Author Topic: LOL another genius bites the dust  (Read 4134 times)

Humble Narcissist

  • Getbig V
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #50 on: June 01, 2021, 10:21:51 AM »
Global population INCREASE by year, since 2016:

2016: 84 million.
2017: 84 million.
2018: 83 million.
2019: 81 million.
2020: 80 million.
2021: 40 million and counting.

Some epic global plague right here, causing the world population to GROW at its usual massive rate.  ::)
:D  No shit.  People are dropping like flies so much the population is increasing.


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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2021, 10:28:29 AM »
Stark,a person my age with a pre-existing lung disease....COPD and Cancer in remission would be signing his death warrant getting that poison pumped into his body.

Call me a kunt if you want to but I have faced death too many times to let a fucking silly ass hardly tested vaccine take me out of the picture.

If you were me at 66 years old next week with lung Cancer would you get it or at least be confident to do so.................I doubt it bud!!

Thanks,but no thanks.......I bought my ticket,I`ll take my chances.

Have you discussed your concerns about the vaccine with your doctor?


  • Getbig V
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2021, 10:40:21 AM »
Have you discussed your concerns about the vaccine with your doctor?

You’re such a chump. In every way.


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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2021, 11:05:23 AM »
Your time is coming soon

You threataning me bitch?


  • Getbig I
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2021, 11:06:41 AM »
Why the “LOL”? Because it’s a cop?

No because he's stupid.


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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #55 on: June 01, 2021, 02:28:29 PM »
:D  No shit.  People are dropping like flies so much the population is increasing.

Haha, yeah.

Honestly, NO ONE is in any position to judge a pandemic's impact until two years pass, and we can analyze all the data, including variables that we won't know in many cases until several days to several months after the year is over, when these sorts of statistics are compiled.

After data on the first one million COVID cases were made public, I was able to put forth certain predictions by extrapolating based on that data, but how on earth so many experts, let alone so many average people  ::), were somehow able to draw such sweeping conclusions on the lethality of COVID with limited data was a bit odd to me.  I guess these people have a crystal ball, and/or a time machine.  ::)

One person I know - whose name is actually Karen - said "I bet all the states with high death rates are Republican states."

Actually Karen, given the average age of death for COVID is 84, it's safe to say the states with the highest death rates are the states with the greatest concentration of elderly people.  But yeah, must be those irresponsible Trump supporters dropping like flies, and not the extreme elderly and otherwise immunocompromised including people with terminal cancer who are dying or anything.  ::)

Just the audacity for her to cast all people dying of COVID is being reckless Trump supporters, when in reality, unbeknownst to her, she was ultimately referring to our grandparents, and the people who have built our society, as well as people with terminal disease.

Perhaps had she known that, she wouldn't have made such an insulting remark.  But I guess to liberals, it's better to virtue-signal to come across as moral and ethical, not grasping that to high IQ people, you just come across as ignorant.

Yes, Trump states have more elderly people.  I'm not about to make light of the fact that they are dying at rates higher than younger people.  And even if it was thousands of young Trump supporters who were dying, why would anyone make light of that, ultimately to basically brag about it and brag about your political "team"?

Just the notion that people are going around saying "IT'S MUH RIGHT!!!!11", and dropping dead is so completely wrong.  I was concerned that the government would use this as a chance to take away people's civil liberties, while mucking it all up, AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

For example, in Canada, the fact that the government postponed 450,000 elective surgeries in the name of "the public health" is just such an astonishing example.  In reality, our government's socialized healthcare system is ailing, and has been overwhelmed since around 1998, but they can't tell us that, so instead, they are postponing elective surgeries under the guise/lie of hospitals being overwhelmed due to COVID [they're not], so that they don't need to announce to the taxpayers the REAL issue at hand, which is that our healthcare system has been struggling for decades now.

Instead, let's push the narrative that irresponsible people are spreading COVID left and right, and overwhelming our hospitals.

One more point about COVID is that I checked the data on those who are hospitalized, and 90% of people who are ultimately either sent to the ICU or who are ventilated, end up dying.  I can't remember which one.  It may be that 90% of those requiring mechanical ventilation for COVID ultimately die.  So the notion that "hospitals are overwhelmed" should be addressed as "HOSPICES are overwhelmed", because anyone requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU usage for COVID ultimately end up dying.

Everyone else just recovers quickly and goes home.

So the notion that hospitals are overwhelmed with people in ICU's, who are going to survive is complete bollocks.  To the extent the ICU's are overwhelmed or to the extent that mechanical ventilation is required, the overwhelming majority of these people die anyway.

The ONLY concern left would be COVID "long-haulers", or whatever damage is being done in the months and years to following after a person recovers from COVID.  But I have no reason to think that is anything horrific, and either way - WE WON'T KNOW UNTIL THE TIME PASSES.  JUST like the vaccine - we won't know how safe it is in the long-term until there IS a "long-term" to analyze!

But of course, shit-libs know it all, as usual [and are almost always wrong when they do].  ::)

Regarding my friend Karen, she has like a dozen photos on her Instagram of her wearing masks or face shields, apparently unable to grasp that if you don't have COVID, wearing a mask doesn't prevent you from spreading COVID, lol.  So in hindsight, her Instagram will be a mini-shrine of her not having COVID, yet wearing a mask for some reason - basically because the government and media told her too.

And as I said, these are people who judge conservatives, and want to come across as smart.

I have no choice but to be friends with liberals where I am located geographically.  I wouldn't say the issue is that they are bad people, but it always annoys me when they make sweeping statements that are ALSO incorrect.  Again, like Karen's implication that Trump supporters are dying in mass of COVID, when in reality, the people dying had an average age of 84, and she was ultimately mocking the deaths of our elderly.  ::)  It doesn't seem so open-minded and liberal when you put it like that, now, does it?

Like the guy who started this thread - is he making light of the fact that some people are hesitant to get a rushed vaccine, and may die because of it?  ???  Meanwhile, almost no one under 40 [or even under 60 or 70 for that matter] is dying of COVID, and the only people dying, whether they are people who are against the vaccine or not, are our elderly and immunocompromised populations.  Who on earth would make fun of these people dying, or cherry-pick one or two stories of healthy young people dying and say "Ha!  I told you so!  This guy was against the vaccine and died!"  ???

If so many people who are young and healthy and opposed to an experimental RUSHED gene therapy agent were dying, THE DATA WOULD SPEAK FOR ITSELF.

But given that the global population has GONE UP by 120+ million since the start of this pandemic, it's safe to say that no one is dying in mass.  ::)  Exceptions for people who were already within an average of around 22 months from what their date of death would be if not for the virus.


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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2021, 05:28:02 PM »
Girls and sons who have not  ............  loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didn't have  ............  left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them.  Some even despised them  ............  would shape their personality and the way they they interact with others for the  ............  exaggeratly for attention (Hello Goodrum), and have troubles adapting to society's rules,  ............  also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.  Also boys  ............  got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure-  ............  compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They're insecure  ............  big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised  ............  re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence  ............  they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs. ......


  • Getbig IV
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #57 on: June 02, 2021, 06:17:04 AM »
PrimeSoggy is an unfortunate embarrassment of a “man”. He sucks cocks, is a libcuck and hasn’t a mind of his own. Just a pathetic deviant sheep.

I find it yet another disgrace on government that they’re “dangling the carrot that is freedom” hinging on people taking the experimental drug potions.

Freedom is our right. It is NOT something government has to give.

It is OURS.

Great post summed that pathetic faggit up perfectly!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2021, 06:21:16 AM »
Have you discussed your concerns about the vaccine with your doctor?

The fuck does his dr know? There's no data out there for someone in his circumstances.... Your always the clueless fool.

The dr won't be giving him a take back if he gets the vaccine and gets sick as fuck, also they probably will attribute the illness to his copd or lung cancer avoiding the fact that the vaccine was immediately prior...


  • Getbig V
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #59 on: June 02, 2021, 06:39:59 PM »
The fuck does his dr know? There's no data out there for someone in his circumstances.... Your always the clueless fool.

The dr won't be giving him a take back if he gets the vaccine and gets sick as fuck, also they probably will attribute the illness to his copd or lung cancer avoiding the fact that the vaccine was immediately prior...

Wrong. There's a lot of data which supports the reality that people with preexisting conditions have a much greater chance of not surviving COVID when they contact it. There is also data that shows most people who get the vaccine have a mild or no reaction to it and they have almost no chance of getting COVID.

But I am sure Wes and his doctor appreciate you astute and professioanl opinion with regards to Wes' health.

Apparently, you want guarantees. Guess what, there are no guaranteed outcome's in life or more so,  in the medical field. There are statistics and odds based on a lot of scientific information. But hey, fuck that, go with your instincts and personal opinions if you want. That is your prerogative when they are applied to you. It isn't the best advise when it affects other people.

Speaking of no takebacks, if Wes were to get COVID with devastating results, are you going to step in an help care for him? Oh wait, unless I missed something, you aren't in the medical field and aren't therefore qualified to do that. Maybe you could pay his medical bills, so that he or his wife wouldn't be stuck with them.



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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #60 on: June 23, 2021, 09:06:01 AM »

COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Another Rare Blood Disease: Israeli Study

Israeli researchers on Monday said that they discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and a rare blood disease called thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).


  • Getbig V
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #61 on: June 25, 2021, 02:21:33 AM »

I don't think it really was Covid but rather that he was killed by the Woke Mob.

There are agents that when injected (by blowgun/injectiongun/teledartpistols) that cause Covid to mutate (purposely designed by the Lab)

You can have it dormant for years, but when injected with Cyclonus Y by a designated woke culprit will cause death.


  • Getbig V
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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2021, 02:25:30 AM »
Wrong. There's a lot of data which supports the reality that people with preexisting conditions have a much greater chance of not surviving COVID when they contact it. There is also data that shows most people who get the vaccine have a mild or no reaction to it and they have almost no chance of getting COVID.

But I am sure Wes and his doctor appreciate you astute and professioanl opinion with regards to Wes' health.

Apparently, you want guarantees. Guess what, there are no guaranteed outcome's in life or more so,  in the medical field. There are statistics and odds based on a lot of scientific information. But hey, fuck that, go with your instincts and personal opinions if you want. That is your prerogative when they are applied to you. It isn't the best advise when it affects other people.

Speaking of no takebacks, if Wes were to get COVID with devastating results, are you going to step in an help care for him? Oh wait, unless I missed something, you aren't in the medical field and aren't therefore qualified to do that. Maybe you could pay his medical bills, so that he or his wife wouldn't be stuck with them.

Honestly, NO ONE is in any position to judge a pandemic's impact until two years pass, and we can analyze all the data, including variables that we won't know in many cases until several days to several months after the year is over, when these sorts of statistics are compiled.

After data on the first one million COVID cases were made public, I was able to put forth certain predictions by extrapolating based on that data, but how on earth so many experts, let alone so many average people  ::), were somehow able to draw such sweeping conclusions on the lethality of COVID with limited data was a bit odd to me.  I guess these people have a crystal ball, and/or a time machine.  ::)

One person I know - whose name is actually Karen - said "I bet all the states with high death rates are Republican states."

Actually Karen, given the average age of death for COVID is 84, it's safe to say the states with the highest death rates are the states with the greatest concentration of elderly people.  But yeah, must be those irresponsible Trump supporters dropping like flies, and not the extreme elderly and otherwise immunocompromised including people with terminal cancer who are dying or anything.  ::)

Just the audacity for her to cast all people dying of COVID is being reckless Trump supporters, when in reality, unbeknownst to her, she was ultimately referring to our grandparents, and the people who have built our society, as well as people with terminal disease.

Perhaps had she known that, she wouldn't have made such an insulting remark.  But I guess to liberals, it's better to virtue-signal to come across as moral and ethical, not grasping that to high IQ people, you just come across as ignorant.

Yes, Trump states have more elderly people.  I'm not about to make light of the fact that they are dying at rates higher than younger people.  And even if it was thousands of young Trump supporters who were dying, why would anyone make light of that, ultimately to basically brag about it and brag about your political "team"?

Just the notion that people are going around saying "IT'S MUH RIGHT!!!!11", and dropping dead is so completely wrong.  I was concerned that the government would use this as a chance to take away people's civil liberties, while mucking it all up, AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.

For example, in Canada, the fact that the government postponed 450,000 elective surgeries in the name of "the public health" is just such an astonishing example.  In reality, our government's socialized healthcare system is ailing, and has been overwhelmed since around 1998, but they can't tell us that, so instead, they are postponing elective surgeries under the guise/lie of hospitals being overwhelmed due to COVID [they're not], so that they don't need to announce to the taxpayers the REAL issue at hand, which is that our healthcare system has been struggling for decades now.

Instead, let's push the narrative that irresponsible people are spreading COVID left and right, and overwhelming our hospitals.

One more point about COVID is that I checked the data on those who are hospitalized, and 90% of people who are ultimately either sent to the ICU or who are ventilated, end up dying.  I can't remember which one.  It may be that 90% of those requiring mechanical ventilation for COVID ultimately die.  So the notion that "hospitals are overwhelmed" should be addressed as "HOSPICES are overwhelmed", because anyone requiring mechanical ventilation or ICU usage for COVID ultimately end up dying.

Everyone else just recovers quickly and goes home.

So the notion that hospitals are overwhelmed with people in ICU's, who are going to survive is complete bollocks.  To the extent the ICU's are overwhelmed or to the extent that mechanical ventilation is required, the overwhelming majority of these people die anyway.

The ONLY concern left would be COVID "long-haulers", or whatever damage is being done in the months and years to following after a person recovers from COVID.  But I have no reason to think that is anything horrific, and either way - WE WON'T KNOW UNTIL THE TIME PASSES.  JUST like the vaccine - we won't know how safe it is in the long-term until there IS a "long-term" to analyze!

But of course, shit-libs know it all, as usual [and are almost always wrong when they do].  ::)

Regarding my friend Karen, she has like a dozen photos on her Instagram of her wearing masks or face shields, apparently unable to grasp that if you don't have COVID, wearing a mask doesn't prevent you from spreading COVID, lol.  So in hindsight, her Instagram will be a mini-shrine of her not having COVID, yet wearing a mask for some reason - basically because the government and media told her too.

And as I said, these are people who judge conservatives, and want to come across as smart.

I have no choice but to be friends with liberals where I am located geographically.  I wouldn't say the issue is that they are bad people, but it always annoys me when they make sweeping statements that are ALSO incorrect.  Again, like Karen's implication that Trump supporters are dying in mass of COVID, when in reality, the people dying had an average age of 84, and she was ultimately mocking the deaths of our elderly.  ::)  It doesn't seem so open-minded and liberal when you put it like that, now, does it?

Like the guy who started this thread - is he making light of the fact that some people are hesitant to get a rushed vaccine, and may die because of it?  ???  Meanwhile, almost no one under 40 [or even under 60 or 70 for that matter] is dying of COVID, and the only people dying, whether they are people who are against the vaccine or not, are our elderly and immunocompromised populations.  Who on earth would make fun of these people dying, or cherry-pick one or two stories of healthy young people dying and say "Ha!  I told you so!  This guy was against the vaccine and died!"  ???

If so many people who are young and healthy and opposed to an experimental RUSHED gene therapy agent were dying, THE DATA WOULD SPEAK FOR ITSELF.

But given that the global population has GONE UP by 120+ million since the start of this pandemic, it's safe to say that no one is dying in mass.  ::)  Exceptions for people who were already within an average of around 22 months from what their date of death would be if not for the virus.


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Re: LOL another genius bites the dust
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2021, 02:52:40 AM »
Do not get vaccinated - it's a scam.