Author Topic: JPM101 current training  (Read 138804 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #100 on: November 06, 2013, 08:43:08 AM »
Posted this stuff before:

American Samoan would be an excellent guess. Which makes a native born there a American National, not an citizen with any voting rights on the mainland. Though not black, been called a Polynesian N***** a few times by opposing football linemen (both black and white..blacks tend to be very racial, truth be told). Played Division 1 football for 4 years. Three family and extended family members have played in the NFL, but not me.

Not to bore anyone, but came to the mainland when I was 10 years old with my Mother & two sisters, after my father was killed. The Mormons have a lot to do to bring Samoans to Hawaii & the west coast.  

Samoans are usually private people/clanish, just a culture thing. I'm a very private person, which a lot of people on GB don't seem to understand.

oh ok..

now I know who you are,,

I thought I knew but now I know..


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #101 on: November 06, 2013, 09:23:12 AM »
Thank you gentlemen for you thoughts, though not meaning to turn this into a soap opera.

Hmmmmm  "sorry to hear about the Mormons friend"...... Presently hold the status of what is refered to as a Jack Mormon. Feel free to look that one up if interested. Believe Larry Scott was, or is, a Jack Mormon.

 More into Eastern though, as Vedic & Ayurveda study. And Yoga movements, which can be an extreme form of working out if not use to it.

Placing a gold star in front of Geo's name. But if you think it was the Pirates or Lancers who I played for, you may be incorrect. The college, who I played for, could be a major clue. I have lived in  Willowbrook/Compton, North County/Oceanside, Hollywood and Escondido now. And the beat goes on, and on, and on... Original family name had 26 letters in it, mostly vowels. It's shorter now. How's the DL's coming along?



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #102 on: November 06, 2013, 05:38:24 PM »
i get the reference... i tend to side with hitchens when he described religion as child abuse...

we'll all find out who's right when we die

difference is i am right



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #103 on: November 06, 2013, 08:51:07 PM »

Ah yes Christopher Hitchins, one of my favorite atheist, conversationist and writer. Too bad he died so quickly. He wrote an article about his experience with exercise and healthful living once in Vanity Fair.....funny and true at the same time.

Right or wrong , may actually be kind of fun to find out if there is any religious truth after we leave this mortal coil. After all, one is usually born into a religion and not as a personal that may be a form of abuse. I'm going with the odds that we each have a soul, for better or worse. Alan Watts is still one of my favorite East to West philosophers. Another intellectual drunk, like Hitchins, who died too quickly.



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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #104 on: November 07, 2013, 02:02:40 AM »

Ah yes Christopher Hitchins, one of my favorite atheist, conversationist and writer. Too bad he died so quickly. He wrote an article about his experience with exercise and healthful living once in Vanity Fair.....funny and true at the same time.

Right or wrong , may actually be kind of fun to find out if there is any religious truth after we leave this mortal coil. After all, one is usually born into a religion and not as a personal that may be a form of abuse. I'm going with the odds that we each have a soul, for better or worse. Alan Watts is still one of my favorite East to West philosophers. Another intellectual drunk, like Hitchins, who died too quickly.

watts is awesome...

i'm on the other end of the spectrum i suppose

i think we're self-important apes living lives with no meaning beyond those which we invent

either way... death awaits us all as does revelation (or lack thereof)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #105 on: January 26, 2014, 08:51:56 AM »

Workout #1

A) Jumping jacks while doing doing DB lateral raises, touching each DB together at top position.  20-25 reps
B) Front DB swing (start from between  the legs) to overhead top position.   20-25 reps.

1)   Pullover...straight arm with DB  2X10-12

2)  Pullover...bent arm with DB's   2X10-12

3)  Hi-Pull... off PR set just above knees   4X8-10

4) Dips...weighted, 2-3 second dead stop at the extreme bottom...4X8-10

Workout #2

Hindu Squats...1X50...bwt
Sissy Squats...1X20...excellen t quad stretch....hold at bottom position 2-3 seconds for extreme burn.

1)  Front Bench Squat...2X10-12
2)  BB Hack Squat...2X10-12
3)  Laying ham curl, one leg at a time. Resistance is applied from a training partner...included is a negative phase, as well as the positive.  2X12-15

Don't do calves.   Good Luck.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #106 on: April 14, 2014, 08:56:16 PM »
Current..done twice a week. Adding weight to the bar once a week.

(1)   Press Behind The Neck or Behind the Neck Press...whatever.  (found different gyms/regions may have different names for the same exercises or training systems)
    10X10 ..GVT. Using 180 for all sets. The first few sets feel very light, more like a warm up. That can fool you, big time. I try to keep 60 seconds rest between sets. Touch the lower neck/trap each rep and to just before top lockout. Gripping the bar too wide gives extra stress on the shoulder girdle, so I use a little wider than shoulder grip.

 (2)  Upright Row...EZ bar. 10X10's, same as above, using a light 150 to start and for all following sets. Pull to the upper pec level. Keep the bar close to the body at all times. Having the bar drift out and away from the body causes more stress on the shoulders.

(3)   GoodMorning's...315 10X10's (GVT).....(explaining further from last nights post) Exception here, with 90 seconds between sets. Break just before a true 90 degree bend. I, and others, have also done GM'ing while sitting on a bench/box, but not this time. This is a basic power movement that a lot of folks just avoid, for what ever reason. Don't really know how strong you could be if you don't try. This exercise can help increase the squat greatly.

That's all...this is a brief, fast paced and to the point workout.

10X10's  (German Volume Training) is just another way to accomplish 100 reps per exercise...a set goal of completed reps. Lifting is about how many reps are accomplished, divided into individual sets. Not so much how many total sets are done. That's why a lot of extra sets are not really needed at all. I, and others, find themselves much stronger when a periodization of 6 to 8 weeks is finished with GVT.

On other days (2 to 3 days) I'll run a football lineman's sled for 30 to 40's.  Wanted a change of pace for leg training. Excellent stamina builder.

Good Luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #107 on: April 24, 2014, 04:26:43 PM »
Are you always hitting failure on the last rep or two of your last set?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #108 on: April 25, 2014, 09:01:18 AM »

No failure on the last set, though close. Like 1 or 2 reps away. Around the 6th to 8th set most guys will get a renewed burst (neurological) of strength and fine those sets a bit easier to do. After that , the remaining sets become extra hard. If finding the 60 seconds rest between rep not enough in the final sets, than up the rest to 90 or even 120 seconds. But never change the original weight on the bar or your defeating the whole idea. I'll break to 90 seconds at times.  Extra deeper breathing (oxygen supply) during rest seems to help quite a bit.

GVT is not designed to be a heavy duty type of program. It was intended for off season training for Olympic lifters for keeping and advancing strength doing that time. There are dozens of programs that have use versions of the original GVT. By produce of this not only improving the basic lifts but also increased muscle mass. Some Olympic lifters found that they jumped up to a higher weight class do to adding more muscular bwt. Another bonus, much easier on the joints, tendons & ligaments. The actual muscles get the majority of the effort.

For me anyway:  Best improvements, by far, was when doing Pullovers & presses (sometime only Pullovers), a true upper body mass builder. Also BB Hacks and Hi-pulls. Squat cleans stand by them self's as a ultimate stamina and muscle mass builder. That required 120 rest between those 10 sets.

Good Luck


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #109 on: May 03, 2014, 04:19:17 PM »

I was always a bit confused by this. Some articles claim that you should barely be able to complete the last rep on the last set; that's how you know if you're using the correct weight.
My issue with that claim is that most people's physical performance and subsequent improvement is seldom consistent enough to always hit that level of accuracy.

The way you describe it is much more reasonable and makes more sense.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #110 on: August 09, 2014, 09:55:01 AM »
Current workout:

1) Squats (breaking just below the knees...butt touching a box)

GVT....10 X 10's     120 seconds between sets

2)   DB Pullover & Press

GVT....10 X 10's     90 to 120 seconds between sets.

Use a stop watch and keep a training journal, which I learned about from very experienced lifters during my early years. Can learn a lot from mistakes, and benefits, from written down past training sessions.

GVT is using a relative moderate weight, and the same weight for all the sets. The mental attitude & focus can be just as important as the physical effort. Another benefit, very joint friendly with the focus being on muscle action and lesser on the joints. Twice a week, with at least 3 days between workouts.

Good Luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #111 on: August 09, 2014, 05:26:10 PM »
Current workout:

1) Squats (breaking just below the knees...butt touching a box)

GVT....10 X 10's     120 seconds between sets

2)   DB Pullover & Press

GVT....10 X 10's     90 to 120 seconds between sets.

Use a stop watch and keep a training journal, which I learned about from very experienced lifters during my early years. Can learn a lot from mistakes, and benefits, from written down past training sessions.

GVT is using a relative moderate weight, and the same weight for all the sets. The mental attitude & focus can be just as important as the physical effort. Another benefit, very joint friendly with the focus being on muscle action and lesser on the joints. Twice a week, with at least 3 days between workouts.

Good Luck.

Glad you posted this. I've been considering switching back to GVT for a spell, and this post gave me the motivation I needed. I tried it years ago and did improve on it some, but I abandoned it too quickly. This time around, I will give it a better chance. 

I actually made some very decent progress over the last three months with my current protocol, but both my mind and body are finally burned out. GVT will present a new set of challenges and benefits of which I am in need!


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #112 on: August 10, 2014, 08:56:03 AM »

I know you're not a big fan of training arms, but have you observed trainers using GVT for direct arm work?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #113 on: August 10, 2014, 09:23:40 AM »

Seeing as how lifting is just as much a mental effort, as a physical one, change does do a body good.

In theory, if a person did the basic squat, BB row and bench, 3 times a week, never ever approaching the point of failure. than all their personal potential for strength and size could be meant. All with keeping each workout short and to the point, with a basic 3 to 4 sets of 6-10 reps used. Adding small amounts of weight, to the bar, each week. Exercise science has the old principle of SAID  (Specific Adaption to Imposed Demands), a fancy term which can apply to this very well.

If humans were programmed like robots, than SAID would work, because robots are machines. Thankfully we are not. Being bored we become creative beast...the same old-same old is never enough, even it still might be working.

I'll change workouts every 8 to 10 weeks usually. Takes a couple of weeks just to get adjusted to a new training plan. I'm gone back to my personal bacic's with GVT and the squat and DB pullover & press.

Some guys have done arm work with GVT with good results. Movements like the BB curl or Skull Crushers seem to work well. As with the general principal of GVT, only one arm exercise in each workout. Keep the total workout with fewer exercise as possible.  GVT can be very taxing, so keep with the basic stuff. With my Squat, P&P I might add BB curls at the end.

I'm not a big fan of arm training for me. For anyone yourself. Arms never a problem. a genetic thing I guess. Remembering my father. and pictures of him, natural large arms.

Good luck to you.



  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #114 on: August 10, 2014, 09:28:22 AM »

Seeing as how lifting is just as much a mental effort, as a physical one, change does do a body good.

In theory, if a person did the basic squat, BB row and bench, 3 times a week, never ever approaching the point of failure. than all their personal potential for strength and size could be meant. All with keeping each workout short and to the point, with a basic 3 to 4 sets of 6-10 reps used. Adding small amounts of weight, to the bar, each week. Exercise science has the old principle of SAID  (Specific Adaption to Imposed Demands), a fancy term which can apply to this very well.

If humans were programmed like robots, than SAID would work, because robots are machines. Thankfully we are not. Being bored we become creative beast...the same old-same old is never enough, even it still might be working.

I'll change workouts every 8 to 10 weeks usually. Takes a couple of weeks just to get adjusted to a new training plan. I'm gone back to my personal bacic's with GVT and the squat and DB pullover & press.

Some guys have done arm work with GVT with good results. Movements like the BB curl or Skull Crushers seem to work well. As with the general principal of GVT, only one arm exercise in each workout. Keep the total workout with fewer exercise as possible.  GVT can be very taxing, so keep with the basic stuff. With my Squat, P&P I might add BB curls at the end.

I'm not a big fan of arm training for me. For anyone yourself. Arms never a problem. a genetic thing I guess. Remembering my father. and pictures of him, natural large arms.

Good luck to you.

Thank you, friend!!


  • Getbig II
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #115 on: August 10, 2014, 03:51:07 PM »
my arms were shit for years on heavy weights... have been training them with volume once a week directly for a few years now and although they have only gained a half inch in girth they look much scarier... i am a bit leaner than in my youth as well...

biggest win of volume for arms in my case has been elbow health


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #116 on: August 12, 2014, 04:34:32 AM »
Did I read that right? 10 x 10 with 315lbs with 90 seconds of rest between sets for good mornings? Calling complete bull shit on that or maybe you're doing some kind of completely corrupted limited range form.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #117 on: August 12, 2014, 08:41:18 AM »

Why yes...... bar lower on the shoulders, wide stance, bent knees and breaking about 3/4's of the way down. Actually seen guys doing heavy squats and winding up doing something like a GM'ing movement, which really wasn't planned in the first place.

Kind of a common movement in some heavier gyms, but something to adjusted with.  Seen the high 400's done in this style (but been told that others have used in the 500's) from quite a few guys.  I don't do many by the book exercise styles...... as you have presented in the pictures you offered. You know full ROM stuff, if your a purest.

These would be classified in the partial rep range of exercises. Which can be very helpful for most if they would just give it a try. Can call it corrupt, other call it a different and advanced way of training. Partials can work the strongest point of a lift as well as improving the weakest link of any lift. Doing Romanian DL's are another excellent power movement, which I add on occasion. As are bouncing SLDL's  (call BS again if told the weights, I and others use on that one).  I'm pretty much old school basic heavy stuff. Love the clang of plates, the thud of a bar hitting the floor, DB's being dropped........just love lifting heavy.

Good Luck.

Good Luck


  • Getbig V
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #118 on: August 12, 2014, 05:36:32 PM »
Did I read that right? 10 x 10 with 315lbs with 90 seconds of rest between sets for good mornings? Calling complete bull shit on that or maybe you're doing some kind of completely corrupted limited range form.

I once believed that a full ROM was "necessary," and that anything less was "cheating." However, I have learned from experience that, when properly implemented, partial rep training is quite beneficial.

Yes: the principle is misused by many trainers to "ego train" and eliminate the hardest part of the rep, but partial rep methodology can allow you to keep constant tension on targeted muscles, or as JPM points out, you can focus on the strongest or weakest part of the ROM.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #119 on: August 13, 2014, 09:30:51 PM »
Montague.....Yeah Buddy!

One of the other ways to used partials, with is the press off pins (power rack). Haven't done these in years, but very rewarding. More for power, but shoulder thickness did improve quite noticeably. Had to buy a larger size shirt.

 From the normal starting position for the overhead press, from a PR, squat rack. etc.: Rather than pressing all the way  overhead,  press to where the elbows are a bit above a 90 degree angle, with the bar a bit above the top of the head. That's roughly  a half way press. Lower the bar and repeat with another rep., etc, etc, etc..The workload. and tension, should remain on the shoulder girdle (delts/traps and also the triceps) throughout.  Can position another set of pins (if you have a PR) to stop the bar from going any higher than slightly above the head, it that suits you better.

Lots of other ways to use partial reps for overhead press and benches. But the above will have the focus on increasing muscular size for BB'ing. I have also used the Press Behind The Neck in these half PR style presses. Can adapt any of these pressing exercises to GVT.  Olympic lifters (so the story goes) used forms of GVT during off season (Europe mostly).

Good Luck

Good Luck.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #120 on: August 14, 2014, 08:58:57 AM »
Just to note:

Any programs described here are the ones I have done in the past and present. Used also by the men I have trained with doing the same programs. Not meant for anyone as how to train, that's a personal choice each of us make. If finding a strict style, with full ROM, works for your...than great. Finding a looser, cheat or partial rep style works for you, than great.  

BB'ing may be considered a experimental effort. Discovering what works for you body may require adjustments in workouts and training ideas. One method never fits everyone same goals.  20 reps will do for you what 5 reps will not and 5 reps will do for you what 20 reps will not. . Just have to find what works for you, which is usually some where in the middle. My view only, but BB'ers are the most inventive breed in all of weight training

These are only reference training styles not generally seen in BB'in magazines, video's or training books. Anything from GVT, partials, Rest/Pause, 20 rep breathing squats/cleans/DL's, bumper SLDL's, lockout training, interval training,etc.. Also different rep and set schemes  (funny how so many great styles and programs are lost or forgotten over the years when it comes to weight training). This is all stuff I picked up when working out with better, bigger and stronger men than I. I am no better, or worse, than anyone else on GB..maybe just have a bit more gym time and contact with more experience weight men starting in my teenage years.

 I am also somewhat into lifting history, from old time European beer hall strongman lifters to the present.  Those European strongmen were unbelievable in their raw drugs, no diet, no healthful  living...just beer and lots of food. All wiht solid weight, or shot loaded, bars & kettle DB's.

Good Luck

Side Bar: the press from the starting position of the bar on the shoulders is the weaker position. The stronger position, of the overhead press, is the bar being lockout overhear, with a 2 to 3 inch range of motion. Same with the BP, where the strongest position is at the top lockout of 2 to 3 inches. If your best bench is 300 for 5-6 reps, you should be able to handle near the 400lbs range for a 2 to 3 inch lockout. Handling extra heavy weight can make you extra strong.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #121 on: October 11, 2014, 10:28:01 AM »

Workout A...  Monday

1) Romanian DL  

More of a stretch and warmup, with a straight back at all times. Will have the toes on a 2X4 for an extra stretch.  This is with a lighter weight and more for reps.   2-3 sets of 15 reps..I find stretching the hams before any form of squatting gives a great advantage.

2)  Front squat...3 X 8-10

3)  Dips...three versions

    Dips regular (weighted)  2 X 7-9

   Dips (weighted) knuckles facing forward, elbows out wide.  2 X 7-9

   Dips (weighted)  Keeping the body at a 180 degree angle (straight up & down) throws greater focus on the

    triceps/pecs themselves. Keep the elbows close to the body at all times. A much overlooked power exercise                   to help improve the bench......1 X 7-9

4)  Hi-pull  DB, one arm at a time. Elbows out wide.  3 X 7-9

Workout B...Thursday

1)  Same as above. Romanian DL's for the stretch.

2)  BB Hack Squat.   3 X 8-10

3)  Chins ( weighted) narrow grip (almost touching each hand together)  Arching the back and pull to the middle/upper chest area, trying to touch the chest to the bar each rep.  Old time BB'ing movement I have been told, extra tension on the lats.. 3 X 7-9

4)  Lateral raise. one arm at a time  2 X 7-9

5)  DB Front raise.  one arm at a time  2 X 7-9

6)  DB rear raise. I bend at a 90 degree angle, raise DB inline with the shoulders to the side. 2X7-9

Any form of these DB raises are done with a slight cheat/swing up.

No special reason using the 7-9 rep range...just like it..that's all.  Actually anywhere from the 4 to 6 rep range to the 12 to 18 rep range has worked well with me. I'm lucky if I do get to workout on Monday and Thursday...busy time of the year for me. At times I may have to workout in different gyms due to travel. Meet a lot of people that way and get some new insights on training from experienced men (and some women).

Not interested in any direct arm work.

Good Luck.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #122 on: December 23, 2014, 12:17:44 PM »
you could shut me up really quickly by posting up some proof, anyone on here knows that when someone does that i admit i was wrong. :D
Did he ever show proof ?


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #123 on: December 24, 2014, 08:58:21 AM »
Actually QuakerOats  (AKA Squadfather..among other names) ask me quite a few serious questions on lifting and setting up a program for him/them. All through PM's of course...nothing public.  kind of surprising to me....but offered a few suggestion for him. I never have taken GB, or anyone on it, seriously anyway...just got to go with the flow..I guess.

Sexpert (donny) must have a lot of time on his hands...searching way back to 10-23-08.  Oh well, what ever makes him happy.


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Re: JPM101 current training
« Reply #124 on: March 11, 2015, 11:26:09 AM »
Current workouts:

1)  EZ bar upright row  3X10-12
2)  DB Hi-Pull..elbows out wide, alternate arms 3X10-12
3)  DB Lateral raise...cheat 2X12

1)  Bench...regular 2X12-15
2) Bench...6 inch to top lockouts...Power rack 3X15-18
3) Bench... 3-4 inch to top lockout....Power rack. Grip about 6" apart  3X15-18

Legs...Power rack
1) BB Hacks..4" to top lockouts 2X15-20
2) BB Hacks...8" to top lockouts 2X15-20
3) BB Hacks...full reps, butt touching the bar at bottom start. 2X12

4) GoodMornings.... partial PL'ing/Strongmen version, wide stance & about a 4 to 6 inch brake from the top.

I know some guys may be new, or never have had experience, with this type partial and lockout training before, as I am doing with benches & BB hacks. But you can't make a true judgement about it unless you have given it a fair test yourself. With most partial movements (push or pull) you are working the strongest portion of a lift with the max amount of weight, which can not be done in regular full ROM exercises. Developing the strongest position, of any lift, will only make that lift much, much better.

Good luck.