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Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« on: December 14, 2006, 08:33:07 AM »

Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Knew people in FAA on day of hijackings who said intercept procedures should have been enacted as normal

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, December 14, 2006

A former Boston Center air traffic controller has gone public on his assertion that 9/11 was an inside job and that Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon tracked three of the four flights from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets. In an astounding telephone interview, Robin Hordon claims air traffic controllers have been ignored or silenced to protect the true perpetrators of 9/11.

A recording of the phone conversation was posted on Google video late yesterday by the Pilots For 9/11 Truth organization.

After having acquired a background in aviation, Hordon underwent rigorous FAA training to become an air traffic controller and was posted to Boston Center where he worked for eleven years. He did not work at Boston Center when 9/11 occurred but still knows people that did who concur with his conclusions. In comparing the stand down of air defense on 9/11 and what should have occurred according to standard operating procedure, he quickly concluded on the very afternoon of the attacks that they could represent nothing other than an inside job.

"On September 11th I'm one of the few people who really within quite a few hours of the whole event taking place just simply knew that it was an inside job, and it wasn't because of the visuals, the collapses, whatever....I knew that it was an inside job I think within about four or five o'clock that afternoon and the reason that I knew is because when those aircraft did collide and then we got the news and information on where the aircraft were and where they went....if they knew where the aircraft were and were talking to them at a certain time then normal protocol is to get fighter jet aircraft up assist," said Hordon.

Hordon said that from personal experience he knew the system was always ready to immediately scramble intercepting fighters and that any reversal of that procedure would have been unprecedented and abnormal. He had also personally handled both real hijacking situations in his airspace and other emergency procedures.

"I know people who work there who confirmed to me that the FAA was not asleep and the controllers could do the job, they followed their own protocols," he stated.

Hordon said that the only way the airliners could have avoided being intercepted was if a massive electrical and communications failure had occurred which it didn't on that day, adding that there was "no way" the hijacked airliners could have reached their targets otherwise.

He highlighted the fact that only an emergency handling of aircraft protocol change on that day could have interrupted standard operating procedure and hijacking protocol. Hordon said it was unbelievable how far American Airlines Flight 11 was allowed to go off course without the appropriate action being taken on behalf of flight controllers.

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"What you do is you don't wait for the judge, jury and executioner to prove it's an emergency, if things start to go wrong you have the authority to simply say I am going to treat this craft as if it is an emergency, because if everybody's wrong then fifteen minutes later no big thing."

Hordon emphasized that the debate has deliberately been channeled by NORAD and the government to focus on reactions to hijackings, when the real issue is the emergency condition of the aircraft well before a hijacking is even confirmed.

He went on to explain how as soon as the hijacking of Flight 11 was confirmed at around 8:24am, the entire system, from every FAA center coast to coast, to the Pentagon, to the President were informed and knew of the hijacking.

"The system now had to make some phone calls and call up Rummy's Pentagon and Rummy's Pentagon is the one that would then make the decision."

"Well, Rummy's Pentagon on American 11 didn't answer the phone, neither 175, didn't answer the phone and they didn't answer the phone until they were absolutely embarrassed into answering the phone somewhere along the flight of United 93 and American 77 - first formal contact was at this particular time," said Hordon.

"That is all distractionary, that is all designed to keep people off the focus - the real focus is what the air traffic controller did immediately upon seeing that American 11 was in trouble and what we do as air traffic controllers is we get eyes and ears on this flight."

Hordon underscored the fact that after the confirmed hijacking of Flight 11, the entire FAA system would have been on full alert and obsessively watching the skies for any unusual activity, and that such activity as the hijacking of Flight 77 would have been immediately reported to supervisors instantaneously, as well as being continually tracked.

"If the air traffic controller were going by emergency procedures which he is trained to do, he would have reached out directly to ADC (NORAD) and say what do you see?" said Hordon.

This highlights the absurdity of Dulles controllers mistaking Flight 77 for a fighter jet as it approached Washington as was reported, and the plane's over 40 minute uninterrupted journey to the Pentagon after a hijack was confirmed.

Hordon debunked the recent Vanity Fair piece that whitewashed NORAD's response as a consequence of confusion and the supposition that NORAD needs exact flight coordinates to enact any kind of response, and that the planes were supposedly invisible to radar and couldn't be tracked properly.

"It's very clear now through testimony and documents given to us by the federal government that indeed....the Boston Center actually tracked American 11 as a primary target after it lost its radar, after it lost its transponder, all the way to World Trade Center," he said.

"Further information indicates later the NORAD radars had it tracked....the bottom line of the story is that all of those aircraft were always tracked all the time by the FAA air traffic control centers," said Hordon, pointing out that information showing air traffic controllers tried insistently to alert military command structures is being locked down because it points to finger of responsibility to Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon, who were also tracking all the aircraft from the point of hijacking to the impact on their targets.

This is the reason why, as Hordon stated, that we don't have complete access to flight data recorders and FAA tapes, which in the case of a conversation between six New York Air Route Traffic Control Center controllers was ordered to be shredded, because if studies of that evidence were undertaken it would become very clear as to who was really behind the attack.

"What they did is they cherry picked transmissions, communications and statements made all on these four flights that were able to paint and write a story that the public would look at and so ooh wow, this really happened - but it wasn't factual, it was a story and it tell not tell anything other than what the high perps wanted the public to hear - they cherry picked this information," said Hordon.

Hordon ended by saying that only with the testimony from the dozens of flight controllers who have been silenced or ignored would the true story about who carried out 9/11 begin to emerge.


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 08:48:11 AM »

My close personal family friend, who ive knowed for over 30 years worked as an ATC for 20 years in the Air Force and the last 20+ years in the FAA holding a high ranking position has scoffed many time at the CT's.

One fucking idiot ATC speaking out means nothing.


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2006, 08:52:18 AM »
such anger ...

3000 dipshits are sacrificed and we get to keep our way of life for another 100 years

doesnt that seem like a good deal to you :)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2006, 08:55:23 AM »
now you are on to something sandy

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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2006, 08:57:44 AM »
such anger ...

3000 dipshits are sacrificed and we get to keep our way of life for another 100 years

doesnt that seem like a good deal to you :)

FYI.....  I'm still laughing about your "overwelming evidence"   ;D


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 09:14:05 AM »
why did bush wait over a year before starting an investigation

why do the people who carried out the investigation say their hands were tied

why didnt bloomberg originally block the release of testimony from 500 firefighters, emergency personnel and cops about bombs all over the  building


surely you are intelligent enough to see that some "powers" are very intent on supressing information relating to that day, i wonder why they'd do that ::)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2006, 09:16:57 AM »
why did bush wait over a year before starting an investigation

why do the people who carried out the investigation say their hands were tied

why didnt bloomberg originally block the release of testimony from 500 firefighters, emergency personnel and cops about bombs all over the  building


surely you are intelligent enough to see that some "powers" are very intent on supressing information relating to that day, i wonder why they'd do that ::)

All that points to is a "covering your ass" becuase of gross incompitence by many of the leadership and agancies invovled in 9/11 who failed at their jobs.

Surely you are intelligent enongh to see that! 


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2006, 09:19:00 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2006, 09:20:04 AM »
"He did not work at Boston Center when 9/11 occurred but still knows people that did who concur with his conclusions."   ::)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2006, 09:22:12 AM »
All that points to is a "covering your ass" because of gross incompetence by many of the leadership and agencies involved in 9/11 who failed at their jobs.

Surely you are intelligent enough to see that! 

they could be covering incompetence, complicity, active involvement or any number of other factors

you are jumping to conclusions :)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2006, 09:23:09 AM »
"He did not work at Boston Center when 9/11 occurred but still knows people that did who concur with his conclusions."   ::)

Wow,  so that makes him a credible source!

that combined with Sandy's "overwelming evidence" means we have a open and shut case here!


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2006, 09:23:58 AM »
they could be covering incompetence, complicity, active involvement or any number of other factors

you are jumping to conclusions :)


sorry you are just being too funny now.


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2006, 09:29:53 AM »
funny = you not being smart enough to counter my points and not even trying ;)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2006, 10:03:31 AM »
funny = you not being smart enough to counter my points and not even trying ;)

Ok,  i've pretty much countered every point you've made and even broke don't some of your posts in 3+ slices.

It's just you didn;t make much of a point on the last one and i was still laughing about the "overwelming evidence"


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2006, 01:52:09 PM »
Unless of course your mother, wife or daughter worked at the Towers, eh?

This is by no means a smoking gun of anything.  It's one ATC coming fwd describing what many believe to be a monster failure that day.  And since the FAA supervisor admits to destroying all the recordings about what happened that day... and since there is proof Bush knew about the hijackings at 8:16 AM and lied about what he knew (that must be one bad pilot! at 9:02)...

it's no smoking gun.  But when there are 120 of them saying the same thing, and ten were working the airports that day, perhaps a few more eyes will open.  People will come fwd when Bush leaves office.

they will come forward only to expose massive failures of security by government agencies...NOT to say 9/11 was an inside job, the pentagon was hit by a missile etc...


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2006, 02:07:33 PM »
If that is the case, that's cool.  Then they should indict the men who lied on the stand about the 9/11 timeline for war crimes.

They lied to the Congressional committee about what they knew and when they knew it.  Whether it was ignorance and intentional, we will find out.  But at the very least, shuold they still be getting a govt paycheck today?

Nope,  if in fact they are guilty who ever they are. (and there are many guilty ones)  But like in the past, as you have indicated, nothing will happen until Bush leaves office.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2006, 06:14:37 AM »
Ok,  i've pretty much countered every point you've made and even broke don't some of your posts in 3+ slices.

It's just you didn;t make much of a point on the last one and i was still laughing about the "overwelming evidence"

you haven't countered shit, you tried, i showed what a close minded fool you were being, then you gave up and
"bwahahahahahah"'d you way out of it ;)

"overwelming evidence" (which is actually spelled overwhelming dipshit) is a phrase you keep tossing around, not me


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2006, 06:15:25 AM »
Keep this shit up and I'm taking you off the guest list >:(!!

lol .... im with the bride, potatoe head ;D


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2006, 08:58:52 AM »
you haven't countered shit, you tried, i showed what a close minded fool you were being, then you gave up and
"bwahahahahahah"'d you way out of it ;)

"overwelming evidence" (which is actually spelled overwhelming dipshit) is a phrase you keep tossing around, not me

ok  so let's talk about your "overwhelming" desperation to make a point by resorting to calling me dipshit and pointing out spelling errors.

Now back to what you call overwhelming evidence:  1 BBC news article.  Monster evidence huh?   ;)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2006, 09:08:24 AM »
case in point, you claimed that the reluctance to investigate points to covering their asses

i pointed out that it could be "covering incompetence, complicity, active involvement or any number of other factors" and that "you are jumping to conclusions"

you had no intelligent responce to this so you resorted to "bwhahaha"

once again you are getting pwned, and its not cause im smarter (although i clearly am) its because you are not searching for truth, you are rationalizing the belief that the amreekan government would never do such a mean thing ::)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2006, 09:36:59 AM »
case in point, you claimed that the reluctance to investigate points to covering their asses

i pointed out that it could be "covering incompetence, complicity, active involvement or any number of other factors" and that "you are jumping to conclusions"

you had no intelligent responce to this so you resorted to "bwhahaha"

Is this all you have to respond with from your "intelligent" assertion of overwhelming evidence? (BBC Article) and name calling?

Sorry dude, when you posted that (bwahahah) i was still laughing at you becuase i couldn't believe someone would be so stupid to make an ignorant comment like you did.

I mean seriouly you have to admit that was pretty dumb.  But maybe you can't becuase you are too stupid to figure that out.

once again you are getting pwned, and its not cause im smarter (although i clearly am) its because you are not searching for truth, you are rationalizing the belief that the amreekan government would never do such a mean thing ::)

pwned?  lol   keep telling yourself that becuase it will detract from you seeing just how stupid you are. 

So now let's talk about "amreekan government doing such a mean thing"  so that you can resist the urge to keep going back to this everytime I show you how stupid you are.

I believe:

I American government is capable of doing a great many "mean" ( ::)) and nasty things.  Inclduing but not limited to ( ;D) many of the conspiracies Beserker listed that "true conspriracies thread"

Also i wouldn't be suprised if the BUSH adminsitration knew about the attacks beforehand although there isn;t anyway you or i can get the proof of it sitting at our computers.   

But to think the WTC towers were laced with explosives, the pentagon was hit by a missle and flight 93 was shot down by a f-16 is just plain absurd.  And if you look back to all the posts and the merged threads when 240 and Beserker first started bringing it up you'll see that i pretty much went into this with a very open mind on the subject.  I did quite alot research both on the web and in talking with many of the people I know in different proffesions:  Airline pilots, people in the FAA etc...

Foot note:  I reserve Judgment on WTC 7 either way.   A possibility that might not have been considered was that "it was" demolished purposely becuase it was a security risk due to the sensitive information insidethe building.  (just a passing thought)  I think however in the end it will probably be proved that it fell for the reasons they say it did.  (remember, before you get your "smarter than me delusioin in full swing" that we (you, I, and 240) don't have all the information.)

And just for your reading pleasure i have decided not to hit the spell check button.


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2006, 09:40:07 AM »
Is this all you have to respond with from your "intelligent" assertion of overwhelming evidence? (BBC Article) and name calling?

Sorry dude, when you posted that (bwahahah) i was still laughing at you becuase i couldn't believe someone would be so stupid to make an ignorant comment like you did.

I mean seriouly you have to admit that was pretty dumb.  But maybe you can't becuase you are too stupid to figure that out.

i made no claims whatsoever, you kept mentioning "overwelming evidence" ... all i did was post an article and watch you go apeshit cause it hurt your feelings ...

pwned?  lol   keep telling yourself that becuase it will detract from you seeing just how stupid you are. 

So now let's talk about "amreekan government doing such a mean thing"  so that you can resist the urge to keep going back to this everytime I show you how stupid you are.

I believe:

I American government is capable of doing a great many "mean" ( ::)) and nasty things.  Inclduing but not limited to ( ;D) many of the conspiracies Beserker listed that "true conspriracies thread"

Also i wouldn't be suprised if the BUSH adminsitration knew about the attacks beforehand although there isn;t anyway you or i can get the proof of it sitting at our computers.   

But to think the WTC towers were laced with explosives, the pentagon was hit by a missle and flight 93 was shot down by a f-16 is just plain absurd.  And if you look back to all the posts and the merged threads when 240 and Beserker first started bringing it up you'll see that i pretty much went into this with a very open mind on the subject.  I did quite alot research both on the web and in talking with many of the people I know in different proffesions:  Airline pilots, people in the FAA etc...

Foot note:  I reserve Judgment on WTC 7 either way.   A possibility that might not have been considered was that "it was" demolished purposely becuase it was a security risk due to the sensitive information insidethe building.  (just a passing thought)  I think however in the end it will probably be proved that it fell for the reasons they say it did.  (remember, before you get your "smarter than me delusioin in full swing" that we (you, I, and 240) don't have all the information.)

And just for your reading pleasure i have decided not to hit the spell check button.

i didnt read any this :)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2006, 09:46:56 AM »
Sandy did you say something?   ::)


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Re: Boston air traffic controller says 911 was an inside job
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2006, 09:52:29 AM »
quote me as saying i had "overwelming evidence" or concede youre talking out of your ass :)