Author Topic: On the average day, do you consume MORE, or LESS, than 300 grams of protein?  (Read 9474 times)

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On the average day, do you consume MORE, or LESS, than 300 grams of protein?


  • Getbig V
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900/1000 grammes normally, if im dieting, i up the protein to around 1200/1500,

u have to do this to get those real good gains.


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2000 grams.

What about you 240 or Bust?

As empty as paradise


  • Getbig V
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2000 grams.

What about you 240 or Bust?


Are you dogshitting it hedge?


  • Getbig II
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  Been on Ebol by Thermolife, and because of that, my protein intake is between 280-300.  Usually it is around 200-250.  My weight is  185, and must say that the extra protein does make a difference for sure.

  My belief is that you should take in at least 1.5 per lb of bodyweight. This along with healthy fats and carbs for growth.  Oh, some of my best gains were from taking in 2 grams per bodyweight by the way.


  • Getbig IV
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Less...I use to eat over 300 grams a day, but it didn't get me anywhere my body grows just fine with a 40/40/20 split...
You Can't Do It!!!


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200-250 a day

at a body weight of 195

Bigger Business

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Oh, some of my best gains were from taking in 2 grams per bodyweight by the way.

so you stopped taking 2gms/lb because you were sick of making 'gains'?

Rearden Metal

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I get about 200g currently.

natural al

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getting in that much protien is hard for any "normal" guy to do although I did read an interesting article by Trevor Smith about how he used to get in all of his protien, maybe I'll copy and paste it here.

I get in about 200 a day if I try really hard.  i'm not a guy with a monster appetite so it's "work" for me to eat that much food to be honest.  
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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here's the article:

Few New Tricks On Getting The Food In

By Trevor L. Smith

We have all been there, in the throws of a really good training cycle and a good pharmaceutical cycle, but the gains are not what you expect and the culprit is eating, or lack there of. Now I myself have gone through phases where I have eaten 12,000 calories a day and then times when I could barely get in 4000. Although supplements make things a lot easier, even these can be hard to consume if you are not particularly hungry. So I decided to take the time to share some of the methods I have used over the years and continue to use to get the food and protein in so I don't under-cut my progress.

As you know by now I am a BIG believer in protein and lots of it. Let's face it though, it is a hell of a lot easier to get in large quantities of carbs than it is protein if you don't have a few tricks, so here it goes. Protein drinks: Now I don't care if you are mixing them with water or with skim milk, the fact of the matter is, is when you blend or shake up a protein drink a huge amount of air gets mixed in with everything. The end result is that you wind up with a product that is almost twice as filling as it should be. Not realizing this, you drink it down and feel like you just had a lead ball dropped in your gut. Two hours later you are still as stuffed as a Christmas Turkey, so you wind up having to skip meals until you can eat comfortable. Either that or you try to force feed yourself and get sick and then really wind up having an aversion to food and supplements. Here's a tip and what I do each day.

Now since I take in around 800-900 grams of protein each day (please do not take this as a recommendation, it is what I do because I only take in 300 grams of carbs and I am also well over 300 pounds) what I do is first thing in the morning, mix 500 grams of Ultra-Pro 5 (you can use any protein powder you want and don't email me saying I am Bill Phillips because I mentioned my product, I mean who the hell else's protein do you think I am going to use) with 30 ounces of water and 40 ounces of skim milk. I use a hand blend to mix everything together and make sure all the powder is dissolved, then I let the whole thing site for 2 hours or so. This allows the massive amount to air that was mixed in with the powder and liquid to float to the top and dissipate. After 2 hours you will actually see all the air bubbles on top of the liquid. This will allow me to consume only the protein powder and liquid it was mixed with and not excess air which bloats the sh*t out of me. Doing this I can easily consume 500 grams of protein each day just from powders alone.

Ground Beef: Now since I advocate low fat, I use 96% lean ground beef. The only problem is, is that it is as dry a piece of bread dropped in the middle of the desert. Very hard to get down because it is like eating sand. The way I get around this is to mix in some tomato sauce after it is cooked and then throw the whole mixture into the food processor. This mashes everything up into a easy to eat, baby food paste that tastes pretty good too. Eating a pound of lean beef this way is a hell of a lot easier than gagging down a dry burger patty.

Chicken: Again, chicken breasts are difficult to consume when they are just broiled. No taste, no juices equals another gag fest. The solution is to cook the chicken breast and then while they are hot drop them one at a time into a food process and chop them up into a fine chicken powder. You then take this ground up chicken powder and mix it in a pot with half a can of fat free cream of chicken soup and some water. The result is easy to eat, tasty cream of chicken baby food that is easy to spoon in and very easy for your system to digest, which of course means more nutrients getting to where they need to go.

Oatmeal and eggs: Again eaten separately and this can be very filling so what I do is take 10-12 egg whites along with a cup of oatmeal and a banana and some cinnamon, mix it all together to form a batter. I then pour it into two pans making two good sized pancakes. Once cooked they can be taken with you and eaten very easily. The perfect protein carb meal that tastes awesome. Of course, everything else that needs to be consumed in terms of carbohydrates is very easy to do because you can always drink your carbs to get in the excess calories If anybody has any other food suggestions please send them to me and I will post them each month. We'll call it recipe of the month
nasser=piece of shit


  • Getbig V
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300 on non-training days, 350 on training days


  • Getbig II
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  Good point regarding gains at 2 grams per bodyweight.  Will definitely go back up now in regards to protein.  Lowered it for a small amount of time, and will get to what worked.  If it ain't broke why change, lesson learned!

240 is Back

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I used to eat 75 grams some days, 150 on others.  Never stuck with high protein for more than a day or two.  Since starting the ECA 4 days ago, I have been just drinking whey and not really keeping track.  I'm changing a lot - not sure if its due to eca, cardio, protein, or all of them.

Figured I'd make 300 the magic target number for a bit.  Wanted to see if others had success with more or less.

natural al

  • Getbig V
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I used to eat 75 grams some days, 150 on others.  Never stuck with high protein for more than a day or two.  Since starting the ECA 4 days ago, I have been just drinking whey and not really keeping track.  I'm changing a lot - not sure if its due to eca, cardio, protein, or all of them.

Figured I'd make 300 the magic target number for a bit.  Wanted to see if others had success with more or less.

75 grams seems a bit low, how much are you weighing these days?  I'm also curious as to how much carbs you're taking in and if you've adjusted that ratio since starting the ECA stack.
nasser=piece of shit


  • Getbig V
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wayyyyy less

id say around 100-150

Always Sore

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Between 325-400 grams a day. Could use more but get caught up with work and life.


  • Getbig V
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'bout 9 million grams give or take. I love eggs!

benjamin pearson

  • Getbig IV
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at least 800 grams for sure 

hipolito mejia

  • Getbig V
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On the average day, do you consume MORE, or LESS, than 300 grams of protein?

300 grams of protein in a 24 hour period = wasted protein

i don't care who u are.


  • Getbig II
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Im at about 200 grams or protein a day.

I'm just an average joe trying to be healthy. I weigh approx 195 lbs.


  • Getbig IV
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240-280 grams per day at 225lbs


  • Getbig III
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250-270 grams a day at 243lbs. There's usually a day per week (Sundays usually), where I'm lucky to get in 100-125 or so. I have gone as high as 400 a day but its harder to maintain than you think and I don't think its anymore beneficial to do this long term. For short periods of time revolving around your training phases I think its good to do.


  • Getbig V
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On the average day, do you consume MORE, or LESS, than 300 grams of protein?
close to a thousand grams,but you have to remember i have badass insomnia and a resting heartbeat of 125 a minute and the most i ever sleep is 2 hours a night

and i only have 4 passions



  • Getbig II
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130-200 grams a day, all from real food. works for me i'm continuing to make gains. but maybe i could make more off of more protein. might have to buy some shakes and find out. then again might not idk for sure.