Author Topic: Haider's Training Journal  (Read 168908 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #175 on: December 12, 2007, 12:23:14 PM »
I've been studying for finals hardcore, so no workouts thsi week. Friday after my last exam I should be back DESTROYING the weights like I usually do.  8)
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #176 on: December 13, 2007, 08:13:46 AM »
I've been studying for finals hardcore, so no workouts thsi week. Friday after my last exam I should be back DESTROYING the weights like I usually do.  8)



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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #177 on: December 17, 2007, 08:20:16 PM »

First monday back and destroyed the legs!!!!!

Monday, December 17th, 2007
1-legged Barbell Squats:
135 x 10
140 x 8..legs crampin up
Bench Sqauts (parallel depth)
195 x 10
200 x 10
Light Good Mornings
95 x 10
115 x 8
135 x 10
145 x 10
Leg Extensions
50 x 12
60 x 12
65 x 20
Leg Curls
70 x 10
85 x 9
Smith Machine Calf Raises
135 x 10
125 x 10
125 x 10

My left ass cheek was botherin the hell out of me after the 1-legged squats  >:( May have overdone it after a long layoff, its gonna suck if my legs are gonna be sore all over. Lower back felt pretty good through out so I'm pretty happy about that.

This is gonna be the start of a new UPPER/LOWER routine instead of a fullbody workout so I can work with more volume for epic mass. Standing at 175 lbs today, gym weight.
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #178 on: December 20, 2007, 09:02:20 PM »
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Flat Bench <alternated w/> Pendaly Rows:
125 x 5 <alt. w/> 135 x 8
155 x 5 <alt. w/> 135 x 8
185 x 3 <alt. w/> 135 x 8
205 x 3
205 x 2 + 1
195 x 3 + 1 (+ dropsets)
Incline CG Bench <alternated w/> Wide-grip Pullups:
135 x 6 <alt. w/> BW x 9
140 x 6 <alt. w/> BW x 8-9
140 x 7 <alt. w/> BW x 8
A-trainer Flies
10 x 8
10 x 6
10 x 5 (not exactly sure about the rep counts here)
BB Curls <supersetted w/> Tricep Pushdowns
75 x 8 <ss> 70 x 7
75 x 3-DS-65 x 2-DS-55 x 3 <ss> 65 x 8

Had a massive pump going from this workout, I looked HUUUUGE brothers!!!!! 

A bit disappointed with the benching, just not very smooth today, the [almost] two week layoff probably didn't help here. I think I need more rest in between sets cuz my shoulders take longer to recover; I'll time myself to rest atleast 4 minutes next time in between bench sets.

Ran out of time so I didn't do additional shoulder work (rear and side). Almost got no rest in between the 1st and 1nd superset of arms so couldnt get as many reps... massive pump in the arms nevertheless.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #179 on: December 23, 2007, 04:29:13 PM »
Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
Box Squats (to a bench)
205 x 10
205 x 10.. lower back didnt feel the best
Wide-stance Front Squats
165 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
Glute-Ham Raises <supersetted w/> High Pulley Rope Crunches
BW-20 x 5 <ss> 55 x 8
BW-25 x 4 <ss> 45 x 12
BW-27.5 x 6 <ss> 47.5 x 10
Standing Calf <supersetted w/> Seated Calf Raises
BW+70 x 12 <ss> 35 x 12
BW+80 x 13 <ss> 35 x 12
BW+80 x 12 <ss> 35 x 12
Sissy Hack Squats
BW x 8 (not perfect form)
BW x 6 (perfect form)

Pretty good workout today, my cardio is really really bad man, the last couple of weeks have killed me in that regard since I pretty much locked myself up in a room and studied (and sipped on coke)  :P This should be easy weight for me on front squats, but I am touching them after a long time and I'm in bad cardiovascular I gotta start doing cardio.

Not neglecting calves anymore, so I threw in some supersets to really hit them. The burn on these is very tough to get through, it is no joke! Finished off with some sissy hack squats, and man this exercise is HARD if you do it right. Kept my feet very low and close together on the platform and tried my hardest to keep everything from the knee up as straight as possible- this is important so that you get a better stretch of the quads and it makes the exercise MUCH harder.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #180 on: December 27, 2007, 12:10:34 PM »
Wednesday, December 27, 2007
Speed Bench
95 x 3
95 x 3
95 x 3
95 x 3
135 x 2
165 x 2
185 x 1-1-1
135 x 1-1-1
Military Press
125 x 5
130 x 5
135 x 5- 105 x 5 - 85 x 6
Weighted Chins (w/ pause at bottom)
BW+35 x 5
BW+35 x 5
BW+35 x 5 - BW+15 x 3 - BW x 3
Low Incline Db Press (w/ extra stretch)
65 x 8
65 x 8
65 x 8
Strict Seated Cable Rows (w/ extra squeeze)
85 x 8
85 x 8
85 x 8- 70 x 3 - 55 x 3
A-trainer Flies
3 sets

Arm giant set:
Lying Curl-bar Extensions <supersetted w/> Curl-bar Drag Curls:
75 x 8 <ss> 50 x 7
80 x 8 <ss> 50 x 7
85 x 7 <ss> 50 x 7
straight to:
A-trainer Pushdowns <supersetted w/> 1-arm High-pulley Curls:
40 x 8 <ss> 15 x 10
40 x 7 <ss> 15 x 6
40 x 6 <ss> 15 x 6

Throughly enjoyed this workout, working with a lot of movements after a long time. Speed benching went pretty well, didn;t feel as strong on militaries as i thought i would but they felt pretty good. I kinda messed up my elbow on the chins cuz I locked out my elbows.. big mistake, will not do that again. However, the stretch in the lats is amazing; you can feel the outer lats working a lot. So use this movement for the outer lats, just don't lock out your elbows idiots. Same thing with the db presses, bring the db's out wide to get mroe of a stretch and you instantly turn it into a better workout for the pecs. The poundage will drop a bit though, but I'm not using it a "power" movement.

Man this version of the cable row is amazing and surprisingly hard: try to keep perfect posture and really squeeze the shoulder together at the end of the movement. I'm feelin these today in the lower lats and rhomboids.

finished off with some arm giant sets, not qutie milos style, but better ;) Did this to make the workout more enjoyable, and ofcourse a little extra arm size can't hurt.

Peace out nigaaahzzz.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #181 on: December 28, 2007, 05:51:10 PM »
Friday, December 28, 2007
1-legged Barbell Squats:
145 x 8
145 x 8
Bench Sqauts (a bit lower than parallel, w/ pause)
210 x 10
215 x 10
Smith Machine Calf Raises (1-2 sec pause at bottom)
135 x 8
140 x 10
145 x 8 - 115 x 8
Seated Leg Curls <supersetted w/> Leg Exntesions
90 x 8 <ss> 70 x 20
90 x 9 <ss> 70 x 20
Light Good Mornings
150 x 10
150 x 10
165 x 8

Nice workout, felt pretty good afterwards. Wasn't sure about the lower back situation when going in, but I stretched a lot prior and started warming up for Squats and it felt fine. Didn't bother me at all during the workout. The box squats FEEL really hard, as if 7 reps would be very hard but I managed to push 10 reps for each set...hard, but not impossible. Quads felt pretty good after the leg extensions, though the burn during the exercise is very uncomfortable... I think I'll use this exercise just for the mental toughness aspect ;D Ended the workout with some good mornings, and again took it pretty easy. Bumped up the weight for the last set but only did as many as I felt i could do without any strain on the lower back.

I'm considering doing the Adonis youtube competition, so I may start training for that. But I gotta make sure my lower back issues are taken care of before I do that. I planned on doing some light deads at the end of the workout today, but i had to go pick up my brother from the airport. But thast ok, I think my lower had enough anyway.
     There are several things i need to do to train for this competition. First of all, ofcourse, the lower back needs to be taken care of. Second thing is getting my CARDIO up, so i have the lungs for it. My goal was to improve my cardio this winter break anyway, so this competition is good motivation to get my ass started on that. For this I will probably combine HIIT type cardio (sprinting) with longer runs (around 30 min).
      And since I haven't deadlifted in a long time, I need to get my form in order. There's a good T-nation article that helped me fix up my form in the past, and helped me get my deadlift upto 405 x 5. Another thing I will need is lower back endurance, which I will take care of by not only deadlifting with higher reps (20-30, not too high so that I can recover) but also incorporating some high rep hyperextensions.
     I think I have till the 28th of Feb to submit the video, so i have about 7 weeks to prime myself for this. There's really nothing to lose, but winning would be awesome  8)
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #182 on: December 31, 2007, 02:50:17 PM »
Monday, December 31st, 2007
Flat Bench <alternated w/> Pendaly Rows:
210 x 3... nice and smooth!
210 x 3...not bad
210 x 3!
Pendaly Rows:
140 x 8
140 x 8
140 x 8
Incline CG Bench <alternated w/> Wide-grip Pullups (w/ pause at bottom):
145 x 6 <alt. w/> BW x 8
155 x 6 <alt. w/> BW x 8
165 x 5 <alt. w/> BW x 8
A-trainer Flies
2 sets
BB Curls <supersetted w/> Tricep Pushdowns
70 x 8 <ss> 70 x 8
75 x 7-DS-50 x 8 <ss> 70 x 8

AWESOME benching today!  8) 3rd set wasn't as good because I lost focus, but I started out awesome with the first one, even surprised myself, and the second one was good too. My goal right now is to bench 225 x 3, so we'll see how long it takes. It's only another 15 pounds! I've never touched 2 plates on this exercise, EVER, lol!

For whatever reason the pendaly rows have started to feel really good in the rhomboid area..the lower back gets pumped too doing this. Incline CG's felt super today, i dunno where I mustered the strength from. Had little time for arms, and I forgot to do shoulders again goddamnit..

You guys have a happy new year!  :)
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #183 on: January 03, 2008, 07:32:30 PM »
Sweet New year Workout!!!!!!111  8)

Wednesday, Jan 2nd, 2008
Speed Deads:
Some sets with 135, 185 and 225. Then 225 x 14 to test the waters..
Box Squats (to a bench, touch and go)
220 x 10
225 x 8
1 1/2 Front Squats
165 x 8
165 x 6
165 x 6  :o
Glute-Ham Raises <supersetted w/> High Pulley Rope Crunches
BW-25 x 5 <ss> 50 x 10
BW-27.5 x 5 <ss> 50 x 10
BW-30 x 6 <ss> 55 x 10

holy shit, deadlifting after8 months was no fun! The lower back pumps were immense and really really hindered my workout, even though I was using very light weight. So more than half the time while I was deadlifting I was just laying on the ground trying to get the pump out, lol! I did manage to mess around with my form and relearn some things though. The pump kept bothering me for the rest of the workout as well..
     Did the squats without a belt, though intially I had planned on wearing one cuz I thought my back would be too tired out from the deads. I'm hoping this helps with my Squat form..I think I should alternate this with regular Squats.

The 1 1/2 Front Squat: performed like a regular full squat, except an extra half rep is performed from the bottom position. So you go all the way down, halfway up, back down, then all the way up. They were much harder than I thought, a real lung exercise  :P

I think hamstring strength was down, but I also did deadlifts this workout unlike last time. Abs = very annoying and boring to do, but oh well.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #184 on: January 04, 2008, 10:24:33 PM »
Friday, Jan 4th, 2008
Speed Bench
bunch of sets, did a heavy one with 185 as well
Military Press
135 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5
Shoulder-width Weighted Pullups
BW+35 x 5
BW+35 x 5
BW+35 x 5 - BW+15 x 2 - BW x 2
Low Incline Db Press (w/ extra stretch)
65 x 10
65 x 10
65 x 8
Strict Seated Cable Rows (w/ extra squeeze)
85 x 10
85 x 10
87.5 x 12
Incline A-trainer Flies
2 sets

Arm giant set:
Lying Curl-bar Extensions <supersetted w/> Curl-bar Drag Curls:
80 x 8 <ss> 50 x 7
80 x 8 <ss> 50 x 7
80 x 8 <ss> 50 x 8
straight to:
Strict Pushdowns (double pulley) <supersetted w/> 1-arm High-pulley Curls (double pulley):
100 x 6 <ss> 20 x 8
90 x 6 <ss> 20 x 8
85 x 5 <ss> 20 x 9

Changed some exercises up today... substituted pullups for the chins cuz I didn't feel like doing regular chins, simple as that. Had to do the last arm exercise on the double pulley station cuz a douchebag was using the machine I usually use, and it worked out fine.
Military Presses are kind of annoying because I feel my left shoulder getting more strained than the right one, dunno why... they also felt mroe comfortable with a slighly closer grip than usual, I think I was loosing too much tricep by using my usual bench grip (before you ask, I'm using it as a power movement so I don't care for shoulder "isolation"). Everything else was good.

thanks for reading.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #185 on: January 07, 2008, 08:10:09 PM »
Monay, Jan 7, 2008
Parallel Sqauts
205 x 8
205 x 8
1-legged Barbell Squats:
150 x 8
155 x 10
155 x 10  :o
Smith Machine Calf Raises (1-2 sec pause at bottom)
145 x 8
145 x 10
150 x 9 (last rep iffy)
Good Mornings
155 x 10
175 x 10... nice and slow, felt good!
Speed Deads
Bunch of sets w/ 185, 205 and 225
185 x 30
185 x 30...damn

Took it easy on the squats today, I felt that I needed to back off a bit so I did. Felt nice and smooth, except there's some issues with the right knee..dunno what to do about that, maybe mroe warmup + stretching. 1-legged Squats felt awesome today (easy), and since I took out the leg extensions/curls at the end I did an extra set here to make up for it, and boy did that hurt  ;D I started to feel nausious so I lay down for a min or two after that..

My back's jsut feeling better than ever, had no problems whatsoever. goodmornigs were nice and easy, didn't do as many sets cuz of what I had planned later... Some speed deadlifting followed by high rep deadlifting. I did the deads without straps with an over-under grip and it worked the shit out of my grip. Also, when I hit the ground I felt a strain on my elbow- a reason to be weary of these things. Maybe I should stick to a double overhand grip with straps so I don't fuck up my arms in anyway; people who get tears get it in the arm with the supinated grip- dorian yates tore his biceps using an underhand grip on barbell rows for example. These sets ofcourse were not my maximum capacity- I was jsut aiming for a specific number of reps and I got 'em on both sets. I will ponder over how I felt and shit like that and keep myself from posting too much detail right now  ;)
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #186 on: January 10, 2008, 03:53:06 PM »
Wednesday, January 9, 2007
Flat Bench <alternated w/> Pendaly Rows:
215 x 3
215 x 3
215 x 3
Pendaly Rows:
145 x 8
145 x 8
145 x 8
Incline CG Bench <alternated w/> Wide-grip Pullups (w/ pause at bottom):
160 x 5 <alt. w/> BW+5 x 8
160 x 5 <alt. w/> BW+5 x 8
160 x 5 <alt. w/> BW+5 x 8
Wide-grip Upright Rows <supersetted w/> Db Rear Laterals
65 x 10 <ss> 25 x 10
65 x 10 <ss> 25 x 10
65 x 10 <ss> 25 x 10
A-trainer Flies
2 sets
BB Curls <supersetted w/> A-trainer Pushdowns
70 x 8 <ss> 40 x 10
70 x 8- 55 x 5 - 40 x 5 <ss> 40 x 8

Bench keeps movin on up!  8) First time in my life I have made improvements on bench like this, most of which I will accredit to improvement of form. My bodyweight has also been moving up which also probably helped- standing at aout 180 lbs today (gym weight). 10 more pounds and I will meet my goal of 225 x 3!

Pendaly rows felt great, will lower the reps next workout now. CG benching didnt feel so strong, thought i'd be able to get more reps.. WG pullups on the other hand felt stronger than I has anticipated, but last set was a bit of a struggle.

PS: My fucking hamstrings and ass are still sore, 3rd day in now  :-\ I can't deal with this shit, so I really need a way to fix this cuz I don't want any of this. I hear cardio helps, maybe even stretching. I'll do anything to stop this from repeating  >:(
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #187 on: January 10, 2008, 03:55:51 PM »
haha still working out at the mickey mouse club I see...  ;D

nice work man that leg day looks brutal


  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #188 on: January 10, 2008, 04:08:34 PM »
haha still working out at the mickey mouse club I see...  ;D

nice work man that leg day looks brutal
haha thanks, it was alright. Brutal squats I know  ;D I gotta be careful cuz of the lower back, but before u know I'll be hitting 3 plates again  :P

Do you get brutal soreness in the hamstrings following leg workouts? this past workout left me paralysed the next day and after in the lower body  :-\
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #189 on: January 10, 2008, 04:12:27 PM »
haha thanks, it was alright. Brutal squats I know  ;D I gotta be careful cuz of the lower back, but before u know I'll be hitting 3 plates again  :P

Do you get brutal soreness in the hamstrings following leg workouts? this past workout left me paralysed the next day and after in the lower body  :-\

yep.. typically friday's dynamic day on lower body that has me squatting alot of reps leaves me sore for a few days. It's always glutes and hams... never quads.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #190 on: January 12, 2008, 10:45:26 AM »
Friday, Jan 11, 2008
Floor Deads*:
275 x 3
315 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
335 x 3
195 x 30
Standing Calf <supersetted w/> Seated Calf Raises
BW+90 x 10 <ss> 37.5 x 12
BW+90 x 10 <ss> 42.5 x 12...BURRRRRNNNNNNN
Speed Squats
135 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 2
165 x 2
165 x 2
165 x 2
165 x 2
Glute-Ham Raises <supersetted w/>1 1/2 Front Squats
BW-30 x 6 <ss> 155 x 8-9
BW-30 x 6 -DS- BW-40 x 5 <ss> 155 x 8


*Reset for each rep

damn, that workout took me a longass time, 1:45 to 2 hours  ;D Its cuz of all the sets of deads, including the high rep deads! My back isn't used to deadlifting yet, apparently it takes mroe than 2 workouts for that ;D The pumps are still there (the bad kind) so I still have to lay around for a bit for them to go away...but for the most part i had tow ork though them, since they weren't gonna go away completely (in that case, it would've taken me 3+ hrs instead :P). Still working on the form, haven't got it down perfectly yet but I did hit the mark a couple of times so there is progress, had my brother check my form on these. 335 is a long way from my best deadlift, but it still felt pretty heavy...I reckon I should be back in good form in about 2 months- goal for now is hitting 500 for a single.

Oh, and I'm going to quit doing heavy 5's, nothing more than triples anymore. I reset for each rep so doing five like that is pretty tedious, but doing 5 is useless anyway in terms of building deadlift strength. The high repper at the end was more difficult than i thought it would be, but after all the 'heavy' sets that should be expected...forgot my straps again, so I did an over-under grip again which worked out my grip/forearms pretty good! (I also avoided hitting the ground on the reps so i dont fcvk up my elbows)

got some calves in quickly to give my lower back a rest before I hit teh spped squats, which went way better than I expected. Decided to superset the GHR's and front squats, which was a killer combination ofcourse  8) Really felt this combination in the legs, so even though my lungs didn't like this I still like the combo for the muscle stimulation (or the sensation).

STRETCHING: I did LOTS and lots of stretching last night so I wouldn't get sore in te glutes/hamstrings and today I have little to no soreness in those areas!!! ;D I also did hot/cold contrast showers and ate a lot (+multivitmains/creatine)... I'll have to try the same exact thing next workout to really say if it was what i did afterwards that helped the soreness (I suspect it is). I'm really happy to have woken up fresh and NOT sore today  8)
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #191 on: January 15, 2008, 03:43:52 PM »
Mondayday, Jan 14th, 2008
Speed Bench
125 x 2
125 x 2
125 x 2
125 x 2
125 x 2
125 x 2
155 x 1
185 x 1-1-1 (5-10 sec rest in between)
Military Press
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 4 - 115 x 5   burrrrrrrnnn
Weighted Chins
BW+55 x 5
BW+57.5 x 5
BW+55 x 5
Low Incline Db Press (w/ extra stretch)
65 x 10
65 x 10
65 x 10  PR!
alternated with:
Strict Seated Cable Rows (w/ extra squeeze)
#5.5 x 12
#6 x 10
Arm giant set:
Lying Curl-bar Extensions <supersetted w/> Pronated Curl-bar Drag Curls:
85 x 8 <ss> 55 x 9
90 x 7 <ss> 55 x 8-10
straight to:
Strict Pushdowns <supersetted w/> 1-arm High-pulley Curls :
#9 (or 10) x 8 <ss> #2 x 10

May have overdone the speed benching with the heavier sets, which maybe an explanation for why I did poorly on the military presses. The M presses just felt very heavy from the start, but i managed 3 good sets with it.....oh, also I did these without a spotter so I didnt get any help with the liftoff- another thing that coul have afected my performance. The chins felt nice and strong on the other hand, for the most part.

The poundages on the machine exercises changed cuz I changed back to the university gym since school started again. Didn't have enough time for my usual giant-set for arms but arms were pumped pretty good after that. Chest is more sore than usual today, lats are sore too.
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #192 on: January 17, 2008, 12:08:08 PM »
WEdnesday, Jan 16, 2008
Parallel Sqauts
225 x 8
235 x 8
235 x 8
235 x 8

Standing Machine Calf Raises (1-2 sec pause at bottom)      (new)
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 7 - 80 x 3 - 60 x 3
80 x 7 - x 2 - x 1

Good Mornings
185 x 8    damn
185 x 8

1-legged Nautilus Kneeling Leg Curls      (new)
50 x 10
55 x 9
55 x 9
alternated w/:
Smith Machine Sissy Squats      (new)
bar x 6
bar x 4
bar x 5   damn

Speed Deads
185 x 3
185 x 3
195 x 3
195 x 3
195 x 3
195 x 1
195 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
205 x 40
205 x 30 (after 2-3 min rest) :o

Holy long ass workout!! I was in the gym for more than 2 hours and I'm feeling the effects today, feeling pretty tired. I stretched a whole lot and id contrast showers and there is soreness today, but it is very very tolerable!  :)

I decided my back was ready for heavier squats so I did a regular Squat session, although I kept the reps a little high. The Stance here is wide, but not too wide. I hate going too wide cuz its hard for me to tell when I hit parallel that way... I thought I was doing 245 in the gym but realised later that I was only doing 235, but thats ok cuz 235 feels heavy enough for now ;D Will use 10 pounds or more next time...

New machine for calves, did an extra set cuz I didn't feel I worked my calves enough with 3 sets. The Goodmorning's felt heavy and uncomfortable also because of the shirt I was wearing, the bar wasn't very stable and had a tendency to roll over...

Figured out a way to do sissy squats on the smith machine and it worked! Very hard exercise, will keep the reps low here so I can do some load progression.. Speed deads were good, I found my groove on these. It helps that they have ROUND plates here instead of the hex plates at the other rec I go to, it makes the deadlifts so much more comfortable this way. Decided it was time to up the ante, so I went for 40 reps on my first high rep set, which I was able to do in 1:25. The second set was much harder so I decided I would only do 30 reps, and that took me like 1:15.

Tentative plan is to do my first all-out deadlift attempt with 225 next week.

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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #193 on: January 19, 2008, 11:26:47 AM »
update: quads, halms both were pretty sore late the day after, and the second day all day. Third day in, quad soreness is gone but hamstring soreness still there. I don't think there's any way to escape it ;D

Interesting thing: My rear delts got really sore after the workout! Those high rep deads got 'em. I skipped my workout yesterday because I was still sore and tired from the last workout.

Been doing a bit or cardio lately as well, two nights ago was really brutal- one of the most painful cardio sessions of my life. Pushed thourhg about 15 minutes of hellish pain in the feet + calves then called it quits... my feet were NUMB after off, maybe it was a good thing I got off after all.

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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #194 on: January 21, 2008, 04:25:49 PM »
Been sick the last 2 days, could barely get any sleep last night  :-\
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #195 on: January 21, 2008, 04:29:48 PM »
excellent work, my man. 8)

only things i'd suggest? don't do box squats for more than 5 reps. they're not really a "high rep" exercise, since you're ideally supposed to sit back and pause on the box/bench with each rep.

also, scrap the speed pulls at the very end of the workout. you're too tired to really work on your speed. use 'em 2nd, and for fewer sets, if you're going to put them on the same day as lifting heavy.

what's your body weight mang?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #196 on: January 25, 2008, 06:57:58 PM »
Haven't worked out all week cuz I wasn't feeling well, and I feel very guilty about it. I hate setbacks like this, FCVK I'm pissed.

excellent work, my man. 8)

only things i'd suggest? don't do box squats for more than 5 reps. they're not really a "high rep" exercise, since you're ideally supposed to sit back and pause on the box/bench with each rep.

also, scrap the speed pulls at the very end of the workout. you're too tired to really work on your speed. use 'em 2nd, and for fewer sets, if you're going to put them on the same day as lifting heavy.

what's your body weight mang?
thanks bro, only reason i was going high reps with those is because I was taking it easy on my lower back- I injured and reinjured it but after some rehabilitation work and easing into the squats/deads my back is at 110% right now.

I did not do these paused, but in the past when I used box squats as an ME exercise I did do them that way. I just wanted to relearn the form after being off of squats for a long time, so I wanted to just do touch n go..

You're right about the speed pulls, I should have placed them early in the workout like I usually do...not sure waht i was thinking. And I don't think you're supposed to do both speed and heavy work in the same workout..

Bodyweight was hovering around 180 before I got sick, thats 20 pounds up from august, lol..
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #197 on: January 27, 2008, 10:22:57 AM »
Finally got sick of it and went in for a workout... felt weak as shit. I'm still a little sick.
Saturday, January 26, 2007
Flat Bench :
205 x 3
205 x 3
205 x 3
Pendaly Rows <alternated w/> Incline CG Bench:
135 x 6 <alt.> 160 x 4
135 x 6 <alt.> 155 x 5
135 x 6 <alt.> 155 x 5
Wide-grip Pullups :
BW x 12
BW x 11
A-trainer flies:
2 sets
BB Curls
60 x 10
60 x 9
60 x 8

Everything felt heavy as shit, surprised i even pulled that much off on bench... had to put a hoodie on after the bench cuz i started gettin cold. Decently sore in the pecs today along with some soreness in the front delts and lats.

Hopefully next workout is much better.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #198 on: January 27, 2008, 10:52:26 AM »
how are those supersets working for you? i have to admit that would sap my energy terribly.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Haider's Training Journal
« Reply #199 on: January 28, 2008, 02:40:16 PM »
I don't really superset anything except for arms, i mostly alternate some exercise (sometimes with short breaks) to save time. The GHR/front squat superset was something I came up with on the spot cuz I needed a solution to the shortage of time ;D

I realised I need some sort of exercise that put hit my quads hard on deadlift day... it comes down to either a uni-lateral exercise or leg presses (my college gym doesn't have a hack squat). I know I should man up and do the uni-lateral exercise but I freaking hate being sore in the glutes, i.e. if i do them on deadlift day only... if i do the uni's more frequently I don't get sore in the ass anymore, but that means doing them every workout goddamnit. And that means i'm gonna have to substitute the sissy sqts with the uni instead, which i dont wanna do right now so thats out of question.

The leg press is looking really good right now ;D

unless I can get a better suggestion ofcourse..
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