Author Topic: Why can't I gain weight......  (Read 3988 times)


  • Getbig II
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Why can't I gain weight......
« on: January 26, 2007, 06:38:15 AM »
Hello all.  I am new to the board.  I am 30, 6'2", 215 at about 10-12% BF.  I have worked out off and on for about 6 years and consistently for the last 2. When I started working out I weighed 145.  I have put on a lot of muscle but I still am thin.  I would like to get to about 240.  I am an ectomorph so I know it is going to be hard.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2007, 07:01:06 AM »
Here we go again.  Eat more whole foods rich in carbs!
It hasn't helped...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 07:31:06 AM »
Hello all.  I am new to the board.  I am 30, 6'2", 215 at about 10-12% BF.  I have worked out off and on for about 6 years and consistently for the last 2. When I started working out I weighed 145.  I have put on a lot of muscle but I still am thin.  I would like to get to about 240.  I am an ectomorph so I know it is going to be hard.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Assuming you're a natural it sounds like you put on quite a bit of muscle during those years, you might be closing in on the amount of weight your body would be naturally comfortable with... so further gains from this point will come harder... first thing I would do is check your legs, have you worked them as hard as the other muscle groups? Otherwise there might be room for some added mass on there... maybe make them your one priority for a few months with a training partner. Also you might experiment a little bit by adding a few hundred more calories to your diet as well as eating more protein to see if that make a difference.
Might be a good time to change your whole training program, or at least parts of it for variety, maybe you reached a plateau?

Also I wouldn't be obsessed with reaching a certain weight... there's more to it than that, dropping a little in bodyfat, or work on your symmetry by bringing up a lagging muscle group may do wonders for your overall look.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 08:05:07 AM »
Thanks.  I have given other muscle groups priority over legs.  I will concentrate more on them, I could use a lot more mass on them.  I guess I should have said what I really meant.  I don't care about the weight as far as a number but do want more size.  At 240 I think I would have the size (legs) I want to achieve.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 08:41:38 AM »
This guy is like an exact replica of me down to the amount of time training even. Bluto's probably right, your legs could probably use more mass at 6'2.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2007, 09:32:41 AM »
Training is MINIMAL!!!!!!  Diet is the KEY!!!!!!!!1


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2007, 10:33:36 AM »
Arnoldwanabe probably should have given us a sample of his weekly workout program; how many day's, exercises, set's, etc. How much recovery time he allows between workouts, or during the week, can be very important..Something to give a general idea of his training. And in the last two years, did he make the most progress? I'm guessing about 80%-90% of guy's who seek advice here give none or a few bit's of information about training. Not much help when help is requested.

As Bluto suggested, target the larger muscle groups with heavy compound movements. And try to use free weights for most of your movements. Not that machines can not be rewarding, but the prime source should be free weight exercises like squats, Hack squats, DL's, SLDL's, Cleans,BB Rows, Chins (weighted), Presses, BP/IP/Dips, etc. These are the Big Boy exercises.

Training workouts should be brief and to the point. Done with serious intent with-in 45 to 60 minutes each session. As Smaul advised, eat  more balance whole foods made up of good quality carbs. In simple terms, avoid white flour/sugar products. Don't know if you do or not, but you might want to include a Creatine produce and test the results they may give you. Make sure it have a delivery system includes, which is usually Dextrose/Beet Juice. I'm not a big fan of supplements in general. But I've worked with athletes (mainly football players) and have witness the mostly good results from taking this stuff. Also might include Flax Seed oil.  Make sure the good quality calories are around 3,000 to 4,000 daily. You do not have to eat like a pig, just eat smart. If you find gaining excess fat, than cut the carbs a bit. Tweaking the body for max muscle gains really is not that hard if common sense is applied. Good Luck.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2007, 10:48:39 AM »
If you’re still an ectomorph at 30, then your metabolism probably won’t change much anytime soon.
I’ve gotta agree with Luger. How much and how frequently do you eat now?
It sounds like you already know how to train, so the missing key is likely nutrition rather than exercise.

If you can see your abs, then you’re probably not in prime condition to gain much weight because you’re not taking in enough calories.
I really believe you’ll see quicker results by eating more – even if it means losing some of your vascularity and definition.
As has been mentioned, add more good carbs and protein. Some healthy fats, too.
Adding 2 or 3 mass gain shakes throughout the day wouldn’t hurt either, but get a good one that’s not just a bunch of sugar.

Optimum Nutrition makes a good one that has 620 cal., 55g protein, 85g carbs, only 6g sugar.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 10:31:59 PM »
Just up your protien intake a lot not so much your calories.  Whats the point of getting big if most of it is fat.  I have been able to maintain decent abs and gain muscle by eating more protien.  I dont agree with the whole idea of "bulking up" because then when it comes time to loose the 30 lbs of fat you gained you also loose all your muscle and usually end up right where you started.  Then the bulking phase starts again and it never ends.  There is no reason to go over 10 percent bodyfat.  If your body is storing fat it means your eating too much.  I would eat lots of fish, chicken steak and other meats and get some protien shakes with lower calories.  around 50 grams of protien but around 300 calories and take them 2 or 3 times a day. They are really cheap online.   It will be a slower gain, it may take a few months to gain 10 lbs but it will be almost all muscle.  6'2 215 isnt that bad if you are solid muscle.  Im only 5'7 155 but I have way more muscle mass then most people who are 180 or more because my bodyfat is so low.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2007, 11:13:06 PM »
I dont agree with the whole idea of "bulking up" because then when it comes time to loose the 30 lbs of fat you gained you also loose all your muscle and usually end up right where you started.

If you're losing ALL of your muscle when cutting, then you're not cutting properly.
There are effective/proven methods of dropping body fat while maintaining muscle that involve a target heart rate, specific time intervals for cardiovascular training, and the adjustment of nutrients (lowering fats & carbs, increasing protein, etc.).

True, you may lose SOME muscle, but knowledge and discipline combined with careful monitoring will help you maintain the majority of your new gains whilst shedding the unwanted pounds.

Additionally, we know that in order to grow, the body needs to consume more calories than it burns through metabolism and so on.
Ectomorphs have a bigger disadvantage in this department because they're genetically predisposed to be thin and “wiry.”

Couple this with the fact that Arnoldwanabe is stuck at a plateau of sorts – presumably not through any lack of training – it stands to reason that some more carbs, protein, etc. will help fuel new gains.
And nobody here is recommending the Krispy Kreme route. :-X

And as for losing excess fat (if there is any after the “bulking phase”), this shouldn’t be a problem for a true ectomorph because they are genetically programmed to be thin anyway. They have a natural tendency to be thin and lean. For them, being lean is easier than getting fat.

GAINING weight is the root of our friend's problem.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2007, 11:23:39 PM »
Should take a few weeks off to recharge. ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2007, 04:50:25 AM »
Q: Why can't you gain weight?

A: You're not eating enough protein/carb/fat combos.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2007, 05:43:34 AM »
Should take a few weeks off to recharge. ;)

I just took 2 weeks off for a mini vacation...snowboarding.  Now I am back at the gym. My routine is a 2 on 1 off.  Chest and bi's, Legs and tri's, OFF, Back and bi's, shoulders and tri's, OFF. Calves and ABS twice a week.  On my bi and tri workouts I don't do a lot of diff. exercises or sets so as not to overtrain them. 

I consume around 300 grams of protein p/day.  I think my main problem is not enough carbs.  Does anyone have a sample meal plan they follow that they wouldn't mind posting?  Thanks.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2007, 06:50:47 AM »
It's always good to check your diet, but still you've gained 70 pounds those years, your diet can't be all that bad  ;)


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2007, 07:24:37 AM »
Training is MINIMAL!!!!!!  Diet is the KEY!!!!!!!!1

Says the man who trains 65 hours a week.  ::)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2007, 07:45:09 AM »
DREAM ON............


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2007, 03:04:06 PM »
try n'large 2 or mega mass 4000. it's good stuff!  ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2007, 01:00:05 PM »
What about Cyto Gainer??


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2007, 01:16:16 PM »
Cyto Gainer looks good, but it’s all whey protein.
Whey is awesome, but it's absorbed extremely fast – faster than other proteins – which is great for post-workout, but for other times throughout the day (especially before bed) I prefer some slower absorbing proteins.

Optimum Nutrition's Pro-Complex Gainer has caloric and nutrient quantities similar to the brand listed above, but it uses a blend of different proteins sources. And their original Pro-Complex formula is time tested and proven.
With the added calories and carbs you can’t go wrong. :)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2007, 05:17:31 AM »
Hello all.  I am new to the board.  I am 30, 6'2", 215 at about 10-12% BF.  I have worked out off and on for about 6 years and consistently for the last 2. When I started working out I weighed 145.  I have put on a lot of muscle but I still am thin.  I would like to get to about 240.  I am an ectomorph so I know it is going to be hard.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

You prolly reached your platue. 215 from 145 is quite a big gain. You might add few more pounds from altering your training (using more shock principles) and better diet, but if you are plateued then you wont add substantial size naturally. Especially if you are ecto, 215 is prolly somewhere near your plateu. Genetics is highly underestimated, especially on getbig boards, but it is probably on of the deciding factors.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2007, 11:14:42 AM »
Thanks for all the responses.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2007, 04:36:01 PM »
Training is MINIMAL!!!!!!  Diet is the KEY!!!!!!!!1

bullshit...both are important you cant have one without the is more calories than you burn each day..with your weight in protein. then workout 4-5 times a week. and change routine every 6-8 weeks. nothing complicated...the secret is to stay consistent and make sure you have good workout after good workout.


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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2007, 04:12:07 AM »
Consistancy is very important. Especially if you burn weight quickly and don't have the best genetics for trying to reach your goal.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2007, 06:15:23 AM »
bullshit...both are important you cant have one without the is more calories than you burn each day..with your weight in protein. then workout 4-5 times a week. and change routine every 6-8 weeks. nothing complicated...the secret is to stay consistent and make sure you have good workout after good workout.

tis why we have so many FAT american wannabe bodybuilders

Jeff Miller

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Re: Why can't I gain weight......
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2007, 08:13:38 AM »
Record everything you eat, and break it down by micronutrient (fats, carbs, proteins, cals from each, etc).  Do this every day.  I think you will be surprised when you really look at the cold, hard numbers.  If you are maintaining your weight with your current diet and want to gain weight, add about 200 calories to your daily intake this week.  If you still notice no change, add another 200 calories the following week.  Repeat until you start to gradually gain weight.  The counter goes for weight loss.  This is a really simle explanation, and you still need to eat clean and make sure your carbs, proteins, and fats are in balance, but it will work.

My $0.02.