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Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« on: November 14, 2006, 11:41:40 AM »
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday his country expects its uranium enrichment program to be ready by February to meet Iran's nuclear fuel needs, the national news service IRNA reported.

"We will commission some 3,000 centrifuges by this year end. We are determined to master fuel cycle, and commission some 60,000 centrifuges to meet our demands," the president said at a news conference closed to foreign reporters.

"Today the Iranian nation possesses the full nuclear fuel cycle and time is completely running in our favor in terms of diplomacy."

'A message to the American people'

"I will soon send a message to the American people. The message is in the stage of preparation," he said. Without elaborating, he said his message would be in response to U.S. government statements.



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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 01:56:12 PM »
Plutonium Found in Iran Waste Facility

The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 14, 2006; 12:56 PM

VIENNA, Austria -- International Atomic Energy experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran and have asked Tehran for an explanation, an IAEA report said Tuesday.

The report, prepared for next week's meeting of the 35-nation IAEA, also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the agency's attempts to investigate suspicious aspects of Iran's nuclear program that have lead to fears it might be interested in developing nuclear arms.

And it said it could not confirm Iranian claims that its nuclear activities were exclusively nonmilitary unless Tehran increased its openness.

"The agency will remain unable to make further progress in its efforts to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran," without additional cooperation by Tehran, said the report, by IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei.

Such cooperation is a "prerequisite for the agency to be able to confirm the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program," it added.

As expected, the four-page report made available to The Associated Press confirmed that Iran continues uranium enrichment experiments in defiance of the U.N. Security Council.

Both highly enriched uranium and plutonium can be used to make the fissile core of nuclear warheads, and Iran is under intense international pressure to freeze activities that can produce such substances.

But Tehran has shrugged off both Security Council demands that it stop developing its enrichment programs and urgings that it cease construction of a heavy water research reactor that produces plutonium waste. It insists it wants enrichment only to generate nuclear power and says it needs the Arak research reactor to produce isotopes for medical research and cancer treatment.

Earlier Tuesday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Iran would soon celebrate completion of its nuclear fuel program and claimed the international community was ready to accept it as a nuclear state.

Iran has been locked in a standoff with the West over its nuclear program. The United States and its European allies have been seeking a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Tehran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment.

"Initially, they (the U.S. and its allies) were very angry. The reason was clear: They basically wanted to monopolize nuclear power in order to rule the world and impose their will on nations," Ahmadinejad told a news conference.

"Today, they have finally agreed to live with a nuclear Iran, with an Iran possessing the whole nuclear fuel cycle," he said. He did not elaborate.

President Bush said Monday there was no change in his position that Iran must first suspend uranium enrichment before there can be any dialogue with Tehran.

"Our focus of this administration is to convince the Iranians to give up its nuclear weapons ambitions. That focus is based on our strong desire for there to be peace in the Middle East. And an Iran with a nuclear weapon would be a destabilizing influence," Bush said Monday.

The Iranian leader said he hoped "to hold the big celebration of Iran's full nuclearization in the current year." Iran's current calendar year ends on March 20.

Though Ahmadinejad did not specify, he appeared to indicate that Iran was on the verge of proficiency in the whole cycle of nuclear fuel _ from extracting uranium ore to enriching it and producing nuclear fuel.

Russia, which is backed by China, opposes tough action advocated by the U.S., Britain and France, and its amendments to a Western draft resolution would reduce sanctions and delete language that would cut off Iran's access to foreign missile technology.

The U.S. and some of its allies allege that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and are suspicious of its intentions after Tehran concealed parts of its nuclear development from U.N. inspectors for many years.

Iran claims its program is peaceful and for generating electricity.

Uranium enrichment at low levels can be used to produce fuel to generate electricity but at higher levels can be use to make atomic bombs.

Iran has said it will never give up its right under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel. Officials have said they plan to generate 20,000 megawatts of electricity through nuclear energy in the next two decades.

Since revelations more than three years ago of a covert uranium enrichment program, Iran has moved to develop its capabilities, activating two small experimental enrichment plants and enriching small amounts of uranium to nuclear fuel level. Although that is far short of the weapons grade uranium that could be used for nuclear warheads, international concerns about Tehran's ultimate intentions led the Security Council to set an Aug. 31 deadline for an enrichment moratorium _ which Tehran has ignored. Officials have said they plan to have 3,000 centrifuges operating by next year _ enough to make enough material for several nuclear weapons a year.

Suspicions also are focused on Tehran's construction of a heavy water reactor that _ when completed in the next decade _ will produce plutonium waste, another pathway to nuclear weapons.

The International Atomic Energy Agency declined comment on the Iranian president's remarks.

The Bush administration, frustrated by U.N. Security Council inaction on sanctions against Iran, is pressing a new agenda _ trying to deny Tehran U.N. aid for a plutonium-producing reactor that could be used to make nuclear warheads.

Diplomats from nations on the IAEA board say the U.S. is lobbying for denial of Iran's request for help on its Arak research reactor, where Iran says it wants to produce radio isotopes for diagnosing and treating cancer.

Seven diplomats, who demanded anonymity in exchange for discussing confidential information, told The Associated Press separately Tuesday that they believed that the 35 member nations of the Vienna-based U.N. nuclear watchdog would deny Iran's request when the IAEA meets next week.

But even a total denial of technical aid for Arak, while symbolically important, is expected to do little to slow the eventual completion of the reactor, let alone Iran's nuclear program. When finished _ probably early in the next decade _ Arak could produce enough plutonium for about two bombs a year.

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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 02:09:01 PM »
I think iran is going to try to tell the American people something which will undermine the US govt.  Like, we'll be so pissed about it, we're not going to support aggressive action against Iran. 

Anyone have a guess?  It could be that Bush1 and gates were rumored to have pulled an October Surprise in 1980 in order to keep hostages in Iran to win Reagan the election.  iran could have recordings/details.  Or, something about 911?  Or something else?  Ahjamedijad has long said he'd like to speak the truth to the US people.  I know some people will ignore anything he has to say... but he is a world leader with access to intel, he is motivated to "settle down" Bush's aggression against a potentially nuclear iran while hiding from an already nuclear N Korea.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 02:22:58 PM »
I think iran is going to try to tell the American people something which will undermine the US govt.  Like, we'll be so pissed about it, we're not going to support aggressive action against Iran. 

All that can change with a simple little false flag attack on America ::)

Anyone have a guess?  It could be that Bush1 and gates were rumored to have pulled an October Surprise in 1980 in order to keep hostages in Iran to win Reagan the election.  iran could have recordings/details.  Or, something about 911?  Or something else?  Ahjamedijad has long said he'd like to speak the truth to the US people.  I know some people will ignore anything he has to say... but he is a world leader with access to intel, he is motivated to "settle down" Bush's aggression against a potentially nuclear iran while hiding from an already nuclear N Korea.

The statment will probably be something very damaging to the Bush Administration and the rogue faction of the cia running about the world pulling off all this shit...  OOOOOOHHHH!!!  This is getting veryyyy ingteresting :P


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2006, 02:28:01 PM »
The statement may just be a nuclear explosion on American soil   :-X
BKS - Guardian of Truth

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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 02:32:12 PM »
The statement may just be a nuclear explosion on American soil   :-X
I think he's talking about an actual statement.  He wanted to reveal things in a debate which was turned down, so this is clearly how he's going to get out what he wanted to get out in a debate...  One thing though, with what the Bush admin and company are sitting on... Words can be as strong as a nuke and the only people to blame for that are the ones who have acted covertly to commit some of the biggest crimes of all time.


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 02:36:29 PM »
And blowing a hole in our internal defenses and striking fear in our people in one fell swoop is not?

BKS - Guardian of Truth


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 02:58:48 PM »
jaga is sorry that she is still asleep and unable to contribute in her subtle and persuasive way. she sent this pic w much love.

100% pure radioactive lovin machine.


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 02:59:48 PM »

Nuclear suitcase anyone?  ;D


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2006, 03:02:14 PM »
Background on Suitcase Nukes

A "suitcase" bomb is a very compact and portable nuclear weapon and could have the dimensions of 24 x 16 x 8 inches. The smallest possible bomb-like object would be a single critical mass of plutonium (or U-233) at maximum density under normal conditions. The Pu-239 weighs 10.5 kg and is 10.1 cm across. It doesn't take much more than a single critical mass to cause significant explosions ranging from 10-20 tons. These types of weapons can also be as big as two footlockers. The warhead consists of a tube with two pieces of uranium, which, when rammed together, would cause a blast. Some sort of firing unit and a device that would need to be decoded to cause detonation may be included in the "suitcase."

Another portable weapon is a "backpack" bomb. The Soviet nuclear backpack system was made in the 1960s for use against NATO targets in time of war and consists of three "coffee can-sized" aluminum canisters in a bag. All three must be connected to make a single unit in order to explode. The detonator is about 6 inches long. It has a 3-to-5 kiloton yield, depending on the efficiency of the explosion. It's kept powered during storage by a battery line connected to the canisters.

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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2006, 03:23:53 PM »
The prez of iran is a nutcase, but a smart nutcase.  He knows that bombing the US would mean 1 explosion here then a million explosions on his own soil from the incoming mortars.  I'd bet my last doughnut that they wouldn't be stupid enough to bomb us.

He knows the only thing keeping him from warring with ISR is US firepower.  And he knows that the way to undermine US Firepower is to give Bush problems are home to deal with which take away his ability to wage war in Iran.  And he has asked for several months now for an uncensored speech to the US people so he can give us information we should know.

I don't think many people would buy a false-flag attack.  Of course some asshats who believe everything Tony Snow says is gospel, would buy it.  But anyone who has seen Loose Change will not. I sure as fuck hope they don't pull one.  iran has ZERO ZERO ZERO motiVation to attack us.  But the White House has plenty of motive for a 3rd war overseas to settle down the Dem support here.  Time will tell.  But I am interested in what he has to tell the US people about our own govt. 


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Re: Iran: Nuclear program will be operating by February
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2006, 03:26:29 PM »

240, you're a major disappointment.  I used to come to getbig to see what new shenanigans you were up to.

now you're just boring.


PS. I love pale women.