Yes that is me.
So what I want is to see a picture of you wearing one of Lena's suits. (you know, you put one leg in the hole, then the other leg in the hole, then you pull the suit up over your shoulders... we will go from there, depends on how you look in it, maybe i will just make you do quarter turns.
You're a dirty naughty girl. Reminds me of a story. My father, God rest his soul, told me the best sex he ever had was with one-legged women. Something about positional play. I don't know. I've always wondered. So there I was driving down the street, and I saw her. A woman with long, flowing incredible, magnificent limp. So I pulled the car over. I said, 'Excuse me, madam. Do you have a wooden leg?' And she said, 'Why? Do you have one at the moment?' I smiled and I said, 'As a matter of fact...' And she said, 'I'm expensive.' So I told her I'd buy her a trip to Belize, first class. She pulled out her badge and arrested me. Both her legs were real.
Denny Crane