New Deadlift ME rotation:
Extra ROM Deadlifts
Friday, Mar 10Lower RE:Extra ROM Deadlifts (using 25 lb plates)*: (new) 145 x 5
195 x 5
245 x 3
295 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 1.. to test speed.
Speed ATG Squats:
6 doubles w/ 175
ATG Front Box Sqts: (new)135 x 6
165 x 6
165 x 6
165 x 6... can't handle more than 6 reps on this exercise.
Glute Ham Raises (ghetto setup): (new)BW x 5 negatives (Full ROM)
BW x 3 (3/4 ROM)
BW x 3 (3/4 ROM)
BW x 3 (3/4 ROM)
BW x 10 negatives (Full ROM)
Hanging Leg Raises (straight legs):
BW+15 x 8
BW+15 x 8
BW+10 x 8 -DS- BW x 10
*Deadlifts are completely reset for each rep.Smooth workout. Brother spotted that my deadlift speed was slower than normal today after he watched me do my heavy set. What I was doing was loosing my drive on the upper part of the exercise, which I corrected when I did it again for 1 rep. Gotta keep it in my head to keep the drive, and PULL BACK, not up. This requires more hip drive, and a concious effort on my part to stay focused throughout the whole ROM.
I took JPM's suggestions and tried Box Front Squats, and these definitely hit my quads harder than the regular version. The problem is that I was feeling a bit uncomfortable during the exercise, so I kept the reps lower so I wouldnt have to be in an uncomfortable position for too long. Next workout I'll man up for a higher rep set, hopefully.
GHR's are absolutely THE BEST exercise you can do for your hamstrings. This absolutley obliterated my hamstrings like nothing else. I set it up in the power rack, using a barbell and a pad for my knees. Slide your ankles underneath the bar , get in proper position, make sure your knees are firmly placed on the pads, and there you have a perfect GHR postion
(you will have to add weight to the bar obviously to keep it from lifting up)