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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #75 on: January 27, 2017, 02:11:22 PM »
California lawmakers want third-gender option on IDs
Published January 26, 2017
Associated Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. –  Democratic lawmakers on Thursday introduced a bill supporters say would make California the first state to add a third gender option on state identifying documents.

State Sen. Toni Atkins' bill would add a non-binary gender marker option for driver's licenses, birth certificates, identity cards and gender change court orders. The San Diego Democrat says SB 179 would also simplify the process for changing one's gender on those documents.

Transgender people face discrimination in their everyday lives when they use IDs that do not match the gender they appear to be, Atkins said. The legislation would help transgender people and those who do not identify as either male or female to obtain official documents that match their gender identity, she said.

SB 179 would end the requirements that a person get a doctor's sworn statement and appear in court even if no objections have been filed when petitioning to change their gender on official documents. The bill would also allow minors to apply for a gender change on their birth certificate.

This legislation would be the first of its kind in the country, said Jo Michael, who works with Equality California, a group that advocates for LGBT rights and is co-sponsoring Atkins' bill.

"As a person who identifies as transgender and is non-binary, this piece of legislation is important to me on a personal level," Michael said during a press conference on the bill. "For the first time, Californians could have accurate gender markers that truly reflect who we are."

The federal government does not offer a third gender option for official documents such as passports. The issue drew national attention in November when a federal judge asked the U.S. State Department to reconsider its decision to deny a passport to a Colorado resident who does not identify as male or female. Government lawyers argued that moving beyond two gender choices on federal documents would hamper officials' ability to verify identities and backgrounds because they rely on state documents including drivers' licenses and birth certificates with only male and female gender options.

The California Family Council, a conservative Christian group, opposes adding gender options beyond male and female to state documents, the group's CEO Jonathan Keller said.

"We believe government documents need to reflect biological facts for identification and medical purposes," Keller said in a statement on SB 179. "Laws like this will simply erase any meaningful gender definitions, if being male or female is completely divorced from biological facts."

Sen. Scott Wiener is coauthoring SB 179 and said he thinks California should lead the way in enacting protections for transgender people.

"The trans community is under assault in this country. California needs to go in the opposite direction," the San Francisco Democrat said. "When they go backwards, we go forwards."


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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #76 on: January 27, 2017, 03:14:43 PM »
Wicked are the ways of the devil.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2017, 02:10:19 PM »
NBC Reports 'History': Oregon Judge Grants Right To Be ‘Agender’
By Sarah Stites | March 24, 2017

Clothing. Makeup. Emojis. And now legal status?

The genderless movement is firing ahead, fast and furious, while those who cleave to traditional views are considered anachronistic at best, and bigoted at worst.

In June 2016, Oregon Judge Amy Hehn granted legal gender “non-binary” status to Portland resident Jamie Shupe. But this month, Hehn went a step further, granting video game designer “Patch” the right to be genderless. 

NBC News contributor Mary O'Hara proclaimed:

History was quietly made in Oregon this month when a judge granted a Portlander's request to become genderless.

Patch, a 27-year-old video game designer, is likely the first legally agender person in the United States.

Patch told O'Hara that the concept of gender had always seemed foreign. Born Patrick Abbatiello, Patch now has no legal surname. “I feel no identity or closeness with any pronouns I’ve come across,” Patch said. “What describes me is my name.”

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a model named Vinny Ohh has spent over $50,000 on surgeries intended to make him not only genderless, but alien in appearance. “When people ask me how I'd label myself,” Ohh told the Daily Mail, “I tell them an ‘extra-terrestrial, hot mess, self-obsessed’ it's becoming my slogan.”

The pronoun dance has become even more confusing. If Patch and Ohh are uncomfortable with “he,” “she” or “they,” what do you call these people?

But these concerns haven’t precluded liberals in business and media from cheering these and other developments in the gender sphere.

On March 20, Adobe typeface developer Paul Hunt penned a blog post about the impending addition of three gender fluid emoji to the iPhone. Mashable lifestyle correspondent Rachel Thompson rejoiced: “It’s certainly a big step in the right direction.”

“My wish is that adding more gender options in emoji will help us all to celebrate our unity and our diversity,” Hunt elaborated. “I advocate for everyone to feel comfortable using emoji men when we feel masculine, emoji women to express our feminine aspects, and gender inclusive emoji whenever we feel like celebrating our humanity regardless of gender.”

Clothing and beauty lines are equally on board. H&M, Zara, Milk Makeup and MAC have all run gender fluid lines or advertisements.

Milk’s most recent campaign – #BlurTheLines – features gender fluid models. “In terms of gender,” one mustached man declared, “I identify as he, man, him or queen.”

“He and she,” another stated, “only have as much power as you give them.”

Glamour and Refinery29 both touted the brand’s “big stride” and its inclusive use of “seven models of diverse genders and sexual orientations.”

Is there anything that will faze the left?

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #78 on: August 01, 2017, 02:29:03 PM »
Princeton asks students to pick their gender, or genders
Published August 01, 2017
Princeton to students: Be any gender or genders you want

Princeton University is giving its students the option of picking a gender or, reportedly, several genders.

The Ivy League’s student services interface, known as TigerHub, allows -- but does not require -- students to select one or more of the following: “Cisgender," "Genderqueer/gender non-conform[ing]," "Trans/transgender," "Man," "Woman," and "Other”.

“Students use TigerHub to provide the University with personal information on a confidential basis,” a university spokesman told Fox News.  “This information includes emergency contacts, their preferred name, and, if they wish to provide it in response to an optional question, the gender with which they identify.”

Princeton students can chose to be both male and female.

nassau hall wikimedia princetonExpand / Collapse
“You may select multiple gender identities,” the form reads. “Your gender identity is confidential and is not generally available.”

Princeton is not alone. More than 50 colleges or universities allow students to choose their genders without documentation of medical intervention, the Washington Post said.

Besides being male and female simultaneously, some schools offer students the option of creating their own designated pronouns. One such school is the University of Michigan.

In response to that option -- and as a protest against it -- one undergraduate chose “His Majesty.” Reportedly, some of His Majesty’s professors now address this student according to the royalty he identifies as.

Academics and activists are divided over the legitimacy of the relatively recent distinction between sex and gender.

“The idea that sex and gender are distinguishable is just not true. It’s a lie,” Chris Gacek, senior fellow at the Family Research Council, told Fox News.

“The purpose of the distinction ultimately is eliminating the difference between the sexes.”

But Susan Maasch, director of the Trans Youth Equality Foundation, praised the elite school for implicitly endorsing the distinction between sex and gender.

“The Ivy League schools have all taken a big role in helping trans students,” she told Fox News. “It starts there and trickles down to other students.”


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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #79 on: August 01, 2017, 02:48:43 PM »
What, no one else wants to touch this?  Ozmo?  Deedee?  Anyone?   :)

I always assumed  my stick shift and ball bearings made me a male?

Hot damn, I'm breaking out some yoga pants and heading for the Zoomba class. ;D


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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #80 on: August 01, 2017, 03:30:43 PM »
The only explanation for all this nonsense is subliminal suggestion in media. Seriously...there has to be somebody running algos about social media and just laughing about how herd-like people are.

Only the filt/sefie/Facebook generation could be so self absorbed as to try and make this normal. WTF.

Nobody cares enough to discriminate, they're just annoyed with people who want special treatment for perversion of social norms. Freaks have been around a long time. They were just never able to park their ass on a corner of the internet and make up a fairy tale about themselves before.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #81 on: August 04, 2017, 08:28:39 PM »

Planned Parenthood: Teach your preschoolers 'their genitals don’t determine their gender'

Published August 04, 2017
Fox News
Apparently children as young as 4 are not too young to be told that gender and sex are different and that their genitals don't indicate their gender, according to new Planned Parenthood guidelines for parents.

On a page of its website titled “How do I talk with my preschooler about their body?” the abortion provider says if a child inquires why boys and girls have different bodies, a parent should introduce the concept of transgender identity.

“While the most simple answer is that girls have vulvas and boys have penises/testicles, that answer isn’t true for every boy and girl,” the organization says. “Boy, girl, man and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities ‘boy’ or ‘man’ have vulvas, and some with the gender identity ‘girl’ or ‘woman’ have penises/testicles. Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.”

Parents should then point out to their child, the page continues, that genitals do not definitively establish gender, and that their children “can make that decision based on your values and how you plan to talk with your kid about gender as they grow up.”

Critics, mainly from conservative ranks, say Planned Parenthood’s encouragement of parents to discuss gender identity with children who barely can string a sentence together and haven’t yet learned the alphabet is preposterous.

Some people with the gender identities 'boy' or 'man' have vulvas, and some with the gender identity 'girl' or 'woman' have penises/testicles. You genitals don't make you a boy or a girl.

- Planned Parenthood's new guidelines on discussing the body with preschoolers
“Gender is not fluid, either you have a penis or you don’t,” said Tim Wildmon, president of American Family Association, a Mississippi-based group that promotes conservative values. “What Planned Parenthood is promoting here is just stupidity masked as sensitivity. If you’re an adult and trying to talk to a child about whether they’re really a boy or girl, you’re at risk of harming them psychologically.”

“Unless a boy or girl is exhibiting behavior or says that they’re messed up about what they are, there’s no reason to bring something like that up” at such a young age, he said.

What Planned Parenthood is promoting here is just stupidity masked as sensitivity.

- Ted Wildmon, president, American Family Association
Efforts to obtain a comment from Planned Parenthood were unsuccessful.

Critics also say that Planned Parenthood’s suggested talking points are misleading.

“Of all the things it is — absurd, irresponsible, pretentious — one thing it definitely is not is scientific,” New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp wrote about the guidelines. “If you do need help talking to your kids about gender and gender identity — and there’s no shame in that — please, use real science as a guideline, and not garbage propaganda.”

“The truth is, sex is more complicated today. But the conversations you’ll more likely need to have with your kids will center on technology — the dangers lurking on the internet, sexting, revenge porn — and not anatomy.”


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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #82 on: August 05, 2017, 07:10:12 PM »

Planned Parenthood: Teach your preschoolers 'their genitals don’t determine their gender'

Published August 04, 2017
Fox News
Apparently children as young as 4 are not too young to be told that gender and sex are different and that their genitals don't indicate their gender, according to new Planned Parenthood guidelines for parents.

On a page of its website titled “How do I talk with my preschooler about their body?” the abortion provider says if a child inquires why boys and girls have different bodies, a parent should introduce the concept of transgender identity.

“While the most simple answer is that girls have vulvas and boys have penises/testicles, that answer isn’t true for every boy and girl,” the organization says. “Boy, girl, man and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities ‘boy’ or ‘man’ have vulvas, and some with the gender identity ‘girl’ or ‘woman’ have penises/testicles. Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.”

Parents should then point out to their child, the page continues, that genitals do not definitively establish gender, and that their children “can make that decision based on your values and how you plan to talk with your kid about gender as they grow up.”

Critics, mainly from conservative ranks, say Planned Parenthood’s encouragement of parents to discuss gender identity with children who barely can string a sentence together and haven’t yet learned the alphabet is preposterous.

Some people with the gender identities 'boy' or 'man' have vulvas, and some with the gender identity 'girl' or 'woman' have penises/testicles. You genitals don't make you a boy or a girl.

- Planned Parenthood's new guidelines on discussing the body with preschoolers
“Gender is not fluid, either you have a penis or you don’t,” said Tim Wildmon, president of American Family Association, a Mississippi-based group that promotes conservative values. “What Planned Parenthood is promoting here is just stupidity masked as sensitivity. If you’re an adult and trying to talk to a child about whether they’re really a boy or girl, you’re at risk of harming them psychologically.”

“Unless a boy or girl is exhibiting behavior or says that they’re messed up about what they are, there’s no reason to bring something like that up” at such a young age, he said.

What Planned Parenthood is promoting here is just stupidity masked as sensitivity.

- Ted Wildmon, president, American Family Association
Efforts to obtain a comment from Planned Parenthood were unsuccessful.

Critics also say that Planned Parenthood’s suggested talking points are misleading.

“Of all the things it is — absurd, irresponsible, pretentious — one thing it definitely is not is scientific,” New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp wrote about the guidelines. “If you do need help talking to your kids about gender and gender identity — and there’s no shame in that — please, use real science as a guideline, and not garbage propaganda.”

“The truth is, sex is more complicated today. But the conversations you’ll more likely need to have with your kids will center on technology — the dangers lurking on the internet, sexting, revenge porn — and not anatomy.”

Basically going to be forced to either homeschool your kids or send them to expensive private schools in order to keep your kids sane/give them a real education. I dread what the future is like in school when I have children of that age.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2017, 05:53:46 PM »
Transgender day camp among first to include 4-year-olds
7 Aug 2017

EL CERRITO, Calif. (AP) — In some ways, California’s Rainbow Day Camp is very conventional, with kids making friendship bracelets, playing basketball and singing songs. But in other ways, it’s extraordinary unique.

The day camp in El Cerrito, in the San Francisco Bay Area, caters to transgender and “gender fluid’ children, ages 4 to 12. Experts say it’s one of the only camps of its kind in the world open to preschoolers.

Rainbow officials say the camp gives kids a safe, fun place to be themselves. The camp’s enrollment has tripled since it opened in 2015, and plans are underway to open a branch next summer in Colorado.

Gender experts say Rainbow’s rapid growth reflects what they’re seeing in gender clinics around the country: an increasing number of kids coming out as transgender at young ages.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #84 on: August 25, 2017, 08:02:23 AM »
This is some seriously screwed up stuff.

Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read

In this Wednesday, July 12, 2017 photo, Sandra Collins, executive director and founder of enGender, reads a book to campers at the Bay Area Rainbow Day Camp in El Cerrito, Calif. Collins says, “A lot of these kids have been bullied and had trauma at school. This is a world where none of that exists, and they're in the majority. That’s a new experience for kids who are used to hiding and feeling small.” (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)Jeff Chiu/Associated Press
24 Aug 2017

Parents of kindergartners attending a California charter school are frightened after a teacher read her class a book about transgenderism without notifying them.
“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said.

“These parents feel betrayed by the school district that they were not notified,” Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute said at a school board meeting this week, the local CBS affiliate reports. “The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they really were a boy or a girl.”

According to the news report, the book was given to the teacher by a gender-confused child. Parents asserted the same kindergartner “also changed clothes and was revealed as her true gender” during class.

Parents expressed betrayal that they were not notified ahead of time that the kindergarten teacher read two books about transgenderism to her students, including I Am Jazz, which were reportedly given to her by the kindergartner who is in the midst of gender transition. The book was co-authored by Jazz Jennings, a teen who was born a boy but was allowed to transition to a girl.

“It’s really about the parents being informed and involved and giving us the choice and rights of what’s being introduced to our kids, and at what age,” said parent Chelsea McQuistan.

“I’m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation,” said the kindergarten teacher during the meeting, who, according to the report, received support from her colleagues about the need to teach students about diversity.

“When we head in the direction of banned books or book lists, or selective literature– that should only be read inside or outside the classroom, I think that’s a very dangerous direction to go,” said seventh-grade teacher Kelly Bryson.

In a statement during the board meeting, the district said, “As indicated by Superintendent Robin Stout in a communication last week, staff will be engaging parents and teachers in discussions about how materials outside our curriculum will be addressed in the future.”

The board plans to put the item on the agenda for the September meeting.

In May of 2015, a similar incident occurred in Kittery Point, Maine, when public school officials apologized to parents of students in kindergarten through third grade for failing to notify them before their children were exposed to I Am Jazz during a lesson on tolerance and acceptance.

The forced gender ideology that LGBT groups advocate claims that biological sex is subordinate to self-declared “gender” and attempts to undermine the science-based civic understanding that there are two biological sexes – male and female.

“Most people have a sense of their gender identity at age 3 or 4,” Jo Michael, legislative manager at Equality California and transgender individual, told FOX40. “It’s important to note that the other students really do need to have that opportunity to engage and hear from the transgender student.”

More medical and research professionals are drawing attention, however, to the serious problems inherent in a phenomenon in which media hype and political debate are overshadowing actual questions about the health and psychological well-being of children. Concerns about puberty-blocking drugs – which are often used to delay children’s development into adults – can sterilize them even before they can understand how the deep biological impact of puberty will change their feelings about their emerging adult male or female body.

Researchers Paul Hruz, Lawrence Mayer, and Paul McHugh address the problem in a new paper titled “Growing Pains,” published at the New Atlantis.

The authors wrote:

There is strikingly little scientific understanding of important questions underlying the debates over gender identity — for instance, there is very little scientific evidence explaining why some people identify as the opposite sex, or why childhood expressions of cross-gender identification persist for some individuals and not for others. Yet notwithstanding the limited data, physicians and mental health care providers have arrived at a number of methods for treating children, adolescents, and adults with gender dysphoria.

The researchers explore the use of puberty suppression or blocking, in which a child or young adolescent with gender dysphoria is treated with hormones that prevent the normal progression of puberty.

“For parents of children with gender dysphoria, puberty suppression can appear very attractive,” they observed. “It seems like it might offer a medical solution for the anticipated confusion, anxiety, and distress by holding back the development of the most conspicuous features of their children’s biological sex.”

Nevertheless, the authors conclude the scientific evidence for puberty suppression as treatment for gender dysphoria is “thin,” and “based more on the subjective judgments of clinicians than on rigorous empirical evidence.”

“It is, in this sense, still experimental — yet it is an experiment being conducted in an uncontrolled and unsystematic manner,” they warn.

According to the Associated Press, Jennings’ mother, Jeanette, acknowledged the same, agreeing that hormone treatments were “experimental stuff.” She said, “I am messing with my kid’s body.”

Jazz began hormone blockers when she was 11 years old “to ward off male puberty” and began estrogen treatments the following year.

“I was a girl trapped in a boy’s body,” Jennings said two years ago after landing her own reality television show at TLC and scoring a deal with Johnson & Johnson to be the face of its #SeeTheRealMe campaign for Clean and Clear skincare products.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #85 on: August 25, 2017, 03:47:21 PM »
i never want to raise my kids in the west.

off to russia i go, they dont stand for this fucking poisonous garbage

america is destroying itself from within.  you can't get weaker than this

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #86 on: September 05, 2017, 03:41:19 PM »
Kindergartners Upset by Transgenderism Presentation at School
By Michael Reagan
Tuesday, 05 Sep 2017

C. S. Lewis once wrote about the danger to a young mind posed by biased instruction at school and how it can distort the child’s outlook for all time. "The very power of [textbook writers] depends on the fact that they are dealing with a boy: a boy who thinks he is 'doing' his 'English prep' and has no notion that ethics, theology, and politics are all at stake. It is not a theory they put into his mind, but an assumption, which 10 years hence, its origin forgotten and its presence unconscious, will condition him to take one side in a controversy which he has never recognized as a controversy at all."

Unfortunately the leftists running schools of education know this, too. They are using pliable teachers to indoctrinate very young children with unscientific and patently false ideology regarding sex.

Or, as one wag warned parents, "If you send your kids to Caesar for their education, don’t be surprised when they return as Romans."

Parents in Rocklin, California learned this the hard way. A kindergarten teacher decided to introduce 5-year-olds to "transgenderism" by reading two books and holding a demonstration. She read "I am Jazz" and "The Red Crayon" two propaganda volumes designed to brainwash ages 5 through 8 regarding trendy "transgenderism."

Then the teacher, and I use the word loosely, sprang the show-stopper. She introduced a 5-year-old boy to the class, took him into the bathroom, and had the child re-emerge as a girl.

The woman then re-introduced the boy as a girl and said "she" now had a girl’s name and would be called that in the future.
This is obscene.

A 5-year-old can’t enter into a binding contract, can’t drive a car, and wouldn’t be allowed to diagnose himself at the hospital, yet purported medical professionals and educators are willing to let this boy decide he’s actually a girl and begin the "transition" to that sex.

LifeSiteNews contacted Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, who firmly stated, "All children should be told the truth that sex does not ever change and cannot be changed." Cretella denounced, " . . . institutions that promote transition affirmation" as engaging in "nothing less than institutionalized child abuse" that can inflict "untold psychological damage."

And that’s just for this misguided boy. But the school’s "lesson" damaged the normal children. Jonathan Keller, of the California Family Council, spoke to parents and learned, "There were several of the little girls that went to their parents and were crying and saying, 'mommy or daddy, am I going to turn into a boy?'" And a boy who hadn’t given "gender" a single thought before is now asking his mother if he can dress as a girl for school.

Parents, naturally, are outraged and the school, equally naturally, is hiding behind a twisted interpretation of the law to justify indoctrinating children without informing parents.

Parents who don’t want their children exposed to the twisted propaganda face a stark choice. They can either home-school their children. Make sure the children spend every Sunday in church and Sunday School, where God’s natural order is taught — with major potential benefits for the parents, too.

Or they can take their chances with indoctrination at school.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #87 on: September 11, 2017, 03:54:47 PM »
Christian Parents May Sue School Allowing Six-Year-Old to Change ‘Gender Identity’
11 Sep 2017

A Christian family is preparing to sue a school for allowing children to change their ‘gender identity’ on a daily basis, and for implying parents who oppose are bigoted and “transphobic”.
Much of the mainstream media has claimed the parents are opposed to boys wearing a dress. But their legal representatives have said clothing is “trivial” and the issue is about “ideology” and confusing very young children.

Nigel Rowe, 44, and his wife Sally, 42, removed their six-year-old son from an unnamed school after a classmate was declared “transgendered” and came to the school demanding to be recognised as female on some days.

The family now intends to educate the boy at home on the Isle of Wight alongside his eight-year-old brother, who was pulled out of the same school a year ago when a boy in his class also started claiming to be transgendered.

Mr. Rowe told The Sunday Times: “A child aged six would sometimes come to school as a girl or sometimes come to school as a boy. Our concerns were raised when our son came back home from school saying he was confused as to why and how a boy was now a girl.

“We believe it is wrong to encourage very young children to embrace transgenderism, boys are boys and girls are girls. Gender dysphoria is something we as Christians need to address with love and compassion, but not in the sphere of a primary school environment.”

The couple’s lawyers are expected to argue the school is discriminating against them by implying their wish to bring up their sons as Christian is ‘transphobic’.

Breitbart London @BreitbartLondon
EXCLUSIVE: UK Police Use Taxpayer Cash to Distribute Transgender Propaganda to FOUR YEAR OLDS:
11:57 PM - Aug 20, 2015
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Andrea Williams, of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “Six-year-olds are far too young to consider issues as complex as gender and sexuality.”

However, the school has defended its behaviour by claiming pupils are protected under the Equalities Act of 2010 and stating: “The refusal to acknowledge a transgendered person’s true gender” was “transphobic behaviour”.

Back in 2015, Breitbart London exposed how police funding was being used in Cornwall to distribute pro-transgender ideology literature, targeting children as young as 4 years old, in primary schools, aiming to “support” transgenderism in schools at the “earliest stages”.

Similar documents were launched in Cornwall and Brighton and Hove in 2013, with the latter described as a “Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit”.

Some studies have found that 70 to 80 per cent of children who report transgender feelings spontaneously lose them as they grow up; another concluded that transgender feelings in children are much more likely to persist when adults in authority, such as teachers, tell them they have the wrong body

Despite this evidence, in 2016 the government’s ‘Transgender Equality Inquiry’ called for all teachers and “all further education staff” to have “gender identity awareness training” and demanded that “trans issues” become “mandatory” on school curriculums.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #88 on: September 11, 2017, 04:20:47 PM »
This is a fucking sickness, anybody supporting trans children (or adults) should be shot.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #89 on: September 11, 2017, 04:36:22 PM »
This is a fucking sickness, anybody supporting trans children (or adults) should be shot.

This is some seriously screwed up stuff.  I'm not sure where this all ends.  Trying to change biology through legislation or simply speaking it into existence.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #90 on: September 11, 2017, 04:44:51 PM »
This is some seriously screwed up stuff.  I'm not sure where this all ends.  Trying to change biology through legislation or simply speaking it into existence.

can you imagine the hubris of all these people that they feel entitled to mess with nature to this degree?

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #91 on: September 11, 2017, 05:01:42 PM »
can you imagine the hubris of all these people that they feel entitled to mess with nature to this degree?

Most powerful lobby of my lifetime.  If you even question this kind of stuff you are considered a bigot and could land on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group list.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #92 on: September 11, 2017, 05:08:51 PM »
Most powerful lobby of my lifetime.  If you even question this kind of stuff you are considered a bigot and could land on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate group list.

just see rangerwil's thread for proof

splc needs to be dismantled, abolished, ASAP

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #93 on: October 09, 2017, 10:30:57 AM »
New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun, sponsor denies that would happen
Brooke Singman By Brooke Singman, Fox News

California health care workers who “willfully and repeatedly” decline to use a senior transgender patient's “preferred name or pronouns” could face punishments ranging from a fine to jail time under a newly signed law.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the legislation last week.

The sponsor, Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, has argued adamantly that nobody is going to be criminally prosecuted for using the wrong pronoun.

“It’s just more scare tactics by people who oppose all LGBT civil rights and protections,” he said in a statement last month.

But the language seemingly allows for the possibility, however remote.

The bill itself is aimed at protecting transgender and other LGBT individuals in hospitals, retirement homes and assisted living facilities. The bill would ensure those facilities accommodate transgender people and their needs, including letting them decide which gender-specific bathroom they prefer to use.

"It shall be unlawful for a long-term care facility or facility staff to take any of the following actions wholly or partially on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status," the bill reads.

California legislator calling for jail time for caregivers refusing to us preferred names of transgender residents Video
Bill proposes punishment for not using preferred pronouns

Among the unlawful actions are “willfully and repeatedly” failing to use a transgender person’s “preferred name or pronouns” after he or she is “clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.”

The law states that if provisions are violated, the violator could be punished by a fine “not to exceed one thousand dollars” or “by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year,” or both.

Wiener's office noted that violations for residential care facilities under existing law rarely resulted in criminal charges, especially for minor violations. Criminal penalties are meant more for violations that expose a patient to risk of death or serious harm, his office said.

Wiener’s office noted that the law “does not create any new criminal provisions,” but rather creates “new rights within an existing structure.”

One opponent of the law, the California Family Council's Greg Burt, slammed the measure when the bill was in its early stages. 

“How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” he said to the California Assembly Judiciary Committee in August, according to CBN News.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #94 on: December 06, 2017, 10:10:41 AM »

Report: Pink Raising Her Children to Be Gender-Neutral

INGLEWOOD, CA - AUGUST 27: Pink (L) and Willow Sage Hart attend the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum on August 27, 2017 in Inglewood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
4 Dec 20171

Pop star Pink says she is raising her children to be gender-neutral because her family lives in a “label-less household.”

The singer, who is 38 and married to motorcycle racer Carey Hart, 42, told the U.K.’s The People she does not want her children defined by their gender. Pink said she is delighted her 6-year-old daughter Willow told her she wants to marry an African woman when she grows up.

“We are a very label-less household,” Pink, whose real name is Alecia Beth Moore, explained, “Last week Willow told me she is going to marry an African woman. I was like: ‘Great, can you teach me how to make African food?’”

“And she’s like: ‘Sure mama, and we are going to live with you while our house is getting ready,’” Pink continued. “I was like ‘what the f**k, who are you? Who is paying for this by the way?’”

The performer of international hit “Get the Party Started,” Pink is a champion of the new gender ideology that does not acknowledge the science of two biological sexes – male and female.

“I was in a school and the bathroom outside the kindergarten said: ‘Gender Neutral – anybody’, and it was a drawing of many different shapes,” she said. “I took a picture of it and I wrote: ‘Progress’. I thought that was awesome. I love that kids are having this conversation.”

The Grammy-winner says though she enjoys motherhood, she considers herself to be a “pre-teen boy,” according to The People’s report.

“I do bake sales and lemonade stands,” she explains. “I take my kid to school and try to get there on time. I’m a f**king grown up now, it’s so weird. I’m still a 12-year-old boy.”

The singer added that her daughter has created a nickname for the U.S. president. Willow reportedly refers to him as “Donald Duck Trumpet.”

“I don’t correct her,” Pink said. “And I should, because it’s disrespectful, but it’s like – ‘f**k it’. I feel like we are all in this ­permanent state of f**k it. I can’t imagine being a third-grader and this being the first example of what it means to be president.”

“I throw my hands up in the air every day,” the singer, whose album Beautiful Trauma has gone to number one in the U.K. and around the world. “It’s unbelievable. It’s not funny at all. It’s un-f**king-believable. I want to skip ahead to the part that it’s over and we start the clean-up process.”

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #95 on: December 12, 2017, 09:32:19 AM »
Christian Teacher Suspended for ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil Sues School
12 Dec 2017

A Christian teacher is suing his secondary school after being suspended for referring to a biologically female pupil as a “girl”.
Joshua Sutcliffe, 27, from Oxford, argues that he was not trained in the new, quickly evolving, gender politics and should not be forced to accept transgender ideology as a Christian.

He says he was investigated and suspended after he said, “well done, girls” to a group of female pupils, including a pupil who “identified” as a boy.

The teacher says he apologised immediately after the incident, but documents seen at the time showed that he had also referred to the pupil with the feminine pronouns “she” and “her” on other occasions.

The Christian is now suing the school for constructive dismissal and discrimination.

Mr. Sutcliffe later told senior staff that he didn’t think it was wrong to call a biologically female pupil a girl, but insists he did not use the term on purpose because he is a professional.

Now, he is arguing that forcing him to abide by transgender ideology, despite his personal beliefs, has breached his rights.

In a letter to the head teacher, he wrote: “As a Christian, I do not share your belief in the ideology of transgenderism.

“I do not believe that young children should be encouraged to self-select a ‘gender’ which may be different from their biological sex.

“Or that everyone at school should adjust their behaviour to accommodate such a ‘transition’; or that people should be punished for lack of enthusiasm about it.”

A statement released by the Christian Legal Centre, who are representing him, explained that Mr. Sutcliffe hadn’t received formal training on transgender ideology.

“The child had self-declared as ‘male’, but Mr. Sutcliffe, who had been given no formal instruction on how he was to refer to the pupil, said ‘well done girls’ in her (sic.) presence,” the statement said.

“When the pupil became irate, Mr. Sutcliffe sought to diffuse the situation and apologised.

“Nonetheless an investigation began, during which time Mr. Sutcliffe was prevented from teaching and forced to spend all his time in isolation in the staff room.

“Following the week-long investigation, the school found Mr. Sutcliffe to have ‘misgendered’ the pupil, ‘demonstrating discriminatory behaviours’ and ‘contravened the school’s equality policy’.”

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #96 on: February 05, 2018, 10:14:10 AM »
NYC School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance to Comply With New Gender Guidelines
Feb 04, 2018 // 12:27pm
As seen on Fox & Friends

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A Staten Island elementary school cancelled its traditional father-daughter dance because of the Department of Education’s (DOE) new gender guidelines.

PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school's parent-teacher association realized it would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.

The school’s PTA will reschedule a dance for kids and caregivers of any gender on March 2, according to the DOE.

“Father-daughter dances inherently leave people out. Not just because of transgender status, just life in general,” said Jared Fox, the DOE’s LGBT community liaison. “These can be really uncomfortable and triggering events.”

Some parents are outraged at the move.

“They’re trying to take away everything that everybody grew up on and has come to know, and I don’t think it’s fair or right,” Matthew West, a father of two daughters at the school, told The New York Post. “They should leave it the way it was — father-daughter, mother-son.”

“It’s not fair at all,” said Jose Garcia, who’s gone to past dances with his daughter. “I have nothing against no one, but I don’t think that it should affect the school, or the kids for that matter.”

“All this gender crap needs to just stop,” said mom Akaia Cameron, adding her third-grader had a “great time” with dad last year.

Donald Trump Jr. reacted on Twitter, writing, "This nonsense really needs to stop."
Donald Trump Jr.

If this doesn’t convince you that the PC/SJW movement has lots their minds I don’t know what will. This nonsense really needs to stop.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #97 on: February 19, 2018, 02:35:04 PM »
Report: Modern Culture Is Not Just Revealing Transgenders, ‘It Is Creating Them’

17 Feb 2018

All scientific evidence indicates that gender identity disorders result principally from cultural causes and moreover, modern society is facilitating them, according to an analysis published Friday.
Writing for the Catholic World Report, Anne Hendershott chronicles an exploding “transgender industry” illustrated by a massive surge in the number of referrals for gender-identity treatment, in some cases increasing by as much as 2800 percent in less than ten years.

Western societies such as the UK, Sweden, Australia, and the USA have seen a spectacular rise in the number of persons, especially young people, seeking treatment for gender identity issues, paralleling the attention given to gender theory in communications, medicine, and the entertainment media.

In the U.S., the percentage of adults who currently identify as transgender is double what is was in 2011, according to the best estimates.

None of this should come as a surprise, Hendershott notes. In the year 2000, bioethicist Carl Elliott published a ground-breaking article in the Atlantic Monthly titled “A New Way to be Mad,” which foretold this rapid growth in gender-identity issues by comparing them to past psychological epidemics.

“Why do certain psychopathologies arise, seemingly out of nowhere, in certain societies and during certain historical periods, and then disappear just as suddenly?” he asked.

Elliott suggested that psychiatrists and other clinicians helped to create the psychological epidemics in the past “simply by the way they viewed the disorders—by the kinds of questions they asked patients, the treatments they used, the diagnostic categories available to them at the time, and the way these patients fit within those categories.”

His fundamental thesis—backed up by abundant data and persuasive argumentation—is that rapid growth of a particular psychological disorder may often be abetted, if not directly caused, by the very ones who are purportedly treating it, as well as by society at large.

In a particularly insightful passage, Elliott wrote:

By regarding a phenomenon as a psychiatric diagnosis—treating it, reifying it in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, developing instruments to measure it, inventing scales to rate its severity, establishing ways to reimburse the costs of its treatment, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to search for effective drugs, directing patients to support groups, writing about possible causes in journals—psychiatrists may be unwittingly colluding with broader cultural forces to contribute to the spread of a mental disorder.

By one possible read, he proposed, once “transsexual” and “gender-identity disorder” and “sex reassignment surgery” became common linguistic currency, “more people began conceptualizing and interpreting their experience in these terms. They began to make sense of their lives in a way that hadn’t been available to them before, and to some degree they actually became the kinds of people described by these terms.”

In other words, it is quite possible that our cultural and historical conditions “have not just revealed transsexuals but created them,” he wrote.

If this thesis is true, “we can expect tremendous growth, as an entire industry is emerging to meet the growing need,” Hendershott writes.

It is, in fact, already happening all around us.

“From education specialists designing ‘safe schools’ for transgender children, to transgender practitioners, publicly funded medical clinics, reimbursement schedules, and a growing body of academic work and activism, the transgender industry has exploded,” she writes.

One clear scientific indicator of the principally cultural rather than biological roots of gender disorders is their uneven distribution among the population. If gender-identity disorder were truly a biological fact, it would be equally distributed throughout the population, whereas we find that it isn’t.

Unsurprisingly, data from the Williams Institute reveals that the highest percentage of transgender-identified adults live in Washington, DC. In fact, the district of Columbia has nearly double the number of transgender individuals as the next highest state (Hawaii).

The percentage of individuals living in the Washington, DC, who identify as transgender is 2.8 percent—“more than triple the percentage of those living in the next highest states of Hawaii or California,” Hendershott observes.

“As far back as 2013, the New York Times pronounced Washington, DC, the ‘gayest place in America,’ with a thriving transgender population. There is an annual ‘DC High Heel Drag Race’ held in DuPont Circle,” she adds.

Citing the findings of a meta-analysis of other studies published in The New Atlantis by Dr. Lawrence Mayer and Dr. Paul McHugh, Hendershott writes that “the hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex—that a person might be a ‘man trapped in a woman’s body’ or a ‘woman trapped in a man’s body’ is not supported by scientific evidence.”

All of this suggests that the current transgender boom may just be getting started and we can expect it to continue swelling, perhaps until another disorder du jour arises to take its place.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #98 on: February 19, 2018, 10:14:44 PM »
[With MSM's] common linguistic currency, more people began conceptualizing and interpreting their experience in these terms

Probably why the bad guys always go for information-control as step one.  No way they'd hope to defy all of reality, including nature itself, without it.

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Re: How We Define Gender In Hawaii
« Reply #99 on: February 28, 2018, 07:14:26 PM »
Tucker, LGBTQ Activist Debate Legislation Allowing Kids To Change Gender, Race Without Notifying Parents
Breaking News and Engagement Editor

LGBTQ activist Mark Purpura tried defending on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday a new proposal in Deleware that would allow children, through the assistance of their school, to change their gender or race without informing that child’s parents.

“The simple fact is that some parents are simply not going to be supportive of their child and may endanger the child’s safety or well-being to involve that parent in that decision,” Purpura, executive director of Equality Deleware explained.

“Who makes that decision?” Tucker Carlson countered.

“The school would make the decision but I think what’s missing here,” Purpura began to answer before Carlson, a Daily Caller co-founder, took control of the conversation.

“What’s missing is outrage,” he shot back at Purpura. “The school has no right to take away parental decision-making from parents. The children do not belong to school administrators. They are members of the family from which they came. How dare a school take that prerogative away from parents. Where did they get the right to do that?”

The pair continued to shout over each other until Purpura made the argument that the Deleware legislation isn’t that revolutionary.

“This regulation is similar to policies that have been implemented across the country in Oregon and Washington and Massachusetts,” he argued.

“Ok, going back like about six months,” Carlson laughed. “This has never happened in human history. We didn’t used to believe three years ago that you could change your sex or your race. So this is all brand new. So at least pay me the compliment of acknowledging this is brand new. This has never been tried.”