Author Topic: REPUBLICANS view themselves as "Unfavorable" as does everyone else. GOP is dying  (Read 10711 times)


  • Getbig V
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Read George Orwell.  He was a lifelong Socialist and I think you would get a better idea of what Socialism is if you read his works and essays.

And yet he wrote a book detailing the excesses of a Socialist state....


  • Getbig V
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Of course I do. Starting with cutting the military budget by 50 percent and closing bases that we do not need.

The military budget and maintaining weapon systems that we do not even use or have no plans to use costs the most money.

Yeah....ok what bases don't we need there General Patton. Defense always gets cut by the douchebag left until we need it. Please tell me what needs to go..amid Iran/China/Russia/Nkorea/AQ..tell us what we should cut..maybe we could surrender and just let em march in.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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And yet he wrote a book detailing the excesses of a Socialist state....
Try again.


  • Getbig V
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Orwell, the British journalist and writer, penned his book in 1948 as a commentary on Soviet totalitarianism, a very present danger at the time. His dystopia was in many ways an even darker version of Stalin's Soviet Union, with a godlike leader, a ruling party that enforces the state's ideology, and an omnipresent secret police. Yet Orwell was a socialist, a man of the left whose polemic was directed in large part at the pro-Soviet delusions of his fellow leftists. Since then, both left and right have tried to appropriate Orwell's vision and claim it as their own....

I guess this never occured to u did it. I mean the Left never tries to limit rights do they?


The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Orwell, the British journalist and writer, penned his book in 1948 as a commentary on Soviet totalitarianism, a very present danger at the time. His dystopia was in many ways an even darker version of Stalin's Soviet Union, with a godlike leader, a ruling party that enforces the state's ideology, and an omnipresent secret police. Yet Orwell was a socialist, a man of the left whose polemic was directed in large part at the pro-Soviet delusions of his fellow leftists. Since then, both left and right have tried to appropriate Orwell's vision and claim it as their own....

I guess this never occured to u did it. I mean the Left never tries to limit rights do they?

Wrong.  Read Orwell`s essay entitled "WHY I WRITE".

In the essay he states his goal to rail against Soviet Totalitarianism and to promote Socialism and dispel the myth that Stalin`s Russia was Socialist.  This made his VERY angry that people were misrepresenting Socialism by calling Russia as such when it was not. THAT is why he wrote.

He was later to add, in "Why I Write" (1946), "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it."

According to biographer John guy,"the other crucial dimension to Orwell's socialism was his recognition that the Soviet Union was not socialist. Unlike many on the left, instead of abandoning socialism once he discovered the full horror of Stalinist rule in the Soviet Union, Orwell abandoned the Soviet Union and instead remained a socialist--indeed he became more committed to the socialist cause than ever."


  • Getbig V
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Wrong.  Read Orwell`s essay entitled "WHY I WRITE".

In the essay he states his goal to rail against Soviet Totalitarianism and to promote Socialism and dispel the myth that Stalin`s Russia was Socialist.  This made his VERY angry that people were misrepresenting Socialism by calling Russia as such when it was not. THAT is why he wrote.

He was later to add, in "Why I Write" (1946), "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it."

According to biographer John guy,"the other crucial dimension to Orwell's socialism was his recognition that the Soviet Union was not socialist. Unlike many on the left, instead of abandoning socialism once he discovered the full horror of Stalinist rule in the Soviet Union, Orwell abandoned the Soviet Union and instead remained a socialist--indeed he became more committed to the socialist cause than ever."

It took u long enough to respond didn't it...couldn't find article that supported ur point. I was an English major bud.....I did alot on Orwell. And if u read my post..its one sentance. The "And yet he wrote a book detailing the excesses of a Socialist state".....that is socialism taken to its possible and scary extreme. His friends in the movement thought that socialism/communism were he wrote about how bad things could be. They worshipped Stalin, much like u idiots worship Barry.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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It took u long enough to respond didn't it...couldn't find article that supported ur point. I was an English major bud.....I did alot on Orwell. And if u read my post..its one sentance. The "And yet he wrote a book detailing the excesses of a Socialist state".....that is socialism taken to its possible and scary extreme. His friends in the movement thought that socialism/communism were he wrote about how bad things could be. They worshipped Stalin, much like u idiots worship Barry.
Are you stupid or just ignorant?


According to biographer John guy,"the other crucial dimension to Orwell's socialism was his recognition that the Soviet Union was not socialist. Unlike many on the left, instead of abandoning socialism once he discovered the full horror of Stalinist rule in the Soviet Union, Orwell abandoned the Soviet Union and instead remained a socialist--indeed he became more committed to the socialist cause than ever."

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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It took u long enough to respond didn't it...couldn't find article that supported ur point. I was an English major bud.....I did alot on Orwell. And if u read my post..its one sentance. The "And yet he wrote a book detailing the excesses of a Socialist state".....that is socialism taken to its possible and scary extreme. His friends in the movement thought that socialism/communism were he wrote about how bad things could be. They worshipped Stalin, much like u idiots worship Barry.
You clearly know NOTHING about George Orwell or what or why he wrote what he did.

He was angry particularly at people like you who thought Stalinistic Russia was Socialist which he went to great lengths to educate people how and why it was not.

He was emotionally upset that people held this mythical belief and was the inspiration for most if not all of his work.

Please learn something about Orwell before you spout lies and myths.


  • Getbig V
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I guess u must be.....SOCIALISM TAKEN TO THE EXTREME...hence 1984. Ur a fucking retard that thinks he's an expert based on a cut and paste article. His friends thought socialism and Uncle Joe were great ....he wrote 1984 as an example that is could all go horribly wrong. Especially with a single Uncle Joe or hell even ur idiot president.

Hey TA did u read what I wrote....SOCIALISM taken to the extremeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Go study climate change or rep 225 100 times.


  • Getbig V
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Yet "1984" does have lessons beyond the totalitarian experience. Take the book's definition of "doublethink," the ideal mental state of the citizen of Orwell's dystopia: it is "the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them," the ability "to tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies."

It is not just governments - democratic or not - that engage in a less extreme version of such mental gymnastics. It's activists of all stripes; talk show hosts and pundits across the political spectrum; and, finally, ordinary people. The same is true of "newspeak," terminology invented to shade the real meaning of certain beliefs or acts and make them more appealing. (Even such popular terms as "pro-choice" for "pro-abortion rights" and "pro-life" for "anti-abortion" have overtones of newspeak.)

Another pervasive feature of the Orwellian state was the practice of constantly whipping up hatred toward the ideological enemy du jour. Looking at much of our political discourse today,

Who does that sound like. Orwell believed in British socialism that existed after 1945. His friends believed in the more extreme communist version.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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I guess u must be.....SOCIALISM TAKEN TO THE EXTREME...hence 1984. Ur a fucking retard that thinks he's an expert based on a cut and paste article. His friends thought socialism and Uncle Joe were great ....he wrote 1984 as an example that is could all go horribly wrong. Especially with a single Uncle Joe or hell even ur idiot president.

Hey TA did u read what I wrote....SOCIALISM taken to the extremeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Go study climate change or rep 225 100 times.

He did not write 1984 as a book about Socialism to the extreme!

In the essay "Why I Write", Orwell explains that all the serious work he wrote since the Spanish Civil War in 1936 was "written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism".[17] Nineteen Eighty-Four is an anti-totalitarian cautionary tale about the betrayal of a revolution by its defenders. He already had stated distrust of totalitarianism and betrayed revolutions in Homage to Catalonia and Animal Farm. Coming Up For Air, at points, celebrates the personal and political freedoms lost in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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"My recent novel [Nineteen Eighty-Four] is NOT intended as an attack on Socialism "- George Orwell


  • Getbig V
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Yeah..again EXTREME SOCIALISM as seen in Stalin's Russia...posting bigger words doesn't make it true.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Yeah..again EXTREME SOCIALISM as seen in Stalin's Russia...posting bigger words doesn't make it true.

It pained Orwell that people even remotely thought Stalin had something to do with Socialism.

Orwell`s basis for all of his work was to prove to people that Stalinistic Russia was NOT Socialistic at all but rather Totalitarianism.

The basis for 1984 was to dispel the myth that Russia was Socialist at all.  How do you not know this?


  • Getbig V
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Are u an idiot....I guess u see what u want to see.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Are u an idiot....I guess u see what u want to see.
I am simply quoting the man`s own work, "Why I write".

You are offering up lies and myths that he was diametrically opposed to.

This is not the only issue where you lie and use myths with shoddy sources.


  • Getbig V
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Lies...dude..what was point. Socialism taken to the Barry. That was my point. It was a small point, but one u felt u could debate because u had nothing about the actual thread topic...nothing. U don't debate, u cut and paste like the work is ur own. Like ur some expert. I don't lie..that must be u. Remind me where ur video of the 225x100 is again. I'm still waiting for ur answer on the 50% cut in the military drivel. Quick wiki wiki wiki....

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Lies...dude..what was point. Socialism taken to the Barry. That was my point. It was a small point, but one u felt u could debate because u had nothing about the actual thread topic...nothing. U don't debate, u cut and paste like the work is ur own. Like ur some expert. I don't lie..that must be u. Remind me where ur video of the 225x100 is again. I'm still waiting for ur answer on the 50% cut in the military drivel. Quick wiki wiki wiki....
You are supporting a LIE of your own creation.  George Orwell was against the very thing you claim.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Lies...dude..what was point. Socialism taken to the Barry. That was my point. It was a small point, but one u felt u could debate because u had nothing about the actual thread topic...nothing. U don't debate, u cut and paste like the work is ur own. Like ur some expert. I don't lie..that must be u. Remind me where ur video of the 225x100 is again. I'm still waiting for ur answer on the 50% cut in the military drivel. Quick wiki wiki wiki....

YOU are the one without sources who just makes stuff up and admittedly are proud of it.  You are angry at me because I use evidence, fact and direct sources.

Isn`t it hilarious?  You really have a third-grade education and it shows.


  • Getbig V
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TA what the hell are u talking about.

"1984 presents Orwell's vision of a dystopia and warns us of the dangers of totalitarianism, oppressive governments, propaganda, and thought control. His dystopia had an oppressive, tyrranical government who sought to squish individual thought, choice, and action."

Which is my point...I'm not angry at u. TA if u really think u matter that much, u really need an ego check. U need to cut and paste because u have no idea what the fuck ur talking about.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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TA what the hell are u talking about.

"1984 presents Orwell's vision of a dystopia and warns us of the dangers of totalitarianism, oppressive governments, propaganda, and thought control. His dystopia had an oppressive, tyrranical government who sought to squish individual thought, choice, and action."

Which is my point...I'm not angry at u. TA if u really think u matter that much, u really need an ego check. U need to cut and paste because u have no idea what the fuck ur talking about.

Exactly.  His point was to rail against Totaltarianism and defend Socialism and to educate people that Stalinistic Russia had nothing to do with Socialism.

You somehow conflated Totaltarianism with Socialism which is THE VERY thing that agitated Orwell enough to write 1984.  He details this in his essay entitled "Why I write".


  • Getbig V
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Now how about u stop cutting and pasting and enlarging ur posts and explain where we need to cut 50%.

"Orwell created the figure of Big Brother to reflect the totalitarian governments of the time period (1948) such as Franco, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. All of those leaders, like Big Brother, ruled through the use of violence, control, and propaganda"....

He was writing about a socialist England that went nuts. His friends admired Russia and communism, the book was a warning. My point has been the same...socialism taken to the extreme. Britain started out as 1945 socialism and became 1984 super totalitarianism. We face the same thing here. We have a nutbag trying on socialism who could easily drive us to 1984 style bullshit if unchecked.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Now how about u stop cutting and pasting and enlarging ur posts and explain where we need to cut 50%.

"Orwell created the figure of Big Brother to reflect the totalitarian governments of the time period (1948) such as Franco, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. All of those leaders, like Big Brother, ruled through the use of violence, control, and propaganda"....

He was writing about a socialist England that went nuts. His friends admired Russia and communism, the book was a warning. My point has been the same...socialism taken to the extreme. Britain started out as 1945 socialism and became 1984 super totalitarianism. We face the same thing here. We have a nutbag trying on socialism who could easily drive us to 1984 style bullshit if unchecked.


You are wrong in thinking it is in any way a criticism of Socialism.

In fact, Orwell thought Socialism to be the only antidote to defeating Hitler.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Now how about u stop cutting and pasting and enlarging ur posts and explain where we need to cut 50%.

"Orwell created the figure of Big Brother to reflect the totalitarian governments of the time period (1948) such as Franco, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. All of those leaders, like Big Brother, ruled through the use of violence, control, and propaganda"....

He was writing about a socialist England that went nuts. His friends admired Russia and communism, the book was a warning. My point has been the same...socialism taken to the extreme. Britain started out as 1945 socialism and became 1984 super totalitarianism. We face the same thing here. We have a nutbag trying on socialism who could easily drive us to 1984 style bullshit if unchecked.

You are TOTALLY wrong.
Orwell's words in this and other writings at the time leave no doubt that in 1940 he regarded "English Socialism" as highly desirable and was actively trying to bring about its victory.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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It is really ironic that you are distorting Orwell`s message as the one you are putting forth is the EXACT MESSAGE he was trying to fight against.  This message being the false demonization of socialism.

It is Un-fucking-believable what you are doing HH6.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  Seriously.