Author Topic: The WICKED truth about my training  (Read 371227 times)


  • Getbig V
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The WICKED truth about my training
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:27:32 PM »
I figured it's worth doing...I'll start with today.

for the next few weeks I'm going to cut down on a few things. One of them being shoulder work. The back and chest work I'm doing should warrant just one day of shoulder work and not two to give them a break. Also, biceps are coming down in total sets too. The massive amounts of work I'm sure did their shock job. It's time to cut back down especially with the way my back days are going. If it comes down to it, I might start doing biceps every other week if NEED BE.

Chest all speed work...

flat bench: 135x25x1,225x20x2,275x20x2,315x10x1 with 15 second rest for 5 more reps. AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! I'm getting my 275 for 20 in under 30 seconds lately without pain or much effort especially on the 3rd set. I'm thinking of skipping a set of the 225 for 20 and going for a larger 315 set. 315 for 15 would make me pretty fucking happy on a speed day.

standing cable flyes: 50lbs each sidex15x4 AWESOME stretch to have after the heavy benching with hard squeeze in the middle. This exercise is really just throw in for stretching and control work and nothing more.


seated dumbbell hammer curls 55x8x2

dumbbell preacher curls 70x8x2

seated low cable curls 60lbs each stackx10x2

I cut the shoulders out today..felt like after all that benching and other chest work that they should've been rather torn up. Read the numbers, if you don't think that's working out, you can blow me...don't forget the happy ending. 

I'm pulling this portion from another website I've got a training log on and will transfer it daily here for scrutiny. I'll take everything with a grain of salt.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 05:23:52 AM »

Closed grip pull downs: 200x12x1 (warmup),260x12x1,300x6x1

bent over barbell rows: 135x15x1,225x15x1,275x10x1

t-bar rows: 5platesx12x1,6platesx12x1,8platesx10x1

hammer strenght unilateral rows 4 plates (per side) x10x1, 5 platesx8x1, 5 plates plus a 25lb rider on top x8x1


closed grip bench press: 135x15x1,225x15x1,315x10x1, 365x8x1 for partials

hammer strength dips:[/b 6 platesx10x1,8 platesx10x1,10 platesx6x1

machine french press (No spotter can safety help with this weight so a machine is what I feel to be my best choice to still be able to use this beneficial movement without much risk of injury.) 245x10x2


dumbbell shrugs for speed: 125'sx20x3 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE

power shrugs 135x15x1,315x10x1,405x10x1,495x8x1

Still on a cutting diet but am GAINING strength every couple of weeks. The more I read it the more it looks as if I've got too much going on for triceps but not too worried atm. No loss in strength and benching keeps getting easier. For not I'll continue with what I've got going on. No real loss in size yet on most body parts though. Arms are still 18" on the right and 17 and 1/4 on the left (not thrilled about that). Chest is at 47" but I know that'll come down alot when I hit about 215ish. Hopefully still be over 42" when I'm done cutting. BOTH quads are an even 27" so I'm not fretting too much over them. They're starting to overtake my shoulder width so I'm going to have to address one of two things. Bring down the quad work and start working more on detail and seperation or find a way to bring my shoulders up. =


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 05:48:18 AM »

hack squats: 135x20x1 (warmup), 315x10x1,405x10x1,495x8x1 DEEP!!!

Leg press: 10 platesx20x1,16platesx20x1,22platesx20x5

front squats: 135x10x3 ( I'm not used to balancing it just yet so I'm just going through the motions)


behind the back barbell wrist curls: 135x15x1,225x10x3,185 to failure

and some stupid ass cardio.. blah

I realize that my leg days are cluster fucks. There's no real material to them but I'm not really sure where to go with them. My legs are big. AND they respond to pretty much anything I throw at them. I want BIG THICK legs not just ripped legs. So squatting and pressing is where I'm going to start leaning towards.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 03:52:58 PM »
added some SLDL's...

135x15x1,225x10x1,315x10x1,405x10x1, strapped 495 for 8.I NEED some ham work desperately. I would like any and all input in this area guys if you don't mind. I have great quads but my side shots show NO hams what so ever and am very weak with them from the back.  :-[


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2007, 05:19:51 AM »
Alright it's monday. Heavy day for both biceps and chest! Biceps are slowly coming down in total sets to see where the threshold is ATM for strength gains. Apparenlty 8-9 sets is too much. We'll go with 6 now. It's day one of my benching schedule as well which means big benching.


flat bench: 135x15x1 (warmup), 225x8x1,315x10x1,365x8x2,400x2x1 (attempted, only landed it for full depth once. I'm satisfied to be back up here again.) 315x15x1

standing cable flys  80lbs per side of the stackx12x3


high cable curls: 80lbs per side of the stackx10x2

dumbbell preacher curls: 70lbsx10x2

incline dumbbell curls: 45x8x2

front and side delts:  BEfore I get started on them. I've decided to take the seated military presses out. I'm doing two ridiculous bench days so the front and side heads, especially the front, should be getting more than hammered all weak long and another power exercise might slow down my road to a bigger bench press and their overall growth. If anything,the only ones lacking are my REAR delts.  :-\  I've decided to go with raises for awhile. having done this for a few weeks now hasn't deviated me any from gaining so I'll stick wiht it to progress is no longer prevelant.

seated front dumbbell raises: 50lbsx10x2

seated lateral raises: 30lbsx10x2 (which I find rather entertaining. They're the largest of the three heads in my situation but are ridiculously weak...go figure)

mild cardio.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 08:41:49 AM »
TODAY is the day I start to actually take seth seriously when it comes to his training split and ideas/techinques. My chest days are going to stick to being about the same. They're the one thing I'm not changing. I'll still have a heavy day and a speed day but in a more respectable arrangment. It can't hurt but only help the processes. 4 weeks will be dedicated to this and to see how I feel both before and after workouts and will start to give a weekly retrospective review on past events. LET'S GO TO WORK PEOPLE!!!


FLAT BENCH 135X15X1 (WARMUP), 225x10x1,315x10x1,365x10x1,385x4 +3rp,315x10x1 (I wish I could convey into words how great it feels to be working in the 300+ range again. I told myself they'd put me in the fucking ground before I ever used anything under 300 as a working set ever again on flat bench.) I feel like I'm progressing leaps and bounds again as I did in the beginning of all this madness. The CNS work I'm finding to be just as critical as putting in the time moving the weights. I DO feel like I'm moving up too fast and making too big of jumps in weight. Yeah most would say that's horse shit BUT, the strength might be there, but my CNS isn't. Moving it once is one thing but trying to move it over and over again without giving my body time to catch up before adding more weight is going to get me killed. I'm trying to grow wise and learn from my mistakes in the past. YEAH RIGHT!!! 

I'm refusing to start using 400lbs in my normal workout routines until I'm moving 365-385 with confidence and ease. For those that read this and say well 8-10 reps is "with ease", MY ASS!!! Get under it and tell me how easily it can be done. I want to rep 315 like I rep 225 now. Then I'll know that I'm on the way. Next is my dumbbell benches. NOT a big fan YET but I feel that they'll benefit me where the barbell bench defaults me out. I dont want to run the risk of going heavy and the little muscles and stabilizers that should've been worked the whole time, bend me over and screw me without so much as a reach around. I go all the way to the bottom and give it a pause for a few seconds before a slow assention up. 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down with a 2-3 second pause at the bottom. I moved the weight up 20lbs but am still not ready for the hundi's. I shake too much and want my body used to the exercise before moving a big man's weight. I'm having problems with teh kick back too in finding a good fluid motion to get them up with. I feel like if I'm going to get hurt, it'll be this damn thing that does me in.

dumbbell flat bench: 90lbsx8x3


seated hammer curls: JUST by cutting down my total sets by a few I'm already recovering my strength back in my bi's without hurting back days.

60lb dumbbellsx8x3

dumbbell preacher curls: 70x10x3

..and I walked to and from the parking lot. I wasn't in the cardio mood today. Sue me. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 08:42:30 AM »
Arm workout stayed the same and felt great. BENCHPRESSING worked out like this...

135x15x1,225x10x1,315x10x1,365x10x1 +2RP, 385x5x1+4rp,345x10x1+4rp BOOM!!! (had one of the trainers come up to me after working and go..."MY GOD MAN! THERE'S NO ONE IN HERE YOUR SIZE AS STRONG AS YOU ARE. NO ONE COMES IN HERE SAVE 3 OR 4 PEOPLE THAT MOVE THE SAME KIND OF WEIGHT YOU MOVE! AND YOU DO IT CLEAN!!!" ) haha YEAH...atm anyway.  REST/PAUSE SETS HAD 15 SECONDS FROM RE-RACK BACK TO WORKING!

dumbbell bench was the same.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2007, 08:43:41 AM »
ANOTHER BACK DAY! My strength in my back is plateauing again, I'm going to have to figure something out as to keep that from happening. Was it a decent day? Well yeah. Was I happy? HELL NO!  Time to get back to the house and do some figure'n.


Lat pull downs: 200x15x1 (warmup), 300x8x2 (all me with no assistance).

HS high pulls: 3 plates per sidex12x1, 3plates and a quarter piece per sidex10x1, samex10x1 +3rp

T-bar rows: 4platesx15x1 (got loosened up), 6platesx12x1, 8platesx12x1


HS pressdowns: (closed grip benching seemed like a bad idea. I must've slept wrong because my shoulder was talking to me from just moving around in the morning.) 6platesx15x1,8platesx10x1,10platesx5x1 (disappointed...8 plates was cake to move but 10 ate my lunch. Problem is there's no GOOD way to be secured in your seat for heavy pressdowns. )

NARROW grip cable pressdowns: 215x10x2

Underhanded cable pressdowns: 125x10x1 (love the way this one feels, I might start throwing it in alot more in my exercises.)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2007, 08:51:21 AM »


flat bench: (speed work) 135x25x1,225x20x1,275x15x1,315x15x1,345x15x1 (wowza! cut the 2nd set of 225 and 275 out and bumped the weight up to 345 for the last set. )

dumbbell flat bench I don't do dumbbell flat bench...but since I'm doing alot of barbell bench work, I'm scared I'm going to lose some stability in my shoulder girdle and chest. I used 60lbs dumbbells for 3 sets of 15 4 seconds press up and 4 second controlled descend with a 3 second pause at the bottom and 3 second squeeze at the top. The weight was light I know but I wanted to get the movement controlled and focus on muscle squeeze and stretch from the benching movement. Just like squats..I don't want to fuck myself as fun as that sounds. Trying to get into my new training mode when it comes to exercises so I called it a day at these two movements.


high pulley cable curls: 40lbs on each stack x 15x1 for a warmup with a 3 second squeeze at the top. 100lbs a stack x8x2 with a 3 second squeeze at the top.

incline dumbbell curls: felt a little tightness in my shoulder so daily stretching 3 times throughout the day not counting during the workout is in order to loosen it back up. 40x10x3 with a 3 second movement and squeeze at the top.



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2007, 08:58:12 AM »
this was my last leg day...I haven't squatted since highschool which was about 5 years ago if not more though I can't remember exactly WHEN i stopped squatting. I always had some excuse about why I didn't want to squat. WELL leg days are pretty boring and hacks and leg presses are pretty much the only legit mass builders  I had with extensions and leg curls being a waste of time. SO I got the itch and decided to try squatting. I KNOW HOW I just didn't like it. I wanted a change adn felt squatting could do me some good. I'm still a little shakey and this was from my first time squatting. Knees wrapped tight with no belt ASS TO THE FLOOR! I can't STAND people that advocate NO ROM if they dont' have some sort of injury or are just BEGINNING. If you've been training for years, a 90* ANYTHING is bullshit. I think my CNS and stabilizer muscles in my legs are still catching up. On the way down I go super slow to make sure I bottom it out and control teh weight but from all the heavy leg presses and hacks I'vedone in the past, 315-405 is cake standing it back up...


squats!!!! 135x15x1,225x15x1,315x10x2,400x3x1,225x20x1 HOOOOOZAH!!!!

legpress 6platesx15x1,12platesx15x1,18x10x1, 22x110x1,28x10x1

decent leg day...just wanted to squat!

forearms behind the back wrist curls..the usual. 135x15x1,225x12x2,245x10x1,185x20x1

plate flips: like doing kettle bells!!! only with 45lb plates!  3 sets of 15 flips per hand.

haven't touched my shoulder this week..they needed a wakeup call.

upright rows 155x10x3...felt good enough.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2007, 03:13:18 PM »
Looking v good bro, whats ur targets?? strength/size etc??

It isn't the mountains ah


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2007, 03:20:37 PM »
Looking v good bro, whats ur targets?? strength/size etc??


To get big?!  ;D I would like to be a clean 240. At 6' 225-230 isn't very large. My strength is sick. I've always wanted to be a strong dude but now I'm missing the size. I was told it was from my training regimen and I don't get my body time to grow before I assault it again. My split NOW is...

mon-chest and bi's and front/side delts
tues-back and tri's and rear delts and shrugs
thurs-same as mon
fri-same as tues
sat-same as wed
sunday- off

this next week it'll be..

monday-chest and bi's
tuesday-back and tri's
sunday-starts over. I'm told that'll give me enough time though I feel that I'm not really getting to work very hard.  I'm one of those everything twice a week people but apparenlty it's not paying off in size.  :-\

target goals would be a mid 400's bench, 500+lb squat for reps (MAYBE already doable but I'm taking my time to get there.) and a 700lb deadlift. I can get 550 from the floor now and 660 off pins below my knees. Being tall makes it seem like a long way to the top. Not a huge total but it would make me happy.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2007, 09:08:01 PM »
light weight BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABY! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALL DAY ALL DAY! I was loaded with energy from not working out yesterday to the point I was going to crazy. I was load and obnoxious and hollering to pysch myself and turn my ass loose in an iron rage! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!


SQUAT!!! OH HOW I LOVE MY SQUATS! Every WEEK I keep getting better and better as my body catches up. DEEEEEEEEEP! I was being a little too aggressive... on the heavy ones I sat at the bottom and enjoyed it for a few seconds before driving back up.

135x20x1(no pause..just up and down), 225x20x1,315x10x2, 365x8x1, 400x8x1 (THAT'S 5 MORE BABY!!!), 315X15X1,225X20X1


6platesx20x1 (warmup and get loose), 12platesx15x1,18platesx15x1,22platesx10x1,26plates (1250)x10x1,30plates(1430)x10x1...ALL DAY! Leg press is my exercise. Can only fit 8 extra on top and a rider isn't safe with that many on it. Legs were going nutz with the pump. I do these with my feet high to really hit my glutes and hammies! Lots of drive with my toes off the machine pointed up and pressing through my heels. LIGHT WEIGHT BABY!


135x10x1 (warmup super slow), 315x10x2 (to the floor and back pause at the bottom but super slow and controlled to really get that stretch. NO knee bend...felt awesome to stretch it all out after the leg pressing!)

forearms got the usual...

behind the back barbell wrist curls: 135x15x1,225x15x2,185x15x2

45lb plate flips (like kettle bell flips) 2 sets of 20 flips per hand, My left forearm is QUICKLY catching up with my right.

I shouldn't be allowed to eat potatoes for this reason. They make me go crazy.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2007, 02:06:08 AM »
HAHA sounds crazy bro, glad to hear it. always fun to read about someone els that loves their training.

It isn't the mountains ah


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2007, 05:46:37 AM »
HAHA sounds crazy bro, glad to hear it. always fun to read about someone els that loves their training.


Hell yeah. I'm a broke ass college student. This shit is play time.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2007, 05:55:36 AM »
Shoulders day. I haven't hit these in about two weeks for a solid workout. Just some laterals here and there and some upright rows. I've recently entered an online contest for the biggest seated military press. The contest rules say you can either use the smith or barbell straight up. I'm going to train for both. There's a couple hundred bucks on the line with oil as a side bet though I'm not sure I'll take it or not if I win it. Either's this mornings workout.

GOOD warmup with light dumbbells-resembles branch's warmup in his video.

seated military press-135x15x1,225x10x1,275x6x1,295x4+2RP  TO YOUR CHIN! NONE OF THIS 90* BULLSHIT!

upright rows-155x10x3

power shrugs- 135x15x1,315x10x1,405x10x1,495x8x1
dumbbell shrugs-125's til failure for 3 sets..all RP!

15minutes on the stair climber.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2007, 06:09:18 PM »
I added ..

seated front dumbbell raises- 55lbsx10x3

seated side laterals-35lbsx10x3+3rp on the last set

reverse pec dec-210lbs on the stack x10x3 +4rp on the last set.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2007, 05:43:14 AM »
Speed day. Last week I started going with the recommned splits of a few here. It's still kinda hard to swallow but I'm back to chest day. I'm still splitting it up for one heavy and one speed that would put today as my speed day.


flat bench:

365x8+4rp (WOO WOO!!!)

12 TOTAL REPS with 365? It's gonna be a good day tater!

Dumbbell flat bench:


100X8X3....SLOW AND EASY with a big pause at the bottom.


BARBELL CURLS: (new one for me...not sure how well I like it.)

135x8x2 (kinda put me off a little. I can move bigger weighst with dumbells but wanted to try barbell curls for a changeup)

dumbbell preacher curls:



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2007, 07:03:54 PM »
*guy on my other training blog wrote...75LB DUMBBELLS! MOVE MORE WEIGHT YOU TINY TIT!"

Oh yeah since I forgot to tell you in response to your last statement. Only the first two sets were with 75lb dumbbells, the last one was 80lbs for 8! I got good depth on most of them. Some reps I redid because i didnt' feel like it was a legit lift with the ROM i used. 75 as cake...80 got heavy real fucking fast. My training partner goes, "DUDE YOU'RE LEANING OVER THE PREACHER BENCH A LITTLE ON THE WAY DOWN, STAY SEATED!"

my response..


got a few laughs on that one from a few standing around on the other benches. :D I don't understand though guys. I can curl 75-80lb dumbbells for reps easily but When I barbell curl it's hard as hell to do. I'm going to start doing them every bicep day. Because I'm so weak in this "compound movement", I think it's needed to give me some better overall size. The pressing was really hard though. I'm giving it another weak. If the pressing gets harder, I'm going back to my original split. These presses should've been cake and they weren't. The 100lb dumbbells felt pretty good. Kicked them back no problem and put'em up. BUT the last set scared spotter wasn't there and I got stuck on teh bottom for a few second and no my shoulder is talking to me.

NORMALLY I write these out in a workout log and print it out and use it to set the bar for a day..if I end up doing it exactly, great...if I end up doing more then I come back in here and correct it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2007, 11:53:53 AM »

hammer strength high pulls unilaterally...

2 platesx15x1 (warmup)
4 platesx8x1
4 platesx6 +3 rp
(from reading up on past results, this was a HUGE jump! I'm very happy with this one.)

barbell rows:
135x15x1 (warmup)
315x5x1 (I stood up too much and instead of pulling it into my gut I pulled it into my crotch but finished anyway, still learnin on this one)

since I wasn't too thrilled about my execution on the BBrows, I took it to t-bars.

t-bar rows


hammer strength one arm rows: unilaterally...

2 platesx10x1 (10sec holds at the top of each rep to really squeeze the muscle and feel out the movement.)
5 platesx8x1 +2 rp


seated hammer strength pressdowns:
6 platesx15x1
8platesx10x1+2rp sitting straight up going super slow to take my chest out of it as much as possible.

closed grip tricep pressdowns:

dumbell kickbacks:

I had a thought today..the reason why my arms are 1/2 and 1/2 bi and tri instead of 1/3 bi and 2/3 tri is that I might be over training them.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2007, 08:43:45 PM »


135X20X1 (warmup)
405x10x2 (GET'N BRAVE!)


22 platesx12x1

SLDLs: I'm really liking this exercise. I'm hoping it alleviates any back issues I'll have when I start really pushign the weights hard and help give me a solid core foundation for building more on...

465x5x2 (LOVE IT! These were from the floor btw...the last 2 sets were strapped but not belted. I really felt my hammies stretching and did ZERO leg help in this to make sure my lower back and hams stayed tight. )

FOREARMS: I was pretty much beat so this is all I did for them...



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2007, 02:10:54 PM »

flat bench:


dumbbell flat bench:


I think I'm ready for the 110's now. They're getting easier and easier every time.


standing barbell curl:125x10x2

Dumbbell preacher curls:

Hammer strenght preacher curls: unilaterally

50lbs to failure for a set each arm.



I think my new days are going to be looking like this

chest,bi's, shoulders
legs, forearms, traps
back, tri's, shoulders
legs, forearms, traps

OR chest,bi's, shoulders
legs, forearms, traps
back, tri's, shoulders
chest,bi's, shoulders
legs, forearms, traps
back, tri's, shoulders

i'm still trying to decide...  :-\

The Heckler

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2007, 09:07:02 PM »
Nice work.

How long have you been training?

Are you currently on steroids?  Not a flame, just a question.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2007, 10:03:55 PM »
I'm not on at the moment. I haven't been since last october though I plan to run one in May. I've been training hard 6 days a week for about a year and a half but have trained off and on for a few years. I've learned more in the past few months about training than I have since I started. Met a few knowledgable people that are really helping me along the way. It's good work but it could always be better. I'll be happy when I'm squatting 400 for 20 clean reps.  ;D

Going back over this though in regards to my deadlifts. If I'm picking up mid 500s from the floor and doing mid 400's on the SLDL, I need to work on my form and get my ass lower. I know I could get more if I learned how to get alot of leg drive from it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2007, 09:27:13 AM »
I went ahead and forced the switch. I like the idea of putting legs between back and chest days.



315X12X1 ] I wanted to go for more reps per set today to get my body used to moving more weight for a longer section of time. Adding 5 more reps in on the 400lb session KILLED me. I LOVED IT! I'm going to split my leg days up as well to one day of heavier work and one day with a little less weight but more reps to really try and stimulate BOTH types of muscle fibers.

Leg press

24platesx12 (cramped..maybe more reps is something I need since I can't add much more weight on the machine itself)
22 plates to failure

barbell lunges...a first for me. I was very shakey after the previous leg work and since I'm stricken with ingrown toenails on a regular basis, I DON'T LUNGE! I'm getting bored though so it looked like fun if you could believe that. 135x10x2. were VERY shakey. I'm thinking I should wrap my knees in this exercise as well.