs wife pic today to goad Cruz into front page news talking about disrespecting his wife?  
(Extremely smart trolling, if so)

#cruzsexscandal is trending #7 in the USA right now.

Sarah Isgur Flores was Carly Fiorina's Deputy Campaign Manager. She previously worked as Political Director for Texans for Ted Cruz in 2010.  Do we now know why Cruz gave $500,000 to Carly’s PAC while Sarah Isgur Flores (3rd mistress identified) was running it.

IF IF IF this is a lie, then Cruz needs to sue them for $100 million.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 24, 2016, 11:39:01 PM
9 of the 12 post replies are yours. Get help soon.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 24, 2016, 11:44:10 PM
9 of the 12 post replies are yours. Get help soon.

man, this is history.  people are going to be talking about the affairs that sank cruz, edwards, and others, decades from now.  isn't it fascinating to you?  not about party  -  remember, I was on getbig screaming about the Edwards campaign months before MSNBC and CNN and FOX ever addressed it. 

This is exciting stuff.  Social media has history unfolding before us.  That is amazing.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on March 25, 2016, 12:47:01 AM
If this is the reporter that outed Edwards then this is a real story. R-E-A-L

I didn't believe the Edwards story at first. They couldn't keep the lid on it. This will be huge. Suck it Cruz. It's always the guys that act like preachers, ahaaaha.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 01:13:50 AM
All the top dogs are retweeting it now. 

Bill or wildly accusing breitbart of sitting on it. 
Michael savage posting it over and over.

I remember dos Equis rolling his eyes about the story. 

Not a single person going to defend him, huh
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: LurkerNoMore on March 25, 2016, 06:52:16 AM
Cruz might be a POS but what credibility does the National Enquirer have?

Credibility above and beyond reproach apparently.  At least they did when the idiots on here were posting their articles about Obama being gay.

HAHAHAHAHA the little booger eater - who wasn't all that popular with his own party - is in crash and burn mode now.    The little twerp Rubio must be kicking himself for dropping out already.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on March 25, 2016, 08:56:28 AM
GAWKER broke the story 24 minutes ago.

it's trending in the thousands despite forums deleting it as fast as they can.  3/5 of the women ID'd.... one call girl, 1 trump campaign employee, and 1 Carly campaign employee... if the $500k was hush money, then someone might be going to jail for this one.

Lindsey graham just changed his support from TRUMP to KASICH.   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did Lindsey Graham support Trump?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 09:04:22 AM
Lol I meant to write Cruz.   Yesterday graham went out of his way to shine all over kasoch.  Maybe saw this coming. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TheGrinch on March 25, 2016, 09:43:58 AM
GOP sheep don't care
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 10:10:15 AM


you might be the only person on the internet who doesn't believe the scandal is true.   Congrats.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 10:39:12 AM
9 of the 12 post replies are yours. Get help soon.

Right?  That dude is nuts. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 11:20:59 AM
Cruz might be a POS but what credibility does the National Enquirer have?

You might be surprised just how accurate they are most times.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 25, 2016, 11:42:49 AM
9 of the 12 post replies are yours. Get help soon.

240 trying to single-handedly keep this alive

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 11:44:03 AM

Of course the National Enquirer story is 100% FALSE!!! -Katrina Pierson

What's worse? People who actually believe the trash in tabloids, or the ones who know it's false &spread it anyway? #stupidity on all levels - Katrina Pierson
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 11:54:13 AM
Right?  That dude is nuts.  

So get on record and say you believe Cruz  is innocent.  ;)   You won't...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 11:58:47 AM
240 trying to single-handedly keep this alive

it's almost at half a million tweets in 24 hours.

Trump should have come out, OWNED it this morning, and moved on.   "I lived halfway across the country from my wife, I stepped out, I own it, but I care about fixing the future of the country, and not some old stuff from years past".

Instead, he played right into trump's hands today, making this a battle of "donalds friends in the media are framing me..."

this author is credible, he's brought down other names.  Trump campaign is silent on it.  2 girls are silent.  Katrina wanted to run for office again, she's done now, she's trashing the mag.

Cruz could have owned this minute 1, admitted it, said it's a private thing, and moved on.   These dudes don't understand the internet trolls will find the evidence, and the enquirer says they have it and will release it today anyway. 

nobody on getbig, that I can notice, is saying they think Cruz didn't bang these 5 women.  They are attacking me, they're attacking liberalism, but they aren't saying "No, I believe Cruz is being framed here".
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 11:58:54 AM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 11:59:57 AM
nobody on getbig, that I can notice, is saying they think Cruz didn't bang these 5 women.  They are attacking me, they're attacking liberalism, but they aren't saying "No, I believe Cruz is being framed here".

Cruz is being framed by Roger Stone who works for Trump, and I now know that you never supported Cruz.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 12:01:10 PM
it's almost at half a million tweets in 24 hours.

Trump should have come out, OWNED it this morning, and moved on.   "I lived halfway across the country from my wife, I stepped out, I own it, but I care about fixing the future of the country, and not some old stuff from years past".

Instead, he played right into trump's hands today, making this a battle of "donalds friends in the media are framing me..."

this author is credible, he's brought down other names.  Trump campaign is silent on it.  2 girls are silent.  Katrina wanted to run for office again, she's done now, she's trashing the mag.

Cruz could have owned this minute 1, admitted it, said it's a private thing, and moved on.   These dudes don't understand the internet trolls will find the evidence, and the enquirer says they have it and will release it today anyway. 

nobody on getbig, that I can notice, is saying they think Cruz didn't bang these 5 women.  They are attacking me, they're attacking liberalism, but they aren't saying "No, I believe Cruz is being framed here".

This whole thing is bizarre. I don't know what to think.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 12:09:36 PM
Cruz is being framed by Roger Stone who works for Trump, and I now know that you never supported Cruz.

Nope, I support Cruz.  But I know the NE and in light of the massive gawker lawsuit, there's no way they release it without proof.

Do I believe they held the story to do the most political damage to Cruz?  Yes.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 12:13:08 PM
Nope, I support Cruz.  But I know the NE and in light of the massive gawker lawsuit, there's no way they release it without proof.

Do I believe they held the story to do the most political damage to Cruz?  Yes.   

So Trump's national spokeswoman is denying a story that Trump put out there??
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 12:53:08 PM
Cruz is being framed by Roger Stone who works for Trump, and I now know that you never supported Cruz.

Well duh.  It was only a matter of time before the board's biggest liberal found some issue that would allow his pseudo-support for Cruz to be exposed.  It's a pattern. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on March 25, 2016, 01:10:08 PM

At this point....

ALL it will take is a stage to defeat all of these jokers.   AT the convention, start with Ryan, Cruz, Boehnner, Rubio, Jeb, that stoned brain doctor, Romney, Mccain...

ALL of them walking out together, and announcing in UNITY their selection of a "Paul Ryan/ Susana Martinez" ticket.  The crowd loses their shit and breathes a sigh of relief.  Trump's people complain, but they hate Hilary/Bernie and they'll show up to vote - Trump is only at 40% against this shit weak field now.

That is how they can beat him.  Stand together with an awesome answer the crowd loves, shock the crowd and that ticket will win fast.  Cruz is too damaged now.  Trump is a dem plant.  Kasich is highly unpopular with base, and Rubio is flaccid.

This is one of the more delusional posts I've ever read.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 25, 2016, 01:13:37 PM
it's almost at half a million frantically ecstatic libtards tweeting back and forth in 24 hours.


this is every libtard's wet dream story. its simply too good to be true. and cruz isn't exactly a looker, nor is he charming/charismatic, nor was he even famous or powerful before a few years ago, so im leaning towards bs on this one.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on March 25, 2016, 02:03:49 PM
From Ace of Spades..cuz they just splain shit better......

They're alleging there are allegations......Thus, they are 100% truthful in alleging there are allegations. They will win a defamation case about their report that there are reports, that there are claims there are claims.

For those who say the National Enquirer is always right -- well, it was right about John Edwards and Tiger Woods.

Is it always right, though
According to this National Enquirer bombshell, Hillary Clinton will never be president, because she has brain cancer, and she'll be dead in six months.

And star on forehead to james for again pointing out 240 ain't a real cruz guy..or really a conservative. As for cruz....he could come on national TV and admit to gay bathhouse sex with John Travolta and a mountain goat and I'm still voting for him. Trump and the rest are friggen disasters. So there u go
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 25, 2016, 02:04:52 PM
The timing of this "story" is, uh, a little too convenient.

A Trump spokesperson? Really?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 02:07:56 PM
From Ace of Spades..cuz they just splain shit better......

They're alleging there are allegations......Thus, they are 100% truthful in alleging there are allegations. They will win a defamation case about their report that there are reports, that there are claims there are claims.

For those who say the National Enquirer is always right -- well, it was right about John Edwards and Tiger Woods.

Is it always right, though
According to this National Enquirer bombshell, Hillary Clinton will never be president, because she has brain cancer, and she'll be dead in six months.

And star on forehead to james for again pointing out 240 ain't a real cruz guy..or really a conservative. As for cruz....he could come on national TV and admit to gay bathhouse sex with John Travolta and a mountain goat and I'm still voting for him. Trump and the rest are friggen disasters. So there u go

Nailed it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 25, 2016, 02:20:19 PM
Nailed it.


Now a deeper read into the AoS HQ says that "The Thing" was started by Rubio's people almost 6 months ago? Am I reading that right? may want to sit back, do a key bump, sip some NyQuil, smoke a cig and wait this one out in your bunker.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on March 25, 2016, 02:24:36 PM
As for cruz....he could come on national TV and admit to gay bathhouse sex with John Travolta and a mountain goat and I'm still voting for him. Trump and the rest are friggen disasters. So there u go

Come on, haha. Everything that Cruz is supposed to be is undermined by who he associates with. It's his own "higher standards" campaign that he cannot meet.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 02:25:29 PM

Now a deeper read into the AoS HQ says that "The Thing" was started by Rubio's people almost 6 months ago? Am I reading that right? may want to sit back, do a key bump, sip some NyQuil, smoke a cig and wait this one out in your bunker.

lol   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: chadstallion on March 25, 2016, 02:33:09 PM
why i love the GOP.
the clown car has been replaced by a train.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 25, 2016, 02:34:09 PM
lol   ;D

Hey, I'm not saying the story can't be plausible or true....but this is all very convenient to be released at this time.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 02:46:06 PM
Hey, I'm not saying the story can't be plausible or true....but this is all very convenient to be released at this time.

Of course it could be true.  He could also be a closet homosexual, a hermaphrodite, Russian spy, etc., etc.  I just don't place much stock in tabloid stories, particularly with this kind of timing.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on March 25, 2016, 02:46:45 PM

this is every libtard's wet dream story. its simply too good to be true. and cruz isn't exactly a looker, nor is he charming/charismatic, nor was he even famous or powerful before a few years ago, so im leaning towards bs on this one.

the only problem with that theory is that Democrats would LOVE IT if Cruz were the nominee

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 03:00:26 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

There isn't this much smoke without fire, sorry.  Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign - one of her top staffers was supposedly one of those he was sleeping with?

If I got called to school because my kid punched a girl, I wouoldn't consider it to be "anti-my-kid" to have him admit fault, apologize, and attempt to move on - as Cruz should have done this morning.  By getbigger "logic", I should mock the principal for her anti-kid attitude and say "you never believed in my kid!"

I admit, it looks like Cruz messed around.  I think he should have apologized at 7am today, and we would have moved on in 2 days.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 03:22:50 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

There isn't this much smoke without fire, sorry.  Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign - one of her top staffers was supposedly one of those he was sleeping with?

If I got called to school because my kid punched a girl, I wouoldn't consider it to be "anti-my-kid" to have him admit fault, apologize, and attempt to move on - as Cruz should have done this morning.  By getbigger "logic", I should mock the principal for her anti-kid attitude and say "you never believed in my kid!"

I admit, it looks like Cruz messed around.  I think he should have apologized at 7am today, and we would have moved on in 2 days.

This is incredibly ignorant and blatantly partisan.  This dude wants tabloid stories to be true, so he can come on a message board and pound his chest proclaiming victory.  Good grief.   ::)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on March 25, 2016, 03:32:28 PM
Gotta love Trumps response to Cruz's claim that Trumps campaign is behind the story

Even in written statements he calls him Lyin' Ted Cruz

Trump, in a statement released by his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, said he had no involvement with the story.
"I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week's issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it," Trump said. "I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer, and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz, I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz's problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin' Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again."
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 03:33:29 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

 Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign

Ted Cruz did not pay Carly, it was an independent Super PAC that did, that very same Super PAC also (at the same time) gave money to Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal. I guess next you and Roger Stone (Trump's henchman) are gonna say Cruz slept with Bobby Jindal?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 03:36:45 PM
This is incredibly ignorant and blatantly partisan.  This dude wants tabloid stories to be true, so he can come on a message board and pound his chest proclaiming victory.  Good grief.   ::)

I don't want shit to be true - but I do believe it to be true.  Best way to deal with it is to admit it, and move on.

Ted's still my guy - but if he wants to be viable at a convention against the dangerous JOKE known as Trump, then he needs to own it if he's guilty.

AND IF HE IS NOT GUILTY - Then he needs to tell us he will sue their asses for $100 million, and he needs to do a press conference with those 3-5 ladies, and have them all dismiss it as false.

This shit strategy of trashing tabloids and saying let's move on - no, you punish the fck out of them, you sue.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 25, 2016, 03:37:03 PM
Ted Cruz did not pay Carly, it was an independent Super PAC that did, that very same Super PAC also (at the same time) gave money to Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal. I guess next you and Roger Stone (Trump's henchman) are gonna say Cruz slept with Bobby Jindal?

Now that's quite interesting.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 03:44:43 PM
I don't want shit to be true - but I do believe it to be true.  Best way to deal with it is to admit it, and move on.

Ted's still my guy - but if he wants to be viable at a convention against the dangerous JOKE known as Trump, then he needs to own it if he's guilty.

AND IF HE IS NOT GUILTY - Then he needs to tell us he will sue their asses for $100 million, and he needs to do a press conference with those 3-5 ladies, and have them all dismiss it as false.

This shit strategy of trashing tabloids and saying let's move on - no, you punish the fck out of them, you sue.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 03:45:48 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

 Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign

One more time: Ted Cruz did not pay Carly Fiorina 500k, it was an independent Super PAC that did, that very same Super PAC also (at the same time) gave money to Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal. I guess next you and Roger Stone (Trump's henchman) are gonna say Cruz slept with Bobby Jindal?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:06:39 PM
Michael Savage Threatens to Withdraw From Trump Over National Enquirer Story

Savage declared he learned "the scandal is false" from "someone who I work with closely, who I would trust with my life,"

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 04:12:16 PM
Michael Savage Threatens to Withdraw From Trump Over National Enquirer Story

Savage declared he learned "the scandal is false" from "someone who I work with closely, who I would trust with my life,"

From the link:

And, Savage charges, Enquirer owner American Media Inc.'s CEO David Pecker, is a "close friend" of Trump, "flies to Florida on Trump's private jet" and is "personally involved in the anti-Cruz stories."

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:17:07 PM
From the link:

And, Savage charges, Enquirer owner American Media Inc.'s CEO David Pecker, is a "close friend" of Trump, "flies to Florida on Trump's private jet" and is "personally involved in the anti-Cruz stories."

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:19:26 PM
This is the work of Roger Stone, the very same Roger Stone who has been on the air constantly since he “was fired” ::)  by Trump defending Trump and smearing Cruz in the extreme. It seems clear to me that he was “officially” let go from Trump’s payroll so that he could engage in dirty tricks without them being “officially” tied to Trump’s campaign.

Roger Stone is literally functioning as the personification of a Trump SuperPAC, backing the candidate and doing his dirty work while not being officially paid by the campaign.

Roger Stone is so outrageous that he claimed last week there would be “kidnapping” at the convention to make sure Trump doesn’t get enough votes from the delegates.

And, yes, Stone is an original Nixon operative. So much for Trump not being tied to the establishment. His team is playing right out of the oldest political dirty tricks handbook.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 04:24:54 PM
This is the work of Roger Stone, the very same Roger Stone has been on the air constantly since he “was fired” ::)  by Trump defending Trump and smearing Cruz in the extreme. It seems clear to me that he was “officially” let go from Trump’s payroll so that he could engage in dirty tricks without them being “officially” tied to Trump’s campaign.

Roger Stone is literally functioning as the personification of a Trump SuperPAC, backing the candidate and doing his dirty work while not being officially paid by the campaign.

Roger Stone is so outrageous that he claimed last week there would be “kidnapping” at the convention to make sure Trump doesn’t get enough votes from the delegates.

And, yes, Stone is an original Nixon operative. So much for Trump not being tied to the establishment. His team is playing right out of the oldest political dirty tricks handbook.

These are precisely the kind of dirty tricks that keep good people out of politics. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 04:25:22 PM
Cruz should sue them.   Now.  Introduce a 200 million suit tomorrow.  

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:26:47 PM
Michael Savage Threatens to Withdraw From Trump Over National Enquirer Story

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Leatherneck on March 25, 2016, 04:27:16 PM
I have yet to see any TV coverage of this story, surprisingly.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 04:27:21 PM
If proven false, this could sway delegates away from trump TO Cruz.  But he has to do more than just trash the tabloids and trump.   Sue.  Sue.  Sue.  Attack them.  

Get the 5 women to sue also.  Pwn them and make trumps part in it known.  

National enquirer could go out of business here.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 04:34:00 PM
Trump already come out and stated he has had absolutely nothing to do with this.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:34:22 PM
Trump already come out and stated he has had absolutely nothing to do with this.

This is the work of Roger Stone, the very same Roger Stone who has been on the air constantly since he “was fired”  ::) by Trump defending Trump and smearing Cruz in the extreme. It seems clear to me that he was “officially” let go from Trump’s payroll so that he could engage in dirty tricks without them being “officially” tied to Trump’s campaign.

Roger Stone is literally functioning as the personification of a Trump SuperPAC, backing the candidate and doing his dirty work while not being officially paid by the campaign.

Roger Stone is so outrageous that he claimed last week there would be “kidnapping” at the convention to make sure Trump doesn’t get enough votes from the delegates.

And, yes, Stone is an original Nixon operative. So much for Trump not being tied to the establishment. His team is playing right out of the oldest political dirty tricks handbook.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 04:34:39 PM
Trump already come out and stated he has had absolutely nothing to do with this.

Well I guess that settles it.  lol
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:38:19 PM
240 who say's he supports Cruz was the first to say Cruz was guilty of this.  ::)

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:40:22 PM

Washington Times “reporter” that supposedly confirms Ted Cruz had “affairs” was himself previously fired for altering newspaper headlines w/o authorization


This fired Washington Times writer told people last month NOT to vote for Cruz in Texas. He said he was a Rubio supporter. Totally biased source!

“Dear Texas- Don’t vote for #Cruz. If he loses TX, he gets out & #Rubio has a head-to-head with #Trump. That’s the only way Trump could lose.— Drew Johnson (@Drews_Views) February 26, 2016”
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 04:42:33 PM
This is the work of Roger Stone, the very same Roger Stone who has been on the air constantly since he “was fired”  ::) by Trump defending Trump and smearing Cruz in the extreme. It seems clear to me that he was “officially” let go from Trump’s payroll so that he could engage in dirty tricks without them being “officially” tied to Trump’s campaign.

Roger Stone is literally functioning as the personification of a Trump SuperPAC, backing the candidate and doing his dirty work while not being officially paid by the campaign.

Roger Stone is so outrageous that he claimed last week there would be “kidnapping” at the convention to make sure Trump doesn’t get enough votes from the delegates.

And, yes, Stone is an original Nixon operative. So much for Trump not being tied to the establishment. His team is playing right out of the oldest political dirty tricks handbook.

It's obvious Stone is kicking a favor back to his buddy but to say Trump gave him the order to do so seems like pure speculation at this point.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:47:21 PM
It's obvious Stone is kicking a favor back to his buddy but to say Trump gave him the order to do so seems like pure speculation at this point.


Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 04:50:00 PM

I'm not saying he didn't...I'm just saying tap the brakes a little bit.

Regardless I am voting for either one of these guys against Hillary no question about it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 04:53:18 PM
And btw...Why hasn't this picked up more traction with other media outlets??

O'Reilly comes on in 10 minutes, I'll see if it comes up on the show.

I don't know much about the story but to think Cruz is banging these political affiliated broads two at a time in the bathroom during ritzy DC parties seems a bit of a stretch.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 25, 2016, 04:55:14 PM
I'm not saying he didn't...I'm just saying tap the brakes a little bit.

Regardless I am voting for either one of these guys against Hillary no question about it.

watch the video
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 04:57:46 PM
watch the video

C'mon Bro, it's Alex Jones...

For you I will but damn I don't want to  >:(
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on March 25, 2016, 05:00:54 PM
And btw...Why hasn't this picked up more traction with other media outlets??

O'Reilly comes on in 10 minutes, I'll see if it comes up on the show.

I don't know much about the story but to think Cruz is banging these political affiliated broads two at a time in the bathroom during ritzy DC parties seems a bit of a stretch.

It was discussed on a couple networks in connection with the Cruz/Trump wives feud. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 06:18:35 PM
I think he can recover and win the nomination.  But I do think there's something to it.  Sue and polygraph- attacking the messenger, blaming trump, that's very weak.

Cruz was a national debate champ.  He can explain this much better. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 25, 2016, 06:36:32 PM
I think he can recover and win the nomination.  But I do think there's something to it.  Sue and polygraph- attacking the messenger, blaming trump, that's very weak.

Cruz was a national debate champ.  He can explain this much better. 


You're running on empty here.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 25, 2016, 08:57:14 PM
Rubio tried to push the story for months.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 25, 2016, 09:40:50 PM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 25, 2016, 10:34:06 PM
I was not going to comment on this because I didn't want to amplify unsubstantiated rumors. But now that it's the top trending topic on social media, it's been discussed on cable news, I've been personally asked about it dozens of times, and Cruz himself has addressed it, I think there's nothing I can say that would amplify it anymore than it's already been amplified. So let me do my best to lend a little bit of sanity to the proceedings.

Yes, a National Enquirer report accuses Ted Cruz of being a serial adulterer who has carried on affairs with at least 5 women. The report does not name the women but it does describe them and provide blurred out pictures of their faces. "Detectives" on the internet spent all of last night matching the descriptions and the blurry photos with women that have worked for or with Cruz. Now at least 3 of the women implicated by the gossip rag are known, allegedly, and at least two of them have publicly denied it. Cruz has also publicly denied it. And that's where we are right now. I don't think the story is going away any time soon, mostly because a lot of people -- especially Trump supporters -- desperately want it to be true.

Now, here's what I'll say about all of this:
Nailed It!!

First point. In fairness, the Enquirer has been right in the past when they've uncovered the sexual escapades of public figures. John Edwards and Tiger Woods come to mind. The Enquirer had those stories first and it turned out they were 100 percent accurate. Moreover, if they made this story up, they just willfully put themselves in a position to be sued out of existence by a politician who, by the way, also happens to be a brilliant lawyer.

I will not, then, sit here and say the story CAN'T be true. I'm not going to be one of those political groupies who screams "Oh no, my Teddy would NEVER do that!" I don't know the guy from Adam. Just because a man says things you agree with doesn't mean he isn't guilty of terrible sins. He could put Bill Clinton to shame with the number of women he's bedded, for all I know. And for all YOU know, I could be a serial arsonist and puppy murderer. And for all I know, you could be a satanic cannibal. You don't know me, I don't know you, you only know what I say. And I could say a lot of true things and still be a scumbag. That's just the reality. Likewise, Cruz could say a lot of great conservative-sounding things and still be a philandering dead beat.

It's important to state that for the record, because you need to know that the rest of what I have to say doesn't come from a place of emotional attachment to, or blind trust in, a politician. I have been very consistent in my criticism of people who are mindlessly loyal to political candidates. I have no such loyalty, and if any politician I support is proven guilty of these kinds of things, I will drop them in a heartbeat. No hesitation.

OK, that's established.

Second point. Here's why I don't believe the reports right now. The National Enquirer has been right in the past, but they've been wrong MANY more times than they've been right. Just in the last few months this same publication has claimed Hillary Clinton is dying of brain cancer, Hillary Clinton has lesbian lovers, and Barack Obama has a harem of a dozen mistresses. They've implicated practically every famous politician in an affair at some point or another, and I'm sure some of them have had affairs, but the National Enquirer obviously has a long history of printing totally absurd and baseless rumors just to sell papers. 

Importantly, the owner of the Enquirer is a very close, longtime friend of Donald Trump. They ran a hit piece on Carson right when Carson reached the top of the polls. Allegedly, Trump fed the story to them (so, again, great job endorsing this guy, Carson!). The only person quoted in the Enquirer piece is Roger Stone, a scummy political operative for Trump. The story was brought up on CNN this morning by a Trump surrogate. Trump's spokeswoman was implicated as one of Cruz's mistresses but when she denied it she still cast aspersions on the other women, saying, rather conspicuously, "I can only speak for myself. Carry on..."

In other words, this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it. No evidence. No proof. No named sources other than a Trump minion. This has the look, sound, and feel of a total hit job against Ted Cruz with Trump pulling the strings.

Third point. Trump's supporters don't care if this is true or not. They have spread these rumors as absolute fact, and even slandered innocent women in the process, with no concern as to the actual accuracy of any of it. I have said for a long time that Trump's supporters suffer from a severe character deficiency, and every day they only further confirm my thesis.

It is DESPICABLE to take an unsubstantiated rumor reported only in a gossip rag and spread it AS FACT in order to slander, defame, and destroy your political opponents. ANYONE who participates in this sort of thing is detestable beyond words. Even if it turned out to be true -- which I doubt it ever will be -- that still would not excuse or vindicate those who ran with slanderous gossip all because they wanted it to be true.

As it stands right now, at this juncture, not a single person on this planet aside from the principle people involved can make definitive statements about what is or isn't true with this story. But anyone with common sense would be leaning very strongly towards it not being true. If you have definitively decided it is true, and have proceeded to repeat it as definitive truth, you are behaving in a way that is, quite simply, evil. Again, that is STILL the case even if, by some crazy twist of fate, this ends up being a 1 in 90,000,000 story that the Enquirer gets right.

Fourth point. This story reminds us that people are bored, petty, and vindictive. The absolute glee with which many liberals and Trump fans (but I repeat myself) have reacted to this story should send chills right down to your soul. They're accepting an unsubstantiated smear as gospel because it plays to their prejudices, but they're also celebrating something that, if it were true, would mean the utter devastation of not only Cruz's family but the families of his alleged mistresses. So even if you believe it, to be happy about it is subhuman.

Fifth point. It's appropriate that this happens on Good Friday. Jesus died for our sins, and today we are shown again just how ugly our sins really are.

Sixth point. For the record, I am not actually an arsonist or a puppy murderer.

- Matt Walsh
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 01:02:20 AM
I was not going to comment on this because I didn't want to amplify unsubstantiated rumors.

Ok good.

Allegedly, Trump fed the story to them

Author, you are officially amplifying unsubstantiated rumors.

Also the author Matt Walsh has called trump a "godless man" and said he's the death of conservatism and shit all over his supporters... so it makes sense that he defends Cruz. 
google "matt walsh trump"

And yes, here is where he tells repubs over and over that Cruz is the best choice:
google "Matt walsh endorse cruz"   It's all over the blaze.

Matt Walsh is a Trump hater and he's a Cruz fanboy, so it's no surprise he is defending Cruz here.  That's cool.

It's important to state that for the record, because you need to know that the rest of what I have to say doesn't come from a place of emotional attachment to, or blind trust in, a politician.

Really?  Then why did you write all those anti-Trump, and pro-Cruz pieces for The Blaze?   you can magically separate the hate that led you to publicly call Trump a 'godless man'?  Interesting...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 01:44:57 AM
These are precisely the kind of dirty tricks that keep good people out of politics. 

Look up #theThing on twitter, going back to march 12-14th.

A whole bunch of Rubio operatives and Rick Wilson discussing a video called 'the thing' which would destroy cruz and trump's spokeswoman katrina.   

Now, trump may be a piece of crap, I call him a dem plant.  But in this case, these Rubio supporters are all on twitter, begging for the release of this video they all know about.

PROOF=> Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Not Linked to Trump Campaign – Was Started by GOP Elites

Gateway Pundit

The National Enquirer published a story this week accusing Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs.


It was discovered that weeks ago a large number of Marco Rubio operatives and supporters were trying to bring the sex scandal story to the MSM attention.

Under the open guise of #TheThing they were communicating via various twitter feeds and following along to see if the story had been picked up. Most of the activity was centered around March 10th – March 15th.

Yesterday the hashtag CruzSexScandal went viral. Today, many of those DC operatives, participants, supporters, consultants, Super-PAC’s and campaign advisors have spent a great deal of time deleting their (The Thing) participation. The peak of their scrubbing coincided with Senator Ted Cruz accusing Donald Trump of planting the story.


Virtually everyone in the blog-o-sphere who supported Marco Rubio was active, tweeting, re-tweeting, or following the events related to #TheThing. Now they’re running for cover and trying to hide their fingerprints.

Anti-Trump Republican operative Rick Wilson tweeted this out weeks ago. (He has since deleted it.)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: avxo on March 26, 2016, 04:56:50 AM

RALEIGH, NC—In what many political observers are calling a new low in an election season that has already seen its share of negative campaigning, a scathing anti–Ted Cruz attack ad airing this week reportedly shows nothing more than a still photograph of the Texas senator’s face for 30 seconds, unaccompanied by any text, voiceover, or music.

The pointed TV spot—which continues on in complete silence and does not pan across or zoom in on the candidate’s face, but merely holds steady on the image for half a minute before fading to black—is said to be running in several states with upcoming primaries and is paid for by a super PAC opposed to Cruz’s presidential bid.

“This is an extremely vicious jab at Ted Cruz, and one that succeeds in painting the candidate in a most unfavorable light,” said Douglas Reisenthaler, a senior analyst with Public Policy Polling, who described the ad as by far the most unrelenting and hostile attack to air since the 2016 election cycle began. “Inevitably, some voters will be turned off by the maliciousness of showing an unretouched headshot of Ted Cruz on television screens across America, but it has nonetheless proved very effective in turning public opinion against his candidacy.”

He added, “Everywhere this ad has aired, Cruz’s numbers have gone into complete free-fall.”

The Cruz campaign has been vocal in its criticism of what it describes as an underhanded smear tactic, with spokeswoman Alice Stewart saying the televised photo not only crosses the line, but is also difficult to watch. While admitting some amount of mudslinging is to be expected in a competitive race at the national level, she called airing a static image of Cruz’s bare countenance without interruption for the full duration of an ad “sick” and “truly repulsive.”

A representative from the organization responsible for the commercial, Believe in Liberty PAC, defended its actions, noting that while attack ads often digitally alter photographs to make a candidate appear more unflattering or even menacing, the picture it used of the 45-year-old presidential hopeful was completely undoctored and thus did not misrepresent or mislead in any way. Regardless, many viewers told reporters they found the anti-Cruz commercial inexcusable.

“It’s absolutely revolting, and I can’t believe they would run something like that on television,” said Dorothy Chalmers, a Dillsboro, NC mother who saw the ad with her three small children. “I immediately turned it off, of course, but I had to talk with my kids about what we had just seen. It was so nasty and unpleasant, my youngest one started to cry. Is this the kind of low-blow campaigning we can expect to endure through November?”

“After watching the ad, though, I definitely won’t be voting for Ted Cruz,” she continued. “How could you after seeing that?”

source (
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 26, 2016, 06:48:54 AM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 26, 2016, 06:52:47 AM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 07:57:15 AM
I love rush, but he's going waaaay too easy on trump these days.   If trump has this relationship with pecker, why won't rush shit on trump like he does the rest of the drive by liberal media?

Also it's odd he didn't defend Cruz and say the story is ludacris.  He just said we don't know the details yet. 

Rush knows 2/3 of his listeners really love trump.  He doesn't want to lose them.  I get it.  But it's time to fall trump what he is- a democrat.  And it's time to tell Cruz to attck the fck out of national enquirer of he is innocent.  #thething video - Rubio people been talking about it since early March- what is that?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on March 26, 2016, 08:03:59 AM
This seems more like a snake in the grass political Hillary type move rather than a Trump move.

I'm not saying that Trump wasn't involved but I sort of doubt it.

He is more of "gloves are off, lets duke it out in the town square before the entire town" type.

To think of him behind the scenes making sneaky phone calls? I don't know about that.

He prefers a good old fashioned fist fight.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 09:41:47 AM
Yes trumps friend published it in the national enquirer. 

But yes, team Rubio was shopping the info and threatening a video for a few weeks before this.  I hate trump more than Rubio, but I blame his team much more.  Trump likely knew it was coming and talked wife shit to make it a headline, but team Rubio and other republicans talked about Katrina and Cruz long before that. 

Cruz blaming trump doesn't seem accurate.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 09:49:57 AM
Twitter for #thething shows this as well.  Team Rubio & Rick Wilson talked shit about cruz and katrina for the last few weeks on twitter, bragging about the tape, asking when it comes out.

National Enquirer Parent Company Refutes Cruz – Trump Had Nothing to Do With Our Story

Ted Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin the story was “all lies.” Cruz then went on to blame the article on Donald Trump and his “henchmen.” Cruz argued Roger Stone has been forwarding the article today on the internet. He thinks Trump campaign is behind this story. Cruz also said the publisher of the National Enquirer is a friend of Donald Trump’s.

But these rumors did not start with Donald Trump.

The rumors were started by the Rubio Campaign and anti-Trump GOP elites.

On Friday the parent company for National Enquirer refuted Ted Cruz.

“No one influences the reporting that the National Enquirer does other than our own reporters and editors,” according to the statement. “We stand by the integrity of our coverage and remain committed to our aggressive reporting on such an important topic. The National Enquirer, more than any other publication, has been unflinching in its reporting on the 2016 presidential candidates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on March 26, 2016, 09:53:28 AM
All I hear when all of the career politicians rail against Trump is "he's not one of us and he doesn't need our money and therefore cannot be controlled."

Has their ever been a candidate disparaged this vehemently by all career politician sides before?

I'm not for ànyone, I'm an observer. It seems obvious that both sides see him as a threat to the standard they're used to, business as usual, pretend to fight and disagree on policy, but ultimately do whatever it takes to preserve their standard of living and government meal ticket.

Am I missing something?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 11:09:06 AM
democratic underground still deleting everything to do with the cruz allegations as fast as possible.

drudge won't touch it.

free republic forums = there are hundreds of posts on it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 26, 2016, 11:39:30 AM
All I hear when all of the career politicians rail against Trump is "he's not one of us and he doesn't need our money and therefore cannot be controlled."

Has their ever been a candidate disparaged this vehemently by all career politician sides before?

I'm not for ànyone, I'm an observer. It seems obvious that both sides see him as a threat to the standard they're used to, business as usual, pretend to fight and disagree on policy, but ultimately do whatever it takes to preserve their standard of living and government meal ticket.

Am I missing something?

It's not because he's not a "career politician" it's because he's an lying, arrogant, narcissistic asshole that if he wins the nomination is going to get eaten alive by another pathological liar, traitor and murderer (accessory).
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 26, 2016, 12:08:33 PM
democratic underground still deleting everything to do with the cruz allegations as fast as possible.

drudge won't touch it.

free republic forums = there are hundreds of posts on it.

Now why do you think that is?

A.) They are trying to protect Ted Cruz....

B.) The "story" has a good chance of burning a lot of people in a legal firestorm and such.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on March 26, 2016, 01:43:41 PM
It's not because he's not a "career politician" it's because he's an lying, arrogant, narcissistic asshole that if he wins the nomination is going to get eaten alive by another pathological liar, traitor and murderer (accessory).

You're insane if you think he wouldn't destroy Hillz with all her baggage that the rest of them are too inept or afraid to pound and pound at.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 26, 2016, 02:05:13 PM
C'mon Bro, it's Alex Jones...

For you I will but damn I don't want to  >:(

That's my point polychronopolous, the fact that Roger Stone is even going on the alex jones show making up lie after lie in trashing Cruz and supporting Trump,  that just 5 minutes into that laughable video anyone can see 2 things, 1) that Roger stone is a sleazy liar, and 2) that he is still working for Trump. (even though he says otherwise)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on March 26, 2016, 02:10:15 PM
240 supports Cruz for President ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 26, 2016, 02:58:12 PM
You're insane if you think he wouldn't destroy Hillz with all her baggage that the rest of them are too inept or afraid to pound and pound at.

I would like to think you're right but if you go by the polls, he loses to Killary, Cruz on the other hand beats her. Liberals couldn't careless what kind of baggage she has, who she's had killed or the fact that she was a total failure as a politician. As a matter of fact they can't even say why they would vote for her.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on March 26, 2016, 03:14:22 PM
I would like to think you're right but if you go by the polls, he loses to Killary, Cruz on the other hand beats her. Liberals couldn't careless what kind of baggage she has, who she's had killed or the fact that she was a total failure as a politician. As a matter of fact they can't even say why they would vote for her.

Polls before the candidates even win the nomination and before the independents vote aren't that reliable...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 26, 2016, 03:31:58 PM
Polls before the candidates even win the nomination and before the independents vote aren't that reliable...

Again, I hope you're right.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on March 26, 2016, 03:39:12 PM
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Leatherneck on March 26, 2016, 03:42:12 PM
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do
It makes me think this is the calm before the storm. Like he is trying to not give the rest of the media reason to dig deeper into this.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on March 26, 2016, 05:15:20 PM
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do

Yup, something smells. In the ultra-delusional Rubio camp they were thinking this would put them in the hunt.

Cruz is a skilled lawyer. A legal threat should be on the tip of his tongue on this and ready to fly. Too much smoke for there to not be some fire here.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on March 26, 2016, 07:04:22 PM
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do

Are you serious with this?

Take a deep breath, sporto.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 04, 2016, 03:06:53 PM
240 trying to single-handedly keep this alive

drudge report on facebook just posted the DC madam details.  Ted Cruz' phone number in there.

the candy wrapper hooker with sucking toes and the finger thing... this was all over the right wing blogs weeks ago, and now it is finally reaching mainstream.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

don't hate me for being the messenger... this isn't CT nonsense, this isn't liberal nonsense. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 04, 2016, 05:03:37 PM
drudge report on facebook just posted the DC madam details.  Ted Cruz' phone number in there.

the candy wrapper hooker with sucking toes and the finger thing... this was all over the right wing blogs weeks ago, and now it is finally reaching mainstream.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

don't hate me for being the messenger... this isn't CT nonsense, this isn't liberal nonsense. 

why don't you post a link to this alleged video or some of these bastard spawn
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 04, 2016, 05:14:12 PM
why don't you post a link to this alleged video or some of these bastard spawn

Well, you see...the thing about that is....
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 04, 2016, 05:43:09 PM
Well, you see...the thing about that is....

drudge report on facebook just posted the DC madam details.  Ted Cruz' phone number in there.

the candy wrapper hooker with sucking toes and the finger thing... this was all over the right wing blogs weeks ago, and now it is finally reaching mainstream.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

don't hate me for being the messenger... this isn't CT nonsense, this isn't liberal nonsense. 

Wait.  I just read this.  LOL!  Post the link. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on April 04, 2016, 08:24:25 PM
Story has certainly lost steam. I can't remember how long the John Edwards thing bubbled along before it finally broke. Quite a while wasn't it?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 04, 2016, 11:17:03 PM
Wait.  I just read this.  LOL!  Post the link.  

See, this has been all over twitter.  It's been pushed by Rubio's surrogates since January to media outlets, and outright openly on twitter since early march.  You've been crushing on Rubio, and he was THE voice pushing the affairs stories.

If you give a shit, look it up.  If you want to auto-doubt it, go ahead and do that.  

Just remember that you laughed without looking it up.  Because last week, I posted Cruz had sexual issue with escort. Today, Drudge & conservative outfitters + infowars + daily Mail all reported on the dc madam/Cruz connection.... his phone number in her records as a client.

Believe it, or don't believe it.  But each week, more of it will become "mainstream" and you can start to believe it.  I guess you'll find some way to keep denying it.   Rather, you should just accept Cruz ain't the guy and hope the GOP dumps Trump and cruz, and just selects a true conservative without cruz baggage.

Story has certainly lost steam. I can't remember how long the John Edwards thing bubbled along before it finally broke. Quite a while wasn't it?

It was between 6 and 8 months, I think?   I posted a big thread on getbig when ANN COULTER went on MSNBC and claimed the affair/offspring.   Hardball mocked her.  FOX IGNORED the story.  Everyone wanted to wait until he was the nominee ;)  Makes sense.  Why damage him when he's just a potential?  Once he was veep.... voila, the story comes out.

This will be the same.  I loved everything Cruz stood for, but if he's banging hookers - as these records seem to show - then I don't want to give hilary that power over him.  Keep him in senate and get Paul Ryan to run, or better, a stronger conservative.  

Dos Equis will eventually hear Cruz' apology and he'll still suppose it's staged and he's innocent.  But that non-denial, and the many things on twitter... he's guilty of shady shit.  The DC madam thing is just part of it, and if you were on the twitter feeds of #thething in early march, you'd see tons of rubio team posting about this video.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 05, 2016, 06:15:05 AM
So is this going to sink Cruz in Wisconsin?

And Amn Coulter is a Trump sycophant, zero credibility.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on April 05, 2016, 08:03:13 AM
I doubt it would affect Cruz at the poll right now by much. The average voter is not trolling the internet for proof of Cruz' infidelities right now(no offense 240 haha). But if it has legs it will crawl.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 10:04:18 AM
See, this has been all over twitter.

This is rich.  So now twitter is a news source?  lol  I don't doubt liberal hacks like you are pushing garbage like this on twitter. 

But I'm waiting for evidence of this:

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

I am calling BS.  I think you are lying, again.  Post the link where you saw video of Cruz "having regular hookups."  Post the link with his "offspring with identical facial features." 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Bear232 on April 05, 2016, 10:10:16 AM

240 trying hard to keep this alive.  its 2016, people don't give a shit.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 10:18:38 AM
This is rich.  So now twitter is a news source?  lol  I don't doubt liberal hacks like you are pushing garbage like this on twitter. 

But I'm waiting for evidence of this:

I am calling BS.  I think you are lying, again.  Post the link where you saw video of Cruz "having regular hookups."  Post the link with his "offspring with identical facial features." 

you're showing yourself to be ignorant on the subject at this point.  Research it, or don't. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 10:21:41 AM
you're showing yourself to be ignorant on the subject at this point.  Research it, or don't. 

Post the link for this:

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 10:29:25 AM
Post the link for this:

if you had taken my advice and read the early march twitter exchanges between rubio's operatives and top GOP strategists, you'd already know about this.

Tell ya what... you sit back and poo-poo any suggestion of it.  When it comes out, and the 18 year old candy wrapper statement, and the other stuff, pretend you knew all along. 

Cruz still blaming trump ;) 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 10:36:16 AM
if you had taken my advice and read the early march twitter exchanges between rubio's operatives and top GOP strategists, you'd already know about this.

Tell ya what... you sit back and poo-poo any suggestion of it.  When it comes out, and the 18 year old candy wrapper statement, and the other stuff, pretend you knew all along. 

Cruz still blaming trump ;) 

Post the link you lying liar.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 05, 2016, 10:50:28 AM
So is this going to sink Cruz in Wisconsin?

And Amn Coulter is a Trump sycophant, zero credibility.

Nope. He's going to win Wisconsin handily.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 11:24:30 AM
Post the link you lying liar.

You thought I was a lying liar last week when I said there was call girl drama coming for Cruz.  This week, his number is shown to be in the DC madam's call logs.  You were a doubting doubter, then you got quiet for 2 days and took another avenue of attack.

This week, I'm telling you video tues/thurs drama is coming for Cruz.  You go ahead and poo poo it, and when that story comes out, I'll do the cheesy getbig quoting thing, you'll be super quiet for 2 days, and things will go on as they have for a decade here :)

It's kinda what we do here. bro.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 12:19:23 PM
GOP hopeful Ted Cruz on Monday responded to a recent National Enquirer report alleging he has had several extramarital affairs, telling Fox News' Megyn Kelly that he has "always been faithful" to wife Heidi Cruz.

At a town hall in Madison, Wisconsin, moderator Kelly asked Cruz if he has ever committed adultery.

"I have not," the Texas senator replied. "That attack was complete and utter garbage. It was complete lies. And it came from Donald Trump and his henchmen. Those reports, they're not a little bit true, not slightly true."

Although Trump previously denied any involvement in the National Enquirer report published in late March, Cruz maintains that the billionaire businessman is to blame, adding on Monday that the Trump campaign has been circulating the report.

"It's completely made-up nonsense. It's simply not true," Cruz said of the article. "I have always been faithful to my wife. I love my wife. She's my best friend in the world. This is the kind of garbage the Trump campaign engages in. You know why? Because they can't debate substance."
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 01:22:59 PM
Cruz was my guy for President for over a year... But at this point, he's just too damaged.  Only a blind partisan would look at this list of items and think he's the best conservative option.  He's just not.  Dos Equis, you can hate on it, call names, etc... but every honest conservative will look at this list and say the GOP should choose Ryan, Thune, anyone but Cruz.  Dems look at this list of items and HOPE Cruz wins the nomination.

1. Cruz hasn't sued - for a Supreme court lawyer who brags how good he is - very odd

2. Cruz's email showed up in the Ashley Madison hack last year but was overshadowed by Josh Dugger

3. Washington Columnist said he could confirm 2 of the women.

4. Robert Morrow is on vid saying a prominent Texas republican who runs on Christian values was running hookers up to the Omni Hotel late at night (Same hotel Cruz recently held a fundraiser)

5. Amanda Carpenter (alleged mistress) deleted several tweets about Cruz - calling him cute - they got matching fake tattoos the same day and she's seen wearing his jacket - she also deleted a pic which is still on her instagram that shows her sitting seductively on a bed with no wedding ring on and condoms beside her in a hotel in DC.

6. National Enquirer has broken several scandals - when it comes to celebs they have a very good track record, and always let the info drip drip out - John Edwards, Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Gary Hart, Jessie Jackson etc.

7. Rumors have been circulating for a long time and it was originally referred to as #TheThing which you can find tweets dating back a long time ago - not by Trump - By Rubio campaign. 

8. The full DC Madam database of 7000+ entries has been released today on Drudge.  Cruz is in there with multiple calls.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 01:30:57 PM
Cruz was my guy for President for over a year...

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 01:32:59 PM
240 trying to single-handedly keep this alive

It took ten days, but drudge and fox are both all over the story, along with other major news outlets.   

The heartfelt Cruz apology can come after he's won Wisconsin, I get it. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 01:39:07 PM

again, you mock me... but you ignore that growing list of shady sexual shit tied to the religious choice for President in 2016.  Read that list... 2 or 3 of those would be troubling... and the scandal is less than 2 weeks old.

Typical of people like you.   

I'm right about this, I was right minute #1 and each FOX and Drudge story continues to prove it.  You were wrong from minute one, and that's cool.  You cannot change what you are.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 01:42:31 PM
again, you mock me... but you ignore that growing list of shady sexual shit tied to the religious choice for President in 2016.  Read that list... 2 or 3 of those would be troubling... and the scandal is less than 2 weeks old.

Typical of people like you.   

I'm right about this, I was right minute #1 and each FOX and Drudge story continues to prove it.  You were wrong from minute one, and that's cool.  You cannot change what you are.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

"A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right."
Pathological versus Compulsive Liars - Truth About Deception
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 05, 2016, 02:40:13 PM
Having a number doesn't mean anything.

Cell numbers get re-used regularly. My number is kind of unique, but it's of the sort that people who are filling out web forms will type it in for random things.

I get calls from insurance companies and car dealerships where people use my number for random things.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 02:45:14 PM
Cruz was my guy for President for over a year... But at this point, he's just too damaged.  Only a blind partisan would look at this list of items and think he's the best conservative option.  He's just not.  Dos Equis, you can hate on it, call names, etc... but every honest conservative will look at this list and say the GOP should choose Ryan, Thune, anyone but Cruz.  Dems look at this list of items and HOPE Cruz wins the nomination.

1. Cruz hasn't sued - for a Supreme court lawyer who brags how good he is - very odd 

2. Cruz's email showed up in the Ashley Madison hack last year but was overshadowed by Josh Dugger

3. Washington Columnist said he could confirm 2 of the women.

4. Robert Morrow is on vid saying a prominent Texas republican who runs on Christian values was running hookers up to the Omni Hotel late at night (Same hotel Cruz recently held a fundraiser)

5. Amanda Carpenter (alleged mistress) deleted several tweets about Cruz - calling him cute - they got matching fake tattoos the same day and she's seen wearing his jacket - she also deleted a pic which is still on her instagram that shows her sitting seductively on a bed with no wedding ring on and condoms beside her in a hotel in DC.

6. National Enquirer has broken several scandals - when it comes to celebs they have a very good track record, and always let the info drip drip out - John Edwards, Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Gary Hart, Jessie Jackson etc.

7. Rumors have been circulating for a long time and it was originally referred to as #TheThing which you can find tweets dating back a long time ago - not by Trump - By Rubio campaign. 

8. The full DC Madam database of 7000+ entries has been released today on Drudge.  Cruz is in there with multiple calls.

1. The story is less than 2 weeks old. I would have to research it but my gut tells me that it takes time to file a lawsuit. I would bet those who have successfully sued the N.E. took much longer before filing the suit so this is irrelevant.

2. A Cruz aide said that although “The email address in question is,” that doesn’t mean anyone in Cruz’s senate office was an Ashley Madison subscriber because the address is “a publicly and widely available forwarding address that is often entered into web contact forms by people with no connection to our office.”  plausible? maybe

5. Deleting tweets doesn't make a person guilty of anything

6. Gary Hart wasn't one of them and they also have a horrendous track record of getting it wrong. They are like a psychic medium when it comes to these things.. you only remember the right guesses and forget the hundred wrong ones

7. So?

8. We'll have to wait and see.

Cruz certainly could be guilty. He wouldn't be the first Christian politician to be a hypocrite nor the last. But if we've learned anything, it's not to jump to conclusions without all the information.

or have we?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 02:49:36 PM
I'm still waiting for the "video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features."

(En)quiring minds want to know.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 02:53:54 PM
If that video is produced, it would be a slam dunk right? where is it?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 02:59:31 PM
If that video is produced, it would be a slam dunk right? where is it?

240 is all over it.  I'm sure he will be posting it any minute now. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 02:59:57 PM
we're talking about the future of the nation here.  We CANNOT tolerate a democrat winning the election.

Placing a republican into the nominee slot - when he has this many questions - delivers a prety high probability the dem will win the White House.

It's like 2008... Palin was dog shit dumb when it came to politics and national issues... but repubs loved her... they WANTED the biggest obstacles to overcome.  Why make it easy for Dems?   WHy pick the dude with the biggest issues?

It's been less than 2 weeks... but there's enough smoke, and we're late enough in the process, to realize he's not a safe bet.  Just call up John Thune, add Huntsman as the veep, and whip the shit out of hilary/bernie.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 03:01:59 PM
If that video is produced, it would be a slam dunk right? where is it?

in early march, rubio operatives in possession of the tape gave it to several news outlets.  Nat'l Enquirer has it, but you know their style of drip dripping the evidence so they can sell 6 months of issues.  Breitbart supposedly has it too. 

I have no clue when it'll come out.  If he is the nominee, there's a very good chance it comes out.

That shit with amanda carpenter is very troubling... her deleted tweets, calling Ted "daddy cruz" over and over...

but yall knew that, right?  She called him daddy over and over?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 03:03:18 PM
we're talking about the future of the nation here.  We CANNOT tolerate a democrat winning the election.

Placing a republican into the nominee slot - when he has this many questions - delivers a prety high probability the dem will win the White House.

It's like 2008... Palin was dog shit dumb when it came to politics and national issues... but repubs loved her... they WANTED the biggest obstacles to overcome.  Why make it easy for Dems?   WHy pick the dude with the biggest issues?

It's been less than 2 weeks... but there's enough smoke, and we're late enough in the process, to realize he's not a safe bet.  Just call up John Thune, add Huntsman as the veep, and whip the shit out of hilary/bernie.

Ted could sleep with 50 women, he still wouldn't be the Republican candidate with the biggest issues....
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 03:08:59 PM
Ted could sleep with 50 women, he still wouldn't be the Republican candidate with the biggest issues....

if we're choosing from Trump or Cruz, sure.

But I don't see Paul Ryan having all this baggage.  Or thune.  Or any of the other great conservative options.

None of them are being outed by madams and ashley madison, none of them are giving vague unclear statements about cheating, none of them have this much smoke.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 03:13:50 PM
in early march, rubio operatives in possession of the tape gave it to several news outlets.  Nat'l Enquirer has it, but you know their style of drip dripping the evidence so they can sell 6 months of issues.  Breitbart supposedly has it too. 

I have no clue when it'll come out.  If he is the nominee, there's a very good chance it comes out.

That shit with amanda carpenter is very troubling... her deleted tweets, calling Ted "daddy cruz" over and over...

but yall knew that, right?  She called him daddy over and over?

can you elaborate.. called him daddy over and over?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 03:16:32 PM
lol   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 05, 2016, 03:20:25 PM

so.. if the Washington post posed a cartoon about Cruz' daughters.. and Amanda responds with "Daddy Cruz is coming to get you Washington Post." You would conclude she, a political advisor, would refer to him in a personal love nickname, rather than referring to a pissed off dad?

Yeah.. that makes sense

It really sucks that her tweet was on or about the same time/date the WP posted the cartoon of his daughters....  I really wanted to think she was publicly referring to him in a term of endearment on Twitter because they are lovers.... maybe I can just pretend she still did it.. 240, I'm embarrassed for you

You really make it difficult not to scroll past your posts these days..
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 04:14:20 PM
Did you see the married Cruz worker on vacation, hotel bed with condoms?

If yes, explain it. 
If not, then you're not prepared for this conversation. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 04:25:50 PM
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do

Also, Cruz should address why his info comes up repeatedly in the dc madam book. 

The last thing i want is a wounded republican running against Hilary.  It's front page news everywhere now.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 04:29:20 PM

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

"Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small."
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 06:01:40 PM
"Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small."

People shitting on me don't know this was Cruz's right hand woman back in 2012, at a hotel selfie.  They don't know the 9 month timeline from a closet celebration at 2012 nomination or the many things she said about him on twitter, then deleted.  They speak from a position of ignorance, calling the story nonsense without knowing the players involved.  I just want to hug these people and tell them to hide under a rock, wait a few months for the lamestream media to catch up with the rest of us, so they can accept it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 06:10:43 PM
People shitting on me don't know this was Cruz's right hand woman back in 2012, at a hotel selfie.  They don't know the 9 month timeline from a closet celebration at 2012 nomination or the many things she said about him on twitter, then deleted.  They speak from a position of ignorance, calling the story nonsense without knowing the players involved.  I just want to hug these people and tell them to hide under a rock, wait a few months for the lamestream media to catch up with the rest of us, so they can accept it.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

"For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right."
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 05, 2016, 06:51:14 PM
People shitting on me don't know this was Cruz's right hand woman back in 2012, at a hotel selfie.  They don't know the 9 month timeline from a closet celebration at 2012 nomination or the many things she said about him on twitter, then deleted.  They speak from a position of ignorance, calling the story nonsense without knowing the players involved.  I just want to hug these people and tell them to hide under a rock, wait a few months for the lamestream media to catch up with the rest of us, so they can accept it.

So first off, that hardly looks like "condoms"... looks like the size of a dollar bill.

Also, so what if she has condoms? Maybe she was going to bang someone... so what? How do you know WHO she was going to bang?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 05, 2016, 06:55:17 PM
Also, Cruz should address why his info comes up repeatedly in the dc madam book. 

The last thing i want is a wounded republican running against Hilary.  It's front page news everywhere now.

What you do mean, "his info?"

What info?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 05, 2016, 07:08:33 PM
People shitting on me don't know this was Cruz's right hand woman back in 2012, at a hotel selfie.  They don't know the 9 month timeline from a closet celebration at 2012 nomination or the many things she said about him on twitter, then deleted.  They speak from a position of ignorance, calling the story nonsense without knowing the players involved.  I just want to hug these people and tell them to hide under a rock, wait a few months for the lamestream media to catch up with the rest of us, so they can accept it.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 07:29:43 PM
"For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right."

Again, you continually attack the messenger.  I continually talk about the details of the accusations.

I've avoided name calling, you have not.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 05, 2016, 07:33:34 PM
Again, you continually attack the messenger.  I continually talk about the details of the accusations.

I've avoided name calling, you have not.

So, again, what's this "info" you keep talking about?

I haven't seen any. Am I not looking hard enough?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 05, 2016, 07:57:11 PM
Again, you continually attack the messenger.  I continually talk about the details of the accusations.

I've avoided name calling, you have not.

I have repeatedly asked you for a link supporting this:

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

You are repeatedly failing to do so, and trying to change the subject, because you either made it up or are too embarrassed to cite your source.  I think you simply lied, like you always do, but maybe I'm wrong?  Post the link. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 05, 2016, 08:32:34 PM
So is this going to sink Cruz in Wisconsin?

And Amn Coulter is a Trump sycophant, zero credibility.

Nope. He's going to win Wisconsin handily.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 09:06:41 PM
I'm going to quote every time you called me a liar on this thread, dos excuses ;)

Can you explain Sen. Cruz' phone number showing up in the DC Madam's records?   Can you excuse it?  Or will muddying this thread with 240 insults take our attention off of it?   It's on drudge now, it's all over... not a lib dream, this is actual records.

I'm disgusted that Cruz repeatedly called a place where you call when you wish to bang young hookers.  Why aren't you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 05, 2016, 09:11:06 PM
"Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small."

I'm quite disgusted that Cruz repeatedly called an escort service, which you call when you digital penetration of young hookers.  Why aren't you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 04:20:03 AM
I'm quite disgusted that Cruz repeatedly called an escort service, which you call when you digital penetration of young hookers.  Why aren't you?

Ah, so you have the "info?"

Awesome, just post it up!
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 06:08:00 AM
Ah, so you have the "info?"

Awesome, just post it up!

I dont' have the info.

Again, read thru the twitter exchanges between rubio operatives and those in the GOP... #thething

It's easy to laugh at it today... but 2 weeks ago, we all laughed when NE said Cruz had at least one escort sex partner... and now we see his phone records in the DC madam call log several times.  There's no way to explain that - nobody accidentally calls an escort service over and over lol.

SO instead of us saying "ted, what the fk, bro?  Explain this DC madam thing?".... instead of that, it's easy to say "240, you suck, why can't you give us evidence of all 5 women?"

Well, these things drip out.  And Cruz' involvement with call girls tells me I don't want him being the nominee, there's way too much risk.  Just plug in a very strong conservative at the convention, someone without DC escort girl connections, someone without all of that.  I'm not saying elect Bernie lol, I'm saying don't make it as hard as possible by putting a conservative with multiple sex scandals on the national ticket lol.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 07:15:39 AM
I dont' have the info.

Oh, I see.

Now you say that's his phone number on the call transcripts? Has that been confirmed? Or do you not have that info as well?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 06, 2016, 08:48:20 AM
All of this just confirms for the 9 billionth time that 240 is a dem shill....nobody is pushing this story except Rubio/trump backers. If it becomes a thing then so be it but it aint a thing right now.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 09:26:14 AM
I dont' have the info.

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Don't have the info?  Post the link.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 09:26:39 AM
All of this just confirms for the 9 billionth time that 240 is a dem shill....nobody is pushing this story except Rubio/trump backers. If it becomes a thing then so be it but it aint a thing right now.

No kidding.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 10:37:36 AM
All of this just confirms for the 9 billionth time that 240 is a dem shill....nobody is pushing this story except Rubio/trump backers. If it becomes a thing then so be it but it aint a thing right now.

Nope... only a fool woudl look at this much smoke and still say they wanted this candidate.   

I like his positions on issues, especially spending - BUT there are other repubs without sex scandals looming to choose from, and since it's going brokered, we're not in a position of Trump OR Cruz. 

Therefore I think it's time to tell Cruz to keep up the good work as senator, but with this many Qs, we don't want hilary having this massive advantage in the coming months.

I cannot believe some of you would prefer NOT to click on drudge and read the damning evidence against him with the DC madam.  Put your heads in the sand and pretend HIlary won't use it.... LOL!   I KNOW the dems will rip him a new one, and probably not until October/November.  I don't want to see Hilary win the white house because repubs were afraid to look at these things in April.

Well, last week yall said there was NO truth to it.  This week, his number IS in that DC Madam's book... minimize it, ignore it, make excuses, but it doesn't belong in that book, and it's there.  Deny it all you want, ignore it, but that's not the repub I want in the general election, not anymore.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 06, 2016, 10:42:59 AM
Nope... only a fool woudl look at this much smoke and still say they wanted this candidate.   

I like his positions on issues, especially spending - BUT there are other repubs without sex scandals looming to choose from, and since it's going brokered, we're not in a position of Trump OR Cruz. 

Therefore I think it's time to tell Cruz to keep up the good work as senator, but with this many Qs, we don't want hilary having this massive advantage in the coming months.

I cannot believe some of you would prefer NOT to click on drudge and read the damning evidence against him with the DC madam.  Put your heads in the sand and pretend HIlary won't use it.... LOL!   I KNOW the dems will rip him a new one, and probably not until October/November.  I don't want to see Hilary win the white house because repubs were afraid to look at these things in April.

Well, last week yall said there was NO truth to it.  This week, his number IS in that DC Madam's book... minimize it, ignore it, make excuses, but it doesn't belong in that book, and it's there.  Deny it all you want, ignore it, but that's not the repub I want in the general election, not anymore.

A Cruz/Rubio ticket would be a tough battle for Hillary if Cruz can weave his way through the convention and bring the Trump supporters back into his fold.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 10:47:26 AM
A Cruz/Rubio ticket would be a tough battle for Hillary if Cruz can weave his way through the convention and bring the Trump supporters back into his fold.

They're all too damaged right now.   

Cruz has his number in a whorehouse call log, over and over.  Even if the video of hotel romps doesn't come out in time, even if the RNC closet romp, the separation, the other things don't come to light... His email WAS used for ashley madison and his number WAS used to call the DC madam over and over.   

We can justify it, deny it, but BOTH AM & DC Madam together are too much to be a coincidence.   Just let the 1st vote pass... Ignore cruz for his potential mess, ignore trump for being an immature dem, and just intro a new name like Paul Ryan, Thune, Richardson, whoever.  Pick a conservative who didn't repeatedly call a whorehouse.  Cause that is what the rest of us will know in October, if he gets nomination.  It's out there, it's just not mainstream.  And the DC madam stuff was out there last week, just not mainstream (but it is now)

Being loyal to a candidate is one thing - But ya gotta admit when he's unelectable.  The DC madam thing alone should DQ him.  Why choose that much baggage when the brokered convention is a nice way out?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 06, 2016, 10:59:20 AM
They're all too damaged right now.   

Cruz has his number in a whorehouse call log, over and over.  Even if the video of hotel romps doesn't come out in time, even if the RNC closet romp, the separation, the other things don't come to light... His email WAS used for ashley madison and his number WAS used to call the DC madam over and over.   

We can justify it, deny it, but BOTH AM & DC Madam together are too much to be a coincidence.   Just let the 1st vote pass... Ignore cruz for his potential mess, ignore trump for being an immature dem, and just intro a new name like Paul Ryan, Thune, Richardson, whoever.  Pick a conservative who didn't repeatedly call a whorehouse.  Cause that is what the rest of us will know in October, if he gets nomination.  It's out there, it's just not mainstream.  And the DC madam stuff was out there last week, just not mainstream (but it is now)

Being loyal to a candidate is one thing - But ya gotta admit when he's unelectable.  The DC madam thing alone should DQ him.  Why choose that much baggage when the brokered convention is a nice way out?

Picking anybody but Trump or Cruz at this point reeks of outright corruption and is pretty much a guaranteed loss.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 06, 2016, 11:00:03 AM
Picking anybody but Trump or Cruz at this point reeks of outright corruption and is pretty much a guaranteed loss.

History does not agree with you.

Brokered conventions with nominees coming from the outside have had a lot of success.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 11:15:54 AM
Picking anybody but Trump or Cruz at this point reeks of outright corruption and is pretty much a guaranteed loss.

Repubs will be mad for a few minutes... but Cruz wasn't their top choice, and Trump was 37-40% in most wins so far. 

Repubs WILL unite in order to defeat hilary, bernie, or even Biden/Warren if the DNC does that route.  I doubt many will accept 8 years of Clinton because Ryan is 5% different from Cruz.

What happens when the moderator asks Cruz during the debate against hilary "Sen Cruz, your number showed up repeatedly in a sex escort service records.  Please take 90 seconds to explain this."

How many seconds into his speech about loving his wife, being attacked by Trump, and his strong belief in marriage, will most Americans realize he IS dodging explaining why he's in there and that he IS likely bullshitting us?

Nobody here is saying "Nah, I don't believe Cruz banged whores".   They're side-stepping with "240 sucks" and "Still better than Trump".   We're in a very unique spot - the GOP can "start over" at the convention with someone who isn't a dem plant (Trump) and isn't in a whore's call log (Cruz). 

It can be hard to let go, but this election will be tough enough already.  Why give Dems that stuff to use against the Repub?   Paul Ryan is squeaky clean, as are many others. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 06, 2016, 11:21:19 AM
No... what we are saying is that it doesn't matter who Cruz banged because you say "there is a number in there".

Has anyone verified that he did in fact call them?

So much of this can be attributed to just made up bullshit. Where is the proof?

I can say you banged a bunch of whores too, but that doesn't make it true.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 11:24:21 AM
No... what we are saying is that it doesn't matter who Cruz banged because you say "there is a number in there".

Has anyone verified that he did in fact call them?

So much of this can be attributed to just made up bullshit. Where is the proof?

I can say you banged a bunch of whores too, but that doesn't make it true.

the lawyer for the DC lawyer has released 15,000 records.  He said he HAD to release it because it would have a huge impact on the 2016 election.  Cruz' phone number was in these records, and had been there for years, just sitting there sealed.  It was in there multiple times as being a customer.

These were records grabbed by the Govt and sealed.  The lawyer for the madam released them, they aren't faked, they aren't made up, they aren't anything but years old evidence with cruz' personal line calling over and over. 

Now, it's not definitive yet, that takes weeks for media to ask cruz, to dig in, to make their case.  but with this election being time sensitive, i woudln't wait until October to find out. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 06, 2016, 12:12:13 PM
Did you see the married Cruz worker on vacation, hotel bed with condoms?

If yes, explain it. 
If not, then you're not prepared for this conversation. 

So you're just going to pretend you're statement she repeatedly calls him Daddy was bull, and the reason she posted "Daddy Cruz is going to get you Washington post" had nothing to do with what you lead us to believe? How convenient
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 06, 2016, 12:18:30 PM
So you're just going to pretend you're statement she repeatedly calls him Daddy was bull, and the reason she posted "Daddy Cruz is going to get you Washington post" had nothing to do with what you lead us to believe? How convenient

Don't forget the sex tapes that are soon to be released and the various children already out there with Ted's facial features.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 06, 2016, 12:20:58 PM
Cruz may very well have cheated on his wife. But you don't know that, I don't know that based on the info you provided. Some of the info you provided like the "daddy" allegation was proven false which affects your credibility. You really need to take a deep breath and reevaluate what you post as you are quickly becoming annoying. How many times do you have to get called out for bogus info before you realize there's a problem with your filter?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 12:21:23 PM
the lawyer for the DC lawyer has released 15,000 records.  He said he HAD to release it because it would have a huge impact on the 2016 election.  Cruz' phone number was in these records, and had been there for years, just sitting there sealed.  It was in there multiple times as being a customer.

These were records grabbed by the Govt and sealed.  The lawyer for the madam released them, they aren't faked, they aren't made up, they aren't anything but years old evidence with cruz' personal line calling over and over. 

Now, it's not definitive yet, that takes weeks for media to ask cruz, to dig in, to make their case.  but with this election being time sensitive, i woudln't wait until October to find out. 

So, it's definitely been confirmed to be "his" number? There has to be some sort of proof, an investigation perhaps? Something linking the two? Right? It's all in a database, or file or something so it should be pretty easy to come up with hard, substantive proof. I look forward to it.

How long ago are these "records" from?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 12:37:56 PM
I knew it with Cain (affair).  I knew it with Edwards (affair). I knew it with Carson (lies). 

And I know it with Cruz.  He'll never sue, and if he goes far enough to the nomination, more and more of this will come out. 

There isn't this much smoke without there being fire.  I've been reading this stuff for months on the far-right conservative blogs, it made it to twitter, it made it to infowars, and now it's made it to Drudge.   I guess, once it's breaking news on MSN and FOX, people will start to get it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 12:50:19 PM
I knew it with Cain (affair).  I knew it with Edwards (affair). I knew it with Carson (lies). 

And I know it with Cruz.  He'll never sue, and if he goes far enough to the nomination, more and more of this will come out. 

There isn't this much smoke without there being fire.  I've been reading this stuff for months on the far-right conservative blogs, it made it to twitter, it made it to infowars, and now it's made it to Drudge.   I guess, once it's breaking news on MSN and FOX, people will start to get it.

So you have no info and you have no facts.

Thank you for you time.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 01:17:52 PM
So you have no info and you have no facts.

Thank you for you time.

Start here.

Drudge has a link to, pointing to conservative outfitters that has all the photographs of the pages of her ledger & shows his personal number.

The info and facts are out there.  Spend 2 minutes looking at it, and decide for yourself.  There's WAY more out there, but this is the stuff seeping to mainstream media, so you may as well start there first.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 06, 2016, 01:22:32 PM
Start here.

Drudge has a link to, pointing to conservative outfitters that has all the photographs of the pages of her ledger & shows his personal number.

The info and facts are out there.  Spend 2 minutes looking at it, and decide for yourself.  There's WAY more out there, but this is the stuff seeping to mainstream media, so you may as well start there first.

I know Alex, nice guy but I can't trust what he says. All you have done is provide a video of Alex saying what he thinks the information is, or means. Do you have a link to where I can access the data myself to review?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 01:24:34 PM
I know Alex, nice guy but I can't trust what he says. All you have done is provide a video of Alex saying what he thinks the information is, or means. Do you have a link to where I can access the data myself to review?

Nope, we just have to wait for it.   But it's enough smoke, along with ted's timid denial, to believe there is enough to it to hurt him in the nomination.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 01:32:20 PM
This thread is comedy gold.   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 06, 2016, 01:33:14 PM
Nope, we just have to wait for it.   But it's enough smoke, along with ted's timid denial, to believe there is enough to it to hurt him in the nomination.

I saw that with Wisconsin last night. Poor Ted
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 06, 2016, 01:34:05 PM
This thread is comedy gold.   ;D

I don't think he can recover from this one.. who can take him serious after this..?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 01:39:06 PM
I don't think he can recover from this one.. who can take him serious after this..?

After this?  Seriously?  You realize how many times this dude has blatantly lied on this board? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 06, 2016, 01:53:01 PM
Nope, we just have to wait for it.   But it's enough smoke, along with ted's timid denial, to believe there is enough to it to hurt him in the nomination.

You are smoking crack bro.

He just crushed in Wisconsin.

As long as nominee isn't Trump, I'm happy.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 01:55:30 PM
I don't think he can recover from this one.. who can take him serious after this..?

it's okay.  This story is less than 2 weeks old, and it's being dripped out slowly, as is often the case.

The same "people" who said Cain was innocent, even as weeks passed and mistresses kept coming out of the closet with accusations, are the same ones mocking this story.  So far, it's only ONE escort service with ted's number and only ONE hookup site (ashley madison) with his email address.   Cool.  I guess when there's 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or more, maybe then you'll come around.

OR, maybe it'll be the same thing as with Cain... people STILL think he was framed, even after he admitted wrongdoing and the bi-sexual mistress showed 11 years of money and sexting... they STILL deny it.

And that's fine.  But there's an unusual amount of early smoke with the Cruz thing... Already, being in the DC madam book, and being in Ashley Madison, that's shady shit that you don't want being held over the head of your POTUS.  Just nominate thune, or ryan, or whoever, but repubs would be crazy to just pretend this isn't out there.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 01:57:51 PM
You are smoking crack bro.

He just crushed in Wisconsin.

As long as nominee isn't Trump, I'm happy.

He crushed it because the #nevertrump folks spent 3 million to stop donald, and because donald had the worst week in maybe the history of politics lol. 

Any chance he crushes Trump in NY?  I doubt it.

And I'm NOT happy if the nominee is "anyone but Trump".  I hate trump, but I also hate hilary, and I think Cruz + multiple sex scandals = a hilary win.  If there's a 1% chance that Cruz will be disgraced for hookers and side dishes, then just pick someone else at the convention, they can.   And showing up in AM *AND* the DC madam book... guys, it's only going to keep coming.  He's not clean, he'd knee deep in getting some strange, and every red blooded man here probably suspects it too.  He's lived apart from wife most of marriage.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 06, 2016, 02:03:06 PM
He crushed it because the #nevertrump folks spent 3 million to stop donald, and because donald had the worst week in maybe the history of politics lol. 

Any chance he crushes Trump in NY?  I doubt it.

And I'm NOT happy if the nominee is "anyone but Trump".  I hate trump, but I also hate hilary, and I think Cruz + multiple sex scandals = a hilary win.  If there's a 1% chance that Cruz will be disgraced for hookers and side dishes, then just pick someone else at the convention, they can.   And showing up in AM *AND* the DC madam book... guys, it's only going to keep coming.  He's not clean, he'd knee deep in getting some strange, and every red blooded man here probably suspects it too.  He's lived apart from wife most of marriage.

Cruz may have his issues, but yes, he's better than Trump by a country mile as my old man would say.

My mother has voted republican for the last 30 years and she REFUSES to vote for Trump.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 02:13:40 PM
Cruz may have his issues, but yes, he's better than Trump by a country mile as my old man would say.

My mother has voted republican for the last 30 years and she REFUSES to vote for Trump.

Oh, trump is toilet scum, i've been the biggest trump hater on the board since 2011.  I called him a dem plant then, to blur that weak birth certificate thing.

Hilary is scum, lying scum.  Bernie is delusional.  But I think a dem can beat a repub IF the repub is knee deep in call girls and side dishes. 

For me, it's not about "did ted do it, let's defend him" - for me, it's about "this guy is covered in whore stink, the convention is coming and it'll be open... it's time to choose another candidate - who isn't trump, who isn't covered in whore stink - and let that person win the nomination and cream the Democrat in the general.

I see it as 2008 all over again.  Palin had serious Qs, was weak in many areas, and repubs wanted her as if they PREFERRED the tougher battle to the win.  Like, "we can win DESPITE her many flaws".   WHy not just pick a safe candidate for veep, and coast to the win?  They have to make it harder.  Cruz definitely makes it harder with these scandals.  Nobody just faked a decade old call girl entry or 3.  They're real.  They're not going anywhere.  They're enough to make the base stay home.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 06, 2016, 03:21:55 PM
MYTH DEBUNKED: Ted Cruz Is NOT On A D.C Madam’s List, You Have Been LIED TO!
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 06, 2016, 04:02:08 PM
MYTH DEBUNKED: Ted Cruz Is NOT On A D.C Madam’s List, You Have Been LIED TO!

Looks like Rob will have to back step faster than Deion Sanders after reading this one :)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 04:51:20 PM
So I guess there is no "info" out there that's all over the internet and cable news stations.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 05:02:53 PM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 06, 2016, 05:12:30 PM

It's shocking how easily 240 is fooled.

Pretty gullible guy it seems.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 06, 2016, 05:47:12 PM
It's shocking how easily 240 is fooled.

Pretty gullible guy it seems.

Ya think?   :)  Easily the most gullible person posting on this board.  He's not only a 9/11 Troofer, he believes the government faked the moon landing, the government did the WTC bombing, the government blew up the OKC federal building, anthrax attacks were the government, Timothy McVey was not really executed, etc., etc.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 11:02:10 PM
MYTH DEBUNKED: Ted Cruz Is NOT On A D.C Madam’s List, You Have Been LIED TO!

Please give us another source.  Because when the headline contains "sorry liberals", i have to wonder if it's fair and balanced.  Read the article out loud - they trash the AUTHOR for his political views half the time, and then spend another 4 paragraphs warning "don't fall for this liberals lies" LOL.

I mean, that's actually in the link lol.  THEN they call the author unstable and cite their source as CANNONBALL - take that link, and it's just an article ASKING THE QUESTION without reaching any conclusion.

However, getbiggers who ignored drudge about this will embrace this source without even reading it.

Cruz stinks.  His denial stinks.  He's not a safe bet.  Just swap him out for another great conservative without the baggage.  Please give us a source that doesn't spend several paragraphs crapping on liberals.  There are dozens of sites connecting cruz to the madam... we have ONE saying we can't prove it's anything other than Texas (odd, no area code, just "texas"?) - and it's hardly unbiased.  They cite ANOTHER website, another obscure one, and it's 4 pages of emotional clickbait.

Please give us another source which 100% clears ted cruz.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 11:09:18 PM
It's shocking how easily 240 is fooled.

Pretty gullible guy it seems.

Gigantor, did you read the link he posted?  Did you click the site for their "proof"?   The cannonball site?  it's a clickbait site where they pack it with questions and keywords and build emotion without reaching any conclusion. 

Or, just tell us "Yes, I read the article and find it credible".
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 06, 2016, 11:10:30 PM
Looks like Rob will have to back step faster than Deion Sanders after reading this one :)


Did you read the source?  Did you click "cannonball" for their proof?

It's like Coach has a bottle of jaeger and watched a tear-jerker movie, a smattering of angry insults, broad questions, and defense of everything anti-Trump.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 06, 2016, 11:56:08 PM

Please give us another source which 100% clears ted cruz.

Where is your source 100% convicting him?

Fair is fair.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 07, 2016, 01:38:27 AM

Did you read the source?  Did you click "cannonball" for their proof?

It's like Coach has a bottle of jaeger and watched a tear-jerker movie, a smattering of angry insults, broad questions, and defense of everything anti-Trump.

Haha honestly I had not checked out the article but after that artful description I just might have to give it a gander  :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 04:54:15 AM
Where is your source 100% convicting him?

Fair is fair.

He's not 100% convicted... but this lawyer is about to get himself disbarred releasing it (it's in the SCOTUS today for his last resort) because he says it has such an impact on the election.  He's trying to release it legally but will just do it otherwise, he says.  Any betting man would look at Cruz and tread lightly :(

He's certainly not "100% cleared" because these 2 articles which say "liberals suck" in the headline, say so lol.

Haha honestly I had not checked out the article but after that artful description I just might have to give it a gander  :D

I appreciate the honesty.  There were 3-4 getbiggers claiming 240 was owned, shut down, backpedlling, but the article itself is emotional clickbait.  Particularly, the "source" they quote as their evidence, which is one of those pieces with 75 question marks, using a BLOGSPOT and this article actually includes the line "But right now, a familiar odor wafts around this affair -- a sickening lavender scent favored by a notorious dirty trickster linked to Donald Trump. I'm talking about an elegant dandy and conscience-free ratfucker who always casts the first Stone."

YES - they call trump a dandy and conscience-free RAT F**KER....

THAT is the source which clears Ted.   They call Trump a Rat F&&ker in their blogspot journalism.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 05:05:43 AM
Haha honestly I had not checked out the article but after that artful description I just might have to give it a gander  :D

I would definitely appreciate it if you'd click the link and spend a minute there - but better yet, click their source "cannonball", mentioned several times in the article, which they claim delivers their proof.  It may end up being the funniest ever used on getbig - a series of profane insults on Trump, blaming Trump for everything, and the way they use the curse words in the article is really entertaining.  Rat F**ker!!  LOL
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 05:17:12 AM
Week 2 of Nat'l Enquirer attacks.  Why isn't Cruz suing them?  This is how it works for them - He will call them garbage (but not liars, mind you), and they'll release a new round of proof.  They sell more issues this way, the scumbags they are.  But this will mean he'll be asked about the Escort now - he hasn't commented on it yet.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 06:41:28 AM
I'm still looking for the "proof" and "info" that's "all over the internet," can yo point me to them? Also, haven't found the video yet, am I looking I'm the wrong place?

Listen, he may be guilty, fine, but this stuff your hocking is garbage.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 07, 2016, 07:55:20 AM
Still waiting on the examples of Amanda Carpenter calling Cruz daddy over and over again.... ::)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 09:54:41 AM
And proof of this:

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 10:09:41 AM
And proof of this:

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

You may recall eating a lot of shit after defending Cain & Carson when I was all over this bullshit & lies, and you defending them nonstop.  This is the case again.  Unfortunately, I can see when a politician is half-denying something and refusing to take legal action, and I smell shady.  You want to think the best of that, that's cool.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 10:14:30 AM
Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

You may recall eating a lot of shit after defending Cain & Carson when I was all over this bullshit & lies, and you defending them nonstop.  This is the case again.  Unfortunately, I can see when a politician is half-denying something and refusing to take legal action, and I smell shady.  You want to think the best of that, that's cool.

Bwahahahaha!  Doubling down on stupid.  Wait.  LOL!  So.  Hahahahaha!  Hold on . . . . LOL!  

Ok.  Taking a deep breath. . . .

Marco Rubio has video of Ted Cruz having sex with hookers and a kid who looks like Cruz.  Rubio released it to several media outlets, who are choosing to sit on those videos.  And Bill O'Reilly has covered this video of Cruz having sex with hookers and stories about his love child.  

This might be the funniest day of 2016.   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 07, 2016, 10:58:22 AM

240 continues to make a fool of himself.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 02:02:06 PM
Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

You may recall eating a lot of shit after defending Cain & Carson when I was all over this bullshit & lies, and you defending them nonstop.  This is the case again.  Unfortunately, I can see when a politician is half-denying something and refusing to take legal action, and I smell shady.  You want to think the best of that, that's cool.

So, which media outlets did Rubio's team "shop" the "video" too? O'Reilly covered it? When? Has anyone seen the video with the army of Cruz Children and Ted banging whores? Or is the list (from 2001 or whatever) that shows a couple of calls going in and out of Texas the smoking gun for the CRUZSEXSCANDAL? Speaking of those phone numbers, uh, was there ever any proof, research or facts that show those are definitely BusTED's phone numbers?

Again, he may have fucked 600 black hookers while snorting blow off of a Bible, but the stuff you're trolling with isn't cutting the mustard.

Also, I've snorted coke of a Bible was OK.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 02:21:37 PM
SCOTUS is gonna shit on this lawyer's request today or tomorrow.
He's going to release it anyway.

This place is going to be *crickets* when Cruz' name is in there.  The lawyer is probably going to be disbarred for disobeying this court order, but he says its impact is so huge upon the 2016 race that it has to be released before the conventions. 

Everyone with a brain knows it is Cruz.  And when we find out it was Cruz, instead of agreeing "wow, he's toast, better move to another republican", all we'll hear is "well, we know about ashley madison and the DC Madam thing, but what about X, Y, and Z..."

It's like finding ten of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, but declaring him innocent because ten more and still missing.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 02:23:12 PM
240 continues to make a fool of himself.

I question whether he is smart enough to realize how big of a fool he is making of himself. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 02:51:22 PM
SCOTUS is gonna shit on this lawyer's request today or tomorrow.
He's going to release it anyway.

This place is going to be *crickets* when Cruz' name is in there.  The lawyer is probably going to be disbarred for disobeying this court order, but he says its impact is so huge upon the 2016 race that it has to be released before the conventions. 

Everyone with a brain knows it is Cruz.  And when we find out it was Cruz, instead of agreeing "wow, he's toast, better move to another republican", all we'll hear is "well, we know about ashley madison and the DC Madam thing, but what about X, Y, and Z..."

It's like finding ten of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, but declaring him innocent because ten more and still missing.

So, you have proof and "info" that proves those numbers are BusTED's?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 03:05:05 PM
SCOTUS is gonna shit on this lawyer's request today or tomorrow.
He's going to release it anyway.

This place is going to be *crickets* when Cruz' name is in there.  The lawyer is probably going to be disbarred for disobeying this court order, but he says its impact is so huge upon the 2016 race that it has to be released before the conventions. 

Everyone with a brain knows it is Cruz.  And when we find out it was Cruz, instead of agreeing "wow, he's toast, better move to another republican", all we'll hear is "well, we know about ashley madison and the DC Madam thing, but what about X, Y, and Z..."

It's like finding ten of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, but declaring him innocent because ten more and still missing.

I hope he does.

The so called info released by the hacker group doesn't show anything except that some calls came from Texas

If there is a phone # that can be absolutely associated to Cruz at the time the call was made then this will get main stream media traction

until then it's nothing but tabloid fodder
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 03:51:22 PM
I hope he does.

The so called info released by the hacker group doesn't show anything except that some calls came from Texas

If there is a phone # that can be absolutely associated to Cruz at the time the call was made then this will get main stream media traction

until then it's nothing but tabloid fodder

It was on O'Reilly he went into all sorts of detail.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 03:55:13 PM
It was on O'Reilly he went into all sorts of detail.


is there a phone # that is definitely proven to have belonged to Cruz at the time the call was made?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 03:56:19 PM
is there a phone # that is definitely proven to have belonged to Cruz at the time the call was made?

I've asked 240 and haven't gotten a cogent response.

My guess is no.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 05:55:40 PM
So, you have proof and "info" that proves those numbers are BusTED's?

are you at all familiar with the dc madam case?  have you read up on the situation of these documents over the past years?  This lawyer will be disbarred for releasing this info.   There is going to be something majorly relevant in this.  And it fits what the NE has been saying all along.

I feel like this same argument went with Cain... that much smoke, that many accusers... Some folks still don't believe "he ever did anything inappropriate in 43 years of marriage", even after 11 years of sexting/paying a bi-sexual side dish was proven.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 05:57:00 PM
If there is a phone # that can be absolutely associated to Cruz at the time the call was made then this will get main stream media traction

BUT the same getbiggers that claimed "the ashley madison account must have belonged to someone else in Cruz' office" will just say "but someone else must have used ted's cell to order 18 year old whores"
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 05:57:58 PM
I question whether he is smart enough to realize how big of a fool he is making of himself. 

you probably said the same thing when you defended Cain, and when you defended Carson. 

When it comes out, and it always does, you just get quiet for 2 days, then pretend it never happens.  You people.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 07, 2016, 06:06:11 PM
BUT the same getbiggers that claimed "the ashley madison account must have belonged to someone else in Cruz' office" will just say "but someone else must have used ted's cell to order 18 year old whores"

No, the closer you get to someone, the more the likelihood becomes.

For instance, if someone tosses your email address in somewhere, that's hardly damning, but if your phone number shows up... your PERSONAL number on a call log, that's entirely different.

Someone in your inner circle has to be using your phone. I can plug your email address into a database without any problem.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 06:17:19 PM
are you at all familiar with the dc madam case?  have you read up on the situation of these documents over the past years?  This lawyer will be disbarred for releasing this info.   There is going to be something majorly relevant in this.  And it fits what the NE has been saying all along.

I feel like this same argument went with Cain... that much smoke, that many accusers... Some folks still don't believe "he ever did anything inappropriate in 43 years of marriage", even after 11 years of sexting/paying a bi-sexual side dish was proven.  

Isn't he already disbarred?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 06:17:51 PM
No, the closer you get to someone, the more the likelihood becomes.
For instance, if someone tosses your email address in somewhere, that's hardly damning, but if your phone number shows up... your PERSONAL number on a call log, that's entirely different.
Someone in your inner circle has to be using your phone. I can plug your email address into a database without any problem.

this high profile lawyer has fought for a decade to get these records released.   The court keeps stopping him.

He feels so strongly that this one client needs to be revealed, that he's willing to get disbarred for it.   He is at SCOTUS now, and when they shoot it down, he will do it anyway.  

It'll be weeks from now, but when it's out, we'll see why.   If I was a betting man, I'd be certain it's Cruz.  As someone who doesn't want HIlary to win the white house, I don't want the GOP nominee having that kind of shit baggage.  I'm sure it'll be cruz and i'm sure it'll hurt him, particularly because he'll lie about it first, then waffle, then have the heartfelt apology tour.  

It's coming.  I knew Cain was a cheater, I knew Carson fibbed a lot.   It was obvious to anyone with a BS detector.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 06:20:46 PM
this high profile lawyer has fought for a decade to get these records released.   The court keeps stopping him.

He feels so strongly that this one client needs to be revealed, that he's willing to get disbarred for it.   He is at SCOTUS now, and when they shoot it down, he will do it anyway.  

It'll be weeks from now, but when it's out, we'll see why.   If I was a betting man, I'd be certain it's Cruz.  As someone who doesn't want HIlary to win the white house, I don't want the GOP nominee having that kind of shit baggage.  I'm sure it'll be cruz and i'm sure it'll hurt him, particularly because he'll lie about it first, then waffle, then have the heartfelt apology tour.  

It's coming.  I knew Cain was a cheater, I knew Carson fibbed a lot.   It was obvious to anyone with a BS detector.  

high profile?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 06:31:55 PM
you probably said the same thing when you defended Cain, and when you defended Carson. 

When it comes out, and it always does, you just get quiet for 2 days, then pretend it never happens.  You people.

You still here?  Holy smokes you are a dishonest dummy.  lol

Where is the link to the video of Cruz having sex with hookers?  Should be easy to find since it was on Bill O'Reilly's show as you claim.  It should be setting the MSM on fire right about now.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 07, 2016, 06:49:54 PM
this high profile lawyer has fought for a decade to get these records released.   The court keeps stopping him.

He feels so strongly that this one client needs to be revealed, that he's willing to get disbarred for it.   He is at SCOTUS now, and when they shoot it down, he will do it anyway.  

It'll be weeks from now, but when it's out, we'll see why.   If I was a betting man, I'd be certain it's Cruz.  As someone who doesn't want HIlary to win the white house, I don't want the GOP nominee having that kind of shit baggage.  I'm sure it'll be cruz and i'm sure it'll hurt him, particularly because he'll lie about it first, then waffle, then have the heartfelt apology tour.  

It's coming.  I knew Cain was a cheater, I knew Carson fibbed a lot.   It was obvious to anyone with a BS detector.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 06:51:21 PM
lol   :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 07:02:33 PM
You still here?  Holy smokes you are a dishonest dummy.  lol

Where is the link to the video of Cruz having sex with hookers?  Should be easy to find since it was on Bill O'Reilly's show as you claim.  It should be setting the MSM on fire right about now.   

wait - you're moving the discussion away from the upcoming DC madam release - to the video, then? 

I guess you won't accept Cruz is a cheater until it's been proven 7 or 8 times then, right?

This will end how it always does... Cain, Carson... I saw it early, smelled shady, you denied it, then you get butthurt and hide when it comes out.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 07:14:14 PM
Cruz has now dignified the DC Madam story... sorta...
They call it garbage.   They don't say it's untrue.  ;)

In response to the Enquirer story, Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart told the Star-Telegram, “That’s about as absent from reality as the first National Enquirer story. That is garbage. This is Donald Trump’s henchmen. This is (former Trump adviser) Roger Stone planting more garbage in the tabloid rag. It’s absolute garbage.”

Read more here:
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 07, 2016, 07:20:07 PM
wait - you're moving the discussion away from the upcoming DC madam release - to the video, then? 

I guess you won't accept Cruz is a cheater until it's been proven 7 or 8 times then, right?

This will end how it always does... Cain, Carson... I saw it early, smelled shady, you denied it, then you get butthurt and hide when it comes out.

LOL!  I quoted your claim about a sex tape about 15 times already.   

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Post the link.

This thread has made me laugh countless times.   ;D 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 07:21:55 PM
Supreme Court Won’t Unseal DC Prostitution ‘Black Book’

The Supreme Court refused Wednesday to unseal records a lawyer is implying would reveal an unnamed 2016 presidential candidate used an expensive prostitution service for D.C. politicians.

The Supreme Court denied a petition from the lawyer, Montgomery Blair Sibley, to have the records unsealed, which includes the escort service’s former clientele, reported NBC News. Sibley has said the records are relevant to voters and would impact the 2016 election, implying one of them is a presidential candidate.

“Time is of the essence,” Sibley said in the Supreme Court filing. “Given the significance of the upcoming political primaries and caucuses, in the looming Republican and Democratic conventions on July 18th and July 25th respectively, and given the impact of the presently sealed from the public record that this attorney seeks to release, upon those electoral deliberations, expedited resolution to this application is incumbent upon this court.”

Chief Justice Jon Roberts swiftly denied Sibley’s request without comment, signaling he didn’t buy Sibley’s argument for unsealing the records.

Read more:
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 07:46:04 PM
Gateway Pundit has obtained 7,376 entries from the DC Madam book.   They are deciding how to release them. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 07:46:12 PM
wait - you're moving the discussion away from the upcoming DC madam release - to the video, then? 

I guess you won't accept Cruz is a cheater until it's been proven 7 or 8 times then, right?

This will end how it always does... Cain, Carson... I saw it early, smelled shady, you denied it, then you get butthurt and hide when it comes out.

you could start by proving it once

I'm all for you on this one

I would love to see that smug asshole get caught with undeniable proof of his infidelity and lying

I'm hoping the actual records released will have that smoking gun

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 07:47:18 PM

what is this from ?

I would like to see the after photo

Gotta have a couple of black eyes and maybe  broken nose
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 07:54:43 PM
you could start by proving it once
I'm all for you on this one
I would love to see that smug asshole get caught with undeniable proof of his infidelity and lying
I'm hoping the actual records released will have that smoking gun

I hate hilary, can't stand bernie.  But if the affair is true, the repubs cannot run Cruz.  

It's been a month since the far-right blogs said Cruz was in this book - and in the past 30 days, it's reached this point.  It'll be weeks before it's common knowledge that he's in the book.

I see a lot of stories like this - they appear in CT far-right sites, and a month later, they arrive in mainstream.   Gateway Pundit has a big chunk of the records.  The lawyer said he's releasing all of them if the SCOTUS denies him - which they did.  Cruz is addressing it already - so it's picked up enough steam to be that important now.  

I am betting in the coming weeks we'll see some serious shit coming out of the released list - Cruz is big, but there may be others in there too.  Cruz may get the benefit of being 1 of 10 really incredible numbers in there.

National Enquirer says they welcome a lawsuit.  Hmmm.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 07:59:48 PM
I hate hilary, can't stand bernie.  But if the affair is true, the repubs cannot run Cruz.  

It's been a month since the far-right blogs said Cruz was in this book - and in the past 30 days, it's reached this point.  It'll be weeks before it's common knowledge that he's in the book.

I see a lot of stories like this - they appear in CT far-right sites, and a month later, they arrive in mainstream.   Gateway Pundit has a big chunk of the records.  The lawyer said he's releasing all of them if the SCOTUS denies him - which they did.  Cruz is addressing it already - so it's picked up enough steam to be that important now.  

I am betting in the coming weeks we'll see some serious shit coming out of the released list - Cruz is big, but there may be others in there too.  Cruz may get the benefit of being 1 of 10 really incredible numbers in there.

can't stand Bernie ?

You may not agree with his politics but how can you not like the guy

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 08:03:50 PM
can't stand Bernie ?
You may not agree with his politics but how can you not like the guy

He needs to comb his hair.  And definitely get a manlier tone to his voice.  Everything he says sounds like he's surrendering Paris while yelling thru a tampon box.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 09:18:28 PM
He needs to comb his hair.  And definitely get a manlier tone to his voice.  Everything he says sounds like he's surrendering Paris while yelling thru a tampon box.

weird trip inside your mind

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 09:24:20 PM
weird trip inside your mind

But if you had to imagine June 1940... a feckless frenchman crying on the street as the Nazis kick in the doors... this man's voice would sound like Bernie, woudln't it? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 07, 2016, 10:08:54 PM
But if you had to imagine June 1940... a feckless frenchman crying on the street as the Nazis kick in the doors... this man's voice would sound like Bernie, woudln't it? 

what does this have to do with Bernie Sanders in 2016?

again, I'm trying to understand how your mind works so if you can just connect that dots that would be helpful
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 07, 2016, 10:35:40 PM
what does this have to do with Bernie Sanders in 2016?

again, I'm trying to understand how your mind works so if you can just connect that dots that would be helpful

This thread is about Cruz.  Cruz was my #1 choice for this entire process - UNTIL this sex scandal stuff came to light.  There's just too much smoke for there not to be fire - and his denials are more about calling tabloids garbage and blaming trump - and not suing NE and blaming RUBIO, who actually shared this dirt.   

Being this shady about it now doesn't look good.  Take a poly, sue their asses, and point out the tweets where Rubio operatives started this - end of story.  But falsely blaming Trump, not suing, and vague attacks on NE... that's the same stuff guilty people do.  Innocent people take a poly, issue a lawsuit, kiss the wife and drop the mic... end of story.  Cruz is acting like he's guilty.  And the back stories - living apart from family for years in separate homes, being in the ashley madison database... it just stinks.

I don't want hilary or bernie.  I want a republican to win.  But trump is a dem plant, as you probably already suspect, and Cruz has too much sex scandal damage looming.  Just choose a great conservative and kick the dem's asses, end of story.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 08, 2016, 10:42:43 AM
This thread is about Cruz.  Cruz was my #1 choice for this entire process - UNTIL this sex scandal stuff came to light.  There's just too much smoke for there not to be fire - and his denials are more about calling tabloids garbage and blaming trump - and not suing NE and blaming RUBIO, who actually shared this dirt.   

Being this shady about it now doesn't look good.  Take a poly, sue their asses, and point out the tweets where Rubio operatives started this - end of story.  But falsely blaming Trump, not suing, and vague attacks on NE... that's the same stuff guilty people do.  Innocent people take a poly, issue a lawsuit, kiss the wife and drop the mic... end of story.  Cruz is acting like he's guilty.  And the back stories - living apart from family for years in separate homes, being in the ashley madison database... it just stinks.

I don't want hilary or bernie.  I want a republican to win.  But trump is a dem plant, as you probably already suspect, and Cruz has too much sex scandal damage looming.  Just choose a great conservative and kick the dem's asses, end of story.

WTF man - after all the times I've told you you're nuts about this plant nonsense you write that?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 08, 2016, 11:23:16 AM
I gotta dig up the post but I called this months ago.

At some point "Number 1 Ted Cruz Fan" 240 was going to find some bullshit excuse to drop his support.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2016, 11:43:28 AM
I gotta dig up the post but I called this months ago.

At some point "Number 1 Ted Cruz Fan" 240 was going to find some bullshit excuse to drop his support.

You consider fccking hookers to be a bullshit excuse?    I'm shifting to a BETTER conservative without such baggage, in the convention.

Only a fool would stand by their original option - as news drips of affairs and whores - if they can swap out their choice for one who is STILL conservative WITHOUT a history of sexual deviancy.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 08, 2016, 11:46:51 AM
You consider fccking hookers to be a bullshit excuse?    I'm shifting to a BETTER conservative without such baggage, in the convention.

Only a fool would stand by their original option - as news drips of affairs and whores - if they can swap out their choice for one who is STILL conservative WITHOUT a history of sexual deviancy.  

I do. Some of the best Presidents in the history of the country had mistresses and hoes.

That's just me though of course. My morals have been said to be "questionable" at times.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2016, 11:50:39 AM
I do. Some of the best Presidents in the history of the country had mistresses and hoes.

That's just me though of course. My morals have been said to be "questionable" at times.

But Ted is the one taking the moral high ground.  He's the religious choice.  And he's denied it.  So he'd be a liar at this point. 

Trump is shit morals, and he brags about it.  He's at a 60% disapproval and rising lol.   Cruz is supposed to be the moral compass that'll bring out women voters.  IF it's true what they're saying (18 and fetish), he's gonna lose voters.

If it matters to 3% of Americans, then Hilary wins.  I think it will. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 08, 2016, 01:32:20 PM
You consider fccking hookers to be a bullshit excuse?    I'm shifting to a BETTER conservative without such baggage, in the convention.

Only a fool would stand by their original option - as news drips of affairs and whores - if they can swap out their choice for one who is STILL conservative WITHOUT a history of sexual deviancy.  

 I consider allegations from a tabloid a bullshit excuse.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 08, 2016, 01:38:16 PM
I gotta dig up the post but I called this months ago.

At some point "Number 1 Ted Cruz Fan" 240 was going to find some bullshit excuse to drop his support.

No doubt. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 08, 2016, 01:38:30 PM
I consider allegations from a tabloid a bullshit excuse.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 08, 2016, 11:11:37 PM
I consider allegations from a tabloid a bullshit excuse.

so did john edwards.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on April 09, 2016, 07:04:15 AM
what is this from ?

I would like to see the after photo

Gotta have a couple of black eyes and maybe  broken nose

Was a renaissance reality game show thing, she somehow didn't get wrecked
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TheGrinch on April 09, 2016, 09:14:15 AM
all complete nonsense until its on CNN, MSNBC, FOX.. etc...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 09, 2016, 09:47:33 AM
all complete nonsense until its on CNN, MSNBC, FOX.. etc...

it always takes weeks, or even months, for the story to work its way up.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 09, 2016, 05:47:28 PM
But Ted is the one taking the moral high ground.  He's the religious choice.  And he's denied it.  So he'd be a liar at this point. 

Trump is shit morals, and he brags about it.  He's at a 60% disapproval and rising lol.   Cruz is supposed to be the moral compass that'll bring out women voters.  IF it's true what they're saying (18 and fetish), he's gonna lose voters.

If it matters to 3% of Americans, then Hilary wins.  I think it will. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Yamcha on April 11, 2016, 09:35:50 AM
I've never seen someone take so much pride in reading and posting political articles quite so much, especially tabloid clickbait
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 12, 2016, 11:07:52 AM
I find the fact the story from a tabloid trash mag gained no legs due to likely being untrue, now explained as "It takes weeks, sometimes months for these things to come out" ludicrous. It wouldn't be so bad if at the end of this thread 240 said "You know, this is about the 10th time I've thought something was true in spite of everyone pointing out the flaws. So going forward, I am going to practice researching and weighing the information more carefully before coming to a conclusion" then it might have all be worth it. But chances are very high we'll be doing this again over some other conspiracy theory claim and he'll pretend this never happened   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 12:03:25 PM
I find the fact the story from a tabloid trash mag gained no legs due to likely being untrue, now explained as "It takes weeks, sometimes months for these things to come out" ludicrous. It wouldn't be so bad if at the end of this thread 240 said "You know, this is about the 10th time I've thought something was true in spite of everyone pointing out the flaws. So going forward, I am going to practice researching and weighing the information more carefully before coming to a conclusion" then it might have all be worth it. But chances are very high we'll be doing this again over some other conspiracy theory claim and he'll pretend this never happened    

LOL!   Dude, please read the news before posting.  Instead of posting this, you could have read the new headlines first, and discovered news was breaking on this last night.   The madam's lawyer started releasing the client details 16 hours ago.

Steve Kornacki reports that Montgomery Blair Sibley, the attorney for the D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, has release some of the documents in the case as he continues to obtain permission from the Supreme Court to disregard the gag order in the case and release his client's phone records.

He listed 174 companies, names and organizations today.   Have you read the list yet?  

the story from a tabloid trash mag gained no legs    

Last night, the lawyer released info that showed people from FBI, IRS, state dept, coast guard, US forest service, embassies, johns hopkins, large law firms, and more, were on madam's call list.    He said he's "not releasing the individual names.. Yet."

So "the story gained no legs" just turned into "the story just accused the largest govt bodies of involvement and the lawyer promised to name people soon..."   I'd say that's gaining a little bit of legs.   The lawyer is trying to get permission so he doesn't get disbarred, he's trying to fck over Cruz for whatever reason... BUT if Cruz' name is in there, it's much better for repubs for it to come out NOW, and not in October when it'll give the election to a Dem.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 12:12:07 PM
It makes me think this is the calm before the storm. Like he is trying to not give the rest of the media reason to dig deeper into this.

The media will definitely be digging now.  174 groups were named as enjoying the company of whores.
FBI, IRS, state dept, coast guard, US forest service, embassies, johns hopkins, large law firms, and more.

The media will be all over this, they'll be digging in, checking numbers, etc, and fingers will start getting pointed.  This isn't a CT at all... even though many people doubted it because FOX news didn't have it on a month ago.  It takes time.   Well, these 174 groups ordered whores, that's a big deal no matter what party you support. 

The story has legs and it's starting by pointing out the GROUPS or companies that used the hookers for services.  Individuals will be named later, the lawyer claims.   And like it or now, the lawyer is actually pretty darn credible at this point.   All the internet haters that said this was bullshit are looking pretty stupid right now.  When this lawyer says one of the clients is a major 2016 presidential contender, we really have no reason not to believe him, do we?  he's been factual and accurate so far.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 12:16:06 PM
I find the fact the story from a tabloid trash mag gained no legs due to likely being untrue, now explained as "It takes weeks, sometimes months for these things to come out" ludicrous. It wouldn't be so bad if at the end of this thread 240 said "You know, this is about the 10th time I've thought something was true in spite of everyone pointing out the flaws. So going forward, I am going to practice researching and weighing the information more carefully before coming to a conclusion" then it might have all be worth it. But chances are very high we'll be doing this again over some other conspiracy theory claim and he'll pretend this never happened   

lol.  No, that will not happen.  He'll double and triple down on stupid. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 12:19:08 PM
I don't think he can recover from this one.. who can take him serious after this..?

Recover from what?    The DC Madam lawyer isn't releasing the escort clients fast enough for your liking?

I said it'd be a slow release.  And it is.  The lawyer is releasing 174 groups that used these whores.  He said the individual names will come later.  You can bet the doubters will realize, from the 174 groups, that he's pretty credible.  And when the "2016 presidential contender from the list" is revealed, in due time, I think the doubters will realize they were a little premature to celebrate victory because it all didn't come out in 24 hours as they desire.  

With 174 groups released, the media will dig and find some incredible names.  This list will be undoubtedly credible, as will the lawyer.  Then the other shoe drops, and he tells us which of the candidates made at least 3 calls for 18 year old hookers.  

Now, please doubt it and mock me, so I'll have something cool to quote in a few weeks when that info comes out?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 12:21:42 PM
lol.  No, that will not happen.  He'll double and triple down on stupid. 

Whaaaaaaaat?    I was just proven correct - the lawyer released details on 174 groups that used the holes of these harlots for pleasure. 

The media will dig in for a week or three, and this guy will get massive credibility as people are demoted, admit guilt, non-deny, etc.   THEN he'll drop the prez name in time for California primaries, I'd guess.  That state changes everything, right?

This lawyer sounds like a shill for the anti-Cruz movement, but that doesn't make his info any less valid or accurate.  I'm sorry if you're butthurt over this, dos equis.  You enjoyed a victory lap and you're a little embarrassed to see this big info release yesterday, right?  You people...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 12:28:16 PM
Whaaaaaaaat?    I was just proven correct - the lawyer released details on 174 groups that used the holes of these harlots for pleasure. 

The media will dig in for a week or three, and this guy will get massive credibility as people are demoted, admit guilt, non-deny, etc.   THEN he'll drop the prez name in time for California primaries, I'd guess.  That state changes everything, right?

This lawyer sounds like a shill for the anti-Cruz movement, but that doesn't make his info any less valid or accurate.  I'm sorry if you're butthurt over this, dos equis.  You enjoyed a victory lap and you're a little embarrassed to see this big info release yesterday, right?  You people...

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

You have been proven right?  Where is the video of Cruz sleeping with hookers and the video of his love child?  The one that Rubio released to "several media outlets" and that Bill O'Reilly covered? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 12, 2016, 12:30:35 PM
LOL!   Dude, please read the news before posting.  Instead of posting this, you could have read the new headlines first, and discovered news was breaking on this last night.   The madam's lawyer started releasing the client details 16 hours ago.

Steve Kornacki reports that Montgomery Blair Sibley, the attorney for the D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, has release some of the documents in the case as he continues to obtain permission from the Supreme Court to disregard the gag order in the case and release his client's phone records.

He listed 174 companies, names and organizations today.   Have you read the list yet?  

Last night, the lawyer released info that showed people from FBI, IRS, state dept, coast guard, US forest service, embassies, johns hopkins, large law firms, and more, were on madam's call list.    He said he's "not releasing the individual names.. Yet."

So "the story gained no legs" just turned into "the story just accused the largest govt bodies of involvement and the lawyer promised to name people soon..."   I'd say that's gaining a little bit of legs.   The lawyer is trying to get permission so he doesn't get disbarred, he's trying to fck over Cruz for whatever reason... BUT if Cruz' name is in there, it's much better for repubs for it to come out NOW, and not in October when it'll give the election to a Dem.

I listened to the report. Nothing pointing to Cruz. Again, maybe eventually it will be found that Cruz used call girls. But with the evidence you have so far.. it wouldn't make it past a D.A. into a courtroom. Not even close
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 12:58:24 PM

I listened to the report. Nothing pointing to Cruz. Again, maybe eventually it will be found that Cruz used call girls. But with the evidence you have so far.. it wouldn't make it past a D.A. into a courtroom. Not even close

the full collection of info hasn't been released yet.   But IMO, if he says it affects the race, given the other info about Cruz now... he's not a safe bet anyway.  Vegas wouldn't touch his ass.

the lawyer is releasing groups THEN individuals.  It'll get more attention, either for credibility or because he's a media whore.  Whichever, the GOP cannot risk it.  Just nominate another conservative at convention.  We cannot "prove" it in April, but many believe it to be true.  Lotta smoke on this one.   Ashley madison too :(*
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 12, 2016, 12:59:00 PM

I listened to the report. Nothing pointing to Cruz. Again, maybe eventually it will be found that Cruz used call girls. But with the evidence you have so far.. it wouldn't make it past a D.A. into a courtroom. Not even close

Exactly. 174 "groups" or whatever and Cruz isn't a name that's contained within?

There isn't anything directly (or even indirectly meaning there isn't any proof of anything. ZERO) linking Cruz to anything. Yet 240 seems to keep saying that there is all the proof in the world in this report or other reports.


Cruz may be guilty and be found out sometime in the future but this "evidence" you keep touting hasn't linked Cruz in any way to anything.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 12, 2016, 01:12:14 PM
ironically, you are picking one lawyer over another to believe. Me, I'll just wait for the evidence
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 01:19:40 PM
I'm just waiting for the video.   :)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 02:22:28 PM
Exactly. 174 "groups" or whatever and Cruz isn't a name that's contained within?

There isn't anything directly (or even indirectly meaning there isn't any proof of anything. ZERO) linking Cruz to anything. Yet 240 seems to keep saying that there is all the proof in the world in this report or other reports.


Cruz may be guilty and be found out sometime in the future but this "evidence" you keep touting hasn't linked Cruz in any way to anything.

thank you.   I'll bump this quote in several weeks, once this lawyer gains national credibility and attention from the 174 groups revelation.  It'll make it that much harder to deny his claim when he does call out on of these POTUS folks for the whoring.

It's a credible dude with a credibile list.  We have no reason not to belive him.  Showing 174 groups with shady whoremongers only helps his credibility.

Then again, I'm debating some folks who still believe Cain was framed ;)  lol
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 02:23:24 PM
Exactly. 174 "groups" or whatever and Cruz isn't a name that's contained within?

I answered this.  He's releasing firms FIRST, then individuals. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 12, 2016, 03:10:20 PM
LOL!   Dude, please read the news before posting.  Instead of posting this, you could have read the new headlines first, and discovered news was breaking on this last night.   The madam's lawyer started releasing the client details 16 hours ago.

Steve Kornacki reports that Montgomery Blair Sibley, the attorney for the D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, has release some of the documents in the case as he continues to obtain permission from the Supreme Court to disregard the gag order in the case and release his client's phone records.

The 'D. C. Madam" (Deborah Jeane Palfrey) died in 2008,  but Ted Cruz wasn't elected as Senator and sent to Washington D C  until 2012.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 12, 2016, 03:36:16 PM

The 'D. C. Madam" (Deborah Jeane Palfrey) died in 2008,  but Ted Cruz wasn't elected as Senator and sent to Washington D C  until 2012.

I assume he worked in DC (or at least traveled their frequently) during his time working for Bush

Still doesn't mean shit unless there is a phone # that can be tied directly to Cruz at the time

also from WIKI
Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy adviser, advising then-Governor George W. Bush on a wide range of policy and legal matters, including civil justice, criminal justice, constitutional law, immigration, and government reform.[47]
Cruz assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, devising strategy, and drafting pleadings for filing with the Supreme Court of Florida and U.S. Supreme Court, in the case Bush v. Gore, during the 2000 Florida presidential recounts, leading to two wins for the Bush team.[43][50] Cruz recruited future Chief Justice John Roberts and noted attorney Mike Carvin to the Bush legal team.[48]
After Bush took office, Cruz served as an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department[3][50] and as the director of policy planning at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 12, 2016, 03:45:40 PM

Still doesn't mean shit unless there is a phone # that can be tied directly to Cruz at the time

Exactly, and yet with zero evidence 240 had already labeled him guilty.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 12, 2016, 03:49:47 PM

The 'D. C. Madam" (Deborah Jeane Palfrey) died in 2008,  but Ted Cruz wasn't elected as Senator and sent to Washington D C  until 2012.

What say 240 about this "revelation"?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 12, 2016, 03:59:34 PM
thank you.   I'll bump this quote in several weeks, once this lawyer gains national credibility and attention from the 174 groups revelation.  It'll make it that much harder to deny his claim when he does call out on of these POTUS folks for the whoring.

It's a credible dude with a credibile list.  We have no reason not to belive him.  Showing 174 groups with shady whoremongers only helps his credibility.

Then again, I'm debating some folks who still believe Cain was framed ;)  lol

Who are these "groups?" You can't provide a direct link from Cruz to anything so now you have "groups."

This must be the new "info" and the new "video" and the new "well timed leak that would cause Cruz to lose Wisconsin."

By the way, any response to the information about the D.C. Madame provided by James and Company? And why donwe have to believe this lawyer? What, exactly makes him infallible and credible?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 04:03:59 PM
Who are these "groups?" You can't provide a direct link from Cruz to anything so now you have "groups."

This must be the new "info" and the new "video" and the new "well timed leak that would cause Cruz to lose Wisconsin."

By the way, any response to the information about the D.C. Madame provided by James and Company? And why donwe have to believe this lawyer? What, exactly makes him infallible and credible?

This?  lol

In 2008, The Florida Bar suspended Sibley's right to practice law in that state for three years.[4] Sibley was later determined to be a vexatious litigator.[5]

In 2012, Sibley unsuccessfully sued President Barack Obama, alleging that he was not a natural-born citizen.[6][7]
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 04:42:44 PM

The 'D. C. Madam" (Deborah Jeane Palfrey) died in 2008,  but Ted Cruz wasn't elected as Senator and sent to Washington D C  until 2012.

his alleged involvement happened in 1997.   

There's enough stink on him for me to believe he'll be wrecked with the revelation once the nominee. 

If I'm explaining the 1997 thing, then I think anyone who doesn't know the details of this case should read up on it.  The year is very intro level material about this case.   I've spent a lot of time reading up on the cruz scandal, going back on twitter with the rubio people pushing the story HARD from early feb, wwhen oreilly/brietbart both say team rubio tried giving them 'the thing' - hotel in/out on thurs/tues video.

If I'm still explaining these basic details of the case, then I think we're at very different points in the discussion here.  Please, I encourage you to read up on what team rubio was pushing in feb/march using #thething hashtag on twitter.  I believe many initially blamed Trump - I hate trump, but this wasn't him pushing it, it was team rubio (cruz gains nothing, only loses, by shitting on rubio at this point). 

There's just too much stink, too much shit deleted, too many overlaps with major events and what people wrote on twitter, vague denial, no lawsuit, too many oddities with his living situation.  To me, it smells, and if we're talking about 8 years of freakin' clinton rule, I dont want to risk it with "well, I don't see ABSOLUTE proof in APRIL that cruz is guilty".   Freakin run john Thune and beat the shit out of hilary.  It's easy.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 12, 2016, 05:03:57 PM
his alleged involvement happened in 1997.   

There's enough stink on him for me to believe he'll be wrecked with the revelation once the nominee. 

If I'm explaining the 1997 thing, then I think anyone who doesn't know the details of this case should read up on it.  The year is very intro level material about this case.   I've spent a lot of time reading up on the cruz scandal, going back on twitter with the rubio people pushing the story HARD from early feb, wwhen oreilly/brietbart both say team rubio tried giving them 'the thing' - hotel in/out on thurs/tues video.

If I'm still explaining these basic details of the case, then I think we're at very different points in the discussion here.  Please, I encourage you to read up on what team rubio was pushing in feb/march using #thething hashtag on twitter.  I believe many initially blamed Trump - I hate trump, but this wasn't him pushing it, it was team rubio (cruz gains nothing, only loses, by shitting on rubio at this point). 

There's just too much stink, too much shit deleted, too many overlaps with major events and what people wrote on twitter, vague denial, no lawsuit, too many oddities with his living situation.  To me, it smells, and if we're talking about 8 years of freakin' clinton rule, I dont want to risk it with "well, I don't see ABSOLUTE proof in APRIL that cruz is guilty".   Freakin run john Thune and beat the shit out of hilary.  It's easy.

there is no case

there are very hazy, unsubstantiated allegations with nothing as of yet tied to Cruz
how about you spare us the long winded posts and just post any actual facts with links
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 05:18:50 PM
there is no case

there are very hazy, unsubstantiated allegations with nothing as of yet tied to Cruz
how about you spare us the long winded posts and just post any actual facts with links

No case made public as of 4/12/2016.   Let's revisit this.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 05:32:47 PM
There is a slam dunk case.  "there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups."  I read about it right here on getbig.  THE place for breaking political scandals. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 12, 2016, 06:43:56 PM
No case made public as of 4/12/2016.   Let's revisit this.

Another qualifier from you.

There is no case, why do you keep saying this is a "case?"

Also, where is the video of Cruz fucking hookers and Cruz being around his army of look-alike love children that were all at the same place at the same time?

You've given zero actual evidence thus far and you keep saying we need to wait a few months for the actual evidence. But then in ealrier posts you said that all the evidence and proof and facts are all put there and have already been covered.

Which is it?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 12, 2016, 07:17:14 PM
his alleged involvement happened in 1997.  

There's enough stink on him for me to believe he'll be wrecked with the revelation once the nominee.  

If I'm explaining the 1997 thing, then I think anyone who doesn't know the details of this case should read up on it.  The year is very intro level material about this case.   I've spent a lot of time reading up on the cruz scandal, going back on twitter with the rubio people pushing the story HARD from early feb, wwhen oreilly/brietbart both say team rubio tried giving them 'the thing' - hotel in/out on thurs/tues video.

If I'm still explaining these basic details of the case, then I think we're at very different points in the discussion here.  Please, I encourage you to read up on what team rubio was pushing in feb/march using #thething hashtag on twitter.  I believe many initially blamed Trump - I hate trump, but this wasn't him pushing it, it was team rubio (cruz gains nothing, only loses, by shitting on rubio at this point).  

There's just too much stink, too much shit deleted, too many overlaps with major events and what people wrote on twitter, vague denial, no lawsuit, too many oddities with his living situation.  To me, it smells, and if we're talking about 8 years of freakin' clinton rule, I dont want to risk it with "well, I don't see ABSOLUTE proof in APRIL that cruz is guilty".   Freakin run john Thune and beat the shit out of hilary.  It's easy.

Wait... You mean before he got married in 2001?

Spouse(s)   Heidi Nelson (m. 2001)


You can't have an "affair" if it's before you are married. 


Ted Cruz speaking in Nashua, New Hampshire on April 17, 2015
Cruz served as a law clerk to J. Michael Luttig of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in 1995[43][45] and William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States in 1996.[3] Cruz was the first Hispanic to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States.[46]

Private practice
After Cruz finished his clerkships, he took a position with Cooper, Carvin & Rosenthal, now known as Cooper & Kirk, LLC, from 1997 to 1998.[47] While with the firm, Cruz worked on matters relating to the National Rifle Association, and helped prepare testimony for the impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton.[48] Cruz also served as private counsel for Congressman John Boehner during Boehner's lawsuit against Congressman Jim McDermott for releasing a tape recording of a Boehner telephone conversation.[49]
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 12, 2016, 07:23:04 PM
Wait... You mean before he got married in 2001?

Spouse(s)   Heidi Nelson (m. 2001)


You can't have an "affair" if it's before you are married. 

On snap.  LOL!   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 12, 2016, 08:28:26 PM
You can't have an "affair" if it's before you are married. 

CORRECT>   I keep repeating this.  The escorts are a single man prostitution which he denies.  The more recent fun accusations are the adultery.  and AM was most recent. 

Yes, single in 97, not adultery but prostitution.

Look, either yall small shady, or you don't.  I do.  I smelled it on Cain, I smelled it on Carson.  I smell it on Cruz.  Not wanting to risk a run against hilary with that much stink.  That's just me, tho.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 12, 2016, 10:19:40 PM
Actually. You made a thread that says "multiple Ted Cruz affairs".

That's what you posted here.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 13, 2016, 05:21:25 AM
CORRECT>   I keep repeating this.  The escorts are a single man prostitution which he denies.  The more recent fun accusations are the adultery.  and AM was most recent. 

Yes, single in 97, not adultery but prostitution.

Look, either yall small shady, or you don't.  I do.  I smelled it on Cain, I smelled it on Carson.  I smell it on Cruz.  Not wanting to risk a run against hilary with that much stink.  That's just me, tho.

You never said any of these were simply "accusations" and accusations only. You said this was a 100% lock, that Cruz would lose Wisconsin because of these revelations, that there is a legal "case" that there was widely available "info," that Cruz should drop out now, that O'Reilly covered all of this, that there was a video with hookers, a video with a legion of mini-Ted Cruz's at a convention of some sort that it has been 100% proven that those D.C. Madam phone records are 100% linked to Cruz and it has already been proven.

Am I missing anything?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 06:42:01 AM
You never said any of these were simply "accusations" and accusations only. You said this was a 100% lock

Link?   Show me where I said it.  I think there's enough smoke.  It sets off my BS detector.  Too much at risk with hilary.

Where did I say that?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 06:45:32 AM
Actually. You made a thread that says "multiple Ted Cruz affairs".

That's what you posted here.

Yes.  The affairs have to do with the campaign side dishes from 2012.   The hotel visits.  The other things with #thething which Rubio is pushing and some media outlets have already, whose value is tenfold IF he wins the nomination.   They guarantee a Hilary win, if true, but not if used NOW.   It's enough risk that he's too risky.

The shifty way he's evaded talking about it - attacking the messenger and not the message - blaming Trump for something I read Rubio operatives doing 2 months prior with my own 2 eyes....  the cover up is what stinks worse here. 

And I'm not saying I give a crap about what he does, that's fine.  But his base will, repub women will, and he'll lose to hilary, and I don't want that.  Repubs put emotion ahead of probability here.  If Cruz had banged escorts, if he was looking for side action with ashley madison... isn't there already enough stink on him that you would rather have a Thune or Ryan on that ticket? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 13, 2016, 06:46:48 AM
Yes.  The affairs have to do with the campaign side dishes from 2012.   The hotel visits.  The other things with #thething which Rubio is pushing and some media outlets have already, whose value is tenfold IF he wins the nomination.   They guarantee a Hilary win, if true, but not if used NOW.   It's enough risk that he's too risky.

The shifty way he's evaded talking about it - attacking the messenger and not the message - blaming Trump for something I read Rubio operatives doing 2 months prior with my own 2 eyes....  the cover up is what stinks worse here. 

And I'm not saying I give a crap about what he does, that's fine.  But his base will, repub women will, and he'll lose to hilary, and I don't want that.  Repubs put emotion ahead of probability here.  If Cruz had banged escorts, if he was looking for side action with ashley madison... isn't there already enough stink on him that you would rather have a Thune or Ryan on that ticket? 

Ahahahajhahajha, oh brother.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 13, 2016, 08:56:40 AM
haven't been on in a couple of weeks but this thread is just too good to pass up. Hey 240, maybe Rubio is going to personally hand over the videos to Cruz himself...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 09:21:04 AM
My daily laugh thread.   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 09:59:37 AM
Looking fwd to quoting each of you, each time a piece of info comes out about it.

Last month it was "oh, no way this lawyer has shit".

This month, you're like "well, maybe he has a shitload of FBI and other agencies guilty as shit, but no way cruz would do that..."

okay.  Keep moving the finish line.  Most people still believing Cruz is a safe choice also believed Palin was brilliant, Cain was framed, Carson never lied, etc.  The rest of the world smelled shit on them, you didn't, due to blind loyalty. 

At this point, I'd rather see a very clean Ryan destroy hilary, than risk Cruz with this shady shit, up against hilary.  That's just me. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 10:00:46 AM
haven't been on in a couple of weeks but this thread is just too good to pass up. Hey 240, maybe Rubio is going to personally hand over the videos to Cruz himself...


Did Herman Cain lie to us when he denied doing anything inappropriate in 43 years?
Did Carson fudge the truth in his many books and stories about robberies, crimes, etc?

You still believe them.  So Cruz' digits could be all up in there, you'll still deny it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 10:06:38 AM
I was the first one to call Carson a liar and point out his inconsistencies.
I was the first one to call Cain a liar with all those accusers.

After being mocked for not having the full court conviction on day 1 (by short sighted people), I was proven correct both times.  

I was the first one who pointed out the Cruz sex scandal shit, and I am mocked for it.  THat's okay.  For a decade, I've been first with stories like this on getbig, taken 2 months of hate from partisan hacks who always support mccain or romney... THEN they get all silent when their hero finally pitifully admits a little wrongdoing and slinks away.

This will be the same.  Laugh now.  Cruz stinks too bad.  There are too many angles of shady for him to be clean.  He had an ashley madison account.  THat's really bad.  He's gonna be revealed in this DC Madam case, that's devastating.  And if he's busted on those 2... does anyone really believe that living apart from family for years, he didn't do some of the other things?

It'll come out if he's nominated, and when it does, getbig will be the same.  Coach will disappear for a week.  Dos Equis will start a tantrum that I only showed 5 of 7 sex claims to be proven (LOL!)  and the dem will win again in 2016 because you cuckholds can't just walk away from a flawed candidate when you smell one.  ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 10:15:11 AM
Holy smokes.  What a friggin screwball. 

I'm still waiting for the video.  Maybe it was engineered by the same people who used holograms to fake planes crashing into the WTC on 9/11.   :o

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 13, 2016, 10:18:08 AM
Looking fwd to quoting each of you, each time a piece of info comes out about it.

Last month it was "oh, no way this lawyer has shit".

This month, you're like "well, maybe he has a shitload of FBI and other agencies guilty as shit, but no way cruz would do that..."

okay.  Keep moving the finish line.  Most people still believing Cruz is a safe choice also believed Palin was brilliant, Cain was framed, Carson never lied, etc.  The rest of the world smelled shit on them, you didn't, due to blind loyalty. 

At this point, I'd rather see a very clean Ryan destroy hilary, than risk Cruz with this shady shit, up against hilary.  That's just me. 

I'm curious to know when anyone said the FBI has a "shit load" of stuff on Cruz?

We've all said, or most of us, that Cruz may well be guilty of this...but he may well be guilty of conspiring with aliens to conquer the Earth. At this point you have shown the same amount of evidence in each case.


Show us actual evidence, facts, know, actual "info" and I'm sure we will actually take you seriously.

Everything else in your above quote has little to do with anything. We keep asking you to provide facts and such and you reply with nothing.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 13, 2016, 10:20:38 AM
Holy smokes.  What a friggin screwball. 

I'm still waiting for the video.  Maybe it was engineered by the same people who used holograms to fake planes crashing into the WTC on 9/11.   :o

So if the video is out there....and O'Reilly covered it months ago...where is the video?

Also, 240 seems to know all the details about the video....he must have seen it!

Again, no facts, no proof, nothing solid to show.

It was supposed to come out (strategically timed!) during the Wisconsin primary to destroy Cruz...that kind of didn't happen and Cruz ran away with it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 10:23:30 AM
I'm curious to know when anyone said the FBI has a "shit load" of stuff on Cruz?

We've all said, or most of us, that Cruz may well be guilty of this...but he may well be guilty of conspiring with aliens to conquer the Earth. At this point you have shown the same amount of evidence in each case.


Show us actual evidence, facts, know, actual "info" and I'm sure we will actually take you seriously.

Everything else in your above quote has little to do with anything. We keep asking you to provide facts and such and you reply with nothing.

Completely agree. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 10:24:43 AM
So if the video is out there....and O'Reilly covered it months ago...where is the video?

Also, 240 seems to know all the details about the video....he must have seen it!

Again, no facts, no proof, nothing solid to show.

It was supposed to come out (strategically timed!) during the Wisconsin primary to destroy Cruz...that kind of didn't happen and Cruz ran away with it.

Yeah.  Should be incredibly easy to post a link to this video, or the coverage of Bill O'Reilly talking about this sex tape.  I wonder why he won't post it? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 13, 2016, 11:06:42 AM
I'm sure since Rubio endorsed Cruz those tapes should be released any day. lol
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 13, 2016, 11:10:04 AM
I'm sure since Rubio endorsed Cruz those tapes should be released any day. lol

Where does 240 come up with this stuff at??  ;D :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 11:42:15 AM
I'm curious to know when anyone said the FBI has a "shit load" of stuff on Cruz?

I never said that.   

The dc madam lawyer has records of those in the FBI getting their socks blown by escorts. 

You're reading too quickly. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 11:43:57 AM
I'm sure since Rubio endorsed Cruz those tapes should be released any day. lol

You still can't admit Cain cheated or Carson lied. 

Why would this be any different?  You still "can't remember" if you voted Clinton, even though we all remember your big story of being a clinton voter, tricked by clinton, and being saved in 97.

Suddenly you just pretend you cannot remember what you voted in 92.  ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 11:47:10 AM
Looking fwd to quoting each of you, each time a piece of info comes out about it.

Last month it was "oh, no way this lawyer has shit".

This month, you're like "well, maybe he has a shitload of FBI and other
agencies guilty as shit, but no way cruz would do that..."

He = the lawyer.

Nobody said anything about the FBI having info on Cruz.

See, this kind of connection you make... you're ill-informed.  If you had spent an hour reading the case against Cruz, you would say you smelled shit on him.   If you cannot even admit yet that the DC madam has pretty credible shit on a LOT of other people, they you just don't know the facts of this case.

I'm trying to explain algebra to ants here.   You cain/carson supporters, you blind partisans.  Let's see this case develop.  When the lawyer release Cruz' phone numbers from calling whores 3 times in 97... you can move the finish line to "well well well that doesn't prove anything..."

Doesn't matter what you think because you were already wrong as shit about Cain's affairs and Carson's lies.  Just be wrong again ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 11:50:46 AM

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 12:52:54 PM
I never said the video was public yet.   Your hero rubio's team was handing it out.

you're going back to the video because you see this lawyer's claims coming true, don't you?  ;)

Cruz has too much stink.  You never admittted it about Cain or Carson, so I don't expect it here.   keep backing those losers, it's what you people are good for.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 13, 2016, 12:55:44 PM
his alleged involvement happened in 1997.   

There's enough stink on him for me to believe he'll be wrecked with the revelation once the nominee. 

If I'm explaining the 1997 thing, then I think anyone who doesn't know the details of this case should read up on it.  The year is very intro level material about this case.   I've spent a lot of time reading up on the cruz scandal, going back on twitter with the rubio people pushing the story HARD from early feb, wwhen oreilly/brietbart both say team rubio tried giving them 'the thing' - hotel in/out on thurs/tues video.

If I'm still explaining these basic details of the case, then I think we're at very different points in the discussion here.  Please, I encourage you to read up on what team rubio was pushing in feb/march using #thething hashtag on twitter.  I believe many initially blamed Trump - I hate trump, but this wasn't him pushing it, it was team rubio (cruz gains nothing, only loses, by shitting on rubio at this point). 

There's just too much stink, too much shit deleted, too many overlaps with major events and what people wrote on twitter, vague denial, no lawsuit, too many oddities with his living situation.  To me, it smells, and if we're talking about 8 years of freakin' clinton rule, I dont want to risk it with "well, I don't see ABSOLUTE proof in APRIL that cruz is guilty".   Freakin run john Thune and beat the shit out of hilary.  It's easy.

Have to ask.. for a guy who claims to have spend a lot of time on the Cruz scandal, why didn't you catch the flawed accusation of "Daddy Cruz" twitter? It took me all of 5 minutes to debunk this smoking gun...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 12:59:01 PM
I never said the video was public yet.   Your hero rubio's team was handing it out.

So now it's a private video. You lying terd.  lol 

Where is the link to this breaking news? 

Where is the Bill O'Reilly clip covering this blockbuster sex tape and the Cruz love child? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 01:00:01 PM
Have to ask.. for a guy who claims to have spend a lot of time on the Cruz scandal, why didn't you catch the flawed accusation of "Daddy Cruz" twitter? It took me all of 5 minutes to debunk this smoking gun...

He was probably busy watching the tape of Cruz having sex with hookers. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 13, 2016, 01:03:00 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

There isn't this much smoke without fire, sorry.  Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign - one of her top staffers was supposedly one of those he was sleeping with?

If I got called to school because my kid punched a girl, I wouoldn't consider it to be "anti-my-kid" to have him admit fault, apologize, and attempt to move on - as Cruz should have done this morning.  By getbigger "logic", I should mock the principal for her anti-kid attitude and say "you never believed in my kid!"

I admit, it looks like Cruz messed around.  I think he should have apologized at 7am today, and we would have moved on in 2 days.

has it been 3 or 4 days yet?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 01:05:20 PM
LOL!   :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 01:05:35 PM
I like this thread.   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 13, 2016, 01:35:06 PM
has it been 3 or 4 days yet?

I'm sure he meant "weeks".

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 13, 2016, 01:49:24 PM
I'm sure he meant "months." 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 13, 2016, 03:22:44 PM
He = the lawyer.

Nobody said anything about the FBI having info on Cruz.

See, this kind of connection you make... you're ill-informed.  If you had spent an hour reading the case against Cruz, you would say you smelled shit on him.   If you cannot even admit yet that the DC madam has pretty credible shit on a LOT of other people, they you just don't know the facts of this case.

I'm trying to explain algebra to ants here.   You cain/carson supporters, you blind partisans.  Let's see this case develop.  When the lawyer release Cruz' phone numbers from calling whores 3 times in 97... you can move the finish line to "well well well that doesn't prove anything..."

Doesn't matter what you think because you were already wrong as shit about Cain's affairs and Carson's lies.  Just be wrong again ;)

What "case" are you talking about? When does the court trail begin and will Cruz be representing himself? What are the charges?

Also, again, where is the proof/facts/ evidence linking Cruz to any of this? You haven't provided any yet you keep taking shots at as for not believing you or this "mountain of evidence" that has been "out there" forever.

Again, Cruz may have banged hookers and goats but as of right now their isn't any credible, facial evidence to prove anything let alone a direct link.

You saying "wait until the lawyer releases it!" Simply doesn't count.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 13, 2016, 07:14:35 PM
Have to ask.. for a guy who claims to have spend a lot of time on the Cruz scandal, why didn't you catch the flawed accusation of "Daddy Cruz" twitter? It took me all of 5 minutes to debunk this smoking gun...

Did you see some of the pics deleted by her when it broke?   Did you see the 9 month backwards timeline, from convention?  Did you know of the closet thing?   and how many sweet/flirty tweets from her do you know about?  Also, did you know about the matching fake tattoos?

You knew about all that, right?   Because the daddy thing is a very small part of what looks to be a shady connection there.  And to me, if a man lets himself get put in that many weak moments, it's poor judgment all the way. 

My guess is that you knew about the daddy thing and not much else.  DId you know all those other details?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 14, 2016, 07:45:03 AM
You might be the only guy who cares about this...from a supposed Cruz supporter...gimme a break
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 14, 2016, 07:52:48 AM

Matching fake tatoos?

That's the smoking gun now?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 14, 2016, 08:16:49 AM
Ted Cruz.....240's new 9/11.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 14, 2016, 08:17:51 AM
You might be the only guy who cares about this...from a supposed Cruz supporter...gimme a break

240 was just waiting for the right moment to trash Cruz.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 14, 2016, 08:57:56 AM
He's NEVER been a Cruz supporter. You don't go from voting twice voting for Obama and trashing every repub/conservative thread while defending left wing agendas then all of the sudden becoming a Cruz supporter.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 14, 2016, 09:36:09 AM
Ah the thread that keeps on giving.   ;D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 14, 2016, 11:06:48 AM
Matching fake tatoos?
That's the smoking gun now?

I never said it was a smoking gun.  But it does start to add to that stack of things that smell badly. 

I didn't say he's convicted of anything - I said he's appearing to be more and more of a risk as the POTUS choice.   In a huge election like 2016, I don't want to give hilary any chances. 

When you add up the many little things, it just looks shady.  Give it time.  All those having a victory lap after the 1st quarter will be shutting the fck up down the road.  They got awful quiet when Cain's sexting records came out, didn't they?   It was crickets when Carson admitted not all info in his book was true after all.   I sodomized many of them on these arguments, so they're over-reacting with premature celebration here. 

This will be the case again.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 14, 2016, 11:08:13 AM
He's NEVER been a Cruz supporter. You don't go from voting twice voting for Obama and trashing every repub/conservative thread while defending left wing agendas then all of the sudden becoming a Cruz supporter.

swear on your LIFE that I voted for obama twice, coach.  Do it.  I beg you.   You won't, son.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 14, 2016, 11:11:05 AM
haven't been on in a couple of weeks but this thread is just too good to pass up. Hey 240, maybe Rubio is going to personally hand over the videos to Cruz himself...

a "sort of" endorsement by Rubio doesn't mean shit (and certainly doesn't mean this story didn't originate from his camp)

virtually everyone endorsing Cruz is holding their nose while they do it.

They are all just endorsing the guy in hopes he can stop Trump from totally destroying their party.

Lindsey Graham is another one with the same intentions
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 14, 2016, 07:38:58 PM
The Media is sitting upon video footage from various 7/11 convenience stores in the DC area where Senator Cruz can be seen standing in line at 2 am with a 6 pack of beer in one hand and a box of condoms in the other.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 15, 2016, 02:51:15 AM
The Media is sitting upon video footage from various 7/11 convenience stores in the DC area where Senator Cruz can be seen standing in line at 2 am with a 6 pack of beer in one hand and a box of condoms in the other.

And the kid behind the counter is his bastard son.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 05:42:07 AM
haven't been on in a couple of weeks but this thread is just too good to pass up. Hey 240, maybe Rubio is going to personally hand over the videos to Cruz himself...

When the story comes out... you, coach, will be the quietest one of all thanks to this comment ;)

team rubio was pushing this story for months, if you read twitter, you'd have read it with your own eyes.

anyway, when did you stop "liking a lot of trump's ideas?"  You were a vague fanboy for months here.  Rush turned on Trump, you did the same week, huh?   Nice coincidence ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 15, 2016, 06:35:38 AM
swear on your LIFE that I voted for obama twice, coach.  Do it.  I beg you.   You won't, son.

My whole family - all Republicans - are voting Obama.  i'm driving them to the station later - buying everyone dinner - making it a real family event.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 07:43:53 AM
The funny thing... I'm not sure I hear ANY getbigger saying "NO WAY would ted cruz call escorts or sign up for side dish on ashley madison".

Instead, the talk is all "but you can't PROVE it TODAY, 240!"

The smoke is there, the stink is there... he's not a safe pick anymore.  We have the convention coming, the GOP can choose someone without trump liberalism or Cruz stink.  He's just not a safe bet.

Or... will anyone stand up and say "I completely, 100% believe Cruz never had an AM account, never called this escort service!"    ???
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 15, 2016, 09:08:04 AM
and the media is not really reporting this cause what? ......they are all in the tank for Hil and know Cruz is a much harder challenge then Trump yet they're just sitting on all of this except you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 15, 2016, 09:23:49 AM
The funny thing... I'm not sure I hear ANY getbigger saying "NO WAY would ted cruz call escorts or sign up for side dish on ashley madison".

Instead, the talk is all "but you can't PROVE it TODAY, 240!"

The smoke is there, the stink is there... he's not a safe pick anymore.  We have the convention coming, the GOP can choose someone without trump liberalism or Cruz stink.  He's just not a safe bet.

Or... will anyone stand up and say "I completely, 100% believe Cruz never had an AM account, never called this escort service!"    ???

It's telling that you find it meaningful to your cause that no getbigger has said "NO WAY would Ted Cruz call escorts".... The reason you don't hear reasonable logical people say that is because it's impossible for us to know if he did or not at this point. It wouldn't be such a rare thing for a Conservative Christian politician who preaches family values to have been found to be cheating on his spouse.. it's just that there is no credible, compelling evidence at this time to conclude that happened.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 15, 2016, 09:29:53 AM
1. Did you see some of the pics deleted by her when it broke?  2. Did you see the 9 month backwards timeline, from convention?  3. Did you know of the closet thing?   4. and how many sweet/flirty tweets from her do you know about?  5.Also, did you know about the matching fake tattoos?

You knew about all that, right?   6. Because the daddy thing is a very small part of what looks to be a shady connection there.  And to me, if a man lets himself get put in that many weak moments, it's poor judgment all the way.  

My guess is that you knew about the daddy thing and not much else.  DId you know all those other details?

1. did you? what were the pics of? Link to pics, because if they were on the net, they are still on the net.

2.  Did  you see the 9 month backwards timeline? If so, what does that prove and why?

3. Did YOU see the "closet thing"? What is the closet thing and what is the source of the closet thing? What is the evidence supporting the closet assertion?

4. Can you post any "sweet" "flirty" tweets you feel support your conclusion they had an affair?

5. Picks of the matching fake tattoos, context in which it happened, and why it means they were having sex

6. The Daddy thing shows you will swallow anything as "proof" as long as it fits your conclusion. Same thing happened when the officer placed the taser near the body.

I see a pattern here where you shotgun a bunch of innuendos and questionable allegations with little support, in question form, pretending they mean something. You just hope something will stick..

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 15, 2016, 10:20:54 AM
Is today the day we see the video of Cruz having sex with hookers and video of the Cruz love child?  News at 11. 

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 15, 2016, 10:25:40 AM
Is today the day we see the video of Cruz having sex with hookers and video of the Cruz love child?  News at 11. 

Does he know that if video is released to media news outlets, it IS considered released publicly ?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 15, 2016, 10:30:11 AM
Does he know that if video is released to media news outlets, it IS considered released publicly ?

Probably not.  But he is a compulsive liar, so the facts don't really matter. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: loco on April 15, 2016, 10:33:26 AM
Dang, it's pretty bad when atheists and theists, Jews and Muslims, the mailman and the dog unite to call 240 out on his bs.    :-\
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 15, 2016, 10:39:42 AM
Dang, it's pretty bad when atheists and theists, Jews and Muslims, the mailman and the dog unite to call 240 out on his bs.    :-\

lol   :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 15, 2016, 10:47:35 AM
The funny thing... I'm not sure I hear ANY getbigger saying "NO WAY would ted cruz call escorts or sign up for side dish on ashley madison".

Instead, the talk is all "but you can't PROVE it TODAY, 240!"

The smoke is there, the stink is there... he's not a safe pick anymore.  We have the convention coming, the GOP can choose someone without trump liberalism or Cruz stink.  He's just not a safe bet.

Or... will anyone stand up and say "I completely, 100% believe Cruz never had an AM account, never called this escort service!"    ???

Where is the smoke and the stink? There isn't any evidence out there. None, zero.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 15, 2016, 10:52:01 AM
The funny thing... I'm not sure I hear ANY getbigger saying "NO WAY would ted cruz call escorts or sign up for side dish on ashley madison".

Instead, the talk is all "but you can't PROVE it TODAY, 240!"

The smoke is there, the stink is there... he's not a safe pick anymore.  We have the convention coming, the GOP can choose someone without trump liberalism or Cruz stink.  He's just not a safe bet.

Or... will anyone stand up and say "I completely, 100% believe Cruz never had an AM account, never called this escort service!"    ???

You are making the allegation or at least listening to allegations and presenting them. The burden of proof is on you.

Us not saying there is "NO WAY" is exactly like you saying "HE DEFINITELY DID".

When the reality is that there is a middle ground of "maybe he did, but we need proof before we condemn a man."

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 10:55:19 AM
You are making the allegation or at least listening to allegations and presenting them. The burden of proof is on you.

Us not saying there is "NO WAY" is exactly like you saying "HE DEFINITELY DID".

When the reality is that there is a middle ground of "maybe he did, but we need proof before we condemn a man."

you're saying that 240's super sensitive nose is not  enough proof for you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 15, 2016, 10:56:24 AM
you're saying that 240's super sensitive nose is not  enough proof for you?

Woofer and Wimper he is not.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 11:08:10 AM
I was the first one to call Carson a liar and point out his inconsistencies.
I was the first one to call Cain a liar with all those accusers.

After being mocked for not having the full court conviction on day 1 (by short sighted people), I was proven correct both times.  

I was the first one who pointed out the Cruz sex scandal shit, and I am mocked for it.  THat's okay.  For a decade, I've been first with stories like this on getbig, taken 2 months of hate from partisan hacks who always support mccain or romney... THEN they get all silent when their hero finally pitifully admits a little wrongdoing and slinks away.

This will be the same.  Laugh now.  Cruz stinks too bad.  There are too many angles of shady for him to be clean.  He had an ashley madison account.  THat's really bad.  He's gonna be revealed in this DC Madam case, that's devastating.  And if he's busted on those 2... does anyone really believe that living apart from family for years, he didn't do some of the other things?

It'll come out if he's nominated, and when it does, getbig will be the same.  Coach will disappear for a week.  Dos Equis will start a tantrum that I only showed 5 of 7 sex claims to be proven (LOL!)  and the dem will win again in 2016 because you cuckholds can't just walk away from a flawed candidate when you smell one.  ;)

you really are gullible

There is no proof that Ted Cruz had a AM account.

Anyone could have applied for an AM account using ANYONE's email address

I can't stand Cruz and I don't think he's even that bright but I think he would be smart to not use an address from a ".gov" account with his name on it.

Again, I'm more than willing to throw him under the bus if any actual proof shows up
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:11:04 AM
and the media is not really reporting this cause what? ......they are all in the tank for Hil and know Cruz is a much harder challenge then Trump yet they're just sitting on all of this except you?

The media?   Which media?  Lots of sites are covering it and talking about it.  Rachel Maddow talks about it twice a week and loves the story.  Megyn Kelly used it to come at cruz last week.

there isn't a big story (yet) because the lawyer isn't dropping names yet.  He seems like a drama queen... he'll wait until right before convention or a major state to do it, I'd bet. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:13:47 AM
Probably not.  But he is a compulsive liar, so the facts don't really matter. 

you ate my feces on the carson/cain stories, didn't you?  ;)  You will here too. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:16:50 AM
There is no proof that Ted Cruz had a AM account.
Anyone could have applied for an AM account using ANYONE's email address

Right.   Yet only he is framed for it.  So weird. 

It's nothing conclusive, but it's one of many pieces which stack up to tell us he ain't the safest bet to run against Hilary in 2016. 

I can just imagine any of us trying to explain to wifey why we got blown up on the Ashley Madison thing... "Oh honey, I was obviously framed, you can't PROVE I did that..."  Yeah, you're not going to jail, but she knows you are full of shit on it.   

This is like that.  I'm not saying impeach his ass because of it.  I'm saying it's another sign he isn't the safe pick.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:21:31 AM
You are making the allegation or at least listening to allegations and presenting them. The burden of proof is on you.

The big thing is the 2016 convention.   They're gonna pick the veep.  Likely on the 2nd round or later, once Trump takes the shit.   

They have to look at Cruz, and decide if the risk is worth it.  For me, for the sake of getbig discussion, I think he is no longer a safe bet.  Weak denial and blaming Trump for something we all saw team Rubio doing... he's been shady on the accusations, which stinks to me.

If the Ashley Madison stinks a little, and the denial is vague/weird, and he's done all these cute things like matching tattoos with hot 22 year old girls who work for him...

Eh, to ME, personally, he just looks like a high risk candidate.  AND if there is a credible lawyer with ironclad records claiming someone in the race now was knee deep in hooker booty in 97 and he's about to release the records to prove it... AND a paper that won a Pulitzer spanking Edwards for an affair made big claims...

He's just not a safe pick.  IMO, repubs should just pick Ryan, or Thune, or Portman, or Rubio, or whoever... strong conservative that isn't on Ashley Madison, that isn't vaguely denying affairs while wearing matching tats with young girls...   Just not the safe pick anymore.  I'm not saying he's this or that... I'm saying the stink is starting to add up, and repubs would be nuts to ignore it when making their selection at the convention.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 15, 2016, 11:24:07 AM
Dang, it's pretty bad when atheists and theists, Jews and Muslims, the mailman and the dog unite to call 240 out on his bs.    :-\

I think this is the first time in the history of the Political Board that 99% of the people on here have agreed with something.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:25:17 AM
1. did you? what were the pics of? Link to pics, because if they were on the net, they are still on the net.
2.  Did  you see the 9 month backwards timeline? If so, what does that prove and why?
3. Did YOU see the "closet thing"? What is the closet thing and what is the source of the closet thing? What is the evidence supporting the closet assertion?
4. Can you post any "sweet" "flirty" tweets you feel support your conclusion they had an affair?
5. Picks of the matching fake tattoos, context in which it happened, and why it means they were having sex
6. The Daddy thing shows you will swallow anything as "proof" as long as it fits your conclusion. Same thing happened when the officer placed the taser near the body.
I see a pattern here where you shotgun a bunch of innuendos and questionable allegations with little support, in question form, pretending they mean something. You just hope something will stick..

With all due respect... You should not have to ask these questions.

If you aren't aware of these things - and the subsequent deletions on social media - then you should spend 15 minutes reading the stack of things, before coming on getbig and asking about it.  Just google it - the sites with pics do a far better job describing it than I could.  

Look at the pics, they tell a lot.  Matching tats and all those tweets, it's flirty at best, inappropriate at worst.  Someone accidentally uses Cruz' email to sign up at Ashley Madison, it's shady at best.  Someone accidentally uses Ted's phone to order hookers, coming soon?

The nation gets it too - Cruz numbers have sank since this affair accusation and his very tepid denial.  People smell it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:27:11 AM
I think this is the first time in the history of the Political Board that 99% of the people on here have agreed with something.

And when this lawyer come out, and says "In 97, Ted Cruz called this escort service several times"...

The ENTIRE argument will shift to "well, maybe someone else used his phone" and "maybe he was calling them to ask for directions..."

I smelled shady on cain's denial.  I smelled shady on Carson's denial.  And I smell shady on Cruz's denial.   That's just me.  It's funny when 99% of the place feels one way, but the way I pwned the shit out of people on cain/carson, they WANT me to be very wrong here.  I guess we'll see!
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:32:39 AM
FOX NEWS RADIO:  1 hour ago.

Lawyer searching for a way to release the names without going to jail.

Maintains it'll have a monster effect on the 2016 Prez election.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 11:34:17 AM
The big thing is the 2016 convention.   They're gonna pick the veep.  Likely on the 2nd round or later, once Trump takes the shit.   

They have to look at Cruz, and decide if the risk is worth it.  For me, for the sake of getbig discussion, I think he is no longer a safe bet.  Weak denial and blaming Trump for something we all saw team Rubio doing... he's been shady on the accusations, which stinks to me.

If the Ashley Madison stinks a little, and the denial is vague/weird, and he's done all these cute things like matching tattoos with hot 22 year old girls who work for him...

Eh, to ME, personally, he just looks like a high risk candidate.  AND if there is a credible lawyer with ironclad records claiming someone in the race now was knee deep in hooker booty in 97 and he's about to release the records to prove it... AND a paper that won a Pulitzer spanking Edwards for an affair made big claims...

He's just not a safe pick.  IMO, repubs should just pick Ryan, or Thune, or Portman, or Rubio, or whoever... strong conservative that isn't on Ashley Madison, that isn't vaguely denying affairs while wearing matching tats with young girls...   Just not the safe pick anymore.  I'm not saying he's this or that... I'm saying the stink is starting to add up, and repubs would be nuts to ignore it when making their selection at the convention.

credible lawyer?

you mean the guy that had his license suspended

iron clad proof ?

maybe you should wait until you actually see it to make that claim

Cruz's only job is to displace Trump and then get his ass handed to him in the general election and he's a perfectly safe pick for both of those roles
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 15, 2016, 11:38:57 AM
And when this lawyer come out, and says "In 97, Ted Cruz called this escort service several times"...

The ENTIRE argument will shift to "well, maybe someone else used his phone" and "maybe he was calling them to ask for directions..."

I smelled shady on cain's denial.  I smelled shady on Carson's denial.  And I smell shady on Cruz's denial.   That's just me.  It's funny when 99% of the place feels one way, but the way I pwned the shit out of people on cain/carson, they WANT me to be very wrong here.  I guess we'll see!

First it's "If" and second he wasn't married in 97 so who gives a shit if he paid some high priced whore?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 15, 2016, 11:40:10 AM
And when this lawyer come out, and says "In 97, Ted Cruz called this escort service several times"...

The ENTIRE argument will shift to "well, maybe someone else used his phone" and "maybe he was calling them to ask for directions..."

I smelled shady on cain's denial.  I smelled shady on Carson's denial.  And I smell shady on Cruz's denial.   That's just me.  It's funny when 99% of the place feels one way, but the way I pwned the shit out of people on cain/carson, they WANT me to be very wrong here.  I guess we'll see!

Nobody is saying the possibility of some horseplay isn't there but the problem is you always seem to take it to some level like you are trying to put together a 2 hour major motion film with all these Hollywood angles (bastard child, sex tapes, set Tuesday and Thursday schedule etc etc)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 11:42:27 AM
First it's "If" and second he wasn't married in 97 so who gives a shit if he paid some high priced whore?

he has denied it.  this would make him a liar. 
he's running as a conservative, religious, all that.  I don't think the repub base shows up to vote for him if he used hookers before marriage.

I don't care if politicians bang whores (unless they're sending other to prison for it).   But I would HATE to see Hilary cakewalk into the white house because Cruz accepts the nomination and then Hilary promptly releases this info, Obama pardons the guy, and Dems get another 8 years in the white house.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 11:42:50 AM
First it's "If" and second he wasn't married in 97 so who gives a shit if he paid some high priced whore?

If true it would likely still be a big problem whether he was married or not

If Cruz had to go out and publicly admit he did this I think he would be toast
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 15, 2016, 12:27:49 PM
he has denied it.  this would make him a liar. 
he's running as a conservative, religious, all that.  I don't think the repub base shows up to vote for him if he used hookers before marriage.

I don't care if politicians bang whores (unless they're sending other to prison for it).   But I would HATE to see Hilary cakewalk into the white house because Cruz accepts the nomination and then Hilary promptly releases this info, Obama pardons the guy, and Dems get another 8 years in the white house.

People lie about sexual things that are deemed "inappropriate". Like Bill Clinton... Lying about a BJ.

Who gives a shit?

These are things that shouldn't even be asked in the first place.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 12:35:23 PM
he has denied it.  this would make him a liar. 
he's running as a conservative, religious, all that.  I don't think the repub base shows up to vote for him if he used hookers before marriage.

I don't care if politicians bang whores (unless they're sending other to prison for it).   But I would HATE to see Hilary cakewalk into the white house because Cruz accepts the nomination and then Hilary promptly releases this info, Obama pardons the guy, and Dems get another 8 years in the white house.

man, it's really bizzaro land inside your skull

how the heck is Hilary going to release the info and how could she legally even do it

Also, what exactly is Obama going to pardon Cruz for. You think he's going to be charged of a crime and convicted in the next 6 months and why would Obama even get involved.   

Dude, you need to go outside and get some fresh air
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 15, 2016, 12:41:31 PM
man, it's really bizzaro land inside your skull

how the heck is Hilary going to release the info and how could she legally even do it

Also, what exactly is Obama going to pardon Cruz for. You think he's going to be charged of a crime and convicted in the next 6 months and why would Obama even get involved.   

Dude, you need to go outside and get some fresh air

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the statute of limitations on prostitution doesn't last 20 years.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 12:45:37 PM
You don't know the case. 

Pardon the attorney because he would be violating a court order by releasing the names. 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 12:47:41 PM
If true it would likely still be a big problem whether he was married or not

If Cruz had to go out and publicly admit he did this I think he would be toast


Any race against Hilary would be difficult enough.  Would rather not give religious conservatives a reason to stay home on Election Day.   I want a conservative republican to win this election.  I think too much sex scandal stuff is out there with Cruz name on it still. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 12:58:39 PM
You don't know the case. 

Pardon the attorney because he would be violating a court order by releasing the names. 

there is no case and I just misread your post

have you considered that this ex lawyer is just trying to get some attention and maybe make a few bucks from the notoriety?

btw - didn't this guy try to sue Obama in 2012? 

He's as nutty as you are, maybe even more
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 01:04:05 PM
there is no case and I just misread your post

have you considered that this ex lawyer is just trying to get some attention and maybe make a few bucks from the notoriety?

btw - didn't this guy try to sue Obama in 2012? 

He's as nutty as you are, maybe even more

But you can doubt the authentic of his list of 15,000 phone records?  The court took them from the phone company and logged them into evidence a decade ago.  They haven't changed.  They're real.

I consider him a left-wing hater trying to get trump elected (or hilary), which is why he's trying to shred Cruz right before the election.

BUT he hasn't been "wrong" about anything in this case, yet.    So while we can point out his motives... nobody's really saying people from those 174 companies didn't use their work phones to call in and ask for booty calls.  Nobody's saying the phone company made up records, etc.   

If your only defense if/when he outs cruz is "well, he's a nutjob", then I think that's not much of a defense.  Whatever his motives, I don't care... I care about Hilary not winning the white house.  And I think he'll time records release to do just that.

EXACT same thing happened with Edwards.... they HAD the proof but wanted to damage him most politically.... so they timed it.  I'm not saying this lawyer is a good person - but I am saying nobody is claiming his records are false in any way.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 01:26:21 PM
But you can doubt the authentic of his list of 15,000 phone records?  The court took them from the phone company and logged them into evidence a decade ago.  They haven't changed.  They're real.

I consider him a left-wing hater trying to get trump elected (or hilary), which is why he's trying to shred Cruz right before the election.

BUT he hasn't been "wrong" about anything in this case, yet.    So while we can point out his motives... nobody's really saying people from those 174 companies didn't use their work phones to call in and ask for booty calls.  Nobody's saying the phone company made up records, etc.   

If your only defense if/when he outs cruz is "well, he's a nutjob", then I think that's not much of a defense.  Whatever his motives, I don't care... I care about Hilary not winning the white house.  And I think he'll time records release to do just that.

EXACT same thing happened with Edwards.... they HAD the proof but wanted to damage him most politically.... so they timed it.  I'm not saying this lawyer is a good person - but I am saying nobody is claiming his records are false in any way.

both you and he are nutjobs

does that help

I've said many times I hope this guy has the goods on Cruz but until he releases it and we can see what it actually is then it's all just speculation

Can I make that any more clear for you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 01:39:30 PM
both you and he are nutjobs

Why is he a nutjob?   What has he said in the past which has been proven to be a lie?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 01:52:22 PM
Why is he a nutjob?   What has he said in the past which has been proven to be a lie?

let's start with his belief that Obama was not born in the US

you're a self appointed expert on this man and have called him a credible  lawyer even though his license was suspended (I think about 8 years ago) and he can't practice law.

Can you tell us why his license was suspended?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 15, 2016, 02:17:16 PM
Did he post the video yet?

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 02:21:55 PM
let's start with his belief that Obama was not born in the US

A lot of 'credible' people believe the US govt let benghazi happen.   

And that birth certificate was not made on a 1950s typewriter.  And trump (dem plant) was appointed in charge of making a mockery of the birther issue, and he did it magnificently.  Just as he's magnificently wrecking the GOP and getting his wedding buddy into office.

If your only way of discrediting the forthcoming ted cruz sex records are "well, I disagree with something else he believes in".... LOL!
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 02:50:46 PM
A lot of 'credible' people believe the US govt let benghazi happen.   

And that birth certificate was not made on a 1950s typewriter.  And trump (dem plant) was appointed in charge of making a mockery of the birther issue, and he did it magnificently.  Just as he's magnificently wrecking the GOP and getting his wedding buddy into office.

If your only way of discrediting the forthcoming ted cruz sex records are "well, I disagree with something else he believes in".... LOL!

you asked about one thing he's lied about and when I give it to you what you wanted you claim I'm trying to use it to discredit the so called "sex records?

Not sure why you decided to bring up Benghazi but I can say that a lot of credible people don't believe the US government let Benghazi happen

see how easy that is

now how about trying to stay on track

As the self appointed expert why don't you tell us why this guy hasn't been able to practice law since 1998?

Now try to focus and answer that question
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 03:41:17 PM
you asked about one thing he's lied about and when I give it to you

what did he lie about?   His belief the birth cert is faked?  A lot of credible photoshop experts believe it too.

What did this lawyer ever lie about?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 05:11:22 PM
what did he lie about?   His belief the birth cert is faked?  A lot of credible photoshop experts believe it too.

What did this lawyer ever lie about?

so you're just going to completely ignore my request of you to explain why this "credible lawyer" hasn't been able to practice law since 2008?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 05:41:30 PM
so you're just going to completely ignore my request of you to explain why this "credible lawyer" hasn't been able to practice law since 2008?

I'm happy to debate it point by point.   1) He lied... about what?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 15, 2016, 05:52:37 PM
Quote from: 240 is Back
I am sofa-king wee tawded
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 06:00:52 PM
I'm happy to debate it point by point.   1) He lied... about what?

I gave you an answer to that question
If you don't like it tough shit

If you want to evade explaining why this "credible lawyer" isn't allowed to practice law then just say so.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 15, 2016, 08:19:21 PM
I gave you an answer to that question
If you don't like it tough shit
If you want to evade explaining why this "credible lawyer" isn't allowed to practice law then just say so.

Is this your defense for when Cruz' name comes out?   This man somehow falsified company phone records ordered by the courts?   Magically, thanks to him being a birther, he was able to change them to frame Cruz, knowing he'd run a decade later?

Dude, if this has turned into you attacking the messenger, then you don't want to discuss the message ;)  And that's what repubs do when they can't defend their guy anymore. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 15, 2016, 08:35:26 PM
Is this your defense for when Cruz' name comes out?   This man somehow falsified company phone records ordered by the courts?   Magically, thanks to him being a birther, he was able to change them to frame Cruz, knowing he'd run a decade later?

Dude, if this has turned into you attacking the messenger, then you don't want to discuss the message ;)  And that's what repubs do when they can't defend their guy anymore. 

I would LOVE IT if Cruz is implicated with ironclad certainty

have I not made that clear?

you're insisting that we should all just look at a few strands of stories and allegations and draw a definitive conclusion

not just a definitive conclusion but the one that you've decided must be true

I hope you're right

should I repeat that one more time?

you mentioned  "a credible lawyer with ironclad records"

can you give us a link to that credible lawyer and those records?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 18, 2016, 10:56:52 AM
With all due respect... You should not have to ask these questions.

If you aren't aware of these things - and the subsequent deletions on social media - then you should spend 15 minutes reading the stack of things, before coming on getbig and asking about it.  Just google it - the sites with pics do a far better job describing it than I could.  

Look at the pics, they tell a lot.  Matching tats and all those tweets, it's flirty at best, inappropriate at worst.  Someone accidentally uses Cruz' email to sign up at Ashley Madison, it's shady at best.  Someone accidentally uses Ted's phone to order hookers, coming soon?

The nation gets it too - Cruz numbers have sank since this affair accusation and his very tepid denial.  People smell it.

With all due respect,

Every single time I spend even 5 minutes researching a rock solid claim you have, it turns in to mush... the Daddy tweet is one example. THAT'S why I have to ask YOU if you have even seen what you throw out there as "fact"
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 11:03:11 AM
Anyone seen the video yet?

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 18, 2016, 11:12:01 AM
in early march, rubio operatives in possession of the tape gave it to several news outlets.  Nat'l Enquirer has it, but you know their style of drip dripping the evidence so they can sell 6 months of issues.  Breitbart supposedly has it too.  

I have no clue when it'll come out.  If he is the nominee, there's a very good chance it comes out.

That shit with amanda carpenter is very troubling... her deleted tweets, calling Ted "daddy cruz" over and over...

but yall knew that, right?  She called him daddy over and over?

See, this is why I ask you.. you put out there as fact that Amanda called him Daddy Cruz over and over.. "But ya'll knew that right?"

Then when I check, I find she referred to him as Daddy Cruz ONE time... in reference to a cartoon the Washington post put out about his children. She said "Daddy Cruz is going to get you Washington Post."

So, where are all the other tweets where she refers to him as Daddy Cruz?? They don't exist. But you wouldn't know that based on your post that all but calls us idiots for not knowing something that didn't exist...... Hope this helps  

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 11:13:20 AM
Anyone seen the video yet?

The list of names may come first.

Washington Sweats...

capital's long, scandalous history is very much alive and has been traced to the archdiocese, among several thousand other places.

On Monday, court papers linked an archdiocese telephone to Deborah Jeane Palfrey, aka "The D.C. Madam," the woman at the center of a sensational high-level prostitution case that has kept some of Washington's powerful elite on edge for more than a decade now.

More precisely, Palfrey's phone records and an attorney trying to make them public have caused all the anxiety.

A court filing Monday didn't name names of who called the Madam's number; the filing just listed where some of her presumed customers worked.

The case goes back to the early 2000s, when Palfrey was arrested for prostitution-related charges and Washington went abuzz — or lost its buzz — with the discovery that thousands of names and phone numbers of presumed were available.

Things got a lot more serious for all involved when a federal jury found Palfrey guilty in April 2008 of racketeering charges and she committed suicide before her sentencing. As a result, her defense team never shared a CD contained information on those who called her service.

Court orders have forbidden the woman's attorneys from releasing the names.

A court filing first obtained Monday by WTOP radio, though, lists the archdiocese and 173 other entities that had dialed Palfrey's service, Pamela Martin & Associates, between 2000 and 20006, when it serves as as the D.C. Madam's call center.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 11:16:24 AM
Where is the link to the video of Cruz having sex with hookers and the video of the Cruz love child?  The one that Bill O'Reilly covered?  Must be all over the internet and all over the media. Can't seem to find it? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 11:39:33 AM
Where is the link to the video of Cruz having sex with hookers and the video of the Cruz love child?  The one that Bill O'Reilly covered?  Must be all over the internet and all over the media. Can't seem to find it? 

we waited what, 8 months for the full case against Edwards to come out?

Be patient, child.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 11:44:44 AM
So the compulsive liar is unable to post a link to the Cruz sex tape or the Cruz love child?

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Here is link to the transcripts of Bill O'Reilly's show.  I wonder if the compulsive liar can point us to the transcripts that cover Cruz having sex with hookers on video?  It must be huge news.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 11:47:26 AM
So the compulsive liar is unable to post a link to the Cruz sex tape or the Cruz love child?

Here is link to the transcripts of Bill O'Reilly's show.  I wonder if the compulsive liar can point us to the transcripts that cover Cruz having sex with hookers on video?  It must be huge news.

OReilly said Breitbart had the story and sat on it.   Where did I claim Bill O said there was a video?

You people like to make things up, Dos Excuses.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 11:52:40 AM
OReilly said Breitbart had the story and sat on it.   Where did I claim Bill O said there was a video?

You people like to make things up, Dos Excuses.

"Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right."

Follow along. 

The compulsive liar was asked for proof that there is video of Cruz having sex with hookers:

And proof of this:

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

The compulsive liar responded as follows:

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Where is the link to Bill O'Reilly covering these sex tapes? 

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 11:57:35 AM
I never said OReilly said there was a video.   OReilly covered Breitbart sitting on the STORY. 

I get it, you're confused, this is a complex story.   

No worries, you'll mock it and quote incorrect details until the scandal comes out.  You'll see Cruz called escorts and you'll cling to other parts of the story with "Oh, maybe he signed up for ashley madison and called for escorts, but you haven't yet proven the OTHER parts".

He stinks.  He is shady.  Just move on to another candidate, he's too big a risk. 

Unless you, a former bill clinton voter, kinda want another clinton to win the white house.  Is that the case?  ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 12:05:37 PM
I never said OReilly said there was a video.   OReilly covered Breitbart sitting on the STORY.  

I get it, you're confused, this is a complex story.  

No worries, you'll mock it and quote incorrect details until the scandal comes out.  You'll see Cruz called escorts and you'll cling to other parts of the story with "Oh, maybe he signed up for ashley madison and called for escorts, but you haven't yet proven the OTHER parts".

He stinks.  He is shady.  Just move on to another candidate, he's too big a risk.  

Unless you, a former bill clinton voter, kinda want another clinton to win the white house.  Is that the case?  ;)

Compulsive liars often have trouble keeping track of their falsehoods.  You are a prime example.  

The quote is abundantly clear:  "Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this."

According to the compulsive liar's quote:

(1) there was a video of Cruz have sex with hookers, but the "video hasn't been released publicly."

(2) "Rubio did release it to several medial outlets," with "it" being the video of Cruz having sex with hookers and of the Cruz love child.  

(3) "Breibart chose to sit on it," with "it" being the tape of Cruz having sex with hookers and of the Cruz love child.

(4) "NE did not."  Meaning the National Enquirer covered the tape of Cruz having sex with hookers and the Cruz love child.

(5)  "Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this."  And "this" was the Cruz sex tape and the Cruz love child.  

I know it's impossible for someone who is incapable of telling the truth to see how clear this is, but interesting to see how compulsive liars get hoisted by their own petard.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 18, 2016, 12:13:37 PM
I never said OReilly said there was a video.   OReilly covered Breitbart sitting on the STORY. 

I get it, you're confused, this is a complex story.   

No worries, you'll mock it and quote incorrect details until the scandal comes out.  You'll see Cruz called escorts and you'll cling to other parts of the story with "Oh, maybe he signed up for ashley madison and called for escorts, but you haven't yet proven the OTHER parts".

He stinks.  He is shady.  Just move on to another candidate, he's too big a risk. 

Unless you, a former bill clinton voter, kinda want another clinton to win the white house.  Is that the case?  ;)

Yeah, your statement indicates O'Reilly covered the release of the sex tapes and the news organization sitting on it.. If you want to change your story that's fine, but don't pretend you didn't say it
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 18, 2016, 12:48:26 PM
Has the "info" been released on the Ted Cruz "case" yet?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 01:09:54 PM
Dos Ex,

I get it.  You were very wrong on Cain & Carson scandal.  You were dragged thru shit on getbig for it, and you hid and licked wounds.

You want to be right on this one, you need it.  It's your Super Bowl, ya know?   

You can't believe that Cruz would do this, I get it.  I think there's something to it.  He hasn't sued the NE, has he?   Odd ;)  ANyway, as you know from past sex cases like with Edwards, it often takes months for all of the evidence to come out.   Take the time, let it happen.  When it does, we expect you'll go silent and nit pick over some small detail.  If 80% of it is proven true, you'll hem and haw about the other 20% that hasn't come to life.  It's what we expect of your kind, so it's cool.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 18, 2016, 01:51:31 PM
I never said OReilly said there was a video.   OReilly covered Breitbart sitting on the STORY. 

I get it, you're confused, this is a complex story.   

No worries, you'll mock it and quote incorrect details until the scandal comes out.  You'll see Cruz called escorts and you'll cling to other parts of the story with "Oh, maybe he signed up for ashley madison and called for escorts, but you haven't yet proven the OTHER parts".

He stinks.  He is shady.  Just move on to another candidate, he's too big a risk. 

Unless you, a former bill clinton voter, kinda want another clinton to win the white house.  Is that the case?  ;)

so complex that you referred to a guy who hasn't been able to practice law for the last 8 years as a "high profile lawyer"

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 18, 2016, 01:57:27 PM
Dos Ex,

I get it.  You were very wrong on Cain & Carson scandal.  You were dragged thru shit on getbig for it, and you hid and licked wounds.

You want to be right on this one, you need it.  It's your Super Bowl, ya know?   

You can't believe that Cruz would do this, I get it.  I think there's something to it.  He hasn't sued the NE, has he?   Odd ;)  ANyway, as you know from past sex cases like with Edwards, it often takes months for all of the evidence to come out.   Take the time, let it happen.  When it does, we expect you'll go silent and nit pick over some small detail.  If 80% of it is proven true, you'll hem and haw about the other 20% that hasn't come to life.  It's what we expect of your kind, so it's cool.

240 - you're off the deep end here .

The only one who seems to "need this" is you which is why everyone is busting balls

Why not just wait for the info to come out. 

I for one would love to see that smug doughy Cuban/Canadian have to publicly admit this is true

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 02:11:14 PM
Yeah, your statement indicates O'Reilly covered the release of the sex tapes and the news organization sitting on it.. If you want to change your story that's fine, but don't pretend you didn't say it

I'm not sure he's capable of admitting he just made it up.  It really is like a sickness.   :-\
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 18, 2016, 02:12:14 PM
I'm not sure he's capable of admitting he just made it up.  It really is like a sickness.   :-\

He didn't make it up, but he decided to follow up just the most worthless rumor and treat it as fact.

That's the problem.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 02:16:37 PM
He didn't make it up, but he decided to follow up just the most worthless rumor and treat it as fact.

That's the problem.

If he didn't make it up then where is the link to the video or a story about the video, or the Bill O'Reilly coverage of the video? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 18, 2016, 02:27:54 PM
Dos Ex,

I get it.  You were very wrong on Cain & Carson scandal.  You were dragged thru shit on getbig for it, and you hid and licked wounds.

You want to be right on this one, you need it.  It's your Super Bowl, ya know?   

You can't believe that Cruz would do this, I get it.  I think there's something to it.  He hasn't sued the NE, has he?   Odd ;)  ANyway, as you know from past sex cases like with Edwards, it often takes months for all of the evidence to come out.   Take the time, let it happen.  When it does, we expect you'll go silent and nit pick over some small detail.  If 80% of it is proven true, you'll hem and haw about the other 20% that hasn't come to life.  It's what we expect of your kind, so it's cool.
He can't sue when the NE reports that there are alligations and some evidence...not that they are making the alligations and have the evidence. Why isn't this bigger....why isn;t this everywhere. The main stream media has made it there duty to ensure Trump takes on Hilary so they can sell tickets to the car crash. They can't afford to have a guy who is 4 billion times smarter then trump and hil and operates like fucking rain man in a debate...make it to the national ticket. A scandle like this is taylor made but we're getting nothing. Cause there ain't nothing there....if and when there is, fine. But Jesus H Christ...relax Francis.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 18, 2016, 02:31:38 PM
If he didn't make it up then where is the link to the video or a story about the video, or the Bill O'Reilly coverage of the video? 

Well, I'm sure he "read" about a bunch of rumors and is just regurgitating what those rumors are.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 02:32:50 PM
Well, I'm sure he "read" about a bunch of rumors and is just regurgitating what those rumors are.

You're giving him too much credit. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 02:33:21 PM
He can't sue when the NE reports that there are alligations and some evidence...not that they are making the alligations and have the evidence. Why isn't this bigger....why isn;t this everywhere. The main stream media has made it there duty to ensure Trump takes on Hilary so they can sell tickets to the car crash. They can't afford to have a guy who is 4 billion times smarter then trump and hil and operates like fucking rain man in a debate...make it to the national ticket. A scandle like this is taylor made but we're getting nothing. Cause there ain't nothing there....if and when there is, fine. But Jesus H Christ...relax Francis.

I agree. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 02:54:18 PM
He didn't make it up, but he decided to follow up just the most worthless rumor and treat it as fact.

That's the problem.

To me, the case stinks enough that I would bet it'll hurt Cruz against Hilary.   It's not worth the risk.

Everyone is waiting for the lawyer to release the info.  Will he do it on the eve of the convention, to completely undermine Cruz on the 2nd ballot?  It may make sense to do that. 

The lawyer was on Alan Colmes radio show last week - he's high profile, sorry but he's very much in the news, he's high profile. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 02:58:02 PM
Why isn't this bigger....why isn;t this everywhere. The main stream media has made it there duty to ensure Trump takes on Hilary so they can sell tickets to the car crash. They can't afford to have a guy who is 4 billion times smarter then trump and hil and operates like fucking rain man in a debate...make it to the national ticket. A scandle like this is taylor made but we're getting nothing. Cause there ain't nothing there....if and when there is, fine. But Jesus H Christ...relax Francis.

I do'nt think the dems WANT to use the scandal yet.   Cause right now, it just means the repubs choose Ryan or someone else on ballot two.   Rather, they use this scandal on Cruz in October when he's the nominee, there ain't no coming back, and then they sink him with the stuff the rubio team was shopping around.   It benefits hilary MUCH more to use it later - and I fear she will.

Most people saw that Cruz did have an account on Ashley madison, and they're not shocked.  Dude lived apart from his family.  Dude was VERY close and affectionate with several young 20something hot girls working on his staff.  

Getbiggers aren't saying "No, I think this 44 year old man living alone wouldn't try to get some ass on the side."   Rather, they're saying "but but you can't PROVE today that Cruz did ALL these things..."  

The presidency is at risk and you're not willing to step back, remove the emotion, and say "did this guy probably have something going..."    Anyone here with any bit of life experience realizes a rich & powerful man living alone, surrounded by those enthralled with him, probably gets a little play.  That's just how it is.  I know, until there is 10 forms of evidence, you won't believe it.   

But he's not a safe bet.  That's what I'm saying.  Agree or disagree?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 18, 2016, 03:03:07 PM
I do'nt think the dems WANT to use the scandal yet.   Cause right now, it just means the repubs choose Ryan or someone else on ballot two.   Rather, they use this scandal on Cruz in October when he's the nominee, there ain't no coming back, and then they sink him with the stuff the rubio team was shopping around.   It benefits hilary MUCH more to use it later - and I fear she will.

Most people saw that Cruz did have an account on Ashley madison, and they're not shocked.  Dude lived apart from his family.  Dude was VERY close and affectionate with several young 20something hot girls working on his staff. 

Getbiggers aren't saying "No, I think this 44 year old man living alone wouldn't try to get some ass on the side."   Rather, they're saying "but but you can't PROVE today that Cruz did ALL these things..."   

yet again, ZERO proof that Ted Cruz had an AM account

once again you take the flimsiest of information and drawn a definitive conclusion

and as you wrote you CAN'T prove any of these things but I guess in your case who needs proof.  You just jump ahead to the iron clad conclusion and then mock everyone who doesn't join you in running over that cliff.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 18, 2016, 03:05:50 PM
To me, the case stinks enough that I would bet it'll hurt Cruz against Hilary.   It's not worth the risk.

Everyone is waiting for the lawyer to release the info.  Will he do it on the eve of the convention, to completely undermine Cruz on the 2nd ballot?  It may make sense to do that.  

The lawyer was on Alan Colmes radio show last week - he's high profile, sorry but he's very much in the news, he's high profile.  

is someone who is not allowed to practice law referred to as a lawyer

maybe this non-lawyer will tease this story for as long as he can to get as much attention as he can and then in the end he say he can't release it because he doesn't want to go to jail

If that happens, I assume you'll take that as even more iron clad proof that what you already believe is in fact true and the lack of evidence is somehow, in and of itself, evidence of malfeasance
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 18, 2016, 03:06:21 PM
I do'nt think the dems WANT to use the scandal yet.   Cause right now, it just means the repubs choose Ryan or someone else on ballot two.   Rather, they use this scandal on Cruz in October when he's the nominee, there ain't no coming back, and then they sink him with the stuff the rubio team was shopping around.   It benefits hilary MUCH more to use it later - and I fear she will.

Most people saw that Cruz did have an account on Ashley madison, and they're not shocked.  Dude lived apart from his family.  Dude was VERY close and affectionate with several young 20something hot girls working on his staff.  

Getbiggers aren't saying "No, I think this 44 year old man living alone wouldn't try to get some ass on the side."   Rather, they're saying "but but you can't PROVE today that Cruz did ALL these things..."  

The presidency is at risk and you're not willing to step back, remove the emotion, and say "did this guy probably have something going..."    Anyone here with any bit of life experience realizes a rich & powerful man living alone, surrounded by those enthralled with him, probably gets a little play.  That's just how it is.  I know, until there is 10 forms of evidence, you won't believe it.   

But he's not a safe bet.  That's what I'm saying.  Agree or disagree?

Crushing any opposition to the the retard that is donald trump is media job one...they would much prefer that to Hil/Trump and deconstruct Trump as their ratings explode vs Cruz/Hil....
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 18, 2016, 03:08:00 PM
is someone who is not allowed to practice law referred to as a lawyer

maybe this non-lawyer will tease this story for as long as he can to get as much attention as he can and then in the end he say he can't release it because he doesn't want to go to jail

If that happens, I assume you'll take that as even more iron clad proof that what you already believe is in fact true and the lack of evidence is somehow, in and of itself, evidence of malfeasance

I read a law books once.....

anyhow nothing brings getbiggers of all stripes together faster then one of 240's retarded consiracy theories.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 18, 2016, 03:12:54 PM

I read a law books once.....

anyhow nothing brings getbiggers of all stripes together faster then one of 240's retarded consiracy theories.

And Donald Trump.   :)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on April 18, 2016, 03:38:53 PM
I hope somebody starts a new thread when there is some proof so I don't have to read all that.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2016, 05:12:55 PM
yet again, ZERO proof that Ted Cruz had an AM account

Someone had to open Ted's email and approve/activate the AM account ;)

You can't just sign people up... it's actually a fairly involved process to set up an account.  Do I believe Cruz wanted a discreet means of hooking up?  Sure, he's a red blooded male living on his own and the site promises discretion.

Why did you say there was zero proof he had an account?  Did you not read the story?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 18, 2016, 05:45:18 PM

Someone had to open Ted's email and approve/activate the AM account ;)

You can't just sign people up... it's actually a fairly involved process to set up an account.  Do I believe Cruz wanted a discreet means of hooking up?  Sure, he's a red blooded male living on his own and the site promises discretion.

Why did you say there was zero proof he had an account?  Did you not read the story?

That's not true. Ashley Madison accounts can be started with any email address and they would be in the database. Whether or not they confirmed it or not.

The worst part is that YOU KNOW THIS.

What are the uncovered users going to tell their partners? For one, they can believably claim identity theft. The site encouraged users to set up free, anonymous e-mail addresses, so why would anybody use a real name? As cybersecurity blogger Graham Cluley put it, "I could have created an account at Ashley Madison with the address of, but it wouldn't have meant that Obama was a user of the site."

There are 15,000 addresses in .gov and .mil domains, suggesting their owners were government employees or military officers. Each of these people could have set up an account -- whether to have an affair or out of curiosity -- or been spoofed, set up by an ill-wisher, or picked at random by someone looking at his mailbox when signing up. Michelle Thompson, a member of the U.K. parliament from the Scottish National Party, has already said her e-mail address had been used without her knowledge. No one can prove her wrong.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 18, 2016, 06:32:21 PM

Someone had to open Ted's email and approve/activate the AM account ;)

You can't just sign people up... it's actually a fairly involved process to set up an account.  Do I believe Cruz wanted a discreet means of hooking up?  Sure, he's a red blooded male living on his own and the site promises discretion.

Why did you say there was zero proof he had an account? Did you not read the story?

I said it because there is ZERO PROOF that Ted Cruz had an AM account

For fucks sake we've been over this before.

The email address in question was:

Clearly an email address for press to send info and probably tons of other info to be sent to his office.  That inbox is probalby full of spam on a daily basis. It was likely monitored by many people and the password was likely known.  And also probably easy to hack (try to keep in mind the only reason this email address is know is because Ashely Madison got hacked)

In spite of all that, there is no proof there was even an active AM account.  Anyone could have taken that email and tried to create an account.

If you were Ted Cruz and you intended to solicit women for adultery would you use that fucking address????

Would you even use your personal senate address or would you make up a hotmail/yahoo account or some other address.  

I can't figure out if you're really this gullible or just fucking stupid.

You know this info (remember you're the self appointed expert of this "case" and have scolded everyone for not know the facts) and you've decided if this address was in anyway associated with an Ashley Madison account then the only conclusion (or most likely conclusion) is that  it MUST have been Ted Cruz who used it.

That's the best possible conclusion in your mind.  Nothing else to consider and no doubt whatsoever

I hope you're just trolling on this thread because the alternative is much worse
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 18, 2016, 07:01:11 PM
I do'nt think the dems WANT to use the scandal yet.   Cause right now, it just means the repubs choose Ryan or someone else on ballot two.   Rather, they use this scandal on Cruz in October when he's the nominee, there ain't no coming back, and then they sink him with the stuff the rubio team was shopping around.   It benefits hilary MUCH more to use it later - and I fear she will.

Most people saw that Cruz did have an account on Ashley madison, and they're not shocked.  Dude lived apart from his family.  Dude was VERY close and affectionate with several young 20something hot girls working on his staff.  

Getbiggers aren't saying "No, I think this 44 year old man living alone wouldn't try to get some ass on the side."   Rather, they're saying "but but you can't PROVE today that Cruz did ALL these things..."  

The presidency is at risk and you're not willing to step back, remove the emotion, and say "did this guy probably have something going..."    Anyone here with any bit of life experience realizes a rich & powerful man living alone, surrounded by those enthralled with him, probably gets a little play.  That's just how it is.  I know, until there is 10 forms of evidence, you won't believe it.   

But he's not a safe bet.  That's what I'm saying.  Agree or disagree?

What scandal are you talking about?

What Ashley Madison account?

You've gone full retard.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: iwantmass on April 18, 2016, 09:21:01 PM
I said it because there is ZERO PROOF that Ted Cruz had an AM account

For fucks sake we've been over this before.

The email address in question was:

Clearly an email address for press to send info and probably tons of other info to be sent to his office.  That inbox is probalby full of spam on a daily basis. It was likely monitored by many people and the password was likely known.  And also probably easy to hack (try to keep in mind the only reason this email address is know is because Ashely Madison got hacked)

In spite of all that, there is no proof there was even an active AM account.  Anyone could have taken that email and tried to create an account.

If you were Ted Cruz and you intended to solicit women for adultery would you use that fucking address????

Would you even use your personal senate address or would you make up a hotmail/yahoo account or some other address.  

I can't figure out if you're really this gullible or just fucking stupid.

You know this info (remember you're the self appointed expert of this "case" and have scolded everyone for not know the facts) and you've decided if this address was in anyway associated with an Ashley Madison account then the only conclusion (or most likely conclusion) is that  it MUST have been Ted Cruz who used it.

That's the best possible conclusion in your mind.  Nothing else to consider and no doubt whatsoever

I hope you're just trolling on this thread because the alternative is much worse

You are arguing with the biggest liar on this forum.   His lies are why multiple men have slapped him in the face.  That is why he tells all of his lies on this forum now, and avoids public confrontation.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: James on April 19, 2016, 06:26:54 AM
I said it because there is ZERO PROOF that Ted Cruz had an AM account

For fucks sake we've been over this before.

The email address in question was:

Clearly an email address for press to send info and probably tons of other info to be sent to his office.  That inbox is probalby full of spam on a daily basis. It was likely monitored by many people and the password was likely known.  And also probably easy to hack (try to keep in mind the only reason this email address is know is because Ashely Madison got hacked)

In spite of all that, there is no proof there was even an active AM account.  Anyone could have taken that email and tried to create an account.

If you were Ted Cruz and you intended to solicit women for adultery would you use that fucking address????

Would you even use your personal senate address or would you make up a hotmail/yahoo account or some other address.  

I can't figure out if you're really this gullible or just fucking stupid.

You know this info (remember you're the self appointed expert of this "case" and have scolded everyone for not know the facts) and you've decided if this address was in anyway associated with an Ashley Madison account then the only conclusion (or most likely conclusion) is that  it MUST have been Ted Cruz who used it.

That's the best possible conclusion in your mind.  Nothing else to consider and no doubt whatsoever

I hope you're just trolling on this thread because the alternative is much worse

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 19, 2016, 07:54:33 AM
A guy who can memorize anything he hears and clerked for the supreme court uses a gov address to cheat on his wife and this is the evidence that 240 believes. This shit is what gets 17 pages but Hil and her actually crimes...crickets.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 10:21:57 AM
Another day and no link to the Cruz sex tape or Cruz love child? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 12:58:10 PM
Another day and no link to the Cruz sex tape or Cruz love child? 

It's going to be a sad day when the dems release the evidence of shady sexual behavior and it propels hilary to the win.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 19, 2016, 01:17:01 PM
It's going to be a sad day when the dems release the evidence of shady sexual behavior and it propels hilary to the win.

what seems to escape you is NOONE has ever said they don't believe a Ted Cruz could do such a thing. They've actually said they hope he did, he could have etc etc. Where you and the rational people part ways is your forgone conclusion based on flimsy questionable information that it did indeed happen
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 02:17:55 PM
what seems to escape you is NOONE has ever said they don't believe a Ted Cruz could do such a thing. They've actually said they hope he did, he could have etc etc. Where you and the rational people part ways is your forgone conclusion based on flimsy questionable information that it did indeed happen

I think it's a fair possibility that a 44 year old dude with lots of money and power didn't go for years without getting ass, while living on his own.  That is just something I believe.

I also think in this day and age, if a person is considered top 20 in the party to be running for president in the coming years, the opposition keeps tabs on them.  IF any kind of rendevouz is happening (and this points to belief 1 that the dude is getting some play), then I think someone gets evidence of it.  Too public, too obvious...

So I think it's likely he got ass.   And I think it's likely others know about it.   And seeing as he's the ONLY one in this race or in recent history getting eviscerated by the national enquirer, and he ain't suing shit over it... I think there's something to it.  If there's something to it, then Hilary WILL burn him with it come election time.

Just too big a risk.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 02:42:45 PM
This is what is confusing to me.   Repubs ADMIT they believe 44 year old man living on his own probably got ass.  But they deny any trace would remain, they deny the NE story shows any semblance of affair footprints lef behind, AND they deny iit'll have any impact on the upcoming race if he's the nominee.

Short-sighted thinking.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 02:48:07 PM
I think it's a fair possibility that a 44 year old dude with lots of money and power didn't go for years without getting ass, while living on his own.  That is just something I believe.

I also think in this day and age, if a person is considered top 20 in the party to be running for president in the coming years, the opposition keeps tabs on them.  IF any kind of rendevouz is happening (and this points to belief 1 that the dude is getting some play), then I think someone gets evidence of it.  Too public, too obvious...

So I think it's likely he got ass.   And I think it's likely others know about it.   And seeing as he's the ONLY one in this race or in recent history getting eviscerated by the national enquirer, and he ain't suing shit over it... I think there's something to it.  If there's something to it, then Hilary WILL burn him with it come election time.

Just too big a risk.

translation = I'm ignoring everything and going with my gut assumption based on having zero personal knowledge of the person in question

and of course, also insisting that everyone who doesn't agree is "short sighted" or worse
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 19, 2016, 02:56:22 PM
oh boy  ::)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 02:57:33 PM
translation = I'm ignoring everything and going with my gut assumption based on having zero personal knowledge of the person in question

I know that Cruz has delivered some pretty big lies during the campaign.   Things I never thought I'd hear from him, even reporting Cruz bailed BEFORE Iowa voted, shadily scooping his people then waiting hours to retract it.  Shady lies about it afterwards too, citing CNN as the source while they were VERY adamant about their timeline of correcting it - which Cruz neglected to do.

He showed he can be as shady as needed to win votes, so when he denied a Rubio-pushed story by attacking the WRONG messenger (Trump), I kinda felt like he was full of shit on this issue.  

So yeah, I think he's lying.  And I think if he's the nominee, Hilary uses it in October and he drops as a result.  He's just too shady - we saw that shady when Cain denied affairs with a smirk and promised a poly... when Carson made up unbelievable stories on the fly... that shady is obvious to many.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 03:03:13 PM
I know that Cruz has delivered some pretty big lies during the campaign.   Things I never thought I'd hear from him, even reporting Cruz bailed BEFORE Iowa voted, shadily scooping his people then waiting hours to retract it.  Shady lies about it afterwards too, citing CNN as the source while they were VERY adamant about their timeline of correcting it - which Cruz neglected to do.

He showed he can be as shady as needed to win votes, so when he denied a Rubio-pushed story by attacking the WRONG messenger (Trump), I kinda felt like he was full of shit on this issue.  

So yeah, I think he's lying.  And I think if he's the nominee, Hilary uses it in October and he drops as a result.  He's just too shady - we saw that shady when Cain denied affairs with a smirk and promised a poly... when Carson made up unbelievable stories on the fly... that shady is obvious to many.

Didn't Cain actually settle lawsuits from multiple women?

Not exactly the same thing is it?

If NOTHING comes out on Cruz are you still just going to continue to assume (and insist) that everything you believe is true

just wondering
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 19, 2016, 03:05:22 PM
Hate to admit it, but on the other thread about Cruz eating pizza, there is solid 240 evidence he is guilty. Guess we were wrong
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 03:10:25 PM
Hate to admit it, but on the other thread about Cruz eating pizza, there is solid 240 evidence he is guilty. Guess we were wrong

You have to admit that he eats pizza just like some would if they had cheated on their wife with multiple mistressess and prostitutes

I think that's pretty obvious

anyone who doesn't agree is just short sighted and well, fucking crazy
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 03:16:56 PM
Didn't Cain actually settle lawsuits from multiple women?

Initially, many defended that as "Oh, that's what happens when you're a rich and powerful conservative, people sue you and try to bring you down, he's just a victim of these lying liberals".

And when he said, word for word, "I have not done anything in appropriate in 43 years of marriage", maybe here believed that as well.  Their bullshit detectors are weak when it comes to a candidate they like. 

If it was a 44 year old co-worker who had spent half his marriage living separated ion other states...
He showed up in the ashley madison database...
He had lots of pics with younger chicks, matching tats, her wearing his jacket, lots of flirty tweets about him from them...
He had a recent history of lying a lot...
He had a pulitzer winning author (who had outed other politicians) writing a story about his infidelity...

Well, that woudln't be the co-worker I'd choose to represent my company in a big capacity.  I'd just roll with another employee.  I wouldn't call for the dude to be fired, BUT I woudln't make him the face of my firm, that's for sure.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on April 19, 2016, 03:20:40 PM
Initially, many defended that as "Oh, that's what happens when you're a rich and powerful conservative, people sue you and try to bring you down, he's just a victim of these lying liberals".

And when he said, word for word, "I have not done anything in appropriate in 43 years of marriage", maybe here believed that as well.  Their bullshit detectors are weak when it comes to a candidate they like. 

If it was a 44 year old co-worker who had spent half his marriage living separated ion other states...
He showed up in the ashley madison database...
He had lots of pics with younger chicks, matching tats, her wearing his jacket, lots of flirty tweets about him from them...
He had a recent history of lying a lot...
He had a pulitzer winning author (who had outed other politicians) writing a story about his infidelity...

Well, that woudln't be the co-worker I'd choose to represent my company in a big capacity.  I'd just roll with another employee.  I wouldn't call for the dude to be fired, BUT I woudln't make him the face of my firm, that's for sure.

Fortunately we live in a society where you are innocent until proven guilty in these matters. Otherwise...
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 03:20:52 PM
Initially, many defended that as "Oh, that's what happens when you're a rich and powerful conservative, people sue you and try to bring you down, he's just a victim of these lying liberals".

And when he said, word for word, "I have not done anything in appropriate in 43 years of marriage", maybe here believed that as well.  Their bullshit detectors are weak when it comes to a candidate they like. 

If it was a 44 year old co-worker who had spent half his marriage living separated ion other states...
He showed up in the ashley madison database...
He had lots of pics with younger chicks, matching tats, her wearing his jacket, lots of flirty tweets about him from them...
He had a recent history of lying a lot...
He had a pulitzer winning author (who had outed other politicians) writing a story about his infidelity...

Well, that woudln't be the co-worker I'd choose to represent my company in a big capacity.  I'd just roll with another employee.  I wouldn't call for the dude to be fired, BUT I woudln't make him the face of my firm, that's for sure.

He didn't show up in the Ashley Madison database

You have ZERO personal knowledge of his marriage or how much time he spent away from this family and assuming just because he might have been alone that he had to be cheating is absurd

You have a recent history of lying as well.  I guess we have to assume that means you're cheating on your wife.  

Just stop with this nonsense already and wait for some actual, verifiable and credible facts to come out

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 03:22:54 PM

He didn't show up in the Ashley Madison database
You have ZERO personal knowledge of his marriage or how much time he spent away from this family and assuming just because he might have been alone that he had to be cheating is absurd
You have a recent history of lying as well.  I guess we have to assume that means you're cheating on your wife. 
Just stop with this nonsense already and wait for some actual, verifiable and credible facts to come out

I leave this thread alone unless there's relevant news with it.   That overweight dipshit liberal moderator keeps bumping it, with the same question, so I keep responding.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 03:31:24 PM
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 19, 2016, 03:39:22 PM
This is what is confusing to me.   Repubs ADMIT they believe 44 year old man living on his own probably got ass.  But they deny any trace would remain, they deny the NE story shows any semblance of affair footprints lef behind, AND they deny iit'll have any impact on the upcoming race if he's the nominee.

Short-sighted thinking.

You still haven't provided any proofs, facts or evidence to support you claims.

But, please, continue to tell us about how Herman Fucking Cain means Ted Cruz banged hookers, has an army of hidden love children, has an Ashley Madison account and has the Super Discount Points Card with D.C. Madame, Inc.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 04:13:48 PM
You still haven't provided any proofs, facts or evidence to support you claims.

But, please, continue to tell us about how Herman Fucking Cain means Ted Cruz banged hookers, has an army of hidden love children, has an Ashley Madison account and has the Super Discount Points Card with D.C. Madame, Inc.

We discuss many things on getbig where the story is still incomplete.  I'm sorry if the full details of the sex scandal brewing against Cruz haven't come out on a timeline more conductive to our discussions here.

They'll use it to hurt him most politicially... that doesn't happen today.  Imagine this shit dropping the night before the convention, video of cruz and a side dish hitting the same hotel over and over... he'd be toast on ballot 2 if that happened.  Do it TODAY, and Trump probably hits 1300 delegates.  Serves the GOP better for the story to come out later too.  

So anyway, I'm sorry I cannot prove any legal case against him (today).  He stinks.  It stinks.  I wouldn't put 4 to 8 years of a Presidency on a man who stinks like this, who lies like he has, who lives separate and acts like he does with the young girls.  Matching fcking tattoos, with a 20-something chick, and you want to be the leader of the free world?  Come on.  
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 19, 2016, 04:29:10 PM
We discuss many things on getbig where the story is still incomplete.  I'm sorry if the full details of the sex scandal brewing against Cruz haven't come out on a timeline more conductive to our discussions here.

They'll use it to hurt him most politicially... that doesn't happen today.  Imagine this shit dropping the night before the convention, video of cruz and a side dish hitting the same hotel over and over... he'd be toast on ballot 2 if that happened.  Do it TODAY, and Trump probably hits 1300 delegates.  Serves the GOP better for the story to come out later too.  

So anyway, I'm sorry I cannot prove any legal case against him (today).  He stinks.  It stinks.  I wouldn't put 4 to 8 years of a Presidency on a man who stinks like this, who lies like he has, who lives separate and acts like he does with the young girls.  Matching fcking tattoos, with a 20-something chick, and you want to be the leader of the free world?  Come on.  

Okay, so at least you sort of admit that you have nothing in the way of anything to prove anything. No facts, no actual evidence, zero proof.

He stinks because he has a matching temporary tattoo with a co-worker? Let me guess, the Tweets prove everything! That was really a giant box of condoms on her bed which means she is a Ted Cruz hooker!

What you've done with this Cruz thing is what many lunatics do who try to tell everyone they know (usually while wearing a tin foil hat on a street corner) that such and such was a conspiracy and the aliens are REALLY coming this time.

If one were to take all of your posts on this subject and delete everything except for the hard and true facts, proof and evidence you simply wouldn't have any posts left. You don't have anything approaching anything on this.

and you calling this a "scandal" or a "case" is laughable. But please, keep telling his this "stinks" and John Edwards and Herman Cain and tattoo's and totally credible lawyers who aren't actually lawyers anymore because they were disbarred.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 04:38:30 PM
Okay, so at least you sort of admit that you have nothing in the way of anything to prove anything. No facts, no actual evidence, zero proof.

the pulitzer winning writer at the NE says he has the evidence.   As does the dc madam lawyer.  I believe both of them.   Lawyer outed a shitload of us agencies, and cruz won't sue the NE.   

Wrecking him with the story in April just ushers in Trump or Ryan.  Wrecking him with it later puts dems in a stronger position.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on April 19, 2016, 05:23:11 PM
the pulitzer winning writer at the NE says he has the evidence.   As does the dc madam lawyer.  I believe both of them.   Lawyer outed a shitload of us agencies, and cruz won't sue the NE.   

Wrecking him with the story in April just ushers in Trump or Ryan.  Wrecking him with it later puts dems in a stronger position.

So again, you have nothing, zero. No facts, no evidence, no proof. Nothing, you have nothing.

Thank you for, sort of, admitting it.

Gotta walk before you can crawl, I suppose.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 05:25:20 PM
the pulitzer winning writer at the NE says he has the evidence.   As does the dc madam lawyer.  I believe both of them.   Lawyer outed a shitload of us agencies, and cruz won't sue the NE.   

Wrecking him with the story in April just ushers in Trump or Ryan.  Wrecking him with it later puts dems in a stronger position.

you know what would be cool

If you provided a link
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 05:27:23 PM
you know what would be cool

If you provided a link

Why are you in page 18 of this thread if you haven't even read the link to the NE story/details on page 1 of this thread?

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 05:36:36 PM
Why are you in page 18 of this thread if you haven't even read the link to the NE story/details on page 1 of this thread?

You're referring to the National Enquirer again?
I thought you had something new.
What's next.  Will you repeat again that he had an Ashley Madison a count?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 05:37:03 PM

What you've done with this Cruz thing is what many lunatics do who try to tell everyone they know (usually while wearing a tin foil hat on a street corner) that such and such was a conspiracy and the aliens are REALLY coming this time.

lol.  That's exactly what he is:  a tin foil hat wearing lying lunatic.    
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 05:46:02 PM
Well look at this.  Trolls gonna troll.  lol 

Have you seen the stories over the past few days?
Rush, Levin and laura ingraham all destroying Bush, calling him a RINO, saying that repubs cannot make that same mistake again.

I heard a great item... repubs have won big FIVE times since 1980.  EVERY TIME they won women.  1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2010 - EVERY TIME they had a very conservative ticket, with 2010 being that mid-term tea party big year.   And think of the years where repubs went RINO... 2008, 2012, both bad defeats, both with a RINO.

Cruz or Lose.  Walker, maybe, but IMO he hasn't been vetted nationally yet... I don't fear Cruz skeletons in closet.  With walker, I do.  He admitted he thought about using violence to get a peaceful protest to riot level... anyone that careless surely has ten years of mistakes following him.  Cruz, he's just too "goober" to have that kind of reckless past.   

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 05:49:04 PM

face it, Carson lied about a lot.  Whether it's 8 things or 10 things... his stories are false.

Why stick with him?  Why not choose Cruz now?  Cause when you want to join his camp next week, those of us who have been supporting him the entire time are going to call you a bandwagon fan.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: headhuntersix on April 19, 2016, 06:08:14 PM
You know what I hope. I hope Trump wins, yup I hope he wins. Then I can sit back with a bourbon and a cigar...maybe on my Harley and watch the rest of the country burn, that which Obama hasn't. It will be in 08 when Brady blew his knew out. Football was fun again...the Pats weren't expected to win every game. Now with this asshole I can say I told you so to both Dems, and the idiots who voted for him. He's exactly what you get when you vote in an Obama. Christ knows how all this ends with this guy. I think he might say Oh shit and faint during his inauguration speech. Yup...presure is off. He ain't a con, he isn't a lefty dem...he's just a weird new york rich guy without a clue...perhaps what we deserve for 8 years of Obama and 60 years of lib activisism crushing the country. Not the the russians, ragheads or chinese...a half black commie and a badly tanned hairweave draft dodger with small hands and bad feet do us in
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 06:14:02 PM
You know what I hope. I hope Trump wins, yup I hope he wins. Then I can sit back with a bourbon and a cigar...maybe on my Harley and watch the rest of the country burn, that which Obama hasn't. It will be in 08 when Brady blew his knew out. Football was fun again...the Pats weren't expected to win every game. Now with this asshole I can say I told you so to both Dems, and the idiots who voted for him. He's exactly what you get when you vote in an Obama. Christ knows how all this ends with this guy. I think he might say Oh shit and faint during his inauguration speech. Yup...presure is off. He ain't a con, he isn't a lefty dem...he's just a weird new york rich guy without a clue...perhaps what we deserve for 8 years of Obama and 60 years of lib activisism crushing the country. Not the the russians, ragheads or chinese...a half black commie and a badly tanned hairweave draft dodger with small hands and bad feet do us in

I've already decided to boycott TV coverage if Hillary or Trump wins.  I've already been unable to listen to Obama for years.  Trump and Hillary will be equally as bad, if not worse.  I'll just rely on the internet and print media. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 06:25:19 PM
You know what I hope. I hope Trump wins, yup I hope he wins. Then I can sit back with a bourbon and a cigar...maybe on my Harley and watch the rest of the country burn, that which Obama hasn't. It will be in 08 when Brady blew his knew out. Football was fun again...the Pats weren't expected to win every game. Now with this asshole I can say I told you so to both Dems, and the idiots who voted for him. He's exactly what you get when you vote in an Obama. Christ knows how all this ends with this guy. I think he might say Oh shit and faint during his inauguration speech. Yup...presure is off. He ain't a con, he isn't a lefty dem...he's just a weird new york rich guy without a clue...perhaps what we deserve for 8 years of Obama and 60 years of lib activisism crushing the country. Not the the russians, ragheads or chinese...a half black commie and a badly tanned hairweave draft dodger with small hands and bad feet do us in

which part of the country has Obama burned?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on April 19, 2016, 06:26:59 PM
I've already decided to boycott TV coverage if Hillary or Trump wins.  I've already been unable to listen to Obama for years.  Trump and Hillary will be equally as bad, if not worse.  I'll just rely on the internet and print media. 

In your case the absence of all the bullshit you get from Faux news might lead to you becoming more informed
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 07:12:08 PM
Well look at this.  Trolls gonna troll.  lol 

A year later, almost to the day, the NE story came out.  Voila.  We learned about skeletons in his closet. 

Dos Excuses, you were supremely embarrassed and ashamed after being so wrong on the Carson and Cain stories.  You'll be equally wrong here.  You did the premature gloat on those stories too, then you STFU immediately and went quiet once the world realize they were shady/lying.

This will be the same. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 19, 2016, 07:30:58 PM
Still laughing.   ;D

Why not choose Cruz now?  Cause when you want to join his camp next week, those of us who have been supporting him the entire time are going to call you a bandwagon fan.

And post the dang link to the sex tape.  We are all waiting with baited breath. 

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2016, 08:25:26 PM

You were wrong when you doubted me for saying I thought Carson was lying.
You were wrong when you doubted me for saying I thought Cain was a cheater.

You're gonna be 0 for 3 here, champ ;)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 20, 2016, 12:34:19 PM
You were wrong when you doubted me for saying I thought Carson was lying.
You were wrong when you doubted me for saying I thought Cain was a cheater.

You're gonna be 0 for 3 here, champ ;)

What the heck are you talking about??  You lying terd.  You weren't right about anything.  And stop trying to change the subject.  Post the link to the Cruz sex tape and the link to the Cruz love child.  We are getting impatient waiting for this blockbuster evidence.   >:(
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on April 20, 2016, 12:56:38 PM
What the heck are you talking about??  You lying terd.  You weren't right about anything.  And stop trying to change the subject.  Post the link to the Cruz sex tape and the link to the Cruz love child.  We are getting impatient waiting for this blockbuster evidence.   >:(

I can tell he has made you angry with this word right here.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 20, 2016, 12:57:55 PM
What the heck are you talking about??  You lying terd.  You weren't right about anything.  ]

Everyone here, even those that dislike me...
Will admit I was loud and annoying saying Cain was having affairs, was lying, etc.
Everyone will also admit I woudln't STFU about Carson's lies, posting all about them until he admitted there were 'inconsistencies".

You kinda look like shit denying that much.  I was the biggest voice for both of these.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 20, 2016, 01:04:09 PM
I can tell he has made you angry with this word right here.

lol.  Or not.  I use that word all the time.  Never in anger.  In fact, I never really get angry, particularly when dealing with internet dummies.   
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 20, 2016, 01:04:32 PM
Everyone here, even those that dislike me...
Will admit I was loud and annoying saying Cain was having affairs, was lying, etc.
Everyone will also admit I woudln't STFU about Carson's lies, posting all about them until he admitted there were 'inconsistencies".

You kinda look like shit denying that much.  I was the biggest voice for both of these.

Yawn.  Post the link you lying liar. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on April 20, 2016, 01:15:40 PM
Yawn.  Post the link you lying liar. 

You don't get to accuse me of not attacking Carson/Cruz, then change the subject.

Every getbigger who was here 4 years ago KNOWS that I was all over Cain for sex scandals, and argued with MCWAY for months about it.  For you to say I wasn't right about Cain?  That shows desperation, bro.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on April 20, 2016, 01:58:03 PM
You don't get to accuse me of not attacking Carson/Cruz, then change the subject.

Every getbigger who was here 4 years ago KNOWS that I was all over Cain for sex scandals, and argued with MCWAY for months about it.  For you to say I wasn't right about Cain?  That shows desperation, bro.

Yawn.  Post the link you lying liar. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 02, 2016, 04:02:38 PM

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups. there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Anyone seen the link to this blockbuster news yet? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 02, 2016, 04:43:08 PM
Anyone seen the link to this blockbuster news yet? 

you didn't post for 5 days and you lost nearly 3 pounds.   That's blockbuster news right therre.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 03, 2016, 06:30:42 AM
O'Reilly reported last night that Amanda Carpenter said in an interview her favorite movie was "Babe" This was clearly a blatant shout out to her lover Cruz. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 03, 2016, 09:17:57 AM
you didn't post for 5 days and you lost nearly 3 pounds.   That's blockbuster news right therre.

What the heck are you talking about?   ::)

Post the link to the Cruz sex tape. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 03, 2016, 09:18:15 AM
O'Reilly reported last night that Amanda Carpenter said in an interview her favorite movie was "Babe" This was clearly a blatant shout out to her lover Cruz. 

lol   :D
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on May 03, 2016, 07:53:06 PM
lol.  Or not.  I use that word all the time.  Never in anger.  In fact, I never really get angry, particularly when dealing with internet dummies.   

Hard to be angry when the "dummies" end up being right about your candidate.

Cruz has way too many issues. Too vulnerable even if the issues are rumors.

Picking the VP candidate for no reason and then dropping out the same day that Trump talks about his commie dad just lends credence to all of it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 03, 2016, 08:04:46 PM

Hard to be angry when the "dummies" end up being right about your candidate.

Cruz has way too many issues. Too vulnerable even if the issues are rumors.

Picking the VP candidate for no reason and then dropping out the same day that Trump talks about his commie dad just lends credence to all of it.

great points, man.   There isn't that much smoke without there being something to it.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on May 04, 2016, 03:31:46 AM
Any video yet? Or proof/facts/evidence to support any of this?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 04, 2016, 04:44:01 AM
it hasn't been released yet.   It took 10.5 months for me to be proven correct about the republican base choosing Donald Trump as the nominee, even when most other getbiggers mocked the idea.   Give this one time to come out. 

Cruz punching/elbowing the wife in the face wasn't enough for you?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 04, 2016, 09:50:49 AM

Hard to be angry when the "dummies" end up being right about your candidate.

Cruz has way too many issues. Too vulnerable even if the issues are rumors.

Picking the VP candidate for no reason and then dropping out the same day that Trump talks about his commie dad just lends credence to all of it.

The dummy is never right about anything.  And I never had a candidate.  The dummy is nothing more than a kid with a blindfold swinging a stick at a piñata. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 04, 2016, 09:51:20 AM
Any video yet? Or proof/facts/evidence to support any of this?

Have you seen it yet?  I am on pins and needles. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 04, 2016, 10:12:31 AM
The dummy is never right about anything.

I was pretty right about Trump winning the nomination based upon the stupidity of the GOP base.  I called that on day one ;)

You denied it for 9 months, but that's cool. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 04, 2016, 10:18:20 AM
I was pretty right about Trump winning the nomination based upon the stupidity of the GOP base.  I called that on day one ;)

You denied it for 9 months, but that's cool. 

The dummy is never right about anything.  And I never had a candidate.  The dummy is nothing more than a kid with a blindfold swinging a stick at a piñata. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on May 04, 2016, 10:19:02 AM
I was pretty right about Trump winning the nomination based upon the stupidity of the GOP base.  I called that on day one ;)

You denied it for 9 months, but that's cool. 

Actually, the GOP base is no longer what it was and this proves it.

No actual Christian (which is what the base used to be) would vote for Trump. My mother who I consider quite possibly the most actual holy person I know absolutely CAN NOT STAND him.

The base has been taken over by hatred and bigotry.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 04, 2016, 10:21:42 AM
Actually, the GOP base is no longer what it was and this proves it.

No actual Christian (which is what the base used to be) would vote for Trump. My mother who I consider quite possibly the most actual holy person I know absolutely CAN NOT STAND him.

The base has been taken over by hatred and bigotry.

every word of this is true.

They completely ignore the fact trump seems to lack morals in a big way.  He's angry, they're angry.  But when it comes to who he is as a person... Trump is crap. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 04, 2016, 10:31:12 AM
Having lost any hope for this country from a government standpoint, and respect for many of my fellow Americans I plan on trying to reset my brain to stop being concerned about where this country is headed, and try and just observe the fallout as entertainment. After all, whatever is coming down the pike, if we didn't ask for it, we damn sure allowed it to happen.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Straw Man on May 04, 2016, 10:43:03 AM
Actually, the GOP base is no longer what it was and this proves it.

No actual Christian (which is what the base used to be) would vote for Trump. My mother who I consider quite possibly the most actual holy person I know absolutely CAN NOT STAND him.

The base has been taken over by hatred and bigotry.

yet oddly he got more of the evangelical vote in many of  the primaries than the fundie candidates

fundies don't tend to be the brightest bulbs
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 04, 2016, 10:48:26 AM
Having lost any hope for this country from a government standpoint, and respect for many of my fellow Americans I plan on trying to reset my brain to stop being concerned about where this country is headed, and try and just observe the fallout as entertainment. After all, whatever is coming down the pike, if we didn't ask for it, we damn sure allowed it to happen.

I don't think watching the country crash and burn is entertaining at all. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 04, 2016, 10:49:26 AM
I don't think watching the country crash and burn is entertaining at all. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SOMEPARTS on May 04, 2016, 11:29:39 AM
The dummy is never right about anything.  And I never had a candidate.  The dummy is nothing more than a kid with a blindfold swinging a stick at a piñata. 

You never had a candidate? Not now you don't. What a total crock of shit.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 04, 2016, 11:33:34 AM

You never had a candidate? Not now you don't. What a total crock of shit.

He loved little marco.  He loved Carson for 8 years now.  ANd of course, he called Christie a mean name but followed him so closely.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: LurkerNoMore on May 04, 2016, 12:37:45 PM

You never had a candidate? Not now you don't. What a total crock of shit.

He loved little marco.  He loved Carson for 8 years now.  ANd of course, he called Christie a mean name but followed him so closely.

hahahaha.....don't forget he claims he isn't a Republican too.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 04, 2016, 12:39:45 PM

You never had a candidate? Not now you don't. What a total crock of shit.

Correct.  Not until the general election.   :)
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 05, 2016, 09:30:43 AM
I don't think watching the country crash and burn is entertaining at all. 

I would have agreed with you before Trump won the nomination. But my country is like a girl standing in waste deep water in shark infested waters with a bloody fish saying "Here sharky sharky"... I can't get upset if she gets her leg taken off..
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: TuHolmes on May 05, 2016, 09:37:24 AM
I don't think watching the country crash and burn is entertaining at all. 

Not a bit.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 06, 2016, 09:42:51 AM
I would have agreed with you before Trump won the nomination. But my country is like a girl standing in waste deep water in shark infested waters with a bloody fish saying "Here sharky sharky"... I can't get upset if she gets her leg taken off..

You are going to enjoy watching the country fail? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: SupplementGuy on May 06, 2016, 07:08:54 PM
Actually, the GOP base is no longer what it was and this proves it.

No actual Christian (which is what the base used to be) would vote for Trump. My mother who I consider quite possibly the most actual holy person I know absolutely CAN NOT STAND him.

The base has been taken over by hatred and bigotry.

Actually, no true Christian would vote for anyone, nor get involved in Earthly politics as we are instructed to be 'no part of this world' and are subject of God's Kingdom, voting or participating in politics is spiritual treason.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: LurkerNoMore on May 07, 2016, 07:23:01 AM
You are going to enjoy watching the country fail? 

Why not?  The last 8 years was nothing but repub wingnuts and tea party idiots on this board proclaiming how they wanted the current POTUS and country to fail. 

Shoe's on the other foot now huh?  Well not really because the GOP is losing this election too. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 07, 2016, 02:10:05 PM
You are going to enjoy watching the country fail? 

I doubt it. My intent is to adjust my level of giving a crap because it just gets me irritated and doesn't resolve anything. IF this country thinks a person of Trumps character is just what they need, then by all means have at it. I have little expectation that Trump will have a positive impact on anything and will likely cause serious damage to us. But the rebel part of me, knowing Trump supporters are shallow thinkers, looks forward to the karma they will likely reap. So to answer your question, I won't enjoy watching the country fail, but I will do my best to be ambivalent about it for my own sanity     
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 09, 2016, 09:42:39 AM
I doubt it. My intent is to adjust my level of giving a crap because it just gets me irritated and doesn't resolve anything. IF this country thinks a person of Trumps character is just what they need, then by all means have at it. I have little expectation that Trump will have a positive impact on anything and will likely cause serious damage to us. But the rebel part of me, knowing Trump supporters are shallow thinkers, looks forward to the karma they will likely reap. So to answer your question, I won't enjoy watching the country fail, but I will do my best to be ambivalent about it for my own sanity     

Ok.  I can understand that. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on May 09, 2016, 09:50:11 AM

Montgomery Sibley, the lawyer for the infamous “D.C. Madam” Jeane Palfrey, issued a statement saying that the release of the Washington D.C. Madam client list may occur within the next few days. Sibley recently petitioned the Supreme Court to have a gag order lifted on him, so he would be allowed to release client list to the public. The SCOTUS has denied the request. However, Sibley seems determined to release it, regardless of what they say. To say there must be some nervous individuals in Washington D.C. as well as some wealthy corporations that make regular visits there to lobby Congress, would be understating things.

Palfrey previously ran a shell company called Pamela Martin & Associates, which was a front for an organized high-end prostitution ring that serviced very wealthy and very well-connected individuals, primarily in our nation’s capitol. It’s all over now and has been for years. However, the one part that keeps on persisting is the massive and comprehensive client list of people and companies that contacted her prostitution company – and it’s about to finally be made public after a long wait.

Attorney Sibley has said numerous times that he feels the list must be released for the good of the public since it “contains information relevant to the upcoming presidential election.” He hasn’t so far elaborated further as to what information is on it exactly or even what party it’s about. All things considered, though, it’s doubtful that anything incriminating would be on it about a Democratic nominee.

Sibley has already released a portion of the list, showing government agencies and private companies that have records of calls made to the D.C. Madam. No specific names of individuals were released relating to these, but 174 total groups were listed.

Sibley commented about his recent SCOTUS denial, “Now that I am at that bridge, I am going to figure out the best way across. That will take a few days and it is a big decision for me.”

The list of released entities includes the following government agencies: Department of Health and Human Services, FBI, General Services Administration, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Internal Revenue Service, National Drug Intelligence Center, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Information Systems Command, Department of Commerce, Department of State, U.S. Postal Service and U.S. Forest Service.

Some non-governmental entities include Archdiocese of Washington, Embassy of Japan, Bethlehem Steel, Constellation Energy/BGE, Hewlett-Packard, Johns Hopkins University, Washington Gas and several large law firms.

The potential of this list cannot be easily overstated. For example, David Vitter – who recently ran for and lost the Governorship of Louisiana, appeared on the list in 2007. Almost a decade later, this fact was used against him during the gubernatorial election in Louisiana in vicious attack ads that completely obliterated his campaign.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on July 21, 2016, 09:47:50 AM
I bet this blockbuster news will break any day now. 

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups. there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 21, 2016, 10:14:02 AM
I bet this blockbuster news will break any day now. 

he's not the nominee. 

what do you think about Coach jumping to Camp Trump? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on July 21, 2016, 10:25:54 AM
"A compulsive liar is someone who lies with ease and finds comfort in it. The person may even continue to lie when presented with the truth in cold, hard facts. Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible."
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 21, 2016, 10:45:16 AM
Ted wasn't the nominee.  Lawyer didn't have to release it.  Bump this thread when it does happen.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on July 21, 2016, 11:04:37 AM
Ted wasn't the nominee.  Lawyer didn't have to release it.  Bump this thread when it does happen.

LOL!  "Getting a compulsive liar to admit he or she lied can be nearly impossible."

Post the link to the Cruz sex tape and the Cruz love child. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on August 29, 2016, 12:54:02 PM
Enjoy trashing me.  I'll quote each one, in 3-4 days, when Cruz is apologizing for his affairs.

There isn't this much smoke without fire, sorry.  Why the F did Cruz pay 500k to Carly's campaign - one of her top staffers was supposedly one of those he was sleeping with?

If I got called to school because my kid punched a girl, I wouoldn't consider it to be "anti-my-kid" to have him admit fault, apologize, and attempt to move on - as Cruz should have done this morning.  By getbigger "logic", I should mock the principal for her anti-kid attitude and say "you never believed in my kid!"

I admit, it looks like Cruz messed around.  I think he should have apologized at 7am today, and we would have moved on in 2 days.

I think I missed the Cruz apology for his affairs?  Can someone post a link? 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on August 29, 2016, 01:03:16 PM
Recover from what?    The DC Madam lawyer isn't releasing the escort clients fast enough for your liking?

I said it'd be a slow release.  And it is.  The lawyer is releasing 174 groups that used these whores.  He said the individual names will come later.  You can bet the doubters will realize, from the 174 groups, that he's pretty credible.  And when the "2016 presidential contender from the list" is revealed, in due time, I think the doubters will realize they were a little premature to celebrate victory because it all didn't come out in 24 hours as they desire.  

With 174 groups released, the media will dig and find some incredible names.  This list will be undoubtedly credible, as will the lawyer.  Then the other shoe drops, and he tells us which of the candidates made at least 3 calls for 18 year old hookers.  

Now, please doubt it and mock me, so I'll have something cool to quote in a few weeks when that info comes out?

Has the info come out yet, or can we continue to mock you?  LOL! 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on August 29, 2016, 01:27:18 PM
Anyone seen the sex tapes yet? 

there is video of him on tues/thurs having regular hookups.  there was a closet incident at 2012 convention and there may be offspring with identical facial features.

Video hasn't been released publicly, but Rubio did release it to several media outlets.  Breitbart chose to sit on it.  NE did not.  Don't you watch OReilly?  He already covered this.

Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on August 29, 2016, 02:06:56 PM
Anyone seen the sex tapes yet? 

Team Rubio did.  They pushed it hard.

I wish you're stop embarrassing Rubio like this.  He was just trying to win the nomination.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: GigantorX on August 30, 2016, 07:32:43 PM
Any proof, evidence or facts that show "Team Rubio" saw these hot sex tapes of Red Cruz and his countless whores?

And where are the sex tapes?
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on August 30, 2016, 07:43:25 PM
Any proof, evidence or facts that show "Team Rubio" saw these hot sex tapes of Red Cruz and his countless whores?

And where are the sex tapes?

re-read the thread.  multiple repubs and plenty of twitter, showing public figures working for rubio pushing it.  breitbart had it too.

just google it man.  a few places had it.  cruz sank so there was no need.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Agnostic007 on August 30, 2016, 08:13:32 PM
Any proof, evidence or facts that show "Team Rubio" saw these hot sex tapes of Red Cruz and his countless whores?

And where are the sex tapes?

no, there isn't.. another red herring
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on August 31, 2016, 09:44:09 AM
no, there isn't.. another red herring

More like an outright lie. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 31, 2016, 11:25:18 AM
I remember this thread. This is the thread where before this bullshit article came out, 240 was all in for Cruz saying he was going to vote for him.. yada yada yada but as most on here know him, it was just another COMPLETE LIE and total bullshit just like him saying now how he'll vote for Johnson when he's really all in for Killary. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: 240 is Back on August 31, 2016, 11:28:05 AM
I remember this thread. This is the thread where before this bullshit article came out, 240 was all in for Cruz saying he was going to vote for him.. yada yada yada but as most on here know him, it was just another COMPLETE LIE and total bullshit just like him saying now how he'll vote for Johnson when he's really all in for Killary. 

he's unelectable.  the shit will hurt him in 2020 too.  I'm all for Ryan/Rubio in 2020.  Sorry, but team rubio pushed the tape hard, and Cruz half-denied it, and the pics of that girl, the odd way he paid off fiorina's campaign after she went there... it made sense.

I think it'd be too big of an october surprise, and lawyer cruz didn't sue the fck out of them.  Nope.  Sorry.  It's sitting there, and those pricks would use it in 2020. 
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 31, 2016, 11:33:28 AM
he's unelectable.  the shit will hurt him in 2020 too.  I'm all for Ryan/Rubio in 2020.  Sorry, but team rubio pushed the tape hard, and Cruz half-denied it, and the pics of that girl, the odd way he paid off fiorina's campaign after she went there... it made sense.

I think it'd be too big of an october surprise, and lawyer cruz didn't sue the fck out of them.  Nope.  Sorry.  It's sitting there, and those pricks would use it in 2020.  

1. No one believes you anymore. You've been caught too many times lying (like everyday)

2. You're a die hard liberal, everyone see's it and as hard you think you might be trying to hide, you can't.

3. The SECOND this article came out you didn't hesitate to shit all over Cruz before the facts even came out.
Title: Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
Post by: Dos Equis on August 31, 2016, 05:45:40 PM
1. No one believes you anymore. You've been caught too many times lying (like everyday)

2. You're a die hard liberal, everyone see's it and as hard you think you might be trying to hide, you can't.

3. The SECOND this article came out you didn't hesitate to shit all over Cruz before the facts even came out.
