Well, spent 1 week in the hospital, as I woke up about 10 days ago with a blood sugar level of about 22, couldnt move from my bed, and had to call 911 (they said 19 and lower is comotose)
To much dismay,the docs couldn't figure out what was wrong other than I am severly underweight (6'1, 145-48lbs) and suffering from stomach pains, numbeness and overtraining. So they ran every test imaginable and everything came back negative EXCEPT for my obvious disorder and my liver enzmes are elevated. He told me 40-50 is normal, in the thousands are someone who has hep. B or AIDS and mine sit about 400. So, there is some damage, but correctible. He also knows about my opid problem which he says needs to stop along with nubain for pain. I am taking now (weening off) only 5mg of oxycodone and another 5mg in the am and pm and 10mg of nubain. Slowly weening off and the pain is bothering me big time. I pray that if my weight increases, it's gonna be tons easier to come off (about 9 days I will be dry)........so, now it's a matter of focusing on slamming the calories, forgeting about the damn abs and reducing my training to 3-4 a week MAX! Used to be everyday and obviosuly no cardio. Also, coming off 200mg of test enthantate which should also help. I'm getting better, have a diet on hand that prob. needs the help of a nutrionalisit (seeing one on the 18th) but other than my diet, it's a matter of just eating whatever isn't nailed down (my neighbor is currenlty on the make of a sdozen orgain pb&js for the week to add in. laos thinking about a mass shake of whole eggs, wheat germ, protein powder and peanut butter. Thanks for you support. No more posts other than my thread from me as I just need to focus on myself and get better.