Author Topic: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!  (Read 12279 times)


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2007, 08:46:54 PM »
Hahahaha I bet he  spent half the day on the phone talking to his mom, asking for advice...

No, he used to call me for important V board matters. ;D


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2007, 08:47:00 PM »

I think we should be OK. The truth is, I think Danielson did actually PM Ron and try to get me and RB kicked off our mod status, and he actually did pay some nerd to track down Sarcasm's details via his IP address and such. I knew all this a long time ago - people talk about others behind their back and I did get a few indicative PMs from various others hinting the same. I only bought it to the limelight, as did Sarcasm and co simply because he actually lost it a bit this morning (last night for you guys in the States).

The truth is, I still don't want to ban him, cause I don't give a shit about all the stuff that happens online, just like you or pretty much anyone else who posts in the V, except for the nutter. But looks like everyone wants him gone. I don't know what the hell he did, but looks like he's universally hated in Getbig LOL.

Thanks for the offer anyway. Good to have you in our corner. Now, if you don't mind, I need to get back to the V to 'insult' you ;D

Take care.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2007, 08:48:51 PM »

hahaha, I forgot all about that "Danielson hiring a PI to find us" incident. Should have some gems from then.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2007, 08:50:35 PM »

He actually banned me from the V for faking a PM from Ron asking me to keep an eye on the homophobic behavior on the V ::) He used to be so easy to get to, just tell him that Ron wasn't happy with his modding and he would melt so bad. Then people started to screen shot their PMs and I had to think of something new :'(


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2007, 08:51:36 PM »
hahaha, I forgot all about that "Danielson hiring a PI to find us" incident. Should have some gems from then.

That was fun ;D Kiwi was the only person who believed me I think.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2007, 08:52:15 PM »
Note: I've already PM'd this to Sarcasm, MOS and Showstoppa. Just thought I'd let you guys know as well.

Hey there guys,

Believe it or not, Danielson just PM'd me that he'd actually hired a computer nerd to find the details of SQUAD members, especially Sarcasm's, such as name, occupation, work address, residential address etc!!!!!!!

Hahahahaha I thought he was joking, but it turns out that he took our saying that we know Bluto's details (where we kept saying that his initials were E(ric) D(onnelly) i.e, that he is BSB) seriously and thought that we were going to post it in Getbig  ::) - As if one could take that piece of shit seriously  ::)

Anyway, Danielson then went on to say that he's going to hire 240 to build a website that has all our details (he said he'd leave mine out, cause I was good to him LOL) and also start 10 threads about it in Getbig. Now I honestly dont' give a shit about anything, and you guys know I'm on your side (always been). Further, I know none of you guys give a shit either, but can you believe this, LOL?

If you guys care, let me know and I'll PM you his exact message. Didn't want to post this in public, but thought it would make you guys laugh. Hahahahaha what a fucking retard ;D See for yourselves. BTW, I haven't changed or cut or altered anything - these are his exact PMs.


It's also got about 7 or 8 Danielson quotes thrown in there that didn't copy over.

That was fun ;D Kiwi was the only person who believed me I think.

I think you had me for a second actually. I think that was around the time I was convinced you were a Bluto gimmick. >:(


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #31 on: July 09, 2007, 08:54:35 PM »
Hahaha or the infamous time when I asked Ron to Mod..out of spite..... when Ron came back I told peewee he started crying:


Don't see why you need to mod in addition to me and RB already doing it. If a board needs a mod, it's the Y, not the V, cause both RB and me are already pretty active.

I see what you're saying about a non-SQUAD member becoming a mod, but with all due respect, what are you going to do that's going to make the V better? I let everyone say what they want and I'm cool with EVERYONE who posts in the V, via PM. I don't mind you're becoming mod, AS LONG AS THERE IS NO CONFLICT.

The last thing I want is for you to unsticky the threads I've pinned or delete or merge posts/threads that YOU don't think is fair or suitable. If you say that you aren't going to, then what is the point of your becoming mod? I don't mean to sound pissed off or anything, but I do think that it'll become a case of 'too many cooks spoiling the broth'. I have no wish to be PMing you back and forth, arguing about why a post should stay or get deleted.

If someone who is anti-SQUAD wants a sticky or two, all they have to do is ask. You yourself know this. RB and me turned this whole board around 180 degrees since we took it over. It was the least used board. Now it's become the third most active one in Getbig. There's only been 3 'report to mod' complaints so far. Even guys like Bigmc, who do nothing but trash me and the SQUAD, acknowledge that RB and I are doing a good job. So, I just don't see what the point is of a third mod.

I think you should talk to Ron about becoming the mod for the Y. CQ isn't really getting involved and that board is going to sh*t, thanks in large due to BSB and Bald driving everyone away in the last few months. That's a board that needs help NOT the V. If you start modding the V and start deleting say BerzerkFury's posts and what not, it's basically going to be a case of you destroying all the work RB and me have put in the last 3 months.

Everyone is free to post in the V and if you look at it currently, there are equal number of threads and posts made by people who are 'anti-SQUAD' as there are people in the SQUAD. The SQUAD only has me, RB, BigC, Sarcasm and BerzerkFury posting on a regular basis. All the others, such as Man of Steel, ShowStoppa, SuperStar, Dr Kaje etc barely post there. We, if anything, are outnumbered. So, think about this. I think you should volunteer to mod the Y, instead of the V, which is just not going to be a good thing - it's cool that we're cool with each other, but I see a power trip in the future ruining the fun for everyone. It just won't look good if the mods start fighting / arguing with each other.

One last thing - very few people, probably under 10 or so know who's in the SQUAD and who's not. So, if you become mod, it's not exactly going to be a case of tons of people suddenly flocking over just because they suddenly realise that a non-SQUAD member is now a mod. No one fears the SQUAD in anyway - look at all the insults we get. So, nothings going to change if you take over. If you want me to be honest, I just think that you should take over the Y and give it your best shot. I'll tell you what - take over the Y, see if you can turn it around and if you PROVE yourself, then take over Stella's position. That's just my suggestion.

Let me know how you feel.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2007, 08:54:41 PM »

I think back then he may not have wanted people to know he wasn't blonde haired blue eyed, just a hunch though.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2007, 08:55:42 PM »
I think back then he may not have wanted people to know he wasn't blonde haired blue eyed, just a hunch though.

Most likely what it is...


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2007, 08:56:44 PM »
Hahaha or the infamous time when I asked Ron to Mod..out of spite..... when Ron came back I told peewee he started crying:


hahahahahahahaahah! I can't believe he actually typed that much. He really didn't want you being moderator, hahaha.

I think back then he may not have wanted people to know he wasn't blonde haired blue eyed, just a hunch though.

Probably right about that.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2007, 08:59:25 PM »
Quote from:  link=action=profile;u=15461 date=1158254060
I just wandered into the V and discovered the joke you played on the guys about pm-ing Ron.  That shit was hilarious!  Looks like they didn't have much of a sense of humor regarding it though, huh.  People need to lighten up...

I remember back then a lot of people were afraid to post in the V and I used to get PMs like this all the time. Funny how Kiwi fucked the whole place up and pussies like Antcraw and Pumphard started acting like they owned the joint. ::)


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2007, 08:59:59 PM »
Oh remember the "tomr1976" incident?

Alex, I see the "Squat" is trying to pwn you in a thread on the V.  Don't be misled by the "sheer numbers" of them...Showstoppa and Man of Steel are actually the same guy.  They are gimmick accounts of the 14 year old who is the chief user (besides TA) of the sarcasm account.  Just thought you might be interested to know that...


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2007, 09:02:06 PM »
I remember back then a lot of people were afraid to post in the V and I used to get PMs like this all the time. Funny how Kiwi fucked the whole place up and pussies like Antcraw and Pumphard started acting like they owned the joint. ::)

hahaha, sad to see it run into the ground like that. The Y's holding up well, though. I know Pumphard's afraid to post here like the little snatch he is. Pretty sad when you're afraid to post in a board, hahahaha!

Oh remember the "tomr1976" incident?

hahahahahah, many a night were spent arguing with that d-bag.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2007, 09:03:42 PM »

Alex, I was never pissed off with you or anything, but there are a couple of things I should bring to your attention.

Firstly, I don't agree about your becoming a mod generating more traffic into the board. Let's say you do become a mod along with me and RB - how will that make it OK for people who are scared of SQUAD members ganging up on them? Are you going to tell us not to do that or are you going to support the person who's going to be ganged up on or are you going to delete posts to make sure both sides have an even post count in a thread? See where I'm going with this? If you want to side up with someone who's getting flamed by the SQUAD, why do you need to be a mod to do it? I know you're not going to delete posts either, so what are you going to do that's going to make those scared at the moment dare to post then? Certainly not your holding their hand, which you cannot do anyway.

What you need to realise is that neither RB nor I want EVERYONE in Getbig to come down to the V - that'll never happen. Contrary to how it looks, the majority of the posters in the G&O tend to favor discussing issues seriously, with occasional light touches of humor and that too, when it's aimed at a third party. Most of those posters wouldn't like to insult or be insulted. That's something that caters only to a few people. And these people will find their way to the V sooner or later. I appreciate your campaigning to get more people in and I do the same myself, but I make sure they understand that they could possibly get hurt by some of the scathing remarks that get thrown about. You need to have a thick skin, as well as a sense of humor and an even sharper wit to be able to survive in the V. If someone is afraid about others ganging up on them, then the V isn't for them, at least not for them to post on.

Secondly, contrary to what you say, STella tells me that she wishes to continue modding the V and in no way is interested in giving up her position. Here's part of a PM she sent me earlier

STella is not as active as RB and me, but she gets acknowledged every chance we get, not to mention she's kept updated on anything worthwhile that's happening. Her being a mod actually gives some people comfort cause she's quite established in Getbig and has a neutral presence in the board.

I agree about the power trip thing and if you read my earlier PM, you'll see that I only said that that could be a possibility. So, your becoming mod won't increase the traffic in anyway because whoever's scared of being flamed at the moment and therefore refraining from posting in the V is going to continue to feel the same way afterwards, cause the only thing you can do to make them feel 'safer' is gang up with them, which is something you can do now anyway.

STella has PMed Ron saying she wants to stay and both RB and I feel the same way as well. You say the Y is a dumping ground, but 4 months ago, the V was the exact same, except, it didn't even have the history or the reputation the Y currently has. If you want to really get involved and make a difference, do it in the board which needs help, not in the V which is doing even better than expected. Can you see why I'm saying this? Imagine you come up with a software from scratch - you do the conceptualising, you come up with the design and put in the work etc and when it becomes a hit, imagine someone else, who did nothing to it ask you if you'd mind if they could include their name and get equal credit for it. Sorry if I sound like an asshole, but that's how I feel. A lot of people actually laugh at me for taking this so seriously, but I don't see why the 'job' deserves any less than the best I can give it.

Hope you understand and that we'll still be friends. You know I've been cordial to you from day 1, just as you've been to me. I may get real busy with a business I'm starting soon and in the next 4 months or so, if I can't be present to a certain extent in the boards like I'd like to, then I will turn my modship over to you, cause I don't see anyone else out there (Danielson excepted) who can do a better job then you. Take care.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2007, 09:04:19 PM »
hahahahahah, many a night were spent arguing with that d-bag.

So who was he?


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2007, 09:07:11 PM »
So who was he?

Still not sure. My opinion is that it was either Adonis or Kiwiol himself, but that's just my guess. Probably some other SQUAD guy.


hahahah, I can't even read three lines of that without feeling bad for him.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2007, 09:09:02 PM »

Holy shit thats long. :o Looks Like I got some reading to do tomorrow.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2007, 09:10:48 PM »
It was a gimmick account created by the SQUAD to bring back some life into the SQUAD at a time when we needed an enemy to unite against.  This is the sheer brilliance of it all.  This is why kiwiol truly was the leader of the SQUAD all along. 8)

Sheer brilliance or gigantic waste of time. I say tomatoe, you say tamato.  ::)


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2007, 09:12:09 PM »

Alex, if you want my honest opinion, then I'd say that Tomr could be the Luke, but if he is, it will only be the Luke using the account. I don't think that his is a joint account, just like I don't think Sars is a joint account. I think that even more possible could be that Tomr is Adonis.

I thought that Squadfather could be the mole at first, VERY briefly, but then shrugged it aside, since like I said, if he wanted to own me, he could have used my past PMs against me and achieved more than enough. And I don't think that Sars is a joint account either. The Blockhead knows him and has made very convincing arguments about how he couldn't be a 14 year old or Adonis. Sars is a 34 year old who lives in Missouri.

So, I think Tomr made the whole 'mole' thing up just to mess with our head. If there is a mole, then I say we kick him out (after he comes out / gets exposed) and continue crucifying tiny tits. We've got the V and we're the SQUAD, which is bigger than any one man. Let's see what happens.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2007, 09:15:57 PM »
Did you see that thread I started about you in the V? What's going on Alex ???
I trust you - honest. I know you're sensible enough to not let this thing get to your head that much and to not take it that seriously. If you could just say something in the board, in public, I'll back you up 8)

If I back you up, I don't see the rest of the SQUAD arguing.

NO! Don't say it's photoshopped and deny it - it's quite obvious that it's a genuine PM. Just say that you did this to try and see who was actually behind TomR (we still don't know that - probably the loser that's True Adonis). Say you had to act like you were anti-SQUAD to convince TomR and that your revealing the identity via the PM was in the hope that TomR would do the same to you, which you could then expose to the public.

I acted in haste by making that thread - if I'd known, I'd have PMed you first so we could then have said that you'd informed me via PM that you were going to post as Peptide Wizard to expose TomR.

So, don't deny it. To be honest, apart from myself, I don't think the rest of the SQUAD 'cares' LOL and you know what I mean when I say 'care', right? I do get involved in whatever game I'm playing - it's my nature.

Don't know who TomR is - wouldn't be surprised if it is TA.

As for gimmick accounts - I don't think it's based on IPs anyway. Just create a hotmail account or some other free email account, register a new handle in Getbig under the email account and Voila. I think each account has to be tied to an email address, to which will be sent the activation email.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2007, 09:25:56 PM »
By posting that PM you just owned yourself.  The true leader of the SQUAD pulled the wool over your eyes and you fell for it. 8)

Who gives two fucks. At the end of the day, you still think about all that shit. That's where the real problem is.


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2007, 09:30:10 PM »
LOL! i remember when kiwiol came back and found out you were in the squad it was like the squad was on high alert or some weird shit ::)

oh by the way ;D

I asked you in confidence to please not post my PMs like you used to.  I thought you were a man of honor mate, but I guess not.  I will tell you this, any time you post on the V it will be deleted.  Two can play at this game. 8)


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2007, 09:35:46 PM »
LOL! i remember when kiwiol came back and found out you were in the squad it was like the squad was on high alert or some weird shit ::)
oh by the way ;D

HAHAHAHA... is it safe to say "boooooom" ;D ?


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2007, 09:38:19 PM »
That's where you're wrong.  As soon as I log off I don't think twice about Getbig.  Like I said, it's like a soap opera.  As soon as I log on, I am back in the plot.  Actually I am like the director of the action. 8)

I seriously doubt you ever really "log off" ...


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Re: Kiwiol/ Joey for gods sake give it a rest!!!!
« Reply #49 on: July 09, 2007, 10:23:48 PM »
holy shit those PM's are friggin long. WTF.  Kiwi put more into typing one PM than all my posts combined in the last 6 months

hahahaha  disturbing