Author Topic: The science of superhuman strength  (Read 7677 times)


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2006, 11:29:03 AM »
But are Squatch actually human??

A large male Squatch (with a 20+ inch foot) would be as big as 9'6'' to 10'6'' and could weigh as much as 1,200 lb bodyweight and be up to 4' across at the shoulder. They probably possess strength somewhere around 20 times what a strong adult male human might have.

Imagine a big hairy dude who can bench 6,000 lbs; squat 8,000 lbs and deadlift a 10,000 lbs... now imagine being sat on an disused logging road around 4 am while something is walking around on the road about 500 feet from you muttering something you can't quite make out... imagine scuttling back to camp unable to see where you're going because you don't have a flashlight and can't see your hand in front of your face.

Now imagine driving out of there a couple of hours later (6.30 am) only to find that someone or something has bent a tree over the road in the middle of the night and plonked a 300 lb 8' length of tree trunk onto the branches in order to maintain the "arc" over the road. Whatever it was also left a pretty pungent rotten egg smell aswell.

That happened to me in the backwoods of British Colombia this summer past.

The Luke

This is the retard who claims he has the letter about Sarcasm being 14? Boy, you sure sound credible.  ::)

The Showstoppa

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2006, 11:31:31 AM »
That show sucked ass.  Like others said it went from a decent piece on SH/powerlifting to a bunch of queers calling every supplement on the market "steeeroids."  ::)


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2006, 11:32:49 AM »
I believe you, LUKE.

 I don't know if I ever told you this but a friend of my dad who lives in a cottage in northern Wisconsin...I havent seen him in YEARS but I clearly remember when I was about 12 or 13. It was before my freshman year I was up there with family friends etc...and he told us about how he has seen 'Bigfoot' a couple times before and he feeds it apples.

 He said he remembers seeing it come on his land(heavily wooded area/brush) and described it as black like a gorilla but walks like we do(humans) but the face is lighter in color and it isnt fat like a gorilla. He said it comes out at night and makes howling-screeching noises (he imitated) sounded like a screeching pig but louder and more sharp.

 he said he would chum apples all over his land and said once he put the apples on a part of a few different trees about 10' above the ground where an animal couldnt reach and a squirrel couldnt take away and said he'd come out the next day or two days later and they would be taken.

 He then said to test...he would leave some apples in a basket or bucket, get a ladder and put it on a branch about 10-11' from the ground. Same thing...2-3 days later, apples taken OUT.

 he doesnt have a neighbor for about a mile. It wasnt hunting season so it probably wasnt some guy taking them.

 Cool, huh?

that would be what I was talking about,gigantopethicus the  biggest primate fossil's discovered. it went extinct long ago, apparently there have been reports that people have seen it but that is unlikely.  

The Luke

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2006, 11:53:26 AM »

Blockhead, tell him to contact the BFRO.

The BFRO investigator for Wisconsin is a guy named Paul Schnabel, he's a pretty cool... lives near Lake Superior.

I had some pretty scary encounters on expedition in Northern Wisconsin (Price County).
Something/someone stepped over my tent in the middle of the night after spending three hours circling my tent and smashing a deadstanding tree to pieces in a particularly frightening intimidation display that also involved foot stomping and wood-knocks. Needless to say I didn't manage to get it on camera (took a lot of courage just to peek out of that tent).

The guys from WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) and The Bee newspaper who interviewed me (and even the interviewer from Spin FM here in Ireland) were more disturbed by the fact that I seemed so rational and sane than by the possibility of relic Gigantopithecus Blackii families living in Million Acre Swamp.

Any rational open-minded person looking at all the evidence would lean towards the possibility of Squatch being real. I'm not really a Squatch-nut... I'm more of an amateur adventurer, for example I've also been to all the RleC realted sites in Southern France and even followed-up a few obscure leads in the Valley of Death behind Perillos castle.

Don't want to hijack this thread though so I'll stop all the Squatch-talk, few people are interested.
The Luke

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2006, 12:02:11 PM »
The probelm is, why can't anyone really get  the Squatch on camera, I mean its starting to get ridiculous.

But, i did hear a recording of Bigfoot in the American North west, Assuming that the tape was real, there is definitely some kind of primate living out there.

Actually if it really exists I would rather humans never know. You know what will happen. They will either be factory farmed for consumption, or skinned to make our women more beautiful.... :-X  or better yet be fenced in then killed by courageous hunters with semi automatics.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2006, 12:09:00 PM »
The probelm is, why can't anyone really get  the Squatch on camera, I mean its starting to get ridiculous.

But, i did hear a recording of Bigfoot in the American North west, Assuming that the tape was real, there is definitely some kind of primate living out there.

Actually if it really exists I would rather humans never know. You know what will happen. They will either be factory farmed for consumption, or skinned to make our women more beautiful.... :-X  or better yet be fenced in then killed by courageous hunters with semi automatics.
The answer to your question about wy they are hardly ever filmed can be answered here

 It is would be complete pandemonium(sp?) if they were captured and exploited by humans. It would be chaos...cats and dogs living together, blacks and whites getting along...


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2006, 12:09:26 PM »
The probelm is, why can't anyone really get  the Squatch on camera, I mean its starting to get ridiculous.

But, i did hear a recording of Bigfoot in the American North west, Assuming that the tape was real, there is definitely some kind of primate living out there.

Actually if it really exists I would rather humans never know. You know what will happen. They will either be factory farmed for consumption, or skinned to make our women more beautiful.... :-X  or better yet be fenced in then killed by courageous hunters with semi automatics.

Every year I take a trip to Africa where I hunt a lion with my bare hands. im 12/0 so far. Death by left high kick.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2006, 12:10:46 PM »
But are Squatch actually human??

A large male Squatch (with a 20+ inch foot) would be as big as 9'6'' to 10'6'' and could weigh as much as 1,200 lb bodyweight and be up to 4' across at the shoulder. They probably possess strength somewhere around 20 times what a strong adult male human might have.

Imagine a big hairy dude who can bench 6,000 lbs; squat 8,000 lbs and deadlift a 10,000 lbs... now imagine being sat on an disused logging road around 4 am while something is walking around on the road about 500 feet from you muttering something you can't quite make out... imagine scuttling back to camp unable to see where you're going because you don't have a flashlight and can't see your hand in front of your face.

Now imagine driving out of there a couple of hours later (6.30 am) only to find that someone or something has bent a tree over the road in the middle of the night and plonked a 300 lb 8' length of tree trunk onto the branches in order to maintain the "arc" over the road. Whatever it was also left a pretty pungent rotten egg smell aswell.

That happened to me in the backwoods of British Colombia this summer past.

The Luke

I wasn't aware of the fact that Sasquatch lifted weights, do they have gyms where Sasquatch lives so that 6,000 pound bench press can be verified?

I just thought he was some myth people that needed something to believe in conjured up.

The Luke

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2006, 12:17:29 PM »
I wouldn't hunt Squatch... they travel in packs and are highly intelligent. Shooting one is inviting a boulder in the face...

The film argument is ridiculous... there's also no film footage of cougars/mountain lions in the wild... "But Luke, I saw this documentary about wild mountain lions and..." No you didn't, nature documentaires are shot in nature preserves where the animals are already habituated to humans and fed twice a day. The sparse video evidence for Sasquatch is far superior to that for say, the Bili Ape... a 6' 300 lb giant chimp that lives in the Congo, or the Giant Squid both of which are recognised as a real animal by scientists.

Squatch are nocturnal, they can see (or seem to be able to see) infra-red illumination, hence they won't be caught on night-vision cameras or trail cams.

The Luke

The Luke


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2006, 12:22:17 PM »

 True. People must realize that in LA, Ca...during the heyday of drive-by shootings from the mid 80's to mid 90' was documented that there was a DRIVE BY every night but NEVER out of the millions of LA residents...never ever has a drive by been caught on film. Ever. Except a News Crew and by accident.

 A carcass of a pleasiasaur was hooked by fisherman in New Zealand in the 1960's.

 A pteradactyl was shot down during the civil war and there is an old pic of a few confederate soilders holding up 'the kill'.

 Planet earth is not much older than 10,000 years if you ask me.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2006, 01:16:43 PM »
I wouldn't hunt Squatch... they travel in packs and are highly intelligent. Shooting one is inviting a boulder in the face...

The film argument is ridiculous... there's also no film footage of cougars/mountain lions in the wild... "But Luke, I saw this documentary about wild mountain lions and..." No you didn't, nature documentaires are shot in nature preserves where the animals are already habituated to humans and fed twice a day. The sparse video evidence for Sasquatch is far superior to that for say, the Bili Ape... a 6' 300 lb giant chimp that lives in the Congo, or the Giant Squid both of which are recognised as a real animal by scientists.

Squatch are nocturnal, they can see (or seem to be able to see) infra-red illumination, hence they won't be caught on night-vision cameras or trail cams.

The Luke

The Luke

I can buy all that but how come there has never been like a mutant sasquatch, say one with a gene that makes it roam, or even tame,, and wouldn't at least one of those mutant gene sasquatch end up seeing a human hiker and not be scared and maybe wallk  up to them and be friendly. WOuldn't there be at least one that would walk into town and say hey whats up?


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2006, 01:22:44 PM »

 There has been a report of a female type 'mutant' like you mention. her name by villagers was 'Zana'. She was captured and was held caged for many years and became somewhat civilized.

 FYI...I'm a huge paranormal/cryptozoological junkie. I'm almost as passionate baout it as I am BB.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2006, 01:32:27 PM »
i too am a nut about cryptozoological stuff, have been since i was a kid. still skeptical about 'sasquatch' though.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2006, 01:35:55 PM »
There has been a report of a female type 'mutant' like you mention. her name by villagers was 'Zana'. She was captured and was held caged for many years and became somewhat civilized.

 FYI...I'm a huge paranormal/cryptozoological junkie. I'm almost as passionate baout it as I am BB.

got a u tube link? ;D


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2006, 02:32:36 PM »
The Luke's cool in my book. i believe him. lots of things many peop[le dont believe till thgey see

venom gang.bronze

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2006, 05:27:08 PM »
jimmy "the iron bull" pellichia!


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2006, 05:34:41 PM »
I found Showstoppa's MySpace page a few weeks back. Has everyone seen it?


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2006, 05:43:10 PM »
myspace blows, more fake internet "friends"

His page could induce seizures in small asian children.


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2006, 05:49:11 PM »

The BFRO investigator for Wisconsin is a guy named Paul Schnabel, he's a pretty cool... lives near Lake Superior.



 ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2006, 11:35:31 PM »
Intenseone's stronger than sasquatch and maximus combined.
Deep Tissue Massage


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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2006, 12:04:48 AM »

Jeff Miller

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Re: The science of superhuman strength
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2006, 01:02:03 AM »
Bill Brasky is the strongest person to ever live; he was a two ton man-mountain who could palm a medicine ball.
