Well, it works like this. I have come up with a formula that determines down to the exact limit of how much heat I release in a closed system. I have come up with this formula based solely on each individuals performance so Anyone is capable of doing this.
Here is a before and after. I haver ALWAYS been a hard trainer and have used conventional methods in the past regarding diet. I have gotten lean on the typical bodybuilder diet, but I also got WEAKER,more tired,felt awful and not to mention it is inconvenient,not economical or practical.
I got fat eating Chicken Breast and Oatmeal and eating clean, I got Ripped eating, Ice Cream and Krispy Kreme.
The idea of eating 700 lbs of meat(350 grams of protein a day for a year) to build about 48 ounces of muscle(about the lifetime natural limit`s average muscle building potential) is just an inefficient waste of heat energy. The body is an effecient processor and science dictates that eating in this manner is futile and pointless. This being based on the conversion of energy. It simply makes zero sense to put in 700 lbs of potential energy to convert into 48 ounces of a different form of stored potential energy. It does not add up!
Matter can neither be created nor destroyed so as you can see, most of this 700 lbs is just wasted potential energy.
Now my equation can be utilized by anyone to be whatever Bodyfat their heart desires at any given time. This means anyone can also hold whatever conditioning they want indefinitely since they know their heat values. They can adjust accordingly at any moment up or down to manipulate fat storage.....You can essentially pick a single date on the calendar and to the DAY, determine EXACTLY what bodyfat you will be.
I also do no cardio and lift about 3 or 4 days a week.
The best part is, you do this by eating whatever your heart desires. I like Burger King,Krispy Kreme,Cake and Cookies and Pizza. So that is what I eat. I also eat off the Food Network. And my favorite, Ice Cream! Everyday! hahah MY girlfriend is one hell of a cook and we like to pick up specials from the fish market as well. The choices are limitless....Whatever you want.