Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Female Info Boards => Figure, Bikini and Fitness Info and Discussions => Topic started by: Lift Studios on September 30, 2006, 10:32:37 AM

Title: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on September 30, 2006, 10:32:37 AM
The talk of the figure world this weekend includes the typical banter about who will win, but there is an even greater buzz in the air. A figure competitor has taken the art of figure posing to a whole new world. Floating out on stage in the one piece round, Val Waugaman delivered on her promise from a day earlier. What's that you ask? Ah, allow me to explain. At the press conference Val took the mic and informed everyone that she would be doing something entirely different with her quarter turns, she'd display something that no one had ever seen before. Fellow competitors and members scratched their heads wonder, WTF is this girl talking about?!

Let start by saying I WAS a HUGE Val Waugaman fan, back when I first saw her at the Jr. USA show two years back. Photographer Terry Goodlad and I sat photographing the women and Valerie graced the stage with tremendous stage presence. You couldn't help but keep your eyes on her and the subtle things did it. Looking at the audience at every turn and doing so elegantly. I sang her praises in articles and posts. I've see Val compete a number times since then and those subtle bits of posing seem to grow increasingly more obvious and on the verge of over done. If there was any doubt in anyone's mind about her approach to quarter turns being over done, there isn't any longer.

Val makes her own suits and that's great. I'm sure it saves her a great deal of money. Any woman who follows the sport knows that is one huge expense. The suit she had on stage with the one piece looked like it was as going to fly higher then she appeared to be.  I mention her suits because it seemed to go with the theme of her rebirth of figure posing.Val's suit looked as if there was a butterfly in the pattern and whether that was intentional or not it was a terrible idea to wear. Getting back on track,Val took an exagerated amount of time to get to her spot front and center. As if she was performing in slow motion, over emphasizing every step. When she hit her poses she placed her hands in front of her face and would open them widely as if the dawning of a new day. Each turn had something new with her legs and hand gestures. It was simply the most bizarre thing the figure stage has ever seen.

We all know figure is boring and the quarter turns are mundane but it presents the question... Did the way Valerie Waugaman pose do anything but draw attention to herself in an embarassing way? It was amusing to see the reaction of the competitors and audience members. It ranged from shock and awe to uncontrollable laughter. As if the posing wasn't enough to draw attention to herself, Val was blowing kisses and talking to herself on stage outloud. I can say it was the most bizzare moment in figure history. If you didn't have the pleasure to see the prejudging, watch the show this evening at witness Val's new take on posing.

It should also be noted that Valerie didn't come close to the conditioning we've seen her achieve in the past. Perhaps she spent too much time on her new form of posing rather then her diet and training.

I know many will say I'm being too harsh on Val and others will secretly agree but at the end of the day, what does anyone who saw her new approach to posing think? I am all for new ideas but this was embarassing to watch. It's what EVERY single person is talking about when it comes to figure this weekend. Ron and I will be talking to Valerie at the booth about this. It should be interesting.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on September 30, 2006, 11:05:01 AM
I watched the webcast, and I was struck by her "artistic flair" in her quarter turns. I was wondering what the audience reaction was, as I was taken aback somewhat. I think its rather cool that someone tries to be different, and some women have signature poses. DJ likes to do the "arms raised upward" pose when she finishes her quarter turns. But Valerie was REALLY out there. Not too sure what she was thinking. And talking to herself onstage? I could see that...what was she saying? Motivational self-talk?

I've never met Valerie, but she came across as a bit loony.  :-\ I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, though.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Rick Lohre on September 30, 2006, 11:21:44 AM
Have to say, every other time I saw her on stage, she did have a "presence" about her. 

This I was not ready for....when I saw her presentation, I was simply amazed, for lack of a better description! 

I'm not sure where I stand on personal flair in your presentation to be honest...I agree with you somewhat Isaac...putting something into the whole figure side of things outside the quarter turns is a good idea.  That being said, since she was the only one who put so much personal flair into her presentation pose, she definitely drew attention to herself.  It might have been too far a step to take so quickly for this industry though. 

From the callouts, conditioning aside, it didn't seem to help.

Rick Lohre

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Butterbean on September 30, 2006, 12:02:15 PM
From Milos' site

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on September 30, 2006, 12:05:17 PM
I just watched it. She looks like she is high. Seriously.

Let's face it people...this is figure. I know we like to act like it is some big athletic event but this is not figure skating, diving, or even bodybuilding or fitness. It is figure. Like a Ms. America with muscles. There is really no feasible way to greatly and significantly improve the presentation. You get up there and turn around 4 times. There you go. Just get up there and do the quarter turns already.

Edit: Mind you I have always thought her physique was outstanding. Maybe her 'butterfly' thing was negatively affect her scores?
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CMwings on September 30, 2006, 01:43:57 PM
yep,she is saying motivational words out loud. In her camps she has everyone do it together-"Motivation,determination,discipline,desire"-things like that. Is she high? sure seems that way but probably not on stage. the suits are just bad but,putting a personal touch on the boring quarter turns is a great idea and she isn't afraid to be totally different- I respect that.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Fanatic on September 30, 2006, 02:11:30 PM
  Valerie does look off in her conditioning.  It is too bad because she has always impressed me in the past.

Her Oxygen cover was absolutely gorgeous.  She is beautiful and her face is stunning.  I thought she had a chance to take the whole damn Olympia!  Too Bad. :'(
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: fitfan on September 30, 2006, 02:25:18 PM
Well...she has been seen with a certain group out of Florida that has been attempting to start a trend of some very unique posing techniques...perhaps it was an attempt to bring this to the Pro stage?
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on September 30, 2006, 02:25:56 PM
 In the past I loved her package, and when she is on she is wow!....  The posing  had me wonder if someone spiked her food.. drinks... something...  
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Fanatic on September 30, 2006, 03:40:33 PM
Are there any results in Figure yet?  Any news?
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on September 30, 2006, 03:43:59 PM
Are there any results in Figure yet?  Any news?
The night show starts at 7pm Vegas time, Fanatic.  ;)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lena on September 30, 2006, 04:53:00 PM
I'm thinking........just throwing it out there...
Since she didnt get into the best condition for the O, maybe she wanted to draw attention with this 'starnge posing' insted?? At least EVERYONE is talking about her.........NOT the winner of the show. Maybe its all a publisity stunt? What do ya think?

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on September 30, 2006, 05:06:30 PM
I'm thinking........just throwing it out there...
Since she didnt get into the best condition for the O, maybe she wanted to draw attention with this 'starnge posing' insted?? At least EVERYONE is talking about her.........NOT the winner of the show. Maybe its all a publisity stunt? What do ya think?

Well Lena, I am of the belief that not all publicity is good publicity. People are probably joking that she's on drugs (of a different kind). I can't see "publicity" as her rationale...time spent on this unique posing style could have been spent perfecting her conditioning. Who knows.

I just hope she's allright and can handle the fallout from her behavior. I'm sure she meant well and was just trying to do something interesting and different to spice up the sport. She does appear to have a special charisma. And in the end, its not THAT big of a deal.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on September 30, 2006, 06:49:01 PM
Ron and I did a video interview with Val and we got the scoop on what she was thinking. Ron asked her if she was high and on drugs to which she said no, I am just high on life. She also let us in on what she plans to do in West Palm Beach. She is not competing but will be doing a two minute "figure routine". Val is an "interesting" character.

She will be doing her "creative expressions" tonight at the finals.

We will get the video interview up later this week.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: genex on September 30, 2006, 08:39:43 PM
Yeah I like the flair although I'm not sure how it should be interpreted by the judges.

Regardless in this show she wasn't at her best so luckily it won't 'cost her the title' or anything along those lines.  Results should be in shortly!

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on September 30, 2006, 10:30:12 PM
As mentioned Val was off in her conditioning and the presentation along with the suits only added to keeping her out of the top 10. I think the women's physique should speak for itself and to do what she did came across like she was on space cake.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 01, 2006, 04:50:15 AM
The one piece kind of reminds me of lingerie. Something you would find in a brothel or something.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: The General on October 01, 2006, 05:14:44 AM
I am astonished with Val's physique and equally astonished by her 1 piece and the 2 piece,in my humble opinion I think the colors were inappropriate and the designed was aweful and that made her surely loose points and I 100% agree with CQ that her suit looks like lingerie .
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2006, 07:26:43 AM
photography by Gene X Hwang...

Everyone thinks, how itself is spoiled... I love such suit.... Here preparation for competitions.... BADLY..
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Jodi on October 01, 2006, 08:40:59 AM
I love the fact that Val walks to the beat of her own drum.  The industry needs individuality and creativity...badly.  Figure is so boring and so bland that a little spice will do it some good.

Unfortunately, the construction and basic design of the suit was poor.  The cut itself already set off a blocky look to her physique.  With her conditioning missing the mark for this show, she desperately needed a suit that would have accentuated her strengths and hidden her flaws.  This suit did the opposite.  I think the butterfly idea is excellent; with richer and cooler colors (more in the green family rather than the brown and red family), the suit might have really popped on the stage.  In my mind, brown is a huge no no for the stage, simply because of the tanning products.  Add to that her hair color and make up selection, and she needs more vibrant colors to provide contrast.

The detail work in the fabric and the rhinestones/sequins also added to that blocky appearance.  The butterfly is too wide, the sequins draw the eye to the wrong areas, and the overall design is distracting.  There is a way to do this...just not the way Val did.

I think she is an utterly gorgeous woman.  I know she was made fun of by other competitors for her unique style of posing, but I originally loved it.  What else can you do on that stage when you have only four military-style poses with which to work?  How else do you get known, talked about, remembered?

I just wish she would have brought the conditioning that earned her a pro card.  That combined with better-constructed suits would have propelled her into the top three, in my opinion.

Then again, it's interesting to note that the most entertaining discussion regarding figure is Val's suits and posing.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:06:12 AM
It should also be noted that Valerie didn't come close to the conditioning we've seen her achieve in the past. Perhaps she spent too much time on her new form of posing rather then her diet and training.

I know many will say I'm being too harsh on Val and others will secretly agree but at the end of the day, what does anyone who saw her new approach to posing think? I am all for new ideas but this was embarassing to watch.

You're an idiot.

You should be thankful she's willing to explore outside the box.

Valerie is the best there ever is or will be.  Period. 

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:09:03 AM
I watched the webcast, and I was struck by her "artistic flair" in her quarter turns. I was wondering what the audience reaction was, as I was taken aback somewhat. I think its rather cool that someone tries to be different, and some women have signature poses. DJ likes to do the "arms raised upward" pose when she finishes her quarter turns. But Valerie was REALLY out there. Not too sure what she was thinking. And talking to herself onstage? I could see that...what was she saying? Motivational self-talk?

I've never met Valerie, but she came across as a bit loony.  :-\ I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, though.

The Regal One exists on a level of athletic perfection that you simply are not able to understand.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:13:04 AM
I just watched it. She looks like she is high. Seriously.

Let's face it people...this is figure. I know we like to act like it is some big athletic event but this is not figure skating, diving, or even bodybuilding or fitness. It is figure. Like a Ms. America with muscles. There is really no feasible way to greatly and significantly improve the presentation. You get up there and turn around 4 times. There you go. Just get up there and do the quarter turns already.

Edit: Mind you I have always thought her physique was outstanding. Maybe her 'butterfly' thing was negatively affect her scores?

Even when she does just "get up there and turn around 4 times", her movements are so fluid that she alone makes the event worth watching.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:16:40 AM
I'm thinking........just throwing it out there...
Since she didnt get into the best condition for the O, maybe she wanted to draw attention with this 'starnge posing' insted?? At least EVERYONE is talking about her.........NOT the winner of the show. Maybe its all a publisity stunt? What do ya think?

They're talking about Val, because she's the freshest breath of air the IFBB has seen since Elaine's arrival on the scene. 

She is pure perfection.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:19:19 AM
Well Lena, I am of the belief that not all publicity is good publicity. People are probably joking that she's on drugs (of a different kind). I can't see "publicity" as her rationale...time spent on this unique posing style could have been spent perfecting her conditioning. Who knows.

They are completely separate parts of the whole. 

Her conditioning is fine. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 09:21:20 AM

I'll deal with the rest of you later. 

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2006, 09:28:27 AM
I think she is an utterly gorgeous woman.  I know she was made fun of by other competitors for her unique style of posing, but I originally loved it.  What else can you do on that stage when you have only four military-style poses with which to work?  How else do you get known, talked about, remembered?
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Sandra Wickham on October 01, 2006, 09:36:49 AM
You're an idiot.

You should be thankful she's willing to explore outside the box.

Valerie is the best there ever is or will be.  Period. 

Tre, you're the best..............

and I agree Valerie is a beautiful competitor!!
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 01, 2006, 09:41:19 AM
Tre, you're the best..............

and I agree Valerie is a beautiful competitor!!
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 01, 2006, 11:04:06 AM
You're an idiot.

You should be thankful she's willing to explore outside the box.

Valerie is the best there ever is or will be.  Period. 

The Regal One exists on a level of athletic perfection that you simply are not able to understand.

Even when she does just "get up there and turn around 4 times", her movements are so fluid that she alone makes the event worth watching.

They're talking about Val, because she's the freshest breath of air the IFBB has seen since Elaine's arrival on the scene. 

She is pure perfection.

They are completely separate parts of the whole. 

Her conditioning is fine. 

I'll deal with the rest of you later. 

Tre my brother, I think you are close to having a meltdown :D
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on October 01, 2006, 11:20:20 AM
The Regal One exists on a level of athletic perfection that you simply are not able to understand.
She is pure perfection.
OK, Tre.  ::)

You're my boy Tre, but what we've witnessed is known on getbig as an *Epic Meltdown*  :D

As far as the one-piece commentary, I have the easiest of solutions. DROP THE ONE-PIECE ROUND. A complete and utter waste of time to talk of the shape and cut of a ridiculously over-priced one-piece suit. Let's comment on the physique and presentation, please.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 01, 2006, 11:53:23 AM
totally agree... one piece is bogus.. there must be  a suit makers lobby pushing for it
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 02:15:15 PM
Tre my brother, I think you are close to having a meltdown :D

Not at all.

I'm not saying that everyone has to sing her praises, but I couldn't help but laugh when I read some of the clown commentary here on GetBig. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 02:38:56 PM
Tre, you're the best..............

and I agree Valerie is a beautiful competitor!!

;) Thanks, Sandra!  *kiss*
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 02:42:34 PM
OK, Tre.  ::)

You're my boy Tre, but what we've witnessed is known on getbig as an *Epic Meltdown*  :D

As far as the one-piece commentary, I have the easiest of solutions. DROP THE ONE-PIECE ROUND. A complete and utter waste of time to talk of the shape and cut of a ridiculously over-priced one-piece suit. Let's comment on the physique and presentation, please.

You're 100% correct about the worthlessness of the 'one-piece round'. 

While I agree with the basic premise that decent-looking suits are a part of the overall presentation, Val could stand there in a hand-carved Hefty bag and put most of the competition to shame. 

I hope that she will continue to design her own suits. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 01, 2006, 06:48:38 PM
You're an idiot.

You should be thankful she's willing to explore outside the box.

Valerie is the best there ever is or will be.  Period. 
Idiot? Come on Tre you can do better then that.

I should be thankful? Oh brother.

Remove your schmoe shades and take a look at it for what it is. She showed up out of shape and at the end of the day that is really what the show is about. I applaud her free spirit but there is a time and a place, the olympia stage was not it.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 01, 2006, 07:59:54 PM
Boys.. lets keep the name calling down..
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: sunbabe on October 01, 2006, 08:18:32 PM
While her suit may not have been the best choice, her physique and looks are wonderful and she appears to be a creative, intelligent woman who thinks outside the box. Some of the other women look like cookie cutters.... 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 01, 2006, 11:23:46 PM
I don't think many people will disagree that Val is a beautiful woman. She has some of the best genetics to grace the figure stage and when she is on she looks incredible. That's never been the issue. She was clearly off in her Olympia prep, which she was as well at the Arnold. We saw her put it together in Colorado and she beat the now reigning Ms. Figure Olympia champ, Jenny Lynn. Again her physique when on is not the issue.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 11:37:52 PM
Idiot? Come on Tre you can do better then that.

I should be thankful? Oh brother.

Remove your schmoe shades and take a look at it for what it is. She showed up out of shape and at the end of the day that is really what the show is about. I applaud her free spirit but there is a time and a place, the olympia stage was not it.

Of course I could do better, but for the sake of expediency, I kept it simple. 

At least you're finally applauding something about The Regal One, meaning that you're on the road to recovery. 

It would be inappropriate for an IFBB professional to disgrace the Olympia stage, there's no question about that.  But for Val to take the pageant up to a new place it's never been before...this is such an opportunity for you guys to realize what the future can be.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 01, 2006, 11:39:31 PM
Boys.. lets keep the name calling down..

I keep it nothing if not real.

If the _____s are going to suggest that Val was 'high on drugs' (even in jest), then I'm certainly going to slap them around a bit...and deservedly so. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 02, 2006, 12:46:44 AM
I keep it nothing if not real.

If the _____s are going to suggest that Val was 'high on drugs' (even in jest), then I'm certainly going to slap them around a bit...and deservedly so. 
It was a question that EVERY ONE asked when Val's "performance" was brought up. This includes photographers, writers, many MANY fellow competitors and fans that saw the show.

I know you're a Waugamaniac and all but when we did the video interview we asked the questions every one was talking about at the show. That's keeping it real.  ;)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 02, 2006, 12:51:19 AM

It would be inappropriate for an IFBB professional to disgrace the Olympia stage, there's no question about that.  But for Val to take the pageant up to a new place it's never been before...this is such an opportunity for you guys to realize what the future can be.
Since we're keeping it real here. Did you mean it WOULD BE or IT WAS?

"taking it up to a new place" is a matter of opinion. The "future can be"? The future of what... Creative figure posing?  ::)

I do enjoy the fact that figure is finally being talked about and it did make for a fun and interesting show but the vibe from 99% of the people viewed it as a circus side show.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 02, 2006, 12:58:56 AM
     I had to sit on this one overnight to figure out what truly bothered me about Val’s behavior this weekend. It was not that she goes to the beat of a different drum; God only knows Barbie dances to her own band.  From what I watched and listened to, the issues did not start when she stepped on that stage, but when she stepped off the plane. Val acted from the jump like she and only she would be the next Ms. Figure Olympia and consequently everyone should act accordingly.  Her behavior towards the other women was disrespectful and rude in her presumption of grandeur. I think she let the shmoe worship (hmmm, why does the name Tre keep ringing through my mind) go to her head and inflate it to a point that she was ready to float away. Even before prejudging I was debating sending a piece of raw meat and thick concealer to her room because I was sure by the end of the night one of the other women were going to pop her in the eye.  Even the normally sweet girls were plotting to put glue in her bikini-bite. By press time she was on a role. I think she misread the schedule and thought it was her private press conference. You do not as a rookie (yes, in the scheme of things she is a rookie) grab the microphone and start talking about how you are going to redefine things and take them to a new level. Particularly, do not do this if you are directionally challenged and do not know which direction is up. You absolutely do not do this if you are stepping onto the stage in the condition she was in.
     OMG, prejudging!!!! At first I felt sad watching her self destruct. I have been in her corner since the first time I saw her on the stage. She does have superior genetics, but it takes more than good genes to truly be a Pro with a capital P. She was not “high on life” she was high on an ego trip. To be “high on life” would mean that she had some inclination that others existed on this planet besides her. That stage was hot and there were gazillion (ok, only twenty something) competitors on that stage.  She took forever strutting her stuff! By the end of the judging I was ready to hand her a pole and tell her the real money is across the street. 
     IMO it is true that Figure quarter turns are boring. IMO it is also true that there could be a more graceful creative approach to display the beauty and definition of the muscle these women should have.  If the IFBB would have some cohunes (whoops, I mean clarity) and admit that figure women should have muscle definition (instead of the bikini babe crap) maybe then they could help in establishing a consistent yet creative way of doing this.  If this is what Val was trying to drive home on the stage her approach to it was that of a self engrossed, naive know it all teenagers. 
     Well, as my grandma (or maybe it was some twelve-step program or maybe it was my bartender) used to say, “This too will pass”.  For Val I hope it does.  In my heart I believe Val is a good person who got caught up into the egotistical silliness and insanity that this industry can dive people to.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on October 02, 2006, 03:00:47 AM
     I had to sit on this one overnight to figure out what truly bothered me about Val’s behavior this weekend. It was not that she goes to the beat of a different drum; God only knows Barbie dances to her own band.  From what I watched and listened to, the issues did not start when she stepped on that stage, but when she stepped off the plane. Val acted from the jump like she and only she would be the next Ms. Figure Olympia and consequently everyone should act accordingly.  Her behavior towards the other women was disrespectful and rude in her presumption of grandeur. I think she let the shmoe worship (hmmm, why does the name Tre keep ringing through my mind) go to her head and inflate it to a point that she was ready to float away. Even before prejudging I was debating sending a piece of raw meat and thick concealer to her room because I was sure by the end of the night one of the other women were going to pop her in the eye.  Even the normally sweet girls were plotting to put glue in her bikini-bite. By press time she was on a role. I think she misread the schedule and thought it was her private press conference. You do not as a rookie (yes, in the scheme of things she is a rookie) grab the microphone and start talking about how you are going to redefine things and take them to a new level. Particularly, do not do this if you are directionally challenged and do not know which direction is up. You absolutely do not do this if you are stepping onto the stage in the condition she was in.
     OMG, prejudging!!!! At first I felt sad watching her self destruct. I have been in her corner since the first time I saw her on the stage. She does have superior genetics, but it takes more than good genes to truly be a Pro with a capital P. She was not “high on life” she was high on an ego trip. To be “high on life” would mean that she had some inclination that others existed on this planet besides her. That stage was hot and there were gazillion (ok, only twenty something) competitors on that stage.  She took forever strutting her stuff! By the end of the judging I was ready to hand her a pole and tell her the real money is across the street.       IMO it is true that Figure quarter turns are boring. IMO it is also true that there could be a more graceful creative approach to display the beauty and definition of the muscle these women should have.  If the IFBB would have some cohunes (whoops, I mean clarity) and admit that figure women should have muscle definition (instead of the bikini babe crap) maybe then they could help in establishing a consistent yet creative way of doing this.  If this is what Val was trying to drive home on the stage her approach to it was that of a self engrossed, naive know it all teenagers. 
     Well, as my grandma (or maybe it was some twelve-step program or maybe it was my bartender) used to say, “This too will pass”.  For Val I hope it does.  In my heart I believe Val is a good person who got caught up into the egotistical silliness and insanity that this industry can dive people to.
Some good points, but a little harsh. Especially the sentence I put in bold. You women can be so catty and nasty to each other sometimes! LOL Maybe it is a case of ego run amok with Val...I dunno. Fan adulation can make some people lose perspective on reality.

do enjoy the fact that figure is finally being talked about and it did make for a fun and interesting show but the vibe from 99% of the people viewed it as a circus side show.
Ehh...that likely has nothing to do with Valerie. Most people in attendance at shows "claim" not to respect figure.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 02, 2006, 03:13:26 AM
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 02, 2006, 04:50:35 AM
I keep it nothing if not real.

If the _____s are going to suggest that Val was 'high on drugs' (even in jest), then I'm certainly going to slap them around a bit...and deservedly so. 

Tre, you are my mate and all, but if one is going talk to themselves onstage in front of zillion of people than it does create that perception.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 02, 2006, 11:53:19 AM
Tre, you are my mate and all, but if one is going talk to themselves onstage in front of zillion of people than it does create that perception.

Awww...*kiss* ;)   

I'm just so glad that she's not like all the others. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Mr. Zimbabwe on October 02, 2006, 01:44:23 PM
This has been an intreguing thread.  Can somebody post a short clip of Val's interesting quarter turns?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 02, 2006, 02:30:21 PM
This has been an intreguing thread.  Can somebody post a short clip of Val's interesting quarter turns?

Thanks in advance.
I'm working on the video interview of her demonstrating it in the Expo and answering questions related to it.

It should be interesting to see her "Two minute Figure Routine" this weekend at the West Palm Beach show.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Fanatic on October 02, 2006, 04:01:25 PM
Wow, is that really Val in the before picture?  What a difference. :o
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: fotoguy on October 03, 2006, 02:48:44 AM
I didn't see the show but this discussion reminds me of when people were shocked  :o when some bodybuilding guys first started the ol pock & lock stuff.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 03, 2006, 08:35:40 AM
I didn't see the show but this discussion reminds me of when people were shocked  :o when some bodybuilding guys first started the ol pock & lock stuff.
Eric say it aint so!  :o

Unless we legalize the marjiuana and have it available backstage for all to enjoy I don't see this going much further then Ms. Waugaman. Stranger things have happened and I've been known to be wrong a time or three.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 03, 2006, 09:35:53 AM
well wait until after the WPB might catch on
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Chamorrita on October 03, 2006, 09:38:22 AM
I'm working on the video interview of her demonstrating it in the Expo and answering questions related to it.

It should be interesting to see her "Two minute Figure Routine" this weekend at the West Palm Beach show.

Well, hurry up with the editing Lift!   ;D
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 03, 2006, 10:02:20 AM
well wait until after the WPB might catch on
LOL taking hits from the bong or freestyle figure posing? Which will you be engaging in this weekend Dina? :P

I'll have the video up this afternoon.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 03, 2006, 12:49:06 PM
Unless we legalize the marjiuana and have it available backstage for all to enjoy I don't see this going much further then Ms. Waugaman. Stranger things have happened and I've been known to be wrong a time or three.

There are leaders and then there are followers. 

History, however, will remember those who were not afraid to be trailblazers. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 03, 2006, 01:12:34 PM
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 03, 2006, 01:40:23 PM
Eric say it aint so!  :o

Unless we legalize the marjiuana and have it available backstage for all to enjoy I don't see this going much further then Ms. Waugaman. Stranger things have happened and I've been known to be wrong a time or three.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 03, 2006, 01:48:34 PM
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 03, 2006, 02:03:19 PM
There are leaders and then there are followers. 

History, however, will remember those who were not afraid to be trailblazers. 
She's blaze'n something all right.  8)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 03, 2006, 02:34:32 PM
LOL taking hits from the bong or freestyle figure posing? Which will you be engaging in this weekend Dina? :P

I'll have the video up this afternoon.

Both and I might sport a blue mohawk to match my suits. Just be sure to take pics
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 03, 2006, 02:42:01 PM
As I am a rasta who lives in the Caribbean, I am obviously the expert on whether someone is blazin or not.

Post up the vid, and I will give my expert opinion >:(
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JKDMan on October 03, 2006, 02:48:31 PM
As I am a rasta who lives in the Caribbean, I am obviously the expert on whether someone is blazin or not.

Post up the vid, and I will give my expert opinion >:(
The video's already been posted, CQ. Those are youtoube links.  ;)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: fitnessdiva1 on October 03, 2006, 02:51:53 PM

The video cuts off right after Tara Scotti... Val is not in the video, neither is DJ Wallis.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 03, 2006, 03:25:06 PM
The video's already been posted, CQ. Those are youtoube links.  ;)
The Vid I am working on is an interview explaining her posing and what she will be doing this weekend, along with what she was saying when she was talking to herself.

Dina - I will have a camera and video recorder, Ron wants some special pics.  ;)

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 03, 2006, 04:22:55 PM
The video's already been posted, CQ. Those are youtoube links.  ;)

Whoops. It appears I am the high one 8)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 04, 2006, 11:17:49 AM
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JohnT on October 06, 2006, 01:02:20 AM
I must say, I'm very disappointed by people in this thread.  It's one thing to say you don't like a routine, or a suit, or a look, or a physique, etc...... but saying that Valerie is on drugs, or is high, even if just in jest, is in very poor form.  Just because you don't understand something someone else does, or you are resistant to change, that doesn't make the other person wrong, "high", weird, or deserving of these sorts of mean spirited comments.

I can assure you, Ms. Waugaman is not "high" on anything, nor is she feeding her ego by performing a new type of "quarter turn".   She is a super, super nice person, and is the classiest person I've met in the industry.  She is ALWAYS friendly to both fellow competitors and fans alike. I've never seen Valerie in a bad mood.  She's wonderful.  She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage.  Just because she has an idea to help grow figure into something more interesting, it should not be construed as showboating, grandstanding, etc..., she's just being creative and trying to present her physique in what she feels is a positive fashion. From what I understand, behind the scenes, many of the girls love this idea - allowing them to present themselves in a unique way - but are "afraid" to speak up about it, fearing lower placings. I, for one, am looking very forward to her 2 minute performance this weekend in West Palm Beach, and hope she pioneers in a new era in Figure.

To attack her with such venom (Malibu and Hinds) is very low on your parts.  Especially how you act nice to her on your video, then trash her, call her "high", etc, here on this board.  One thing is for certain - your negativity will not affect her.  Her positive spirit is stronger than anything you bring to the table.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 06, 2006, 01:23:05 AM
(http://She is a super, super nice person, and is the classiest person I've met in the industry.  She is ALWAYS friendly to both fellow competitors and fans alike. I've never seen Valerie in a bad mood.  She's wonderful.  She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage.  Just because she has an idea to help grow figure into something more interesting, it should not be construed as showboating, grandstanding, etc..., she's just being creative and trying to present her physique in what she feels is a positive fashion. From what I understand, behind the scenes, many of the girls love this idea - allowing them to present themselves in a unique way - but are "afraid" to speak up about it, fearing lower placings. I, for one, am looking very forward to her 2 minute performance this weekend in West Palm Beach, and hope she pioneers in a new era in Figure.)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Alex on October 06, 2006, 02:28:14 AM
Photography Val - most big amount.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 06, 2006, 05:42:54 AM
I must say, I'm very disappointed by people in this thread.  It's one thing to say you don't like a routine, or a suit, or a look, or a physique, etc...... but saying that Valerie is on drugs, or is high, even if just in jest, is in very poor form.  Just because you don't understand something someone else does, or you are resistant to change, that doesn't make the other person wrong, "high", weird, or deserving of these sorts of mean spirited comments.

I can assure you, Ms. Waugaman is not "high" on anything, nor is she feeding her ego by performing a new type of "quarter turn".   She is a super, super nice person, and is the classiest person I've met in the industry.  She is ALWAYS friendly to both fellow competitors and fans alike. I've never seen Valerie in a bad mood.  She's wonderful.  She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage.  Just because she has an idea to help grow figure into something more interesting, it should not be construed as showboating, grandstanding, etc..., she's just being creative and trying to present her physique in what she feels is a positive fashion. From what I understand, behind the scenes, many of the girls love this idea - allowing them to present themselves in a unique way - but are "afraid" to speak up about it, fearing lower placings. I, for one, am looking very forward to her 2 minute performance this weekend in West Palm Beach, and hope she pioneers in a new era in Figure.

To attack her with such venom (Malibu and Hinds) is very low on your parts.  Especially how you act nice to her on your video, then trash her, call her "high", etc, here on this board.  One thing is for certain - your negativity will not affect her.  Her positive spirit is stronger than anything you bring to the table.
Dear Waugamaniac,

I'm all for making things interesting and change, but you don't do what Val did at the biggest show of the year and think that is okay. You also don't tell the IFBB that YOU are going to change the way figure is done. That's a great way to get change.  ::) I'd hardly call what I am saying trashing her. Everything I am saying I will say to Val in person and the questions Ron and I asked are what people were asking and commenting on. I can't count the number of people asking or commenting on thinking she was high or on something. That is why Ron asked the question. I wouldn't considering me putting on the CAPTAIN OBVIOUS suit and calling it how the vast marjority of people see it being negative. People didn't understand and why we asked the questions we did, again hardly trashing her.

"She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage."
- You clearly don't speak to many of the competitors as this couldn't be further from the truth. I've been told on more then a few occasions first hand accounts of how she was less then nice to fellow competitors. You have NO CLUE how many fellow competitors felt that her perfomance on stage was disrespectful of their time and talking on stage OUTLOUD would tend to lend itself to those who aren't in a "normal" state of mind.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 06, 2006, 06:01:34 AM
I must say, I'm very disappointed by people in this thread.  It's one thing to say you don't like a routine, or a suit, or a look, or a physique, etc...... but saying that Valerie is on drugs, or is high, even if just in jest, is in very poor form.  Just because you don't understand something someone else does, or you are resistant to change, that doesn't make the other person wrong, "high", weird, or deserving of these sorts of mean spirited comments.

I can assure you, Ms. Waugaman is not "high" on anything, nor is she feeding her ego by performing a new type of "quarter turn".   She is a super, super nice person, and is the classiest person I've met in the industry.  She is ALWAYS friendly to both fellow competitors and fans alike. I've never seen Valerie in a bad mood.  She's wonderful.  She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage.  Just because she has an idea to help grow figure into something more interesting, it should not be construed as showboating, grandstanding, etc..., she's just being creative and trying to present her physique in what she feels is a positive fashion. From what I understand, behind the scenes, many of the girls love this idea - allowing them to present themselves in a unique way - but are "afraid" to speak up about it, fearing lower placings. I, for one, am looking very forward to her 2 minute performance this weekend in West Palm Beach, and hope she pioneers in a new era in Figure.

To attack her with such venom (Malibu and Hinds) is very low on your parts.  Especially how you act nice to her on your video, then trash her, call her "high", etc, here on this board.  One thing is for certain - your negativity will not affect her.  Her positive spirit is stronger than anything you bring to the table.

She is obviously a friend of yours and you are defending her, and I applaud that. I would do, and have done, the same.

That being said, if you want to walk out onstage and talk to yourself - people are going to talk about you. End of story. It is nutty to talk to yourself onstage.

She has a great physique no doubt. I was beyond impressed by her from the moment she came on the scene.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 06, 2006, 09:11:13 AM
To attack her with such venom (Malibu and Hinds) is very low on your parts. 

Lift was out of line, got called on it, then smartened up in subsequent postings about The Regal One. 

MalibuBarbie is just a trashy little bitch.  A couple of us think it might be a guy and that it might be a guy who trains female competitors, but one thing is certain - jealousy consumes this individual.  That's what makes his/her perspective so laughable.  And the end of the day, MalibuBarbie is just another internet troll desperate for attention. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JohnT on October 06, 2006, 09:45:30 AM
Dear Waugamaniac,

I'm all for making things interesting and change, but you don't do what Val did at the biggest show of the year and think that is okay. You also don't tell the IFBB that YOU are going to change the way figure is done. That's a great way to get change.  ::) I'd hardly call what I am saying trashing her. Everything I am saying I will say to Val in person and the questions Ron and I asked are what people were asking and commenting on. I can't count the number of people asking or commenting on thinking she was high or on something. That is why Ron asked the question. I wouldn't considering me putting on the CAPTAIN OBVIOUS suit and calling it how the vast marjority of people see it being negative. People didn't understand and why we asked the questions we did, again hardly trashing her.

"She's the LEAST egotistical person I know, and is probably the nicest to other competitors backstage."
- You clearly don't speak to many of the competitors as this couldn't be further from the truth. I've been told on more then a few occasions first hand accounts of how she was less then nice to fellow competitors. You have NO CLUE how many fellow competitors felt that her perfomance on stage was disrespectful of their time and talking on stage OUTLOUD would tend to lend itself to those who aren't in a "normal" state of mind.

I've spoken to maybe 15-17 of the 22 or so competitors since the Olympia prejudging.  I think that's a pretty good sample set to get an accurate view of things, Isaac.  And so far, the only people acting jealous, insecure, and calling it disrespectful are you and Malibu"Barbie".   If "positive affirmation" is Valerie's thing on stage, so what?  Who does that harm?  There are probably a lot of things you do that many people would consider not "normal" too.

Stating almost factually like you have, that "she was less than nice to fellow competitors", is a flat out lie.  I've never heard a competitor state this, only you.   Competitors have always told me she's very sweet and personable, and this dates back to 2005 Europa.  (I was not present at the 05 USA's or the 04 Bodyrock shows where she apparently also competed).
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 06, 2006, 01:07:27 PM
I've spoken to maybe 15-17 of the 22 or so competitors since the Olympia prejudging.  I think that's a pretty good sample set to get an accurate view of things, Isaac.  And so far, the only people acting jealous, insecure, and calling it disrespectful are you and Malibu"Barbie".   If "positive affirmation" is Valerie's thing on stage, so what?  Who does that harm?  There are probably a lot of things you do that many people would consider not "normal" too.

Stating almost factually like you have, that "she was less than nice to fellow competitors", is a flat out lie.  I've never heard a competitor state this, only you.   Competitors have always told me she's very sweet and personable, and this dates back to 2005 Europa.  (I was not present at the 05 USA's or the 04 Bodyrock shows where she apparently also competed).
Now THAT is laughable. Perhaps you are very close to Val and they don't feel comfortable telling you how they really feel. As I've spoken to more then ten of the Olympia competitors and they all have spoke less then favorably on the "figure posing routine". It is disrespectful, it's not what figure is about if you want to change, great but do so in a matter other then just doing it and thinking that will work. Nothing wrong with positive affirmations, I think many competitors and people do it - just not OUTLOUD ON STAGE. If you want to do it, cool but you can't say people won't scratch their head wondering WTF. What's next referring to yourself in the third person and that's "normal" behavior as well?

It is factual, not ALMOST factual. How about you tell us who you are because everyone here knows who I am and I can tell you I have been told numerous times the direct opposite of what you're saying. To each their own, I could give a shit less and I do find it interesting and comical but I am reporting facts and you're clearly a fan/friend of family trying to save face.

PS - TRE, What was out of line? You're becoming a swayback bro. That is your opinion and if I had a nickel for every person who told me they have agreed with what I said, well I'd have about a dollar. :PFirst you tell me I ride the company line and never say anything controversial and now that I am, you tell me I am out of line. Give me the memo next time on who is off limits to the Tre dawg. ;)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 06, 2006, 01:43:25 PM
As I've spoken to more then ten of the Olympia competitors and they all have spoke less then favorably on the "figure posing routine".

Get them on the record, and then I'll believe this claim.   

It is disrespectful, it's not what figure is about if you want to change, great but do so in a matter other then just doing it and thinking that will work.

"It's not what figure is about"??  How does one even know what figure is about?  Has it EVER been defined?  Of course it hasn't.  Prior to this past weekend, figure was nothing more than a bunch of women walking on stage in high heels doing countless quarter turns for the judges.     

PS - TRE, What was out of line? You're becoming a swayback bro. That is your opinion and if I had a nickel for every person who told me they have agreed with what I said, well I'd have about a dollar. :PFirst you tell me I ride the company line and never say anything controversial and now that I am, you tell me I am out of line. Give me the memo next time on who is off limits to the Tre dawg. ;)

Oh, I absolutely believe that you're a company man...I don't expect that to change anytime soon. 

Yes, what you said in starting this thread was controversial (that in itself is a good thing), but you can't attack The Regal One and expect to get away with it.  There's no question that your criticism was harsh when you first posted.  With regards to being a company man, I've never heard you be as critical of IFBB judging as you were of the most incredible IFBB competitor.   

At the end of the day, though, IFBB figure is all about Valerie Waugaman and what she brings to the table on a given weekend.  Sure, Jenny Lynn is a beautiful woman who is adored by many (she's just one of those folks), but no one is really even talking about her victory last weekend. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 06, 2006, 02:03:22 PM
Get them on the record, and then I'll believe this claim.
I'll see what I can do for ya as I am sure a few have no fear but most as you know don't like to speak on the record about many things.   
"It's not what figure is about"??  How does one even know what figure is about?  Has it EVER been defined?  Of course it hasn't.  Prior to this past weekend, figure was nothing more than a bunch of women walking on stage in high heels doing countless quarter turns for the judges.
Don't disagree but if you want to perform like Val did then go take it to Broadway, this isn't theatre.

Oh, I absolutely believe that you're a company man...I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Yes, what you said in starting this thread was controversial (that in itself is a good thing), but you can't attack The Regal One and expect to get away with it.  There's no question that your criticism was harsh when you first posted.  With regards to being a company man, I've never heard you be as critical of IFBB judging as you were of the most incredible IFBB competitor.   

At the end of the day, though, IFBB figure is all about Valerie Waugaman and what she brings to the table on a given weekend.  Sure, Jenny Lynn is a beautiful woman who is adored by many (she's just one of those folks), but no one is really even talking about her victory last weekend. 

Stating the obvious of what everyone was talking about is hardly an attack on Valerie. Just because I don't endlessly rag on the IFBB that makes me a company man? So be it. I've never claimed to have loyalty to any org other then the IFBB. Is it perfect? Hell no but show me anything that is. The Regal One? Oh brother.  ::) Try removing your schmoe hat once in awhile and see things for what they really are. She is a far cry from what IFBB figure is all about. People are talking about her and that's great if you believe any publicity is good publicity. I agree it is an interesting conversation and topic for debate which figure has long needed. It doesn't mean the act on stage was appropriate and I agree with it, it's about the physique and on that day because she was off her other actions looked like a circus side show.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 06, 2006, 06:58:27 PM
For the record... I had dinner with Valerie tonight and we discussed this topic. Valerie and I spoke openly and candidly about everything being brought up here. She truly believes that figure needs something more to spice it up. Val also brought up the discussion of her being rude to other competitors, to which I told her, yes I have heard that from other competitors and put that out there. Val gave her side of the story, which we all know there are two sides to every story. It was good to hear her side of the story and whether she is right or wrong, I can appreciate Val having the conversation. So many competitors get pissed off and can't have an open discussion about things. I respect that Val has always been willing to answer my questions and give her side of the story. I asked her point blank on why she didn't look like what we've grown to expect from her at the O, to which she responded... She tried something different and lost muscle in the process, she gets tired of doing the same thing all the time and wanted to change it up.

I must say why I still don't agree with the figure posing routine, I do enjoy having candid conversations in person with Val. To anyone who thinks I am maliciously bashing Val is wrong and feel free to contact her and ask her about our conversations. At the end of the night Val and Adela suggested I take up a new career of "Figure Routine Choreography".  8) LOL!
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JohnT on October 06, 2006, 11:38:32 PM
Now THAT is laughable. Perhaps you are very close to Val and they don't feel comfortable telling you how they really feel.

No..... I have professional connections with many (not all) of the competitors.  Has nothing to do with Val in particular.

As I've spoken to more then ten of the Olympia competitors and they all have spoke less then favorably on the "figure posing routine".

Like Tre' said, "name them".  I don't believe you, period.  I have heard opinions of the exact opposite nature.

It is disrespectful, it's not what figure is about

I must have missed that part where they put you in charge of dictating what figure is about.

if you want to change, great but do so in a matter other then just doing it and thinking that will work.

You can handle change however you want.  Val can handle it her way. Fine with me.

Nothing wrong with positive affirmations, I think many competitors and people do it - just not OUTLOUD ON STAGE.

And again, just who did that bother?  What life was so terribly negatively impacted by that?  If that is what Val needed to do to be comfortable and compete at the highest level, so what?  Do you get pissed off at a female tennis player when she grunts to hit the ball? (ala Monica Seles).  Do you get pissed off at that drummer at a rock concert who's making weird faces and noises into his mic while he concentrates on his drum solo?

If you want to do it, cool but you can't say people won't scratch their head wondering WTF. What's next referring to yourself in the third person and that's "normal" behavior as well?

It's more normal than being so uncomfortable with something that you go running online and bitch about it for a week.

It is factual, not ALMOST factual. How about you tell us who you are because everyone here knows who I am and I can tell you I have been told numerous times the direct opposite of what you're saying.

Oh believe me, I'll be more than happy to introduce myself this weekend if I see you here in Florida.

To each their own, I could give a shit less

yeah, that's why you've been here crying for the last week over it. You *clearly* don't give a shit.  ::)

and I do find it interesting and comical but I am reporting facts and you're clearly a fan/friend of family trying to save face.

At best you are presenting heresay.  Facts?  Now THAT is comical. Most likely you have a personal ax to grind, and are using this forum as your method of attack.  No, I'm not family. Could "maybe" be considered a friend of Vals, but more a professional affiliation would be the best way to describe it.  In any event, I know she is a sweetheart of a person, and is absolutely innocent of the outright lies (being rude to competitors... c'mon Malibu, get real) being spread here, and as a result I feel compelled to defend her since she does not visit this forum and in this industry, reputation counts for a lot.
Stating the obvious of what everyone was talking about is hardly an attack on Valerie.

LOL - there we go with that "everyone" again.  yeah, everyone minus about 15 competitors I talked to last weekend after the show. (where we specifically discussed the "routine".). I think in your world "everyone" = a select few catty bitches who are jealous, and/or entirely afraid of any type of change in their precious little world.

The Regal One? Oh brother.   Try removing your schmoe hat once in awhile and see things for what they really are. She is a far cry from what IFBB figure is all about.

Oh really?  Having perfect genetics, beautifully marketable face, and professionalism and sincrerity beyond your comprehension is a "far cry" from what IFBB figure is all about?  Hmmmm.....that doesn't sound like much of an organization to me, then.

It doesn't mean the act on stage was appropriate and I agree with it, it's about the physique and on that day because she was off her other actions looked like a circus side show.

Who are you to decide what is/is not appropriate for the figure division?  If this was so inappropriate, why isn't Val banned now? I agree she missed her conditioning for this show. If she came in like she did in Denver, she wins hands down.  But her "circus side show" (all 15 extra seconds of it... oh yes, time is SUCH a commodity at these shows....) was hardly deemed inappropriate by anyone I've talked to (including one judge and two people close to the judges of that show).

I must say why I still don't agree with the figure posing routine, I do enjoy having candid conversations in person with Val.

Nobody ever said you had to agree with it. Your lack of professionalism in bashing her, pretty much "behind her back" is what I took issue with. In any event, I'm glad you had dinner with Val and were able to get her side of the story.

To anyone who thinks I am maliciously bashing Val is wrong and feel free to contact her and ask her about our conversations. At the end of the night Val and Adela suggested I take up a new career of "Figure Routine Choreography".   LOL!

I will indeed ask Val about it, first thing tomorrow morning when I see her.  Whatever her response is, it probably won't change my opinion of how you and "malibu" handled yourselves here.  And yes, tomorrow, if I see you'll, I'll defend my position with equal conviction in person.  Looking forward to meeting you. (no, that's not meant to be a threat or any shit like that...  but if you appreciate "candid conversation" like you had with Val, then you'll love me! - LOL.   Seriously, enjoy the show, have fun.)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 07, 2006, 12:02:16 AM

Lift - Is that filthy little slut, "MalibuBarbie", running around there this weekend?  Just wondering. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 07, 2006, 04:32:10 AM
Lift - Is that filthy little slut, "MalibuBarbie", running around there this weekend?  Just wondering. 
If I knew who Malibu Barbie was I'd let you know.

JohnT - Thanks for the novel, I should have printed it out for my morning read on the can. Knock yourself out, you have your opinion I have mine. If you're asking me to go on the record as to who spoke less then favorable, then it is only fair to say you could do the same with the 12+ competitors you spoke with, right?

As I told Val, I have nothing against her personally and no "axe to grind" as you put it. Since when was having a discussion about something out of the ordinary - "crying"? I'd be more then happy to have a discussion with you in person just as I have with Valerie numerous times. I'm not some keyboard warrior afraid to have civil discussions in person, I told Valerie everything I said on here to her face. The funny thing is Val said she didn't come on the boards, she learned about everything but someoene calling to tell her about it.  :-[

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 07, 2006, 09:26:45 AM

Lift - I don't think you have an axe to grind with Val, but if there are people claiming that she's 'snooty', then they're flat-out lying.  My only hope is that no one is mentioning any of this online crap to her - she doesn't need to be bothered with it.  Let the PR people handle it.  ;)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 07, 2006, 10:17:34 AM
Val was backstage today and helping everyone out and was a sweetheart.. so I can only judge by how I am treated....and she was super nice...

you guys can carry on with you cyber name calling
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 07, 2006, 10:34:38 AM

Mommy has spoken.   ;D
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 07, 2006, 12:36:01 PM
Lift - I don't think you have an axe to grind with Val, but if there are people claiming that she's 'snooty', then they're flat-out lying.  My only hope is that no one is mentioning any of this online crap to her - she doesn't need to be bothered with it.  Let the PR people handle it.  ;)
I don't have any personal beef with Val. "Joe" has called Val and let her know what is being said on here. She had no clue but asked me point blank and we discussed it last night person. Again I find her interesting and it gives us something to talk about other then "Monica got hosed" convos we typically have after the shows.

Tonigh Val will be performing her routine and I will be sure to video tape it and get an interview with her after the show.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 07, 2006, 12:57:36 PM
I don't have any personal beef with Val. "Joe" has called Val and let her know what is being said on here. She had no clue but asked me point blank and we discussed it last night person. Again I find her interesting and it gives us something to talk about other then "Monica got hosed" convos we typically have after the shows.

Tonigh Val will be performing her routine and I will be sure to video tape it and get an interview with her after the show.

Sounds good - I can't wait to see it.  Oh, I was gonna mention this in an email, but since I've got you here...I think there was a problem with the aspect ratio in the last clip you posted.  Everyone seemed a bit 'narrow', or compressed along the vertical axis.  What software are you using to capture/render your clips? 

Regarding this "Joe" you mentioned, if he is a real friend, he shouldn't even be mentioning this crap to the Goddess. 

Regarding Monica, she's one of the most beautiful muscular women of all-time, but unfortunately, her structure will never allow her to be #1 in IFBB pro figure.  She cannot change her bone structure to give her wider just isn't going to happen.  Her conditioning and presentation are never anything short of flawless, but she's maxed out what God gave her.  She's still the sport's elder stateswoman, though, and continues to be an incredible role model and fitness ambassador all over the world and that's what she will be remembered for. 

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 07, 2006, 01:19:21 PM
Indeed Mo will always be an icon. Vals routine will be fun to watch  especially since it means I can actually leave the KITCHEN  ehem  I mean dressing area...
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 07, 2006, 01:30:19 PM
Indeed Mo will always be an icon. Vals routine will be fun to watch  especially since it means I can actually leave the KITCHEN  ehem  I mean dressing area...

Maybe your make up artist can take your place in the dressing area then. ;)

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 07, 2006, 01:33:16 PM
Sounds good - I can't wait to see it.  Oh, I was gonna mention this in an email, but since I've got you here...I think there was a problem with the aspect ratio in the last clip you posted.  Everyone seemed a bit 'narrow', or compressed along the vertical axis.  What software are you using to capture/render your clips? 

Regarding this "Joe" you mentioned, if he is a real friend, he shouldn't even be mentioning this crap to the Goddess. 

Regarding Monica, she's one of the most beautiful muscular women of all-time, but unfortunately, her structure will never allow her to be #1 in IFBB pro figure.  She cannot change her bone structure to give her wider just isn't going to happen.  Her conditioning and presentation are never anything short of flawless, but she's maxed out what God gave her.  She's still the sport's elder stateswoman, though, and continues to be an incredible role model and fitness ambassador all over the world and that's what she will be remembered for. 
Yeah I noticed that as well. I am still getting the hang of Final Cut Pro and noticed I needed to export it differently. I shoot in HD with a Sony cam.

I agree and I believe "Joe" is one posting on here but I could be wrong.

Mo is Mo and will always be a champ.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 07, 2006, 01:39:48 PM
Maybe your make up artist can take your place in the dressing area then. ;)

She is in the dressing area (bathroom in my case) Only time she is out is when I am on stage.. wanna join me... hehehe
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Militia-Men on October 08, 2006, 03:27:48 AM
Any chance of someone posting a video of Vals "routine" from this weekend  :)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: VasD on October 08, 2006, 12:21:58 PM
Hi All

I have not posted here but feel compelled to given the Val  controversy.

I will skip the  tactful  opinions of her routine since that is your personal taste.

( although from reading these boards I doubt that the critics would have had anything but effulgent praise if she was properly 'connected' - even if she stood for 10 minutes onstage doing naked handstands)

However from personal experience I can comment regarding the accusations that she is on some form of ego trip.  I had the pleasure of meeting Val at the Olympia expo. I had to wait on line for 20 minutes for that pleasure  Now before you haters scream ' hah - she is stuck up'  listen to the rest.  The reason I had to wait is that she would spend 5 to 10 minutes or more answering EVERY question her fans had for her on a variety of topics from preparation for figure shows to general questions on nutrition and fitness. 

When I finally made it to the front of the line she excused herself and startled me by jumping from behind her table and bounding down the expo aisle.  At first I thought it was something I said, but then saw that the reason for her departure was to run down the previous fan who had forgotten a photo of her,  on which she had written down diet advice.   The guy was as shocked to see Val as I was to see her bolt off,   undoubtably due to his not seeing a beautiful athlete like Val running him down every day and even more the fact she would care enough to bother.  From my experiences at the O and other expos it is difficult to get many of the athletes to exchange more than pleasantries,  and God forbid they waste any more time on their fans than it takes to sign their photo.

Now my experience, and that of fitDina and many others,  does not PROVE that the accusations by Malibu Barbie and others here is a load of malarkey.  However at minimum it should motivate those relaying these claims to question their sources before spreading the manure.   Val had absolutely nothing to gain by helping the fan I described,  or the many others she spent time with at the expo.  I was not backstage (were any of you?)  but find it difficult to believe that anyone with such strongly demonstrated graciousness, class,   and concern for others would behave in the manner described.


PS -  If you guys were concerned about Val reading what you wrote this thread why did you post on it?  This is clearly a board designed to attract participation from Figure and Fitness athletes.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 08, 2006, 03:11:33 PM
Any chance of someone posting a video of Vals "routine" from this weekend  :)
Yep - will post later this week.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 11, 2006, 12:33:48 AM
Some good points, but a little harsh. Especially the sentence I put in bold. You women can be so catty and nasty to each other sometimes! LOL Maybe it is a case of ego run amok with Val...I dunno. Fan adulation can make some people lose perspective on reality.
Ehh...that likely has nothing to do with Valerie. Most people in attendance at shows "claim" not to respect figure.

JKDMan it is interesting when a woman states an opinion about a situation we are being catty or nasty, a man does it and they are "just keeping it real".  ::)Actually, being catty or nasty would be a competitor saying to Val, "You go girl. Keep it up. We Loved It.", all the while whispering, "yahoo, now one of the biggest threats is out of the way".  I watched Manion roll his eyes and then shoot over to Sandy after Val did her thing. Something tells me he wasn't telling her to hand the keys to the throne to the Great One or The Val (as she refers to herself). If she had not made the decisions that she did she very well would have been in the top five; even in the condition she was in. Anyway, you are right about the pole comment. Val is not that kind of girl (not that I feel there is anything wrong if she were). You got to admit though that if you are going to saunter and strut around while blowing kisses there is a lot more money to be made elsewhere. LOL Hey, "just keeping it real" (as I grasp my imaginary cohunes’").

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 11, 2006, 12:45:27 AM
As I am a rasta who lives in the Caribbean, I am obviously the expert on whether someone is blazin or not.

Post up the vid, and I will give my expert opinion >:(

Sorry CQ, let me try that again. Do not want people talking crap at you for something I said.

CQ I and I has filled da chalice wit da kalli weed and give thanks and praise to da Most High and mi never, ever seen no one act like dis kind of foo'. That boy Tre need a big o bowl of Ganja cause someting wrong wit a him. He tinks he's a Don but he is chatty-chatty and a sapps.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Malibu Barbie on October 11, 2006, 12:52:17 AM
Lift was out of line, got called on it, then smartened up in subsequent postings about The Regal One. 

MalibuBarbie is just a trashy little bitch.  A couple of us think it might be a guy and that it might be a guy who trains female competitors, but one thing is certain - jealousy consumes this individual.  That's what makes his/her perspective so laughable.  And the end of the day, MalibuBarbie is just another internet troll desperate for attention. 

Tre you are confused. "Trashy Little Bitch Barbie" is my cousin. She has a platinum dye job with inch and a half dark roots showing, overstuffed daisy dukes and a bad boob job bulging out her tube top. Best of all though, she comes packaged with her own DVD of her and her man Tre when they were on the Jerry Springer Show. I believe the episode was called, "When Your Man Won’t Stay Off the Boards Blowing Illusions and Smoke Up Some Other Girls Derrière". (Internet troll???? Umm, you have close to 5,000 posts. Barbie, thirty-seven.)  As I have said before I am not a guy; my box is clearly labeled 100% female. The only person I have trained is Ken; and that is only so he will do what mama wants, when she wants it and how she likes it.
I am not jealous of your "imaginary girl friend/obsession". I was truly disappointed by her behavior towards the other women.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Fit Gourmet on October 11, 2006, 01:00:25 AM
I hate to add one more comment, however, I do consider Val a friend. I don't get to speak to her much, but can tell all of you, she was very interested in what the response was to her Routine at the Olympia. I told her I didn't have a problem with it. It was different and as an individual she has to follow her heart. She is a strong women and a fierce competitor, so sometimes that can mean a serious game face. I use to want to break her knees when my wife would have to compete against her, but learned to respect her a lot. Val has always been super friendly to me and Alexis. However, Competition day they rarely spoke before the show. They both could be a little INTENSE !!!(A Bitch!!) if caught at the wrong moment. Trust me, a lot of Competitors can get very intense before the show, however After the Show, sweet as fresh Apple Pie.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 05:22:57 AM
I've spoken to maybe 15-17 of the 22 or so competitors since the Olympia prejudging.  I think that's a pretty good sample set to get an accurate view of things, Isaac.  And so far, the only people acting jealous, insecure, and calling it disrespectful are you and Malibu"Barbie".   If "positive affirmation" is Valerie's thing on stage, so what?  Who does that harm?  There are probably a lot of things you do that many people would consider not "normal" too.

"JohnT", I mean Joe. I give you props for coming up and introducing yourself to me at the West Palm Beach show, however don't misrepresent yourself here on the boards. You're also a schmoe, not that there is anything wrong with that but it is what it is. You talking to 15-17 of the 22 competitors was most likely you asking them to shoot on your HD video. You are a Val fan and that's great. Val told me in person she wasn't aware of what was being said until you called to tell her. As I told you in person, I have and will tell Val everything I am saying online to her face. After talking with Val, she is clearly in her own world and I say cool, let her live in her own reality.

You're right about one thing Joe, there are a lot of things I do many people don't consider normal. One of them being in this industry.  ;D

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 11, 2006, 05:53:03 AM
however don't misrepresent yourself here on the boards. You're also a schmoe, not that there is anything wrong with that but it is what it is.

Don't panic Isaac,  I don't think he misrepresented himself. It was blatantly obvious he is a schmoe :)

CQ I and I has filled da chalice wit da kalli weed and give thanks and praise to da Most High and mi never, ever seen no one act like dis kind of foo'. That boy Tre need a big o bowl of Ganja cause someting wrong wit a him. He tinks he's a Don but he is chatty-chatty and a sapps.

Aahh...big tings a gwaan. I and I neva cyan say mi zeen an original roots chat a patois upon de getbig bwad. Pure slackness a gwaan pon de Olympia stage. To chat pon de stage is pure brukout, dem a nah see it 8)
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Rick Lohre on October 11, 2006, 07:33:05 AM
.....Competition day they rarely spoke before the show. They both could be a little INTENSE !!!(A Bitch!!) if caught at the wrong moment. Trust me, a lot of Competitors can get very intense before the show, however After the Show, sweet as fresh Apple Pie.

That's exactly as I see it too.  Julie, a total sweetie who has never said "Boo" to anyone (well maybe one).  She often times in prepping backstage before a contest can come off as, well, intense.  She doesn't talk much, keeps to herself and is almost always off on her own.  Why? Well she's prepping herself...mentally...and this often comes off as not being sociable. 

I don't disagree with how people think someone could mistake this intensity for "being bitchy"...I have learned that it's her way of getting herself ready.  I also had the opportunity to shoot the Little Rock Pro Fitness show and noticed the each competitor backstage had different ways of getting ready.  Some had iPod's donned, steeley eyes, expressionless faces....others giggled, joked, goofed off.  Everyone handles it differently. 

Come night show, Julie is a total goof off!  She is always good humored then since all the judging has been done (well except for the 2 minute routine).  She knows that she's done what she can and now it's time to enjoy it.

I'll be honest, after seeing Valerie's "O" performance, I wasn't sure what to think.  However, after witnessing Valerie's Figure routine at the West Palm Beach show, it was clear...she marches to the beat of her own, albeit, very unique drum.  Good for her.  Her guest posing seemed to be her way of letting people in on what "her world" is all about before/during a show.  After witnessing the "whole picture" in her 2 minute guest posing routine - from warmup, stretch, etc to her final sequence of poses (check out Utube video)....It made a lot of sense and I respected where she was coming from.  I did enjoy the routine and think individualized posing/quarter turns is a great way for figure athlete's to show some personal expression on stage.  Will it be adopted by the IFBB?, probably not, at least not right away....but she did put it out there, that there could be more to it. 

I also had the opportunity to talk to her briefly before and after her performance.  She was anything but "self involved", in fact she was downright friendly. 

Rick Lohre (
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Dina on October 11, 2006, 11:40:24 AM
Tre you are confused. "Trashy Little Bitch Barbie" is my cousin. She has a platinum dye job with inch and a half dark roots showing, overstuffed daisy dukes and a bad boob job bulging out her tube top.

Are you saying you were not in Daisy Dukes when I met you....  could have been all those drinks I  Either way.. Malibu.. I love ya!
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: JohnT on October 11, 2006, 12:24:54 PM
"JohnT", I mean Joe. I give you props for coming up and introducing yourself to me at the West Palm Beach show, however don't misrepresent yourself here on the boards. You're also a schmoe, not that there is anything wrong with that but it is what it is. You talking to 15-17 of the 22 competitors was most likely you asking them to shoot on your HD video. You are a Val fan and that's great. Val told me in person she wasn't aware of what was being said until you called to tell her. As I told you in person, I have and will tell Val everything I am saying online to her face. After talking with Val, she is clearly in her own world and I say cool, let her live in her own reality.

You're right about one thing Joe, there are a lot of things I do many people don't consider normal. One of them being in this industry.  ;D

Isaac, sorry, but you just don't know what you're talking about here.  You're wrong on pretty much all of your points above.  Most of the "15-17" from the O that I talked to had nothing to do with shooting or not shooting for any particular website.  A lot of it was just catching up with competitors I've known for quite some time, or in some cases, getting together to discuss DVD production services they had emailed me about, or explaining (to the competitors that know us well) why my wife wasn't able to make a trip to vegas!  LOL.  In almost all these cases a casual conversation about the prejudging came up, and of course, Valerie's routine (the extra 15-20 seconds of quarter turns...) was part of that conversation.

As far as being a Val "fan", sure I am.  If you want to label me a "schmoe" for that, fine by me.  I have a professional releationship with Val, but I also find her to be an outstanding person - intelligent, friendly, great sense of humor, and is always willing to help out other competitors.  So sure, go ahead and label me a fan, or schmoe, or whatever you want.  She's as nice a person as you'll ever meet.

As far as being the "tattle tale" to Val regarding the venom you and Malibu throw around here, that's just 100% inaccurate. Either you mis-understood Valerie (most likely), or Val misspoke.  It was one week ago today (almost to the minute, actually) that she called me, asking if I was going to be able to make the Florida show.  I remember this clear as day, as I was in the line at a local Jiffy Lube waiting for an oil change, and there was a car wreck right outside (some drunken idiot in the middle of the afternoon drove right through the glass bay doors - lol - pretty funny actually, since there were no injuries).   But anyway, we discussed things, then I said "looks like you caused quite a stir on some of the internet boards".   She said "yeah, I've heard about that.... kinda a bummer that some people feel that way, but oh well".  I said "yeah, I'm not too pleased about that", then she said "really? what have you seen?" Then I just filled in some blanks for her.  Nothing that she didn't really already know from someone else, just minor details.   None of the comments bothered her in any way, except for the outright lies of her being less than nice backstage.  That's the total opposite of who she is, and was disappointed that she was being misrepresented in that way.  That's really all there was to that conversation.

A day later, I lucked into a hugely discounted airfare to WPB, so I was able to make the trip and see the show and Val's routine.  I think Val's routine was well received, and with a little more polishing (faster transitions, etc...) could really catch on as a guest performance.  Obviously you can't have 150 figure girls at the USA's doing 3:35 routines, but surely some of the freedom in movements might catch on.  Good job, Val.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 01:58:48 PM
Isaac, sorry, but you just don't know what you're talking about here.  You're wrong on pretty much all of your points above.  Most of the "15-17" from the O that I talked to had nothing to do with shooting or not shooting for any particular website.  A lot of it was just catching up with competitors I've known for quite some time, or in some cases, getting together to discuss DVD production services they had emailed me about, or explaining (to the competitors that know us well) why my wife wasn't able to make a trip to vegas!  LOL.  In almost all these cases a casual conversation about the prejudging came up, and of course, Valerie's routine (the extra 15-20 seconds of quarter turns...) was part of that conversation.

As far as being a Val "fan", sure I am.  If you want to label me a "schmoe" for that, fine by me.  I have a professional releationship with Val, but I also find her to be an outstanding person - intelligent, friendly, great sense of humor, and is always willing to help out other competitors.  So sure, go ahead and label me a fan, or schmoe, or whatever you want.  She's as nice a person as you'll ever meet.

As far as being the "tattle tale" to Val regarding the venom you and Malibu throw around here, that's just 100% inaccurate. Either you mis-understood Valerie (most likely), or Val misspoke.  It was one week ago today (almost to the minute, actually) that she called me, asking if I was going to be able to make the Florida show.  I remember this clear as day, as I was in the line at a local Jiffy Lube waiting for an oil change, and there was a car wreck right outside (some drunken idiot in the middle of the afternoon drove right through the glass bay doors - lol - pretty funny actually, since there were no injuries).   But anyway, we discussed things, then I said "looks like you caused quite a stir on some of the internet boards".   She said "yeah, I've heard about that.... kinda a bummer that some people feel that way, but oh well".  I said "yeah, I'm not too pleased about that", then she said "really? what have you seen?" Then I just filled in some blanks for her.  Nothing that she didn't really already know from someone else, just minor details.   None of the comments bothered her in any way, except for the outright lies of her being less than nice backstage.  That's the total opposite of who she is, and was disappointed that she was being misrepresented in that way.  That's really all there was to that conversation.

A day later, I lucked into a hugely discounted airfare to WPB, so I was able to make the trip and see the show and Val's routine.  I think Val's routine was well received, and with a little more polishing (faster transitions, etc...) could really catch on as a guest performance.  Obviously you can't have 150 figure girls at the USA's doing 3:35 routines, but surely some of the freedom in movements might catch on.  Good job, Val.
Awe "JohnT" God Bless ya. Now Tre has some company here on the boards. Don't be a stranger and please pipe in on other threads unrelated to Val.

As I've said before and will say again - I have nothing against Val, I don't have to agree with everything she does, just like I don't have to agree with you.
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 02:34:17 PM
As I've said before and will say again - I have nothing against Val, I don't have to agree with everything she does...

You're such a schmoe.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Chamorrita on October 11, 2006, 02:38:39 PM
I can't imagine paying someone thousands of dollars to guest pose and watch them do mountain climbers.  Clients pay trainers to make them do those.  Now, because she's pretty and has a great contest physique and all the guys love her, well, I can see promoters paying her for that. 

I'll be honest, after seeing Valerie's "O" performance, I wasn't sure what to think.  However, after witnessing Valerie's Figure routine at the West Palm Beach show, it was clear...she marches to the beat of her own, albeit, very unique drum.  Good for her.  Her guest posing seemed to be her way of letting people in on what "her world" is all about before/during a show.  After witnessing the "whole picture" in her 2 minute guest posing routine - from warmup, stretch, etc to her final sequence of poses (check out Utube video)....It made a lot of sense and I respected where she was coming from.  I did enjoy the routine and think individualized posing/quarter turns is a great way for figure athlete's to show some personal expression on stage.  Will it be adopted by the IFBB?, probably not, at least not right away....but she did put it out there, that there could be more to it.

I think everyone involved in this kind of competition knows what's going on in Val's world.  They are living it themselves...from the competitors to the judges. 

Maybe people are put off by her because her ego is growing as big as her popularity.  (Just guessing here not judging her.)  Ego's are big in this industry.

Talking outloud onstage during competition seems a little nutty, especially when you are talking to yourself.  There are rules of competition and it seems everyone else was sticking to them.  If Val wants to do a posing routine, she should get into bodybuilding.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: CQ on October 11, 2006, 02:49:48 PM
I can't imagine paying someone thousands of dollars to guest pose and watch them do mountain climbers.  Clients pay trainers to make them do those.  Now, because she's pretty and has a great contest physique and all the guys love her, well, I can see promoters paying her for that. 

I am involved with bringing in the guest posers for our shows here. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, we would not even consider paying the sum it costs to bring in a guest poser to have them perform the 'routine' I watched from Val.

  There are rules of competition and it seems everyone else was sticking to them.  If Val wants to do a posing routine, she should get into bodybuilding.

Exactly. I am really missing the point here. Why not just do fitness or bodybuilding?
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 03:47:32 PM
You're such a schmoe.

I don't go up to women in the hotel lobby and ask them if they want to shoot or take videos of them doing stretches and/or bicep curls.

I thought this was a prerequisite for being a schmoe.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 04:00:38 PM
Maybe people are put off by her because her ego is growing as big as her popularity.  (Just guessing here not judging her.)  Ego's are big in this industry.

It's the big fragile egos of the insecure people running around in her wake that give rise to the harsh criticisms and outright lies being spread.

Talking outloud onstage during competition seems a little nutty, especially when you are talking to yourself.  There are rules of competition and it seems everyone else was sticking to them.

I laugh at those of you who are so threatened by the fact that you cannot get Val to fit inside your little box. 

People talk to themselves - and to their opponents - during competitions all the time.  Val is an athlete, so it's not at all unusual for the athlete in her to manifest itself on the competitive stage.

Say what you will, but whatever she's doing must be working, because there's more interest in Val than in all the other competitors combined. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Chamorrita on October 11, 2006, 04:36:51 PM
It's the big fragile egos of the insecure people running around in her wake that give rise to the harsh criticisms and outright lies being spread.

I laugh at those of you who are so threatened by the fact that you cannot get Val to fit inside your little box. 

People talk to themselves - and to their opponents - during competitions all the time.  Val is an athlete, so it's not at all unusual for the athlete in her to manifest itself on the competitive stage.

Say what you will, but whatever she's doing must be working, because there's more interest in Val than in all the other competitors combined. 

Tre, please don't get your panties in a wad just because not everyone can fit Val into their little boxes.  Just get over it.  I never insinuated that she was crazy.  Talking to yourself is fine.  Just keep it within when you are around other people, because it will be misconstrued.  Manifesting that behavior on the Olympia stage is distracting.  I am sure the judges didn't take too kindly to it neither did her fellow competitors.  If she meant to do it to psych out her competitors, it didn't work.  She should just stick to showing off the fantastic physique she has. 

You are right about insecure people with fragile egos running around trying to cause trouble.  That is why I made the suggestion.  I have never met her, nor care.  But because she is from the Cleveland area, I am thinking she's a cool chick because she might be a Browns fan like me. 

I still think if she wants to put on a routine during competition, she should move to bodybuilding or fitness.  There is obviously no room for what SHE wants to do on the figure stage at this time. 
Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Tre on October 11, 2006, 09:05:22 PM
I don't go up to women in the hotel lobby and ask them if they want to shoot or take videos of them doing stretches and/or bicep curls.

I thought this was a prerequisite for being a schmoe.

Nope - you ask them to do mountain climbers instead.

You fit one of the alternative definitions. 

The good thing is that you love yourself, so you can avoid being labeled as one of those self-hating schmoes. 

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Lift Studios on October 11, 2006, 09:58:10 PM
Nope - you ask them to do mountain climbers instead.

You fit one of the alternative definitions. 

The good thing is that you love yourself, so you can avoid being labeled as one of those self-hating schmoes. 
HAAH! Excellent.

Title: Re: Val Waugaman floats like a butterfly...
Post by: Rampage on December 28, 2006, 04:52:35 PM
I wish to add something on the original opic of conversation here

Yeah i saw the routine of which you guys were speaking , i was wwatching it with my girlfriend.Now my gf is just getting into this fitness thing and training and what not.So i guess you can call her views as one of the `general public` because she`s a novice to the BB world

Now when she saw the competotors walk out and do their mandotories , she thought that all of em were a bit stoic and too stiff if you know what i mean.But when Valerie came out and did her turns , my girl instantly shouted "ooh , i liiike her ,she did that soo cutely!"

My point is , maybe what val did was just mere flare and something to add colour to an otherwise dull repetitive series off movements.And she did.But all the fuss was because it was ou of character in terms of what BB`ing enthusiats are used to seeing

I think us hardcore fans and competitors are the ones being too hard on her