Author Topic: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big  (Read 7999 times)


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10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« on: October 25, 2006, 02:34:20 PM »
I just watched one of the posts of titus and kelly ryans story t's the one posted by tech 9. All i have to say is holy shit craig dont look big at all. this man has shrunk so much.... The cops are way bigger then him and the skinny black guy who looks like he was picked up for rock cocaine is about his size. i didnt think craigers would loose that much size.. AND DAMN YOU CRAIG MELISSA JAMES WAS HOT!!!!!!!! way hotter then your wife - bro what were you thinking you shouldve offed kelly and kept melissa - stupid as a rock thats craig titus...


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Re: Titus dont look to big
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 03:30:59 PM »
hey dont talk shit he might get mad and try to hire someone to kill you ;D


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Re: Titus dont look to big
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2006, 03:54:37 PM »
Im sure the plan will be foiled before its even put into action, titus is about as smart as a rock.... wait i cant disrespect a rock's intelligance level by compairing it to ol craigers. I used to hope that he wasn't guilty even though we all know he is..... But with him just saying stupid shit after stupid shit, and the whole murder for hire shit, i have to say Craig is not helping his case any... Shouldve stuck to the OJ plan.... 1) keep your mouth shut!!!!! :-X 2) Hire a well known and intelligant lawyer that makes you keep your mouth shut  :-X ..... and if all else fails and your crazy ass tweeker buddy hires a undercover cop for a hitman always and i mean always refer back to RULE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Titus dont look to big
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 12:23:52 PM »
I just watched one of the posts of titus and kelly ryans story t's the one posted by tech 9. All i have to say is holy shit craig dont look big at all. this man has shrunk so much.... The cops are way bigger then him and the skinny black guy who looks like he was picked up for rock cocaine is about his size. i didnt think craigers would loose that much size.. AND DAMN YOU CRAIG MELISSA JAMES WAS HOT!!!!!!!! way hotter then your tranny looking wife bro what were you thinking you shouldve offed kelly and kept melissa stupid as a rock thats craig titus...
I believe you but does anyone have a recent photo of him?
fk pigdunkbell


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Re: Titus dont look to big
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2006, 01:25:48 PM »
just look at the post a couple down from this one that tech nine posted watch the video.... thats not a very big titus picture there... and i gurantee hes just gotten smaller...


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2006, 04:13:23 PM »
I just watched one of the posts of titus and kelly ryans story t's the one posted by tech 9. All i have to say is holy shit craig dont look big at all. this man has shrunk so much.... The cops are way bigger then him and the skinny black guy who looks like he was picked up for rock cocaine is about his size. i didnt think craigers would loose that much size.. AND DAMN YOU CRAIG MELISSA JAMES WAS HOT!!!!!!!! way hotter then your wife - bro what were you thinking you shouldve offed kelly and kept melissa - stupid as a rock thats craig titus...

Craig was about 175-200 pounds when I last saw him at the 2005 Olympia, at a party at Club Seven. He is pretty much the same now as he was then. Just so you know, bodybuilder who are not in competition form do not look like that throughout the year. There is an off season where they relax.

As for Kelly, they loved each other, and that is that. Who are you to judge them and their lifestyles? As for them being guilty, again, be objective, and wait until you hear all about the evidence by both sides. That is what the trial is. You must remember that we have not heard from the defense once, because the preliminary hearing was bypassed by a quick indictment via the grand jury.


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2006, 05:12:51 PM »
Craig was about 175-200 pounds when I last saw him at the 2005 Olympia, at a party at Club Seven. He is pretty much the same now as he was then. Just so you know, bodybuilder who are not in competition form do not look like that throughout the year. There is an off season where they relax.

As for Kelly, they loved each other, and that is that. Who are you to judge them and their lifestyles? As for them being guilty, again, be objective, and wait until you hear all about the evidence by both sides. That is what the trial is. You must remember that we have not heard from the defense once, because the preliminary hearing was bypassed by a quick indictment via the grand jury.

Ron you should be the first to know that i have supported Craig since the beggining and im sure i can find qoutes of mine telling people to wait till the final verdict... but how long can you honestly sit there and say wait till all the evidence hits... Craig has told enough people about his crazy night in which that girl was brutally murdered. Why would the Foley's who were good friends of the Titus's make up such a horrible story about their friends. Not saying they wouldnt but it wouldnt make sense to me..

And it is obvious that Craig and Kelley loved each other, lord knows they do look at how neither has flipped on the other, and how they have remained strong.Who is anyone to judge to anyone and their lifestyle but it happens everyday. i wont be one of the guys on here that says i can judge craig and kelly because im not a drug addict and i didnt kill my friend bruttaly. but i will say this, I can judge thier lifestyle though Ron and so can everyone else on this board. i say this simply because look where it has gotten them and what they lost because of their lifestyle. So who am i to judge their lifestyle a fan, and someone who cant believe how much they have lost because of this but also someone who knows that the people who really lost something to this was Mellisa James and her family....


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2006, 06:24:52 PM »

I agree with you there, but lets not forget Kelly and Craig's family. They too have lost and are feeling something many of us have never felt - the possibility of two loved ones being in jail for the rest of their lives. As for Melissa's family, we cannot even bear to understand how they feel to lose someone they loved either.

All I am saying is that all feelings aside, I try to stay impartial as a journalist.


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2006, 02:56:37 AM »
killy and craiggers have narcissistic personality disorder and enable each other in every instance.  they are addicted to each other like a crack addict is addicted to crack.  that is not love.


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2006, 05:21:08 AM »
Craig was about 175-200 pounds when I last saw him at the 2005 Olympia, at a party at Club Seven. He is pretty much the same now as he was then. Just so you know, bodybuilder who are not in competition form do not look like that throughout the year. There is an off season where they relax.

As for Kelly, they loved each other, and that is that. Who are you to judge them and their lifestyles? As for them being guilty, again, be objective, and wait until you hear all about the evidence by both sides. That is what the trial is. You must remember that we have not heard from the defense once, because the preliminary hearing was bypassed by a quick indictment via the grand jury.

I agree completely Ron.  District Attorney's are elected, and always take the advantage right off the bat.  No preliminary hearing is bogus.  They have no chance to defend themselves.  I hardly thing CT cares about his physique anymore.  The cops here in vegas shoot handcuffed teenagers and homeless people tossing rocks at them, they make the lapd look like nuns.  I have (0) love for this police department.  I'm not saying the cops made anything up here in this case, just sayin it like it is love or hate it.
Most are all show no go!


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2006, 08:23:15 AM »
Well i agree with the police statement, Thats for damn sure, i live here in Vegas as well and cannot believe the shit that the police officers get away with. I will never deny the fact that there job is stressful, dangeerous, and none the less strenuous. But the police in vegas are way to trigger happy, instead of chasing the handcuffed kid down they shoot him why not right, worng! And the homeless guy to, the reason the cops know so much about the taser in this case, is because LV metro kills just as many people a year if not more with there tasers as they do with there guns. Ron i understand that kelly and craig's families are going thru alot as well. And all the respect in the world goes out to there families, because im sure there asking what they did wrong or what they couldve done to change what happened. It always goes like that...


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2006, 10:05:18 AM »
Yeah, this support, masquerading as "objectivity", makes me ill.  And when I suggested Craig was capable of contract killings and "has already instituted this process in his time in county..." and that it would be poor form for Ron to "share our identities with CT" it was removed from the board as if it was some far-fetched, horrid, filthy thing to say.  Believe me now? 

I wish I never knew Craig, ever, and didn't know how his devious, sick mind thinks, but sadly, he is capable of this and much MUCH MUCH MUCH more.  I wish there was automatic euthanasias for those who are such a public menace and unrehabilitatible.

I can tell you one thing, I'm sure the Foleys would like to go back in time and never know or hang out with the Titus' either. But sadly, they were drawn into his sickness without their permission.  How about them? This pity for Craig is a sickness ~ but if in your heart of hearts, Ron, you are also trying to protect your ass because deep down YOU know how Craig is and you never wanted to get on his bad side, I don't blame you! But let's face facts, aren't Anthony Gross and the Foleys suffering wondering when the bullet is going to hit their backs? Or when someone is going to snuff them out in their sleep in bed, or kidnap them and shoot them gangland style in the dessert before they're rolled into their permanent shallow grave homes?

I think at some point, he's going to be successful, because within months, he's going to be oficially a lost cause with nothing to lose.  He'll make other devious friends in the joint and set up a string of gangland killings... He has a way about him that will not die on death row... he's able to manipulate people.  Watch your backs, and that is no joke. I watch mine all the time. And when a strange car rolls down my country road, I know it could be a result of me sharing an opinion about this publicly. Atilla the Hun had nothing on Titus.


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2006, 11:13:12 AM »
Amen, Shock.




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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2006, 12:44:08 PM »
I am not lying and will swear to anything.  Last year at the Vegas Classic my wife and I see this dude with a HUGE leather black 3/4 coat on with a ball cap pulled down tight like a wanna be gangster who is running around sniffling like he wants to suck his nose through his face (can't guess why ::)).  He turns to so I get a good luck and I think to myself that can't be CT, this dude isn't even close to 200lbs!  At the time I was 6', 220 and a I made him look like a boy!  Even his face was sucked up like a crack addicts!  I told my wife that it was Craig and she didn't believe me till someone called his name out!  That fugger ran around the whole show with Steve (promoter) and couldn't sit still for 2 seconds!  I never seen a bodybuilder walk that fast!  His intensity was through the roof (again, can't imagine why...did I tell you he must have had a runny nose? ::)).  Oh well, that's my take.  Hope this helps... ;)


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2006, 01:39:42 PM »
Yeah Craig went to shit the last couple of years bad choices mixed with not using his head. Its just to bad that it had to result to this. It is a shame that one life is gone to never be again ever. and two people with all the chances in the world allowed a drug problem and there own disease to ruin everything they had worked so hard for... i mean if it is proven that they did it... either way its sad for the James family and that poor girl.... who really cares about Craig and Kelly, hey if they didn't do it they could've called the cops, but when your high you don't worry about that i guess and giving your dead friend some respect, you worry about a career that your already loosing because of drugs.. i just don't understand why they put her in a car and burnt it if they didn't do it... its truly in-humane and i believe it to be spitting in Mellisa's mothers face what they did.... Your daughter died in our house so we duck taped her face and threw her in our car and burnt it. sorry we didn't know what else to do... cmon Ron how much can you investigative report. No matter the outcome what they did to that girls body was wrong and plain disgusting... and that you cant see any other way.... i hope that they both do time for destroying that girl so that her mother could not see her child and have a little bit of closure


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2006, 08:20:18 PM »
Watch your backs, and that is no joke. I watch mine all the time. And when a strange car rolls down my country road, I know it could be a result of me sharing an opinion about this publicly. Atilla the Hun had nothing on Titus.

Hmmm.good point Shock...maybe it's time someone used "reverse psychology" on Craig.  If ya know what I mean?



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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2006, 08:23:02 PM »
That fugger ran around the whole show with Steve (promoter) and couldn't sit still for 2 seconds!  I never seen a bodybuilder walk that fast!  His intensity was through the roof (again, can't imagine why...did I tell you he must have had a runny nose?

too much Rockstar energy drink?


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2006, 03:10:41 AM »
too much Rockstar energy drink?

  Ultimate Orange


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2006, 10:39:07 AM »
too much Rockstar energy drink?

No, I think it was a prototype of that new drink that just came out called "cocaine"!  HOWEVER, I did not see the red can with white label so I can't confirm.  Sorry... ;D


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Re: 10-25-06: Titus dont look too big
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2006, 11:25:54 AM »
I just watched one of the posts of titus and kelly ryans story t's the one posted by tech 9. All i have to say is holy shit craig dont look big at all. this man has shrunk so much.... The cops are way bigger then him and the skinny black guy who looks like he was picked up for rock cocaine is about his size. i didnt think craigers would loose that much size.. AND DAMN YOU CRAIG MELISSA JAMES WAS HOT!!!!!!!! way hotter then your wife - bro what were you thinking you shouldve offed kelly and kept melissa - stupid as a rock thats craig titus...

to get big you gotta go through me,,you cant go through me... you aint big. the murderer cant go through us no more he will be executed in due time,,the ugly wife? i promise you she will never see legit hormone ever again as long as im alive,, even when shes out some day at 45-50,,shell be lucky to be left alive
fallen angel