Author Topic: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...  (Read 9876 times)

Hugo Chavez

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Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« on: November 17, 2006, 12:16:00 PM »
All polititions have lied, that's a part of politics, Chavez lies to his people all the time, he claims to be this great humanitarian for his people, yet they are starving with an unemployment rate of almost 80%, last time I checked we were at around 4.6% and now Chavez is trying to buy votes with money and gifts. And about his lies, he (like most Liberals) calls Bush a terrorist, I'm sorry, he called him the biggest terrorist of them all, not true, he says he kills his own people, not true and there are many more Chavez lies!!

I can't believe some of the idiots on here would rather defend Chavez than our own President.....pathetic!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 12:20:53 PM »
Poll gives Chavez over twice support of vote rival

240 is Back

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 12:22:04 PM »
Someone told me the US govt tried to lead a coup to have him removed from power.

This is silly.

Even if he's an insane idiot, the US Govt cannot legally topple other govts because we don't like them.

I hereby challenge anyone to prove to me that such silliness happened.

240 is Back

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 12:25:33 PM »
congratulations on post 18000

Thank you.  I feel I've made the world a brighter place.

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 12:26:53 PM »
how many did you have as 240 or Bust? (ballpark)

11k or so.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 12:29:24 PM »
Why Hugo Chavez Won a Landslide VictoryAuthor
Medea Benjamin, Tariq Ali
Date Created
18 Aug 2004
More details...
Date Edited
18 Aug 2004 09:46:29 AM
Current rating: 0
This work is in the public domain
 Sunday’s overwhelming victory for Chavez has given him an even stronger mandate for his “revolution for the poor.” It should also give George Bush and John Kerry reason to rethink their attitude towards Hugo Chavez. Rather than demonizing him as a new Fidel Castro and stoking the opposition, US leaders should embrace Venezuela’s social transformation and the way it is empowering people like Olivia Delfino.
Why Hugo Chavez Won a Landslide Victory ()
by Medea Benjamin

When the rule of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was reaffirmed in a landslide 58-42 percent victory on Sunday, the opposition who put the recall vote on the ballot was stunned. They obviously don’t spend much time in the nation’s poor neighborhoods.

I knew Chavez would win the referendum when I met Olivia Delfino in a poor Caracas barrio that our international election delegation visited. Olivia came running out of her tiny house and grabbed my arm. “Tell the people of your country that we love Hugo Chavez,” she insisted. She went on to tell me how her life had changed since he came to power. After living in the barrio for 40 years, she now had a formal title to her home and a bank loan to fix the roof so it wouldn’t leak. Thanks to the Cuban dentists and a program called “Rescatando la sonrisa”—recovering the smile—for the first time in her life she was able to get her teeth fixed. And her daughter is in a job training program to become a nurse’s assistant.

Getting more and more animated, Olivia dragged me over to a poster on the wall showing Hugo Chavez with a throng of followers and a list of Venezuela’s new social programs that read: “The social programs are ours, let’s defend them.” Then slowly and laboriously, she began reading the list of social programs: literacy, health care, job training, land reform, subsidized food, small loans. I asked her if she was just learning to read and write as part of the literacy program. That’s when she started crying. “Can you imagine what’s it has meant to me, at 52 years old, to now have a chance to read?” she said. “It’s transformed my life.”

Walk through poor barrios in Venezuela and you’ll hear the same stories over and over. The very poor can now go to a designated home in the neighborhood to pick up a hot meal every day. The elderly have monthly pensions that allow them to live with dignity. Young people can take advantage of greatly expanded free college programs. And with 13,000 Cuban doctors spread throughout the country and reaching over half the population, the poor now have their own family doctors on call 24-hours a day—doctors who even make house calls. This heath care, including medicines, are all free.

The programs are being paid for with the income from Venezuela’s oil, which is at an all-time high. Previously, the nation’s oil wealth benefited only a small, well-connected elite who kept themselves in power for 40 years through an electoral duopoly. The vast majority in this oil-rich nation remained poor, disenfranchised, and disempowered. With the election of Hugo Chavez in 1998 on a platform of sharing the nation’s oil wealth with the poorest, all that has changed. The poor are now not only recipients of these programs, they are actively engaged in running them. They’re turning abandoned buildings into neighborhood centers, running community kitchens, volunteering to teach in the literacy programs and organizing neighborhood health brigades.

Infuriated by their loss of power, the elite have used their control over the media to blast Chavez for destroying the economy, cozying up to Fidel Castro, antagonizing the US government, expropriating private property, and governing through dictatorial rule.

They also accuse Chavez of using the social programs that have so improved the lives of the poor as a way to gain voters. In this, the opposition is right: providing people with free health care, education, small business loans and job training is certainly a good way to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Sunday’s overwhelming victory for Chavez has given him an even stronger mandate for his “revolution for the poor.” It should also give George Bush and John Kerry reason to rethink their attitude towards Hugo Chavez. Rather than demonizing him as a new Fidel Castro and stoking the opposition, US leaders should embrace Venezuela’s social transformation and the way it is empowering people like Olivia Delfino.

Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the human rights group Global Exchange and the women’s peace group CodePink, is an election observer in Venezuela.

Why He Crushed the Oligarchs
The Importance of Hugo Chávez

The turn-out in Venezuela last Sunday was huge. 94.9 percent of the electorate voted in the recall referendum. Venezuela, under its new Constitution, permitted the right of the citizens to recall a President before s/he had completed their term of office. No Western democracy enshrines this right in a written or unwritten constitution. Chavez' victory will have repercussions beyond the borders of Venezuela. It is a triumph of the poor against the rich and it is a lesson that Lula in Brazil and Kirchner in Argentina should study closely. It was Fidel Castro, not Carter, whose advice to go ahead with the referendum was crucial. Chavez put his trust in the people by empowering them and they responded generously. The opposition will only discredit itself further by challenging the results.

The Venezuelan oligarchs and their parties, who had opposed this Constitution in a referendum (having earlier failed to topple Chavez via a US-backed coup and an oil-strike led by a corrupt union bureaucracy) now utilised it to try and get rid of the man who had enhanced Venezuelan democracy. They failed. However loud their cries (and those of their media apologists at home and abroad) of anguish, in reality the whole country knows what happened. Chavez defeated his opponents democratically and for the fourth time in a row. Democracy in Venezuela, under the banner of the Bolivarian revolutionaries, has broken through the corrupt two-party system favoured by the oligarchy and its friends in the West. And this has happened despite the total hostility of the privately owned media: the two daily newspapers, Universal and Nacional as well as Gustavo Cisneros' TV channels and CNN made no attempt to mask their crude support for the opposition.

Some foreign correspondents in Caracas have convinced themselves that Chavez is an oppressive caudillo and they are desperate to translate their own fantasies into reality.. They provide no evidence of political prisoners, leave alone Guantanamo-style detentions or the removal of TV executives and newspaper editors (which happened without too much of a fuss in Blair's Britain).

A few weeks ago in Caracas I had a lengthy discussion with Chavez ranging from Iraq to the most detailed minutiae of Venezuelan history and politics and the Bolivarian programme. It became clear to me that what Chavez is attempting is nothing more or less than the creation of a radical, social-democracy in Venezuela that seeks to empower the lowest strata of society. In these times of deregulation, privatisation and the Anglo-Saxon model of wealth subsuming politics, Chavez' aims are regarded as revolutionary, even though the measures proposed are no different to those of the post-war Attlee government in Britain. Some of the oil-wealth is being spent to educate and heal the poor.

Just under a million children from the shanty-towns and the poorest villages now obtain a free education; 1.2 million illiterate adults have been taught to read and write; secondary education has been made available to 250,000 children whose social status excluded them from this privilege during the ancien regime; three new university campuses were functioning by 2003 and six more are due to be completed by 2006.

As far as healthcare is concerned, the 10,000 Cuban doctors, who were sent to help the country, have transformed the situation in the poor districts, where 11,000 neighbourhood clinics have been established and the health budget has tripled. Add to this the financial support provided to small businesses, the new homes being built for the poor, an Agrarian Reform Law that was enacted and pushed through despite the resistance, legal and violent, by the landlords. By the end of last year 2,262,467 hectares has been distributed to 116,899 families. The reasons for Chavez' popularity become obvious. No previous regime had even noticed the plight of the poor.

And one can't help but notice that it is not simply a division between the wealthy and the poor, but also one of skin-colour. The Chavistas tend to be dark-skinned, reflecting their slave and native ancestry. The opposition is light-skinned and some of its more disgusting supporters denounce Chavez as a black monkey. A puppet show to this effect with a monkey playing Chavez was even organised at the US Embassy in Caracas. But Colin Powell was not amused and the Ambassador was compelled to issue an apology.
The bizarre argument advanced in a hostile editorial in The Economist this week that all this was done to win votes is extraordinary. The opposite is the case. The coverage of Venezuela in The Economist and Financial Times has consisted of pro-oligarchy apologetics. Rarely have reporters in the field responded so uncritically to the needs of their proprietors.

The Bolivarians wanted power so that real reforms could be implemented. All the oligarchs have to offer is more of the past and the removal of Chavez.

It is ridiculous to suggest that Venezuela is on the brink of a totalitarian tragedy. It is the opposition that has attempted to take the country in that direction. The Bolivarians have been incredibly restrained. When I asked Chavez to explain his own philosophy, he replied:

'I don't believe in the dogmatic postulates of Marxist revolution. I don't accept that we are living in a period of proletarian revolutions. All that must be revised. Reality is telling us that every day. Are we aiming in Venezuela today for the abolition of private property or a classless society? I don't think so. But if I'm told that because of that reality you can't do anything to help the poor, the people who have made this country rich through their labour and never forget that some of it was slave labour, then I say 'We part company'. I will never accept that there can be no redistribution of wealth in society. Our upper classes don't even like paying taxes. That's one reason they hate me. We said 'You must pay your taxes'. I believe it's better to die in battle, rather than hold aloft a very revolutionary and very pure banner, and do nothing ... That position often strikes me as very convenient, a good excuse ... Try and make your revolution, go into combat, advance a little, even if it's only a millimetre, in the right direction, instead of dreaming about utopias.'

And that's why he won.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2006, 12:40:18 PM »
Someone told me the US govt tried to lead a coup to have him removed from power.

This is silly.

Even if he's an insane idiot, the US Govt cannot legally topple other govts because we don't like them.

I hereby challenge anyone to prove to me that such silliness happened.

I know you're kidding i'll play...  ;D No smoking gun but you have to be one naive person to argue no connection... espeically with our track record in South/Central America. guatemala, nicaragua, bolivia on and on.... The School of the Americas.  Terrorist training camp ran in America to hold down the working classes of South and Central America.... on and on... They tried to kill Chavez and the American Media was glad to help... This documentary has absolute proof of our media's involement in the coup and more.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Get the dirty little facts you're not supposed to know...

Oh yea... the answer you were looking for: IRAQ ;D


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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2006, 12:43:26 PM »
great...nord will burst into flames after reading this! ;D
carpe` vaginum!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2006, 12:45:10 PM »
great...nord will burst into flames after reading this! ;D
He's sure to pee his pants ;D

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 12:45:17 PM »
To late, he already did.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 12:46:21 PM »

Camel Jockey

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 12:54:41 PM »
Intestone is nowhere to be found as he's busy pounding the ass of his new lapdog delusional liberal. Nordic will join them within in an hour and he will ravage the asses of both his conservative butt buddies.


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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 12:57:28 PM »

  He's actually a demented turd who thinks that Bush cares about him or his "nations", and that it's ok for a prsidesnt to lie publicly, distort statistics and torture people for the good of the "nation". Then he calls me a communist, even though he's the one who's ok with president who represents the ne plus ultra when it comes to supressing freedom in this country. Read my reply to him on page three of my thread, where I tore him a new asshole. ;)


Camel Jockey

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 01:15:03 PM »
  He's actually a demented turd who thinks that Bush cares about him or his "nations", and that it's ok for a prsidesnt to lie publicly, distort statistics and torture people for the good of the "nation". Then he calls me a communist, even though he's the one who's ok with president who represents the ne plus ultra when it comes to supressing freedom in this country. Read my reply to him on page three of my thread, where I tore him a new asshole. ;)


That's what irrational dumbasses do and our friend Intestone is the textbook definition of one.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 03:30:11 PM »

It was an exaggeration you jackass ::)!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2006, 04:27:04 PM »
It was an exaggeration you jackass ::)!!
FUCK YOU....  ::)  Admit to being full of shit for once.... You always have an excuse for your misinformation and bullshit...  Exaggeration my ass... You have seriousness written all over this post jackass ;)  comparing it to our 4.6%... Yea, you were exaggerating ::)  Tell the truth, you took the industrial unemployment rates, inflated the number by 10 points and tried to pass it off for the whole population.

All polititions have lied, that's a part of politics, Chavez lies to his people all the time, he claims to be this great humanitarian for his people, yet they are starving with an unemployment rate of almost 80%, last time I checked we were at around 4.6% and now Chavez is trying to buy votes with money and gifts. And about his lies, he (like most Liberals) calls Bush a terrorist, I'm sorry, he called him the biggest terrorist of them all, not true, he says he kills his own people, not true and there are many more Chavez lies!!

I can't believe some of the idiots on here would rather defend Chavez than our own President.....pathetic!


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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2006, 06:07:48 PM »
unemployment rate of 80%? ha

Valhalla awaits.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2006, 06:30:31 PM »
f**k YOU....  ::)  Admit to being full of shit for once.... You always have an excuse for your misinformation and bullshit...  Exaggeration my ass... You have seriousness written all over this post jackass ;)  comparing it to our 4.6%... Yea, you were exaggerating ::)  Tell the truth, you took the industrial unemployment rates, inflated the number by 10 points and tried to pass it off for the whole population.

No, f**k you you left wing spin jockey, do you really think that I thought a er...a country like that actually has an employment rate of 80%???????? You an idiot, I seriously think the lack of oxygen in Denver has rotted what little micro-cell of a brain you have!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2006, 08:04:16 PM »
     You an idiot     

Absolutely precious... you never fail to deliver ;D

And no intenseone, it does not shock me that you would believe 80% unemployment... Your regurgitated rushrrhea is often beyond belief ::)  Not to mention you were obviously quite serious about yourself in that post so STFU liar.

Chavez, "claims to be this great humanitarian for his people, yet they are starving with an unemployment rate of almost 80%"--Mr. IntenseLiarOne

I'm Mr. Intenseone and I approve this exaggeration!


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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2006, 08:51:41 PM »
Its amazing that u idiots defend Hugo Chavez over your own countrymen. If u love all these other wondeful folks..fucking MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2006, 09:11:19 PM »
Its amazing that u idiots defend Hugo Chavez over your own countrymen. If u love all these other wondeful folks..fucking MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did I say I loved Hugo over my fellow countrymen ::)  Over Rush, yea, well duh, I'll pick a fucking lizard over Rush...  You know headhunter, I used to be very much against other leaders having any say over American Politics, but then someone went and changed things by deciding to run around the world and charge into countries and tell them this is the way things will be done... Under that paradigm, these leaders have a huge interest in what goes on here and thus we have an interest in what they do... It's all one big mess now... Don't get all in my shit because I'm addressing global politics... not in this age bubba...  And don't tell me to move again...


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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2006, 09:17:09 PM »
I think u guys are blinded by ur hate of Bush..yeah u can hate Bush or the Repubs or Rummy (god knows i do) but Chavez is full of shit and is causing alot of problems for other folks in central and south America. He's a darling of the poor but the middle class in his country have realized what he's trying to do and know that he's no better then any other leader down there. And u should move..i have a nice bunker right next to me here ;D

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2006, 10:25:38 PM »
Mr. "Intenseone" thinks it's a badge of honor to be right wing and stuff drug addicts like Rush Limbaugh's cock down his throat.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2006, 11:05:26 PM »
Mr. "Intenseone" thinks it's a badge of honor to be right wing and stuff drug addicts like Rush Limbaugh's cock down his throat.

Who the f**k asked you......that's what I thought, now go away!

Hope this helps!

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Mr. Intenseone... Stop your constant lies...
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2006, 11:24:27 PM »
Who the f**k asked you......that's what I thought, now go away!

Hope this helps!
