It not that hard.
I deadlifted 225 for 112 times. Here is how I did it.I used straps. I did as many as I could. I then rested with the bar in my hands. I DID NOT PUT THE BAR DOWN, then continued. I think it took about 5 minutes or so, maybe less.
did you jack off in the shower after you were done?
I'd pay to see a video of 225 lb by 112 reps. Anyone else?Post the vid Adonis... -drop each plate once from 12'' in the air (to prove they're real)-lower the bar till the 45 lb plates are within 3'' of the ground on each rep-only rest at the top (without hitching the bar onto the buckle of your belt) -post the whole thing as one long vid with no cuts/edits/lookaways...and I'll paypal/post you $100.The Luke
I`ll take that!PAypal the Money to a third Party. 240 Or Bust is someone we can all trust.Once you do that, I will make the video under the criteria you specify.Deal?
why does the money have to go to a third party? how about you make the video, then the money is sent. i'll throw in another $100.
Because I have no doubt in my mind that a poor, broke schmuck like the Luke won't pay afterwards. 240 is more than trustworthy with it.
here's the problem: i don't want my money sitting in escrow indefinitely while adam repeatedly says that he'll "have it up as soon as he finishes". we've seen how long he can go to tell us to wait for something like this (the waddy video, anyone?) and for my money to be sitting in someone else's account for who knows how long is effectively like losing the bet for me.
I will do the lift The NEXT DAY the funds are there.
to hold you to that, shouldn't you guarantee it with something like "if i don't do it next day, i'll send you $200 back"?
Might take me a while to get $100 together...The Luke
Thats why I want Rob to hold the money.A neutral 3rd party.
I'm not going to trust some thrid party with my money...How about:-I paypal $100 to a third party-Magoo paypals $100 to a third party...and you show some confidence in this thrid party by yourself paypal'ing in $100 to be shared between myself, magoo and whoever else puts up $100... when you fail.The Luke